Theoretical basis of the formation of the image of world of future translator

The formation of the image of the world of the future translator is related to the concepts of activity and personal growth. Evaluation of the formation of the students motivational sphere in the paradigm of the world image of the translator's individual.

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Rivne State University of the Humanities

Theoretical basis of the formation of the image of world of future translator

Ivashkevych E., Ph.D. in Psychology

Rivne (Ukraine)


The purpose of our research is to show theoretical basis of the formation of the image of world of future translator; to describe scientific approaches to the study of the image of the world of the person of future translator; to show psychological understanding of the Image of the world of the personality of future translator related to the concepts of development, activity and personal growth; to assess the formation of students' motivational sphere in the paradigm of the image of the world of the person of future translator.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modelling, generalization. The ascertaining research was used as an empirical method.

The results of the research. We proved, that as for “the desire to work with foreigners or abroad without an interpreter", “to improve one's material situation thanks to the knowledge of a foreign language", these motives were dictated, first of all, by social changes in our life, increasing the authority of a foreign language among other disciplines due to the expansion of international relations. Students with good language training rate utilitarian motives more highly. A higher level of knowledge of a foreign language gives them greater confidence in these goals. All these motives are formed by the Image of the World of the personality of future translator.

Conclusions. The analysis of the motivational sphere of students of the experimental and control groups made it possible to conclude that the motives for learning a foreign language are quite diverse, but all of them are highly valued by students. Students with developed Image of the World of the personality of future translator have aspirations and hopes to acquire new and necessary knowledge for their professional activities. However, they still cannot fully assess their capabilities, without having a sufficient level of knowledge and skills to carry out translation activities at a professional level.

Key words: The Image of the World of the personality of future translator, the motivational sphere of students, the motives for learning a foreign language, professional activity.


Теоретичні основи формування образу світу майбутнього перекладача

Івашкевич Е., к. психол. н., перекладач, Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет, м. Рівне (Україна)

Мета дослідження - розкрити теоретичні основи формування образу світу майбутнього перекладача; описати наукові підходи щодо дослідження образу світу особистості майбутнього перекладача; показати психологічне розуміння образу світу його особистості, пов'язаного з поняттями розвитку, діяльності та особистісного зростання; оцінити сформованість мотиваційної сфери здобувачів вищої освіти у парадигмі образу світу особистості майбутнього перекладача.

Методи дослідження. Для розв'язання поставлених завдань використовувалися такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення. Метод констатувального дослідження використовувався у якості емпіричного дослідження.

Результати дослідження. Доведено, що такі мотиви, як «бажання працювати з іноземцями або за кордоном без перекладача», «покращити своє матеріальне становище завдяки знанню іноземної мови» продиктовані, передусім, соціальними змінами в нашому житті, підвищенням авторитету іноземної мови серед інших дисциплін завдяки розширенню міжнародних зв'язків. Здобувачі вищої освіти з хорошою мовною підготовкою оцінюють вище утилітарні мотиви. Вищий рівень знань з іноземної мови дає 'їм більшу впевненість у цих цілях. Усі ці мотиви формуються завдяки становленню образу світу особистості майбутнього перекладача.

Висновки. Аналіз мотиваційної сфери здобувачів вищої освіти експериментальних та контрольних груп дозволив зробити висновок про те, що мотиви вивчення іноземної мови є досить різноманітними, проте всі вони високо оцінюються студентами. Здобувачі вищої освіти з достатньою мірою розвиненим образом світу особистості майбутнього перекладача мають прагнення та надії отримати нові та потрібні для їхньої професійної діяльності знання. Однак, вони ще не можуть повною мірою оцінити свої можливості, не маючи достатнього рівня знань та умінь здійснення перекладацької діяльності на фаховому рівні.

Ключові слова: образ світу особистості майбутнього перекладача, мотиваційна сфера особистості, мотиви вивчення іноземної мови, професійна діяльність.


