Research and experimental work on preparing future bachelors of physical education for teaching activities in the conditions of inclusive education

The methodology of work on the preparation of bachelors of physical education for pedagogical activities in the conditions of inclusive education. Development of the program of the experiment. The effectiveness of the developed didactic exercises.

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PoltavaV.G. Korolenko national pedagogical university

Research and experimental work on preparing future bachelors of physical education for teaching activities in the conditions of inclusive education

Demus Yana

Vasyl Fazan


bachelor pedagogical physics didactic

The article is devoted to the disclosure of the methodology of research and experimental work on the preparation of future bachelors of physical education for pedagogical activity in the conditions of inclusive education. A formative experiment program has been developed. An experiment was conducted to determine students' readiness for the inclusive orientation of the educational process. The effectiveness of the developed didactic exercises for the formation of inclusive competence of future bachelors of physical culture for pedagogical activity in the conditions of inclusive education is proven.

Keywords: inclusive education, physical culture, bachelor's training, pedagogical activity, research and experimental work.

Main part

Formulation of the problem. Orientation of Ukraine towards the European Union requires a change in the outlook of society towards persons with physical, mental and social health disorders. The ideology of inclusive education postulates the need to provide equal opportunities in education for children with normative development and «diverse children» (the concept of Z. Shevtsiv). Inclusive education requires the development of a strategy for the transformation of the country's educational space. It is aimed at the consolidated response of teachers to the creation of a non-traditional habilitation developmental educational environment at school. The main goal of an inclusive environment is equal access to education for children with disabilities. An indicator of the effective functioning of an educational institution in terms of inclusion is the willingness of teachers to provide a barrier-free educational environment at school, respect for individuality, and the achievement of effectiveness in cooperation with the community of children with disabilities and their parents. Therefore, the implementation of the strategy of inclusive education requires radical changes in the training of future teachers. It is necessary to update the content of educational programs so that they include the topics of inclusion, adaptation and differentiation of learning. Only under the condition of thorough modernization of the educational process will there be proper training of qualified teachers who will be able to provide quality education for all children, without exception.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In the researches of E. Danilavichyutye, S. Lytovchenko and A. Kolupaeva, (Danilavichiutye, Lytovchenko, & Kolupaieva, 2012), a methodical basis for the implementation of the integrated education system and the didactic basis of correctional pedagogy were developed. In his writings, Tim Lorman described the benefits of inclusive education in the «diversity is a value» paradigm. Z. Shevtsiv (Shevtsiv, 2017) chose the training of future primary school teachers to work in an inclusive environment as a subject of scientific interest. N. Kichuk focused her research on the concept of «inclusive culture», and T. Zubareva, N. Kalinichenko, I. Kuzava, V. Shishenko - on the definition of «inclusive educational environment». In the studies of M. Malik, the subject of scientific research was the specificity of the functioning of a modern general educational institution in the conditions of inclusion. Work with children with disabilities, their educational activities were also outlined by foreign scientists. Scientists such as Wayne Sailor, Keith J. Topping, Sheelagh Maloney, Harry Daniels, Philip Garner, Jonathan Rix, Melanie Nind, Kieron Sheehy have published a number of educational and methodological publications on the problem of filling inclusive policies in education in the USA, Canada, Australia and European countries union.

The purpose of the article - to experimentally check the effectiveness of the developed didactic exercises for the formation of inclusive competence of future bachelors of physical education for pedagogical activity in the conditions of inclusive education.

Presentation of the main research material. The theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allowed us to formulate the following pedagogical conditions aimed at the implementation of professional training of bachelors of physical education for pedagogical activities in the conditions of inclusive education:

1) organization of trainings aimed at forming the personal qualities of the future teacher, necessary for work in the conditions of inclusive education;

2) building an educational process based on personally oriented learning;

3) formation of the motivational component of the educational environment, aimed at the emergence of constant interest and the need for self-improvement in educational and professional activities;

4) building an educational process based on a close connection between theoretical material and practical activities.

In order to confirm the effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions selected by us, research and experimental work was carried out. The pedagogical experiment was carried out on the basis of the Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G. Queen The participants of the experiment were students of the fourth year of the training direction 014.11 Secondary education (Physical culture) - the experimental group and 017 Physical culture and sports - the control group.

