Pedagogical features of the formation of cartographic competence of future teachers of geography when studying at a university

Formation of geographical thinking during cartographic training of a geography teacher. Deep understanding of the essence of the map and the method of cartographic research by the teacher. Consideration of cartographic and geographical competence.

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Pedagogical features of the formation of cartographic competence of future teachers of geography when studying at a university


The cartographic training of geography teachers shapes geographic thinking. A prominent scientist economist and geographer N.N. Baransky wrote: «Geographical thinking is thinking tied to a territory, putting its judgment on the map, coherent, complex, not confined within the framework of one «element» or one «industry» [1]. A geography teacher needs a deep understanding of the essence of the map and the cartographic research method. The cartographic method of research is currently the most effective tool for understanding the patterns of spatial distribution, as well as the structure of geographic objects and phenomena, their relationships, a means of monitoring and forecasting.

E.A. Sankova defines the cartographic competence of students-geographers of a pedagogical university - as the ability and willingness to mobilize a set of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of cartographic disciplines for the implementation of the following types of educational and professional activities: the creation of various cartographic works. Cartographic competence is realized through the creation of appropriate motivation (readiness), through the criterion of knowledge, through cartographic skills (activity) [8]. V. Nosachenko, for the most part, the formation of the cartographic competence of the future geography teachers from the main pedagogical deposits of Ukraine in the field of education in the modernization of initial programs, teaching [6,р.83]. O. Tymets considers cartographic-geographical competence as possession of knowledge of geographical maps and learning to work with them [9].

Presentation of the main material. At the natural- geographical faculty of the Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical Universit, teachers are trained in the specialty 014.07 Secondary education (Geography). Geography students receive their first professional cartographic knowledge at the university when they study the course «Cartography with the basics of topography» in the second year (III-IV semester). In the summer, a training practice in topography is carried out for one week.

The emphasis of the course «Cartography with the basics of topography» is placed on those sections that equip the future school teacher with the necessary cartographic knowledge and skills. The preparation of the work program for the discipline «Cartography with the basics of topography» was based mainly on the requirements of school curricula, on the activities of teachers of geography. In the course program, a significant place is given to the classification and generalization of maps and atlases, the study and application of methods for mapping objects and phenomena on thematic maps, methods of analyzing maps and atlases, the mathematical basis of maps, types of distortions inherent in various projections, distortion distributions within the mapped territory, classification , the purpose and use of school cartographic products, the tasks solved by the topographic map.

For the course «Cartography with the basics of topography», the following forms are used in teaching - lecture, practical and independent work, tests, consultations, educational practice, abstracts and individual tasks - which contribute to the formation of cartographic competence of students.

Basic concepts, principles of cartography are revealed at the beginning of the course so that students can consciously approach its study. The issues of creating maps and the history of their development are given an insignificant place. Particular attention is paid to cartographic works used in the school. Practical lessons and independent work of students are aimed at developing students 'skills and abilities of work, with the goal of forming students' understanding of the basics of drawing up topographic maps, skills and ability to work with geographical maps and atlases, the globe, that is, the practical application of the knowledge gained. Their topics are closely related to the theoretical course and school curricula. It is known that school geography courses provide for a number of practical works in all grades.

The main areas of practical training with students:

a comprehensive study of the types of cartographic works (mathematical basis, generalization, methods of representation);

cartometric work;

mastering the technique of reading maps and obtaining geographic characteristics, both of individual objects, and a complex characteristic of territories by maps; geographical thinking cartographic competence

drawing up maps and profiles based on cartographic and statistical materials.

The topic of terrain survey has a subordinate meaning in the course, in the theoretical part general concepts are given about them, given that they will be specially studied in the summer during educational topographic practice. The cartographic knowledge gained by students from the course «Cartography with the basics of topography» should be consolidated and developed in the senior courses of study. The need for widespread use of cartographic knowledge and skills in all geographical disciplines determines the position of this subject in the curriculum in the second year of study. In the same period, in parallel with cartography with the basics of topography, a course in geomorphology is taught, from which students receive some information used in the course of cartography (an idea of the dimensions of the Earth's relief forms, methods for creating geomorphological maps and building profiles, etc.).

