Professionally focused vlog in pre-service foreign language teacher education

The phenomenon of "vlogging" is articulated its pivotal role in the professionally focused communicative competence development of pre-service foreign language teachers. The exploration encompasses a review of both domestic and scholarly contributions.

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Professionally focused vlog in pre-service foreign language teacher education

Alla Melnyk

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, the Department of Germanic and Romance Languages,

Kyiv National Linguistic University Kyiv

The phenomenon of “vlogging” is articulated through its pivotal role in the professionally focused communicative competence development of pre-service foreign language teachers, particularly those specializing in English. The exploration encompasses a review of both domestic and international scholarly contributions. A professionally focused vlog is conceptualized as an information and research project that is educational in form and professional in content delineating the trajectory of the prospective teacher's future career. Its genesis is ascribed to contemporary pedagogical demands for the establishment of an enriching multimedia educational environment, envisioned to foster the augmentation of interaction; the integration of authentic online resources and tasks, inciting students to explore diverse professional and pedagogical issues; the cultivation of the skills pertinent to both independent and collaborative information gathering, transforming it into a profound learning experience that steers clear of a linear sequence in favor of a comprehensive array of sources for forging personalized learning pathways.

Professionally focused foreign language vlogs are posited to ensure the attainment of intercultural foreign language communication competences among professionals in educational domains, contingent upon adherence to specific stipulations. They entail: setting explicit project objectives aligned with authentic outcomes reflective of prospective professional activities; creating quasi-professional tasks (a partial analogue of a professional one) designed to enhance university-level students' professional motives and interests in teaching languages and cultures, and modelling situations that closely mirror challenges pertinent to professional advancement; maintaining a project log for a 4-5 weeks duration, meticulously managing ordered stages of work during classroom and extracurricular activities, accompanied by a set of exercises and tasks for improving linguistic, speech, educational-strategic and socio-cultural competences; promoting personalised learning to explore topics that align with their professional aspirations; facilitating reflection practices, taking into account the obstacles students encountered and the resolution strategies they surmounted in pursuit of project goals; emphasizing selfregulation, critical appraisal and revision.

Keywords:pre-service English teacher; professionally focused communicative competence; professionally focused foreign language vlog; project log; quasi-professional task.


Алла Мельник

канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедри германських і романських мов Київського національного лінгвістичного університету, Київ

Увиразнено сутність феномена «влог» і наголошено на важливості його застосування у процесі формування професійно орієнтованої комунікативної компетентності майбутніх учителів та викладачів іноземних мов (ІМ), зокрема english teacher professionally focused

Випуск 44 англійської, через призму праць вітчизняних та закордонних науковців. Професійно орієнтований іншомовний влог концептуалізується як навчальний проєкт, що поєднує інформаційні та дослідницькі елементи та окреслює траєкторію майбутньої професійної діяльності фахівця. Підсумовано, що генезис технології влогу породжено вимогою часу, коли педагогічна спільнота має створити ефективне мультимедійне освітнє середовище, яке б сприяло посиленню інтерактивності; поєднанню онлайн-ресурсів і реальних завдань, що спонукають студентів досліджувати безліч психолого-педагогічних дилем; розвитку їхніх здібностей до автономного і спільного пошуку інформації, перетворюючи останнє на глибокий навчальний досвід, який відмовляє у лінійному поданні інформації на користь різноманітних джерел для створення персоналізованої освітньої траєкторії. Констатовано, що продукування професійно орієнтованих іншомовних влогів може гарантувати високий рівень міжкультурної іншомовної комунікативної компетентності фахівців педагогічних спеціальностей за умови дотримання таких правил: постановка чітких цілей проєкту, узгоджених з автентичними результатами, що відображають професійну діяльність майбутнього вчителя та викладача ІМ; розробка квазіпрофесійних завдань (імітація професійних завдань), покликаних посилити професійні мотиви та інтереси студентів у річищі викладання ІМ і культур, а також моделювання проблемних ситуацій, які максимально сприяють професійному зростанню; ведення журналу проєкту тривалістю 4-5 тижнів, із систематичним відстеженням послідовних етапів виконання завдань під час аудиторних і позааудиторних занять, а також вправ щодо розвитку професійно орієнтованої мовної, мовленнєвої, освітньо-стратегічної та соціокультурної компетентностей; заохочення індивідуалізованого навчання, яке резонує з професійними прагненнями студентів; запровадження рефлексивних практик з урахуванням аналізу труднощів, які виникають, та стратегій їх подолання на шляху до досягнення цілей проєкту; акцентування уваги на саморегуляції, критичному оцінюванні та доопрацюванні.

