The practice of introducting of art-comunication experience of British scientists in the training of future music theacher in Ukrainian universites

Introduction of British art communication experience in the training of future music teachers. Acquisition by students of education of the ability to artistic and communicative activity and support of the metal health of Ukrainians in war conditions.

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Дата добавления 04.09.2024
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The practice of introducting of art-comunication experience of British scientists in the training of future music theacher in Ukrainian universites

A. Rastrygina

Kropyvnytskyi (Ukraina)


The article presents the expediency and timeliness of introducing the art-communication experience of British scientists in the training of future teachers of musical art with the aim of acquiring students' ability to perform artistic and communicative activities in order to restore and support the mental health of Ukrainians in the conditions of war. It has been noted, that the introduction of foreign experience of art-communication interaction in the training of music teachers can become an effective basis for achieving the specified goal. The author's vision of the appropriateness of the application of the definition of “art- communication” in the context of the development of an updated strategy for the training of music teachers is presented. The prospects of further exploration in the researched direction.

Keywords: music-pedagogical education; training of future music teachers; foreign experience; art-communication interaction; trauma-informed art; innovative direction.


А. Растригіна. Практика запровадження арт-комунікаційного досвіду британських науковців у підготовку майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва в університетах України

У статті представлено доцільність і своєчасність запровадження арт-комунікаційного досвіду Британських науковців у підготовку майбутніх вчителів музичного мистецтва з метою набуття здобувачами освіти здатності до художньо-комунікативної діяльності для відновлення та підтримки метального здоров'я українців в умовах війни. Подано аналіз наукової літератури, що засвідчує необхідність розуміння самоцінності комунікації через мистецтво для розширення меж майбутньої професійної діяльності фахівця-музиканта. Підкреслено, що саме впровадження зарубіжного досвіду арт-комунікаційної взаємодії у підготовку вчителів музичного мистецтва може стати дієвою основою для досягнення означеної мети, що актуалізується у мистецько-педагогічної освіти сьогодення. Конкретизовано зміст покрокових завдань для досягнення поставленої мети. Схарактеризовано наукові підходи, котрі стали методологічним підґрунтям у розв'язанні поставлених завдань. Подано авторське бачення доречності застосування дефініції «арт-комунікації» у контексті розробки оновленої стратегії підготовки вчителів музичного мистецтва, спрямованої на розширення меж їхньої майбутньої професійної діяльності. Роз'яснено особливості оновленої освітньо-професійної програми для майбутніх вчителів музичного мистецтва. Розкрито сутність системної роботи провідних науковців Великої Британії по запровадженню арт-комунікаційного досвіду у підготовку майбутніх вчителів музичного мистецтва.

Перспективи подальших розвідок у досліджуваному напрямку пов'язані з розробкою педагогічних основ, технологій і практик арт-комунікацій та травмо-інформованого мистецтва, котрі мають неклінічну спрямованість й доступні для освоєння вчителем-музикантом, що може стати підґрунтям для започаткування у мистецько-педагогічній освіті інноваційного напрямку - травмо-інформованої мистецької педагогіки.

Ключові слова: музично-педагогічна освіта; підготовка майбутніх учителів музичного мистецтва; зарубіжний досвід; арт-комунікаційна взаємодія; травмо-інформоване мистецтво; інноваційний напрямок.

Statement and justification of relevance of the problem

The full-scale war unleashed by the Russian invaders in Ukraine has made harsh adjustments to all spheres of our lives, radically destroying the sense of security and causing powerful negative consequences that are dangerous for both children and adults. And at a time when our glorious Armed Forces of Ukraine are defending the future of our country, each of us must make every effort to preserve the life and health of the Ukrainian nation at our workplace. In this context, the system of training modern art professionals and, in particular, future music teachers for trauma-informed assistance to students through art- communication interaction needs some adjustment.

It is because art can be a powerful non-clinical means of overcoming the traumatic experience of war.

The experience of leading scientists from the United Kingdom (N. Osborne, A. Kennedy, G. Redwood, D. Abrahams) can become an efficient basis for acquiring trauma-informed care skills through art. Thus, thanks to the volunteer work of Professor N. Osborne of the University of Edinburgh, V. Vynnychenko Central State University, starting in February 2023 and during the current academic year, systematic work with students under the international program "Arts and Communications" began to prepare higher education students for artistic and communicative activities to restore and maintain the mental health of the Ukrainian nation.

It requires finding new approaches and innovative forms of organizing the educational process, improving and modifying educational programs, designing a specially organized artistic educational space that is comfortable for subject-subjective artistic communication of all participants in the educational process, and favorable pedagogical conditions for acquiring artistic and communication competencies.