When studying the course «Cartography with new topography» it is mandatory educational practice, the purpose of which is to deepen and consolidate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired in lectures and practical work. During the internship, higher education students develop the ability to use maps and plans on various topics, create terrain plans, independently perform the simplest topographic and geodetic measurements, analyze cartographic materials and work with basic geodetic instruments. During the internships, students expand and deepen their knowledge of cartography with the basics of topography and consolidate practical skills in working with geographical instruments [4,р.9].

Acting as a component of the professional competence of future teachers of geography, cartographic competence is considered as an integral characteristic, which includes a complex of cartographic knowledge and skills; proficiency in logical operations in fundamental and special disciplines; the ability to carry out independent search and research activities; striving for professional and personal development. In its structure, it contains special competencies that are formed and developed by improving the organizational and pedagogical conditions during training at a higher educational institution.

The formation of the cartographic competence of future teachers of geography requires a reorientation of curricula, textbooks and teaching and methodological support on a competency - based basis. It is aimed at the use of such forms and methods of professional training that would not only ensure the achievement of a certain level of knowledge and skills of students, but would also develop the ability to solve problematic problems, independence in academic work, the development of personal qualities, cartographic culture, and would increase the motivation for teaching and value orientations of professional activity.

It should be noted that the analysis of scientific and methodological literature [3,4,5,7,8] revealed problems that, in our opinion, require detailed study and solution. First, among domestic scientists there is no unified approach to defining the essence and content of the concept of «cartographic competence» of a student of a higher educational institution. Second, in recent decades, due to a whole range of reasons, the gap between the level of cartographic training of university graduates and the requirements that society imposes on them has increased. At the same time, it should be stated that unambiguous ways to solve the problem of increasing the level of cartographic training of students, ensuring the achievement of the learning goal, have not yet been determined. Thirdly, in the process of professional training of first-year students, the issue of using teaching technologies that take into account their different initial level of training, individual characteristics and the possibilities of their personal growth in the process of studying cartographic disciplines was not previously considered.

Despite the great interest of scientists, the problem of forming the cartographic competence of future teachers of geography in the process of vocational training remains relevant and insufficiently developed in the theory and practice of vocational education.

The study of scientific and pedagogical research [3,4,5,7,8] proves that the basis of the professional competence of future teachers of geography are subject (special) competencies: chronological, local history, ecological, regional, among which cartographic is especially important. Therefore, we understand the cartographic competence of future teachers of geography as an integral component in the structure of the teacher's professional competence.

In their scientific work O. Braslavska and N. Barvinok point out that the formation of cartographic competence of the future teacher of geography involves the acquisition of skills to work with maps, to acquire new knowledge for further study and professional activity; vision of the role of maps and cartographic knowledge for the modern needs of mankind, the constant expansion of the range of knowledge about the current possibilities of modern cartographic science, as well as the ability to transfer their knowledge to students [4].

Cartographic competence is considered by V. Nosachenko, in the framework of the study of such qualities of future teachers of geography as «competence», «professional readiness», «professional training», «professional competence» [5,6,7].

Therefore, it was important to determine the methodological foundations for the formation of cartographic competence of future teachers of geography, to investigate the relationship and interdependence of competencies as its structural components.

According to V. Nosachenko, the main conceptual methods of forming the cartographic competence of future teachers of geography are personality-oriented, axiological, systemic, activity- oriented, and competitive. As a result of their study, it was found that in pedagogical science, various methodological approaches to influencing the development of the teacher's professional competence have been substantiated. Taking into account the tasks of scientific research, let us characterize the methodological approaches to the formation of cartographic competence of future teachers of geography in the process of professional training [5].