Ключові слова:квазіпрофесійне завдання, майбутній учитель та

викладач англійської мов, проєктний журнал, професійно орієнтована комунікативна компетентність, професійно орієнтований іншомовний влог.

Problem statement

Disruptive technologies are revolutionizing global higher education, necessitating a new breed of professionals proficient in handling uncertainty, creativity, and multiculturalism. This transformation prompts a reevaluation of the curricula for pre-service teachers, particularly in the field of foreign languages, to better reflect the evolving educational landscape. Despite the rise of artificial intelligence and automation, the unique role of teachers remains paramount, highlighting their irreplaceable contribution to education [5: 11]. The primary goal for pre-service foreign language (FL) teachers is to enhance their communicative competencies and autonomy, essential for effective teaching development. To achieve these objectives, the integration of innovative teaching methods and information and communication technologies (ICTs) is essential. These strategies not only prepare teachers for their future roles but also contribute to a more adaptable and vibrant higher education system.

The incorporation of ICTs into educational frameworks offers substantial didactic potential for the establishment of an informational and educational milieu [3: 92]. Prayudi et al. contend that technology in education should extend beyond the mere utilization of search engines for information retrieval [19]; it should further be leveraged to augment FL learning processes, rendering them more efficient, adaptable, and engaging. The integration of relevant activities alongside a diverse spectrum of technological tools has facilitated the emergence of innovative pedagogical methodologies in the realm of language education [10]. A prime example of such innovation is the advent of vlogging.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The article provides a scholarly examination of contemporary publications concerning the professional preparation of pre-service FL teachers at the university level. It draws upon the foundational research conducted by scholars such as O. Bihych, N. Borysko, L. Haidukova, I. Zadorozhna, L. Zenia, T. Koval, N. Mayer, S. Nikolaieva, N. Skliarenko, O. Tarnopolskyi,Chemovaty, V. Chemysh, etc. The investigation by O. Kirshova (2008) delves into the application of project-based learning within higher educational institutions. Furthermore, the body of work by H. Podosynnikova (2023) and O. Ustymenko (across 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019) explores the pedagogical implications of employing authentic video content in English language instruction. Notably, R. Vikovych has innovated a pedagogical strategy that integrates English-language television news as a resource for teaching English in tertiary education settings. Additionally, M. Buriak has introduced a pedagogical approach aimed at the synergistic enhancement of future English teachers' professionally oriented communicative competence and their proficiency in ICT, utilizing webquests and contemporary Internet technologies.

International scholars have conducted extensive research on the deployment of vlog projects within the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction, highlighting its efficacy in facilitating the memorization and expansion of complex vocabulary sets [8], alongside enhancements in EFL learners' oral proficiency and engagement in the learning process [14; 15; 18]. Further investigations have revealed improvements in students' capabilities in both oral and written communication through the integration of such projects [9; 12]. Demetriou et al. corroborate these findings, asserting that FL vlogging's inclusion in pedagogical strategies empowers students to select topics that resonate with their professional aspirations and areas of specialization [11], thereby tailoring the learning experience to meet individual needs and interests.

Notwithstanding the growing interest in the pedagogical potential of vlogs, there remains a notable dearth of empirical research on their efficacy in enhancing professionally focused communicative competence (PFCC) among students in higher education, particularly in the realms of general cultural, academic, and professional communication at proficiency levels C1 - C2. Observational data indicates that graduates frequently encounter challenges in oral communication, characterized by hesitation, marked by the frequent use of fillers such as `er', `umm', and `eee', alongside awkward pauses and an over-reliance on scripted notes. Additionally, there is an observed deficiency in the vocabulary necessary for individuals to function autonomously and competently in a FL. This article endeavors to illuminate the utility of professionally focused vlogs as an innovative tool for the advancement of PFCC among pre-service English teachers within the context of a contemporary multimedia learning environment.

