Active approach in the pedagogical training of future teachers of social science subjects
Structural and functional model of integration of activity approach in the process of professional training of future teachers of social science subjects. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of integration in the process of professional training.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 406,6 K |
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Ukrainian state university named after Mykhailo Drahomanov
Active approach in the pedagogical training of future teachers of social science subjects
Sarmatova Olha Serhiyivna,
graduate student of the department of methodology and methods of social disciplines, faculty of history
In the context of substantiating the activity approach in the pedagogical training of future teachers of social science subjects, a structural and functional model of integration of the activity approach in the process of professional training of future teachers of social science subjects is revealed. The introduction of a system of professional-pedagogical training of the future social science teacher to the technologicalization of the educational process based on the activity approach requires scientific support for this process, and therefore, the creation of a scientifically based model of appropriate training as a holistic pedagogical process. The development of such a model became the main task of our work; the results of theoretical and practical research are presented in this article. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the integration of the activity approach in the process of professional training of future teachers of social science subjects have been determined.
The training of a future teacher, like any educational process, is built on the basis of certain laws and principles. Given the specifics of the purpose and tasks of training a future teacher of social science disciplines for the use of research technology in professional activity, we selected the most appropriate in the aspect of our research general didactic (scientific; accessibility, systematic and consistent; interdisciplinary connections; consciousness, activity, independence; the connection between theory and practice) and specific (continuity and integrity of studying the basics of the research approach in education; integrative training for the use of research technology; practice-oriented training) principles.
Pedagogical practice is an integral component of the future teacher's professional training for the use of research technology. During continuous introductory and educational pedagogical practices, students will have the opportunity to observe the activities of teachers and students in the course of research activities, analyze various educational situations.
Keywords: social science subjects, future teachers, activity approach, organizational and pedagogical conditions, professional training.
Сарматова Ольга Сергіївна аспірантка кафедри методології та методики суспільних дисциплін історичного факультету, Український державний університет імені Михайла Драгоманова
Діяльнісний підхід в педагогічній підготовці майбутніх вчителів суспільствознавчих предметів
В контексті обґрунтування діяльнісного підходу в педагогічній підготовці майбутніх вчителів суспільствознавчих предметів розкрито структурно-функціональну модель інтеграції діяльнісного підходу в процес професійної підготовки майбутніх вчителів суспільствознавчих предметів. Запровадження системи професійно-педагогічної підготовки майбутнього вчителя суспільствознавчої галузі до технологізації навчального процесу на основі діяльнісного підходу потребує наукового супроводження даного процесу, а отже - створення науково обґрунтованої моделі відповідної підготовки як цілісного педагогічного процесу. Розроблення такої моделі стало основним завданням нашої роботи; результати теоретико-практичних досліджень представляємо у даній статті. Визначено організаційно-педагогічні умови інтеграції діяльнісного підходу у процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх вчителів суспільствознавчих предметів.
Підготовка майбутнього вчителя, як і будь-який освітній процес, будується на основі певних закономірностей і принципів. З огляду на особливості мети і завдань підготовки майбутнього вчителя суспільствознавчих дисциплін до використання дослідницької технології у професійній діяльності, нами були виділені найбільш доцільні в аспекті нашого дослідження загально-дидактичні (науковості; доступності, системності і послідовності; міждисциплінарних зв'язків; свідомості, активності, самостійності; зв'язку теорії з практикою) та специфічні (неперервності та цілісності вивчення основ дослідницького підходу в освіті; інтегративності підготовки до використання дослідницької технології; практико орієнтованої підготовки) принципи.
Невід'ємною складовою професійної підготовки майбутнього вчителя до використання дослідницької технології є педагогічна практика. Під час неперервних ознайомчих та навчальних педагогічних практик студенти матимуть змогу спостерігати за діяльністю вчителя і здобувачів освіти в ході дослідницької діяльності, аналізувати різноманітні навчальні ситуації.
Ключові слова: суспільствознавчі предмети, майбутні вчителі, діяльнісний підхід, організаційно-педагогічні умови, професійна підготовка.
Formulation of the problem. Powerful globalization processes under the influence of Ukrainian society, rapid changes in living conditions, the establishment of a research-innovative type of development create qualitatively new conditions for the functioning of secondary and higher schools. A person of the 21st century is objectively forced to be more mobile, more flexible, more informed, think critically and creatively, be civically active, responsible, and therefore motivated to study and develop. All this led to the need to define new priorities and tasks of education in general, and school social studies in particular. The need for updating concerns, first of all, the technologies of teaching social science disciplines based on a research approach. The educational process must be aimed at developing the student's skills in critical processing of information, in-depth analysis of situations and actions of individuals, which is of interest not only to society and the state, but also to the teacher and student. Therefore, the professional and pedagogical training of the future teacher of social science disciplines needs appropriate changes.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Modern scientists are actively engaged in substantiating the problem of psychological and pedagogical training of the future teacher (O. Bida, N. Volkova, I. Havrysh, O. Dubaseniuk, V. Kravtsov, O. Kucheryavy, S. Melnychuk), its orientation towards the realization of personal (V. Rybalka, S. Sysoeva) and competency-based (N. Bibik, O. Ovcharuk, O. Savchenko, O. Sukhomlynska, S. Trubacheva) approaches in education and training [1-4]. The activity approach in modern conditions is insufficiently studied in the justification of the training of future teachers of social science subjects.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the activity approach in the pedagogical training of future teachers of social science subjects.
Presenting main material. The introduction of a system of professional - pedagogical training of the future social science teacher to the technologicalization of the educational process based on the activity approach requires scientific support for this process, and therefore, the creation of a scientifically based model of appropriate training as a holistic pedagogical process. The development of such a model became the main task of our work; the results of theoretical and practical research are presented in this article [1, 2, 4].
