Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future fine arts teachers
The role of the introduction of some pedagogical conditions and the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future teachers of fine arts. Principles of formation of positive motivation and cognitive interest in professional activity.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 20,9 K |
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Communal Institution of Higher Education «Academy of Culture and Arts» of the Transcarpathian regional council
Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future fine arts teachers
Marusinets Maryana Mikhailovna,
doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, director of the department of education and science, youth and sports
Cherkasov Volodymyr Fedorovych,
doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, professor of the department of musical art
Marusynets Maryana Mykhailivna, Cherkasov Volodymyr Fyodorovych
Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future fine arts teachers
Investigating the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future teachers of fine arts, we propose certain organizational and pedagogical conditions, which indicate that they are aimed at the organization and course of the pedagogical process, during which it is planned to apply various circumstances, norms and rules, requirements, etc.
The article proves that the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future fine art teachers will be effective in the process of introducing the following organizational and pedagogical conditions, namely: the formation of positive motivation and cognitive interest of future fine art teachers in professional activity; creation of an intellectually and emotionally rich artistic and creative environment; by establishing such relationships that allow the teacher or student to trust each other more and develop the artistic and pedagogical mentality more intensively.
Artistic-pedagogical mentality is defined as the process of perception and interpretation of events in the visual arts that occur during the perception of works of art, as well as our reactions to these works. It can be both positive and negative and proves how we see works of fine art, other people and the world around us. Artistic-pedagogical mentality also includes our thoughts, ideas and beliefs that shape our perception and reproduction of artistic - pedagogical reality.
Artistic-pedagogical way of thinking and artistic-pedagogical mentality play a key role in determining the quality of professional development of future art teachers. Understanding the influence of mentality and active formation of a positive way of thinking helps to achieve greater self-realization and competitiveness in the professional development of future teachers of fine arts.
With such a research approach, the personal development of future teachers of fine arts, their national-patriotic upbringing, the formation of active citizenship, vital skills, social competence, the creation of conditions for the preservation of national and universal values, and the formation of an artistic and pedagogical mentality are relevant and timely.
Keywords: organizational and pedagogical conditions, formation of artistic and pedagogical mentality, future teachers of fine arts.
Марусинець Мар'яна Михайлівна, Черкасов Володимир Федорович
Організаційно-педагогічні умови формування художньо-педагогічної ментальності майбутніх учителів образотворчого мистецтва
У статті доведено, що формування художньо-педагогічної ментальності майбутніх учителів образотворчого мистецтва буде ефективним в процесі запровадження наступних організаційно-педагогічних умов, а саме: формуванням позитивної мотивації та пізнавального інтересу майбутніх учителів образотворчого мистецтва до професійної діяльності; створенням інтелектуально та емоційно насиченого художньо-творчого середовища; встановленням таких взаємин, які дозволяють викладачу або студенту більше довіряти один одному та інтенсивніше розвивати художньо-педагогічну ментальність.
Ключові слова: організаційно-педагогічні умови, формування художньо-педагогічної ментальності, майбутні вчителі образотворчого мистецтва.
Main part
Statement and justification of the relevance of the problem. At the current stage of the development of society, the Ukrainian education system is undergoing significant changes. A sign of today is a rapid increase in the rate of development of cultural-historical, scientific-technical progress and society in general. The development of democratic processes in Ukraine in the conditions of European integration, the modernization of higher education in Ukraine, which takes place in institutions of artistic direction, requires a review of the forms, methods and means of professional and pedagogical training of future specialists in the field of «Culture and Art». According to this approach, the study of the personal development of future teachers of fine arts, their national-patriotic education, the formation of an active civic position in them, vital skills, social competence, the creation of conditions for the preservation of national and universal values, the formation of an artistic-pedagogical mentality is relevant and timely.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Philosophers, sociologists, political scientists, social psychologists, and teachers are investigating the problem of mentality today. Mentality and mental attitudes have become the subject of research by such Ukrainian thinkers as: D. Antonovych, M. Kostomapov, Yu. Lypa, V. Lypinskyi, D. Chyzhevskyi, V. Schepbakovskyi, Ya. Yapema, V. Yanov and many others. The issue of manifestations of mentality is highlighted by modern domestic philosophers E. Borinshtein, V. Gudz, M. Dmitrieva, A. Kavalerov, M. Tsybra, L. Shklyap, O. Shtokvishi, and others.
However, despite a wide range of research in the field of mentality formation and mental attitudes, the problem of formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future fine art teachers remains insufficiently disclosed, in particular, the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future fine art teachers need to be clarified.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future teachers of fine arts.
Presentation of the main research material. Mentality in the scientific environment is interpreted as an individual's way of thinking, feeling and believing. Mindset permeates every step of our lives, including success in careers, relationships, and overall well-being. Determining the features of the soul and mind, mentality is the core of what is called the character of a person and which to a certain extent makes a person belong to a particular national and cultural community. Mentality researchers M. Kostomarov and P. Chubynskyi point to the melancholic, lyrical-mystical, emotional-sensual, contemplative and fatal character type of Ukrainians.
The statement of Yu. Dmytrienko deserves special attention, who says that «the Ukrainian people, as the heir of one of the oldest Trypil civilizations in the world, was formed in a large area with a temperate climate, where sometimes there are cold winds, snow, frosts, and sometimes, on the contrary, dry, hot winds, heat, as well as warlike neighbors, constant wars and military conflicts did not at all contribute to the contemplation and docility characteristic of some isolated peoples of warm regions of the planet. Only stubbornness, strength, stability, courage ensured our national creation and survival. This must be taken into account when analyzing the Ukrainian mentality» [4].
