Strategies for individualizing learning as a means of creating a barrier-free educational environment

The following strategies for individualizing learning are characterized: the use of differentiation of tasks and materials, the creation of different levels of tasks, access to materials for each student of secondary education; partnership with parents.

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Дата добавления 04.09.2024
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Strategies for individualizing learning as a means of creating a barrier-free educational environment

Glazkova Iryna,

Doctor of Science (Pedagogy), Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Social Communications Berdyansk State Pedagogical University Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

Strategies for individualizing learning are an important and effective means of creating a barrier-free educational environment that takes into account the diverse needs, abilities and interests of each student. The purpose of the study was to characterize strategies for individualizing learning as a means of creating a barrier-free educational environment. The following strategies for individualizing learning are characterized: the use of differentiation of tasks and materials, the creation of different levels of tasks and access to materials for each student of secondary education; partnership with parents and the community; systematic assessment and monitoring of students' academic achievements, adaptation of the educational process to maximize the personal potential of each secondary education student; creation of an individual curriculum as a means of creating a barrier-free educational environment. It is emphasized that individualization of learning contributes to the development of each student, the use of individual approaches allows each student to advance in learning, taking into account their needs, pace of development and learning style. It is indicated that the creation of individualized curricula and assignments promotes the rapprochement of teacher and student, strengthens interaction and contributes to the positive development of the pedagogical process. It is emphasized that the use of strategies for individualizing learning is an important step in creating a barrier-free educational environment that promotes successful learning and development of each student. The strategies considered include differentiation of tasks and teaching methods, interactive technologies, individual curricula and other approaches aimed at taking into account the needs and abilities of each student. It is shown that the successful implementation of these strategies contributes to the creation of an environment in which every student has the opportunity to achieve their full potential, and barrier-free education becomes a reality in the educational process. It has been found that individualization of learning is an acceptor for creating a barrier-free educational environment where every student has the opportunity to access education and development in accordance with their needs and capabilities. It is concluded that strategies for individualizing learning are a key tool in creating a barrier-free educational environment that meets the needs of all students and contributes to their successful learning and development.

Key words: strategies of individualization of learning, barrier-free educational environment, differentiation, partnership, monitoring, adaptation, individual curriculum. differentiation partnership monitoring adaptation

Глазкова І.Я. Стратегії індивідуалізації навчання як засіб формування безбар'рного освітнього середовища. Стратегії індивідуалізації навчання є важливим і ефективним засобом формування безбар'єрного освітнього середовища, яке враховує різноманітні потреби, здібності та інтереси кожного учня. Метою роботи було охарактеризувати стратегії індивідуалізації навчання як засобу формування безбар'єрного освітнього середовища. Охарактеризовано такі стратегії індивідуалізації навчання: застосування диференціації завдань та матеріалів, створення різних рівнів завдань та доступу до матеріалів кожному здобувачеві середньої освіти; партнерство з батьками та спільнотою; системна оцінка та моніторинг навчальних досягнень учнів, адаптація освітнього процесу для максимального розкриття особистісного потенціалу кожного здобувача середньої освіти; створення індивідуального навчального плану як засобу формування безбар'єрного освітнього середовища. Наголошено, що індивідуалізація навчання сприяє розвитку кожного здобувача освіти, застосування індивідуальних підходів дозволяє кожному учневі просуватися в навчанні з урахуванням його потреб, темпу розвитку та стилю вивчення. Вказано, що створення індивідуальних навчальних програм та завдань сприяє зближенню вчителя і учня, зміцнює взаємодію та сприяє позитивному розвитку педагогічного процесу. Закцентовано увагу, що використання стратегій індивідуалізації навчання є важливим кроком у створенні безбар'єрного освітнього середовища, яке сприяє успішному навчанню та розвитку кожного здобувача освіти. Розглянуті стратегії включають в себе диференціацію завдань та методів навчання, інтерактивні технології, індивідуальні навчальні плани та інші підходи, спрямовані на врахування потреб і здібностей кожного учня. Показано, що успішна реалізація цих стратегій сприяє створенню середовища, в якому кожен учень має можливість досягти свого повного потенціалу, а безбар'єрність стає реальністю в освітньому процесі. З'ясовано, що індивідуалізація навчання є акцептором для створення безбар'єрного освітнього середовища, де кожен учень має можливість отримати доступ до освіти та розвитку у відповідності до своїх потреб і можливостей. Зроблено висновок, що стратегії індивідуалізації навчання є ключовим інструментом у формуванні безбар'єрного освітнього середовища, яке відповідає потребам усіх учнів і сприяє їхньому успішному навчанню та розвитку.

