Methodical system for the pedagogical excellence development of general education teachers of vocational education institutions

Development of the teacher's pedagogical skills. Functional components of the pedagogical mastery development system of teachers of general education disciplines in a professional education institution. Improving the qualifications of teaching staff.

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Дата добавления 04.09.2024
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Institute of vocational education of National academy of education science of Ukraine

Methodical system for the pedagogical excellence development of general education teachers of vocational education institutions

Maryna Kabysh

Candidate of philology


The relevance. The issue of developing teacher's pedagogical excellence is one of the most significant in pedagogical theory and practice, especially at the current stage of overcoming the consequences of the pandemic and martial law. The article proves the importance of process studying of the pedagogical excellence developing of general education teachers of vocational education institutions as a goal-oriented, dynamic system.

The aim is to substantiate the methodical system for the development of pedagogical excellence of general education teachers of vocational education institutions.

Methods: the study used theoretical methods, which provided an opportunity to examine the state of the research problem in scientific sources, compare different views, analyse the process of development of pedagogical excellence of general education teachers of vocational education institutions as a methodical system. This study used the methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization, abstraction, generalization, and modelling, which resulted in building a structure of functional components of the system of teachers' pedagogical excellence development and clarifying the interconnection of the selected components.

Results: the article deals with the concept of "system" as a structure that combines naturally arranged elements, components grouped by some common feature; the principles of functioning and development of pedagogical systems are highlighted, the types and structural components of pedagogical systems are analyzed; the design of a system for the development of pedagogical excellence of general education teachers as a certain type of pedagogical system is considered. The main structural components of the designed system (target, conceptual and methodological, subjective, content, technological, diagnostic and resultant) are characterized; the functional components of the system for developing pedagogical excellence of general education teachers in a vocational education institution are allocated; the place of the proposed system for developing pedagogical excellence of general education teachers among the systems of vocational education is determined.

Conclusions: the designed system for the development of pedagogical excellence of general education teachers in a vocational education institution, as a certain type of pedagogical system, combines certain structural components (target, conceptual and methodological, subjective, content, technological, diagnostic and resultant, and functional components: design, constructive, gnostic, prognostic, organizational, communicative, evaluative and corrective); the general pedagogical system of a vocational education institution includes a system of pedagogical staff professional development, which in turn combines the system of pedagogical staff advanced training and the pedagogical excellence development system of general education teachers of a vocational education institution as a subsystem; prospects for further research will be devoted to substantiating the goals and designing the content of the development of pedagogical excellence of general education teachers.

Keywords: pedagogical excellence; vocational education; general education; methodical system; teacher.



Марина Кабиш

Кандидат філологічних наук, Інститут професійної освіти Національної академії педагогічних наук


Актуальність: Проблема розвитку педагогічної майстерності викладача є однією з найважливіших у педагогічній науці та практиці, особливо на сучасному етапі подолання наслідків пандемії та воєнного стану. У статті доведено важливість дослідження процесу розвитку педагогічної майстерності викладачів загальноосвітніх дисциплін закладів професійної освіти як цілеспрямованої, динамічної системи.

Мета: обгрунтування методичної системи розвитку педагогічної майстерності викладачів загальноосвітніх дисциплін закладів професійної освіти.

Методи: у дослідженні використовувалися методи теоретичного характеру, що дали можливість вивчити стан проблеми дослідження у наукових джерелах, зіставляти різні погляди, проаналізувати процес розвитку педагогічної майстерності викладачів загальноосвітніх дисциплін закладів професійної освіти як методичної системи. У роботі були використані методи аналізу та синтезу, систематизації, абстракції, узагальнення, метод моделювання, що уможливив побудувати структуру функціональних компонентів системи розвитку педагогічної майстерності викладачів, уточнити взаємозв'язок виділених компонентів.

