Using the project-based methods to develop the future teacher' soft skills

Formation of students’ "soft skills" is requirement of modern European society, so the process of training a specialist actualizes the problem of educational process arrangement, which contributes to the self-realization of the student's personality.

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Дата добавления 05.09.2024
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Using the project-based methods to develop the future teacher' soft skills

Olena Kondratieva,

PhD in Pedagogy, senior teacher


Formation of students' «soft skills» is urgent requirement of modern European society, so the process of training a pedagogical specialist actualizes the problem of educational process arrangement, which contributes to the self-realization of the student's personality by developing his intellectual and organizational capabilities, volitional qualities and creative abilities.

The paper focused on the application of the method of projects in the process of formation of soft skills among students. It is emphasized that the formation of soft skills is an important component of the training of future teachers. Theoretically it has been proved that using the method of projects promotes the formation of skills to make decisions in situations of lack of time; leadership qualities, ability to visualize information; ability to speak publicly; time management skills, establishing of interpersonal communication. Particular attention is paid to the structural components of the concept of soft skills. It is argued that creativity, professional English-language communication, critical thinking, self-organization are important. It is proved the need to use the project method to develop the ability to adjust to the rapidly changing demands of modern socio-economic development, define personal and professional goals independently, demonstrate the ability to follow the deadlines, develop communication skills and teamwork, and recognize one's own leadership potential. The paper highlights the essential project activity, which significantly improves the intelligence of future teachers, activates the ability to work in a team; the capability to be convincing and influential in discussions and negotiations, thoughtfully looking for a solution; the ability to reach an understanding with people around. In general, this research theoretically proved that the use of the project method contributes to the formation of students' soft skills and increases their competitiveness in the modern educational environment. The prospect of further exploration in this direction is determined by the practical aspect of using the method of projects for the development of soft skills among students.

Keywords: soft skills, project method, professional pedagogical training, training of future teachers, educational environment.

Використання методу проектів для розвитку soft skills навичок у майбутніх учителів

Олена Кондратьєва,

кандидат педагогічних наук,

старший викладач


Формування «soft skills» для студентів - об'єктивна вимога сучасного європейського суспільства, тому процес підготовки високоосвіченого педагогічного спеціаліста актуалізує проблему організації процесу навчання, який сприяє самореалізації особистості студента шляхом розвитку його інтелектуальних і організаційних можливостей, вольових якостей та творчих здібностей. soft skill professional pedagogical training

У статті проаналізовано застосування методу проєктів у процесі формування навичок soft skills у студентів. Акцентовано, що формування «м'яких навичок» у наш час є важливим складником підготовки майбутніх учителів. Теоретично обґрунтовано доцільність застосування методу проєктів для формування умінь приймати рішення в ситуаціях нестачі часу; лідерських якостей, здатності до візуалізації інформації; уміння публічно виступати; навичок тайм-менеджменту, організації міжособистісного спілкування. Особливу увагу звернено на структурні складові поняття soft skills. Встановлено, що важливими є креативність, професійна англомовна комунікація, критичне мислення, самоорганізація. З'ясовано важливу роль застосування методу проєктів для формування вміння адаптуватися до швидкозмінних вимог сучасного суспільно-економічного розвитку, самостійно окреслювати особисті та професійні цілі, демонструвати уміння дотримуватися дедлайнів, розвивати комунікативні навички та уміння співпраці в колективі, виявляти власний лідерський потенціал. Акцентовано увагу на проєктної діяльності, що значно покращує інтелект майбутніх учителів; здатність до емпатії; активізує спроможність працювати в команді; вміння бути переконливим і впливовим під час виступів, дискусій і переговорів, вдумливо шукаючи рішення, що задовольнить усі сторони; здатність досягати порозуміння з людьми. Сутність вищесказаного зводиться до того, що застосування методу проєктів сприяє формуванню навичок soft skill у студентів та підвищує їхню конкурентоздатність у сучасному освітньому просторі. Перспективою подальшої розвідки у даному напрямку визначено практичний аспект застосування методу проєктів для розвитку soft skills у студентів.

Ключові слова: «soft skills», метод проєктів, професійна педагогічна підготовка майбутніх учителів, освітнє середовище.


