Organization of scientific and research activities in institutions of higher education as an important factor of the professional training of specialists

Advanced training of pedagogical staff in Ukraine. Creation of a system of additional professional education. Organization of research and creativity activities of students. Acquirement the achievements of Science and Technology by the future teachers.

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Дата добавления 20.07.2024
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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Organization of scientific and research activities in institutions of higher education as an important factor of the professional training of specialists

Olha Plakhotnik, DSc (Ped.), Prof.

Kyiv, Ukraine


Background. The article deals with modern requirements for the training and retraining of scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel, as well as for higher professional education which lacks qualitatively new theoretical and methodical support for scientific and research activities.

Higher education institutions of Ukraine occupy a leading place in the system of multi-level training and retraining of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. Many of them have created such scientific centers as specialized academic councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations and councils for the defense of doctors of philosophy (PhD), master's, postgraduate, doctoral studies, a system of additional professional education, retraining and advanced training of personnel.

Being aware of methodology, theory, technology, methods and organization of scientific research activity is a necessary basis for graduate students, doctoral students, holders of scientific degrees, employees of scientific divisions of institutions of various profiles, organizers of scientific research activities of all levels.

The requirements for the professional training of graduates of higher education institutions provide for the active involvement of teachers and students in scientific research.

Purpose and objectives. To conduct a theoretical analysis of the state of Ukrainian and foreign scientific research work of students with the aim of expanding scientific knowledge about the organization and development of pedagogical research technologies; on the development of student scientific creativity in all its forms for the future teacher to master the methodology of scientific research, the conscious introduction into pedagogical practice of the latest achievements of science, technology and culture.

Results. In this context, the search for new technologies, reproduction and expansion of the scientific potential of future teachers, effective application, formation and development of scientific schools, creation of the most favorable conditions for the creative growth of future specialists acquire special importance.

Conclusions . Successful mastery of research and creative work skills by bachelors and masters helps them relatively easily join professional activities, transform scientific knowledge into the field of practical application. In this regard, the curricula of most institutions of higher education in Ukraine include special educational disciplines on the basics of scientific and research activity and elements of scientific creativity are introduced into fundamental, professionally oriented as well as special disciplines. This contributes to the creation of the necessary conditions for the integration of a higher school of Ukraine into the world educational and scientific space by activating the processes of involving talented young people in scientific research, implementing the experience of the world's leading universities as a prerequisite for the formation and development of a teacher's personality.

Keywords: research activity, methodology, theoretical and methodical support of research activity, institutions of higher education, professional training, research practice.


Background. For a long time, humanity improved living conditions through knowledge and a certain scientific approach to the transformation of the surrounding world. This process was improved due to proto scientific knowledge. The creation of scientific studies was influenced by the rapid pace of development of science which in the XXist century stimulated a new explanation of many pedagogical phenomena which were based on progressive pedagogical ideas and essential stable principles, revealing previously unnoticed pedagogical regularities of the professional formation of teachers in connection with the change of social life. Therefore, one of the characteristic features of the reform of modern education is the activation of innovative processes in the professional training of a new generation of pedagogical personnel in all directions of its development. In this context, the issues of studying the problem of developing scientific and pedagogical research, involving future specialists in scientific research work with the aim of deep and critical understanding of pedagogical reality and purposeful formation of readiness to fulfill their professional mission become important.

It is undeniable that it is not enough for a modern specialist to have deep knowledge of the subject and to possess practical skills and abilities. The performance of professional functions assumes the unity of a teacher's intense spiritual life, a creative approach to pedagogical activity as well as their practical implementation in research work during his/her training aimed at the transformation of pedagogical reality in the future. Therefore, at all stages of the development of higher pedagogical education, scientific research work of future teachers was and will remain a priority activity of higher education institutions, which will determine their scientific potential and professional growth. In this context, the search for new technologies, reproduction and expansion of the scientific potential of future teachers, effective application, formation and development of scientific schools, creation of the most favorable conditions for the creative growth of future specialists acquire special importance.

