Emotional competence of a teacher of a higher education institution under martial law
Motivational, cognitive, activity, and personal components of the emotional competence of a teacher of higher education in the conditions of martial law. Problems of higher education, legislative documents on the support of higher education institutions.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 23,6 K |
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Emotional competence of a teacher of a higher education institution under martial law
Inna Voitsikh, PhD (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof.
Khmelnytsky Institute of Social Technologiesof the University of "Ukraine", Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Olha Polevyk, PhD (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof.
Khmelnytsky Institute of Social Technologies of the University of "Ukraine", Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Background. The article deals with the issues of developing and maintaining the emotional competence of a higher education institution teacher under martial law. A list of problems in the field of higher education that arose during the period of martial law is provided, and legislative documents on support of higher education institutions in wartime are described.
It is noted that before a teacher can provide psychological assistance to one of his/her students, he/she must first learn to help himself/herself.
The article focuses on the conditions of martial law in Ukraine from 2022 to the present, and accordingly, higher education is facing realities in which each teacher must be competent not only in their field but also in providing various types of assistance to students, including first aid and psychological support. Under martial law, teachers must also become emotionally competent, which is what we will discuss in this article.
In the activities of a modern teacher and psychologist, the professionally significant integral quality is "emotional competence", which helps them to carry out effective interpersonal interaction, communication, personal development and health maintenance. This will help both the teacher and his/her professional activity.
To outline the requirements for teachers and their necessary skills in the provision of educational services in face-to-face, distance and blended learning formats. To analyse the latest research on the problem of teacher's emotional competence under martial law. To substantiate the need for teachers to have this competence in accordance with the current conditions, in particular, with the continuation of the pandemic and the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into the territory of Ukraine.
A comprehensive analysis of the emotional competence of a teacher of a higher education institution under martial law.
Results. The article describes the structural components of the emotional competence of a teacher of a higher education institution under martial law. They include motivational, cognitive, activity and personal components.
Conclusions . Each component of the emotional competence of a teacher of a higher education institution is revealed in the conditions of martial law.
Keywords: emotional competence, emotional intellect, the pedagogue of higher educational institution, pedagogical activity in conditions of martial law.
Вступ . Розглядаються питання розвитку та підтримки емоційної компетентності викладача закладу вищої освіти в умовах воєнного стану. Подано перелік проблем у сфері вищої освіти, що виникли в період воєнного стану, описано законодавчі документи щодо підтримки закладів вищої освіти в період воєнного часу.
Зазначається, що перш ніж викладач зможе надати психологічну допомогу одному зі своїх студентів, він повинен навчитися допомагати собі сам.
Акцентовано увагу на умовах воєнного стану, у якому перебуває Україна з 2022 р. дотепер, відповідно вища освіта стикається з реаліями, у яких кожен викладач має бути компетентним не лише у своїй сфері, а й у наданні різних видів допомоги студентам, зокрема першої медичної допомоги та психологічної підтримки. В умовах воєнного стану педагог має стати ще й емоційно компетентним.
У діяльності сучасного педагога та психолога професійно значущою інтегральною якістю є "емоційна компетентність", яка допомагає йому здійснювати ефективну міжособистісну взаємодію, спілкування, особистісний розвиток і збереження здоров'я. Це допоможе як самому педагогу, так і його професійній діяльності.
Окреслено вимоги до викладачів і їхні необхідні навички в наданні освітніх послуг в очній, дистанційній і змішаній формах навчання. Проаналізовано новітні дослідження проблеми емоційної компетентності вчителя в умовах воєнного стану. Обґрунтовано необхідність володіння педагогами цією компетенцією відповідно до сучасних умов, зокрема, продовження пандемії та повномасштабного вторгнення Російської Федерації на територію України.
Результати . Описано структурні компоненти емоційної компетентності викладача закладу вищої освіти в умовах воєнного стану. Вони включають мотиваційний, когнітивний, діяльнісний і особистісний компоненти.
Висновки. Кожна складова емоційної компетентності викладача закладу вищої освіти виявляється в умовах воєнного стану.
Ключові слова: емоційна компетентність, емоційний інтелект, викладач закладу вищої освіти, педагогічна діяльність в умовах воєнного стану.
emotional competence teacher
An analysis of the experience of educational systems in many countries shows that one of the ways to update the content of education is to align it with the needs of integration into the global educational space. The concepts of competence and competence are the central categories of the competence-based approach in education, which are being developed and considered in a variety of ways in pedagogical science.
