Modernization of the higher education system in Ukraine in the context of implementing autonomy of higher education institutions
Research of the state of implementing autonomy in higher education institutions in the process of modernizing the higher education system in Ukraine. The introduction of flexible training programs, and the students' creativity and self-realization.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 21.07.2024 |
Размер файла | 14,7 K |
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Modernization of the higher education system in Ukraine in the context of implementing autonomy of higher education institutions
Oleksandr Derkach, PhD (Pedag.), Assist. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Background. The essence of autonomy of higher education institutions has been considered, and an overview and analysis of the problems that have accumulated in the domestic higher education system have been conducted. Overcoming these problems has shown positive results, and certain recommendations have been provided regarding the formation of university autonomy as a means of addressing systemic issues in domestic higher education.
An overview and analysis of the problems that have accumulated in the domestic higher education system have been conducted. It is noted that these problems can be overcome through the modernization of higher education in the direction of autonomy. It is emphasized that positive results can be achieved by ensuring greater freedom in university governance, implementing principles of transparency, openness, and social responsibility.
The purpose of the article is to investigate the state of implementing autonomy in domestic higher education institutions in the process of modernizing the higher education system in Ukraine.
Results. Building a modern higher education system that can compete with global systems requires the introduction of innovative approaches, flexible training programs, and the promotion of students' creativity and self-realization.
In addition, it is important to provide adequate support and funding for higher education to ensure quality infrastructure development, modern technologies, research, and support for talented scientists.
Conclusions. So, here's the deal, modernization of higher education in Ukraine towards autonomy is a complex and long-term process that requires careful analysis, planning, and involvement of all stakeholders. It is important to create effective governance mechanisms, ensure openness and transparency of processes, and engage the general public in dialogue and decision-making.
Keywords: autonomy of higher education institutions, higher education, university education, higher education institutions, modernization of higher education.
Модернізація системи вищої освіти в Україні в контексті впровадження автономії закладів вищої освіти
Олександр Деркач, канд. пед. наук, асист. Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
Вступ. Розглянуто сутність автономії закладів вищої освіти, проведено огляд та аналіз проблем, що накопичилися у вітчизняній системі вищої освіти. Подолання цих проблем дало позитивні результати, надано певні рекомендації щодо формування університетської автономії як засобу розв'язання системних проблем вітчизняної вищої освіти.
Здійснено огляд та аналіз проблем, що накопичилися у вітчизняній системі вищої освіти. Зазначається, що ці проблеми можна подолати шляхом модернізації вищої освіти в напрямі автономізації Наголошується, що позитивних результатів можна досягти шляхом забезпечення більшої свободи в управлінні університетом, впровадження принципів прозорості, відкритості та соціальної відповідальності.
Мета статті - дослідити стан реалізації автономії у вітчизняних закладах вищої освіти у процесі модернізації системи вищої освіти в Україні.
Результати. Побудова сучасної системи вищої освіти, здатної конкурувати з глобальними системами, потребує впровадження інноваційних підходів, гнучких програм навчання, сприяння творчості та самореалізації студентів.
До того ж, важливо забезпечити адекватну підтримку та фінансування вищої освіти для забезпечення розвитку якісної інфраструктури, сучасних технологій, наукових досліджень і підтримки талановитих науковців.
Висновки. Отже, модернізація вищої освіти в Україні в бік автономії - це складний і довготривалий процес, який потребує ретельного аналізу, планування та залучення всіх зацікавлених сторін. Важливо створити ефективні механізми управління, забезпечити відкритість і прозорість процесів, залучити широку громадськість до діалогу та прийняття рішень.
Кл ючові слова: автономія ЗВО, вища освіта, університетська освіта, ЗВО, модернізація вищої освіти.
Ukraine, like many other countries, is constantly working on improving its higher education system. One of the key directions of reform is the implementation of autonomy for higher education institutions. This initiative aims to provide higher education institutions with greater independence and flexibility in decision-making that affects the quality of education and the development of educational programs. In this article, we will examine the importance of modernizing Ukraine's higher education system in the context of implementing autonomy for higher education institutions.
Literature review
The issue of development of domestic higher education is widely studied by researchers and academic professionals. The problems of higher education modernization have been examined by M. Zgurovsky, P. Lukashevich, S. Kalashnikova, V. Kremin, O. Slyusarenko, V. Finikov, and many others. The expansion of autonomy for higher education institutions has been researched by V. Andrushchenko, O. Linovitska, V. Moklyak, V. Luhovyi, S. Maiboroda, L. Prokopenko, O. Radchenko, I. Sikorska, and others. However, even today, this issue requires further analysis, especially in the context of implementing the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education".
