Formation of patriotism among first-year students in classes on the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle

The problem of forming a feeling of love for the Motherland among young people. This aspect of education as an institution for the formation of civic patriotism in youth, historical memory, providing it with a scientific, cognitive, cultural direction.

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Дата добавления 19.09.2024
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Formation of patriotism among first-year students in classes on the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle

Zenina I.V.

PhD, Associate Professor at the department of health and sports technologies, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Kyiv, Ukraine.

Kuzmenko N.V.

Senior Lecturer at the department of health and sports technologies, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” Kyiv, Ukraine.

At the current stage of national spiritual revival. In connection with the protracted economic crisis (which has affected the social sphere) and the war that is plaguing another river, the problem of forming a sense of love for Fatherlands among the younger generations, the power of young people has become increasingly important sovereignty, active participation in activity and creative life is becoming increasingly important. This aspect of education may become the primary developing, stabilizing, scientific-cognitive and cultural institution of matrimony, the civil-patriotic formation of youth, the formation of historical memory. This is a way to teach young people to evaluate historical phenomena on the basis of the principles of historical reliability, science, humanism, kindness, as well as a position of safety and intergenerational communication, creation guarantees of security of the Ukrainian nation. The State National Program “Osvita” (“Ukraine XXI century"), the Laws of Ukraine “About illumination", “About illegal middle illumination" designate illumination tasks as strategic. Love before the Batkivshchyna, awareness of one's com munity commitment on the basis of national and human spiritual values, strengthening the ranks of a citizen and a patriot of Ukraine to become rich and increase on this basis cultural and creative potential of our people.

The Concept of civic education of the individual in the context of the development of Ukrainian statehood notes that the goal civic education is the formation of a “conscious citizen, patriot, professional, that is, a person with his inherent per sonal qualities, with character traits, worldview and abilities by thoughts, actions and behavior aimed at self-development and development of democratic civil society in Ukraine [1].

Key words: war, Ukraine, economic crisis, youth, society, patriotism.

Зеніна Ірина, Кузьменко Наталія. Формування патріотизму у студентів першого курсу на заняттях з основ здорового способу життя.

У духовному відродженні нації на сучасному етапі у зв'язку із затяжною економічною кризою (що торкнулася соціальної сфери) і війною, що триває вже два роки, все більшої ваги набуває проблема формування у молодого покоління почуття любові та прихильності до Батьківщини. Активна участь у діяльності та творчій інтерес у житті стає все більш важливим для того щоб донести інформацію в зрозумілій для сучасної молоді формі. Цей аспект освіти може стати основним інститутом розвитку та стабілізації формування громадянського патріотизму у молоді, формування історичної пам'яті, надання їй наукового, пізнавального та культурного спрямування. Таким чином можна навчати молодь оцінювати історичні явища на прикладах історичної достовірності, науки, гуманізму, доброти та позиції безпеки та спілкування між поколіннями, гарантій створення національної безпеки України. Національна державна програма «Освіта» («Україна 21 століття»), Закони України «Про освіту» та «Про загальну середню освіту» своїм стратегічним завданням вважають виховання в студентства любові до Батьківщини. Необхідність піднімати національні та загальнолюдські духовні цінності, зміцнювати та збагачувати статус народу та патріотів України та на цій основі підвищувати культурний та творчий потенціал народу.

У «Концепції громадянського виховання особистості в умовах розвитку української державності» на меті розвитку Української держави та громадянської освіти є формування «свідомого громадянина, патріота, професіонала, тобто людини, наділеної властивими особистісними якостями та рисами характеру». Стверджується, що, світогляд та компетенції через думки та дії, спрямовані на саморозвиток та розвиток демократичного громадянського суспільства в Україні [ 1].

Ключові слова: війна, Україна, економічна криза, молодь, суспільство, патріотизм.

Formulation of the problem

young people civic patriotism education

Among the strategic objectives that are determined by this document, primarily highlighting: the formation of national consciousness, nurturing a sense of patriotism, devotion to serving the Motherland; affirmation of the relationship between the ideals of individual freedom, human rights and her civil liability; formation of tolerant attitude towards other cultures and traditions. At the same time, it is emphasized that an important quality of Ukrainian patriotism should be its effectiveness, that is, co ncern for the welfare of the people and promoting the formation and establishment of the Ukrainian state.