Research and experimental work was divided into three main stages:

1. Declarative stage. This stage included the selection of diagnostic methods for the purpose of studying all components of preparation for professional activity. In addition, at the ascertainment stage, the selected diagnostic methods were directly performed, and the obtained results were also calculated.

2. Formative stage. At this stage, the pedagogical conditions selected by us were introduced into the educational process of the higher educational institution in the experimental group.

3. Control stage. The final cut included conducting similar diagnostic techniques as at the ascertainment stage. The results obtained were calculated, and a conclusion was drawn about the effectiveness of certain pedagogical conditions.

The confirmatory stage of the experiment was conducted in December 2021. Based on the components of preparation for professional activity, we selected the following diagnostic techniques (Table).

Diagnostic tools for determining the level of preparation for professional activities of future educators in the field of physical education in the conditions of inclusive education

Components of the process of preparation for professional activity

Diagnostic technique


Cognitive component

- Test «Fundamentals of inclusive education» (T.V. Yemelyanova)


Active component

- Observation of students during extracurricular activities


Reflective component

- «Determining the level of pedagogical reflection» (O.E. Rukavyshnikova)


Personal component

- Methodology «Psychological competence of the teacher» (T.N. Grafska)

Diagnostic method 1. Test «Fundamentals of inclusive education» (compiled by T.V. Yemelyanova). The purpose of this test is to identify the level of students' knowledge about inclusive education as a pedagogical phenomenon. The test includes 20 questions devoted to the theory and technology of inclusion. Each correct answer of the student is evaluated by 1 point.

To simplify the method of interpretation of the obtained data, we selected the following levels of training for professional activity in the context of the cognitive component (Table).

Levels of preparation for professional activity under the conditions of inclusive education based on Methodology No. 1

Level of preparation


Qualitative characteristic



Low level of knowledge about the theory and practice of inclusion, lack of knowledge about the categories of correctional pedagogy, as well as basic research in this field.



The level of knowledge in the field of inclusion is patchy, there are gaps in some aspects of this field.



The subject demonstrates full

The results obtained as a result of this diagnostic technique in the experimental group revealed that 5 (22%) students have a high level of knowledge in the field of inclusive education, 10 (43%) students have an average level and 8 (35%) have a low level of cognitive component. The data obtained in the diagnosis of the control group are much lower than the results of the experimental group. A high level is characteristic of 2 (8%) students, an average level is typical for 7 (28%) students, and the remaining 16 (64%) students are at a low level of formation of the cognitive component of professional training.

Thus, the data obtained indicate that the level of knowledge of students of the experimental group in the field of inclusive education is much higher than that of the control group. This fact is explained by the specifics of the educational program of these students. However, the results of the experimental group of teachers are mainly at low and medium levels, which is unacceptable for future specialists in the field of inclusion.

Diagnostic technique 2. Observation. To identify the level of formation of the activity component of professional readiness, we organized purposeful observation of the participants of the experiment. This study was based on the analysis of students' actions and actions, as well as their evaluation according to the selected indicators. So, among the main indicators of the subjects' activity, the following were highlighted:

- manifestation of active interest in issues of inclusive education;

- high level of knowledge and mastery of material in the field of correctional pedagogy, in particular inclusive education;

- the presence of positive motivation to work in the inclusive field and to the teaching profession in general;

- performing volunteer activities, as well as having experience working with children with disabilities;

- the study of the problem of inclusive education in the conditions of a modern school in research works.

Each of the listed criteria was evaluated from 0 to 2 points (0 - this indicator is not manifested at all; 1 - partially manifested; 2 - this indicator is clearly expressed). The identified indicators formed the basis of the selected levels of formation of the activity component of professional readiness.

Levels of preparation for professional activity in the conditions of inclusive education based on observation

Level of preparation


Qualitative characteristic



The subject shows no interest in studying and applying knowledge of inclusive education in physical culture, does not participate in work with children with disabilities and in research on this topic.



The level of knowledge in the field of inclusion is patchy, there are gaps in some aspects of this field.