Analysis of recent research and publications. A great number of scholars in various fields of humanitarian knowledge are turning to the analysis of the category "communication" as a universal type of human existence and activity. However, despite the peculiarities of the interpretation of this category, in the interdisciplinary dimension, communication is interpreted as a means of transmitting values in any sphere of human life (personal, professional), reflecting the structure, state, and needs of society and performing the function of interpersonal communication. In turn, interpersonal communication interaction is a necessary and crucial value of modern society. Since, the value of communication and information exchange are the components that are realized in every act of communication activity without exception.

In the context of the problem mentioned in the article, we are impressed by the interdisciplinary level of understanding of the phenomenon of communication as a multiculturally defined and mentally defined personification of the spiritual being of man and society, which is studied in detail in the works of S. Khrypko (Khrypko, & Yatsenko, 2011, p. 13-15). Since, music and pedagogical education being focused on the spiritual and creative development of the younger generation based on a value-based attitude to national and world cultural, heritage should ensure the training of future music teachers for professionally directed artistic and communication activities in secondary, vocational and higher education institutions through the means of musical art.

Numerous studies by scholars in the field of artistic pedagogy (N. Guralnyk, A. Kozyr, A. Zaitseva, N. Lupak (2019), H. Padalka, A. Rastryhina (2023a; 2023b), O. Rudnytska (2000), etc.) emphasize the importance of developing the value attitude of artistic professionals to communication interaction in their future professional activities. For instant, Professor O. Rudnytska (2000) emphasized the need for a music teacher to acquire knowledge and ways of action, which are not typical for traditional pedagogical education, and the ability of students to reveal their vision of the impact of art on the development of spirituality (and therefore mental health) through the sense of the inner world of another and interpersonal dialogic communication. The works of the respected professor talk about the awareness of the value of artistic knowledge for the professional and personal self-realization of future professional musicians and the stimulation of the processes of their awareness of the self-worth of communication through art since it is in this way that education reform will provide, on the one hand, a “teacher of a new formation” (Rudnytska, 2000), and on the other hand, we will add, his training will allow expanding the boundaries of future professional activity in view of the challenges of today and the urgent need to restore the psycho-emotional state and support the mental health of the young generation of the war and post-war times. It is the experience of art-communication interaction of British scholars in the training of music teachers that will become an efficient basis for achieving the fundamental goal of modern music-pedagogic education.

The purpose of the article is to present the practical experience of applying foreign experience in art-communication interaction and the possibilities of its implementation in the professional training of future music art teachers.

Research methods. In the process of organizing the work of students within the framework of this program and the development of Professor N. Osborne's course “Art and Communication,” we used both traditional theoretical (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) and empirical methods of scientific research (observation, explanation, surveys, conversations) related to the need to substantiate the conceptual idea of the pedagogical foundations of trauma-informed care through art-communication interaction.

The methodological basis for our planned activities organization was a number of scientific approaches that ensured the effective solution of the tasks. At the stage of creating a communication platform for cooperation between foreign scholars and the V. Vynnychenko Central State University, the principles of the communicative approach (collaboration, interactivity, individualization, novelty) are being implemented, as a basis for promoting mutual understanding between domestic and foreign colleagues.

At the stage of implementing the materials based on the priority areas of foreign studies, the following approaches are used in the training of future music teachers: multidisciplinary (for rethinking and practical implementation of innovative achievements of foreign colleagues in art therapy, digital art, art management and event organization); personality-oriented approach (involves cooperation and co-creation of students and teachers on the basis of humanistic principles of a democratic society); project-based (determines the active position of the student, his/her subjectivity and understanding of personal significance for society, which becomes a scientific and educational basis for the development of professional and artistic communication competencies of future musicians): culture-logical (to create conditions for self-development, self-actualization and self-expression of students in art-communication interaction based on intercultural dialogue); digital (defines information as the central resource of scientific and socio-cultural development, promotes the dissemination of our scientific work through the means of Internet communications, television and radio).

The stage of disseminating the results of the research work among the national educational and scientific community, based on the art communication experience of EU universities, requires an integrative approach that entails a symbiosis of all the above approaches. Their combination allows us to present the results of each stage of our project in the form of an intermediate product. It applies to the interaction of foreign and domestic colleagues with students in the educational process and research work, as well as, the reflection of this information at international scientific and practical conferences, symposia, seminars, etc.

Given the goal stated in the article, we have to state that within the framework of the art-communication topics stated in the international program, the work is carried out through the presentation of theoretical material to the student audience at lectures with its further elaboration at training. The major purpose of the lectures as a method and, at the same time, a form of education was the consistent analysis, systematization, and generalization by Professor N. Osborne of historical, cultural, psychophysiological, psychological, pedagogical, musicological sources in order to present students with the key concepts of the studied issues and systematize knowledge about art- communication interaction and trauma-informed care through art.