Recently, there has been a rapid expansion of international relations in various spheres of human and social activity, which requires rapid information exchanges and effective communication between representatives of different countries. This in a great degree has intensified the interest of researchers, primarily psychologists, psycho-linguists, teachers and linguists in the process of professional training of specialists. The last factor is capable for effectively solving tasks and successfully carrying out intercultural communication. The analysis of scientific studies of Ukrainian and foreign researchers (Bredart, 1991; Гончарук, & Онуфрієва, 2018) proves that the system-forming factor in building a model of contemporary professional education is the formation of a professional language personality of a future specialist. As scientists (Mykhalchuk, & Onufriieva, 2020) point out, the opinion about the decisive role of the individual in the progress of the human community has been established for a long period of time in a World Science, which leads to increase a great interest in the problem of linguistic personality formation in general and the translator's linguistic personality in particular.

Despite that fact that recently the use of the term “Linguistic Personality” has intensified in scientific researches, its semantic content remains debatable due to the presence of different interpretations: researchers study the peculiarities of the linguistic personality of the author, the writer, a literary character, a preschooler, a pupil, a student, Linguistic Personality as a linguistic and cultural phenomenon, Linguistic Personality in the process of family communication. As it was evidenced by the study and the analysis of special literature, the concept of “Linguistic Personality”, which belongs to the leading methodological categories, has recently entered the Psycho-Linguistic and Psychological thesaurus (Aleksandrov, Memetova, & Stankevich, 2020). During the last two decades, researches dedicated to the development of productive methods and technologies for the formation of a linguistic personality were intensified.

Psychological approach is based on the Personality's theories (Chen, 2022; Онуфрієва, 2020). Personality as a social individual always performs a certain set of social functions, each of which is carried out through the unique social behavior (Ivashkevych Ed., & Koval, 2020). It is built in the form of known systems of behavior and motivations that condition them. The logical continuation of the theory of personality was received within the paradigm of Psycholinguistics (Mykhalchuk, & Ivashkevych Er., 2019). We mean the science of speech activity of people in psychological and linguistic aspects, where the attention of researchers is focused on motivational and emotional manifestations of the personality.

So, the purpose of our research is to show theoretical basis of the formation of the image of world of future translator; to describe scientific approaches to the study of the image of the world of the person of future translator; to show the psychological understanding of the Image of the world of the personality of future translator is related to the concepts of development, activity and personal growth; to assess the formation of students' motivational sphere in the paradigm of the image of the world of the person of future translator.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modelling, generalization. The ascertaining research was used as an empirical method.

Let's describe the organization and methods of experimental research. 640 students of Rivne State University of the Humanities (RSHU), International University of Economics and Humanities named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk (MEGU) took part in the ascertainment part of the experiment, which was organized during 2022-2023. All these students studied at the I-II courses of philological faculties. All groups were formed by us using the random method of control and experimental groups, such as:

experimental groups:

E1 - 143 students of the first year of studying of the faculty of RSHU;

E2 - 153 students of the second year of studying of the faculty of foreign philology of MEGU;

control groups:

C1 - 151 students of the first year of studying of the faculty of RSHU;

C2 - 193 students of the second year of studying of the faculty of foreign philology of MEGU.

This stage of the experimental research has the aim at testing a group of students in order to identify the level of their communicative and speaking activity in accordance with the development of students' communicative motivation.

In order to study the degree of the formation of the sense of a language, we used the Eysenck verbal test. The justification for the expediency of our choice lies in the fact that developed verbal thinking is recognized by many researchers as an indicator of the presence of a sense of language. We have to note in this regard that an invariant feature of the sense of the language can be considered the linguistic design of an utterance from the point of view of its grammatical and stylistic correctness. At the same time, the so-called “primary model” of verbal elements appears as a determinant of the mechanism of the functioning of the sense of language, according to which the combination of speech signals and the design of a holistic expression of activity takes a place.

Also, for the purpose of researching the feeling of the language, we used the method “Exclusion of words”, which allows us to assess the ability of the subject to distinguish essential lexical-semantic features. The technique also has limitations in the time it takes to complete the task, like to the Eysenck test, it involves checking the speed of the subject's reverse reaction and the rigidity of the individual's verbal thinking.

