Formation of professional competence of a linguist-teacher

Rethinking of the content, forms and methods of training future teachers of foreign languages and cultures. Creating certain psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of professional competence. Model of the core of the professional activity.

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Дата добавления 19.09.2024
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National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”


Shchypachova D.S., Lecturer at the Department

of English for Engineering № 1


professional teacher foreign language

Currently, significant positive changes are taking place in the language education system in our country, due to the processes of intercultural integration at the national and international level. The success of the practical implementation of innovative educational strategies largely depends on the level of readiness of the foreign language teacher to adapt to the new conditions of the socio-cultural environment that is being formed in the university, and on the ability to teach the language functionally, with an orientation to intercultural communication. In this regard, it is important to rethink the content, forms and methods of training future teachers of foreign languages and cultures. The process of forming a competent specialist is one of the main problems of pedagogy. In recent years, the competence of the teacher has become increasingly relevant due to the fact that social experience is constantly being transformed, the field of education is being reconstructed, various types of author's pedagogical systems are appearing, and the level of society's requests for specialists is increasing.

Therefore, competencies are a combination of characteristics (related to knowledge and its application, to positions, skills and responsibilities) that describe the level or degree that a person is able to realize, competence is not just a set of competencies, but a set of competencies actualized in certain types of activities. Competence is a measure of the actualization of competencies in the process of their development, related to the self-actualization of the graduate in the relevant activities. The formation of professional competence is purposeful and is carried out by creating certain psychological and pedagogical conditions.

In the second section of our article, we tried to build a model of the “core” of the professional activity of a linguist teacher at a university. It is obvious that the central part of this model is the teacher's professional competence, which is, in turn, the unity of communicative, linguistic and didactic and personal (reflective) competences.

The model includes the following components: subjective, which characterizes replenishment and preservation of the achieved level of professional competence, its actualization and implementation; object, which reflects the construction and implementation of activities; substantive, expressing the results to be achieved.

Key words: intercultural communication, context, professional competence, language personality, language education, theory of communication.



Нині в нашій країні відбуваються значні позитивні зміни у системі мовної освіти, зумовлені процесами міжкультурної інтеграції на національному та міжнародному рівні. Успіх практичної реалізації інноваційних навчальних стратегій більшою мірою залежить від рівня готовності викладача іноземної мови до адаптації до нових умов соціально-культурного середовища, що формується у ВНЗ, та від здатності викладати мову функціонально, з орієнтацією на міжкультурну комунікацію. У зв'язку з цим є важливим переосмислення змісту, форм і методів підготовки майбутніх викладачів іноземних мов та культур. Процес формування компетентного фахівця - одна з головних проблем педагогіки. Компетентність викладача набуває останніми роками все більшої актуальності у зв'язку з тим, що постійно трансформується соціальний досвід, реконструюється сфера освіти, з'являються різноманітні види авторських педагогічних систем, зростає рівень запитів соціуму до фахівця.

Отже, компетенції являють собою поєднання характеристик (що стосуються знання та його застосування, до позицій, навичок та відповідальності), які описують рівень або ступінь, який особа здатна реалізувати, компетентність є не просто сукупність компетенцій, а сукупність компетенцій, актуалізованих в певних видах діяльності. Компетентність є міра актуалізації компетенцій у процесі їх розвитку, пов'язаної із самоактуалізацією особи випускника у відповідних видах діяльності. Формування професійної компетентності є цілеспрямованим та здійснюється при створенні певних психолого-педагогічних умов.

У другому розділі нашої статті ми спробували побудувати модель «ядра» професійної діяльності викладача-лінгвіста у ВНЗ. Очевидно, що центральною частиною цієї моделі є професійна компетентність педагога, що є, у свою чергу, єдністю комунікативної, лінгводидактичної та особистісної (рефлексивної) компетенцій.