Being a generalizing, integral new personal formation of youth, patriotism combines an axiological, ethnocultural and effective attitude towards oneself, peers, other people, nature, social environment, to material and spiritual cares. The difficulty of forming this integral quality is due to the excessive commercialization of the social sphere in Ukraine, life troubles, poverty of a large part of citizens, discrepancies between the real and the desired. The modern formation of patriotism, of high school students, is carried out in the conditions of national education, which is understood as "the formation of a harmoniously developed, hi ghly educated, socially active and nationally conscious person, endowed with deep civic responsibility, healthy intellectual, creative and spiritual qualities, family and patriotic feelings, hard work, business acumen, entrepreneurship and initiative. Intercultura l education is the teaching of the diversity of cultures, the education of respect and a sense of dignity in representatives of all cultures, regardless of racial or ethnic origin, the perception of the relationship and mutual influence of universal and national comp onents of culture in a broad sense [2].

Analysis of literary sources

Beh I.D. [1] believed that active participation in activities and creative interest in life is becoming more and more important to convey information in a form understandable to modern youth, Goncharenko S. [2] considered certain priorities. Petrongovsky R.R. [3] believed that not all representations cause appropriate experiences in young people. In this case, the student should be "led to feelings that he does not have". Tyshchenko O.I. [4] in the interpretive dictionary of the Ukrainian language, patriotism is defined as "love for the Motherland, devotion to one's people, readiness for sacrifices and feats for its sake" it was in this context that the author considered it.

The formation of the system of patriotic education of the individual takes place in the conditions of development and rethinking of the understanding of the main one's categories of education, upbringing, and development by introducing the principles of a patriotic-formative approach in the education process.

Patriotic education includes social, target, functional, organizational, and other aspects. The main component of patriotic education is the formation of love for the native country in young people, which is carried out primarily by the family and t he immediate social environment through the transmission of certain cultural traditions [2].

It is significant that the majority of psychologists support the opinion that as a result of active cognitive, altruistic, socially beneficial activities, experience is acquired by students. This, because of internalization, serves to establish and strengthen patriotism as a generalizing neoplasm of middle and high school age.

In this connection, the ethnopsychology understanding of the essence of human consciousness and self-awareness is quite important. The national consciousness and self-awareness of an individual is understood as the awareness of oneself as a part of a certain national community and the assessment of oneself as a bearer of national values that have developed in the process of the long historical development of the national community, its self-realization as a subject of social reality [1]. In general, national consciousness and self-awareness are understood as an individual's feeling of being a representative of a certain people, a carrier of its culture, knowledge of the past and present, and the ability to engage in activities aimed at the future.

So, the relevance of the outlined problem, its insufficient development by pedagogical science and the urgent need for school practice have led to the necessity of this research, the object of which is the system of educational and educational activities of university students, and the subject is pedagogical conditions formation of patriotism in boys and girls in edu cational and visual work. The purpose of the research is theoretical substantiation essence, structure and features of students' patriotism, determination of criteria and levels of its development among young men and women.

The hypothesis of the research consists in the assumption that the process of forming patriotism of students' personality in educational activities will be effective if: formation patriotism will be considered as a component of the general system extracurricular educational activities of a comprehensive school; this t he process will be carried out purposefully, comprehensively, systematically; in the process of formation of patriotism, adequate organizational and pedagogical conditions will be created and optimal methods and techniques will be applied.

Patriotism as a socio-historical phenomenon in various aspects considered philosophical, humanitarian, pedagogical sciences. The word "patriotism" is of Greek origin: parties mean homeland. The explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language defines patriotism as "love for one's homeland, devotion to one's people, readiness for sacrifices and feats for them" [4]. Patriot - he is a patriot, zealous for his welfare. From the point of view of philosophy, patriotism is moral and political a principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love and devotion homeland, pride in its past and present, desire to protect interests of the motherland. Patriotism is one of the deepest civic feelings, the content of which is love for the Motherland, devotion to one's people, pride in the acquisition of national culture. Patriotism is manifested in practical activities aimed at comprehensive development of one's country, protection of its interests. Patriotism is a socio-historical phenomenon. Its elements arose during the primitive communal system as a form of awareness of family ties, rites, and customs.