Literature review. Among the many concepts that characterise the processes and effectiveness of recognising and identifying patterns of expression of emotions, emotional states and feelings of a person in interpersonal communication, emotional competence is distinguished (Voitsikh, 2013). It is also attributed to those personality qualities that improve this recognition, thereby influencing the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction and further communication.
Various global crises of the XXIst century, such as the coronavirus pandemic and Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, have shaken our mental health. Many people have lost their social and communication skills, and openly talking about their feelings in live meetings seems like something long forgotten. Background anxiety affects all the processes in the body that we often ignore, that there are external things that need to be done to bring victory closer.
Before a teacher can provide psychological help to one of the students, he or she must first help himself or herself. After all, having learnt to help themselves, they will be able to help others. Being aware of what is happening to us gives us control and the ability to act more effectively. And having the knowledge and ability to self-regulate, it is possible to support another person. It will be easier for psychologists and teachers to work with millions of Ukrainians, some of whom will develop emotional competence skills.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Unfortunately, the problem of studying the emotional competence of a teacher of a higher education institution under martial law has been studied by few people over the past year. On the Internet, you can find the topic of trainings at advanced training courses, webinars on this topic. You can also find pedagogical readings in the educational field under the general theme: "Problems of emotional recovery of participants in the educational process under martial law". For example, Doctor of Philosophy M. Skladanovska proposes to consider in her presentation "psychological problems of students and teachers under martial law".
Scientific articles and advice from psychologists address the components of emotional competence, such as: recognising one's own emotions during martial law, recognising the emotions of others during martial law, controlling the emotions of others during martial law, and controlling emotions during martial law. This information was also disseminated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Presentation of the main research material.
War is stressful for all age groups, including teachers and students. The feeling of danger, anxiety, disruption of the usual state of affairs, constant changes and movements - all this causes discomfort and changes in the usual everyday life that existed before the war. If there is someone nearby, someone who can provide psychological or emotional support, this is the main thing that everyone needs today. Teachers of the higher education institution are adapting to the requirements of today - they work in full-time and remote mode, in a modular environment, sometimes without electricity and the Internet. During air raids, they act quickly on instructions, accompany students to the shelter and spend time with them there. After the drill is over, they set themselves and the students up again and continue with the classroom. All of this requires a highly organised teacher, stress resistance, the ability to make quick decisions, the ability to provide psychological and emotional assistance to students in different conditions, self-help training, and the availability of updated emotional competence of Higher education teachers.
Active hostilities throughout Ukraine, which have been ongoing since 24 February 2022 as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation, have created a number of problems in the field of higher education, one of which is ensuring the stability and continuity of the educational process. It has been established that the peculiarity of the state of the territory in relation to the course of hostilities has begun to play a key role for both those who teach (higher education institution) and those who learn, and in this regard, for the subjects of the educational process, we propose to distinguish
1) the government-controlled territory of Ukraine;
2) temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine;
3) the zone of active hostilities;
4) the territory of other countries.
For each of these positions, ensuring the stability of the uninterrupted educational process in the field of higher education in the conditions of war has its own peculiarities. Thus, in the government-controlled territory of Ukraine, it is recommended to conduct the educational process in the following forms: full-time, mixed or distance learning. The choice of the form of education is directly related to the ability to ensure the safety of the subjects of the educational process. Therefore, distance learning is becoming the dominant form of education. Despite all the advantages of distance learning, it is not able to fully ensure the stability and continuity of education in times of war. The main risks at the time of classes are: lack of access to the Internet; lack of electricity; air raids and the need to move to a shelter; lack of access to a computer; urgent evacuation in case of active hostilities, etc.
In the case of the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and the areas of active hostilities, it should be noted that many higher education institutions have already changed their location and moved to the territory controlled by Ukraine in order to ensure stability and continuity of the educational process. In particular, Donetsk University of Internal Affairs moved to Kropyvnytskyi from Mariupol and Donetsk Medical University from Kramatorsk. The Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs moved to Kamianets- Podilskyi in Khmelnytskyi region, and the Kherson National Technical University moved to Khmelnytskyi.
