Analysis of effective methods of forming Ukrainian-language communicative competence in foreign students

The necessity of developing and applying effective approaches that help learn Ukrainian language and culture effectively. The approaches and innovative technologies used to develop Ukrainian-language communicative competence in foreign students.

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Дата добавления 03.09.2024
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National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"


Maryna Shlenova, PhD in Philology,

Associate Professor of Department of Document

Studies and Ukrainian Language


This article is devoted to the analysis of effective methods of forming Ukrainian-language communicative competence in foreign students. This problem is important in the modern educational environment due to the growing number of foreign students studying in Ukraine. The necessity of developing and applying effective approaches that help learn Ukrainian language and culture effectively is emphasized.

This article analyzes various approaches and innovative technologies used to develop Ukrainian-language communicative competence in foreign students. In particular, the effectiveness of the communicative approach, interactive technologies, and intercultural communication is considered. Multimedia technologies. foreign student communicative competence

The study found that the most effective methods are those that combine practical work with the language and use of modern technologies. In addition, an important condition for the successful formation of Ukrainian-language communicative competence is an individual approach to each foreign student and an understanding of his or her personal needs and goals.

Keywords: communicative competence, Ukrainian as a foreign language, foreign students, innovative language teaching technologies.


Шленьова Марина Геннадіївна, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри документознавства та української мови, Національний аерокосмічний університет ім. М. Є. Жуковського "Харківський авіаційний інститут"


Стаття присвячена аналізу ефективних методів формування україномовної комунікативної компетентності у іноземних студентів. Ця проблема є важливою в сучасному освітньому середовищі у зв'язку зі зростаючою кількістю іноземних студентів, які навчаються в Україні. Підкреслено необхідність розробки та застосування ефективних підходів, що допомагають ефективно вивчати українську мову та культуру.

У статті проводиться аналіз різних підходів та інноваційних технологій, які використовуються для формування україномовної комунікативної компетентності у іноземних студентів. Зокрема, розглянуто ефективність застосування комунікативного підходу, інтерактивних технологій. інтеркультурної комунікації. Мультимедійних технологій.

В результаті дослідження було встановлено, що найбільш ефективними методами є ті, що поєднують в собі практичну роботу з мовою та використання сучасних технологій. Також, важливою умовою успішного формування україномовної комунікативної компетентності є індивідуальний підхід до кожного іноземного студента та розуміння його особистих потреб та цілей.

Ключові слова: комунікативна компетентність, українська мова як іноземна, іноземні студенти, інноваційні технології навчання мови.

The problem formulation

The development of Ukrainian-language communicative competence in foreign students is an important and urgent task for the training of qualified specialists in various fields. Developing Ukrainian-language communicative competence in international students is important for several reasons. Communicative competence is a key skill for successful communication in any language. Foreign language communicative competence helps students interact effectively with native speakers, as well as to better understand the culture and traditions, which makes them more adaptable to life in a new environment. Learning another language also helps to develop cognitive functions such as critical thinking, analytical skills, and attention to detail and opens up new cultural horizons for students. To acquire Ukrainian-language communicative competence, it is necessary to apply various approaches and innovative technologies that will contribute to the development of students' communication skills and abilities.

Analysis of recent studies and publications

The issue of communicative competence of foreign students is studied by many domestic scholars: O. Belikova, N. Bessonova, O. Greul, S. Dytuk, L. Skripnik, N. Chernonogorskaya (Belikova et al, 2017), L. Bondarenko, I. Knjazeva (Bondarenko et al., 2020), N. V. Kalashnik (Kalashnik, 2016), О. L. Kaniuk (Kaniuk, 2013), L. I. Pats (Pats, 2018), A. M. Prikhodko (Prikhodko, 2015; 2016), O. O. Vdovina (Vdovina, 2019), M. G. Shlenova (Shlenova, 2017; 2019; 2022) and many others. Their works are dedicated to forming the communicative competence in foreign students as the necessary constituent of mastering a foreign language and the methods of organization of the differential study of Ukrainian; modern approaches to the definition of a concept of "communicative competence"; the problem of a complexcomplex approach to forming communicative competence of foreign students of technical higher schools of Ukraine at the stage of pre-university training; the structure of intercultural competence of the foreign medical students as a pedagogical category based on the analysis of contemporary psychological and pedagogical literature; determine the peculiarities in learning Ukrainian as a foreign language, etc.