During the training, as one of the most effective teaching methods, students acquire the skills to apply theoretical knowledge directly in their practical activities. By observing and solving various problem situations with children's audiences in the course of practical classes, students gain new experiences aimed at developing the ability to use communication through art in their future professional activities.

british artistic communication music teacher art mental health

Summary of the main research material

Achieving the overall goal of improving the system of training a modern music art teacher in accordance with the present-day challenges and needs requires a step- by-step specification of partial goals that will ensure its achievement shortly. Among the goals we have identified the following:

- creation of a communication platform for cooperation between British scientists and the V. Vynnychenko Central State University (establishing cooperation with foreign universities in the direction of art-communication interaction, determining ways of implementing the experience of using art-communications in the professional training of future teachers-artists; extrapolation of the features of foreign practice in art-communications to the plane of the artistic educational space of the university (attraction of British colleagues to conducting lectures, seminars, round tables, discussing the results of the work within the framework of the annual international scientific and practical conference), active involvement of students in the study of the work of foreign scientists in art communication and its application in their practical activities;

- implementation of materials based on the priority areas of European studies in the preparation of future professional musicians (development of interdisciplinary content according to specific areas of application of art-communication interaction in the artistic educational space of educational institutions of various levels, updating of educational and professional programs and improvement of curricula of students of higher education bachelor's and master's degree in the specialty 014 “Secondary education (Musical art)” at the level of normative disciplines and free choice of students, which involves the formation of art communication competencies of students through mastering courses in art technologies, digital technologies, event technologies and art management in art (Rastryhina, 2023 a), creating certificate programs and expanding the content of advanced training courses created by us for scientific and pedagogical workers due to the introduction of an interdisciplinary module on art communications);

- cooperation with the Institute of Modernization of the Education Content of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine, the Ivan Ziaziun Institute of Pedagogical Education and Education of Adults of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Laboratory of Aesthetic Education and Art Education of the Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine;

- dissemination of the results of scientific investigations based on the art-communication experience of foreign scientists among the domestic scientific and educational community (holding an annual international scientific and practical conference, publishing articles and preparing a monograph based on results of the work carried out, discussing the results of the research with domestic scientists, stakeholders, and public organizations at other scientific and practical conferences, round tables and seminars, creation of a page on the university website and social networks Facebook, Telegram, and Instagram to disseminate the results of the work carried out, cooperation with public organizations for financial support and practical approval of the results of the researched issues.

It should be noted that in the conceptual field of domestic art pedagogy, the phenomenon of artistic communication in a generalized form is highlighted through the prism of specific properties of art. However, N. Lupak (2019) emphasizes that artistic communication, determining the knowledge-interpretation of the world through living and experiencing specific events and phenomena, requires the discovery of new facets of art to enrich it, expand the limits of application and actively introduce it into the practice of artistic activity (p. 10). Supporting the scientist's opinion, we believe that the multifaceted nature of the phenomenon of artistic communication and the innumerable art-communication connections through art allow us to significantly expand the range of awareness of the "artistic communication" category. In our opinion, the restart of musical and pedagogic education given the tough challenges faced by Ukrainian society during the war requires reconstruction (updating, restructuring according to new principles) of the training system of the future music art teacher (new strategy, new approaches, modification of educational programs and curricula, application of the latest learning technologies) based on value-communication priorities in his or her personal development as a professional whose activities meet the needs of the times.

We believe that in the development of the updated strategy, given the specific features of the training of teacher-musicians, it is appropriate to use the term art-communications. This will contribute to a broader understanding of the mentioned concept in the context of expanding the boundaries of the professional activity of future professional musicians. When, along with the solution of traditional tasks related to the development of musical culture of schoolchildren and professionally directed training, they will acquire the ability for art- communication interaction through art to restore and support the mental health of the military generation of Ukrainians as a basis for preserving and strengthening the gene pool of the nation (Rastryhina, 2023b).

The first steps in achieving the set general goal were related to the need to improve the content of the educational and professional programs of bachelor's and master's degree applicants in the specialty 014 Secondary education (Musical art) through the introduction of an additional block on art communications. This required the development of an updated OPP “Secondary education (Art and Music). Art Communication,” which was discussed twice at the Department of Art Education, with reviewers and external stakeholders in March and December 2023.

Leading scientists of higher education institutions of Ukraine, practicing teachers of higher educational institutions, and undergraduate and graduate students, who are currently pursuing higher education in the specialty 014 Secondary education (Musical art) at V. Vynnychenko Central State University, unanimously confirmed the expediency and timeliness of implementing the specified updated educational and professional program in the process of training future teachers of musical art, emphasizing its absolute uniqueness and undeniable demand given the challenges of the war and post-war times, the overcoming of which should primarily be ensured by the artistic - pedagogic education. Therefore, from the next academic year, music students in the first years of bachelor's and master's degrees will study under the educational-professional program “Secondary Education (Art. Musical Art). Art communication,” the implementation of which requires the improvement of curricula through the introduction of appropriate educational components, the introduction of certificate programs for university students, the introduction of an additional block on art communication into the content of the advanced training program for scientific and pedagogical workers developed by us, etc.