Another feature of education is that, as a result of the hostilities, more than 20,000 school leavers are currently completing their studies at Ukrainian educational institutions remotely, temporarily living abroad in 23 EU countries. At the same time, they plan not only to complete their studies, but also expressed a desire to take entrance exams to Ukrainian higher education institutions remotely.
Thus, certain problems arise that need to be addressed immediately. This situation has forced the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, educational managers, and civil society to look for prompt solutions on how to organise the educational process for students in their places of residence and evacuation, when to end the academic year, how to assess students and issue them with educational documents, how to ensure remuneration for employees of educational institutions, how to provide psychological support, etc. Unquestioningly help both the university's academic staff and the students themselves. Every teacher should be competent not only in his or her own field, but also in providing various types of assistance to students, including first aid and psychological support. Under martial law, a teacher must also become emotionally competent, which is what we will discuss in this article.
In the activity of a modern teacher and psychologist, the professionally significant integral quality is "emotional competence", which helps him/her to carry out effective interpersonal interaction, communication, personal development and health. This will help both the teacher and his/her professional activity.
The concept of "emotional competence" came into scientific use
in the 90s of the twentieth century in studies of those areas that concerned communication between people. Scientists consider the concept of "emotional competence" in close connection with the concept of "emotional intelligence". American psychologists P. Selloway and
J. Meyer, who began using this concept in the early 1990s, believe that emotional intelligence contains four components, namely: identification of emotions, enhancing thinking through emotions, understanding emotions and managing emotions (Voitsikh, 2015). Subsequently, R. BarOn proposed a mixed model of emotional intelligence, where "emotional intelligence" is interpreted as a set of mental and personal qualities that includes five components: selfknowledge, interpersonal skills, adaptive abilities, stress management, and dominance of a positive mood.
D. Goleman, a representative of the mixed model of emotional intelligence, believes that emotional competence has two components: personal and social. In the personal component, D. Goleman distinguishes
• self-understanding, which implies knowledge of one's own states, preferences, resources and intuition, as well as emotional understanding - understanding of one's emotions and their consequences, adequate self-esteem (knowledge of one's own strengths and capabilities) and self-confidence - correct assessment of one's own abilities;
• self-regulation, i.e. the ability to manage one's internal states, impulses, resources, exercise self-control (control over destructive emotions and impulses), be reliable (committed to the norms of honour and honesty), conscientious (responsible for one's actions), adaptable (flexible when changes are needed), open to new things (ready to work with new information and new approaches);
• motivation, in particular, emotional tendencies that drive or facilitate the achievement of goals; it can be an achievement motive (desire to improve or to be better), commitment (dedication to the goals of the group or organisation), initiative (willingness to use all opportunities), optimism (persistence in achieving a goal despite obstacles and setbacks) (Voitsikh, 2013).
In the social component, the researcher identifies:
• empathy - sensitivity to the feelings, needs and concerns of others, including understanding others (receptivity to the feelings and views of others, active interest in their concerns), promoting their development (receptivity to the developmental needs of others and support for their abilities), service orientation (understanding and meeting the needs of others), using diversity (providing favourable opportunities for different people), political sensitivity (understanding of power relations and emotional preferences in the group);
• social skills - the ability to elicit desired responses from others, including persuasion (mastery of effective persuasive tactics), communication (open listening and convincing feedback), conflict resolution (disagreement), leadership (managing individuals and groups), initiating or managing change, collaboration (working together for a common goal), teamwork (ensuring group interaction to achieve a common goal) (Voitsikh, 2015).
Let us turn to the basic concepts of our research. Thus, the concept of competence comes from the Latin competencia and means a range of issues in which a person is well versed, has knowledge and experience. A person's possession of the relevant competence is denoted by the term "competence". If competence is a predefined norm of educational training, then competence is a personality quality that is necessary for high-quality productive activity in a particular field.
The main feature of competence as a pedagogical phenomenon is that competence is not specific subject skills, abstract general thinking or logical operations (although, of course, it is based on the latter), but specific life skills necessary for a person of any profession, of any age (Voitsikh, 2013).