As noted by I. Vlasova, it is important for research on the modernization of the higher education system and the implementation of university autonomy to be further developed by domestic scholars. There should also be research dedicated to the problems in the field of higher education management, analysis of the content and role of higher education in socio-economic development, financing of education, including higher education, the relationship between university autonomy and the concepts of quality in higher education, accountability, and social responsibility. Based on a critical analysis, I. Vlasova established that there are concepts such as "academic freedom," "autonomy," "institutional autonomy or university autonomy," the components of which include organizational, academic, personnel, and financial autonomy.
Presentation of main positions
Modernization of the higher education system in Ukraine is an important topic that requires careful analysis. The general directions of modernization of the higher education system in Ukraine include:
1. Harmonization with European standards: Ukraine is actively working on adapting its higher education system to the principles and recommendations of the European Higher Education Area, in particular the Bologna Process. This includes the creation of a credit transfer system, ensuring the quality of education, developing the mobility of students and researchers, etc.
2. Development of distance education: Ukraine is actively implementing distance learning technologies and online courses, which allows students to get an education without being tied to a specific place or university. This contributes to increased accessibility of education and expanded learning opportunities.
3. Career orientation and practical training: The higher education system in Ukraine is gradually shifting towards more specialized training, with a focus on practical skills and specific competencies required for the labor market. This includes an increase in the number of practical classes, internships in real-world settings, and cooperation with employers.
4. International cooperation: Ukraine actively develops international cooperation in higher education, in particular through student exchange programs, research projects and academic partnerships. This contributes to the exchange of knowledge and experience, the development of the international reputation of Ukrainian universities and the attraction of foreign students.
5. Financial support: The state provides financial support for the modernization of higher education, including scholarship programs, grants, and other financial measures. This stimulates the quality of education, research and development of innovative approaches in higher education.
Reforming the higher education system in Ukraine is one of the priority tasks to improve the quality of education, increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian universities and ensure that education meets the requirements of the modern world. The main directions of reforming the higher education system in Ukraine include the following aspects: Ukraine is actively implementing the principles of the Bologna Declaration, which provide for the creation of a single European higher education area. In line with this process, higher education is organized at three levels - bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees - which facilitates the implementation of quality standards and international mobility of students and teachers. A system of quality assurance is being implemented, including accreditation of higher education institutions and programs, expert evaluation and monitoring of the quality of education. Internal mechanisms for control, self-assessment and quality improvement of the educational process are being developed. Measures are being taken to stimulate scientific research and the development of scientific schools. Support for fundamental and applied research is being strengthened, as well as the promotion of innovation by universities and their interaction with businesses and the public. Modern technologies are being applied and e-learning resources are being developed to improve the accessibility and quality of education.
The process of establishing university autonomy in Ukraine was long and challenging. During the period of Ukraine's independence in 1991, a gradual reform of the education system, including higher education, began. University autonomy in Ukraine refers to the concept and management system of higher education institutions, which grants them internal independence and the ability to make decisions regarding academic programs, research, finances, and other aspects of their functioning.
Ukraine is actively reforming its higher education system, and university autonomy is one of the key directions of these reforms. The purpose of university autonomy is to create favorable conditions for the development of higher education institutions as centers of education, science, and innovation. The legislative framework for university autonomy in Ukraine was established by the Law "On Higher Education", which was adopted in 20І4. According to this law, higher education institutions have the right to make independent decisions regarding curriculum, research, management structure, financial resources, and more. Universities can establish their internal management structures, such as university councils or rectors' offices, to participate in decision-making processes. They are also provided with the opportunity to develop mechanisms for ensuring the quality of education and conducting their own research.
University autonomy encompasses aspects such as self-governance, academic freedom, financial autonomy, and accountability to the public. This allows universities to independently determine their strategic priorities, academic programs, research directions, and collaboration with students, faculty, and the public. However, it is important to note that the process of establishing university autonomy is ongoing and continues to this day. Universities are working on strengthening their autonomy, improving their management structures, ensuring the quality of education, and attracting financial resources. University autonomy is an important element of higher education development in Ukraine, as it promotes innovation, creativity, and free exchange of ideas, contributing to the development of society and the preparation of qualified professionals.