The next step was systematic work on the implementation of the art-communication experience of the leading scientists of Great Britain in the training of future teachers of musical art, which will be carried out during the 2023/2024 academic year at V. Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, currently associated with the involvement of students in familiarization with the author's program, developed by Professor Nigel Osborne of the University of Edinburgh. This became possible thanks to the signed memorandum of agreement on cooperation between the V. Vynnychenko CUSU and the NGO “Art- Dot” within the framework of the “Art-Therapy Force” project. So, we have grounds for characterizing the state of implementation of the stage of the practical application of the experience of British scientists in art- communication interaction in the training of music teachers, which is carried out at our university today.

Based on propaedeutic meetings of Professor N. Osborn with the management, teachers, students of the V. Vynnychenko CSU and teachers of secondary schools of the city and region, which took place last academic year, where the main positions of his author's methodology regarding overcoming post-traumatic syndrome in children in war conditions were outlined, which aroused great interest of the scientific and educational audience, an agreement was reached on the organization of the long-term “Arts and Communications” project during the 2023/2024 academic year. Therefore, starting from October 2023, the above-mentioned systematic work with students of education under the program “Art-Communications and Trauma- Informed Art” began, with a total volume of up to 60 hours, which includes a lecture course for students and training with students and schoolchildren of secondary general education institutions, and children with special needs.

During monthly meetings, students master the course in two areas:

1) art communication or communication through art, what art conveys and how this communication affects a person,

2) how art can help or support people in times of crisis and war, that is, about informed help in case of injury.

The first two lectures at the beginning of the course were devoted directly to art-communication interaction, the second two to trauma-informed art, but as the course unfolds, they gradually combine to become the basis of learning how future professionals can use art to overcome the symptoms of trauma and help those who have been injured.

The practical work of Professor N. Osborn within the framework of training with children and students deepened our conviction that his author's method is effective and productive and therefore, proposed by us and discussed with Professor N. Osborn, the scientific-experimental program “Art-Communications and Trauma-Informed Art,” related to the restoration and maintenance of mental health of children and adults in war and post-war times, should be tested in the 2024-2025 academic year and implemented in the system of training future teachers of musical art in universities of Ukraine.

Conclusions and prospects of further exploration of the direction

For us personally, the practice of cooperation with foreign colleagues on the implementation of the experience of art- communication interaction became the basis for the development within the scientific research laboratory of a conceptual idea for the initiation of an innovative direction in artistic-pedagogical education - the trauma-informed artistic pedagogy for the restoration of metal (and, possibly, physical) health of children and the Ukrainian nation as a whole. So, the sphere of our scientific interests is currently connected with the development of pedagogical foundations, technologies, and practices of art communication and trauma-informed art, which have a non-clinical focus, are available for mastering by a musician teacher, and are interesting and effective for students of higher education in the specialty 014 Secondary education (Art. Musical Art) in working with children in the future professional activity. This approach can also be useful for future specialists in other specialties of the artistic profile: choreographers, artists, etc.

Of course, the reconstruction of educational and professional programs and curricula in the specified direction must meet the current requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine regarding artistic and pedagogical specialties. In this context, the introduction of the educational-professional program “Secondary education (Art. Musical art). Art-communication” at the official level will allow us to create a new program of a modern format, where students will acquire additional competencies in art-communication and trauma-informed art as during the study of normative disciplines, as well as by a certified program. This will also become possible for teachers of music and other types of art already working at the school, as well as other professionals, thanks to improving their qualifications under the developed program for scientific and pedagogical workers.

According to our belief, defining the pedagogical aspect of trauma-informed art should be an essential characteristic of the scientific research investigation for introducing an innovative direction related to trauma into art pedagogy. That is, we have to prove that the purpose of art-communication interaction and trauma-informed art in the training of future music teachers (or other specialists in the art profile) in universities of Ukraine is that communication through art affects not only the elimination of post-traumatic disorders in children or adults (students, military personnel), it should be addressed to the development of the strengths of an individual and directed to the support of their mental health.


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  • Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.

    презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012

  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

    курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012

  • Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan. Motivation in the classroom. The role of games on language lessons. Examples of some games and activities which had approbated on English language lessons. Various factors of student motivation.

    курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013

  • Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012

  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

  • Основы обучения лексике в средней школе. Особенности активного, пассивного, потенциального словарных запасов. Рассмотрение этапов формирования лексических навыков. Комплекс лексических заданий по теме "My future profession" в 11 классе средней школы.

    курсовая работа [184,9 K], добавлен 21.06.2015

  • Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.

    презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011

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