In the explanatory dictionary of information and pedagogical technologies, the concept of "competence" is defined as follows: "it is a level of education characterised by the ability to perform in various spheres of life on the basis of theoretical knowledge" (Krupskyi, & Mykhailevych, 2010). In the latest psychological dictionary, the concept of "competence" (Latin competents - appropriate, capable) is interpreted as a psychosocial quality that means strength and confidence that comes from a sense of self-success and usefulness, which gives a person an awareness of his/her ability to interact effectively with others.
I. Matiikiv in the context of the studied issue "emotional competence of a specialist in the field of «person-to- person»" notes that it consists in his/her conscious readiness to implement emotional competences necessary for the effective implementation of professional activities and solving social problems. Based on the theoretical analysis and the results of an experimental study, the author developed a list of intrapersonal and interpersonal emotional competences of a specialist in the "person-to- person" professions (Matiikiv, 2012).
Experienced staff development coach M. Reynolds considers emotional competence as an indicator of optimal organisational management, which in general has a positive impact on organisational culture (Voitsikh, 2013). In her opinion, "one of the main reasons why people strive to become emotionally competent is to be able to achieve the desired results in communicating with other people. In order to become emotionally competent, the author suggests practicing techniques that will help you live in the present, identify your emotions, determine the source of emotions, and be able to choose the most appropriate type of response.
К. Saarni introduces the concept of "emotional competence" in the context of developmental psychology, which is seen as a unity of three aspects: "I"-identity, character and developmental history. The set of abilities or skills, according to K. Saarni, includes the following:
• wareness of one's own emotional states;
• the ability to discern the emotions of others;
• the ability to use emotions and forms of expression accepted in a given culture (or subculture), and at more mature stages to learn cultural scripts and link emotions to social roles;
• the ability to sympathetically and empathically engage in the experiences of others;
• the ability to recognise that the internal emotional state does not necessarily correspond to the external expression of the individual and others, and in more mature stages, the ability to understand how the expression of one's own emotions affects others and to take this into account in one's own behaviour;
• the ability to cope with their negative experiences using self-regulation strategies that minimise the intensity or duration of such experiences (relieve the "severity of the experience");
• awareness that the structure or nature of relationships is largely determined by the way emotions are expressed in relationships: immediacy, authenticity of expression, emotional reciprocity or symmetry in relationships;
• the ability to be emotionally adequate, i.e. to understand one's own emotions, however unique or culturally determined they may be, and to be consistent with one's own perceptions of one's own emotional balance.
Given the specifics of a psychologist's work, we are close to the view of I. Andreeva, who defines emotional competence as: "a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow making adequate decisions and acting on the basis of the results of intellectual processing of external and internal emotional information". Such an interpretation is quite thorough to ensure effective interpersonal interaction of a psychologist, because the emotional competence of a future psychologist involves the formation of such a set of knowledge, skills and abilities (Voitsikh, 2013).
In turn, V. Zarytska and V. Borysenko have their own opinion and believe that "emotional competence" is the ability of a person to use emotional intelligence (emotional abilities) in life in general and professional activity in particular. The researchers note that an emotionally competent person is able to express feelings clearly and directly, explain non-verbal signals; is not afraid to express uncertainty or fears; is able to control emotions, excitement, recognise hidden emotions of others; is careful and tactful in expressing emotions; balances feelings with reason; is independent and confident in what and how he or she says or acts; is optimistic (Zarytska, & Borysenko, 2016).
In her dissertation, the researcher O. Lioshenko characterised the psychological factors of emotional competence of a personality and revealed their features depending on the level of personal self-actualisation. She believes that it is through the specifics of the combination of factors and features of self-actualisation that it is possible to study the profiles of emotional competence of individuals with different levels of self-actualisation and determine the typology of emotional competence (Lioshenko, 2013).
Based on the established theories of the concept of competence and the idea of its structure, which is determined by the essence of the concept of "emotional competence", we distinguish motivational, cognitive, activity and personal components in the structure of this personal property. We present their characteristics in accordance with the current requirements for a teacher of a higher education institution under martial law.
The basis of the motivational component of emotional competence is the motivational and goal substructure of the personality, which implies a formed positive motivation for professional activity, for the provision of educational services, acceptance of oneself and others. It is equally important to support the motivational potential of teachers of higher education institutions under martial law, because by working on their own motivation, teachers help students to study motivatedly in such conditions. It is necessary to hold educational hours and consultations to support the spirit of Ukrainians, including students, and their desire to study in such a difficult time for everyone.