The study aims to analyze effective approaches to the formation of Ukrainian-language communicative competence in foreign students. The subject of the article is an effective approach to the formation of Ukrainian-language communicative competence in foreign students, and the object is the formation of Ukrainian-language communicative competence in foreign students.

Research results

Modem approaches and innovative technologies for developing foreign language communicative competence are aimed at creating effective conditions for language learning, developing communication skills, and increasing students' motivation to learn the language. The main approaches and technologies are:

1. Communicative approach.

This approach focuses on the development of communicative competence, i.e., the ability to communicate in the language. Its main principles are focus on speech activity, interaction, partnership and mutual assistance, and adaptability to individual needs of students.

The communicative approach is one of the most common and effective approaches to teaching foreign languages. The main principle of this approach is to create conditions for real communication between students with different levels of language proficiency. The main goal of the communicative approach is to develop students' communication skills and their ability to communicate in different situations.

The main components of the communicative approach include:

- functional-communicative approach, according to which students learn a foreign language to achieve specific communication goals.

- situational approach, which involves creating situations for communication that are as close to real-life as possible.

- interactive approach, in which the learning process is organized as a dialog between the teacher and students.

- language competence and language practice.

To implement the communicative approach, various methods and technologies are used, such as games, role-playing games, discussions, interactive exercises, work in pairs or small groups, projects, and video and audio materials. Computer technology and online learning resources are also often used to expand the opportunities for communication and language practice.

The communicative approach is effective because it encourages learners to actively participate in the learning process, develops their communication skills, and promotes the language acquisition.

2. Interactive technologies.

These technologies involve the active participation of students in the learning process and the use of various methods to engage them in speech activities. Such technologies include group interaction, projects, Internet resources, video and audio materials, etc.

Interactive technologies are an approach to teaching that promotes students' active participation in the learning process and contributes to the formation of their foreign language communicative competence. The use of interactive technologies allows students to actively communicate with each other, exchange ideas, develop critical thinking, and solve problems.

One of the most popular interactive technologies is the use of interactive whiteboards. These whiteboards allow teachers to create interactive lessons using visuals, audio and video, interactive exercises, and other elements. Thanks to this, students can actively interact with the material using various means of communication, such as images, video, sound, and text.

Another interactive technology is the use of mobile applications and games for learning. With these tools, students can learn a language at any time and place that is convenient for them, using interactive exercises and games that allow them to deepen their knowledge and skills.

Interactive technologies can also be used for collaboration and communication between students and teachers, for example, through video conferencing, online discussions, shared resources, etc.

Interactive technologies are an effective tool for developing students' foreign language communicative competence. Such technologies allow to create conditions for active participation of students in the learning process, promote the development of communication skills, and provide an individual approach to each student.

One of the most effective examples of interactive technologies is the use of computer programs for teaching foreign languages. These programs allow students to learn new words and expressions on their own, perform exercises to understand and use the language in different situations, and receive instant feedback on the correctness of their tasks.

Interactive technologies also include the use of online resources, video and audio materials, webinars, and interactive exercises on distance learning platforms. Thanks to these tools, students can learn and practice the language anytime and anywhere, interact with other students and teachers, receive feedback and improve their skills.

It is also important to note that interactive technologies allow us to create conditions for individual work with each student. Each student can complete tasks at their own level, depending on their needs and abilities. This helps achieve better results in learning and forming foreign language communication.

3. Intercultural communication.

This approach involves developing students' ability to interact with representatives of other cultures and languages, to understand and respect their values, traditions, and norms of behavior. For this purpose, various interactive exercises and games are used, as well as specially designed training programs.

Intercultural communication is the process of exchanging information and understanding between cultures. In the context of foreign language learning, this approach focuses on helping students understand and appreciate cultural differences that affect communication between people from different cultures.

Intercultural communication can be used as a language learning method that develops students' communication skills and increases their cultural competence. For example, when learning a foreign language, you can focus on learning the differences in speech and cultural habits between different countries and nationalities.

Intercultural communication can also include the use of interactive technologies, such as video conferencing, social media discussions, etc., to increase understanding and communication between people from different cultures. It is advisable to use such methods in language learning and linguistic and cultural studies.

The main purpose of intercultural communication is for students to gain a deeper understanding of the culture of another country and nationality, which will allow them to communicate more effectively with native speakers and feel more confident when communicating with them.

4. Multimedia technologies.

Modern approaches to teaching foreign languages are inextricably linked to the use of innovative technologies, among which multimedia technology occupies a special place.

