Ensuring the quality of professional training of future economics with the help of it technologies

Ensuring the quality of training of future economists with the help of IT technologies involves the organization of training, which is based on the interrelated principles of the state educational policy, the organization of the pedagogical process.

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Ensuring the quality of professional training of future economics with the help of it technologies

Motruk Valentyna Hryhorivna graduate student of the Department of Innovative and Information Technologies in Education, Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University


It has been established that informatization of higher economic education has two aspects. In a narrow sense, this is the creation of favorable conditions for the use of information and communication technologies in all aspects of the educational process, scientific research and administrative management. In a broad sense, this is a transition to the use of information and communication technologies as an additional tool that complements traditional teaching methods, rather than replacing them. The main goal of informatization of higher economic education is the formation of information competence among students and teachers, the improvement of the quality of professional training of future economists and the development of new forms of education and educational technologies based on information, distance and cloud technologies.

Ensuring the quality of professional training of future economists with the help of IT technologies involves the organization of training, which is based on the interrelated principles of the state educational policy, the organization of the pedagogical process and the principles of training (didactics). These principles contribute to effective interaction between the teacher and students, the formation of practically-oriented specialists with economic thinking, able to navigate the world of information and independently acquire new knowledge. Such specialists have developed professional competencies and can solve professional tasks, including the use of information and communication technologies.

In modern conditions, when science is rapidly developing and information is quickly updated, the use of information technologies helps students learn independence, which will contribute to their professional growth and social mobility in the future. This allows them to become highly qualified specialists in the field of economics, ready for continuous professional development and adaptation to continuous changes in the modern world.

Keywords: specialist in economic profile, informatization professional competence, information and communication technologies, IT technologies.

Мотрук Валентина Григорівна аспірантка кафедри інноваційних та інформаційних технологій в освіті, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського


Анотація. Встановлено, що інформатизація вищої економічної освіти має два аспекти. У вузькому розумінні це створення сприятливих умов для використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у всіх напрямах навчального процесу, наукових досліджень та адміністративного управління. У широкому розумінні це перехід до використання інформаційно- комунікаційних технологій як додаткового засобу, що доповнює традиційні методи навчання, а не замінює їх. Основною метою інформатизації вищої економічної освіти є формування інформаційної компетентності студентів і викладачів, підвищення якості професійної підготовки майбутніх економістів та розвиток нових форм навчання та освітніх технологій на основі інформаційних, дистанційних і хмарних технологій.

Забезпечення якості професійної підготовки майбутніх економістів за допомогою ІТ-технологій передбачає організацію навчання, яка базується на взаємопов'язаних принципах державної освітньої політики, організації педагогічного процесу та принципах навчання (дидактики). Ці принципи сприяють ефективній взаємодії викладача та студентів, формуванню практично-орієнтованих спеціалістів з економічним мисленням, здатних орієнтуватися у світі інформації та самостійно здобувати нові знання. Такі спеціалісти мають розвинені професійні компетенції та можуть вирішувати професійні завдання, в тому числі, з використанням інформаційно- комунікаційних технологій. economic profile informatization professional

У сучасних умовах, коли наука стрімко розвивається, а інформація швидко оновлюється, використання інформаційних технологій допомагає студентам навчитися самостійності, що сприятиме їхньому професійному зростанню та соціальній мобільності в майбутньому. Це дозволяє їм стати висококваліфікованими фахівцями в галузі економіки, готовими до постійного професійного розвитку та адаптації до постійних змін у сучасному світі.

Ключові слова: спеціаліст економічного профілю, професійна компетентність інформатизації, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, ІТ- технології.

Formulation of the problem

Compliance with the requirements of the global economic space, under the influence of the processes of globalization and integration of society, with the growing role of information and communication technologies (ICT) and their integration in the economy, the modern labor market in

Ukraine is undergoing significant transformations. These changes require new quality standards for the professional training of economic specialists. The main goal of professional training in the field of "Economics and entrepreneurship" in the conditions of the modern information society is not only the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in the chosen field, but also the ability to quickly navigate the information environment, creatively use information and skillfully apply it in professional activities.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The question of the quality of professional training from the standpoint of the activation of training and the use of modern types of training was highlighted in their works by such scientists as R. Barlet, M. Joseph, E. Ivanchenko, P. King, G. Kovalchuk, F. Moshen, F. Saunder, and others ; formation of professional competence, professional adaptability and professional skills of future economists - N. Boyarchuk, M. Vachevskyi,O. Honcharova, I. Demura, M. Dybkova, N. Mushinska, O. Nakonechna, L. Polovenko, T. Furman and others, problems of continuous professional education - Yu. Babansky, O. Raevneva, V. Stasyuk, S. Sysoeva, etc., use of information and communication technologies in professional training of economists, formation of their IT competence and information culture - N. Balovsiak, T. Koval . Despite the extensive amount of research conducted by modern scientists, the problem of training future economists with the help of information and communication technologies remains insufficiently researched and remains relevant [1-4].

