An analysis of the curriculum "Foreign language for professional purposes" in the context of educational programme "State border security" of master’s degree
Overview of the educational program "Security of the state border" for the master's level of higher education. Subject field, methods, technologies, which include methods of military science. Information and communication security of the state border.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
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An analysis of the curriculum "Foreign language for professional purposes" in the context of educational programme "State border security" of master's degree
Olha Lemeshko
PhD in Pedagogics, docent, Deputy Head of Foreign languages Department, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Natalia Kalyniuk
PhD in Pedagogics, Docent of Foreign languages Department, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Peculiarities and objectives of the Educational programme “State Border Security” for the second (Master's) level of higher education have been analysed. Theoretical content of the subject area, methods, techniques and technologies which include general and specific methods of military science, information and communication technologies and techniques, methods and techniques for ensuring the security of the state border have been studied. Tools and equipment, teaching and training consisting of problem-oriented and contextual learning, activity and competence-oriented technologies, practical performance of training and combat tasks, practical training and daily activities have been specified.
Assessment that is divided into forms of control and assessment of educational achievements were investigated.
We studied program competences (Integral competence, General competencies and Special (professional, subject) competencies) and Program learning outcomes. Educational programme components were specified, namely Curriculum “Foreign language for professional purposes” was described with the aim to show how students' professional communicative competence in English, which involves the study of such aspects of language as speaking, reading, translating, listening and writing is forming. Content of the discipline, planned educational activities, forms (methods) of study were investigated, including Bloom's taxonomy levels (knowledge, comprehending, application, analysis, synthesis and assessment). Five-stage lesson plan (introduction, input, practice, production and conclusion) and credit tasks were described.
Keywords: border guards; educational programme; curriculum; foreign language for professional purposes; state border security.
Проаналізовано особливості та завдання освітньої програми “Безпека державного кордону” для другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти. Розглянуто теоретичний зміст предметної галузі, методи, методики та технології, які включають загальні та специфічні методи воєнної науки, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології та методики, способи та прийоми забезпечення безпеки державного кордону. Визначено інструменти та обладнання, блок викладання та навчання, що складається з проблемно-орієнтованого та контекстного навчання, діяльнісних та компетентнісних технологій, практичного виконання навчальних та бойових завдань, практичної підготовки та повсякденної діяльності.
Досліджено оцінювання, яке поділяється на форми контролю та оцінювання навчальних досягнень. Вивчено програмні компетентності (інтегральна компетентність, загальні компетентності та спеціальні (фахові, предметні) компетентності) та програмні результати навчання. Конкретизовано компоненти освітньої програми, а саме описано робочу програму навчальної дисципліни “Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням” для деталізації формування професійної іншомовної комунікативної компетентності студентів, що передбачає вивчення таких аспектів мови, як говоріння, читання, переклад, аудіювання та письмо. Розглянуто зміст дисципліни, заплановані види навчальної діяльності, форми (методи) навчання, включаючи таксономію Блума (знання, розуміння, застосування, аналіз, синтез та оцінювання). Описано п'ятиступеневий план заняття (вступ, вхідні дані, практика, відтворення та висновок) та завдання заліку.
Ключові слова: прикордонники; освітня програма; робоча програма навчальної дисципліни; іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням; безпека державного кордону.
educational program security of the state border
English for specific purposes is extremely vital nowadays for the military personnel due to their participation in United Nations humanitarian peace keeping operations [1].
State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGSU) is being modernized to meet requirements of European Union police staff, namely involvement of personnel able to freely communicate English with aliens, foreign colleagues and international missions' participants [2]. While performing service duties border guards will make abroad telephone calls, write and read correspondence, conduct briefings and trainings. All abovementioned require knowledge of specific English terminology [3].
Statement of the problem. In many multinational military operations English serves as the common language of communication, as a language of command and control, especially in joint operations where troops from different countries are working together. Effective communication is vital to the success of any military operation. Military personnel who can speak English fluently can communicate more effectively with their counterparts from other countries, enhancing coordination and reducing misunderstandings. Moreover, English is the language of diplomacy and is used in negotiations and meetings with foreign military officials.
Many military training programs, especially those offered by NATO and other international organizations, are conducted in English.
In today's globalized world, military personnel who can speak English fluently are in high demand. They are often assigned to international postings and given responsibilities that require cross-cultural communication and coordination.