In general, patriotism is love for the homeland, a feeling responsibility for her fate, willingness, and ability to serve her interests and promote her success in the spheres of inner life and on the international stage. Patriotism is a socio-historical phenomenon. In different eras, it has different social and class meaning. In each class expresses real socio-historical conditions their attitude to the homeland because of their specific interests. In under the conditions of the development of capitalism, patriotism is an integral part of public consciousness, national consciousness, and self -consciousness of people. During the transition from totalitarian regimes to democracy, the formation of a legal sovereign state and civil society, national patriotism is formed and established. It combines loyalty to the Motherland, readiness to serve it and protect it from enemies with a sense of respect for other nations and peoples, with devotion to the interests of creating a free, democratic society, with the democratic movement into the whole world.

Under the modern conditions of existence of a democratic society, patriotism rises to a higher level, spreads to the entire population of the country, permeates all spheres of social life, has directed character, which is manifested in a conscious attitude people to work, social and political activity, intransigence to any violations of human rights, norms, and rules of democrati c coexistence. Thanks to this, patriotism is one of the most important factors in the development of a democratic society.

Therefore, patriotic education of students should be carried out as a dual process at the psychological and ideological levels.

a) This is a moral and psychological process of forming feelings, ideas, habits, moods, aspirations, norms of patriotism, strong-willed qualities.

b) This is a worldview level - the formation of patriotic consciousness, ideas, views, beliefs. The structure of patriotism is understood as a system of the following qualities and components:

a) Patriotic feeling (love for one's family, anxiety, responsibility for the fate of the country).

b) National human dignity.

c) The need to satisfy one's national interests, for national self-confidence.

d) Patriotic consciousness based on national consciousness, understanding of one's civic role in society.

e) National tact and respect for the national dignity of people of other nationalities.

f) The need to preserve and pass on to other people domestic ones spiritually - cultural values.

g) Need and readiness for activities of patriotic content.

Patriotism is a complex phenomenon of spiritual life, of a person and community, which is reflected in personal and social consciousness, uniting them, and acting as a decisive factor in a person's awareness of universal values.

The teacher's argumentation of the moral norm should become the student's own, turn into a subjective property. This happens by deploying in him the activity of perceiving evidence, awareness, and internal justification of it through the construction of a grid of relevant judgments [1].

Education of the fundamentals of patriotism and internationalism in students combines cognitive and educational tasks. To form young people's feelings, it is necessary first to enrich their horizons with certain knowledge, to form in them the correct ideas about social phenomena and events. But the assimilation of certain knowledge by children, only one influence on their consciousness is not enough. As distinguished psychologists determine, knowledge and thoughts acquired through thinking may not become the property of the person himself. To cultivate patriotic and international feelings, along with enriching young people with certain knowledge and ideas, it is necessary to influence their feelings, to form in them an emotional and positive attitude towards social phenomena, facts, and events.

Therefore, the feeling of patriotism develops in a close relationship with the cognitive activity of stude nts, from mastering the necessary ideas and knowledge, which must be formed and developed in inseparable unity. However, not all representations cause appropriate experiences in young people. In this case, the student should be "led to feelings that he does not have" [3]. It is necessary to create psychological situations that contribute to the formation of an emotional and positive attitude towards s ocial phenomena, events of the native land, actions, work, national customs, people. The upbringing of patri otic feelings in young people, in addition to the formation of ideas about social phenomena and norms of behavior, should also include the formation of habits of public behavior in accordance with these ideas. Psychological studies have proven that the formation of ideas and concepts about patriotic deeds and behavior and the development of habits of patriotic behavior depend on various factors. Th e basis of such ideas is the accumulation of experience, knowledge and experiences, impressions of experienced feelings, left in remembered images of people, their deeds, and qualities.