The work of many well-known teachers and psychologists is devoted to the study of various aspects of the scientific and research activities of education applicants in different periods of the development of pedagogical science in Ukraine. They are A. Aleksyuk, G. Ball, I. Bekha, I. Kurka, V. Molyako, I. Nazarenko, O. Plahotnik, V. Rybalki, B. Ryznyka, V. Semichenko, O. Sukhomlynska, L. Sushchenko, O. Topuzova, E. Khrykova, S. Chavdarova, V. Sheyko and other scientists and practitioners.

Such foreign scientists as L. Bartels, C. Belar, W. Doll, I. McNay, A. Reber, etc. addressed this problem too.

Presenting main material

The analysis of the state of development of Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical research was carried out by E. Khrykov and O. Adamenko according to the following criteria: the emergence of new ideas and theories; expansion of research problems; differentiation of science, development of its individual branches; world recognition of its theoretical assets; development of the conceptual apparatus of pedagogy; institutionalization of science; correspondence of the development of science to its logic; development of multivariate ways of solving pedagogical problems; availability of complex collective research topics; development of pedagogical research technologies; close connection with practice needs; increasing the effectiveness of education; an increase in the number of pedagogical publications, the number of scientists, and specialized dissertation defense councils; optimal ratio of the process of differentiation and integration of scientific knowledge (Khrykov, 2017; Khrykov, & Adamenko, 2003). Scientists note that the development of pedagogical science depends on the revision of the methodological foundations of their analysis and evaluation, certain improvement of management mechanisms and organizational forms of functioning (Adamenko, & Kurylo, 2012; Khrykov, & Adamenko, 2003).

In most countries of the world the limited or lack of state support for educational sciences is caused by the following factors: the dominance of decentralized mechanisms for managing the development of science, the absence of academies of pedagogical sciences and the wide spread of pedagogical (educational) research institutes, scientific centers, associations of researchers, research projects, doctoral schools, research grants , inter-university, interfaculty, interdisciplinary research, network interaction with partners, compatible scientific programs of various universities, functioning of a single European scientific space, close connection of educational sciences with customers of scientific research (Sysoeva, & Krystopchuk, 2012).

While providing a comparative analysis of the system of training scientific personnel in European countries and in Ukraine, L. Lobanova notes that today in European countries individual management of doctoral research is still preserved, but doctoral schools are becoming more and more widespread. These schools are headed by a director who relies on the academic council. The scientific council includes heads of research centers, scientific directors of doctoral programs, representatives of doctoral students and external organizations (enterprises, corporations, public institutions, foreign universities) (Lobanova, 2010).

It should be noted that research in the field of education in different countries is organized by three types of social institutes: national institutes, institutes that are part of the university structure and research centers. The first ones are less numerous and have different names: National Institute of Educational Policy of Japan, National Institute of Educational Sciences of China, German Institute of International Educational Research, Hungarian Institute of Educational Research and Development, Institute of Educational Research of Slovenia, etc. The second group of institutes includes: Institute of Pedagogy and Andragogy of the University of Belgrade, Institute of Pedagogical Studies of the University of Plymouth, Institute of Educational Studies of the University of Addis Ababa, Institute of Pedagogy and Educational Studies of the University of Groningen. The third group consists of: the Center for Educational Research and Innovation at the University of Derby, the Center for Social Sciences and Pedagogical Research at the University of Sunderland, the Research Center of the US Department of Education at the Stanford Research Institute, etc. (Khrykov, 2017, p. 103).

Studying the sites of these institutions allows you to pay attention to some features. National institutes mainly take care of systemic problems of education in their countries, the National Institute of Education Sciences of the largest country in the world - China - employs 143 researchers, on the websites of some national institutes it is stated that they are structural subdivisions of the ministries of education, the most common in the names of the institutes is the concept of "science on education" and "pedagogical research", the structural subdivisions of pedagogical research of universities mainly solve methodological problems of organizing the training of applicants. Important institutions that organize educational research is the public associations of educational researchers: World, European, American, British, New Zealand, Japanese, Spanish, Korean, Australian, Polish, Ukrainian, etc., which conduct diverse research. Iinternational institutions are the are the most large-scale which cover different continents and countries, or large regions, such as the European one as well as various aspects of education: educational systems, educational values, educational policy, curricula, organization of the educational process, educational environment, etc. A vivid example of such research is the international study of teaching and learning systems using the TALIS methodology (Teaching and Learning International Survey), which covered dozens of countries on all continents. In our country, similar studies were organized by the Ukrainian Association of Educational Researchers. Such studies make it possible to outline the place of each country in the world educational space and to determine educational policy, prospective directions of education development (Khrykov, 2017, p. 104).

