Research of the features of healthy lifestyle indicators of students during distance learning
The characteristics of a healthy lifestyle of students. Determining the impact of physical education classes on its formation in the context of distance learning. Measures to improve conditions for leading a healthy lifestyle and prevent diseases.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 320,1 K |
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Research of the features of healthy lifestyle indicators of students during distance learning
Bezkorovainyi Dmytro, PhD in Physical Education and Sports, Head of the Department; Zvyagintseva Iryna, Senior Lecturer of the Department; Kravchuk Yevhen, Senior Lecturer of the Department; Mashchenko Oksana, Senior Lecturer of the Department; Horoshko Nataliya, Senior Lecturer of the Department; Kliuka Andrii, Lecturer of the Department; Sadovska Irina, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
The article examines general ideas about a person's healthy lifestyle, diagnoses the presence and completeness of a healthy lifestyle among 1st-2nd year students of all specialties, conducts a comparative analysis of the lifestyle of first- and second-year students, provides practical recommendations on ways and means of acquiring knowledge, skills and sustainable skills for developing a healthy lifestyle. Practical recommendations are given to establish the medical characteristics of th e student's actual lifestyle and to correct the worst indicators according to the para meters of the formula for a healthy lifestyle. The positive impact of physical education classes on the way and quality of life of students during their studies at a higher edu cation institution was reliably confirmed (P<0.05).
Key words: healthy lifestyle, nutrition, hardening, health, disease.
Дослідження особливостей показників здорового способу життя студентів під час дистанційного навчання
Безкоровайний Д.О., Звягінцева І. М., Кравчук Є.В., Мащенко О.М., Горошко Н.І., Клюка А.М., Садовська І.Ю.
У статті розглянуто загальні уявлення про здоровий спосіб життя людини, діагностовано наявність та повноту здорового способу життя у студентів 1-2 курсів усіх спеціальностей. Для встановлення медичної повноцінності способу життя застосовано соціологічний опитувальник з використанням «Медичної опитувальної анкети способу життя студента», який містив 41 запитання, що охоплюють 12 параметрів ЗСЖ, а це дало змогу повною мірою розкрити ключову сутність кожного параметра формули здорового способу життя. Проведено порівняльний аналіз способу життя студентів першого та другого курсів; встановлено, що більшість студентів веде медично-задовільний спосіб життя (75-76 %); наведено практичні рекомендації щодо способів і засобів набуття знань, умінь та стійких навичок з формування здорового способу життя. Надано практичні рекомендації, що дають змогу встановити медичну характеристику фактичного способу життя студента, скорегувати найгірші показники за параметрами формули здорового способу життя. Достовірно підтверджено (Р < 0,05) позитивний вплив занять фізичного виховання на спосіб і якість життя студентів під час навчання в закладі вищої освіти, що було головною метою цього дослідження.
Ключові слова: здоровий спосіб життя, харчування, загартування, здоров'я, захворювання.
Formulation of the problem
The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by the growth and change in the nature of stress on the human body due to the complication of social life, increasing risks of a man-made, environmental, psychological, political and military nature, provoking negative changes in health [2].
Over time, a sedentary lifestyle increasingly destroys the body, which leads to an increase in the number of weakened men and women, resulting in diseases, a decrease in work activity and vital resources [5].
Considering that in recent years the educational process of educational institutions has been transferred to a distance mode, including in the discipline of physical education, the issue of providing physical activity to students, as well as its impact on an active healthy lifestyle, is of particular relevance in modern conditions.
Analysis of the latest research and publications
Lifestyle is the leading generalized factor that determines the main trends in changes in health status. It is considered as a type of active human acti vity. Lifestyle is associated with such concepts as standard of living (structure of income per person), quality of life (measurable parameters characterizing the degree of mate rial security of a person), lifestyle (psychological individual characteristics of behavior), structure of life (national social order life, everyday life, culture) [4, 8].
Analysis of the works of domestic scientists on health problems (V.I. Agarkov, A.V. Bystry, G.K. Severin, A.T. Kuznetsova, D.O. Bezkorovainyi, T.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Vashev et al.) [1, 5, 7, 8] testifies to significant developments and creative achievements in the field of health, the formation of a culture of health, a value-based attitude to health, valeological education, and the training of specialists for health-improving activities. According to V.I. Agarkov, a healthy lifestyle (HLS) of a person is an artificially formed type of life activity that ensures the preservation of his health and the prevention of dise ases. A healthy lifestyle is a type of modern lifestyle [1, 7].
Some authors believe that in order to self-regulate behavior at home and at work and lead a healthy lifestyle, a future specialist must have the skills [4]:
- apply special methods for correcting one's own mental state depending on psyc hophysical stress, as well as select means of preventing life crises, taking into account the characteristics of professional, social, industrial and everyday activities;
- use methods of psychophysiological self-regulation and self-control, improving your volitional qualities;
- maintain a favorable psychological climate in the family, taking into account the psychological characteristics of its members, determined by age, gender, political and religious interests, level of development of mental functions, possible life crises, etc.