Результати: у роботі розглянуто поняття «система», як структура, що в сукупності поєднує закономірно розташовані елементи, складники, згруповані за якоюсь спільною ознакою; виділено принципи функціонування і розвитку педагогічних систем, проаналізовано різновиди, структурні компоненти педагогічних систем; розглянуто проєктування системи розвитку педагогічної майстерності викладачів загальноосвітніх дисциплін, як певний різновид педагогічної системи. Охарактеризовано основні структурні компоненти спроєктованої системи (цільовий, концептуально-методологічний, суб 'єктний, змістовий, технологічний та діагностувально-ре- зультативний); виділено функціональні компоненти системи розвитку педагогічної майстерності викладачів загальноосвітніх дисциплін у закладі професійної освіти; визначено місце запропонованої системи розвитку педагогічної майстерності викладачів загальноосвітніх дисциплін серед систем професійно-технічної освіти.

Висновки: спроєктована система розвитку педагогічної майстерності викладачів загальноосвітніх дисциплін у закладі професійної освіти, як певний різновид педагогічної системи у своєму складі об'єднує певні структурні компоненти (цільовий, концептуально-методологічний, суб'єктний, змістовий, технологічний, діаг- ностувально-результативний та функціональні компоненти: проєктувальний, конструктивний, гностичний, прогностичний, організаційний, комунікативний, оцінювально-корекційний); загальна педагогічна система закладу професійної освіти включає систему професійного розвитку педагогічних працівників, яка у свою чергу, поєднує систему підвищення кваліфікації педагогічних працівників і систему розвитку педагогічної майстерності викладачів загальноосвітніх дисциплін закладу професійної освіти як підсистеми; перспективи подальшого наукового пошуку будуть присвячені обґрунтуванню цілей та проєктуванню змісту розвитку педагогічної майстерності викладачів загальноосвітніх дисциплін.

Ключові слова: педагогічна майстерність; професійна освіта; загальноосвітня підготовка; методична система; викладач.


The issue of developing pedagogical skills in educators is among the most critical in educational science and practice, especially in the current phase of overcoming the consequences of the pandemic and the state of war. In today's conditions, where autonomy is expanding and the complexity of professional-pedagogical activity is increasing, a teacher's mastery gains particular significance: the effectiveness of the educational process, in line with the social mandate of society, depends on the teacher's pedagogical skills. Pedagogical mastery is a core component of pedagogical culture, defined as a synthesis of developed psycho-pedagogical thinking, professional-pedagogical knowledge, skills, abilities, and emotional-volitional means of expression, which, in interaction with the personality traits of the educator, enable them to successfully address various educational tasks. Hence, investigating the development of pedagogical skills in teachers of general education disciplines as a system is of paramount importance.


The relevance of this research is determined by theoretical and practical tasks for achieving quality results in pedagogical activity under modern conditions of education modernization in the country. The role of the teacher's personality and their pedagogical skills in the education and upbringing of the younger generation was examined in the works of J.A. Comenius, A. Diesterweg, K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlynsky. They linked the teacher's mastery to a deep knowledge of the subject taught, the essence of the pedagogical process, and the teacher's personal qualities.

The significance and multifaceted nature of the pedagogical skills issue is evidenced by a substantial number of studies on this problem. The essence of pedagogical mastery, its psychological structure, and the peculiarities of its development were investigated by E. Barbina, A. Gritsenko, I. Zi- aziun (2000), O. Kalinska, V. Kovalchuk (2011), O. Krasnytska, P. Luzan (2010), N. Ostroverkhova, O. Otych (2014), V. Palamarchuk, M. Paltysh, S. Sysoieva, T. Sushchenko, N. Telichko, V. Teslyuk (2010), I. Uchitel, L. Filatova (2021), L. Shovkun (2010), and others.

The educational process as a system is studied by domestic scientists I. Androshchuk (2017), O. Borodienko (2018), O. Dysa (2019), I. Kankovskyy (2009), R. Kurok (2022), V. Proshkin (2015), and others. Despite the broad range of research, the development of pedagogical skills in teachers of general education disciplines in professional education institutions as a system remains insufficiently studied. pedagogical mastery professional teaching

The aim of the article is to justify the methodological system for developing pedagogical skills in teachers of general education disciplines in professional education institutions.