In view of the above, it is worth noting that one of the conditions for the development of pedagogical education and science is the organization of research work of students in higher education institutions. The active development of student scientific creativity in all its forms enables the future teacher to master the methodology of scientific research (methodology arises in the context of the relationship between cognitive activity and thinking), to consciously introduce the latest achievements of science, technology and culture into pedagogical practice.

Scientific and research work of students of higher education institutions of Ukraine is a mandatory stage of training a specialist, which is provided for in the curriculum of the specialty. Professional training is aimed at preparing a future specialist-researcher of a new generation which is characterized by high dynamism and the cult of searchIn addition, in the process of scientific and research work, students must acquire the ability to use scientific, references, methodical literature, information search methods and computer data processing skills. It should be noted that at the current stage, the involvement of students in research activities (especially in junior courses) is not sufficiently supported by clear connections with the future profession and is not sufficiently motivated. In addition, in the process of scientific and research work, students must acquire the ability to use scientific, methodical literature, information search methods and computer data processing skills. It should be noted that at the current stage, the involvement of students in research activities (especially in junior courses) is not sufficiently supported by clear connections with the future profession and is not sufficiently motivated. pedagogical professional education science

With the goal of training a specialist-scientist, the main task is to plan the educational work in such a way that this process is carried out starting from the first year of study at the university, with the study of philosophy and other disciplines that provide concepts about the methodology of scientific research. The first course for a student of any specialty should become a kind of school of the basics of scientific culture, self-knowledge, self-regulation of the future specialist-researcher. With the goal of training a specialist-scientist, the main task is to plan the educational work in such a way that this process is carried out, starting from the first year of study at the university, with the study of philosophy and other disciplines that provide concepts about the methodology of scientific research. The first course for a student of any specialty should become a kind of school of the basics of scientific culture, self-knowledge, self-regulation of the future specialist and researcher.

If the involvement of students in scientific research activities is gradual and purposeful, then by the fourth year, that is, before writing the qualification paper, the future specialist will have serious scientific training and a basis for writing a scientific paper. During the entire period of study at the university, the student will acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the organization and methodology of scientific research, will be able to familiarize himself with and participate in the work of various forms of educational and extracurricular research work.

The extracurricular research form of organizing work with students is an objective means of identifying and selecting gifted student youth, realizing the creative abilities of future employees. Participation in competitions, conferences, olympiads and recognition of scientific results is a good motivation for further growth.

Extracurricular forms of research work, in which students are involved, are clubs, problem groups, competitions, conferences, Olympiads, etc. It is expedient to create problem groups for students which over a long period of time investigate a professional problem, carry out scientific investigations and prepare reports for problem group meetings under the leadership of leading scientists. The best student works, after their discussion at the group meeting and on the recommendation of the group leader and the graduation department are offered for a student conference, competition, Olympiad, etc.

Research practice is an important component of the master's program for teacher training in higher education that aims at systematization, expansion and consolidation of professional knowledge, formation of students' initial competence in conducting independent scientific work, research and experimentation. The essence of scientific research practice is to involve master's students in independent research work, familiarization with the methodology of conducting scientific research work in academic and specialized institutes. The subject of research practice is deepening the skills of independent scientific work, expanding the scientific outlook of students, researching practical problems and the ability to connect them with the chosen theoretical direction of research, determine the structure and logic of the future master's work, use new methods and achieve the necessary results that were obtained in the process of theoretical or empirical research.