The subject demonstrates full understanding and knowledge of the essence of inclusive education, applies it in practical activities

Obtained results. After completing this diagnostic procedure, the following results were obtained. Only 2 students (9%) in the experimental group have a high level of formation of the activity component. Most of the subjects have an average level - 15 people (65%), while only 6 subjects (26%) have a low level. In the control group, the results are similar, which is surprising, given that there is no emphasis on inclusive education: high level - 1 person (4%), medium - 17 people (68%), low level - 7 (28%).

The results of the observation show that most of the subjects have an average level of formation of the activity component of professional readiness for pedagogical activities under the conditions of inclusive education. However, in our opinion, with focused work, many students can achieve a high level.

Diagnostic technique 3. «Determining the level of pedagogical reflection» (O.E. Rukavyshnikova). This technique is aimed at identifying the level of the reflexive component of professional readiness for pedagogical activities of future teachers of physical culture in the conditions of inclusive education.

To determine the level of pedagogical reflection, students were asked 34 questions to which they answered either positively or negatively. After this procedure, the subjects' answers were compared with the key of this technique.

To interpret the results of this diagnostic technique, the following levels were selected (Table).

Levels of preparation for professional activity under the conditions of inclusive education based on Methodology No. 3

Level of preparation


Qualitative characteristic



The subject has a low level of pedagogical reflection, does not know how and does not want to analyze his own actions, his



actions, does not pay attention to the actions of others. He attributes all events that occur in life to chance



The student has an average level of pedagogical reflection. He understands that his own activity needs analysis, but he does not always know how to do it.

Obtained results. The analysis of the data obtained during the diagnosis «Psychological competence of the teacher» demonstrated the following results. In the experimental group, 5 (22%) students have a high level of psychological competence, 11 (48%) respondents received an average level, the rest of the subjects of the experimental group - 7 people (30%) - are at a low level. In the control group, the high level corresponds to 4 interviewees, which is 16%. 8 students have an average level - 32%. Other members of the group are at a low level - 13 people - 52%.

Diagnostic technique 5. Questionnaire of A. Mehrabien and N. Epstein. This diagnostic technique is aimed at identifying the level of a person's ability to show empathy. In the context of our research, empathy is a rather important personal quality, so this questionnaire was included to determine the level of development of the personal component of training. The content of this diagnostic technique consists of 33 questions created to reveal the level of empathy and requires a positive or negative answer.

Obtained results. The results of the diagnostic method «Determining the level of pedagogical reflection» in the experimental group are as follows: 6 students (26%) have a high level, 12 (52%) have an average level, and 5 (22%) subjects are at a low level of pedagogical reflection. In the control group, there are 7 students (28%) at a high level, 14 students (56%) at an average level, and 4 students (16%) at a low level

Diagnostic technique 4. «Psychological competence of the teacher» (T.N. Grafska). The purpose of this diagnostic technique is to identify the level of the teacher's psychological competence, which is part of the personal component of preparation for professional activity. This technique is performed according to the same algorithm as the previous one. Students are asked to answer 30 questions related to the peculiarities of the teaching profession, which must be answered either positively or negatively. At the end of the study, the received answers were processed with a key. In the course of this diagnostic technique, the following levels of formation of the personal component of this questionnaire were determined (Table).

Levels of preparation for professional activity under the conditions of inclusive education based on. Methodology No. 4

Level of preparation


Qualitative characteristic



The subject has a low level of psychological competence, which is manifested in the absence of a valuable attitude to his activity and unpreparedness for further professional growth.



The subject has an average level of psychological competence, which is evidenced by a not clearly expressed value attitude to the profession, as well as an inconstant nature of showing interest in another personality and activity.



The student has a high level, which is manifested in the readiness to manifest himself as a specialist and the readiness for professional growth, as well as the presence of a valuable attitude to his own professional activity.

The revealed levels of formation of the personal component of this questionnaire contributed to the interpretation of the obtained data (Table).