У складі моделі виділено такі компоненти: суб'єктний, що характеризує поповнення та збереження досягнутого рівня професійної компетентності, його актуалізацію та реалізацію; об'єктний, що відображає побудову та провадження діяльності; предметний, що виражає результати, що досягаються.

Ключові слова: міжкультурна комунікація, контекст, професійна компетенція, мовна особистість, мовна освіта, теорія комунікації.


The introduction of the specialty “Linguistics and Intercultural Communication” into the practice of higher linguistic education was the result of profound changes taking place in society and one of its most important institutions - the education system, striving to find the ideal of a modern educated person as a person of culture with a pronounced civic position and openness to perception of the multiculturalism of the modern world at all levels of its manifestations - political, cultural, economic, confessional, axiological. The proclamation of multilingualism, multiculturalism, cultural conformity, anthropocentricity as significant principles of the national education system requires updating the conceptual system of views on the professional training of specialists in higher education, and actualizes the problem of identifying conditions that stimulate the process of self-realization, self-improvement, the formation of the professional identity of future specialists, their readiness for permanent professionally oriented selfdevelopment and the need for it [4].

In the context of intercultural education in modern language education, a qualitatively new theoretical paradigm is emerging, from the standpoint ofwhich the process of teaching a foreign language is considered as a process of forming a linguistic personality. It is natural that in these conditions the need to develop new theoretical models of the projected result of professional training of linguist teachers, adequately reflecting the requirements of the modern intercultural educational paradigm, and to search for effective systems and pedagogical conditions for their implementation in the practice of educational activities of higher educational institutions comes to the fore. The close attention of researchers to personal development in the educational process and to the theory of linguistic personality in language teaching confirms the legitimacy of choosing the formation of their competence in the structure of a professional linguistic personality as a strategic guideline for the professional training of linguist teachers.

At the same time, comprehensive, system-oriented research that reveals the strategy, principles, methods and technologies for developing the competence of linguist teachers in the aspect of developing a professional linguistic personality, guaranteeing readiness to work in a new intercultural educational paradigm, is not yet enough [1]. There is practically no research and development devoted to revealing the patterns of knowledge acquisition on an integrative basis; the potential for the universality of education in the context of intercultural communication has not been explored, which significantly hinders the development and enrichment of methodological tools and technologization in the system of training teachers of foreign languages and cultures. Such developments are especially relevant for the educational system at a special language department in the structure of a university, the potential capabilities of which in terms of fundamentalization and ensuring interdisciplinary synthesis in the professional training of intercultural communication specialists have not yet been properly explored.

The object of the study is the professional competence of a linguist-teacher.

The subject of the study is the formation of professional competence of a linguist-teacher at the university language department.

In accordance with the object and subject of the study, the following goal was put forward: identify psychological, psychological-pedagogical, didacticmethodological aspects of the linguistic personality and establish the relationship of the levels of its development with competencies in the structure of the professional competence of a linguist-teacher.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations for modeling the professional competence of a specialist. Recently, the situation in Ukrainian science, its relationship with culture and society has been widely discussed among scientists. The importance of addressing issues of the development of culture, science and education is important both from an ideological point of view and from a practical point of view, since the world education system, which plays a decisive role in the cultural and social development of man, is in a state of crisis. The time has come to fundamentally highlight the growth of scientific and educational personnel potential as a priority trend in the development of modern education, which is manifested, first of all, in the integration of academic science and the educational process. In modern conditions, we are talking not only about the development, but also about the preservation of human resources, since these processes are associated with many difficulties, such as: the outflow of scientific and educational forces to economically more profitable areas and more developed countries; a growing shortage of personnel replenishment of scientific and educational potential due to the loss of prestige of these types of activities; insufficient funds at provincial higher schools, sometimes universities and scientific institutions to obtain information about world experience on a widely accessible scale and opportunities for direct foreign contacts, despite the expansion of the global information space (thanks to the development and functioning of INTERNET) [3].