Results and their discussion

The number of psychological studies dealing with the formation of linguistic personality has been increased, which gives grounds for distinguishing this or that psychological approach. Psychological approach to the context of translation activity considers personality through the prism of his/her formation and the following development in certain conditions. Studying special literature (Caramazza, Laudanna, & Romani, 1988) convinces that the task of Modern Psychology is to provide the most favorable conditions for the formation of subjects of the educational process as a unique personality (Mykhalchuk, & Bihu- nova, 2019). Extrapolating the general didactic factors into the linguistic didactic context, we'll note that the urgent problem of Modern Psychology is the search for effective ways of linguistic personality of the student and his/her Image of the World.

The essence of these scientific approaches will be shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Scientific Approaches to the study of the Image of the World of the person of future translator

Problem vector of the research


Philosophical and Social Approaches

Linguistic personality is a system that arises in the society and is developed, based on the ability to express and consolidate social relations and interactions, as a condition and a product of culture in general.

Alexandrov, Boricheva, Pulvermuller & Shtyrov, 2011

Psycholinguistic Approach

The individual who possesses a set of abilities and characteristics that determine his/her creation and perception of texts that are distinguished by the level of structural and linguistic complexity and the depth and accuracy of the reflection of the reality.

Максименко, Ткач, Литвинчук & Онуфрієва, 2019

The personality is expressed by the language (texts) and through the language reconstructed in its main features on the basis of linguistic means, which accumulate mental, social, cultural, ethical and other components refracted through the language, its discourse.

Mykhalchuk & Bihunova, 2019

Psychological Approach

The definition of the person as a specific individual with individually peculiar mental, motivational and volitional characteristics.

Batel, 2020

The definition of the main features of the Image of World of future translator - linguistic consciousness and linguistic self-awareness.

Beauvillain, 1994

The translator is as an elite language person who deeply respects the Ukrainian language and has fundamental knowledge of the language and literature in combination with the traditions of national education, considers them as a part of his/her worldview and the picture of the World. The translator is characterized by developed, high level of thinking, intelligence, speech memory, language sense. He/she is able to ensure effective pedagogical influences, capable of raising another elite language personality.

Booth, MacWhinney & Harasaki, 2000

A linguistic personality is a native speaker who has a good command of the system of linguistic knowledge (he/she knows concepts and referential rules), reproduces language activity, has skills in the activity work with words, takes care of the language and promotes its development; a speaker who ensures the expansion of the functions of the language, the creation of Ukrainian-speaking environment in all spheres of social life, the natural desire to return to the native language in everyday communication, to the revival of the culture and traditions of the people, to the development of examples of highly cultural intellectual communication in the literary language.

Arbuthnott & Frank,2000

The definition of a linguistic personality as a person who demonstrates a high level of language and speech competence, respects, loves and protects of his/her native language, a person who is able to represent himself/herself in the society by means of the language.

Blagovechtchenski, Gnedykh, Kurmakaeva, Mkrtychian, Kostromina & Shtyrov, 2019

The study of scientific researches gives a lot of reasons to single out the leading scientific approaches to the study of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator: Philosophical and Social, Psycholinguistic and Psychological. Philosophical and Social Approaches are based on taking into account philosophical statements about the individuality, uniqueness of a person as a representative of a human race, which embodies the unity of the sociobiological and social individual.

Psychological understanding of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator is related to the concepts of development, activity and personal growth. We define the Image of the World of the personality of future translator as a phenomenon of social development, a concrete living person who possesses consciousness and self-awareness. The Image of the World of the personality of future translator is defined as a holistic systemic formation, a set of socially significant mental characteristics, relationships and actions of the individual that have been developed in the process of ontogenesis and determine the future translator's behaviour as conscious behaviour of a real subject of the activity and communication.

The Image of the World of the personality of future translator is a pervasive idea, the experience of its analysis and description, which shows, permeates all aspects of the language study and at the same time destroys the foundations between disciplines that a person studies, since it is impossible to study a person outside of his/her language. One of the first concepts of The Image of the World of the personality of future translator was introduced by scientists, who noted that the central concept of linguistic didactics was a linguistic personality, who was a person who had been considered from the point of view of the translator's readiness to perform speech acts. The Image of the World of the personality of future translator isn't characterized by what he/she knows about the language, but by what he/she can do with it. Subsequently, the researcher added to this definition, considering The Image of the World of the personality of future translator as a person through the prism of his/her readiness to perform speech acts, create and accept speech products.