Today, the higher education system of Ukraine is experiencing a crucial and responsible period of its development, which is featured by a radical revision of professional stereotypes among future graduates and employers. Employers noted the necessity to hire workers with a set of socio- behavioral and cognitive skills, which determines the transformation of higher education institutions based on the strategic goals and objectives of society and the state's development. Therefore, modern training of future teachers in Ukrainian universities requires changes in the context of formation of skills of dialogical, monological professional and foreign language speech, skills to solve problem situations, practical skills of presentations, developed critical and project thinking; development of make decisions and perform tasks in situations of lack of time; the presence of leadership qualities, the ability to visualize information; skills to speak publicly; ability to time management. The use of project activities to develop soft skills during professional training of future teachers in higher educational establishments is necessary as the purpose of the educational process is to promote the development of students' skills.

The importance of the formation of soft skills are presented in the investigations of G. Kornyush, T. Kozhushkina, O. Kravets, O. Kravchenko, A. Mozgova, S. Nahod, V. Radkevich., F. Calanca, L. Minkus, E Malmi. The advantages of the project-based training method were extensively investigated by both domestic and foreign researchers. N. Molchanova, T. Polonskaya, T. Ponochovna, N. Dushkova, E. Zarvansko, A. Trofymenko, J.Taylor, H. Dunford, K. Wilson.

The research is intended to reveal the role of using the project methods and substantiate its application in the process of developing students' soft skills.

Research methods

On the basis of the theoretical analysis of the methodological and pedagogical literature of soft skills' formation, the main components are defined and the definitions of this concept are presented; using of the method of induction, generalization and systematization, the application of the project method in the context of the development of soft skills of students was proved.

Results and discussions

Innovations, professional competence and requirements for a competitive teacher with a high level of soft skills formation today under current conditions of the national educational system to enter the European educational environment of the 21st century. An integral feature of modern schools in Ukraine is innovative teacher who is capable of critical thinking, teamwork, self-organization and time management, emotional intelligence, capable for interpersonal communication and interaction with all participants in the educational process.

Nowadays, the concept of «soft skills» is determined by the following terminological paradigm: «soft skills», «success skills», «universal skills», «flexible skills», «social skills». Each of the terms has semantic peculiarities, but a common feature is their upper-professionalism (Muraviova, Marianko, 2021).

The «Recommendations on the application of criteria for assessing the quality of the educational program» indicates that soft skills allow university graduates to be successful in the process of professional activity, in particular communication skills, leadership, creativity, the ability to take responsibility and work in critical conditions, the ability to resolve conflicts, work in a team, manage their time, the ability to think logically and systematically. In professional activity, the graduates of higher education institutions acquire the formation of soft skills, as communication, cognitive flexibility/adaptability, ability to work in a team, leadership, ability to resolve conflicts, creativity, critical thinking, general literacy, organization, initiative, responsibility, ability to make decisions and work in critical conditions/stress resistance, self-learning and self-development, selfmanagement, emotional intelligence and emotion management.

The researchers define the term of «soft skills» in their papers as follows:

S. Nahod emphasizes the importance of «soft skills» for specialists of socionomic professions and identifies them as a complex of non-specialized super-professional «flexible competencies» that effect on the successful performance of professional duties of specialists of any profile. The scientific paper reveals that in the process of forming these skills, cognitive and creative processes are combined at the problem-solving tasks, the results of activity are critically evaluated (Nahod, 2020:132). K. Koval specifies the importance for students' soft skills for successful portfolio formation and job interview. She emphasizes the necessity of formation skills to prioritize, adapt to new challenges and circumstances, be stress-resistant, be able to achieve the goal. Specific training of these skills is not provided according modern educational standards. N. Kolyada and O. Kravchenko emphasizes the issue of the formation of «soft skills» while studying at university (Koliada, Kravchenko, 2020).

We should define the features of the components of «soft skills» for future graduates of higher pedagogical universities. We agree with the opinion of O. Vasilenko, who identifies communication as one of the most important components, while the educational activity of the teacher is linked with the processes of communication, exchanging the information, generalization, concretization, systematization and argumentation (Vasilenko, 2021). It is focused on management skills, which are based on the ability to unite the team, to establish effective communication between their participants, to form leadership qualities - these are the competencies that are necessary for the successful organization of students' team work.

Another important consideration is creativity, because it is the key to search new technologies, forms and methods of learning, the ability to innovate, original thinking, an individual approach to each student.