Ключові слова: стратегії індивідуалізації навчання, безбар'єрне освітнє середовище, диференціація, партнерство, моніторинг, адаптація, індивідуальний навчальний план.

Statement of the problem in general

The problem of barrier-free educational space is becoming increasingly relevant in the modern world [7]. To ensure equal opportunities in learning and development for each student, it is important to apply strategies for individualizing learning. These strategies allow creating unique approaches to each secondary education student, taking into account their needs, abilities and individual characteristics. The first step to creating a barrier-free educational environment is to understand and recognize the diversity of students' needs. Each student is unique, and teachers must be prepared to work with this diversity by creating individualized curricula and approaches.

The problem of individualization of learning as a means of forming a barrier-free environment is multifaceted and is partially covered in the works of N. Pymenova (approaches to the organization of a modern educational environment in an educational institution: barrier-free, comfort, equal access to quality education); L. Chopyk (organization of inclusive education of children with special educational needs in the conditions of the new Ukrainian school); M. Halai, S. Zhuravleva, V. Kryvenda, M. Matvienko (peculiarities of using means and methods of health training as a regulatory technology of the components of personal health) [3]; O. Andreeva, N. Byshevets, O. Pleshakova (influence of motor activity on increasing the stress resistance of students) [1]; С. Ivashchenko (influence of individual programs of professional and applied physical training on indicators of attention stability) [4]; V. Krainiuk (psychology of personality stress resistance) [5]; M. Matvienko (formation of skills and abilities for independent physical exercises) [6]; I. Glazkova, S. Khatuntseva, L. Yaroshchuk (creation of a barrier-free educational environment, didactic methods of preventing emotional barriers of students, individualization and differentiation of learning) [8; 9]. But the issues of studying strategies for individualizing learning as a means of forming a barrier-free educational environment remain unaddressed.

The purpose of the article is to characterize the strategies of individualization of learning as a means of forming a barrier- free educational environment.

Presentation of the main results of the study

In today's educational environment, creating different levels of tasks and access to materials for students with special educational needs is becoming an increasingly important task. Let us describe in more detail the strategies and methods for creating individualized tasks and access to learning materials for effective teaching of students with special needs.

One of the strategies is the use of differentiation of tasks and materials: creating different levels of tasks and access to materials allows each student to work at their own level and make gradual progress in learning [10]. Use of various methods and tools; use of various teaching methods, such as visualization, audio teaching, role-playing games, which allows to engage each student and promote better learning. The second strategy is partnership with parents and the community. It is important to engage with parents and other stakeholders in the educational process to ensure that the needs of students are fully understood and that the most effective teaching strategies are used. Partnerships with parents and the community are a key element in the successful creation of a barrier-free educational environment. Parents and community members play an important role in creating a barrier-free educational environment. They can help create a positive climate, support educational institutions in implementing inclusive practices, and take an active role in addressing the problems and challenges faced by students with special needs. Successful partnerships with parents and the community require active engagement with them, taking into account their needs, opinions and beliefs. This may include organizing meetings, forums, working groups, as well as regular information exchange and feedback. Collaboration with parents and the community involves interaction at various levels, including planning and implementing educational programs, developing individualized learning plans for students with special needs, and participating in solving specific problems and challenges [5]. Partnership with parents and the community is an important factor in creating a barrier-free educational environment that promotes the development of each student. Effective cooperation can positively influence student success, create a positive emotional climate, and help solve the problems faced by educational institutions [5]. Thus, partnership with parents and the community is a key element in creating a barrier-free educational environment. Effective cooperation helps to ensure student success, create a positive school climate, and help solve the problems faced by students with special needs.