The research utilized theoretical methods that enabled the examination of the problem's state in scientific sources, comparison of different viewpoints, and analysis of the development process of pedagogical skills in teachers of general education disciplines in professional education institutions as a methodological system. The work employed analysis and synthesis methods, systematization, abstraction, generalization, and modeling methods, facilitating the construction of the functional components' structure of the system for developing pedagogical skills in teachers, clarifying the interconnections of the identified components.

Results and discussion

In modern educational practice, the professional development of teachers in professional education institutions is identified as a priority direction for modernizing the educational process, studied as a purposeful, dynamic system. These thoughts resonate with the views of L. Pukhovska, who asserts that " of the key tasks of modern educational reforms worldwide is to create conditions for the professional development of teachers" (Pukhovska, 2011, p. 99).

The prominent methodologist of Ukrainian educational science, S. Honcharenko (2008, p. 93), stated: a systemic approach as a direction of scientific knowledge assumes that the research object should be studied as a system. Therefore, the methodology of the systemic approach, adopted in our study as the primary, dominant concept, necessitates the consideration of the researched phenomenon as a system. The concept of "system" is a structure that collectively combines regularly arranged elements, components, grouped by some common feature.

Scholars such as Dysa (2019), Kankovsky (2009), Orshansky, Sydorenko (2006), and Proshkin (2015) identify the following as key features of a system: the presence of parts, elements that can be considered in certain isolation, outside of connections with other phenomena, objects, or processes; the existence of an internal structure of connections between these parts, objects, which can be combined into subsystems; the presence of a certain integrity, which ensures the purposeful achievement of an integral result thanks to the constant interaction between the components of the system or its subsystems; the presence in the structure of connections between parts, which unite elements into subsystems or blocks and form the system as a whole; the hierarchy of the system, expressed in the vertical subordination of parts, subsystems, elements within the construct, as well as a certain "right" of intervention by higher-level subsystems and components in the functioning of lower-level parts, subsystems; dependencies of the functioning of upper-level subsystems, blocks on the results of the functions performed by subsystems, blocks of lower levels; the presence of functional characteristics of the system and its individual subsystems, blocks; a certain interrelation with systems of another order.

Based on the analysis of works by renowned domestic and foreign systemologists, Y. Lodatko (2022, pp. 24-25) highlights the following properties as relevant for our research on "complex" systems: each complex system has a certain multi-link structure, determined by the form of spatial-temporal connections or interactions between the elements of the system; the system cannot consist of identical components devoid of individuality, diversity; the properties of the system cannot be understood merely on the basis of comprehending the properties of its components - the interaction between them is crucial; the formation of the system leads to the division of the space of its functioning into two parts - the system itself and the surrounding environment; internal, inter-component interactions prevail over external ones in the system; changes in the system's behavior due to qualitative transformations in the structure and content of the interaction between components reflect on the stability of its functioning and activate processes of adaptation to new conditions; the evolution of systems is characterized by unevenness and absence of monotony; any real system can be represented in the form of a materially similar or symbolic image.

The functioning of complex systems, including educational systems, is subject to certain principles, which, in our opinion, Y. Lodatko (2022) rightly includes such prescriptions as: the principle of closure, according to which the behavior of a complex system is not subject to external influences but is constructed within a certain closed construct surrounding the system; the principle of resistance, according to which a complex system is characterized by a certain stability, the ability to resist external influence factors; the principle of openness, asserting that a complex system and the external environment are independent, dynamically distant phenomena; the principle of integrity: in the system, when transitioning from one equilibrium state to another, nonlinearity is enhanced due to the effect of internal unity; the principle of threshold sensitivity, explaining that the system's state remains unchanged until a certain threshold value of its characteristics; the principle of amplification of fluctuations, according to which nonlinearity can increase the risk of random deviations of some parameter from its average value, thereby slowing down the system's development; the principle of counterintuitiveness, which stipulates that it is nearly impossible to predict the behavior of the system in the distant future; the principle of the plurality of models, standardizing the possibility of constructing several models for studying the structure and functioning of the system; the principle of incompatibility, declaring that the more complex a system, the less accurate the results of its analysis are. Agreeing in general with such prescriptions regarding the functioning and development of systems, it is noted that the principle of openness, in our view, somewhat contradicts the principle of resistance, which recognizes the influence of "external influence factors."

