Component-structural analysis of the lecture as the main forms of organizing the educational process in the higher school
The article attempts to substantiate the component-structural analysis of the lecture as the main form of organization of the educational process in higher education. It is proven that the typology of lectures is carried out by scientific level.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.09.2024 |
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Component-structural analysis of the lecture as the main forms of organizing the educational process in the higher school
Shetelya Nataliia Ihorivna -
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Arts, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Rector of the Municipal Establishment of Higher Education «Academy of Culture and Arts» by the Transcarpathian Regional Council.
Apshay Fedir Vasyliovych -
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Arts, First Vice-Rector of the Communal Institution of Higher Education «Academy of Culture and Arts» by the Transcarpathian Regional Council.
Telep Oksana Anatoliivna - Candidate in Social Communications, Associate Professor of the Department of Socio-Cultural Activities, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work on the Organisation of the Educational Process of the Municipal Establishment of Higher Education «Academy of Culture and Arts» by the Transcarpathian Regional Council.
ШЕТЕЛЯ Наталія Ігорівна, АПШАЙ Федір Васильович, ТЕЛЕП Оксана Анатоліївна.
У статті здійснено спробу обґрунтування компонентно-структурного аналізу лекції як основної форми організації освітнього процесу у вищій школі. Доведено, що типологія лекцій здійснюється за науковим рівнем, загальною метою, дидактичними завданнями, за способом викладання матеріалу та за науковим рівнем: академічні, популярні. За такого підходу, залежно від поставлених завдань у вищій школі розрізняють наступні типи лекцій: вступні, інформаційні, проблемні, інтегровані, лекції-візуалізації, бінарні лекції, оглядові й лекції-консультації.
Ключові слова: лекція, вступна, інформаційна, проблемна, інтегрована, лекція-візуалізація, бінарна лекція, оглядова й лекція-консультація.
Among the various forms of organization of the educational process in a higher educational institution, an important place belongs to lectures. Its main didactic goal is the formation of an approximate basis for the further assimilation of educational material by students of higher education. It is closely related to all other forms of organization of the educational process, namely: seminar, practical, laboratory classes. Based on this, we identified the leading principles of the lecture and established its structural components.
It has been proven that the lecture, as a form of organizing an educational session, is used in higher educational institutions to study subjects included in the curriculum of a particular specialty. The structural organization of the lecture is built on the basis of the informative monologue method of presenting and explaining the material and organizing the cognitive activity of students of higher education.
The leading principles of the lecture are considered to be: principles of scientificity, accessibility, problematic, systematic, continuity, learning motivation, activity, professional orientation, combination of theory and practice, clarity.
The article attempts to substantiate the component-structural analysis of the lecture as the main form of organization of the educational process in higher education. It is proven that the typology of lectures is carried out by scientific level, general purpose, didactic tasks, by the method of teaching the material and by scientific level: academic, popular. According to this approach, depending on the tasks, the following types of lectures are distinguished in higher education: introductory, informative, problematic, integrated, visualization lectures, binary lectures, review and consultation lectures.
Keywords: lecture, introductory, informational, problematic, integrated, lecture-visualization, binary lecture, overview and lecture-consultation.
Statement and justification of the relevance of the problem
Nowadays, improving the professional training of higher education students is a very relevant issue in domestic professional education. The new requirements for the training of students in institutions of higher education determine the acquisition of only special professional knowledge is no longer sufficient for a future competitive specialist. Today, the main goal of higher professional education, in particular art education, is to prepare a competent, qualified graduate who is able not only to apply knowledge, skills and abilities in practice, but also to make original and non-standard decisions, to show creativity in situations arising in professional activity.
That is the context in which the problem becomes particularly important substantiation of the component-structural analysis of the lecture as the main form of organization of the educational process in higher education.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Methodological issues of the classification of lectures, the stages of their preparation and delivery were highlighted in the studies of a number of teachers. Scientific works deserve special attention of O. Belova, N. Briukhanova, O. Konoval, A. Kuzmin- skyi, V. Luniachek, V Ortynskyi, T. Turcot, M. Fit- sula, M. Stoliarenko, V. Fokin, I. Shalimova etc. In our practical work with students of higher education in the artistic field, we relied on thorough research by A. Aleksiuk, L. Artemova, S. Vitvytska, S. Goncharenko, I. Ziaziun, A. Kuzminskyi, V. Loznytsia, N. Bordovska, O. Rean, D. Mazokha, N. Opanasen- ko, D. Chernylevskyi, O. Morozov, M. Fitsula, P. Shcherbania, L. Podoliak, V. Yurchenko and other specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology of higher education.