Presentation of the main research material

In the context of an ever-evolving educational landscape, FL teachers are necessitated to perpetually refine their professional competencies, exhibit adaptability to emergent changes, and embody self-direction and organization. The stance posited by N. Borysko on the imperative to cultivate and enhance PFCC is substantiated and resonates with the broader pedagogical discourse. Emphasizing the FL intercultural training of students, particularly those specializing in Secondary Education (014.02), and fostering their communicative competence in diverse intercultural scenarios (general cultural, academic, and professional) is paramount [4]. The concept of PFCC, as an enclave of intercultural FL communicative competence, is recognized as a critical indicator of professional communication proficiency. This advanced level of expertise is attainable through dedicated engagement with philological disciplines by master's and/or senior undergraduate level students, underscoring the integral role of specialized linguistic education in preparing students for professional excellence.

Nevertheless, it is critical to highlight that our discourse centers on the integration of philology into the educational framework, with a specific focus on the psychological and pedagogical dimensions pertinent to future FL teachers. This encompasses the establishment of interdisciplinary linkages between practical language class instruction and subjects within the psychological and pedagogical spectrum. In light of this, PFCC is conceptualized as a fusion of abilities that empower students to adeptly engage in various speech acts (encompassing both oral and written forms) and to apply practical linguistic knowledge as a means of professional communication within an intercultural academic setting.

The advent of vlogging is intrinsically linked to the practice of blogging, where vlogging emerges as an innovative amalgamation of video content and traditional blogging activities. Blogs serve as platforms for individuals to articulate their opinions or disseminate information on a personal or social level. Research conducted by O. Naboka and M. Demchenko highlights that educational blogs yield greater success when they exhibit specific characteristics, such as consistency in updates, collaborative contributions, the integration of diverse multimedia elements, original content generated by the authors, as well as features that support autonomy and mobility [6]. While blogs were originally conceived for educational attempts, they have garnered the attention of FL teachers, offering a versatile medium for creating multimedia journals without the necessity for programming expertise [22: 69]. Blogs are a hybrid form of communication, blending elements of both spoken and written word, thereby constituting a “third means of communication” [1: 16]. The scholar delineates five main types of blogs: text blogs for written content, audio blogs with audio, photoblogs for images, vlogs for video content, and podcasts for digital audio files available online [1: 18-20]. This framework highlights vlogs' unique position, emphasizing their use of video to communicate, in contrast to traditional blogs that focus on text, thereby engaging viewers in a more dynamic manner.

Research indicates that employing technology in language learning notably boosts student autonomy and self-reflection on progress [16]. A key goal is utilizing vlogs to apply language skills, with platforms like YouTube making learning more dynamic and engaging, as students interact with and internalize language through videos [13]. Vlogs, defined as visual platforms for online broadcasting, offer both a personal narrative and a communication tool, enhancing independent learning, public speaking, and various social skills, proving especially valuable for motivated students [17; 20]. These findings highlight the significance of incorporating vlogging in master's and senior undergraduate-level education to enrich the learning experience.

From a pedagogical standpoint, vlogs are invaluable as both primary and ancillary educational tools. Educators can leverage authentic video materials, produced by and targeting native speakers, within practical FL classes to enrich the learning experience. Assigning students to engage with vlogs can facilitate the acquisition of lexical knowledge, including idioms, phrasal verbs, and the nuanced application of vocabulary. Additionally, it allows for the reinforcement of grammatical principles, the accurate employment of grammatical structures, and the opportunity to undertake various grammar assessments. Resources such as the BBC Learning English website provide a wealth of materials tailored for these objectives ( Similarly, Grammar Revolution offers extensive guidance on grammar ( lessons.html). For the refinement of pronunciation and intonation, audio and video resources, like those available from Espresso English, are recommended ( These platforms provide a full range of resources to improve language skills. Conversations with native English speakers are crucial for developing speaking abilities, including brainstorming, selfintroduction, sharing information, increasing speech speed, and clarity of expression. Video texts, particularly vlogs, are effective in mimicking real-life language scenarios, making them invaluable for education. Vlogs' realness, modern linguistic relevance, abundance of idioms, and stylistic details closely replicate authentic English-speaking environments, serving as an excellent alternative when direct exposure is scarce.

Vlogs enrich the learning experience by integrating video, audio, visuals, and text, enhancing both information delivery and emotional impact [21]. They engage learners through diverse sensory channels - visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and verbal - adding depth with situational and creative elements. Vlogs also allow learners to analyze non-verbal cues, deepening their comprehension of communication. Their easy access and flexibility make them a valuable resource in language education, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of language use.