The basis of the habit of patriotic behavior is practiced mechanism of action, formation of a system of conditioned reflexes. Therefore, along with the expansion and deepening of students' knowledge and feelings about patriotic labor achievements, heroic military feats of people, friendship, and mutual aid, it is important to promote such moral actions of y oung people that are characteristic of a true patriot. Therefore, the task of patriotic education of students must be implemented comprehensively, ensuring the formation of unity of thought, feeling and action. It is necessary to combine the formation of knowledge about social events and phenomena, patriotic deeds and behavior, an emotional and positive attitude towards them with the practical activity of students in accessible public actions and deeds.

The education of patriotic feelings achieves the desired results only when it is carried out in the general pedagogical process, supported, consolidated, and deepened in various types of activities: visual, game, labor, is associated with holidays, the performance of socially beneficial actions.

Thus, in psychology, patriotism is considered as an integral formation of individual and social consciousness, the essence of which is determined by integrating, actively transforming, regulatory, identification and developmental functions and is determined by the interaction of psychological and social levels.

Patriotic education is the basis of the spiritual development of the individual, an integral part of the national worldview and behavior of a young person regarding the attitude to his native country, to all nations and peoples; it is the education of love for the Motherland, devotion to it, active work aimed at multiplying the labor traditions and customs of one's people.

"Patriotic feelings are strengthened by heroic and patriotic education, designed to develop a deep understanding of social duty, readiness to defend the country at any time, to master military knowledge, as well as study military traditions and heroic pages of the history of his people, his Armed forces" [3].


However, patriotic feelings do not arise in people by themselves itself. This is the result of a long-term, well-directed educational influence on a person, starting from an early age. Patriotism is formed under the influence of ideology, lifestyle, and ideological and educational work in the family, university, and extracurricular institutions. Therefore, education of patriotism is facilitated not only by familiarization students with the social life of the country and other countries, but a lso the active participation of students in various socially useful educational and extracurricular activities. Such simple exercises teach students to look at everything through the eyes of the owner of the country, its patriot. In this connection, patriotism is understood as a multidimensional, multicomponent, but, at the same time, integral system of qualities that are united by activity and transformed into the needs of serving the Ukrainian people and the country.

Under the essence of patriotism, pedagogy understands the following moral the quality of a person, which is expressed in love and devotion to one's country, awareness of its greatness and glory, and the experience of one's spiritual connection with her, in need and desire under any conditions to protect her honor and dignity, to strengthen her with practical matters power and independence. So, in humanitarian sciences, the concept of "patriotism" is considered as a principle in philosophy and sociology. At the same time, the data of science outline in this sense the interaction between man and society, man, and the state. In ethics, the feelings of the individual and rational forms of interaction in the human community are decisive.

Psychology includes patriotic feelings, consciousness, and personal experience in this concept. In the theory of pedagogy, the establishment of love and devotion to the country in students is considered decisive.

All these results are the basis for the development of the psychological and pedagogical structure of students' patriotism.

A brief retrospective analysis of the essence of patriotism in domestic and foreign pedagogy allows us to assert that scientists of the past, when developing this concept, first adhered to the principles of democracy, humanism, systematicity, consistency, continuity. They revealed the content of the process of educating students' patriotism (development of patriotic ideas, concepts, consciousness, patriotic experience, and relevant beliefs) and outlined the directions of its formation (lessons, organization of excursions, socially useful activities, etc.)


1. Beh I.D. Personality education: in 2 books. Kyiv: Lybid, 2003. Book. 1. 171 p.

2. Goncharenko S. Ukrainian Pedagogical Dictionary. Kyiv: Lybid, 1997. 376 p.

3. Petrongovsky R. R. Theory and practice of molding patriotism of high school students: Monograph / Ed. prof. M.V Levkivsky. - Zhytomyr: Polissya, 2003. 4-6 p.

4. Tyshchenko O.I. “Patriotic education of students”. Psychological and pedagogical problems of professional education and patriotic education of the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Kharkiv, 2020. 36 p.

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