The purpose of the article - substantiation of the component-structural analysis of the lecture as the main form of organization of the educational process in higher education.
Summary of the main research material
lecture educational higher school
In modern didactics, the lecture (from the Latin lectio - reading) is considered as one of the main and leading forms of organizing the educational process in higher education. The lecture is the most effective presentation of scientifically based and verified information, its main goal is the formation of professional competence in students of higher education, motivation for further professional growth and improvement of professional skills.
Lecture as a form of organization educational process in higher educational institutions is used to study subjects included in the curriculum of a particular specialty. The structural organization of the lecture is built on the basis of the informative monologue method of presenting and explaining the material and organizing the cognitive activity of students of higher education.
It should be aimed at forming in students the basics of knowledge in a certain scientific field, as well as determine the direction, main content and nature of all other types of educational activities and independent work in the relevant academic discipline. The lecture is also designed to form and develop the methodological and scientific-methodical thinking of higher education students, to motivate them to study a certain course and to influence the formation of general culture and the assimilation of universal human values.
As a matter of fact, the lecture is a component of the course of this or that educational discipline, which is included in the content module and covers the main theoretical material aimed at the formation of intellectual and professional abilities of future specialists in socio-cultural activities.
The scope of the lecture course is determined by the working curriculum, and its subject matter is determined by the program of the academic discipline. A scientific-pedagogical employee of a higher educational institution independently solves the issue regarding the selection of methods of presentation of educational material, means of students' assimilation of key concepts and the use of methodological techniques in relation to mastering a certain amount of scientific information.
It is worth noting that during the lecture, the scientific and pedagogical worker consistently and systematically teaches, explains and scientifically substantiates the content of the educational material, gives examples and makes references to scientific sources and views of famous scientists and practicing teachers. The high level of lectures in a higher mass institution is a factor in activating the independent creative and research activity of a higher education seeker, forming his worldview positions, striving for a high level of professional skill.
The lecture in a higher education institution is the most cost-effective means of transmitting and assimilating educational information and the mental culture of generations contained within pedagogical forms of education. Such an approach places high demands on the culture of lecture activities. Every lecturer-teacher must master the general literacy of this business, must know the basics of lecturing skills in order to achieve perfection and present their own professional competence with dignity. The lecturer- teacher thereby motivates the student audience to independent mental activity, directs their cognitive activity based on material unknown to higher education students.
The leading principles of the lecture are considered to be: principles of scientificity, accessibility, problematic, systematic, continuity, learning motivation, activity, professional orientation, combination of theory and practice, clarity.
According to its structure, the lecture includes an introductory part, which provides an introduction to the topic and plan of the lecture, the formation of goals and objectives, a brief description of the problem, an introduction to the list of recommended literature, motivation for learning, and an update of basic knowledge.
The main part is characterized by the disclosure of the topic of the lecture in a logical sequence (evidence, facts, analysis of concepts, coverage of events) in accordance with the stated plan and the author's perception of the problem. Summary of the lecture material makes it possible to characterize certain points of view on this or that issue, connection with practice, future professional activity.
And in the end, the final part, where the conclusions and generalizations summing up the lecture, provide an opportunity to understand the lecture as a whole, highlight the main idea. To do this, use reference notes or signals in the form of diagrams, pictures, tables, etc. In addition, a summary of the general conclusions, solutions to the assigned tasks for independent work, as well as methodical advice and answers to the questions of higher education applicants are offered.
The typology of lectures is carried out by scientific level, general purpose, didactic tasks, by the method of teaching the material and by scientific level: academic or popular. According to this approach, depending on the tasks, the following types of lectures are distinguished in higher education: introductory, informative, problematic, integrated, visualization lectures, binary lectures, review and consultation lectures.