The scholarly discourse underscores the necessity of intercultural training within the realm of FL teacher education. Pre-service teachers must be not only proficient in intercultural communication but are also equipped to impart these skills to their future students, fostering a professional capacity for effective cross-cultural engagement [4]. Our research endeavors to elevate the PFCC of pre-service teachers by embedding project-based tasks within both practical sessions and independent extracurricular activities. Educational institutions are tasked with the creation of vlog projects that integrate professional content for the benefit of both the teachers in training and their eventual students. Such initiatives are aimed at cultivating educational and strategic competencies, thereby holistically advancing students' professionally focused linguistic and speech skills along with their sociocultural competencies.

O. Ustymenko describes a learning project as a collection of tasks designed to encourage creative and independent work in FL and communication among learners. The main aim is to tackle a significant, real-world problem, resulting in a concrete product [7]. These FL projects are notable for their depth, engagement, and creativity, requiring active student participation from inception to completion. They aim to produce a final product while fostering independence in planning and implementation. By integrating key language skills - listening, speaking, reading, and writing and drawing on various academic disciplines, these projects require a considerable amount of extracurricular effort.

Further clarification on the main types of vlogs, based on the educational project classification, reveals that educational vlogs primarily fit within the information and research category designed for educational purposes [2]. This type is interdisciplinary, involving the collection, analysis, and presentation of data relevant to psychology and education. It also includes research components, allowing students to share results and interact with viewers, thus creating an interactive educational experience.

Within the context of educational advancement, we define a professionally focused vlog (PFV) as a learning project that is characterized by its informational and research-oriented framework, distinguished by its educational methodology and professional subject matter. Such a project bears significant personal relevance for the student, delineating the trajectory of their impending future career. This particular study is aimed at fostering the professional aspirations and interests of master's (or senior undergraduate) students. It incorporates a sequence of quasi-professional tasks designed to mirror real-world challenges, with the ultimate goal of producing a unique final output. This elucidation underscores the premise that the intrinsic value of this type of vlog transcends the mere linguistic content, centering instead on the experiential learning and activities students engage in throughout the production of the project.

The duration of a PFV project typically spans 4-5 weeks, during which students often exhibit excitement and enthusiasm upon being tasked with a project. This excitement stems from the chance to develop a personalized learning artifact. The first two weeks are dedicated to a preliminary phase involving information gathering, viewing suggested vlogs, exchanging ideas, aligning views, collaborating with peers, and the conceptualization, planning, and scripting of the project. In the subsequent two weeks, participants proceed to capture their video content using either digital or mobile devices, or video cameras, followed by uploading their work onto the Microsoft Teams educational platform. The project's fifth week is reserved for a comprehensive evaluation of the vlog to gamer feedback from a teacher, which serves to highlight any potential areas for improvement in the students' execution. Before the official release of their vlogs, students have the opportunity to use this feedback as a basis for self-assessment and improvement, with the option for a redo if deemed necessary by the instructor. Upon the conclusion of the project, students are expected to pen reflective journals, summarizing their experiences and learnings throughout the project's duration.

In the context of English instruction at the bachelor's and master's degree levels, it is imprudent to presume universal student proficiency in exhibiting the requisite level of autonomy. Such an assumption risks underestimating the educational value inherent in vlog creation assignments. To mitigate this, students are furnished with a Project Log, which serves as a detailed guide for executing the vlog project, acting as a cornerstone of methodological support. This guide is designed to streamline project execution, enabling students to allocate their efforts toward pivotal tasks effectively. Additionally, a consultation timetable is provided, offering students the opportunity to seek guidance and support throughout the project's duration, thereby enhancing the overall learning experience and ensuring that students can fully engage with and benefit from the project activities.

Given the constraints of space, this article will outline the initial, intermediate, and final phases (first, second, and sixth stages, respectively) of the PROJECT LOG, designed to guide learners in the development of a learning product. The vlog project addresses a quasiprofessional task: As an EFL teacher, you recognize that memorisation techniques for English language learners can significantly contribute to their capability to recall vocabulary, grammar rules, and idiomatic expressions, thereby increasing their language proficiency and selfassurance. Create an educational vlog that presents accessible, captivating, and practical strategies tailored to diverse learning styles, thereby rendering the acquisition of English more effective.


