Methodological techniques that activate independent work of students when studying the Kyrgyz language as a second language
Forming students’ thinking when learning a foreign language. The choice of techniques for enhancing students’ independent work. Recommendations for conducting individual independent work of students when studying the Kyrgyz language as a second language.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 27,7 K |
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Duishonalieva S.
The presented article discusses some methodological techniques that activate students' independent work when studying the Kyrgyz language as a second language. The choice of techniques for enhancing students' independent work depends on both the professional and personal qualities of the teacher. The article presents recommendations for conducting individual independent work of students when studying the Kyrgyz language as a second language.
Keywords: language learning, foreign language, non-linguistic university, Kyrgyz language.
В данной статье рассматриваются некоторые методические приемы, активизирующие самостоятельную работу студентов при изучении кыргызского языка как второго языка. Выбор приемов для активизации самостоятельной работы студентов зависит как от профессиональных, так и от личностных качеств преподавателя. В статье представлены рекомендации по ведению индивидуальной самостоятельной работы студентов при изучении кыргызского языка как второго языка.
Ключевые слова: изучение языка, иностранный язык, неязыковой вуз, кыргызский язык.
The main text
kyrgyz language independent work
Forming students' thinking when learning a foreign language is one of the tasks of the educational process. In light of the requirements of higher education, it is expected to develop such competence as the ability to independently find information and work on the material, thinking critically about it. It should be admitted that today it is difficult for a teacher to test and evaluate the true knowledge of students. A modern student is a master of information technology and very quickly finds an answer to any question on the Internet. Often, teachers have to evaluate not the independent creative work of students, but the quality of materials posted by “experts” on the Internet [1].
To successfully complete this task, first of all, awareness of both teaching (the activities of teachers) and teaching (the activities of students) is necessary. And since the main subject of this process is the teacher, he must, among other things, develop methods, means and forms of teaching students the basics of independent learning activities. In the context of the educational process, the concept “independent” is understood as free from outside influences, assistance, accomplished on one's own, achieved through personal creative efforts. In the pedagogical literature, independent work is most often referred to as the planned work of students, carried out according to the instructions and with the methodological guidance of the teacher, but without his specific role. The importance of students' independent work goes far beyond the scope of a single academic course and becomes a means of developing independent work skills in general [2].
Consequently, the solution to this problem is associated with the formation of specific qualities in students, the most important of which is the desire and ability of the future specialist to independently make decisions within their competence and take responsibility. This guideline should be the basis for all pedagogical activities in organizing students' independent work.There are two main conditions contributing to the success of this task: the desire of students to learn and their conscious desire to achieve success in their studies. The more active the student's interest in the future profession, and, consequently, in obtaining the necessary knowledge, the more effective the learning process is. Thus, it is interest that becomes the most important psychological attitude in organizing the educational process in general and independent work [3].
Psychologists divide interest into direct and indirect. Students' attitudes toward learning are affected by both types of interest. The teacher's task is to contribute to their formation and development. Indirect interest in learning is an idea of the main qualification characteristics (the purpose and nature of future activity, requirements for knowledge, skills, etc.), as well as how the entire educational process and each discipline separately contribute to the development of these qualities. Direct interest is focused on the immediate positive results of study (obtaining good grades in exams, successfully passing tests, etc.). Direct interest very much depends on the relationship between the teacher and the student, mainly on the personal qualities of the first. Any communication with students when studying Kyrgyz as a second language should be structured in such a way that they feel the teacher's interest in their success [4].
The teacher must be aware of everything that requires awareness by the student: learning goals, means of achieving them and means of control. It is no use trying to teach without paying attention to whether your students understand you. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to find out the initial level of their preparation for the perception of educational material. If it turns out to be lower than expected, then it is necessary to adjust the program and method of presenting information. In principle, different audiences require an individual methodological approach. Creative work in this direction is the essence of pedagogical mastery. Adjustments to the program suggest the possibility of combining some similar topics; different levels of consideration of topics (in full or just for information); with a small amount of hours, it is possible to study only some fundamental topics, but not to the detriment of the integrity of the course, etc.
In order to make methodological adjustments, the teacher needs to work out and test several methods, be it role-playing games, trainings, reports, discussions, tests, etc. To feel confident, it is recommended to draw up a plan for each lesson, taking into account a specific methodology, time budget distribution, wording questions and assignments, use of technical means, etc.
The tasks should not be so simple that the student could complete them without the help of a teacher, but also not so difficult that it would be impossible to complete them. It is when composing tasks that individualization of learning is achieved. Even people of exceptional ability can vary greatly in the speed of their thoughts. There are “idea generators” who lose interest in a problem as soon as the method of solving it becomes fundamentally clear to them, but there are people who easily accept other people's suggestions and carefully develop them to the end. Some people prefer a broad field of activity, others a narrow one. Some people like group work, others like individual work, etc. This variety of characteristics makes individualization of learning challenging. It is impossible to evaluate a person based on any one characteristic. It is necessary to know students so that both their strengths, which need to be developed, and their weaknesses, which need to be helped to be softened and overcome, become obvious [5].
Various techniques for activating students' independent work play an important role in the process of learning a particular language as a second language [3]. Let's consider just a few of them: training in methods of independent work, including the communication of reflective knowledge necessary for self-analysis and self-assessment; a convincing demonstration of the need to master the proposed material for the upcoming professional or further educational activities of students.Independent classroom work when teaching a Kyrgyz language as a second can include all kinds of exercises, independent research work (country studies, political, economic topics), work on a written translation of a text passage, work with a newspaper or magazine, as well as work of a research or problem nature (compilation of catalogues, advertising, annotations) and many other types of work; problematic presentation of the material, reproducing typical methods of real reasoning; application of operational formulations of laws and definitions to establish an unambiguous connection between theory and practice; the use of active learning methods (business games, case studies, discussions on complex issues, critical analysis of concepts, etc.); development and communication to students of structural and logical schemes for constructing the discipline: its sections, topics.