Learning English provides you with an opportunity to interact with people from different cultures and backgrounds. It helps you to appreciate different perspectives and develop a deeper understanding of the world around you.
Learning English is absolutely crucial for military personnel who work in the international environment, since it enhances communication, coordination, and cultural exchange, and provides access to training and career advancement opportunities.
Defending of national borders is extremely important for each country in order to protect it from the illegal movement of smuggling, drugs, weapons, ammunition, human trafficking. All these factors influence country's security, sovereignty, economic and social development. To achieve inviolability of the state border - border guards must be well educated, trained and able to counteract illegal activity at the state border. There are different educational programs for military personnel (training of State security service officials, Police representatives, Armed Forces personnel, National Guard officers). Each educational program is devoted to training of specific category of staff. Various researchers studied peculiarities of border guards' training on specialties: automobile transport, military administration, national security, law, law enforcement activity, etc., but there are none on state border security.
Despite features of military component each specialty requires specific teaching of foreign language that is why we would like to pay attention to this problem in our study and specify curriculum on English language training.
Analysis of recent research and publications. English for specific purposes were studied by R. Bielousova [4]; J. Day, M. Krzanowski [5]; N. Dmi- trenko et al. [6]; T. Dudley-Evans & M. St John [7]; T. Hutchinson & A. Waters [8]; S. Rackeviciene, V. Januleviciene, L. Mockiene [9]; M. Wozniak [10]. Many researchers have paid attention to English training of military personnel and different specialists: K. Hyland [11]; O. Lemeshko, A. Yankovets, I. Bets & I. Isaieva [3]; V. Lemeshko, N. Kalyniuk & O. Trembovetskyi [12]; N. Moroz, I. Bloshchynskyi [2]; S. Zhytska [13]; M. 2ukova [14]; N. King, R. Walden, S. Mellor-Clark, Y. Baker de Altamirano [1]. Adult learning and English as a second language were described by W. Baker [15]; A. Cohen [16]; R. Ellis [17]; C. Hatar, S. Grofcikova [18]; Z. Linda Drumm [19]. A large number of works were devoted to the development of intercultu- ral strategic competence and assessment-based mobile learning approach: Huang Jinqi [20], G. Hwang & H. Chang [21], E. Arno-Macia & G. Man- cho-Bares [22], H. Brown [23], B. Lubina, B. Kulenovic, M. Lumezi [24].
The research purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyse features and goals of the Educational programme “State Border Security” for the second level of higher education and specify Curriculum “Foreign language for professional purposes”.
Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the SBGSU trains border guard officers of operational level to provide further employment at positions of scientific-pedagogical staff of educational institutions, research institutions and operational level positions of the SBGSU [25].
An educational program is a program written by the institution or ministry of education which determines the learning progress of each subject in all the stages of formal education; any program principally engaged in the provision of education, including, but not limited to, early childhood education, elementary and secondary education, postsecondary education, special education, job training, career and technical education, and adult education, and any program that is administered by an educational agency or institution; refers to a structured and organized set of activities and resources designed to impart knowledge, develop skills, and promote learning and growth in individuals of varying ages and abilities; a wide range of subjects, disciplines, and instructional methods, including classroom instruction, online courses, workshops, seminars, and hands-on experiences [26].
The purpose of the educational program is to provide higher education in the field “Military Sciences, National Security, State Border Security” in the specialty “State Border Security”, which provides employment in the SBGSU; formation of the personality of a highly qualified border guard officer of operational and tactical level, able to solve complex tasks and problems to ensure the security of the state border in the area of responsibility of the state border protection bodies and be responsible for their decisions and actions [25].
The educational programme is professionally oriented on improvement of required competencies for the state border security.
Concepts and principles of ensuring the state border protection are used by teachers of the subject area.
In the context of ensuring the state border defence methods general and specific methods of military science, information and communication technologies are used.
Training is conducted using up to date equipment, simulation tools, modern weapons and special devices.
Scientific and pedagogical staff applies problem- and competence-oriented training, practical and combat tasks in the teaching process.
Questioning, tests, practical internship results, modular tests, examinations, certification are used for assessment.
There are Integral competence, General competencies and Special competencies.
Integral competence is ability to solve complex specialized tasks and security problems of the state border sector or training, which involves research and/or innovation and is characterized by uncertainty of conditions and requirements [26].
General competencies usually include abilities, skill, habits, knowledge and motivations required to perform tasks. In our case it's abstract thinking, situational analysis, time management, decision making, lifelong knowledge, communication in the Ukrainian and English, information and communication technologies usage.