For the proper professional realisation of a psychologist, I. Hrytsiuk notes that several motives of professional activity are important, in particular:
• motives for their own work;
• motives of social significance of work;
• motives of self-affirmation in work;
• motives of professional skills (Hrytsiuk, 2009).
The cognitive component of the emotional competence of a teacher of a higher education institution includes knowledge about the emotional competence of a teacher and its manifestations in professional activity, awareness of the peculiarities of identifying the emotions of other people, knowledge about emotions and their manifestations in oneself and students, about feelings and their causes, about the peculiarities of non-verbal communication, etc. Nowadays, more than ever, teachers often encounter new manifestations of their own emotional state and the state of students. Unusual types of reactions appear during learning, in particular during air raids, worrying about loved ones, during distance and blended learning, etc. This component plays an important role in the use of knowledge, skills and abilities to act appropriately in the process of interpersonal interaction.
Knowledge of psychological protection mechanisms, means of self-regulation and self-help, etc. is also important (Panok, 1999), as well as other legislative and regulatory acts (Voitsikh, 2013; Panok, 1999) and documents on education and upbringing of children and youth under martial law.
The leading place in the cognitive component of emotional competence is occupied by the desire and ability of a higher education teacher to acquire new knowledge independently and work individually, to develop themselves in accordance with the new requirements of the time.
Teachers who aim to improve their work and successful interaction with students should constantly update their knowledge of "emotional competence", its manifestations in professional activities, study methods, forms, technologies of managing their emotions and the emotions of others and, on this basis, build interaction with people and the world around them.
An equally important component of the cognitive component of teachers' emotional competence is emotional intelligence. Teachers with a high level of emotional intelligence are well aware of and distinguish between their own emotions and the feelings of other people, and can effectively manage their own emotional sphere and the emotional sphere of others. In society and at work, their behaviour is more adaptive, and they achieve their goals more easily in interaction with other people.
In turn, the activity component of emotional competence is a set of skills, abilities to act on the basis of intellectual processing of internal and external information in interpersonal relationships, which are actualised in the process of practical activity of the teacher and making final decisions.
Thus, we refer to the activity component in wartime conditions:
• the ability to recognise that the structure and nature of relationships is largely determined by the way emotions are expressed in those relationships;
• the ability to manage their emotions during their work, in particular with students;
• ability to adequately express emotions in pedagogical activities;
• the ability to overcome their negative experiences using self-regulation strategies;
• possession and application of the necessary knowledge about the age, physiological, gender, social, cultural, religious, national characteristics of students, the ability to take into account the manifestations of their emotions and levels of experience;
• mastery of psychological defence skills;
• ability to resist emotional attack;
• ability to adequately perceive stressful and emotionally difficult situations;
• ability to recognise students' emotions (at the verbal and non-verbal level);
• ability to channel students' emotions in a constructive way;
• to the extent possible, the ability to help students recognise and manage their own emotions and feelings, or to recommend seeking psychological help;
• the ability to help students learn to master self-regulation, use the necessary mechanisms of psychological protection, and contribute to the improvement of emotional competence.
The formation of the activity component of the emotional competence of higher education teachers contributes to their mobility in the process of performing professional functions due to a set of skills and abilities to act on the basis of the results of intellectual processing of external and internal emotional information.
The personal component is particularly important in the structure of emotional competence. It is the core of emotional competence and covers a set of psychological and professionally important qualities of a higher education teacher that affect the effectiveness of performing professional tasks. In this context, the personal maturity of a higher education teacher is particularly important, as it is part of the model of his/her professionally significant qualities.
Discussion and conclusions
Thus, the actualised emotional competence of a teacher of a higher education institution can serve as an indicator of his/her mental health, manifestation of the ability to provide emotional support to other participants in the pedagogical process and students in martial law. To develop and maintain it, it is necessary to constantly improve, study Ukrainian and foreign experience of supporting Ukrainians at all levels of social relations.
This study does not exhaust all aspects of the problem. Further attention needs to be paid to the study of professionally significant characteristics of teachers' emotional competence in the fields of knowledge, the study of teachers' personal emotional readiness to provide psychological assistance to students, as well as the peculiarities of developing the necessary skills and abilities - components of teachers' emotional competence in the system of in-service training.
emotional competence teacher
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