Artistic-pedagogical mentality is defined as the process of perception and interpretation of events in the visual arts that occur during the perception of works of art, as well as our reactions to these works. It can be both positive and negative and proves how we see works of fine art, other people and the world around us. Artistic-pedagogical mentality also includes our thoughts, ideas and beliefs that shape our perception and reproduction of artistic - pedagogical reality.
Artistic-pedagogical way of thinking and artistic-pedagogical mentality play a key role in determining the quality of professional development of future art teachers. Understanding the influence of mentality and active formation of a positive way of thinking helps to achieve greater self-realization and competitiveness in the professional development of future teachers of fine arts.
Investigating the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future teachers of fine arts, we propose certain organizational and pedagogical conditions, which indicate that they are aimed at the organization and course of the pedagogical process, during which it is planned to apply various circumstances, norms and rules, requirements, etc.
The compilers of the Ukrainian explanatory dictionary interpret «organizational and pedagogical conditions» «as a set of factors necessary for the formation of abilities and skills, qualities» [8]. In the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for 2012-2021, «organizational and pedagogical conditions» are presented «as a set of opportunities that ensure the effective performance of assigned tasks» [7]. The compilers of the Encyclopedia of Education interpret «organizational and pedagogical conditions» «as circumstances that ensure the subject-active position of the individual in the educational process» [6]. A. Haleeva - «as circumstances of the interaction of organizational forms and pedagogical support» [2]. The compilers of the Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary consider «organizational and pedagogical conditions» «as a relationship of content, educational and methodological support and innovative environment» [3]. A large explanatory dictionary of the modern Ukrainian language presents «organizational and pedagogical conditions» «as a set of possibilities of the content, forms and methods of the pedagogical process» [1].
The first organizational and pedagogical condition for the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future art teachers is the formation of positive motivation and cognitive interest of future art teachers in professional activities.
The presence of this organizational and pedagogical condition is determined by the extremely significant importance of motivation for successful professional training. It is certain interests that determine the appearance of motivational actions and motives. That is, the formation of the cognitive interest of future teachers of fine arts in professional activity, as a necessary condition for the success of artistic and creative activity, determines the emergence of motives for studying these functions and is a motivational basis for the active formation of readiness for their implementation in professional activity.
The term «motive» comes from the Latin «movere», which means «to set in motion», «to push», that is, a motive is an internal urge to act based on personal interest. The formation of positive motivation and cognitive interest in the future teachers of fine arts in professional activity occurs most effectively during the study of professional disciplines and conducting industrial practices.
It is worth noting that the results of the formation of positive motivation and cognitive interest cover not only cognitive and educational aspects of activity, but also a wider range of other characteristics, including emotional, value, and organizational ones. The increase in the motivation of future teachers of fine arts to perform tasks is an indicator of effective management of teacher-student interaction, because the involvement of future teachers in artistic and creative activities, providing them with decision-making tools is a practical experience for their professional growth in the future.
The second organizational-pedagogical condition for the formation of the artistic - pedagogical mentality of future teachers of fine arts is the creation of an intellectually and emotionally rich artistic-creative environment by establishing in the artistic-pedagogical process subject-subject interaction between the participants of the creative process, creating an atmosphere of emotionally-rich environment.
The formation of the individuality of future teachers of fine arts is carried out in close connection with the opinion of others, and therefore - in a positively oriented artistic and creative environment. In this context, it is worth noting that the subject of activity of all subjects of the artistic and pedagogical process is the cultural needs and artistic and creative abilities of future teachers of the visual arts process. In such a situation, the system of knowledge, skills and individual abilities of the individual act as an effective means of developing spiritual forces and intelligence in the artistic and pedagogical process.
Strictly speaking, the influence of an intellectually and emotionally rich artistic and creative environment on the full and harmonious development of the personality of future art teachers is obvious. Interest in learning about the surrounding world, motivation to change it in accordance with the laws of beauty arises and develops when the environment, which encourages artistic and creative interaction, shows interest in the life selfactualization of future teachers of fine arts. That is why it is important to focus special attention on creating an intellectually and emotionally rich artistic and creative environment that would enable the harmonious individual development of future teachers of fine arts.
The third organizational-pedagogical condition for the formation of the artistic-pedagogical mentality of future art teachers is the establishment of such relationships that allow the teacher or student to trust each other more and develop the artistic - pedagogical mentality more intensively. Under such a situation, we conducted a questionnaire and revealed the immediacy of the behavior of future art teachers.
The analysis of immediate characteristics by classes showed that the main characteristic of the teacher for future teachers of fine arts is that he asks questions in order to engage in a conversation about the subject of communication. The most significant non-verbal characteristic of a teacher for future art teachers is that the teacher looks at the audience while addressing them. The most negative non-verbal characteristic of a teacher is that he/she looks at the board or his notes while speaking, addressing students in a monotone boring voice was the least negative in this group.
It should be noted that in the process of involving dialogic interaction, we used the tools proposed by H. McLean, B. Yang, K. Kuo, E. Tolbert, and K. Larkin [11]. Note that traditionally control is an important function of management, only its degrees and styles vary. If the management style emphasizes decentralization and division of responsibilities among teams, the power of managerial control of subordinates is reduced.
Conclusions and prospects of further scientific investigations. Summarizing, we can say that the formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future teachers of fine arts will be effective in the process of introducing the following organizational and pedagogical conditions, namely: formation of positive motivation and cognitive interest of future art teachers in professional activity; creation of an intellectually and emotionally rich artistic and creative environment; by establishing such relationships that allow the teacher or student to trust each other more and develop the artistic and pedagogical mentality more intensively.
Prospects for further scientific research may be related to the definition and substantiation of criteria, indicators and levels of formation of the artistic and pedagogical mentality of future art teachers.
pedagogical teacher fine arts
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