To modernize and update the higher education system in Ukraine, it is important to consider the life cycles of innovations and the specificities of the present time. Higher education should respond to the challenges of globalization, including new ideas and technologies. However, there is a risk of ineffective management of the flow of innovations and the replacement of the course of European integration in education with imitation practices.
The education system in Ukraine serves as the foundation for intellectual, cultural, spiritual, social, and economic development of society. It is acquired by individuals through consistent, systematic, and purposeful acquisition of knowledge, contributing to comprehensive personal development.
Higher education has been developed and reformed primarily considering the tasks of national development and has been perceived as an integral component of the state structure. However, it requires improvements and adaptation to European standards, which cannot be achieved without appropriate support from the state. Therefore, it is important to implement a gradual and comprehensive reform of higher education in the country, where the state and universities jointly form a progressive education model based on partnership.
Autonomy is one of the three fundamental principles of European universities' activities. The discussion of autonomy in Europe is of exceptional importance, and this principle becomes central. Therefore, Ukrainian higher education institutions have the opportunity to study the significant experience of European universities in the field of autonomy and utilize it for implementing relevant changes in the domestic higher education system.
Vlasova I. states that significant work on clarifying the essence of university autonomy has been carried out and continues to be conducted by the European University Association. The association started monitoring data on institutional autonomy to provide practitioners from universities and governing bodies with the possibility to compare levels of university autonomy in European countries more effectively. The autonomy indicator system is another step in this process, describing the current state of university autonomy and ranking and rating higher education systems based on their degree of autonomy. With the development of a methodology that measures and evaluates various levels of institutional autonomy in European higher education systems, this project represents a new stage in addressing the issue. It aims to engage all stakeholders in more in-depth discussions on autonomy, contributing to the improvement of higher education systems. Association experts consider autonomy from an institutional perspective, involving the university sector primarily represented by national rectors' associations in European countries (Vlasova I., 2018).
In our opinion, the main task of reforming higher education in Ukraine should be to improve its quality in accordance with international and European standards. Taking into account the basic principles of European higher education set forth in the Magna Carta of Universities, the Bologna Declaration and the Leuven Communique, and considering motivation to learn as a key factor in progress in education, we consider it appropriate to implement the following reforms in higher education. Implementation of the European structure and credit-module system. This will help ensure mutual understanding and comparability of educational programs and degrees with other countries, as well as facilitate the mobility of students and teachers. Developing a system of internal and external quality assurance. It is important to create effective mechanisms for assessing the quality of education, involve students in the assessment process, and ensure transparency and publicity of the results. Support for research and innovation. It is important to create favorable conditions for the development of scientific research, cooperation with industry and innovative enterprises, and to promote a culture of entrepreneurship among students and teachers.
The full transition of higher education institutions to European-style autonomy is indeed a process that takes time and preparation. This process involves careful preparatory work to ensure the successful implementation of autonomous university activities. First, it is important to familiarize academic staff and students with the basic tenets of university autonomy. This means an in-depth study of the concepts and principles on which the autonomous status of the university is based, as well as an understanding of the rights and responsibilities that arise from such a status. This can be done through special training courses, seminars, conferences, and discussions. Secondly, it is important to consider the mechanisms of governance of a higher education institution under conditions of autonomy. Particular emphasis should be placed on democratic decisionmaking processes, the role of the academic community in strategic decision-making, and the involvement of students in university management structures. Communication and interaction between all stakeholders pleys a key role in the implementation of effective governance mechanisms of higher education institutions.
Bohachevska I. provides recommendations on the formation of university autonomy as a means of solving systemic problems of reforming domestic higher education. According to her research, European and global experience shows that the administration and management of higher education institutions should be based on defining principles, such as respect for institutional autonomy and academic freedom. Universities should have the freedom to make important decisions, including academic programs, research, and personnel policies. The next principle is openness and transparency. Disclosure of information about financial management, decision-making processes, and other key aspects of the university's operations helps to build trust and engage the public. An important principle is social responsibility, universities should understand their role in society and actively contribute to its development through cooperation with the public, industry and other sectors.
The author also recommends that these principles be enshrined in law. In particular, to provide for and properly regulate the procedure for the formation of independent supervisory boards in higher education institutions. These boards should include representatives appointed by the state and delegated by labor collectives (Bohachevska, 2012).
When implementing reforms of the higher education system in Ukraine, it should be taken into account that the autonomy of universities in countries with stable democracies allows universities to focus on educational and research tasks, functioning as a social environment that promotes continuous socialization of the individual and the development of responsibility and constructive selfrealization. The processes of decentralization of higher education management and strengthening of its autonomy are seen as a means to improve the quality of education and flexibility of the higher education system.