The model of The Image of the World of the personality of future translator was developed by us, and it has the following structural levels:

* the first level - the level of correctness, which involves knowledge of a fairly large lexical reserve and the basic regularities of the language, thereby allowing one to construct statements and produce texts in accordance with the elementary rules of the language;

the second level - the level of internalization - contains the ability to implement and perceive expressions in accordance with elementary language rules;

the third level - the level of saturation - is distinguished from the point of view of the reflection in speech of all diversity, richness of expressive means of Phonetics, Lexicology, Grammar;

the fourth level - the level of adequate choice. It is assessed from the point of view of the appropriateness of the used language means to the communication situation;

the fifth level - the level of adequate synthesis. It takes into account the correspondence of the text created by the author to the entire complex of content and communicative tasks, which are based on it.

Researchers (Bates, Maechler, Bolker, & Walker, 2014) call The Image of the World of the personality of future translator, which was expressed in the language (texts) and through language it was reconstructed in its main features on the basis of linguistic means, accumulating complexes of components (psychic, social, cultural, ethical and others), refracted through its language. The Image of the World of the personality of future translator has, to our mind, the following definition: “The Image of the World of the personality of future translator is an individual who possesses a set of abilities and characteristics that cause him/her to create and perceive texts that are distinguished by the level of structural-linguistic complexity and the depth and accuracy of the reflection of the reality”, emphasizing the activity aspect.

We'll note, that the Image of the World of the personality of future translator shows linguistic personality, which is interpreted as a combination in the person of the speaker of his/ her language competence, a desire for creative self-expression, a free implementation of versatile language activity, a conscious attitude to his/her language practice, the search for new, effective individual and stylistic means of linguistic expressiveness. motivational personal image world future translator

Nowadays, such a definition of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator seems contradictory, since, in our opinion, it is appropriate to talk about the implementation of various types of speech activity of a speaker, a combination of not only linguistic competence, but also speech competence.

In the interpretation of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator we take the definition of personality as a specific person with individually of peculiar mental, motivational and volitional characteristics as a basis. Therefore, the individuality of any personality is determined by the peculiarities of the organization of its cognitive, emotional and motivational spheres. We consider the second component derived from language and consider it not only as a set of signs subject to the linguistic laws of Phonology, Lexicology, Grammar, Pragmatics, but, above all, as means of mental reflection, generalization and transformation of the reality, which has a collective and individual beginning.

In the modern understanding, the Image of the World of the personality of future translator is a communicative personality, which is a generalized image of a carrier of cultural-linguistic and communicative-activity values, knowledge, instructions and behavioural reactions. The concept of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator in linguistics has to be developed in different directions: as communicative, psychological, cognitive, sociocultural, national ones. Our position as the researchers depends on the angle of studying the problem - from the position of the individual or from the position of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator. Despite the different approaches to the study of this problem, given definitions have in common the identification of defining qualities of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator, such as fluency in language means in various situations, formed sense of responsibility for one's own speech behaviour, the presence of sociocultural knowledge and the formation of value orientations.

The interpretation of the concept of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator contains a complex of linguistic and non-linguistic factors that generally reflect the person's Picture of the World. We believe to generalize the content characteristics of the existing definitions of the concept of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator, which we interpret as a complex conceptual construct, being considered in the scientific linguistic literature as a generalized multi-level image of a representative of the corresponding mental-cultural- communicative language community.

The process of forming the Image of the World of the personality of future translator is impossible without taking into account the theory of Speech Culture. Classifications of psychologists (Cilibrasi, Stojanovik, Riddell, & Saddy, 2019) are based on gender and age. According to N. Golub, the Image of the World of the personality of future translator doesn't only demonstrates a high level of cultural and communicative socialization, but above all it is an influential personality, because it knows how to express itself creatively in the language and with the help of the language, to influence others by means of the language. It is bearer of cultural and spiritual values.