Levels of preparation for professional activity under the conditions of inclusive education based on Methodology No. 5

Рівень підготовки

Кількість балів

Якісна характеристика



Даний рівень характеризується концентрацією на собі та своїх почуттях, а також байдужістю до думок та почуттів

Level of preparation


Qualitative characteristic



This level is characterized by the manifestation of anxiety, the experience of failure, dependence on mood, and the presence of a strong sense of duty. Such a teacher depends on the approval of others, has phobic syndromes, although he tries to identify them.



This level is optimal for this diagnostic technique. According to our research, this level is positively correlated with a high expert assessment of the teacher's activity by colleagues, administration, students and parents.



This level is characterized by excessive tolerance. With a high value of this indicator, the implementation of pedagogical activity is very difficult due to the self-destructive nature and maximally expressed tolerant attitudes of the teacher.

оточуючих. Такі люди рідко розуміють оточуючих і відчувають труднощі під час встановлення контактів.



Даний рівень характеризується байдужістю до почуттів інших у більшості випадків, і лише в деяких проявах співпереживання.

Такі люди виявляють емоції, однак у більшості випадків вважають за краще тримати їх під контролем.



Такі люди схили розуміти інших людей краще, ніж себе. Вони емоційно чуйні, легко йдуть на контакт, дуже великодушні.

Високий рівень характеризується вмінням знаходити вихід із будь-якого конфлікту, і навіть пошуком соціального схвалення.

Obtained results. Conducting a questionnaire by A. Mehrabien and N. Epshtein made it possible to obtain the following results. 3 students (13%) in the experimental group have a high level of empathic abilities. The majority of respondents, or rather 18-78%, have an average level. The low level is characteristic of 2 (9%) students of pedagogical direction.

In the control group, 4 students (16%) are at a high level of development of empathic abilities. As in the experimental group, the average level is typical for 18 students (72%) in the control group. The remaining respondents - 3 people (12%) - have a low level as a result of passing this questionnaire.

Diagnostic method 6. Method of professional pedagogical tolerance (Y.A. Makarov). Carrying out this diagnostic technique will reveal the level of pedagogical tolerance, which in turn is a rather important element of the personal component of preparation for professional activity. The structure of this questionnaire is presented in the form of 87 questions that require the consent or disagreement of the respondent. Results are processed using a key.

To interpret the obtained results, the levels of formation of pedagogical tolerance were determined, and even their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Results obtained. Analysis of the data obtained in the process of studying pedagogical tolerance allowed to obtain the following results. In the experimental group, the optimal level is typical for half of the students - 12 people (53%). 7 students (30%) are low and 4 students (17%) are high.

In the control group, quite similar results were obtained. 11 people (44%) have the optimal level, this figure is slightly lower than in the experimental group. A low level is typical for 9 students (36%). The other 6 participants of the experiment have a high level of pedagogical tolerance - 20%.

In order to summarize the data obtained as a result of six different diagnostic techniques, we have developed a method for summarizing the data.

Since each diagnostic technique has its own data scale, we evaluated the subjects as follows.

1. The low level was rated with 1 point.

2. The average level was evaluated with 2 points.

3. The high level was evaluated with 3 points.

Therefore, the data obtained during the diagnostics were summarized by the above principle. The exception is «Diagnostics of professional pedagogical tolerance», where the optimal level is the most desirable for our study, so it was evaluated with 3 points, while the high level was equated to two.

Thus, in the experimental group, 4 (17%) students have a low level of training, 11 (48%) students are at the optimal level, and the remaining 8 (35%) are characterized by a high level.

Fairly similar results were obtained in the control group. The same number of subjects - 4 (16%) - are in a low level of preparation for professional activity. 12 subjects (48%) are characterized by an average level. The remaining 9 sociology students (36%) have a high level.

The data obtained during the control stage of the experiment indicate an overwhelming number of low and medium levels of training. This fact is unacceptable in view of the fact that in a year these students will begin their professional activities. In this regard, we decided to organize research and experimental work aimed at preparing students for pedagogical activities in the conditions of inclusive education.

Research and experimental work was carried out on the basis of Poltava National University named after V.G. Korolenko at the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Adaptive and Mass Physical Culture in the period from November 2021 to April 2022. Students of the experimental group took part in the formative experiment - 4th year students of specialties 014.11 Secondary Education (Physical Culture) and 017 Physical Culture and Sports. This stage of the experiment was implemented directly in the process of studying such disciplines as «Inclusive Physical Education» and «Fundamentals of Inclusive Education».