The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of ensuring the quality of professional training of future economists with the help of IT technologies.

Presenting main material

In the modern conditions of the market economy in Ukraine, saturation with economic parity, rigidity, dynamics, responsibility, risk and competition is observed. The situation is complicated by internal relations in organizations in working with information systems. The professional activity of economists undergoes constant changes, covering a wide range of functions, such as organizational and managerial, financial and economic, informational and research, project, planning and economic, financial and economic, innovative, marketing, diagnostic and consulting. These types of activities require the solution of various professional tasks, including economic-management, legal, information-analytical and social-psychological aspects [1, 4].

Accordingly, training of future economists is needed, which would allow them to be educated, creative and critical thinkers, ready to solve complex social and economic problems. One of the key aspects is ensuring a high level of quality of professional training that meets the requirements of the domestic and international labor markets. The professional training of economists today focuses on an individual approach, focusing on the development of personal qualities of students and the use of a competency-based approach to learning. An important direction is the informatization of education in order to create an educational environment that effectively performs its functions through the use of information technologies [2, 4].

The organization of education of future economists in a higher educational institution includes the following aspects of the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) [1, 2, 4]:

1. Use as a means of learning, which contributes to the optimization of the process of assimilation of the material and the formation of an individual style of professional activity.

2. Inclusion in the training program of a subject covering modern methods and technologies of information processing, taking into account the specifics of the organization of information processes in a professional environment.

3. Use of information and communication technologies as a tool for solving professional tasks, managing and monitoring the process of professional training.

The use of ICT is not limited to the simple replacement of "paper" information carriers by electronic ones. These technologies make it possible to combine the processes of studying, consolidating and controlling learning material, which traditionally take place separately. They also allow a more individualized approach to the learning process, reducing the number of face-to-face classes and increasing the share of individual and group methods. In addition, they contribute to increasing learning motivation, developing creative thinking and saving time. Interactivity and multimedia help to better visualize information, which contributes to its better assimilation [1, 2].

Teachers of higher educational institutions face a difficult task - to teach future specialists to rationally use information and communication technologies, their technical capabilities and computer software in economic analysis. For example, when using spreadsheets, students can effectively solve problems without losing the algorithm, freeing themselves from routine work and learning their application to solving economic problems. This approach not only saves time, but also contributes to the formation of competitive specialists in economic matters [3, 4].

Today, the introduction of electronic learning tools, new forms of learning and new learning models is the most important IT trend in training future economists. These innovations include a wide range of tools, such as general-purpose software, interactive online platforms, and e-learning tools, which contribute not only to the development of analytical skills and acceleration of thinking, but also provide the possibility of individualizing the learning process and reducing front-end work. In addition, these technologies allow you to save time, stimulate motivation to study and promote the development of creative thinking. IT technologies become the basis for all traditional learning processes, such as interaction through online chats and forums, joint network projects and constant receipt of relevant information via email [2, 4].

Despite the intended directions, the process of implementing IT technologies in higher education institutions of Ukraine is not systematic, in the presence of an urgent need for informatization of the educational process using various ICTs. This process is characterized by insufficient study of the pedagogical aspects of the use of ICT in higher education institutions and is accompanied by a number of contradictions, which some researchers point out. Among them is focusing only on the potential of ICT for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process (for example, increasing visibility, operational control), without taking into account the need for the development of education itself with their application; the orientation of models of ICT use to the optimization of teacher and student activities within the framework of traditional goals, which does not fully utilize the potential of the latest technologies and does not contribute to the modernization of education; limited use of information and educational environments only as a tool and source of information, without paying enough attention to their content and pedagogical conditions for effective functioning [1, 3].

The organization of professional training of future economists in a higher educational institution includes the following areas of using IT technologies [2, 3]:

1. Use as a means of learning, which helps to optimize the process of assimilation of knowledge and the formation of an individual style of professional activity.

2. The inclusion of IT technologies in the subject of study, which involves familiarization with modern methods and technologies of information processing, taking into account the specifics of the organization of information processes in a professional environment.

3. Use as a tool for solving professional problems, managing and monitoring the process of professional training.

Taking into account the directions of using IT technologies in the professional training of future economists, the important principles that must be relied on to ensure the quality of the process are those that arise from the experience of practical activity and are objective in nature.

Among the large number of principles defined and revealed by scientists, among the most significant principles of ensuring the quality of professional training of future economists with the help of IT technologies are the following: principles of state policy in the field of education, principles of organizing the pedagogical process and principles of learning (didactics) [2, 4].