In the second edition of the "Encyclopedia of Education," the pedagogical system is defined as a "polysystemic formation (integrity) consisting of many interacting and complementary parts" (2021, pp. 727-728). Without disputing the use of the generic concept "polysystemic formation (integrity)" in the definition, it must be noted that the definition lacks significant specific features. Moreover, the article does not detail the component composition of the pedagogical system, the peculiarities of its structure, and so forth. However, in the "Encyclopedia of Education" previous edition (2008, p. 649), the article "Pedagogical System" by S. Kushniruk is considered, in our opinion, more detailed. Here, the author argues that in a broad sense, the pedagogical system is "an association of participants in the pedagogical process, where a pedagogical goal is set, and pedagogical tasks are solved; an association of participants in the pedagogical process, where their activity (cognitive, educational, labor, moral, sociopolitical, artistic-aesthetic, gaming, etc.) is simultaneously the source of the pedagogical goal and the means of its achievement."

Without dwelling in detail on the definitions of the pedagogical system as a structural integrity, which number more than 40 in the available scientific literature (Kurok, 2022), let us briefly consider their varieties. Pedagogical systems are classified according to various characteristics. They are divided into simple and complex, open and closed, static and dynamic, managed and self-managed, probabilistic (by the method of determination), real and imaginary (by their origin), social and physical (by their substantial characteristic), etc. (Kankov- sky, 2009; Karabet, 2002; Proshkin, 2015). The classification of pedagogical systems of vocational and technical education proposed by V. Karabet (2002) is particularly compelling. Following I. Kankovsky (2009), the scholar suggests grouping such systems depending on the general educational preparation of students, the type of vocational and technical institution, the form and level of vocational training of students (workers), as well as the sectoral specialization of training. Regrettably, the author does not provide detailed content-structural characteristics of these systems, limiting himself to the position that "each of the presented pedagogical systems, along with the general properties inherent in pedagogical systems, has its own, reflecting their specificity" (Karabet, 2002, p. 37).

In existing scientific works, scholars present various structural components of pedagogical systems, considering them as the basic characteristics of the educational process that distinguish these systems from other social (humanistic) systems. Specifically, V. Proshkin (2015), based on the results of indepth analysis of research dedicated to pedagogical systems, makes extremely important conclusions for understanding the essence of the phenomenon: 1) the goal, determined by the demands of society and the requests of the individual learner, is a systemforming factor of the pedagogical system; 2) the goal requires means and methods of its achievement; 3) the goal correlates with the results, as a result of which a closed cycle of system functioning is formed; 4) comparing the goal with the result determines the efficiency of the educational process. The closed cycle of the pedagogical system's functioning is also recognized by O. Dysa (2019), who argues that its components include: the goal, educational information, methods of pedagogical communication, student (learner), and educator. It is not difficult to notice that the "closure" of such a structural construct is somewhat unclear. It concerns the absence of means to achieve the goal, evaluative component, and the actual result of "pedagogical communication." These debatable positions have been considered in the structural model of the pedagogical system by V. Skvyrs'kyi, whose components include: objectives of the educational process; the activity of the teacher; the activity of the student; emotional interaction; intellectual interaction; result.

Educational processes are viewed as systems by V. Haluziak, M. Smetanskyi, and V. Shakhov, who define them as "a set of interrelated elements that interact with each other and form a certain integrity" (2007, p. 61). This structure comprises objectives, content, forms, methods, learning and upbringing outcomes, the activity of educators, and the activity of students. Since the pedagogical system usually aims to reflect the comprehensive educational process, attention is drawn to its variety - the methodical system. Specifically, I. Androschuk (2017) explores the theoretical and methodological foundations of preparing future teachers of labor studies and technologies for pedagogical interaction in professional activities, viewing the methodical system as a complex dynamic formation that includes a set of equal, interrelated components: goals, content, forms, learning methods, innovative methodologies and technologies, educational-methodological support, reflection, self-education activities of students, and outcomes. Furthermore, R. Kurok (2022) developed a methodical system for developing legal competence of pedagogical workers in economic colleges, identifying its structural components as objectives and tasks, content, methods, forms, means, digital technologies. In the work of O. Borodiyenko (2018), a pedagogical system for developing the professional competence of managers of service sales units in the communications industry is substantiated as a set of interrelated structural and functional components.