To achieve the goal of the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, we have developed a set of didactic exercises. On the basis of the previously identified components of the concept of professional training of bachelors of physical culture for activities in conditions of inclusion, all exercises were divided into 4 blocks: cognitive, reflective, personal and activity.

Each developed block of exercises was aimed at forming an appropriate component of professional training. Approbation of this complex was carried out sequentially in the course of the disciplines studied.

The uniqueness of the developed set of educational exercises lies in the use of both traditional and innovative teaching methods in higher education. In addition, each application of each exercise aims to teach, consolidate, control, develop or educate a particular quality, knowledge, characteristics, skills, etc.

It should be noted that the introduction of this set of exercises made it possible not only to intensify the cognitive activity of students, motivate them to educational and research activities, but also to increase the level of knowledge in the theory and practice of inclusive education. In addition, the formation of all constituent components allows us to draw conclusions about the readiness of students of the Faculty of Physical Education for professional activity in the conditions of inclusive education. However, the effectiveness of the developed set of exercises can be judged by the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the dynamics of the level of professional training, carried out at the stage of the control section.

The last and final stage of the research and experimental work on the preparation of bachelors of physical education to work with children with disabilities was the control section.

The purpose of the control stage of the pedagogical experiment is to determine the level of students' preparation for pedagogical activities in the conditions of inclusive education. The data obtained as a result of the ascertaining and control stages were compared, analyzed, the dynamics of the level of professional training was determined, and a conclusion was made about the effectiveness of the developed set of didactic exercises implemented during the disciplines «Inclusive Physical Education» and «Fundamentals of Inclusive Education».

For the reliability of the results obtained, appropriate methods were used at this stage, as well as at the stage of ascertainment.

To diagnose the cognitive component of professional preparation for pedagogical inclusive activities, the test «Fundamentals of Inclusive Education» (author T.V. Yemelianova) was chosen. As a result of purposeful observation, the level of formation of the active component was determined. The identification of the level of the reflexive component was facilitated by the diagnostic method of O.E. Rukavishnikov «Determination of the level of pedagogical reflection».

And finally, to determine the level of pedagogical readiness of an individual to work in the conditions of inclusive education, the following diagnostic methods were used: the method «Psychological competence of the teacher» (T.N. Grafskaya), the questionnaire of A. Mehrabien and N. Epstein (diagnosis of the ability to empathize), the method of diagnostics of professional pedagogical tolerance (Y.A. Makarov).

The basis of the control stage of the pedagogical experiment was the same criteria and indicators that were determined at the stage of ascertainment.

Diagnostic technique 1. Test «Fundamentals of Inclusive Education» (compiled by T.V. Yemelianova). To identify the level of students' knowledge about inclusive education as a pedagogical phenomenon, a test consisting of 20 questions was proposed. Each correct student's answer is worth 1 point.

Results obtained. According to the results of this diagnostic technique in the experimental group, it was found that 15 (65%) students have a high level of knowledge in the field of inclusive education, the remaining 8 (35%) students have an average level. It should be noted that there are no students with a low level of cognitive component in the experimental group - all students were able to answer at least 12 questions of the test.

The data obtained during the diagnosis of the control group are slightly different from the data obtained at the stage of ascertainment. The high level is characteristic of 3 (12%) students, the average level is typical for the same number of students - 7 (28%), and the remaining 15 (60%) students have a low level of knowledge in the field of theory and practice of inclusive education.

Thus, testing as the main method for identifying the cognitive component allows us to judge the positive dynamics in the experimental group. This fact is confirmed by a 41% increase in the number of high-level participants and a 35% decrease in the number of low-level participants. There were no significant changes in the control group. In addition, the level of the cognitive component in the field of inclusive education is much higher for students majoring in 014.11 Secondary Education (Physical Education) than 017 Physical Education and Sports.

