Content strategies of translators’ training in colleges
Peculiarities professional training of translators in colleges, the most effective strategies for developing educational and professional programs and syllabi are substantiated, and effective methods of professional training of translators are determined.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.09.2024 |
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Content strategies of translators' training in colleges
Oksana Babiuk Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Viacheslav Chornovil Halytskyi Professional College Ternopil
Content strategies of translators' training in colleges
Translators training programs have been or are going to be introduced in some colleges at the level of professional junior bachelor, which can be explained by the increased demand for such specialists in different fields. The article studies the case of Viacheslav Chornovil Halytskyi Professional College which was among the first institutions that developed and introduced the professional junior bachelor program of translator training. The article identifies the peculiarities of professional translator training in colleges, grounds the most effective strategies of educational program and syllabus design; determines effective methods of professional translator training in colleges.
Three different design strategies are usually determined in modern literature - forward design, central design, and backward design. Forward design means developing a program/curriculum starting with content, then moving to process, and then to outcomes. Central design focuses first on the process and classroom methodology and then deals with content and outcomes. Backward design starts from outcomes and then determines content and process.
The analysis of professional translator training in colleges enabled the conclusions that backward design seems to be the most appropriate for education program development; forward and backward designs can be recommended for syllabus development; Content and Language Integrated Learning with reasonable use of authentic scenarios, activities and immersion in professional situations proved its effectiveness.
Keywords: translators' training, colleges, strategies, educational program, syllabus, Content and Language Integrated Learning.
ОКСАНА БАБ'ЮК кандидат педагогічних наук Галицький фаховий коледж імені В'ячеслава Чорно вола вул. Б. Хмельницького, 15, Тернопіль
Програми підготовки перекладачів вже впроваджені або активно впроваджуються в деяких коледжах на рівні фахового молодшого бакалавра, що зумовлюється потребами сучасного ринку праці. У статті проаналізовано досвід Галицького фахового коледжу імені В'ячеслава Чорновола, який одним із перших закладів розробив та впровадив освітньо-професійну програму підготовки перекладачів такого рівня.
У статті проаналізовано особливості професійної підготовки перекладачів у коледжах, зокрема, обґрунтовано найефективніші стратегії розробки освітньо-професійної програми та силабусів, визначено ефективні методи професійної підготовки перекладачів. У сучасній літературі зазвичай виділяють три стратегії розробки освітньо-професійної програми та силабусів: пряма стратегія, центральна стратегія та зворотна стратегія. Пряма стратегія передбачає розроблення змісту освітньо-професійної програми з подальшим акцентом на процес та програмні результати. Центральна стратегія спочатку зосереджується на процесі та методиках викладання, а потім визначає зміст та програмні результати. Відповідно до зворотної стратегії розроблення освітньо-професійної програми починається з визначення програмних результатів, а згодом змісту та процесу.
Аналіз запропонованих стратегій уможливив висновки, що пряма стратегія є ефективною в ситуаціях, коли викладачі: обмежені у виборі того, що і як викладати; покладаються більше на загальновизнані вимоги. Центральна стратегія не вимагає ретельного аналізу потреб ринку праці; передбачає високий рівень автономії викладача та студентів; може бути корисною для досвідчених викладачів, які здатні контролювати процес, добре ознайомлені з методиками та теоріями навчання. Зворотна стратегія вимагає ретельного аналізу потреб; передбачає чіткі критерії та процедури оцінювання результатів навчання; потребує систематичного зворотного зв'язку для розуміння студентами, наскільки вони наближені до очікуваних результатів. translators syllabi colleges
Аналіз професійної підготовки перекладачів у коледжах, результати опитування викладачів та студентів дав змогу зробити висновок, що найбільш релевантною для розробки освітньо-професійних програм є зворотна стратегія; пряма і зворотна стратегії можуть бути рекомендовані для розробки силабусів освітніх компонентів; для інтенсифікації навчального процесу доцільно застосовувати методику предметно-мовного інтегрованого навчання з обгрунтованим використанням автентичних сценаріїв, завдань та занурення в професійні ситуації.
Ключові слова: підготовка перекладачів, коледжі, стратегії, освітньо-професійна програма, силабус, предметно-мовне інтегроване навчання.