A promising direction in the organization of research work is the creation of educational and scientific laboratories in institutions of higher education, in which scientific research is conducted and at the same time the research work of students is organized. The scientific and research work of students outside the educational process involves the participation of students in the work of scientific clubs and laboratories, in scientific conferences, competitions and olympiads, writing articles and abstracts of reports, etc. (Korbutyak, 2010; Krushelnytska, 2009; Makarovska, 1971).

Students who are able to carry out the scientific work, show interest and achieve certain scientific results should have constant and tangible support from the university administration and the graduation department. In order to diversify the system of incentives for young scientists, it is necessary to organize the following:

• ceremonial meetings with the best students who have achieved positive results in scientific work, with the awarding of diplomas from the rector's office;

• publication of a scientific article based on research results in a collection of student scientific works;

• implementation of research results into work practice;

• approval of individual plans for education seekers who are successfully engaged in scientific work;

• use of funds of the best libraries of Ukraine with travel and per diem allowance;

• involvement in the scientific topic of the graduation department;

• participation in international competitions and practices abroad.

The Department of Pedagogy of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv plays an important role in the organization of research work. When planning the issues of scientific research for masters of the specialty 011 "Educational, Pedagogical Sciences" of the educational program "Pedagogy of the Higher School", the teaching staff of the department is concerned about how to rationally organize the work on drawing up a perspective plan for the development of scientific and pedagogical studies of masters and to ensure the implementation of scientific works; how to create a unified research space for pedagogical research, the formation of which is a condition for the entry of science into the unified European research space; on what principles should the management of pedagogical research be based etc.

An important aspect of the prospective planning of the research work of the masters of the department is the study of the problems of comparative pedagogy: a comparison of the education systems of Ukraine and other countries, educational processes at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and some foreign educational institutions.

The relevance of scientific research lies in the level of competitiveness of specialists of the university and specialists from other countries of the European educational space, Kazakhstan, Poland. Such research involves the active use of knowledge about the essence of pedagogical science as a holistic, systemic, social phenomenon, because any science, and pedagogy in particular, functions for the purpose of obtaining new knowledge. While carrying out their scientific research, students of education study pedagogical science as a social subsystem, which characterizes its institutional design, personnel potential, the network of scientific institutions, the mechanisms of state management of science, the place of science in the system of social relations.

The need to perform scientific student works on comparative pedagogy is caused by rapid changes in the surrounding world and education, among others. After all, comparative pedagogy makes it possible to single out the leading trends in the development of education in the world and creates conditions for ensuring the compliance of domestic education with these trends.

Future specialists in higher education pedagogy and educational institution management better understand that domestic experience can, under certain conditions, play a leading role in comparative education in the world and form

a positive image of our pedagogical science and graduates of the Department of Pedagogy of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. For this purpose, the department of pedagogy increases the level of scope and focus of research, strengthens personnel and organizational potential to ensure management of master's scientific works, sees the need to conduct integrative research, organize and conduct scientific seminars on the methodology of pedagogical research in order to further develop the professional training of future specialists.

The result of the hard work of the department over the last few years was, in particular, such master studies as: "Management of the quality of higher education of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Georg-August Gottingen University", "Organization of research work of students in higher education institutions and Poland of Ukraine", "Organization of dual education in educational institutions of Germany" and others.

In the process of research, such general scientific methods as theoretical analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction and spesificity, problematization, analogy, modeling, generalization, systematization, classification were applied, which made it possible to identify key problems, formulate the scientific research apparatus, identify essential characteristics, leading trends and regularities of the development of pedagogical phenomena, to summarize theoretical and practical experience on the research problem, etc.

The collection and processing of actual material, which was carried out using various methods, became the necessary basis for the research process. Empirical methods such as observation, survey (oral interview and written questionnaire, test) were used. Since the comparative pedagogical research is known to be impossible without studying normative documents, pedagogical documentation, educational and methodical literature, statistical data this issue was given due attention in all master studies.

In order to learn and compare pedagogical objects and phenomena, monographic studies, periodical publications, collections of scientific papers and conference materials, Internet networks, etc. were studied. It should be noted that the degree of reliability of the obtained results of a comparative study largely depends not so much on the number of studied sources as on the completeness and reliability of the information contained in them. It is practically impossible to process absolutely all the references related to the researched problem. Therefore, when working with sources, masters often used the method of the major array in combination with the selective method, when the majority of sources selected according to certain criteria were analyzed. Chronological, geographical and thematic features were the most important characteristics of the selection of materials for master research studies.