It is equally important to consider that in order to carry out safe and effective activities; a future specialist must have moral beliefs, preferences and inclinations. This is possible if, based on the analysis of the results of in trospection, knowledge of ethical and aesthetic theory is used, and he knows how to find compromise solutions in the course of joint activities [4].
To ensure the preservation of the health of a future specialist, it is necessary to understand the concept of normal, nutritious nutrition of a healthy person, defined by the term “rational nutrition”. Nutrition is a constantly operating facto r of the external environment, with the help of which you can change the internal environment of the body. It has been e stablished that the nature of food affects the mental and physical development of a person. Nutrition is considered rational if it is able to ful ly satisfy the need for food in quantitative and qualitative terms, if it reimburses all energy costs, promotes proper growth and development of the body, increases its resistance to harmful environmental influences, promotes the development of functionality and increases labor productivity [3].
According to regulatory requirements, a university graduate in the conditions of production or everyday activities must have a set of skills obtained as a result of analyzing the results of his own actions, as well as observations of his emotion s, feelings, state and nature of the course of cognitive processes that accompany professional activity. In particular, a future specialist should be able to [4]:
- assess, using appropriate methodological tools and established criteria, the level of development of one's own cognitive processes (sensation, perception, imagination, memory, thinking, attention);
- evaluate the relevant qualitative and quantitative indicators of the level of development of one's own cognitive processes;
- determine the nature of the influence of the level of development of one's own cognitive processes on the ef fectiveness of performing professional and social-production tasks of different levels of complexity;
- apply special techniques to increase the efficiency of the above cognitive processes;
- assess the level of satisfaction with the conditions, course and results of professional and everyday activities based on the characteristics of one's own psychological states and feelings;
- identify factors that disrupt the feeling of psychological comfort in the process of life and reduce the level of their influence;
- establish the level of compliance of one's own individual typological characteristics (character, interests, abilities, beliefs and values) with the existing conditions of professional and everyday activity;
- carry out adjustments of one's own individual typol ogical characteristics in the event of signs of frustration, depression, psycho-emotional stress, etc.
The purpose of the research is to determine the impact of physical education classes on the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students in distance learning conditions.
Work assignments:
1. Analyze and summarize the data of scientific and methodological information.
2. Conduct a survey among 1st and 2nd year students of all specialties of O.M. Beketov NUUEKh.
3. Determine the features of the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle of students.
4. Propose measures to improve conditions for leading a healthy lifestyle for students and prevent diseases.
Material and methods of research
Participants. Within 2 months (September - October 2023), a survey was conducted of 693 1-2 year students of O.M. Beketov NUUEKh, of which 338 are freshmen and 355 are sophomores.
Methods. To establish the medical usefulness of a lifestyle, diagnose the presence and completeness of a healthy lifestyle, information was collected through a sociological survey using a Medical Questionnaire Student Lifestyle [1]. It contains questions that allow you to fully reveal the key essence of each parameter of the healthy lifestyle formula. This makes it po ssible to give a medical characterization to an actual lifestyle. The questionnaire contains 41 questions covering all 12 parameters of a healthy lifestyle. The respondent is asked to sincerely answer all questions where several answer options are given and evaluate the selected one (always (4), almost always (3), sometimes (2), not (0).
Each answer option to the questions in the questionnaire reflects the severity of a specific characteristic of a student's healthy lifestyle. The expressiveness of characteristics is determined by four degrees: high, average, satisfactory and zero.
Each degree is assessed on a four-point scale: high - 4 points, average - 3 points, satisfactory - 2 points, zero - 0 points. Each parameter is assessed by points given in brackets for each answer. The type of student's lifestyl e is determined by the amount of points scored (Table 1).
Table 1. Student lifestyle rating scale
Medical lifestyle |
Sum of points scored on the questionnaire |
Healthy (HLS) |
48-42 |
Medically satisfactory (MSHLS) |
41-30 |
Medically unfavorable (MUHLS) |
29-24 |
Unhealthy (UHLS) |
less 24 |
Statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out using the licensed Microsoft Excel program. During statistical analysis, the average assessment indicators, standard deviation and error, Student's t-test were calculated.
Presentation of the main research material
According to V.I. Agarkov [1], a healthy lifestyle is described with a high degree of probability (97 %) using 12 parameters, namely:
1) a conscious focus on a healthy and long life;
2) physical activity;
3) hardening;
4) rational nutrition and maintaining normal weight;
5) rational mode of life activity and their compliance with biological rhythms;
6) psychological (individual, family, collective) optimum;
7) absence of bad habits;
8) personal hygiene;
9) housing hygiene;
10) clothing hygiene;
11) effective rest;
12) a healthy night's sleep.
An analysis of a survey of 693 students showed that only 15.1% of first-year students and 17.7% of second-year students follow a healthy lifestyle; the majority of students have a medically satisfactory lifestyle: 75.7% - first year, 76.3% - second year; 8.3% of freshmen and 5.4% of sophomores have a medically unfavorable lifestyle, and 0.9% of freshmen and 0.6% of sophomores lead an unhealthy lifestyle (Table 2). Moreover, in the 2nd year there is an increase in students with a healthy and medically satisfactory lifestyle, and in the second year there are fewer students with a medically unfavorable and unhealthy lifestyle.