If we talk about the internal reasons for the actualization ofthe problem ofthe quality ofvocational education, it should be noted that the innovation boom, decentralization of management, commercialization of education, and its democratization, in addition to a positive impact on education, also lead to negative consequences.

External reasons are related to the challenges to the world community that emerged at the turn of the millennium. Researchers identify seven main challenges: technological, environmental, demographic, dynamic, informational, ideological, and moral. An analysis of these problems carried out by specialists shows that their deep roots are not in the economic, political or social spheres of society. They lie in the spiritual sphere and are directly related to the level of education, morality and moral qualities of people and worldview.

The global level of these challenges and the resulting threat to the very existence of humanity make it objectively necessary to change the attitude towards education and its functions, require a change in the quality of education, predetermines the need to create socio-pedagogical conditions adequate to these processes, meaningful reform, creative design and implementation of a new model of education. This requires a teaching corps of new analytical and at the same time project-constructive thinking, aimed at improving the pedagogical paradigm. In other words, solving the problems of higher professional education is impossible without increasing pedagogical intellectual culture, without actively influencing public opinion, without necessarily overcoming established stereotypes and conservatism in pedagogical science and practice.

The concept of quality of education as a guarantee of improving the quality of life is increasingly coming to the forefront of the educational space, and the pedagogical community around the world is increasingly raising the question of the quality of education as the most important factor in the sustainable development of the country, its technological, economic, information and moral security. According to scientists, there are many reasons for the acute relevance of this problem, however, at least two groups of prerequisites can be distinguished - external to the education system and internal, related to the education system itself.

The concept of updating state standards of higher professional education contains a reactive path for the development of education. The concept formulates the main goal as further improving the quality of higher education, improving the mechanism of personal development, creating effective means of managing the educational process, increasing the degree of correlation of higher professional education with world standards.

Structure of professional competence of a linguist teacher. Currently, there are a number of concepts that are in one way or another related to the characteristics of a person's ability to perform work: “profession”, “professional”, “professional competence”, “professionalism”, etc. At first glance they seem to be synonymous. Thus, qualification is considered as the level of professional preparedness for any type of activity. Professionalism is also interpreted as a quality that indicates a high level of proficiency in the skills necessary to perform any work. In the same context, professionalism is sometimes spoken of as a high brand, distinctive quality, or high status of a specialist [5]. However, it is necessary to distinguish between the professional training of a specialist and his professional competence. The first concept reflects the process of mastering the necessary knowledge and skills, and the second concept reflects the result of this process, a qualitative characteristic. We can say that professional competence is also a certain perspective that is, to one degree or another, available to a given specialist due to his individual capabilities and various objective factors.

The concept of “professional competence” can rightfully be considered a category of pedagogical science [5]. However, the requirements for the professional level of a teacher change depending on socio-economic and political conditions. These conditions pose their own challenges for education, which means that the requirements for the content of professional training change. Competence reflects the essential properties and relationships of all subjects of pedagogical science, including its leading categories. By integrating these properties and relationships, it becomes a generalizing concept. Its type differences may change over time, become enriched, and take on slightly different shades, but, in essence, remain unchanged.

Analysis of general theoretical approaches to understanding the category “professional and pedagogical competence of a teacher” made it possible to characterize this phenomenon and reveal its content through the structure and functions of the components.

The person being formed is multifaceted, therefore, the professional component of the teacher must be multifaceted, which determines the criteria for his professionalism. The leading place among these criteria, of course, is occupied by the result of the teacher's activities.

Only a combination of theoretical knowledge with the skills of applying them in educational activities can provide the necessary pedagogical competence. This combination should be considered a practical criterion of professionalism. This is a connecting link between groups of indirect and direct criteria of competence. Taking these criteria into account, we can conclude: the professionalism of a teacher represents a high level of his psychological, pedagogical and scientific-subject knowledge and skills in combination with the corresponding cultural and moral character, ensuring in practice social in-demand preparation of the younger generation for life.