According to the Educational programme special competencies are organization of service activities of the state border protection units, performance of official activity of the state border protection units, effective management, integrated border management, activity with service documents, training of personnel, usage of units in different combat conditions, combat maintenance, restoration of combat capability, knowledge of the domestic and foreign current legislation on the state border protection, cooperation capacity with the media.
Program learning outcomes mean the situation awareness on violations and criminals actions in the area of responsibility; efficient weapon and special means usage; readiness for actions in complicated situations and combat operations; management functions performance; usage of nowadays methods of border protection; cooperation between state and international law enforcement agencies; understanding the service correspondence content; organization of staff training; choice of methods to solve complex problems of state border security; to know English at the level of the Standardized language level CMP2.
Each student has opportunity to improve their knowledge according to individual academic mobility. There are agreements between higher educational establishments of Ukraine and within the international credit mobility in Poland.
Educational programme include mandatory educational components such as “Scientific bases of management”, “Psychology in professional activity”, “Foreign language for professional purposes” and professional component - “Operational and service activities of the SBGS”, “Management of daily activities”, “Tactics and operational art”, “Tactics of service branches and combat support”, “Practical training”, etc.
There are various definitions that describe the term curriculum: subjects that will be taught, the identified “mission” of the school, and the knowledge and skills that the school expects successful students to acquire; lessons that arise from the culture of the school and the behaviours, attitudes, and expectations that characterize that culture, the unintended curriculum; things which students learn; all the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside of school [27]. Also, it does not just include the physical environment of the school, but the relationships formed or not formed between students and other students or even students and teachers [28].
In order to provide ability to communicate English, “Foreign language for professional purposes” is taught and is mandatory educational component.
The purpose of Curriculum “Foreign language for professional purposes” is professional foreign communicative competence formation. Students are taught on a communicative basis. In the process of achieving the learning goal, the comprehensive implementation of educational goals is envisaged. This course is directly related to the theoretical and practical disciplines studied at the Academy.
The objective of the discipline is to prepare students for foreign language communication in English in their professional activities.
Content of the discipline embodies such themes as “Activities of the SBGS, “European integrated border management”, “NATO Joint Armed Forces”.
Planned educational activities are practical classes - 44 hours, final control - 2 hours, individual work - 18 hours, self-guided work - 26 hours; total - 90 hours.
Forms (methods) of foreign language (English) learning are carried out during practical classes under the guidance of an instructor, during individual assignments and during independent work of students. The teaching methodology is based on the system-activity approach and professionally- oriented training, differentiation of language activities into the main types: oral speaking, reading, translation, writing, listening, their optimal ratio, situational and role-based learning activities, and intensive integrated use of technical teaching devices.
Teaching oral communication is carried out by performing a number of exercises, modelling situations, from elementary statements to participation in a conversation in service activity situations. The study of grammar should ensure the development of skills in the use of grammatical forms in speech. When studying vocabulary, it is advisable to emphasize synonymous word combinations and word-forming elements that contribute to the expansion of students' vocabulary.
In the course of self-guided work, students perform exercises to master and consolidate lexical and grammatical material and improve speech skills and oral communication skills.
Forms of assessment of learning outcomes are oral examination, written examination, testing.
To achieve the program learning outcomes of the discipline, the student must: speak a foreign language at the Standardized Language Level CMR2 according to the STANAG 6001 testing criteria. Bloom's taxonomy levels are:
Knowledge: to reproduce simple grammatical structures according to a model; to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words by context or word-forming elements; to make a list of synonymous terms.
Comprehension (understanding concepts): to build different types of sentences; to read, translate and discuss simple texts with factual information of a professional nature.
Application: to apply skills and abilities of professional communication; to use the learned terminology, grammatical structures and professional knowledge to solve problems that may arise in a professional environment; to use compensatory means and the most common grammatical structures and lexical items in communication.
Analysis: to analyse and compare information, logical understanding of context; make conclusions from the reading, highlight the main idea.
Synthesis: to summarize the content of the read information, identify keywords and terms; compile data from several sources to prepare an oral or written professional report.
Assessment: to recommend a foreigner an algorithm of actions to solve a problematic situation arising in a professional situation; to make a conclusion based on information obtained by interviewing a foreign citizen and processing other information sources; to argue the decision made in English to solve a problematic professional situation.