STEP 1. Create a memory technology set

Recommended resources:;;


1.1. Fill in the table given below by sharing a set of techniques for memorising information in learning English / Ukrainian / French

Kinds of memory techniques

Identify the “plateaus ” and difficulties

How to demonstrate a memory strategy


A 2-line poem / a rhyme


An acronym


Memory palace (Cicero's method)


An icon (visualization)


An association of ideas


The spaced repetition of language usage in various contexts


Correlation with the learner's native language nuances

1.2. Choose three mnemonics for filming a PFV. Write down the reasons for choosing them. Present a common challenge, highlighting a specific problem or error that speakers frequently encounter. Think of ways (examples) in which you can demonstrate mnemonics or memory strategies with examples. Fill in the graphics with a short summary of each type.

STEP 2. Write a storyline that illustrates chosen memory techniques 2.1 Creating a PFV on memory techniques can be complex. To improve content quality and engage viewers, applying a 5-stage narrative framework (refer to the Framework section) is recommended.


Stage 1. O r I e n t a t i o n - Introduce the viewer to the context. This could include your location, the purpose of the vlog, the main characters involved, or any other element that sets the scene. By establishing a clear context, you help the viewer understand and become invested in what they 're about to watch.

Stage 2. C r i s i s - Present a problem, challenge, or question. For vloggers, this might be a personal challenge they're taking on, a question they seek to answer, or an unexpected situation they find themselves in. This is what hooks the viewer and compels them to keep watching to find out what happens.

Stage 3. J o u r n e y - Detail the process or adventure undertaken to resolve the crisis. It's the bulk of the content. In vlogs, this could involve travelling, exploring, trying out new things, or simply navigating through education. The journey should be engaging and demonstrate progress or change.

Stage 4. D i s c o v e r y - Share new insights, learning experiences, or solutions to the problem the learner can face up to. This can be a moment of reflection, realization, or a tangible outcome. For vloggers, it's essential to share these insights with their viewers, as it adds depth to the story and often provides value or a takeaway for the audience.

Stage 5. R e s o l u t i o n - Conclude the vlog by resolving the situation, overcoming the challenge, or ending the story. This provides closure and leaves viewers with a sense of satisfaction.

2.2 Develop storyline ideas to showcase your selected memory techniques or mnemonics. Ensure each storyline is clear, concise, and engaging, incorporating visual aids and examples to effectively demonstrate the techniques. Given the video's maximum duration of 5 minutes, outline the five stages for each technique. Provide a brief summary of each method.

STEP 6. Reflection

6.1 After having presented the vlog, reflective questions can serve as a powerful tool for encouraging self-assessment, deepening learning, and enhancing future performance. Consider these questions:

1. What are the key points you hoped to convey in your vlog, and do you^ feel you communicated them effectively? Why or why not?

2. How did you decide on the content and structure of your vlog? What might you change after having presented it?

3. How did you plan to engage your audience with your vlog? Were there particular strategies you used?

4. How did the audience respond to your vlog? Did their reaction align with your expectations?

5. What part of the vlog required the most research or preparation on your part?


Educational vlogging plays a crucial role in developing the communicative competencies of pre-service FL teachers, especially in English, integrating global scholarly insights. Defined as both an educational and professional project, it marks the future professional path of bachelor's and master's degree students. Originating from the need to create a dynamic multimedia learning space, it aims to enhance interaction, utilize authentic online materials, encourage exploration of various issues, and develop skills for both independent and collaborative learning. This approach moves away from traditional learning sequences towards creating personalized educational journeys.

PFVs are aimed at developing intercultural FL communication skills among educational professionals, provided specific guidelines are followed. These include establishing clear project goals that mirror real-world professional practices, developing tasks that simulate professional challenges to foster students' interest in language and cultural teaching, and running the project over 4-5 weeks with structured activities both in and out of the classroom to enhance various competencies. The approach encourages reflective practices to overcome encountered challenges and emphasizes self-assessment and improvement. Future research will focus on creating exercises and tasks to cultivate pre-service teachers' PFCC, based on the potential of vlogging in philological courses. This initiative will leverage the educational potential of vlogging within a practical English language context.


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