Following some scientists, we will define the professional competence of a teacher as a complex unified system of internal mental states and personality traits of a specialist: his readiness to carry out professional activities and the ability (that is, skills and capabilities) to perform the necessary actions for this [1]. Considering that this system cannot be directly observed, but is manifested indirectly in the process and result of professional activity, the modeling method was used to study it. The model of the structure of a teacher's professional competence is an example of a system of actions that ensure the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out professional activities, determined by the social order of society. The model includes the following components: subjective, characterizing the replenishment and maintenance of the achieved level of professional competence, its actualization and implementation; objective, reflecting the construction and implementation of activities; substantive, expressing the results achieved.


Modern trends in the development of society and integration processes of a global nature make it objectively necessary to change attitudes towards language education and its functions, require changes in the quality of education, predetermine the need to create socio-pedagogical conditions adequate to these processes, meaningful reform, creative design and implementation of a new model for training specialists in intercultural educational paradigm.

Comprehensive theoretical analysis, reliance on the achievements of domestic science and research of foreign scientists in the field of pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, linguage education, communication theory and intercultural communication, generalizations made and work practice confirmed the validity of our statements that the high level of development of the professional competence of the future linguist - a teacher capable of developing a linguistic personality in the process of teaching a foreign language in the context of intercultural communication is achieved provided that: a) the professional competence of a linguist-teacher of foreign languages is considered by all subjects of the educational process as a structural component of the model of a professional linguistic personality, as an image of the projected result and object of pedagogical reflection; b) purposeful work on developing the competence of a professional linguistic personality is carried out in an integralcommunicative educational space, based on the principles of integrativity, implemented through interdisciplinary interaction, communicativeness and the recreation, through educational disciplines, of a genuine dialogue between the studied and native cultures; c) the model of a professional linguistic personality is the core of the goal-functional, content-based, structural-logical, instrumentaltechnological, organizational-managerial and project positions of the integral-communicative educational space; d) the choice of educational technologies is determined by their compliance with the principles of cultural conformity, self-regulation and professional orientation, and the formation of a multilingual thesaurus of a linguist-teacher forms the basis of his conceptual and ideological position.

In the second chapter of our article, we made an attempt to build a model of the “core” of the professional activity of a linguist teacher at a university. It is obvious that the central part of this model is the professional competence of the teacher, which, in turn, represents the unity of communicative, language education and personal (reflective) competencies. The middle part is represented by the job profile diagram of a foreign language teacher. A component of the job profile diagram? along with the professional competence of the teacher, is the psychogram of the specialist, e. personal qualities that determine the ability to work. And finally, the shell of the “core” is an open model of the personality of a specialist - a foreign language teacher. Such a model is a set of activities determined by the peculiarities of our century, dictated by the requirements of the profession, specialty and determined by the social order of society, its spiritual and moral system, as well as the creative side of the specialist's activity. The openness of the model is achieved due to the teacher's ability not only to set and solve pedagogical problems, comprehensively plan the course of the educational process, directly carry out the process of teaching and educating students and analyze and predict the results of their activities, but also to combine pedagogical traditions and innovations, due to openness to new methods and forms of learning, mobility and flexibility in their use.


1. Blass E. Changing the concept of skill in higher education in the UK: is it progress in the current environment? European journal of education. Abingdon. 1999. Vol. 34. № 2. P 237-238.

2. Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning and Testing. Draft 1 of a Framework proposal. Strasbourg: Council of Europe (Council for Cultural Co-operation), 1996. P 204.

3. Psychological Anthropology. Philip K. Bock (ed.) Westport, Connecticut-London: Greenwood Press, 1994, p. 8-9.

4. Richards, Jack C., Rogers, Theodore. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: Description and Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 170 p.

5. Thom R. Structural stability and morphogenesis. N.Y., 1972. 623 p.

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