The third strategy is systematic assessment and monitoring. Regular monitoring of student achievement and adaptation of the educational process based on the collected data allows teachers to effectively adapt their approaches and strategies to maximize the success of each student. Student achievement and adaptation of the educational process are important aspects of the educational system aimed at ensuring the success of each student [2]. Effective learning assessment involves the use of a variety of methods, including traditional and alternative approaches. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each student and ensure objectivity and fairness in the assessment process. Adaptation of the learning process involves the use of pedagogical approaches and strategies aimed at meeting the needs and interests of each student. This may include individualizing learning, differentiating tasks, using a variety of teaching methods and organizing the learning process. Collecting and analyzing data on students' learning achievements allows us to identify their needs and problems, as well as to determine effective learning strategies [8]. It is important to take into account the results of the assessment to adapt the learning process and ensure maximum success for each student.

In the modern educational environment, there is a need to create conditions that take into account the individual characteristics of each student. One of the effective tools for ensuring accessibility of education is the creation of individualized curricula for secondary education students. Let us consider the creation of an individualized curriculum as the next strategy for creating a barrier-free educational environment. The modern educational system faces a variety of challenges related to the different needs of students and their individual characteristics, physical qualities, etc. [3]. The traditional uniform approach to learning does not always meet these needs and can create barriers to access to education for some students and the development of their physical qualities [1]. Let's consider methods of creating individualized curricula. Creating individualized curricula requires an individual approach to each student. The initial stage is to collect and analyze information about the needs and capabilities of the student. The next step is to define specific goals and objectives that reflect the individual needs and capabilities of each student. Individualized learning programs are then developed to meet these goals and objectives. A key element of individualized curricula is the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of each student's progress in order to make adjustments and support their successful development.

The implementation of individualized education plans in educational practice contributes to the creation of a barrier-free educational environment. This allows every student to have access to learning, regardless of their personal characteristics or capabilities. Individualized education plans help to ensure inclusive education by supporting students with different needs and ensuring their success in school and life. Thus, creating individualized curricula is an effective strategy for creating a barrier-free educational environment that meets the needs of each student. This approach promotes inclusive learning by ensuring access to quality education for all students.

Creating different levels of tasks and access to learning materials begins with adapting the material itself. This may include rewriting texts, reducing the amount of information, using illustrations and videos to improve learning, selecting a set of recreational activities. Creating different levels of the program involves individualizing tasks for each student, taking into account their characteristics and needs. This may include different levels of task difficulty, additional hints, or options for completing tasks according to different rules. Technology opens up many opportunities for creating individualized tasks and access to materials. This can include the use of special software, interactive online resources, or even customized e-textbooks [10]. Creating different levels of assignments and access to materials requires a systematic approach and cooperation of all participants in the educational process. Teachers, parents, school administrators, and educational psychologists should work together to create an optimal learning environment for each student [2]. Thus, creating different levels of tasks and access to materials is an important step in ensuring inclusive learning and creating a barrier-free educational environment. This helps each student to reach their potential and successfully master the material.

In today's educational environment, where the diversity of students' needs and individual characteristics is becoming increasingly important, the use of individualized methods and tools by subject teachers is becoming a necessity. We will analyze modern approaches to the use of individualized methods and tools to optimize the learning process and ensure the success of each student. The use of individualized methods involves adapting the learning process to the needs and capabilities of each student. This may include individualized approaches to teaching, personalized assignments, and assessment methods. To be successful in using individualized methods, it is important to have access to a variety of individualized learning tools. This can include specialized software, interactive learning platforms, audio and video materials, as well as other resources aimed at providing individualized learning for each student [10].