Diagnostic technique 2. Observations. This empirical research method allows to identify the level of formation of the activity component of professional training. As in the ascertaining experiment, at this stage, the actions and actions of the subjects were evaluated and analyzed on the basis of the previously selected indicators:

1. active interest in inclusive education;

2. high level of knowledge and mastery of material in the field of correctional pedagogy, in particular inclusive education;

3. the presence of positive motivation for the implementation of inclusive education and for the teaching profession in general;

4.implementation of volunteer work, as well as experience in working with children with disabilities; of the problem of inclusive education in the conditions of modern school in research works.

Results obtained. At the end of this diagnostic technique, the following results were obtained. In the experimental group, 10 students (43%) have a high level of formation of the activity component. 9 subjects (40%) have an intermediate level, but there are still students with a low level in this group - 4 people (17%). In the control group, the results did not change and remained the same: high level - 1 person (4%), medium - 17 people (68%), low level - 7 (28%).

Analyzing the data obtained, it is possible to conclude that there is a positive trend in the experimental group. The number of respondents with a high level increased by 8 people (by 34%), and the number of participants with a low level decreased by 9%, which allows us to conclude that the dynamics at this stage occurred due to the transition of subjects from an average level to a high level.

Despite the fact that the results of the control group did not change, the data of the experimental group are much higher. Thus, the number of students with a high level prevails by 39%, and the number of students with a low level is less by 11%.

Diagnostic technique 3. «Determination of the level of pedagogical reflection» (O.E. Rukavishnikova). Repeated implementation of this diagnostic technique allows to identify the level of the reflective component of professional training for pedagogical activity in the context of inclusive education. At this stage, respondents were asked the same questions, as well as at the stage of ascertainment.

Results obtained. The results of the diagnostic method «Determination of the level of pedagogical reflection» in the experimental group demonstrated the following dynamics: 13 students (56%) have a high level, 8 (35%) have an average level and 2 (9%) subjects have a low level of pedagogical reflection. Despite the fact that the control group did not carry out purposeful work on the formation of the reflective component, at this stage the dynamics were also marked. At a high level are 10 students (40%), 13 people (52%) have an average level, and 2 students (8%) have a low level.

Thus, in the experimental group, a positive trend was found in increasing the number of students with a high level by 30% and a decrease in students with a low level by 13%. The control group also underwent changes characterized by a 12% increase in the number of respondents with a high level and an 8% decrease in the number of respondents with a low level.

Despite the fact that the number of low-level students is approximately the same, the number of high-level participants is 16% higher in the experimental group, which indicates the effectiveness of our methods of forming the reflective component.

Diagnostic technique 4. «Psychological competence of the teacher» (T.N. Grafskaya). This methodology was based on identifying the level of psychological competence of the teacher, which in turn is a component of the personal component of preparation for pedagogical activity.

Results obtained. Analysis of the data obtained during the «Psychological Competence of the Teacher» diagnostics showed the following results. In the experimental group, 14 (61%) students have a high level of psychological competence, 8 (35%) respondents received an average level and only 1 subject (4%) of the experimental group has a low level.

The changes that occurred in the control group are quite minor. The high level corresponds to 5 respondents, which is 20%. 9 students have an intermediate level - 36%. Other members of the group are at a low level - 11 people - 44%.

So, the dynamics of the level of psychological competence are as follows. In the experimental group, the high-level dynamics were 39%, which is 41% higher than in the control group. And the number of participants with low levels decreased by 26%, which is 40% lower than in the control group, where no targeted work was carried out.

Diagnostic technique 5. Questionnaire by A. Mehrabien and N. Epstein. The repeated implementation of this diagnostic technique contributed to the identification of the individual's ability to show empathy.

Results obtained. Conducting a questionnaire by A. Mehrabien and N. Epstein made it possible to obtain the following results. The overwhelming majority of respondents in the experimental group, 18-78% to be exact, have a high level. The average level of empathic abilities of the experimental group has 5 students (22%). There were no subjects with low levels in the experimental group.

Quite significant changes also occurred in the control group. 7 students (28%) are at a high level of development of empathic abilities. In contrast to the experimental group, the vast majority of students have an average level of 17 (68%). And only one person (4%) has a low level as a result of completing this questionnaire.