Without delving into these aspects in detail, the positions highlighted can be summarized in the following manner:

In scientific and pedagogical research, scholars use terms such as "pedagogical system," "methodical system," "didactic system," "learning system," "pedagogical system of an educational institution," "education system," "system of educational sessions," "system of teaching methods," yet they do not demonstrate a unity of opinions regarding their structure, principles of operation, number of components, etc.;

When considering the different component composition of the phenomenon, researchers interpret this formation as a set of interrelated elements that interact with each other and form a certain integrity;

The peculiarities of the component composition, laws, principles, conditions of functioning of the pedagogical system and its varieties are still awaiting their independent research.

Thus, let us move to the design of the system for developing pedagogical skills among teachers of general education disciplines, considering it as a specific type of pedagogical system. We view the mentioned system as a stable set of interconnected structural and functional components (Borodiyenko, 2018; Proshkin, 2015), subordinated to the objectives and tasks of the purposeful development of teachers' pedagogical skills. The main structural components of the designed system are considered as follows:

The target component, which includes: the main goal - systematic, continuous development of pedagogical skills among teachers of general education disciplines in vocational education institutions; a complex of tasks that reflect the tactics of achieving strategic goals of the studied process;

The conceptual-methodological component, which includes: a set of methodological approaches, taking into account which the process of developing the studied integrative personality property is purposefully carried out; the main conceptual ideas for the development of teachers' pedagogical skills, which, by design, are the support of the concept of the studied process, define the "road map" for the implementation of defined goals (strategic, tactical, operational) and tasks; principles (general and specific) for the development of pedagogical skills;

The subject component, which combines participants of the educational process - teachers of general education disciplines, masters of production training, teachers of general professional, professional-theoretical, professional-practical training, leaders of vocational education institutions, methodologists, parents, employers, etc., for organizing productive pedagogical interaction;

The content component, the components of which are: directions for the development of teachers' pedagogical skills (professional-personal selfdevelopment, advanced training courses, conducting scientific-pedagogical research, participation in methodical work events of vocational education institutions, in the work of schools, workshops, studios, in preparing and conducting classes and educational events, etc.); the content of developing the studied personal property - general scientific, psychological-pedagogical, methodical, subject, industry knowledge and skills of teachers;

The technological component, which includes: pedagogical technologies (blended learning technologies, training technologies, project technologies, case technologies, distance learning technologies, etc.); methods, forms, means of developing teachers' pedagogical skills;

The diagnostic-re sultative component, which contains: criteria, indicators, levels of development of pedagogical skills among teachers of general education disciplines; the result as a positive dynamic in the levels of development of the phenomenon (Kabysh, 2021).

The functional components of the system for developing pedagogical skills among teachers of general education disciplines in vocational education institutions are considered as follows (Fig. 1):

The design component: involves goal-setting (formulation of strategic, tactical, operational goals and tasks for the professional growth of the teacher) as an important component of the structure of pedagogical activity; properly formulated goals are a systemic factor in the development of a teacher's pedagogical skills, since it is the goals that are sources of defining stages, methods, forms, means of activity, directing the personality to achieve a result, evaluate their own achievements by comparing planned and actual gains; the goal integrates and organizes the necessary actions and operations; includes designing directions for the development of teachers' pedagogical skills, methods, and means of formal, non-for- mal, and informal education, ways of evaluating the results of the development of the studied property of the teacher;

The constructive component: involves the selection and composition of the content of the development of pedagogical skills among teachers of general education disciplines (general scientific, psychological-pedagogical, methodical, subject, industry knowledge and skills of teachers); planning professional growth depending on pedagogical experience, individual abilities, preferences, interests, needs, and motives; realization in accordance with the directions of the process of personal growth to achieve the set goals and tasks.

