The essence and peculiarities of the content of professional competence of officers – specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work

Concept of professional competence of officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work. The principles of formation of all components of this competence, taking into account the requirements of the Ministry of Education.

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Дата добавления 21.07.2024
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Military academy

The essence and peculiarities of the content of professional competence of officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work

Danylo Sharshatkin,

senior lecturer at the department of organization of intelligence and information work and technical means of intelligence,



The professional competence of officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work - is a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities that allow them to effectively perform tasks of collecting, analyzing and processing information in the interests of security and protection of national interests. This competence consists of various components that cover technical, social and psychological aspects.

The structure of professional competence of officers in the field of intelli - gence and information work should include technical knowledge, analy - tical skills, communication skills, leadership skills and ethical standards.

The formation of all components of the professional competence of future officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work involves high-quality professional training in higher military educational institutions, taking into account the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to the content of educational and professional programs and the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in terms of the general level of training of officers.

The structure of professional competence takes into account various aspects and requirements related to the professional competence of officers in the field of intelligence and information work. At the same time, under the legal regime of martial law, the scope of functions assigned to officers of this specialty is significantly increasing, as military functions have been actualized, in particular, planning, organizing and conducting the main types of combined arms battle, organizing the main types of combat support of the unit, countering the enemy in the case of attacks or sabotage, use of firepower available to reconnaissance units, support of servicemen's vital functions in autonomous conditions in various physical and geographical conditions during combat missions, etc.

The effective formation of professional competence to future officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work in higher military educational institutions involves taking into account a number of organizational and pedagogical conditions that cover aspects of content, practical activities, exchange of experience and involvement in research.

Keywords: professional competence; specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work; intelligence; content; future officers; cadets.


Шаршаткін Д.

Сутність й особливості змісту професійної компетентності офіцерів - фахівців з організації розвідувально-інформаційної роботи

Професійна компетентність офіцерів - фахівців з організації розвідувально-інформаційної роботи - це сукупність знань, умінь, навичок та особистих якостей, які дозволяють ефективно виконувати завдання зі збирання, аналізування та оброблення інформації в інтересах безпеки та захисту національних інтересів. Ця компетентність поєднує різні компоненти, які охоплюють технічні, соціальні та психологічні аспекти. У структурі професійної компетентності офіцерів у сфері розвідувально-інформаційної роботи доцільно виокремити технічні знання, аналітичні навички, комунікативні навички, лідерські якості та етичні стандарти.

Формування всіх компонентів професійної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів - фахівців з організації розвідувально-інформаційної роботи передбачає якісну професійну підготовку у вищих військових навчальних закладах з урахуванням вимог Міністерства освіти і науки України до змісту освітньо-професійних програм і вимог Міністерства оборони України в частині загального рівня підготовки офіцерів.

Структура професійної компетентності враховує різноманітні аспекти та вимоги, які стосуються професійної компетентності офіцерів у сфері розвідувально-інформаційної роботи. Разом з тим, в умовах правового режиму воєнного стану обсяг функцій, що покладаються на офіцерів цієї спеціальності, суттєво збільшуються, оскільки актуалізувалися функції військового спрямування, зокрема планування, організація та ведення основних видів загальновійськового бою, організація основних видів бойового забезпечення підрозділу, протидія противнику в разі нападу чи диверсій, застосування вогневих засобів, що є на озброєнні розвідувальних підрозділів, підтримка життєдіяльності військовослужбовців в автономних умовах у різних фізико-географічних умовах під час виконання бойових завдань тощо.

Ефективне формування професійної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів - фахівців з організації розвідувально-інформаційної роботи в умовах вищих військових навчальних закладів передбачає урахування певних організаційних і педагогічних умов, які охоплюють аспекти змісту, практичної діяльності, обміну досвідом та залучення до проведення наукових досліджень.

Ключові слова: професійна компетентність; фахівці з організації розвідувально-інформаційної роботи; розвідка; зміст; майбутні офіцери; курсанти.

Main part

professional competence intelligence officer

Conducting successful and effective actions in combat conditions depends on information about the enemy, its forces, means and the nature of its probable actions. To obtain this information, there is one of the most important types of combat support for troops - intelligence. This is a type of combat support, which is a set of measures taken by commanders, staffs and units to obtain intelligence about the enemy and the terrain in the area of future operations, necessary for the preparation and successful conduct of combat (operations). The main efforts of intelligence are focused on providing commanders with timely intelligence information necessary for the effective use of units, as well as on preventing the enemy from taking unexpected actions.

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (hereinafter - AFU), in particular officers - specialists in information and analytical activities, who perform the functions of organizing intelligence and information work in military units (subdivisions), are currently performing professional functions in extremely difficult conditions. The professional activity is influenced by such factors as conducting military operations against russian units and subunits in the northern, eastern and southern oblasts of Ukraine, the constant risk of armed invasion from the belarusian border, regular attempts to destabilize the situation in the frontline and rear areas, subversive hostile activities, collaboration of individuals in the interests of the enemy-aggressor, etc. These and other factors determine the need for effective professional training of officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work. The results of their activities affect the security of servicemen, units and subunits, as well as gaining an advantage over the enemy in the areas of permanent deployment and combat operations by obtaining intelligence through various methods of collecting information, accumulating, structuring and analyzing it.