Nowadays in Ukraine there are a number of long-term training programmes of translators at bachelor's or master's levels. They rose sharply in the 1990s and have developed own traditions and approaches. The increase can be explained by several factors. Firstly, globalization of the world and Ukraine's active participation caused the development of international cooperation of businesses, governments, organizations, which requires more communication, translation of important documents, speeches, etc. Secondly, nowadays many companies seek the opportunity to reach the international market, which demands efficient linguistic support. Thirdly, interaction with different countries requires cultural sensitivity, which means that the message is accurately interpreted with the view of meaning and context.
To fulfil the above mention tasks translators have to develop high proficiency in language, translation techniques, subject matter expertise.
Recently translators' training programs have been or are going to be introduced in some colleges at the level of professional junior bachelor, which can be explained by the increased demand for such specialists in different fields. Viacheslav Chornovil Halytskyi Professional College was among the first institutions that developed and introduced the professional junior bachelor curriculum of translator training.
University translator training has been the focus of numerous researches (L. Chernovatyi, T. Kavytska, A. Monashnenko, T. Vasylenko, N. Zinukova, D. Gile, C. Kramsch, A. Neubert, A. Pym etc.). However, training of translators/interpreters at colleges is new for Ukraine, and it needs thorough study.
The objective of the article is to determine the peculiarities of professional translator training in colleges.
To fulfil the objective the following tasks should be completed:
1) to ground the principles of program and syllabus design for professional translator training in colleges;
2) to determine effective methods of professional training.
The analysis will be based on the example of training at Viacheslav Chornovil Halytskyi College in Ternopil.
The most urgent problem for professional translator training in colleges is educational program and syllabi development.
The term educational program means the overall plan or design of translators' training including the desired learning outcomes and methods to achieve them. Program includes a range of subjects specified in syllabi that specify content, suggest a plan for how to teach it to students in a rational sequence and achieve the desired outcomes with the help of appropriate learning activities and assessment [11, p. 6].
Three different design strategies are usually determined in modern literature - forward design, central design, and backward design. These design approaches to some extend present trends in language and linguistic education [10, p. 7-8].
Forward design means developing a program/curriculum starting with content, then moving to process, and then to outcomes. Central design focuses first on the process and classroom methodology and then deals with content and outcomes. Backward design starts from outcomes and then determines content and process [10, p. 8].
As for educational program development, the most appropriate seems backward design since it focuses on the skills and abilities graduates should demonstrate to fulfil their professional duties appropriately.
Before its design at Viacheslav Chornovil Halytskyi College the potential stakeholders were asked to choose among the suggested competences and add those they think are necessary to be acquired by the graduates at the level of professional junior bachelor. Besides, stakeholders were asked to select the appropriate learning outcomes and suggest their own. The list of competences and outcomes was created on the basis of the Standards for the bachelor level on speciality 035 Philology [1]. The main difficulty was the fact that the stakeholders were asked to determine competences and outcomes for professional junior bachelor, and not bachelor or master graduate. This was emphasized in the questionnaire, and the received answers were carefully analysed for the level compliance. Besides, they had to take into account foreign language proficiency (B 2 for the graduates).
The joint efforts of stakeholders and program developers resulted in determining the following professional competences:
- ability to solve typical problems in the field of philology (linguistics, translation) that involves application of theories and methods of philological science and characterized by some degree of complexity and uncertainty of conditions;
- awareness of the structure of philological science and its theoretical foundations;
- ability to use knowledge of language as a special sign system;
- ability to use knowledge of the theory and history of the English language in practice;
- ability to use knowledge about the main periods of development of the studied literature, the evolution of trends, genres and styles, prominent representatives;
- ability to use the first foreign language quite fluently and effectively in oral and written form and registers (official, unofficial, neutral) to solve communicative tasks in various spheres of life;
- ability to use the second foreign language in oral and written form to solve typical communicative tasks in various spheres of life;
- ability to collect and analyze, systematize and interpret linguistic facts and perform adequate oral and written translations;
- ability to use special terminology to solve professional tasks;
- ability to organize business communication;
- ability to use network software systems and Internet resources, specialized software, automated translation systems to solve theoretical and practical tasks in the field of professional activity;
- knowledge of the norms of speech etiquette and the ability to use them.