The program of the academic discipline includes Theme 1 “Activities of the SBGSU”: State territory and the State border of Ukraine, Structure of the SBGSU, Main tasks of the border guard detachment, Border Guard Service Body - the main unit of the border guard detachment, Fundamentals of border representative work in the SBGSU, Working out of planning documents for border representative activity, Border regime, Assessment of threats and risks in the area of responsibility of the border unit, Activities of the border guard detachment, Powers of the Border Guard Service Division and its structural units; Theme 2 “European integrated border management”: Integrated Border Management Strategy, Principles and Levels of Integrated Border Management, Schengen Border Code, FRONTEX, EUROSUR, ICMPD, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, EUBAM, Integrated Border Management, External Borders of the EU, Border Management System, Cooperation between the SBGSU and the Border Guard Agency of Moldova; Theme 3 “NATO Allied Force”: History and Present of NATO, Basic Principles of NATO, Humanitarian Aid, Conducting a Management Meeting, Foreign Base of a Peacekeeping Mission, Service Abroad, Graphic Design of NATO Documents, Modern Representative of an International Peacekeeping Mission.
Usually the lesson includes five-stage plan: introduction, input, practice, production and conclusion [2], [12].
Training is finished with examination, the aim of which is to determine the knowledge provided by the curriculum; to obtain information to optimize the students' learning experience and improve the methodology of conducting training sessions.
The knowledge of the discipline is tested in the form of an oral examination after appropriate preparation of the students on three practical tasks: lexical and grammatical test, reading and translation of the text, discussion on the topic.
Evaluation criteria are:
Vocabulary and grammar test (“excellent” - if there are 90 % of correct answers, “good” - if there are 80 % of correct answers, “satisfactory” - if there are 60 % of correct answers, “unsatisfactory” - if there are less than 60 % of correct answers.
Reading and translation of a text from English into Ukrainian: (“excellent” - pronunciation, reading technique and oral communication meet all the requirements. There are variety of language tools and their correct use, the accuracy of the presentation of the factual material with the main details. The translation is adequate with the use of grammatical and lexical transformations. The content of the text is conveyed competently, clearly and objectively, without repetition. A small number of minor errors are allowed; “good” - pronunciation, reading technique and oral communication meet all the requirements but are somewhat slow. The choice of language tools is somewhat limited, but their use is correct. Speaking rate is slightly slow. The translation is adequate with the use of grammatical and lexical transformations. The content of the text is conveyed in general competently, clearly and objectively, but with minor errors of a semantic nature. There are some minor errors, as well as omissions of certain facts that are not very important; “satisfactory” - pronunciation, reading and speaking techniques do not fully meet the requirements. There are inaccuracies in the translation of vocabulary and grammatical structures. Speaking is slow. The content of the text is conveyed in general terms. Errors are made, including serious ones, and certain facts are omitted; “unsatisfactory” - pronunciation, reading technique and oral communication do not meet the requirements. There are weak oral communication skills. Translation of the text is inadequate. There are serious lexical errors.
Discussion on the topic (“excellent” - the answer meets all the requirements. Pronunciation, speed of speech, and mastery of lexical and grammatical material are at a high level. There is expedient use of language, skilful expression of thought and mastery of factual material, as well as foreign language tools within the scope of the topic studied. There are some caveats and errors, but they are minor; “good” - the answer meets the requirements. Pronunciation, speed of speech and command of lexical and grammatical material are sufficient. The use of language tools and mastery of factual material in English within the studied topic is somewhat limited, but their use is correct. A small number of minor errors are made. The speed of speech is slightly slower; “satisfactory” - the answer does not fully meet the requirements. Pronunciation, speed of speech, and mastery of lexical and grammatical material are limited. The use of language tools and mastery of factual material in English within the scope of the subject matter studied is at a low level. Errors are made in the process of oral communication; “unsatisfactory” - the answer does not meet the requirements. Pronunciation, speed of speech, and mastery of lexical and grammatical material are at a low level. The use of language tools and mastery of factual material in English within the scope of the subject matter studied is at a low level. There are insufficient oral communication skills with a large number of big errors).
The overall grade for the credit is based on three assessments: a vocabulary and grammar test, reading and translation of a text, and discussion on the topic, which are taken into account equally: “5” - if all grades are “5” or two grades are “5” and one is “4”; “4” - if no more than one grade is “3” in some grades, and the rest are “5” and “4”; “3” - if there is no more than one “2” grade among the grades; “2” - if two out of three grades are “2”.