The principles of state policy in the field of education include the following principles: accessibility, openness, humanization, regionalization, fundamentalization, and continuity.

Among the principles of the organization of professional training, the following can be distinguished: stimulation of motivation, consideration of problems, combination of individual and collective forms of training, ensuring the maximum adequacy of the tasks of practical activities of the educational process and stimulation of self-learning.

Among the principles of education, it is worth highlighting: scientificity, systematicity and consistency, relevance, unity of theory and practice, focus on practical professional skills, integration, consciousness and activity of students, modularity and depth of understanding of the material [3, 4].

External factors are the processes of globalization and informatization of society, the use of information technologies in the professional environment, the performance of professional duties with the help of IT technologies, and the need for lifelong learning. [1, 4].

Internal factors are motivational and stimulating aspects, such as interest and natural inclination to the chosen profession, confidence in one's own suitability for the chosen field, cognitive aspects, such as the ability for independent professional development and decision-making, as well as activity-practical aspects covering the possibility effective use of professional knowledge and solving tasks with the help of modern IT technologies.


Summarizing the results of the research, it was determined that informatization of higher economic education has two aspects. In a narrow sense, this means creating optimal conditions for the use of information and communication technologies in all aspects of the educational process, scientific research and administrative management. In a broad sense, this means changing the content, methods, and organization of student learning to transition to the use of information and communication technologies as an additional tool that complements traditional methods, rather than replacing them. The main goal of informatization of higher economic education is to form information competence among students and teachers, to create conditions for improving the quality of professional training of future economists and to develop new forms of education and educational technologies based on information, distance and modern cloud technologies.

Ensuring the quality of professional training of future economists with the help of IT technologies consists in the creation of a training system based on the interaction of the principles of the state educational policy, the organization of the pedagogical process and the principles of training (didactics). These principles contribute to the effective interaction of teachers and students, the formation of practically oriented specialists with economic thinking who know how to navigate the world of information and independently acquire new knowledge. Such specialists have developed professional skills and can solve professional tasks, including the use of information and communication technologies.

In today's conditions of rapid development of science and rapid updating of information, the use of information technologies helps students develop independence skills, which contributes to their professional growth and social mobility in the future. This allows them to become qualified specialists in the field of economics, ready for continuous professional development and adaptation to constant changes in the modern world.


1. Kademiia, M., Vizniuk, I., Polishchuk, A., Dolynnyi, S. (2022).Vykorystannia shtuchnoho intelektu u vyvchenni inozemnoi movy zdobuvachamy osvity [The use of artificial intelligence in the study of a foreign language by students of education]. Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems, 153-163 [in Ukrainian].

2. Vizniuk, I. M., Dolynna, A. S., Dolynnyi, S. S., & Palamarchuk, O. M. (2023). Formuvannia informatsiinoi kompetentnosti v osvitno-profesiinii sferi diialnosti aspirantiv [Formation of information competence in the educational and professional field of graduate students]. Orhanizatsiina psykholohiia. ekonomichna psykholohiia - Organizational psychology. economic psychology, 1 (28), 76-84 [in Ukrainian].

3. Viznyuk, I., Rokosovyk, N., Vytrykhovska, O., Paslawska, A., Bielikova, O., Radziievska, I. (2022). Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 22 (4), 209-216. Retrieved from http://paper.ijcsns.org/07_book/202204/20220426.pdf [in English].

4. Maksymova, L. P. (2014). Pryntsypy zabezpechennia yakosti profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh ekonomistiv zasobamy informatsiino-komunikatsiinykh tekhnolohii [Principles of ensuring the quality of professional training of future economists by means of information and communication technologies]. Inzhenerni ta osvitni tekhnolohii v elektrotekhnichnykh i kompiuternykh systemakh - Engineering and educational technologies in electrical engineering and computer systems, 4, 42-47. Retrieved from http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/itot_2014_4_7 [in Ukrainian].


1. Кадемія М., Візнюк І., Поліщук А., Долинний С. Використання штучного інтелекту у вивченні іноземної мови здобувачами освіти. Modern Information Technologies and Innovation Methodologies of Education in Professional Training Methodology Theory Experience Problems. 2022. С. 153-163.

2. Візнюк І. М., Долинна А. С., Долинний С. С., & Паламарчук О. М. Формування інформаційної компетентності в освітньо-професійній сфері діяльності аспірантів. Організаційна психологія. економічна психологія, 2023. №1 (28). С. 76-84.

3. Viznyuk I., Rokosovyk N., Vytrykhovska O., Paslawska A., Bielikova O., Radziievska I. Information Support of the Educational Process in the Development of Leadership Potential of Modern University in the Conditions of Distance Learning. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 2022. № 4. Р. 209-216. Retrieved from http://paper.ijcsns.org/ 07_book/202204/20220426.pdf

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