The teachers were suggested a checklist for writing course learning ourcomes [12, p. 9]:
1. Do the learning objectives correlate with the objectives of the course?
2. Do they relate to program learning outcomes?
3. Have you discussed the learning objectives with colleagues, learners and other stakeholders?
4. Are they all understandable for students?
5. Are the suggested learning objectives assessable?
6. Is the number of learning objectives appropriate? '
7. Is there any repetition of learning objectives?
8. Are the learning objectives achievable (mind the student level, timescale etc.)?
- The following curriculum learning outcomes have been determined:
- to communicate with specialists and non-specialists in Ukrainian and foreign languages orally and in writing, use them to ensure effective intercultural communication;
- process information: select the necessary information from various sources, in particular from professional literature and electronic databases, critically analyze and interpret it, arrange, classify and systematize it;
- organize one's education and self-education;
- demonstrate understanding of the fundamental principles of human existence, nature, and society;
- cooperate with colleagues, representatives of other cultures and religions, adherents of different political views, etc.;
- use information and communication technologies to fulfil typical professional tasks and solve problems problems;
- understand the language system, the general properties of literature as an art of speech, and to be able to apply this knowledge in professional activities;
- analyze linguistic units, determine their interaction and characterize linguistic phenomena and processes that cause them;
- know the norms of the literary language and be able to apply them in practical activities;
- use traditional and innovative methods of translation;
- make informed decisions and bear responsibility for the results of one's professional activity;
- know and understand the basics of translation theory, principles, strategies, techniques and be able to apply them properly;
- translate texts of various genres from English into Ukrainian and vice versa;
- collect, analyze, systematize and interpret facts of language and speech and use them to solve typical problems and problems in specialized areas of professional activity and/or education;
- use the first foreign language orally and in writing, in various genre-stylistic varieties and registers of communication (official, unofficial, neutral) to solve typical communicative tasks in everyday, social, educational, professional spheres of life.
- use the second foreign language orally and in writing to solve typical communicative tasks in everyday, social, educational, and professional spheres of life.
The disciplines to be taught must ensure students' acquision of the above -mentioned competences and achievement of the determined outcomes.
The findings of the labour market study, the results of consultations with stakeholders and the academic community enabled the identification of a number of obligatory and elective professional disciplines. Among the obligatory disciplines, the following have been highlighted:
1. Introduction to Linguistics.
2. Introduction to Translation Studies.
3. British Literature.
4. Practical Course of the English Language.
5. Second Foreign Language.
6. Theory of Translation.
7. Information Technology in Translation.
8. Practice in Oral and Written Translation.
9. Comparative Typology of Ukrainian and English Languages.
10. History of the English Language.
11. Business English.
12. Latin.
The students can select courses among the following electives:
1. Oral Expression for Interpreters.
2. Fundamentals of Media Literacy.
3. History of Great Britain.
4. Fundamentals of Language Communication Theory.
5. Fundamentals of Localization.
6. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship.
7. Translation of Business Documents.
8. Fundamentals of Audio-Visual Translation.
9. Translation of Scientific and Technical Texts.
10. Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication.
11. Standards of Modern Ukrainian Literary Language.
Syllabus development is the next issue to focus on. Unlike program development, syllabus design can employ different strategies - forward design, central design, and backward design.
Forward design is based on the assumption that content, methodology (process) and course learning outcomes are related in a linear fashion (decisions about how to teach are taken after the content has been selected, and decisions about learning outcomes follow the decisions on methodology). It is necessary to focus on content, which will influence the process and the outcomes. In case of professional disciplines the linguistic input can be based on corpus analysis as well as discourse analysis that studies different text types, their usage, lexical, grammatical, textual features that should influence translation [10, p. 8-13].
Central design presupposes focus on teaching methods, techniques, activities after which content and learning outcomes are dealt with [10, p. 13-14]. J. L. Clark's states that it: 1) focuses more on learning process than predertemined outcomes; 2) is learner-centered as it provides relevant learning experiences that develop learners' ability to study on their own and involves learners in shaping their skills acquisition; 3) emphasizes the role of teaching-learning context and the role of the teacher in shaping the curriculum [4, p. 49-90].