We have analysed peculiarities and objectives of the Educational programme “State Border Security” for the second level of higher education, specified Curriculum “Foreign language for professional purposes” and have concluded that training develops a highly qualified border guard officer of operational and tactical level, who can solve problems on the state border security in the area of responsibility and can make decisions on situation. Also professional communicative competence in English, which involves the study of such aspects of language as speaking, reading, translating, listening and writing is formed in order to use it in the performance of official duties during the protection of the state border.
Further investigations include study of peculiarities of the Educational programme “Law enforcement activity” for the second (Master's) level of higher education.
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1. King N. et. al. (2004). Campaign. English for the military. MACMILLAN Education. [in English]
2. Lemeshko O. et. al. (2020). An Analysis of Proposed ESP Teaching Activities in Border Guard Automobile Transport Masters Training. Universal Journal of Educational Research, no. 8(6), pp. 2296-2304. [in English]
3. Lemeshko O. et. al. (2019). Peculiarities of the English Language Training of Military Administration Masters. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensional, no. 11(2), pp. 160-179. [in English]
4. Bielousova R. (2020). On the Issue of Adapting Materials for the English for Specific Purposes Online Course. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensional, no. 12(1), pp. 60-76. [in English]
5. Day J., Krzanowski M. (2011). Teaching English for specific purposes: An introduction. Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press. [in English]
6. Dmitrenko N. et. al. (2020). Autonomous ESP Learning of Prospective Teachers of Mathematics. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, no. 12(1), pp. 86-104. [in English]
7. Dudley-Evans T. & St John M. J. (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes: A multi-disciplinary approach. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. [in English]
8. Hutchinson T. & Waters A. (1987). English for specific purposes. Cambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press. [in English]
9. Rackeviciene S, Januleviciene V, Mockiene L. (2019). English for specific purposes and the second foreign language: reaching beyond language training in philology study programme. The journal of teaching English for specific and academic purposes, no. 7(2), pp. 13-146. [in English]
10. Wozniak M. (2017). ESP in CLIL degree programmes. ESP Today - Journal of English for Specific Purposes at Tertiary Level, no. 5(2), pp. 244-265. [in English]
11. Hyland K. (2000). Disciplinary discourses: Social interactions in academic writing. Harlow : Longman. [in English]
12. Lemeshko O. et. al. (2021). Development of the National Security Masters' Communicative Language Ability. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidi- mensionala, no. 13(2), pp. 340-355. [in English]
13. Zhytska S. (2014). Training military institutions cadets for professional communicative activities with the help of task-based learning. Advanced Education, no. 1, pp. 13-20. [in English]
14. Zukova M. (2016). Towards a systematised English language training for border guards. Border Security and Management, no. 1(6), pp. 136-145. [in English]
15. Baker W. (2010). Effects of Age and Experience on the Production of English Word-Final Stops by Korean Speakers. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, no. 13(03), pp. 263-278. [in English]
16. Cohen A. (2004). Relevence Theory, Action Theory and Second Language Communication Strategies. Second Language Research, no. 20(3), pp. 289-302. [in English]
17. Ellis R. (1994). The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford : OUP. [in English]
18. Hatar C., Grofcikova S. (2016). Foreign Language Education of Seniors. Journal of Language and Cultural Education, no. 4(1), pp. 158-179. [in English]
19. Linda Z. Drumm (2001). Considering culture in the selection of teaching approaches for adult. Eric clearinghouse on adult. Career and vocational education. [in English]
20. Huang Jinqi (2005). Developing intercultural strategic competence in oral English teaching school of foreign languages. Southwsat-China normal university press. [in English]
21. Hwang G. & Chang H. (2011). A formative assessment-based mobile learning approach to improving the learning attitudes and achievements of students. Computers & Education, no. 56(4), pp. 1023-1031. [in English]
22. Arno-Macia E. & Mancho-Bares G. (2015). The role of content and language in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) at university: Challenges and implications for ESP. English for specific purposes, no. 37, pp. 63-73. [in English]
23. Brown H. (1994). Principle of Language Learning and Teaching. Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall. [in English]
24. Lubina B., Kulenovic B., Lumezi M. (2015). Creating a business English course book for academic needs: challenges and solutions. Proceedings of the 17th EBES Conference - Venice Proceeding CD Volume, pp. 1195-1210. [in English]
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