Giving a qualitative characterization of the dynamics of the level of empathic abilities, I would like to note the dynamics of the high level of the experimental group by 65%, and the control group by 12%. The high level indicator of the experimental group is 50% higher than the control group. In addition, the number of respondents with a low level decreased by 9%, and the number of respondents with a control level decreased by 8%. Despite this, the number of participants with a low level in the experimental group is not at all, in contrast to the control group, where this figure is 4%.

Diagnostic technique 6. Methods of Diagnostics of Professional Pedagogical Tolerance (Y.A. Makarov) The purpose of this diagnostic methodology, as well as at the stage of ascertainment, is to identify the level of pedagogical tolerance - a structural element of the personal component of the preparation of bachelors of physical culture for professional activity.

Results obtained. Interpretation of the data made it possible to obtain the following results. In the experimental group, the optimal level is characteristic of the vast majority of students - 19 people (82%). Two students (9%) are at a high and low level, respectively.

Repeated performance of this diagnostic technique did not reveal any changes in the control group, so their results remained unchanged. 11 people (44%) have the optimal level, this figure is slightly lower than in the experimental group. A low level is typical for 9 students (36%). The other 6 participants of the experiment have a high level of pedagogical tolerance - 20%.

Analysis of the data of this diagnostic technique indicates a positive dynamics of the optimal level of the experimental group by 38%. At the same time, the number of low - and high-level students decreased by 21% and 8%, respectively. There were no changes in the control group. At the same time, the number of respondents with an optimal level is 38% higher in the experimental group than in the control group.

In order to summarize the data obtained as a result of six different diagnostic techniques, we used the same method of summarizing the data as at the ascertaining stage.

Since each diagnostic technique has its own data scale, we evaluated the subjects as follows.

1. The low level was rated with 1 point.

2. The average level was evaluated with 2 points.

3. The high level was evaluated with 3 points.

Therefore, the data obtained in the course of these diagnostics were summarized by the above principle. The exception is the «Diagnosis of Professional Pedagogical Tolerance», where the Optimal level is the most desirable for our study, so it was evaluated with 3 points, while the high level was equated to two.

Thus, in the experimental group, 15 (65%) students have a high level of training, 6 (26%) students are at an average level, and the remaining 2 (9%) students are characterized by a low level.

The results of the control group differ significantly from the experimental group. There are 6 test subjects at a high level of preparation for professional activity - 46%. 11 subjects (42%) have an average level. 8 students (12%) have a low level.

Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded about the dynamics of the general level of preparation of bachelors of physical culture for pedagogical inclusive activities. Thus, in the experimental group, there was a 30% increase in the number of respondents with a high level and an 8% decrease with a low level.

The same dynamics occurred in the control group, where the number of subjects with a high level increased by 10%, and with a low level decreased by 4%. However, the dynamics of the control group is insignificant compared to the data of the experimental group. Thus, the number of subjects from the experimental group with a high level is 19% higher, and with a low level less by 3%.

Conclusions. The positive dynamics of the participants of the experimental group testifies to the effectiveness of the set of exercises developed by us, which is implemented during the study of the disciplines «Inclusive Physical Education» and «Fundamentals of Inclusive Education». This complex includes both traditional and innovative methods of work in the classroom, which contributes to the development of all four components of professional training.

The results of the study do not exhaust all aspects of solving the problem of preparing bachelors of physical education for activities in the conditions of inclusive education, require further research and development of new directions, programs, methods, new technologies of teaching in higher education.


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Список використаних джерел

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2. Єфімова С.М., Королюк С.В. Лідерство та інклюзивна освіта: навч.-метод. посіб. / за заг. ред. А.А. Колупаєвої. Київ: ТОВ «Видавничий дім «Плеяди», 2012. 164 с. (Серія «Інклюзивна освіта»). URL:

3. Шевців З.М. Професійна підготовка майбутніх учителів початкової школи до роботи в інклюзивному середовищі загальноосвітнього навчального закладу: монографія. Київ: «Центр учбової літератури», 2017. 384 с. URL: _uchyteHv_pochatkovoi_shkoly_do_roboty_v_inkHuzyvnomu_seredovyschi.pdf?

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