Problem statement. The relevance of the research topic is also reinforced by the empirical results of the analysis of the quality and effectiveness of professional training of future officers - specialists in information and analytical activities. The results of the pilot study allowed us to conclude that its participants (senior cadets and graduate officers) do not always have a sufficient level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to solve specialized tasks and practical problems in the course of performing tasks of supporting troops (forces), including the organization of intelligence and information work, in order to act effectively in different conditions. In the process of professional training of future officers - specialists in information and analytical activities there have also been identified the contradictions:

between the content of the requirements of regulatory and legal documents on the quality of professional training of officers - specialists in information and analytical activities according to new standards in the conditions of service and combat activities, on the one hand, and the state of educational and methodological support for the implementation of these requirements, on the other;

between the potential capabilities of the educational and instructional material and the scientific and pedagogical potential of higher education institutions for the effective formation of officers' professional competence and the insufficient use of these capabilities in practice in the context of reforming the military education system;

between the need to rapidly modernize the content of military education to meet today's challenges and the slow updating of the content, forms and methods that form professional, military professional and military specialty competencies in the specialization;

==between the need to introduce leadership L-courses of the tactical level of military education (L-1A, L-1B, L-1C, L-2) and the lack of readiness of the teaching staff to teach them at the level determined by NATO standards.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of professional training of future officers in higher military educational institutions, the formation and development of their professional and personal qualities and the acquisition of general, professional, military professional and military special competencies defined by educational and professional programs have been repeatedly the subject of Ukrainian scholars, such as А. Balendr [1], І. Bloshchynskyi [2], A. Halimov [3], O. Maslii [4], O. To - richnyi [5], V. Ryzhykov [6], V. Yahupov [7]. In the context of the study, the research of military scientists and pedagogues is of special interest, in particular the works by S. Biliavets [8], O. Didenko [9], V. Miroshnichenko [10], O. Stavytskyi [10], O. Torichnyi [11], S. Shumovetska [12] and others, who examine the theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of future officers and servicemen of the security and defense sector forces. Some problems of professional training of future military intelligence specialists were considered by I. Shumkov [13] and L. Romanyshyna [14].

Among foreign scientists, the issues of professional training of officers were considered by D. Mackenzie (dealt with the problem of forming the competence to officers and other aspects in the field of military education), B. Bloom (author of the taxonomy theory used to develop and evaluate training programs for officers), D. Kirkpatrick (worked on developing a model for evaluating the effectiveness of training programs for officers), M. Cheidler (studied the process of forming professional competence in the army and other organizations), D. Collins (studied the issues of professional development and training of officers in the Australian Armed Forces).

However, at present there are no comprehensive studies of the formation of professional competence to officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work on the basis of a competence-based approach, which substantiate and prove the need to introduce specific scientific and methodological recommendations and pedagogical conditions into the educational process that ensure the effective formation of the main components of professional competence.

The aim of the article is to determine the essence and the features of the content of professional competence of officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work.

Summarizing the experience of combat operations, it can be stated that, provided that active and purposeful intelligence work is carried out, combat missions are successfully accomplished by units and subunits with minimal losses. It should also be noted that in modern conditions, the scope of tasks performed by intelligence has increased significantly, as well as the timing of their implementation has been reduced. These factors affect the training of future officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work, which takes place in military educational institutions. The result of this training is professional competence, which can be interpreted as the ability to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the performance of tasks of supporting troops (forces), the solution of which creates favorable conditions for their activities in various conditions of the situation with uncertain conditions.

The professional competence of future officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work consists of various components that cover technical, social and psychological aspects. The results of the study suggest that the professional competence of future specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work involves a number of components, including:

intelligence and information skills, including the ability to collect information from various sources, analyze and evaluate information in order to make objective decisions, as well as the ability to work with confidential information;

awareness in the military and technical spheres, which includes knowledge of military and intelligence strategies and tactics, skills and abilities to use intelligence and technical means and systems;

communication skills, including the ability to effectively communicate and exchange information in a team, negotiation skills and communication with different social groups;

organizational competence, which includes the ability to plan and coordinate intelligence and information operations, the ability to effectively manage resources and maintain documentation, etc.;

psychological stability, in particular the ability to work under stressful conditions, ethics and the ability to make important ethical decisions in intelligence activities;

flexibility and ability to quickly adapt to changes in the situation, flexibility and creativity in using different methods and strategies;

proficiency in military and civilian legislation regulating intelligence activities, ability to apply its provisions in practice.

Thus, the professional competence of officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work - is a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities that allow to effectively perform tasks of collecting, analyzing and processing information in the interests of security and protection of national interests.