We consider value orientations and motivation for their professional training to be important components of the cartographic competence of future teachers of geography. According to scientists, the value orientation - is stable formations in structure of the person of the future teacher, describing his attitude to the public interest, profession, self-actualization, etc. [3,9] Timely formed, clearly conscious value orientations make the behavior specialist focused and organized. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the life and professional values of future teachers-geographers, since they perform the function of stimuli and ensure the implementation of his activity at the normative and personal levels, contribute to the development of the need for constant self-improvement and self-realization.

It should be noted that the professional training of future teachers of geography should include, in addition to geographical, historical, environmental, socio-economic material, which will affect the formation of universal, social and national values, also the solution of problematic problems, the formation of cartographic competence in particular. The successful formation of cartographic competence in future teachers is possible provided that the motivational aspect of education at the university, its social orientation is enhanced through the widespread use of modern technologies and teaching aids, the use of the latest textbooks and manuals, didactic tools and computer programs.

In the process of professional training of future teachers of geography, the content of fundamental and special disciplines cannot be mastered at the level of knowledge, skills and abilities [4]. It is necessary to form a personal attitude, need, awareness of the importance of studying them. The assimilation of professional material should take place at the level of experience, a moral attitude to the situation, and reveal the significance of the acquired geographical knowledge in life and professional activity.

Thus, the formation of value orientations, motivation for educational activities is important for improving the content and forms of professional training of future teachers of geography, for understanding the mechanisms of their self-determination and selfrealization, for explaining the mechanism of the formation of cartographic competence.

Analysis of literary sources [3,4,5,6,7,8], experience of professional activity at the university gives grounds to assert that one of the conditions for achieving a high level of formation of the cartographic competence of future teachers of geography is their involvement in independent work in compliance with a clear sequence of actions; providing conditions for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in fundamental and special disciplines.

The formation of cartographic competence of future teachers of geography is implemented in the process of solving the following tasks:

formation of motivational sphere, pedagogical orientation, development of geographical thinking, value orientations, adequate self-esteem (personal component);

providing professional knowledge (integrated) in fundamental and special geographical disciplines (cognitive component);

development of professional skills and abilities, which are achieved through the creation of specific organizational and pedagogical conditions of the educational process, field and pedagogical practice, where the leading activities of the student are educational and cognitive and search and research activities based on an integrated approach and problem-modular training [7].

The indicated principles of the organization of higher education optimize the process of forming the cartographic competence of future teachers of geography, the development of their cartographic literacy and culture.

Cartographic literacy as a component of mass geographic culture is formed in the process of studying geography in educational institutions. This concept combines the presence of theoretical knowledge about the properties of the main types of geoimages, location, relative sizes, shapes of the most important objects on the earth's surface, the ability to obtain geographic information from maps, and create the simplest cartographic works.

Noting the importance of cartographic literacy, A. Berlyant points out that «cartographic literacy has ceased to be the prerogative of a scientist, it becomes necessary for every person in everyday life and is needed by a modern person no less than computer literacy» [2]. The scientist notes that the problem of a general increase in the cartographic literacy of the population is one of the factors that determine the relevance and necessity of innovations in geographical education.

V. Nosachenko points out that the formation of professional experience in future teachers of geography to reproduce cartographic knowledge and skills in order to develop cartographic literacy in students is implemented on the basis of:

development of geographic spatial thinking based on the perception of spatial large-scale ideas about the image of the world, place and cartographic space;

mastering the cartographic method of geographical research and teaching geography;

development of intellectual and creative abilities in connection with cartographic modeling and knowledge of the figurative-graphic language of maps;

acquisition of skills to obtain data from cartographic sources and create maps based on available data, including those based on computer technologies;

mastering the principles of GIS technologies [6].


The task of forming professional cartographic competence in the training of future teachers of geography at a university can and should be solved in the process of teaching a set of geographical and other disciplines. Cartographic training of teachers of geography should be carried out systematically, in various forms (special courses, seminars, etc.) and, if possible, at all courses of educational training of teachers. It is necessary to include questions on cartography in the system of term papers and theses.


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