Table 2. Student lifestyle assessment results
Medical lifestyle |
Number of students surveyed |
1 year |
2 year |
average rating |
students |
% |
average rating |
students |
% |
Healthy (HLS) |
43,44±1,27 |
51 |
15,1 |
43,13±1,45 |
63 |
17,7 |
Medically satisfactory (MSHLS) |
36,11 ±3,14 |
256 |
75,7 |
36,51 ±3,03 |
271 |
76,3 |
Medically unfavorable (MUHLS) |
27,39±1,73 |
28 |
8,3 |
27,85±1,42 |
19 |
5,4 |
Unhealthy (UHLS) |
20,91 ±2,46 |
3 |
0,9 |
23,28±0,40 |
2 |
0,6 |
Analysis of the research results by assessment parameters allows us to state that in almost all parameters of a healthy lifestyle there was an improvement in survey indicators in the second year versus the first (Table 3, Fig. 1).
Thus, the conscious attitude towards a healthy and long life increased by 2.2% (from 3.18 to 3.25 points); motor activity improved by 4.4% (2.71 points versus 2.59 points); 15.8% more students began to engage in hardening in the second year (1.77 points versus 1.49 points); rational nutrition and maintaining normal weight improved by 3.1% (from 3.11 points to 3.21 points); a rational lifestyle and its compliance with biological rhythms improved by 4.4% (2.69 points versus 2.57 points); psychologica l optimum increased from 3.52 points to 3.58 points (by 1.7%); the absence of bad habits in the second year is higher by 1.4% (3.70 points versus 3.65 points); personal hygiene is better in the 2nd year by 0.9% (3.33 points versus 3.30 points); healthy nigh t's sleep in the 2nd year of life improved from 2.93 points to 3.02 points, which corresponds to 3.0% (Table 2; Fig. 1).
However, deterioration was observed in two of the 12 parameters. Thus, clothing hygiene deteriorated by 0.3% (from 3.62 points to 3.61 points) and effective rest decreased from 2.98 points to 2.94 points, that is, by 1.3% (Table 3; Fig. . 1). This decrease has its own reasonable explanations and is observed in connection with an increase in the academic load and lack of time for rest and caring for one's appearance in the second year.
Table 3. Results of a survey of 1st-2nd year students on 12 healthy lifestyle parameters
Index |
Parameters |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
index |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
1 year |
2 year |
t |
1,20 |
1,89 |
2,55 |
1,80 |
1,90 |
1,47 |
0,45 |
1,21 |
0,51 |
0,42 |
0,58 |
1,34 |
2,38 |
P |
> 0,05 |
> 0,05 |
< 0,05 |
> 0,05 |
> 0,05 |
> 0,05 |
> 0,05 |
> 0,05 |
> 0,05 |
> 0,05 |
> 0,05 |
> 0,05 |
< 0,05 |
Fig. 1 Dynamics of 12 parameters of healthy lifestyle among 1st-2nd year students (n=693)
Statistical processing of data from 12 studied parameters made it possible to state that only one parameter had significant differences, namely: hardening significantly improved by 15.8%, which is confirmed by Student's t -test equal to t = 2.55 at P < 0.05. The remaining 11 parameters had non-significant differences, and Student's t-test for comparison ranged from 0.42 to 1.90 with P > 0.05 (Table 3).
The total indicator of a healthy lifestyle of students in the second year turned out to be significantly higher than in the f irst year, and was equal to 37.23 points versus 36.36 points, the improvement was 2.3% (t = 2.38; P < 0.05) (Table. 3; Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Dynamics of the general indicator of healthy lifestyle among 1st-2nd year students (n=693)
To adjust the lifestyle of students according to the above parameters of the healthy lifestyle formula, the following measures are proposed to improve the conditions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing diseases:
- improve health by involving students in active physical education and sports;
- increase the quantity and improve the quality of physical education, health and sports events;
- introduce new forms of organizing physical education, health and sports events;
- create a sustainable modern scientific and practical system for the prevention of bad habits and the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
- develop a targeted comprehensive program for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.
The conducted research allows us to assert that improving health and increasing the level of performance is an integral part of the general professional training of future specialists for work. It is convenient to make a medical and pedagogical conclusion regarding the student's current lifestyle based on the analysis of diagnostic data. After this, you ca n give recommendations for its adjustment, formed taking into account the results of the assessment, as well as based on the content of questions aimed at determining one or another parameter of the healthy lifestyle formula.
Health is the most important condition for obtaining quality education at a young age and its further improvement. It has bee n reliably established that physical education classes, even remotely, have a positive impact on the healthy lifestyle of students, improving their ability to work and well-being.
Prospects for further research. The conducted research does not exhaust all aspects of the problem posed. Further research will be aimed at finding methods to improve the health of students while studying in higher education.
healthy lifestyle student distance learning
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4. Bezkorovainyi D.O. Nutrition as a means of strengthening professional health: guidelines for practical and independent studies in the disciplines “Physical Education”, “Physical Culture”, “Professional Performance Management” (for full - time students of all specialties of the Academy). 2012.
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