Despite the variety of interpretations, their different semantic content, the key word of the concept of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator is the term “the Image of the World”, which has been in the field of view of many sciences: Philosophy, Ethno-, Socio-, Psycholinguistics, Psychology, Didactics, Linguistic didactics, etc. In the connection with the integration of Ukraine into the European space, the need for the formation of a secondary polycode linguistic identity is growing. Knowledge of a foreign language becomes an important basis for personal, cultural, professional and economic contacts in the modern world.

The theoretical foundations of the formation of linguistic identity in the history of the development of the European sociocultural educational space are properly substantiated in our researches (Ivashkevych Er., 2023). The researcher identified the main signs of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator, such as: linguistic consciousness (the concept includes a linguistic World Picture, the strategy and tactics of linguistic behaviour of the individual, which are determined by the communicative situation, the linguistic and cultural status of the individual, his/her social affiliation, psychological and gender characteristics; we defined a thesaurus as a way to detect linguistic consciousness and linguistic self-awareness (awareness of one's own or others' behaviour, a part of cultural self-awareness).

The linguistic culture of an individual depends on the social status and role of this individual in the society, and, on the other hand, it is the language that forms and determines the social existence of this individual. For the translator, we consider language as a leading means of his/her self-realization and self-expression.

In the context of our research, our problem has a deal with the issues of intercultural communication (Mykhalchuk, Plakhtii, Panchenko, Ivashkevych Ed., Hupavtseva, & Chebykin, 2023). Psychological and pedagogical studies consider learning of foreign languages as a process of personal development in the context of intercultural communication. Ukrainian society desperately needs specialists in international and inter- cultural communication, whose competence is not limited only to language skills. In this connection, the number of studies dealing with the development of the secondary language personality has increased. Considering the fact that the process of mastering another language takes place on the basis of social, linguistic, cultural experience of the individual, we acquired through the medium of the native language and various communicative strategies, which in the case of mastering another language are enriched and diversified, and the Image of the World of the personality of future translator is called secondary one.

According to our mind, the secondary Image of the World of the personality of future translator is one of the most important concepts of intercultural communication: a person involved in the culture of the people whose language is being studied, that is, in a non-native language and culture; a person who can realize himself/herself in the dialogue of cultures.

Recently, the term “elite” has become active in Psychology. Terminological diffusion caused its penetration into the theory of speech culture, which caused the problem of determining the linguistic characteristics of the individual as a bearer of certain cultural and spiritual values. An elite language personality with the secondary Image of the World of the personality of future translator will become the subject of our future researchers. We determine the nature of the phenomenon of an elitist linguistic personality with a dialectal substrate; we'll analyze the features (phonetic, lexical, morphological) of elite linguistic personalities, such as natives of different dialect areas; we'll discover how education affects the idiolect, how the process of literary adjusting of dialects takes place, what linguistic and non-linguistic factors guide the processes of interpenetration and alignment in the linguistic sphere, compiled the passport of the linguistic and cultural type “Elite linguistic personality”.

To assess the formation of students' motivational sphere we used four groups of motives:

1) educational and cognitive motives (passion for studying a foreign language, translation activities, passing a foreign language qualification exam at B2 level or higher);

2) professional motives (acquisition of foreign language professional communicative competence, desire to become a highly qualified specialist);

3) motives for social identification (to achieve respect from teachers, to keep up with classmates in the learning outcomes, to avoid condemnation and criticism for poor learning by adults and socially significant people);

4) utilitarian motives (desire to work abroad, to improve their financial position through learning a foreign language, acquiring translation skills, constantly receiving a scholarship) (Михальчук, & Івашкевич Ер., 2023).

It should be noted that the vast majority of students in experimental and control groups considered it necessary to appreciate the professional motives of educational activities, although in fact few of them seriously considered the capabilities of a highly qualified specialist with foreign language and translation skills. Since the professional motives of educational activities contribute to the achievement of the ultimate goals of learning, motivation will greatly facilitate the formation of people's professional orientation.