Backward design begins with diagnosis of needs (the idea emerged in 1960s) and formulating the learning objectives. The content and methodology are derived from the results. In other words, the planning process starts with a clear understanding of the final results. However, the design requires clear criteria to prove that the objectives have been achieved as well as clear decision on what activities and procedures will lead to such results [10, p. 20-23].
The analysis of the three strategies of syllabus design enabled the following conclusions. A forward design approach may be suggested in the situations where teachers [10, p. 29]: 1) are limited in their choice on what and how to teach; 2) rely more on published metarials (textbooks etc.) than on teacher-designed ones; 3) have to teach large classes; 4) prefer or have to use centrally developed tests and assessments rather than teacher-designed ones; 5) have little experience and are willing to rely on generally established requirements, published materials etc.
A central design option: 1) does not require thorough needs analysis; 2) presupposes a high degree of teacher's autonomy; 3) may be useful for experienced teachers who are able to control the process, are well acquainted with teaching methods and theories that underly them or at least have enough practice to employ "tried and tested teaching solutions" [10, p. 29]; 4) relies on the teacher to develop or select teaching materials and forms of assessment; 5) requires teachers with high level of professional skills and language proficiency; 6) provides students with autonomy.
A backward design option: 1) is preferable when the focus is on the achievement of learning outcomes; 2) requires thorough needs analysis; 3) demands for clear (both for teachers and students) assessment criteria and procedures that link to the learning outcomes, not the tasks to prove that learning outcomes have been achieved; 4) requires regular feedback to let students understand how close they are to the expected learning outcomes [10, p. 29].
The teachers were free to choose the syllabus design option, which seemed the most relevant for them. The survey showed that the most preferable was forward design, which starts with the content, and backward design that focuses on the needs analysis and course learning outcomes, which should correlate with curriculum learning outcomes. The results of the survey are consistent with the mentioned characteristics of the three design options.
Another important question is the methodology that will he lp to provide high level of students' language and translation skills development, appropriate knowledge acquision that will allow the graduates to fulfil their professional duties efficiently. Taking into account the peculiarities of the students and specificity of college training, which focuses on intensive development of language proficiency as well as students' mastery of subject matter, it was supposed that Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) should be employed with reasonable use of authentic scenarios, activities and immersion in professional situations.
CLIL is an educational approach that presupposes teaching content and the target language via the target language [7, p. 1]. It is a fusion of both language and subject education [7, p. 1], which in our case can substantially intensify skills mastering by college students.
CLIL approach development has been considerably affected by language acquisition theories, which contributes to language learning and teaching perspectives [6, p. 548-549]. Besides, the more proficient students' language level is, the less attention should be paid to linguistic aspect [8]. However, in case of college students, whose level of language proficiency is below B2, linguistic aspect remains an important issue and focus.
Do Coyle developed the 4Cs Conceptual Framework of CLIL, which brought together four domains: 1) content (subject); 2) communication (language); 3) cognition (thinking); 4) culture (intercultural understanding) [6, p. 549]. Content (subject) focuses not only on acquiring knowledge and skills, but also on the learners building their knowledge and developing skills being provided with the necessary level of autonomy [9, p. 47]. Acquiring subject knowledge and skills requires learning and thinking (cognition). The learners will be able to construct their knowledge and develop skills only if cognitive and linguistic demands are accessible, appropriate (neither too high nor too low) and increase gradually [6, p. 549]. High level cognitive and linguistic demand involves generalizing, comparing and contrasting, summarizing, planning, classifying, transforming, reviewing, problem solving, developing ideas, justifying opinions, evaluating critically, making deductions, predicting consequences, analysing suggesting solutions, etc. [5, p. 210]. The role of culture in translator's training is indisputable and crucial as the relation between languages and cultures [6, p. 551], language and thought [2, p. 138] is complex. Interpreters should know cultural nuances, cultural connotations and context, societal norms, develop cultural sensitivity, be able to facilitate communication between individuals from different cultures, avoid cultural misunderstanding, manage culturally challenging situations, handle cultural nuances of specific industries.