Furthermore, critical thinking is essential component, through which it is possible the formation of a flexible memory, forms of logical skills even under the influence of stress or tension, critically access the situation, find the right decisions of the future teacher. In our opinion, the presence of strategic skills is necessary for the work of a modern teacher - namely, the skills to plan educational activity, encourage students to group work, intensify their active participation in the lesson. The successful work of the future teacher is associated with working with educational information, namely the ability to collect, analyze and evaluate, present new information to students, focus the wide information field of the modern world. Such activity involves the presence of system thinking as the ability to plan, set current and final goals and implement them, analyze complex situations, find the optimal solution.

The successful method for forming all the above-mentioned attributes is the use of the project method in educational activity for the training of future teachers. The method of projects is focused primarily on the personal activity of the student, which is essential feature. We consider at this stage a special model of education with alternative pedagogical technology is necessary component, which would take into account the humanistic orientation of modern education as much as possible, would create favorable conditions for activation, selfeducation and self-education, and resolve the student to demonstrate his erudition, the level of independent analysis, judgments, conclusions, generalizations, their novelty and originality, the ability to form constructive ideas, proposals, approaches. In addition, the project method enhances the development еру students' cognitive skills, the search for information for the educational project forms the students' ability for actively develop critical thinking, generalize and systematize theoretical material. Thus, it can be argued that the main goal of the project method is to form students' self-determination, the necessity of self-education and self-development.

The method of projects is always focused on individual, pair or group activities of the students. Performing the projects, students learn to make decisions without distinction, taking responsibility for their implementation. The student becomes an equal participant in joint activities with the teacher, responsible for their successes, failures and shortcomings. He himself analyzes each step of his training, determines his shortcomings, searches for the reasons for the removal of difficulties, finds ways to correct errors. He is given the right to choose the methods of activity, put forward hypotheses, participate in a collective discussion of various points of view. During the projects, students learn to work in a group, help and support each other, search for information from different sources, draw up material and submit it, specify their work against the background of others, compare their own level of language proficiency, combine language skills and their own imagination. Project work develops the ability to plan, think critically.

The method of projects is based on a problem that requires research through the use of search and problem-based measures focused on a practical result that can be understood, applied in real practical activity, requiring its holistic development, taking into account various conditions for its solution, theoretical and practical implementation of the results (Molchanova, 2017).

We strongly agree with the opinion of O. Kirdan, who notes that it is especially significant in educational process to use project-based learning technology aimed at self-development of the personality of higher education applicants, their professional and social requirements, which allow to form professional and socially significant skills of future specialists, encourage the development of creative and critical thinking. The method of projects promotes the formation of the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing requirements of modern socio-economic development, personal and professional goals, demonstrate the ability to adhere to deadlines, develop communication skills and team building, identify your own leadership potential, provides an opportunity to form soft skills among students (Kirdan, 2021). We agree with this statement, emphasizing the importance of the methodological potential of using the method of projects to develop the future teacher's soft skills.

An integral feature of the method of projects is the solution of a particular problem. The main tasks are not only the transfer of ready-made knowledge, but learning to acquire this knowledge independently, to be able to apply them to solve new cognitive and practical problems, assistance in obtaining the communication skills, the ability to work in various groups, performing various social roles (leader, performer, mediator), expand the subject of communication, acquaintance with other cultures, different views on one problem. It is essential in project work to develop the ability of use research techniques: to collect the necessary information, to be able to analyze it from different perspectives, to put forward different hypotheses, to be able to draw conclusions (Molchanova, 2018).

We consider that is significant to implement project work during the training of future teachers. The project activity of students of higher education at the process of preparation provides the orientation of the entire educational process to the assimilation of socially significant knowledge, skills and the acquisition of professional experience that corresponds to the modern paradigm of person-oriented education, skills and experience that encourage students to successfully and professionally realization and learning throughout their lives. The teacher of the New Ukrainian School should use the tools and methods that are based on cooperation and involve students in joint activities, which contributes to their socialization and successful adoption of social experience, and therefore this led to an increase in the share of project technologies in the educational process of teachers' training in higher education institutions. Advanced study of the project method and project technologies in the professional training of teachers becomes an urgent need. The result of pedagogical creation is a new way of solving the problem, finding possible ways to resolve conflicts. According to type of research, projects are the following: research, creative, gaming, information, practice-oriented (Molchanova, 2017).

The method of project activity is one of the successful techniques in contemporary education, through the use of a person-oriented approach to learning and upbringing and interest activation in various fields of knowledge, forms of cooperative skills. Students, mastering the program with varied academic disciplines, often do not realize its importance for the chosen specialty, cannot determine its place and role in the overall professional training, therefore, do not include this knowledge in the system of their personal values. Therefore implementation of method of project facilitates the future teachers to form a logical structure of theoretical knowledge which they can use in practice, learn to integrate and combine the information gained during the educational process.