Introductory lecture characterized by the validity of methodical and organizational features of this or that discipline of the curriculum, its role and place in the training of future specialists is determined. Currently, students are familiar with the purpose and tasks of the academic discipline, its place in the specialist training system and the relationship with other subjects of the curriculum.
In the introductory lecture, it is necessary not only to determine the distribution of study time by types of classes, but also it is worth getting acquainted with the methodological features of studying the discipline, the requirements for conducting seminar classes, and the content and requirements for completing individual tasks. In addition, the teacher must acquaint students with reporting forms and attestation requirements for knowledge and skills, criteria for assessing the level of mastery of educational material, and the principle of the rating system.
The introductory lecture is distinguished by the fact that the teacher introduces students to higher education with basic textbooks and teaching aids, as well as monographic studies of domestic and foreign scientists. In addition, it is advisable to analyze the main scientific and methodological literature. Besides, it is appropriate to indicate the main stages of the formation and development of the academic discipline, to name the scientists who made a significant contribution to the relevant field of knowledge. It is considered worthwhile to give higher education students a motivational attitude to systematic and in-depth study of the discipline, connecting the content of the subject with their future professional practice in the field of socio-cultural activities.
The message of intellectual and creative development is an introductory lecture, which in most cases is used in correspondence or distance education. Their main task is to present the general structure of the content of the discipline, clearly outline its tasks for independent study, highlight and consider the most difficult issues, give methodological recommendations on the use of basic and additional literature and the completion of semester assignments in a short period of time during the orientation session for higher education students studying part-time or distance learning.
At such a lecture, in addition to revealing the content of the discipline of the course, methods of mastering it, defining the main problems of the course, its features and difficulties, it is advisable to make a detailed review of existing textbooks and study guides, monographic studies, to give methodological advice to students of higher education, how to independently master the educational material.
Informational lecture is considered a classic form of transfer of scientific knowledge to students of higher education through a monologue form of communication between the teacher and students. Its essence is to explain scientific information, the content of educational material to the audience of listeners for familiarization with it and memorization. Currently, the informative lecture performs an educational and developing role in the process of interaction between the teacher and student of higher education, develops interest and love for science, creative abilities, intellectual and emotional-volitional sphere of personality, perception, memory.
A problematic lecture motivates higher education students to search for knowledge, makes it possible to acquire knowledge through problematic issues, tasks or situations by finding solutions or analyzing different approaches. The process of cognition of higher education students is approaching search and research activities.
With the help of problematic elements, the achievement of the goal and solution of the relevant tasks is ensured, namely: effective mastering of theoretical knowledge by higher education students, development of methodological and scientific- methodical thinking, formation of cognitive interest in the content of the discipline and professional motivation of higher education students.
Integrated lecture is conducted with the use of scientific knowledge from various specialized disciplines, which enables further development of the transformation of the acquired knowledge, establishment of connections and relations between their elements. The purpose of such lectures is the formation of a system of knowledge in students of higher education based on the awareness of a general pattern, a general principle, a gradual transition from partial to broader generalizations from related professional disciplines.
Integrated lecture - it is the process and result of creating an inextricably linked, single, continuous. In education, it takes place by merging elements of various educational subjects in one synthesized course. Therefore, the main function of such lectures is integrative, which allows you to select only those that bear the main semantic and logical load from the large amount of knowledge gained, which serve as a basis for establishing links between the main concepts of the topic, course, and subject in general.
Lecture-visualization (lat. visualis - visual) arose as a result of the search for new possibilities for the implementation of the principle of visuality. In such a lecture, the teacher uses demonstration materials, visual forms that not only supplement verbal information, but also act as carriers of meaningful information. The preparation of such a lecture consists in reconstruction, recording of the content of the lecture or its part into a visual form for presentation to students through technical means. Reading it comes down to free, extensive commenting on the prepared materials.
In a visual lecture, when lecture material is presented using technical teaching aids or audio-video equipment, visual logic, the rhythm of the presentation of the material, its dosage, the mastery and style of communication of the teacher with the audience are important.