Syllabus should include both content objectives and language objectives for each topic as well as assessment criteria and instruments (e.g., self-assessment, pair assessment, peer assessment, teacher assessment - tasks, tests, etc.).
A survey of 47 2nd and 3rd years students - prospective translators of Viacheslav Chornovil Halytskyi Professional College conducted in March 2023 demonstrated their positive attitude towards the content (87 % of respondents), teaching methods (94 % of respondents), activities (89 % of students), and assessment techniques (85 % of respondents). The students indicated that they have a clear understanding of expected outcomes (94 %) and are generally satisfied with their achievements (83 %). 96 % of the students expressed a desire to continue their education at university.
All in all, the analysis of professional translator training in colleges led to the following conclusions: 1) backward design seems to be the most appropriate for education program development since it focuses on the skills and abilities graduates should demonstrate to fulfil their professional duties appropriately; 2) forward and backward designs can be recommended for syllabus development;
3) Content and Language Integrated Learning with reasonable use of authentic scenarios, activities and immersion in professional situations proved to be effective.
Further research may focus on the peculiarities of Content and Language Integrated Learning usage in professional translators' training in colleges.
1. Стандарт вищої освіти України: перший (бакалаврський) рівень, галузь знань 03 Гуманітарні науки, спеціальність 035 "Філологія". 2019. 19 с.
2. Brown H. D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Prentice-Hall, 1980. 276 p.
3. Byram M., Nicols A., Stevens D. Developing intercultural competence Developing Intercultural Competence in Practice. Multilingual Matters. 2001. 296 p.
4. Clark J. L. Curriculum Renewal in School Foreign Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1987. 264 p.
5. CLIL in Foreign Language Education: e-textbook for foreign language teachers / Silvia PokrivCakova et al. 2015. 282 p.
6. Coyle D. Content and Language Integrated Learning: Towards a Connected Research Agenda for CLIL Pedagogies. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 2007. 10:5. P. 543-562.
7. Coyle D., Hood Ph., Marsh D. CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press. 2010. 184 p.
8. Eurydice Report. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) at School in Europe. Brussels: Eurydice European Unit. 2006. 78 p.
9. Lantolf J. P. Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2000. 296 p.
10. Richards J. C. Curriculum Approaches in Language Teaching: Forward, Central and Backward Design. RELC Journal. 2013. 44 (1). P. 5-33.
11. Wiggins G., McTighe J. Understanding by Design: A Framework for Effecting Curricular Development and Assessment. Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 2005. 2nd ed. 370 p.
12. Winwood B., Purvis A. How to write learning outcomes. Sheffield Hallam University. 2015. 18 p.
14. Standart vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy: pershyi (bakalavrskyi) riven, haluz znan 03 Humanitarni nauky, spetsialnist 035 "Filolohiia". 2019. 19 s.
15. Brown H. D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Prentice-Hall, 1980. 276 p.
16. Byram M., Nicols A., Stevens D. Developing intercultural competence Developing Intercultural Competence in Practice. Multilingual Matters. 2001. 296 p.
17. Clark J. L. Curriculum Renewal in School Foreign Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1987. 264 p.
18. CLIL in Foreign Language Education: e-textbook for foreign language teachers / Silvia Pokrivcakova et al. 2015. 282 p.
19. Coyle D. Content and Language Integrated Learning: Towards a Connected Research Agenda for CLIL Pedagogies. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. 2007. 10:5. P. 543-562.
20. Coyle D., Hood Ph., Marsh D. CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press. 2010. 184 p.
21. Eurydice Report. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) at School in Europe. Brussels: Eurydice European Unit. 2006.
22. Lantolf J. P. Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2000. 296 p.
23. Richards J. C. Curriculum Approaches in Language Teaching: Forward, Central and Backward Design. RELC Journal. 2013. 44 (1). P. 5-33.
24. Wiggins G., McTighe J. Understanding by Design: A Framework for Effecting Curricular Development and Assessment. Alexandria, VA. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. 2005. 2nd ed. 370 p.
25. Winwood B., Purvis A. How to write learning outcomes. Sheffield Hallam University. 2015. 18 p.
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