Involvement of future teachers in process of performing of research projects contributes to the formation of skills to clearly define the goals, relevance of the subject of research, hypotheses, the use of appropriate research methods, processing and systematization of the obtained results. The dominant activity is research, while the final product is an abstract, scientific work, theses, article, essay, analytical work, reports at a scientific conference; study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience; performance of diploma works. The implementation of such projects develops students' thinking; thus, it contributes to the ability to plan, set current and final goals and implement them, analyze complex situations, find the optimal solution.

The process of application of creative projects, the design of the project results is essential, because it is projects of this type that contribute to creativity and the ability to find non-standard new solutions to diverse situations, the ability to generate and implement varied ideas.

Information projects contribute the formation of management abilities, which involve the collection of information about the object of research from sources as: sociological surveys, interviews, questionnaires, testing, information processing (analysis, generalization, reasoned conclusions). Such tasks are the key to the formation of skills to unite people and clearly define responsibilities in accordance with the capabilities, initiative and demanding of all participants.

The implementation of telecommunication projects is due to the development of cognitive activity, personal effectiveness skills, which were formed on the basis of computer telecommunications, featured by a common goal (the study of a particular problem) and is aimed at achieving a common result, developing creativity and analytical thinking, it is conditioned by successful educational process and integral part of being active and innovative, constantly enhancement.

As V. Molchanova notes, the significant role in training of future elementary school teachers belongs to educational and methodological projects, because pedagogical design is one of the most important aspects of the teacher's professional activity. This contributes to the formation of leadership and organizational qualities as well as personal soft skills, the purpose of which is selforganization and self-motivation (the combination of a positive attitude towards work and academic tasks with the initiative to work hard); the ability find a solution that is most beneficial in each specific situation; determination (involving a balanced approach and forward thinking in decision-making); the ability to work in stressful situations and properly distribute time, forcing him to work for himself; flexibility, adaptability, ability to learn, openness to the new (Molchanova, 2019).

The analysis of the theory and practice of students' preparation in higher education gave grounds for A. Trofimenko to determine the features of project work as a method and form of education: namely, that the topics of projects should be based on life and professional issues that are the subject of students' professional interest. The use of project technology should take into account the role of both subjects of study: to be focused on the implementation of the student's interests, but also to provide support and recommendations of the teacher. Creative project activity should be based on cooperation, not competition. Students can work independently, in pairs, in small groups, as a whole group, sharing resources, ideas and experiences during the project. Project activity leads to a true integration of knowledge, skills and information processing from various sources, reflecting important practical tasks that students will have to solve in the future in a professional environment; project activity featured by product that can be shared with other subjects of educational activity. In the course of the project, students acquire confidence in their abilities, are motivated to succeed, acquire skills of independence, deepen knowledge of a specific subject area and deepen/expand the range of their cognitive interests (Trofimenko, 2010).

In general, we agree with the proposed ideas that the implementation of project activity significantly improves personal skills, which include emotional intelligence; communication skills; ability to empathize; the feature to speak out and be understood. The implementation of project methods in the classroom develops the ability to hear, not just listen; leadership qualities (not so much as the ability to lead, but as the ability to wisely motivate others); ability to work in a team; the ability to be convincing and influential during speeches, discussions and negotiations, thoughtfully looking for a solution that will satisfy all parties, the ability to reach an understanding with people around. In addition, practical application of educational projects significantly develops flexibility of thinking, adaptability to any situations, initiative, independence in decision-making, the ability to work in interaction, to carry out a creative approach to solving problems of practical activity. Active, appropriate and correct use of the outlined method, ensures the development of students' creative potential, promotes their self-realization, creative search, enhancement and self-improvement (Kokhan, 2020).


The New Ukrainian schools require the teachers with a high level of soft skills, who should be ready for challenges of the present and effective interaction between all participants in the educational process. The project method develops students' research abilities, technological and information competencies, creativity. It promotes intellectual activity, develops communication skills, helps to establish interdisciplinary connections, to master the skills of working in a group. The use of this technology provides an opportunity to organize the active work of students with elements of scientific research, provides the development of the ability to apply the obtained data in further pedagogical activity, thus contributes to the development of soft skills of students.

Prospects for further research in this direction is determined by the practical aspect of using the method of projects for the development of soft skills among students.


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