In pedagogy, the model is considered as an imaginary or materially implemented system that reflects or reproduces the object of research (natural or social) and is able to change it so that its study provides new information about this object [2, 3].
In the course of modeling the training of a future teacher of social science disciplines in the context of the application of the activity approach, we focused on the requirements for the development of the model formulated by S.M. Martynenko [2, 4]:
> correspond to the real properties of the structural elements of the simulated object;
> the model should reflect the integrity of the preparation process;
> should have a reproducible character, which enables its experimental verification.
The peculiarities of the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies and the structural-functional model of the integration of the activity approach in the professional training of future teachers of social science subjects are distinguished by the following components (Fig. 1). The theoretical-methodological block combines tasks, principles and organizational-pedagogical conditions that will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of teacher training for the technologicalization of the educational and educational process in social science disciplines based on the activity approach in education [2, 3].
The following organizational and pedagogical conditions for the integration of the activity approach in the process of professional training of future teachers of social science subjects have been determined (Table 1).
The implementation of such a model will contribute to increasing the efficiency, improving the content, forms and methods of training the future teacher of social science disciplines for the use of research technology in professional activities. The implementation of the determined principles at different stages of preparation is carried out differently - the importance of some is strengthened, others - weakened. At the intersection of content-target and theoretical-methodological blocks, there is an integration of the activity approach, which is designated as a constant moving process.
activity professional teacher social
Structural and functional model of integration of activity approach in the process ofprofessional training offuture teachers of social science subjects
Table 1. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the integration of the activity approach during the professional training of future teachers of social science subjects
Organizational and pedagogical conditions |
Characteristic |
І |
ensuring a favorable socio-psychological climate in the educational environment of students and teachers as a necessary factor for the effective integration of the activity approach in the professional training of future teachers of social science subjects; |
ІІ |
stimulation of future teachers of social science subjects to improve pedagogical communication and formation of professional identity as the basis of professional training of future teachers of social science subjects; |
enrichment of the professional training of future teachers of social science subjects with creative potential as a basis for the destruction of professional stereotypes and the beginning of the introduction of innovations in pedagogical and educational activities; |
IV |
ways of effective development of self-education aimed at integrating the activity approach into the educational process during the study of special disciplines by future teachers of social science subjects. |
The training of a future teacher, like any educational process, is built on the basis of certain laws and principles. Given the specifics of the purpose and tasks of training a future teacher of social science disciplines for the use of research technology in professional activity, we selected the most appropriate in the aspect of our research general didactic (scientific; accessibility, systematic and consistent; interdisciplinary connections; consciousness, activity, independence; connection between theory and practice) and specific (continuity and integrity of studying the basics of the research approach in education; integrative training for the use of research technology; practice-oriented training) principles [1, 3].
The theoretical-methodological block of the model combines theoretical research and practical application of pedagogical technologies, with the help of which the activity approach is integrated into the professional training of future teachers of social science subjects. We focused attention on classroom, distance and mixed learning, which today are leading in the educational process of pedagogical institutions of higher education, and which synergize traditional, innovative methods and technologies of learning [1, 4].
The scientific research work of students within the curriculum and during extracurricular time contributes to the formation of positive motivation for research activities, the development of relevant abilities and skills in the future teacher, teaching students the elements of research work, organization and methods of scientific creativity, provides assistance in accelerated mastering of a specialty, achievement high professionalism, development of creative thinking, activity potential and individual abilities in solving practical tasks [1, 3].
Pedagogical practice is an integral component of the future teacher's professional training for the use of research technology. During continuous introductory and educational pedagogical practices, students will have the opportunity to observe the activities of teachers and students in the course of research activities, analyze various educational situations. Intern pedagogical practice will provide an opportunity to implement and improve the acquired pedagogical knowledge and the ability to organize the educational process based on research technology, as well as to check the level of readiness of the future teacher for the specified type of activity [2, 4].
The main forms of education include: lectures (group classes), practical (group, pair, individual), individual and training (group) classes, all types of practices (pair and individual) and consultations (individual), performance of independent student tasks (individual) and various types of scientific research activities of students (individually). Each of the specified forms performs its specific functions in the formation of the main indicators of the future teacher's readiness to use the activity approach in the professional training of future teachers of social science subjects in the educational process of the educational institution [3, 4].
Among the methods used in the process of preparing a future teacher for this type of activity, the following can be distinguished (Table 2).
Table 2. Methods of training the future teacher of social science subjects
Methods |
Characteristic |
Traditional |
- verbal (lecture, story, conversation, discussion); - practical-demonstration (illustration, demonstration, observation, exercise method, laboratory method); - independent work of students. |
Non- traditional |
- simulation (modeling pedagogical situations, solving situational pedagogical tasks, business games, simulation training); - interactive (brainstorming, teaching by learning, training in groups, «openwork saw», binary lecture, problem lecture, heuristic conversation, «expert invitation», «case study» method); - personally oriented. |
The complex use of traditional and non-traditional methods of training the future teacher of social science disciplines is aimed at the formation of practical abilities and skills regarding the use of research technology in professional activities.
As a result of appropriate professional and pedagogical training, we determine the readiness of the future teacher of social science disciplines to use research technology in professional activity and its components (motivational - reflective, socio-cultural, activity-practical, creative and evaluative), their indicators and levels (low, medium and high) [5-6].
We consider the proposed model not as a set of its components, but as a complete pedagogical system aimed at realizing the result - the formation of the future teacher's readiness to effectively use the activity approach in the context of studying social science disciplines.
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