It should be emphasized that the students who studied and are studying in the above-mentioned specialties have a good command of foreign languages and this contributed to the fact that the translation of authentic literature was an important supplementary method. During the research, great attention was paid to the translation of surnames and terms that may have a specific interpretation, as well as to the adaptation of the conceptual apparatus of foreign educational systems in the Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical space. An integral method of research work was the description of factual information and its analytical interpretation.

The master's study on the organization of research work of students in higher education institutions of Poland and Ukraine in which it was possible through comparison to identify significant differences in the organization of research work of students in higher education institutions of Ukraine and Poland became interesting. The modern concept of research work of students in the system of the educational process of Polish universities includes two interrelated elements: a) acquaintance of students with the specifics of research work, their assimilation of the skills of this work; b) actual scientific research, which is carried out by students under the guidance of university professors (Makarovska, 1971; Marcyn, 2002).

Similar to Ukrainian system, the performance of scientific research work by students involves the study of the basics of scientific research, in particular, the concept of science, the methodology of scientific research and the scientific organization of work during its implementation, independent work with literature, processing of experimental data, etc Korbutyak, 2010).

The study of specialist training programs in Poland gives reasons to claim that the research work of students both in Ukraine and in Poland within the curriculum is mandatory for every student and covers almost all forms of educational work, namely: writing scientific essays on a specific topic in the process of studying fundamental and professionally oriented disciplines, performing laboratory work, independent tasks, control tasks containing elements of problem-based research, the work of students according to an individual study plan, performing tasks of a research nature and scientific reports during the period of internship (practice), preparation and defense of lyceum and master's thesis.

Today, one of the main directions in the development of higher education science has become the introduction of elements of scientific research into the educational process. The combination of a student's scientific search with his studies mutually enriches them. Along with the changes in the labor market in Poland and Ukraine, the importance of practical experience in professional development and the formation of values in the eyes of stakeholders is growing among those who acquire education. At the same time, higher education is increasingly criticized for too much attention to theoretical knowledge and for too little attention being paid to the practical side of research: the building up of skills, their use in practice, in particular such basic professional skills as communication, time management and management career development. Student organizations, which most often work on the basis of Polish universities in the form of scientific clubs, are a potentially valuable addition to education with additional opportunities for professional development. Creative students are given the opportunity to carry out projects of a scientific and practical nature, that is when they can conduct scientific research or research projects requested by companies or organizations under the guidance of a tutor.

The absence of a formal structure is one of the main principles of the organization of scientific research work of education seekers in Polish universities introduced in 2001. The functioning of the scientific clubs is based on two main principles: a) make all decisions that are relevant to the entire circle in accordance with the majority principle; b) functioning of the organization on a project basis. It is worth emphasizing that the scientific community appoints a project coordinator during project implementation. The coordinator is responsible for the project during all stages of its implementation. In particular, at the planning stage: team composition, development of the project plan, budget, etc. Such an organization of the scientific club is a compromise solution. On the one hand, it allows you to eliminate the risk of having a formal structure, on the other hand, it allows you to guide students through a responsible management task.

In order to achieve high efficiency, science clubs conduct seminars, trainings, competitions/tournaments, which contribute to the deepening of both theoretical and practical aspects of research activities, act in such a way as to maximize the chances of successful projects implemented by the students and give them the opportunity to develop due to gained experience.

Mentoring by graduates who already have professional experience has become an effective form of the scientific club's work, which enables its participants to increase organizational efficiency; to effectively manage knowledge, motivation for research activities, as well as with the help of mentors to acquire skills in team management, problem solving.


The further development of scientific-pedagogical research largely depends on knowledge of methodological principles, analysis and evaluation, certain improvement of management mechanisms and organizational forms of scientific-pedagogical research, updating the content of research on optimizing the ratio of differentiation and integration of scientific knowledge. As evidenced by the results of the analysis of the specified problem, the following are often the shortcomings of future higher school specialists on the way to professionalism: formalism, the lack of a stable system of value orientations for creative self-realization and self-development by means of scientific and research work, for personal professional achievements in this activity; stereotyped thinking, activity, communication; low level of methodological culture, etc.