Over time, it is necessary to gradually “wind down” the details of the explanations, giving the student the opportunity to show his own creative activity. If the work is collective, then each student receives a specific, precisely specified section of the work. An effective way to enhance the repetition of the material covered by students is to conduct small (about 10-15 minutes) test work at the beginning of the lesson. It is also necessary to pay attention to the organizational forms of teaching work. The most widespread are “ordinary” classes: first an explanation of the material, and then reading and translating the text, discussing the questions and problems raised in it. In this case, the leading role is given to the teacher, and the student here is a follower and, to a certain extent, passive [7].
The main criterion for students to master lexical and grammatical material is to translate it into speech: first in writing, and then in speech. It is here that the activation of independent work of students is required, their creative approach to solving problems set by the teacher: from the simplest to the quite complex. You can use techniques such as describing the picture (suggesting keywords that need to be woven into the text of the statement); conducting correspondence; games; project activities; teaching other students (student becomes teacher).When using game methods, even weak students begin to speak, forgetting about their complexes. As for project activities, it is necessary to set the task by the teacher, create an algorithm of actions: searching for information and formatting the final result in the form of a report or presentation. Project activities develop the skills to independently search for given information and the ability to analyze it. Properly structured information presented by the student in the form of a monologue speech is an immediate task in terms of developing the communicative competence of students in teaching the Kyrgyz language as a second language.
When using the “Teaching a Student by a Student” method, a student can explain grammatical material to his friends with his own examples to illustrate the active vocabulary of the lesson, as well as explain some points related to professional topics. Involving students in situations in which it is necessary to demonstrate independence in decision-making, planning their own activities, and a non-standard approach to solving problems in foreign language classes contributes to the development of creative independence [1]. Creative activity itself presupposes that the subject of creativity has a certain preparation of a non-creative nature. For example, this preparation may consist in having knowledge of original texts and critical literature, having an idea of the sociocultural situation in which these texts were created, and the result of an attempt to respond to the requests of which they were, the ability to separate the presentation of a position from an assessment, the ability to carry out certain theoretical procedures -- reconstruction, conceptualization, comparison, etc.
Here are just some recommendations for conducting individual independent work of students when learning a foreign language:
a) classes should be conducted, ensuring, on the one hand, the unconditional fulfillment of a certain minimum of independent work by all students, and on the other - more intensive work by students who are better prepared;
b) consultations and regular monitoring of the success of students' independent work are of particular importance;
c) it is necessary to inform students as fully as possible about the upcoming independent work -- its goals, expected results, means, labor intensity, deadlines, forms of self-control and control by the teacher [5].
At the beginning of the course, it is advisable for a teacher to conduct an “entrance” test - to determine the readiness of students to master the material and the ability to work independently. It makes sense to practice giving assignments containing two parts - mandatory, corresponding to the established norms of time, and factual, designed for students who want to master the topics of the subject more voluminously and deeply [6]. Then it is possible to differentiate exam questions with their pre-announced “weight” in points. In practical classes, students are usually easily identified as “weak” and “strong”. Special attention should be paid to the latter. In practice, the opposite happens: the teacher deals with a weak student, and a strong one, left unattended, “burns out”. What should I do with those who want and, most importantly, can study? To begin, you should give them additional tasks. If successful and interested, you can then offer more complex individual tasks, participation in scientific work. It is useful to involve such students in counseling the weaker ones by conducting additional classes with them themselves [7].
Ultimately, the way is open for creativity in creating and choosing organizational forms. In any case, it is better not to abandon tried and tested models and forms of learning, but it is necessary to work on their improvement throughout the entire pedagogical activity.
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2. Zvereva, E. A. (2007). Creative tasks as a means of developing students' self-activity in the educational process: Dis. candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Kirov. (in Russian).
3. Daskova, Yu. V. (2014). Samostoyatel'naya rabota v protsesse formirovaniya tvorcheskoi samostoyatel'nosti studentov-dizainerov. Sovremennye nauchnye issledovaniya i innovatsii, (3), 4949. (in Russian).
4. Sydykbaeva, M., & Atabekova, B. (2023). Formation of Students' Language Competencies When Teaching Kyrgyz as a Second Language in Higher Educational Institutions in Kyrgyzstan. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 9(3), 327-331. (in Russian).
5. Gimpel, L. P (2008). Samostoyatel'naya rabota kak sredstvo tvorcheskoi samoregulyatsii studentov. Vestnik Minskogo gosudarstvennogo lingvisticheskogo universiteta. Seriya 2: Pedagogika, psikhologiya, metodikaprepodavaniya inostrannykh yazykov, (1), 22-31. (in Russian).
6. Shmyrova, O. V. (2010, December). Ispol'zovanie tekhnologii WEBQUEST dlya razvitiya avtonomii studentov. In Aktual'nye voprosy povysheniya kachestva yazykovogo obrazovaniya na sovremennom etape: Mater. Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf.--Minsk (pp. 21-22). (in Russian).
7. Markovich, A. A. (2013). Terminologicheskie semanticheskie karty kak sredstvo razvitiya kompensatornoi kompetentsii (Doctoral dissertation, Belorusskii gosudarstvennyi ekonomicheskii universitet). (in Russian).
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