These processes began in Western Europe in the 1980s and have been taking place in Latin American, Eastern European countries and the Asia-Pacific region since the 1990s. They are aimed at decentralizing governance and giving universities more autonomy in solving educational issues. This allows universities to perform their core functions more efficiently, promotes innovation and adaptation to changes in the educational environment.
Ukraine can use this experience in reforming its higher education system by giving universities more autonomy in decision-making and developing educational programs. This will help improve the quality of education and increase its competitiveness by stimulating innovation and active participation of universities in social development. Such reforms can help strengthen the position of Ukrainian higher education institutions in the international educational space, and ensure greater flexibility and adaptability of the higher education system to changes in society and market needs.
However, it should be borne in mind that the processes of decentralization and increased autonomy require careful planning, consideration of the specifics of the Ukrainian educational system, and proper regulation and control. It is important to ensure high standards of public finance and ethical behavior to avoid possible conflicts of interest and to ensure the relationship between autonomy and public responsibility.
Thus, the introduction of decentralization processes and strengthening of the autonomy of Ukrainian higher education institutions can be an important step in improving the quality of education and developing the higher education system in line with international standards. However, care must be taken to ensure proper planning, effective management, and the relationship between autonomy and public accountability to ensure the successful implementation of these reforms.
Discussion and conclusions
The modernization of the higher education system of Ukraine in the context of the introduction of the autonomy of higher education institutions is an important step in ensuring quality and modern education. This reform contributes to the development of universities, the creation of a favorable environment for research and innovation, and the improvement of accessibility and equality of educational opportunities for all citizens. Despite the challenges faced by the modernization process, its results are already visible and the prospects for development are impressive. Reforming higher education in Ukraine towards autonomy should take into account not only internal factors and features of the educational system, but also the broader context of the country's social and economic development. Deeper integration of higher education institutions with the economy, society, and the labor market is essential to ensure the quality of education, meet the needs of the national economy, create a socially just system of higher education, and be globally competitive.
This approach will allow universities to actively cooperate with businesses, NGOs and other economic actors, contribute to solving current problems and introducing innovations into practice. The involvement of proactive scientists in education management can stimulate the development of creative and entrepreneurial science, and ensure greater flexibility and adaptability of the higher education system to changes. However, it is important to strike a balance between university autonomy and social responsibility to avoid negative consequences, such as commercialization of education or distance from social needs. Modernization should be focused on achieving a level of higher education that is of high quality, accessible, adapted to the needs of the labor market and capable of producing competitive specialists. Building a modern higher education system that can compete with global systems requires the introduction of innovative approaches, flexible training programs, and the promotion of students' creativity and self-realization.
In addition, it is important to provide adequate support and funding for higher education to ensure quality infrastructure development, modern technologies, research, and support for talented scientists. Modernization of higher education in Ukraine towards autonomy is a complex and long-term process that requires careful analysis, planning, and involvement of all stakeholders. It is important to create effective governance mechanisms, ensure openness and transparency of processes, and engage the general public in dialogue and decision-making.
autonomy education modernizing creativity
1. Bohachevska I.V. (2012, August 16). Autonomization of universities as a component of the reform of higher education in Ukraine. Analytical report. NISI. [in Ukrainian]. [Богачевська І.В. (2012, 16 серпня). Автономізація університетів як складова реформи вищої освіти в Україні. Аналітична записка. НІСД].
2. Vlasova I.V. (2019). University autonomy: theoretical aspect. Bulletin of the Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, 1, 3744. [in Ukranian]. [Власова І.В. (2019). Автономія університету: теоретичний аспект. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького, 1, 37-44].
3. Vlasova I. (2018) Autonomy of higher education institutions: analysis of key European and international documents. Universities and Leadership: electronic scientific professional publication, 1, 62-71 [in Ukrainian]. [Власова І. (2018) Автономія вищих навчальних закладів: аналіз ключових європейських та міжнародних документів. Університети та лідерство: електронне наукове фахове видання, 1, 62-71.
4. Mokliak V. (2015). Substantiation of the concept of "autonomy of a higher education institution". Pedagogical sciences, 63, 132-136 [in Ukrainian]. [Мокляк В. (2015). Обґрунтування поняття "автономія вищого навчального закладу". Педагогічні науки, 63, 132-136].
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