The educational and cognitive motives are more important for students: to study successfully, to receive good and high grades in academic subjects, to be constantly ready for classes. In this case, it should be noted that for students with good language skills, these motives are less significant than for students with low levels of language skills. This can be explained by the fact that the student feels more confident in terms of success in learning a foreign language. Others try to correct their situation and close the gaps in knowledge that are appeared for one reason or another one during the study of a foreign language at school.

As for the motives of social identification, they are more significant for students with a low level of language training than for students of the first group. The only motive that received a lower rating among students of experimental and control groups was the motive “to achieve recognition from parents and teachers”. Based on this, the lack of confidence in achieving this goal nullifies this motive. Utilitarian motives were rated higher than educational and cognitive motives and motives of social identification. All students have the desire to “receive a scholarship”.

As for “the desire to work with foreigners or abroad without an interpreter”, “to improve one's material situation thanks to the knowledge of a foreign language”, these motives are dictated, first of all, by social changes in our life, increasing the authority of a foreign language among other disciplines due to the expansion of international relations. Students with good language training rate utilitarian motives more highly. A higher level of knowledge of a foreign language gives them greater confidence in these goals. All these motives are formed by the Image of the World of the personality of future translator.

At this stage of the experiment, in order to assess the motivational component of professional competence, 303 written answers to the proposed questions and 628 issues were analysed (a total of 303 students participated in the study). The analysis of written issues revealed 6112 semantic units that characterized the orientation of the respondents in the process of communication. A text component was recognized as a meaningful unit and was analysed if:

1) it was clearly reflected the direction of professional activity of future translators;

2) there were no meaningful units with the opposite direction in this text, otherwise this text was not taken into consideration at all.


The analysis of the motivational sphere of students of the experimental and control groups made it possible to conclude that the motives for learning a foreign language are quite diverse, but all of them are highly valued by students. Students with developed Image of the World of the personality of future translator have aspirations and hopes to acquire new and necessary knowledge for their professional activities. However, they still cannot fully assess their capabilities, having any of a sufficient level of knowledge and skills to carry out translation activities at a professional level.

As it was evidenced by the analysis of special literature, in our further research we'll develop various typologies (types) of the Image of the World of the personality of future translator in accordance with social factors, types of culture, taking into account communicative strategies and tactics of speech behaviour of future translator.


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13. Booth J.R., MacWhinney B., Harasaki Y. Developmental differences in visual and auditory processing of complex sentences. Child Development. 2000. Vol. 71, No 4. P. 981-1003.

14. Bredart S. Word interruption in self-repairing. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 1991. Vol. 20. P. 123-137.

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16. Chen Qishan. Metacomprehension Monitoring Accuracy: Effects of Judgment Frames, Cues and Criteria. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 2022. Vol. 51, No 3. Р. 485-500.

17. Cilibrasi L., Stojanovik V., Riddell P., Saddy D. Sensitivity to Inflectional Morphemes in the Absence of Meaning: Evidence from a Novel Task. Journal of Psycholinguist Research. 2019. Vol. 48. P. 747-767.

18. Ivashkevych Ed., Koval I. Psychological principles of organizing the deductive process in English lessons in secondary education institutions. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології». Кам'янець-Подільський, 2020. Вип. 50. С. 31-52.

19. Ivashkevych, Ernest. Psychological Paradigm of the Implementation of Awakening-Motivational, Analytical-Synthetic and Executive Phases into the Process of Translation Activity. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології». Кам'янець-Подільський, 2023. Вип. 61. C. 30-50.

20. Mykhalchuk N., Bihunova S. The verbalization of the concept of “fear” in English and Ukrainian phraseological units. Cognitive Studies | Etudes cognitives. Варшава (Польща), 2019. С. 11.

21. Mykhalchuk N., Ivashkevych Er. Psycholinguistic Characteristics of Secondary Predication in Determining the Construction of a Peculiar Picture of the World of a Reader. Psycholinguistics. Психолінгвістика. Психолингвистика. Переяслав-Хмельницький, 2019. Вип. 25(1). С. 215-231.

22. Mykhalchuk N., Onufriieva L. Psychological analysis of different types of discourse. Збірник наукових праць «Проблеми сучасної психології».

23. Кам'янець-Подільський, 2020. Вип. 50. С. 188-210.