Overcoming these shortcomings lies in the plane of interiorization of the value-personal attitude of students to research work, as the only mechanism for the implementation of personal values in the appropriate structures of motivation for future pedagogical activity, orienting future specialists to productive achievement of the result. Studying the experience of organizing scientific research and research work in foreign countries and institutions of higher education, it is possible to rethink the improvement of this process in the Ukrainian educational space, as well as to share with foreign colleagues positive achievements in the organization and management of scientific research activities of students in Ukrainian universities.

Discussion and conclusions

In view of the above, it can be concluded that the forms and methods of scientific and research activities of students contribute to the acquisition of deep competences, the ability to make decisions, serve their professional growth and the ability to compete in obtaining the appropriate position. However, not all students of higher education institutions perform master's research at a high level. They are often performed formally. These issues are in the area of constant attention of heads of faculties, heads of master's studies as well as increased attention to the motivation of graduates regarding the effectiveness of the curriculum and obtaining a high grade which can directly affect the choice of employers.


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Організація науково-дослідної діяльності в закладах вищої освіти як важливий чинник професійної підготовки фахівців

Ольга Плахотнік, д-р пед. наук, проф.

Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна

Вступ. Розглядаються сучасні вимоги до підготовки та перепідготовки науково-педагогічних і наукових кадрів, а також до вищої професійної освіти, якій бракує якісно нового теоретико-методичного забезпечення науково-дослідної діяльності.

Заклади вищої освіти України посідають провідне місце в системі багаторівневої підготовки та перепідготовки наукових і науково-педагогічних кадрів. У багатьох із них створені такі наукові центри, як спеціалізовані вчені ради із захисту докторських дисертацій і ради із захисту докторів філософії (PhD), магістратури, аспірантури, докторантури, система додаткової професійної освіти, перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації персоналу.

Знання методології, теорії, технології, методики та організації науково-дослідної діяльності є необхідною основою для аспірантів, докторантів, здобувачів наукових ступенів, співробітників наукових підрозділів установ різного профілю, організаторів науково- дослідної діяльності всіх рівнів. Вимоги до професійної підготовки випускників закладів вищої освіти передбачають активне залучення викладачів і студентів до наукових досліджень.

Мета і завдання. Провести теоретичний аналіз стану вітчизняної та зарубіжної науково-дослідної роботи студентів з метою розширення наукових знань про організацію й розвиток педагогічних дослідницьких технологій; на розвиток студентської наукової творчості в усіх її формах для оволодіння майбутнім викладачем методологією наукового дослідження, свідомого впровадження в педагогічну практику новітніх досягнень науки, техніки і культури.

Результати . У цьому контексті особливого значення набувають пошук нових технологій, відтворення та розширення наукового потенціалу майбутніх викладачів, ефективне застосування, формування й розвиток наукових шкіл, створення максимально сприятливих умов для творчого зростання майбутніх спеціалістів.

Висновки . Успішне оволодіння бакалаврами й магістрами навичками науково-дослідної та творчої роботи дозволяє їм відносно легко включатися у професійну діяльність, трансформувати наукові знання у сферу практичного застосування. У зв'язку з цим у навчальні плани більшості закладів вищої освіти України включено спеціалізовані навчальні дисципліни з основ науково-дослідницької діяльності та впроваджено елементи наукової творчості у фундаментальні, професійно орієнтовані та спеціальні дисципліни. Це сприяє створенню необхідних умов для інтеграції вищої школи України у світовий освітньо-науковий простір шляхом активізації процесів залучення талановитої молоді до наукових досліджень, впровадження досвіду провідних університетів світу як передумови для формування й розвиток особистості вчителя.

Ключові слова : науково-дослідна діяльність, методологія, теоретико-методичне забезпечення науково-дослідної діяльності, заклади вищої освіти, професійна підготовка, науково-дослідна практика.

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