The results of the study, in particular, the analysis of scientific publications [5] - [7], [9] and the requirements of regulatory documents on officer training, allow us to assert that the components of the professional competence of officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work are military-specialized competencies that determine the specialization of their training, as well as abilities and skills, including:

ability to organize intelligence support for units of a military unit during the planning and management of assigned tasks, to plan the collection of intelligence information (data), develop information (reporting information) documents of the subdivision (authority, military unit), to analyze tasks and information, determine its priority, sources of its obtaining, to conduct intelligence and analytical activities and assess the situation using NATO procedures;

ability to use advanced information technologies and computer programs that enable the creation and maintenance of databases; ability to analyze information arrays, quickly and efficiently analyze systems of interconnected objects, the dynamics of sequential events, etc.

At the same time, according to scholars [13], [14], in the structure of professional competence of officers in the field of intelligence and information work, it is advisable to distinguish technical knowledge (understanding of modern technologies for collecting and processing information, using special information systems and equipment, ability to work with cryptographic technologies, etc), analytical skills (ability to systematize and analyze large amounts of information, ability to draw conclusions and predict events based on intelligence analysis, ability to identify key points and trends), communication skills (ability to communicate effectively with other team members; skills in reporting and documenting work outcomes, high level of skills in handling classified information), leadership qualities (ability to manage intelligence operations and a team; ability to make strategic decisions in conditions of uncertainty, ability to motivate and maintain a high level of professional commitment among subordinates), ethical standards (understanding and observance of ethical norms in the field of intelligence, responsible use of information and compliance with the law, ability to work in the interests of national security in compliance with ethical principles).

This structure takes into account various aspects and requirements related to the professional competence of officers in the field of intelligence and information work.

However, under the legal regime of martial law, the number of functions assigned to officers of this specialty increases significantly, since the beginning of the military aggression of the russian army against the armed forces of Ukraine, military functions have become more relevant, including planning, organization and conduct of the main types of general combat, organization of the main types of combat support of the unit, countering the enemy in case of attack or subversion, use of firepower available to reconnaissance units, support for the life of military personnel in autonomous conditions in various physical and geographical environments while performing combat missions, etc.

Thus, an officer - a specialist in the organization of intelligence and information work should have a high level of professional competence, which is a combination of professional knowledge, skills, a system of values, military and professional properties and character traits, as well as professional experience.

The formation of these components of the professional competence of future officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work involves high-quality professional training in higher military educational institutions, taking into account the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Ukraine to the content of educational and professional programs and the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in terms of the general level of training of officers. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in modern conditions, the professional activities of these specialists are affected by direct participation in hostilities against the russian occupation forces, attempts to destabilize the situation in the frontline areas, subversive hostile activities, and collaboration with the enemy, etc. Therefore, in view of these circumstances, it is important to improve the quality of intelligence training of officers, to master their skills and abilities to competently and timely organize intelligence, to continuously, actively and persistently conduct it under any circumstances.

The results of the study, in particular, the generalization of the results of the analysis of pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process in higher military educational institutions, allow us to conclude that in order to improve the quality of training of officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work, it is advisable to implement the following organizational and pedagogical conditions:

regular updating of curricula to reflect current trends in the intelligence and information spheres, cooperation with specialized institutions on the content of practical training of officers;

ensuring the possibility for cadets to have access to modern equipment and technologies for training practical skills in intelligence activities;

intensification of the interdisciplinary approach to provide officers with a comprehensive understanding of various aspects of intelligence and information activities;

training of cadets in real conditions of intelligence activities and gaining practice in relevant structures;

use of interactive teaching methods, such as simulations, games and case studies to improve learning;

strengthening the curriculum with ethical aspects of intelligence activities in order to form legal and social responsibility for violations of professional ethics;

assisting cadets in conducting research in the field of intelligence and information security;

participation of cadets in international exchange programs for cadets in order to increase their understanding of international aspects of intelligence and information work;

formation of an expert environment of representatives of intelligence services, military experts and scientists to constantly monitor and evaluate the quality of cadets' training.

Thus, the professional competence of officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information work - is a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities that allow to effectively perform tasks of collecting, analyzing and processing information in the interests of security and protection of national interests. This competence consists of various components that cover technical, social and psychological aspects. The structure of professional competence of officers in the field of intelligence and information work should include technical knowledge, analytical skills, communication skills, leadership qualities and ethical standards.

This structure takes into account various aspects and requirements related to the professional competence of officers in the field of intelligence and information work.

The formation of the components of professional competence of future officers - specialists in the organization of intelligence and information

work involves high-quality professional training in higher military educational institutions, taking into account the requirements of the MES of Ukraine to the content of educational and professional programs and the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in terms of the general level of officers' training.

Its effective formation in the context of higher military education institutions involves taking into account a number of organizational and pedagogical conditions that cover aspects of content, practice, exchange of experience and involvement in research.

Prospects for further research include studying foreign experience in training officers - specialists in the field of organizing intelligence and information work, as well as preparing relevant methodological recommendations for research and teaching staff of higher military educational institutions.


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