Binary lecture (lecture discussion) (lat. bina- rius - which consists of two parts) characterized by the fact that it is read by two lecturers - a scientist and a practitioner, or representatives of two scientific areas, or a teacher and a student. Without a doubt, it is a continuation and development of the problematic presentation of the material in the dialogue between the two teachers. In the course of conducting such a lecture, real situations of discussion of theoretical and practical issues are simulated by two specialists, for example, representatives of two different scientific schools or a theoretician and a practitioner. The presence of two sources forces you to compare different points of view, accept one of them or form your own.
It is very valuable that the advantages of the binary lecture are the actualization of the professional competences available to the students of higher education, necessary for understanding the dialogue and participating in it, as well as creating a problem situation, participating in solving debatable issues, deploying a proof system, etc. At such a lecture, the culture of participants in dialogue discussions, the ability to conduct negotiations in order to prove one's own opinion, modern research and decision-making is cultivated.
The preparation of a binary lecture involves a preliminary discussion of theoretical issues by its participants, their intellectual and personal compatibility, the possession of developed communication skills, the presence of a quick reaction and the ability to improvise on certain discussion issues.
Important for our research is the idea that the main condition of a binary lecture is a discussion, an academic dispute between lecturers. Such a dialogue should be carried out in the presence of a problematic issue through demonstrations of polar approaches to its solution.
The binary lecture consists of introductory, main and final parts. The main part of the lecture is a scientific discussion, and the final part actively involves students, as they are invited to express their own opinions on the issue discussed in the lecture. Students are also able to influence the course of the discussion, as questions from the audience are acceptable and even desirable.
Review lecture represents systematization of scientific knowledge in the process of revealing intra-subject and inter-subject connections without specification. Such a lecture is planned at the end of the content module or upon completion of the study of the academic discipline and involves a systematic analysis of the main scientific hypotheses of the course, which are connected with the practical experience of higher education students, tasks of future professional activity. It should reflect the main content of the theoretical and methodological provisions included in the concept of the formation of professional competences in a certain discipline. The review lecture involves the systematization of knowledge at a higher level, sharpening the attention of those seeking higher education on unsolved and controversial problems.
The review lecture involves the presentation of educational information to deepen the acquired knowledge, bringing it into a certain system in accordance with the logic of the educational discipline. Such a lecture is held at the end of the study of several topics related to the general idea of the content module and is generalizing. Therefore, the review lecture creates the necessary prerequisites for the activation of independent work of higher education students, for expanding and deepening their knowledge, gaining professional experience.
Lecture-consultation contains questions-an- swers or questions-answers-discussions. Advisory lecture complements and clarifies the material of the review, highlighting the sections of the course that cause serious difficulties during independent study. Lecture-consultation is used when studying a topic of a purely practical nature. At such a lecture, after the presentation of the main problems by the teacher, students of higher education ask questions, clarify problematic situations, figure out the meaning of scientific definitions.
The lecture-consultation takes place in the form of the teacher's answer to the students' questions, which can be submitted orally and in writing. It is undeniable that after a short presentation by the teacher of the main issues of the topic, students of higher education ask the lecturer questions, and at the end a small discussion is held with the teacher's conclu-sions. It should not be forgotten that a lecture-consultation is organized when students should be given help. According to this, the first part is conducted in the form of lectures, the second - a consultation, which makes it possible to give answers to questions and carry out an exchange of opinions.
Conclusions and prospects for further research in this area
Among the various forms of organization of the educational process in a higher educational institution, an important place belongs to lectures. Its main didactic goal is the formation of an approximate basis for the further assimilation of educational material by students of higher education. It is closely related to all other forms of organization of the educational process, namely: seminar, practical, laboratory and individual classes. Based on this, we identified the leading principles of the lecture and established its structural components.
Summarizing, we can say that depending on the tasks in higher education, the following types of lectures are distinguished: introductory, informative, problematic, integrated, visualization lectures, binary lectures, review and consultation lectures.
Prospects for further scientific research may be related to the study of seminar and individual classes, types, structure and principles of their use.
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реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.
курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.
статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.
курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.
курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.
учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.
презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.
презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016