The use of individualized methods by subject teachers increases the effectiveness of learning and helps students achieve better results. An individualized approach allows to take into account the needs and interests of each student, which ensures a deeper learning of the material and the development of motivation to learn. Thus, the use of individualized methods and tools by subject teachers is a necessary element of the modern educational process. This allows for an individualized approach to learning, increases the effectiveness of the learning process, and ensures the success of each student. Pedagogical approaches and strategies should be adapted to the needs and capabilities of each student. This may include individualized curricula, the development of differentiated tasks, and the use of a variety of teaching methods.

Assessment of learning achievements and adaptation of the educational process are important components of successful educational practice. Collecting and analyzing data, developing pedagogical approaches and strategies based on these data allows to ensure maximum success of each student in learning, to promote physical development [4; 6; 9]. Modern technologies and teaching methods are becoming more innovative and adaptive. In our opinion, gamification is one of the most effective tools for creating a barrier-free educational environment. In the context of our study, let's consider the gamification method, which involves the use of game elements in teaching to stimulate motivation, engage students and facilitate the learning process. This method allows you to create an educational environment that takes into account the diversity of individual needs and capabilities of students, to eliminate barriers that arise during the educational process. The advantages of using gamification are: increased motivation to learn (gamification provides an incentive to learn, as students have the opportunity to receive rewards and achieve goals in a playful way); increased interest (gamification engages students through interesting and exciting tasks, which helps to deepen knowledge and understanding of the material); adaptation to learning conditions (gamification allows to adapt the learning process to different learning styles and individual needs of students); application by subject teachers (gamification can be used in all subjects and at different stages of learning, can serve as a tool for motivating and engaging students, as well as for assessing their knowledge and skills); creating a friendly atmosphere in the classroom (gamification can be an incentive for active learning and development, promotes a positive attitude to learning and develops skills such as cooperation, creativity and problem solving). Thus, gamification is a powerful tool in creating a barrier-free educational environment. It stimulates motivation, increases interest, and expands learning opportunities for each student. The use of gamification in the educational process allows you to create a friendly and accessible environment for all participants in the educational process.


Thus, we have characterized the following strategies for individualizing learning: first, the use of differentiation of tasks and materials, the creation of different levels of tasks and access to materials for each student of secondary education; second, partnership with parents and the community; third, systematic assessment and monitoring of students' learning achievements, adaptation of the educational process to maximize the personal potential of each student of secondary education; Fourth, the creation of an individualized curriculum as a means of creating a barrier-free educational environment.

Thus, strategies for individualizing learning are a key tool in creating a barrier-free educational environment where every student has the opportunity to develop and succeed in learning regardless of their individual characteristics.

Prospects for further research are seen in the further study of individualization as a component of the professional development of subject teachers in the context of health promotion and overcoming educational barriers.


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2. Hlazkova I.Ia., Khatuntseva S.M. (2023). Creating a barrier-free educational environment: didactic techniques for preventing students' emotional barriers. Naukovi zapysky Berdianskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu. Seriia : Pedahohichni nauky : zb. nauk. pr. Zaporizhzhia. URL:

3.Shuravlyov S., Kryvenda V., Halai M., Matviienko М. (2023) Features of the use of health training tools and methods the conditions of the military state as a regulatory technology of components of health. V Correspondence International Scientific and Practical Conference scientific researches and methods of their carrying out: world experience and domestic realities Sheld on February17th, 2023byNGO European Scientific Platform (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)LLC International Centre Corporative Management (Vienna, Austria) 17.02.2023.

4. Ivashchenko S. (2012). Vplyv indyvidualnykh prohram profesiino-prykladnoi fizychnoi pidhotovky na pokaznyky stiikosti uvahy u studentiv. Teoriia i metodyka fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu. No 3. S. 43-46.

5. Krainiuk V.M. (2007) Psykholohiia stresostiikosti osobystosti [Psychology of personality stress resistance]: monohrafiia. Kyiv : Nika-Tsentr, 2007. 432 s.

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