24. Mykhalchuk N., Plakhtii A., Panchenko O., Ivashkevych Ed., Hupavtseva N., Chebykin O. Concept «ENGLAND» and its Subconcepts in the Consciousness of Ukrainian Students. PSYCHOLINGUISTICS. Переяслав, 2023. Vol. 34, No 2. P. 6-47.


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6. Beauvillain, C. (1994). Morphological structure in visual word recognition: Evidence from prefixed and suffixed words. Language and Cognitive Processes, 9(3), 317-339.

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11. Caramazza, A., Laudanna, A., & Romani, C. (1988). Lexical access and inflectional morphology. Cognition, 28(3), 297-332.

12. Chen, Qishan (2022). Metacomprehension Monitoring Accuracy: Effects of Judgment Frames, Cues and Criteria. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 51(3), 485-500.

13. Cilibrasi, L., Stojanovik, V., Riddell, P., & Saddy D. (2019). Sensitivity to Inflectional Morphemes in the Absence of Meaning: Evidence from a Novel Task. Journal of Psycholinguist Research, 48, 747-767.

14. Honcharuk, Nataliia, & Onufriieva, Liana (2018). Psykholohichnyi analiz rivniv pobudovy komunikatyvnykh dii [Psychological analysis of the levels of construction of communicative actions]. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psikholingvistika - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 24(1), 97-117.

15. Ivashkevych, Ed., & Koval, I. (2020). Psykholohichni pryntsypy orhanizatsii deduktyvnoho protsesu na urokakh anhliiskoi movy v zakladakh serednoi osvity [Psychological Principles of Organization of the Deductive Process at the English Lessons at Secondary Schools]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats «Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii» - Collection of research papers “Problems of modern psychology”, 50, 31-52.

16. Ivashkevych, Er. (2023). Psychological Paradigm of the Implementation of Awakening-Motivational, Analytical-Synthetic and Executive Phases into the Process of Translation Activity. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats «Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii» - Collection of research papers “Problems of modern psychology”, 61, 30-50.

17. Maksymenko, S., Tkach, B., Lytvynchuk, L., & Onufriieva, L. (2019). Nei- ropsykholinhvistychne doslidzhennia politychnykh hasel iz zovnish- noi reklamy [A neuropsycholinguistic research of political slogans from outdoor advertising]. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psikholingvistika - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 26(1), 246-264.

18. Mykhalchuk, N., & Bihunova, S. (2019). The verbalization of the concept of “fear” in English and Ukrainian phraseological units. Cognitive Studies I Etudes cognitives, Warsaw (Poland), 11.

19. Mykhalchuk, N., & Ivashkevych, Er. (2023). Test na vyvchennia stavlen- nia studentiv do opanuvannia inozemnoiu movoiu [A Test for studying students' attitudes towards learning a foreign language]. Rivne: Rivne State University of the Humanities [in Ukrainian].

20. Mykhalchuk, N., & Ivashkevych, Er. (2019). Psycholinguistic Characteristics of Secondary Predication in Determining the Construction of a Peculiar Picture of the World of a Reader. Psycholinguistics. Psykholinhvistyka. Psikholingvistika - Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics, 25(1), 215-231.

21. Mykhalchuk, N., & Onufriieva, L. (2020). Psykholohichnyi analiz riznykh typiv dyskursu [Psychological Analysis of Different Types of Discourse]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats «Problemy suchasnoi psykholohii» - Collection of research papers “Problems of modern psychology”, 50, 188-210.

22. Mykhalchuk, N., Plakhtii, A., Panchenko, O., Ivashkevych, Ed., Hupavt- seva, N., & Chebykin, O. (2023). Concept «England» and its Subconcepts in the Consciousness of Ukrainian Students. Psycholinguistics, 34(2), 6-47.

23. Onufriieva, L.A. (2020). Rozvytok profesionalizmu maibutnikh fakhivtsiv sotsionomichnykh profesii: sotsialno-psykholohichnyi vymir [The development of the professionalism of future specialists of socionomic professions: socio-psychological aspect]. Kyiv: Publisher Bykhun V.Yu. ISBN 978-617-7699-08-7 [in Ukrainian].

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