Fig. 1. Structure offunctional components of the teacher pedagogical mastery development system in general education subjects

Gnostic: ensures the ability of general education subject teachers for professional growth and self-development; includes actions related to the accumulation and deepening of new knowledge about methodology, theory, teaching methods, pedagogical techniques, and means of achieving objectives; based on the ability to use educational and reference literature, skills in implementing methods and forms of pedagogical integration, skills in analyzing the conditions of the educational process, and personal reasons for success and failure in organizing pedagogical interaction, etc.

Prognostic: determines the strategy for the professional growth of pedagogical staff in a specific institution of vocational education (VE), substantiates the prospects for the functioning of the system for the development of pedagogical skills in teachers of general education subjects, its interaction with external factors and socio-economic conditions of VE institutions; uses prognostic information to define long-term prospects for the continuous development of teachers.

Organizational: encompasses the organization of various types of pedagogical activities to match the results with planned goals; aimed not only at ordering the educational process but also at the self-organization of the teacher's activities; modern organizational activity of the teacher involves interaction with all participants of the educational process - students, colleagues, parents, employers, and other stakeholders; manifests in the teacher's ability to properly organize their work time, individual and group activities of students in blended learning conditions.

Communicative: involves establishing tolerant relationships among the participants of pedagogical interaction, specifically establishing proper relations with those who lead the system for the development of pedagogical skills in teachers of general education subjects; based on the skillful use of the main means of communication - oral and written language; a condition for improving professionalism and a powerful source of professional and personal development of the pedagogical worker.

Evaluative-corrective: includes monitoring and self-diagnosis of the levels of development of pedagogical skills of the teacher, constant evaluation of scientific-methodological achievements based on a set of criteria and indicators for measuring the phenomenon, application of valid, reliable, and accurate diagnostic methods of the levels of development of pedagogical activity and timely correction (partial or complete) of identified deficiencies using pedagogical techniques and actions.

It is now deemed necessary to define the place of the proposed system for the development of pedagogical skills in teachers of general education subjects among the systems of vocational and technical education. Let us remind that systems scientists indicate: any system is always an element of another system of a higher level, which is called a supersystem or metasystem. For example, if a student group is considered a system, then for it, a vocational school is a system of a higher level (metasystem, general system). In turn, the vocational school is an element of the regional or provincial system of vocational and technical education, and the provincial system of vocational and technical education is a component of the system of vocational and technical education of Ukraine, etc. Additionally, if elements of certain systems themselves function as systems, they are called subsystems of this system, which is treated as a general system. At this stage of scientific inquiry, we note the research on pedagogical systems of vocational and technical education conducted by V. Karabet (2002). The author asserts that the classification of pedagogical systems is related to internal systemic factors that "reflect the state of the components of pedagogical systems," including: goals and tasks of vocational and technical education; content of vocational and technical education; students and pedagogical workers of the institution of vocational education as subjects and objects of pedagogical systems; educational-production process as a didactic system of professional competence of skilled workers; material and technical base of the institution of vocational education; comprehensive normative-methodological and scientific-didactic provision of the educational process. Utilizing these approaches, in the study, we consider the pedagogical system of the institution of vocational education as a general system, which includes the system of professional development of pedagogical workers as a subsystem, its component, element (Fig. 2). In turn, this pedagogical system combines the system of professional development of pedagogical workers and the system for the development of pedagogical skills in teachers of general education subjects of the vocational education institution as subsystems.

Fig. 2. Illustration of the relationships between the development system of pedagogical skills for teachers of general education subjects in the vocational education institution, the system for improving the qualifications of pedagogical staff in the vocational education institution, and the pedagogical system of the vocational education institution using Euler's circles


Thus, the designed development system of pedagogical skills for teachers of general education subjects in the vocational education institution, as a specific type of pedagogical system, combines structural components (target, conceptual- methodological, subject, content, technological, diag- nostic-resultative) and functional (design, constructive, gnoseological, prognostic, organizational, communicative, evaluative-corrective). The overall pedagogical system of the vocational education institution

List of references: includes the system of professional development of pedagogical staff, which in turn, combines the system for improving the qualifications of pedagogical staff and the development system of pedagogical skills for teachers of general education subjects of the vocational education institution as subsystems. The prospects for further scientific research will be dedicated to justifying the goals and designing the content of the development of pedagogical skills for teachers of general education subjects.


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