Multimedia technology is the use of various media formats (text, sound, video, graphics, etc.) to create learning materials. These can be video tutorials, audio files, interactive tasks, multimedia presentations, and other materials that contribute to the effective assimilation of information.

Multimedia technology allows you to create learning materials interesting and understandable for students. Their interaction with such materials is more interactive, which increases their motivation to learn and contributes to the formation of foreign language communicative competence.

One of the main advantages of multimedia technology is the ability to individualize learning. Students can study the material at their own pace and at a time convenient for them. Additionally, the use of interactive exercises allows you to take into account different levels of language proficiency and individual characteristics of each student.

Learning materials created with the help of multimedia technology can be accessed online, which allows students to study from anywhere and at any time convenient for them.

Thus, the use of multimedia technology is an effective way to develop foreign students' communicative competence.


The use of modern approaches and innovative technologies in the development of foreign language communicative competence of foreign students learning Ukrainian can be a very effective and useful process.

One of the most effective approaches is the communicative method, which involves active interaction of students with each other and with the teacher, the use of situation-oriented exercises and tasks that promote the development of communication skills.

Another important approach is interactive teaching, which allows students to be active participants in the learning process and involves various methods and tools, such as video and audio materials, virtual tours, and online games, etc.

Also, the use of innovative technologies, such as online platforms and mobile applications for language learning, can be very beneficial for students. They can use these tools to have free access to various exercises and tasks, tests, video and audio materials, as well as to communicate with native speakers and other students.

Thus, the use of modem approaches and innovative technologies in the development of foreign language communicative competence of foreign students learning Ukrainian can help improve the quality of learning, increase student motivation, and ensure their successful future in professional activities.


1. Belikova O., Bessonova N., Greul O., Dytuk S., Skripnik L., Chernonogorskaya N. “Active methods of forming the communicative competence of foreign students of technical specialities”. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations. 2017, no. 29. Р. 17-26.

2. Bondarenko L., Knjazeva I. “Formation of communicative competence of foreign students of engineering specialties at technical universities of Ukraine”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University. 2020, no. 89. Р. 147-151. doi: https://doi. org/10.30977/BUL.2219-5548.2020.89.0.147.

3. Kalashnik N. V. “The structure of intercultural communicative competence of foreign students future medical specialists”. The Scientific Issues of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. Series: pedagogy. 2016, no. 3. Р. 98-105.

4. Kaniuk О. L. “To the issue of foreign language communicative competency of future specialists in higher educational establishment”, Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University: Series: Pedagogy. Social work. 2013, no. 27. Р. 60-64.

5. Pats L. I. “Formation of Foreign Students' Communicative Competence in Ukrainian Language Classes”. The humanitarian component in the light of modern educational paradigms: materials of the II All-Ukrainian science and practice conference with international participation. Kharkiv, 19 April 2018. Р. 89-95.

6. Prikhodko A. M. “Features of formation of professional-communicative competence of foreign students in higher technical educational institutions”. Pedagogy and Psychology. 2015, no. 51. Р. 201-210.

7. Prikhodko A. M. “Forming communicative competence of foreign students based mobile technologies”. Collection of research papers «РedagogicalSciences». 2016, no. 73(2). Р. 104-108.

8. Vdovina O. O. “Features of formation of communicative competence of foreign students”. Young Scientist. 2019, no. 5.1 (69.1), Р. 47-50.

9. Shlenova Maryna, Nesterenko Anastasiya, Girich Zoya, Konoplenko Nataliia, Boiarska-Khomenko Anna, Korneiko Yuliia. “Learning RFL and UFL in Ukrainian Universities: Focus on Arabic Students”. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala. 2019, Supplement, Vol. 11. Р. 257-263.

10. Shlenova M. “Place of the grammar tasks in system of study Ukrainian as foreign language”. Innovations and traditions in language training of students: materials of the international scientific and practical seminar. Kharkiv, 14 December 2017. Р. 333-335.

11. Shlenova M. “Speech competence development in foreign students at classes on Ukrainian as a foreign language (preparation department)”. Theory and Technology of Foreign Language Education: Proceedings of the V (IX) International Scientific and Practical Conference. Kyiv, 26 October 2022. Р. 96-97.

12. Shlenova M. “The interactive technologies of study Ukrainian as a foreign language: structural analysis”. Problems and prospects of language training of foreign students: materials of the 12th International scientific and practical conference. 12-13 October 2017. Р. 404-408.

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