Organization of professional training: symbiosis of general secondary and out-of-school education
The issue of the introduction of specialized training in Ukraine, the construction of a career guidance system in the conditions of specialized training in accordance with the individual competencies and abilities of the students of education is outlined.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 23,9 K |
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Organization of professional training: symbiosis of general secondary and out-of-school education
Iryna Mosyakova,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of Children and Youth Creativity Center "Shevchenkovets", Kyiv, Ukraine
The article examines the main problems and tasks of the implementation of specialized training in Ukraine; topical issues of building a career guidance system in the conditions of specialized training, by the individual competencies and abilities, and professional orientations of the students of education.
The priorities of the education system are substantiated, taking into account the features of differentiated education, and the creation of an effective mechanism for attracting and using state resources for educational needs. The areas of improvement of regulatory and legal support regarding the formation of state policy, development, and organization of specialized training have been analyzed, because the transition to specialized training contributes to the implementation of a personally oriented educational process, expanding the opportunities for the student to build an individual educational trajectory.
The prospects for further improvement and modernization of state policy in the field of education in Ukraine are outlined, which consist of ensuring a real transition to the organization of specialized training in general secondary education; the conditions of the symbiosis of general secondary and extracurricular education in the conditions of implementation of the concept of specialized training in high school are determined.
Various approaches to understanding the concept of "professional education", and "professional training" are characterized; the main profiles were defined, which were reflected in the project "State Standard of Specialized Secondary Education", where educationalfields were highlighted. Other profiles may be opened depending on the needs of education seekers, the capabilities of educational institutions, and the educational network of territorial communities.
The content of modern specialized education, modeling of general subject and specialized education from the standpoint of characterizing the content of education, priorities, values, key features, degree, and criteria for evaluating the final results were considered; implementation of the content of education based on a project-technological approach that integrates all types of human activity.
Key words: profiling of education, specialized training, competency-based and personally oriented approach to training, education seekers.
кандидат педагогічних наук, директор Центру творчості дітей та юнацтва "Шевченківець", м. Київ, Україна
Анотація. У статті розглянуто окреслено питання впровадження профільного навчання в Україні, побудови системи профорієнтації в умовах профільного навчання відповідно до індивідуальних компетентностей та здібностей, професійних орієнтацій здобувачів освіти.
Обґрунтовано пріоритети системи освіти з урахуванням особливостей диференційованого навчання, створення ефективного механізму залучення та використання державних ресурсів для потреб освіти. Проаналізовано напрями вдосконалення нормативно-правового забезпечення щодо формування державної політики, розвитку й організації профільного навчання, адже перехід до профільного навчання сприяє реалізації особистісно орієнтованого освітнього процесу, розширенню можливостей побудови здобувачем освіти індивідуальної освітньої траєкто- рії.Окреслено перспективи подальшого вдосконалення та модернізації державної політики в галузі освіти в Україні, що полягають у забезпеченні реального переходу до організації профільного навчання в закладах загальної середньої освіти. Визначено умови симбіозу загальної середньої і позашкільної освіти в умовах реалізації Концепції профільного навчання в старшій школі.
Схарактеризовано підходи до розуміння понять "профільна освіта" та "профільне навчання"; описано основні профілі, що знайшли відображення в проекті Державного стандарту профільної середньої освіти, де виокремлено освітні галузі. Наголошено, що, залежно від потреб здобувачів освіти, можливостей закладів освіти та освітньої мережі територіальних громад, можуть відкриватися й інші профілі.
Розглянуто зміст сучасної профільної освіти, моделювання загальнопредметної та профільної освіти з позиції характеристики змісту освіти, пріоритетів, цінностей, ключових особливостей, ступеня, критеріїв оцінки підсумкових результатів; шляхи реалізації змісту освіти на підставі проектно-технологічного підходу, що інтегруе всі види діяльності особистості. specialized training education
Ключові слова: профілізація освіти, профільне навчання, компетентнісний та особистісно оріенто- ваний підходи до навчання, здобувачі освіти.
Formulation of the problem. Ukraine's education, along with the crisis phenomena in it, caused the absence of alternatives to radical changes in the educational sector and, accordingly, led to its radical and systemic reform. Deep analysis of the problems is extremely important when implementing such changes, as it is necessary to correctly and effectively build the trajectory of forward movement.
The main problems of general secondary education, which is at the stage of system modernization, are its impracticality, overburdening of students at all stages of education, theorized content of educational programs and textbooks, weak motivation of students and teachers as a result of educational activities or the educational process.
Starting in 2021, one of the priority directions for the modernization of the education system in Ukraine is the New Ukrainian School, which is implemented in the conditions of the fundamentally new State Standard of Basic General Secondary Education (2020), which states that the defined concepts are based on competency-based and person-oriented approaches to training, taking into account the age-specific features of the psychophysical development of the students of education and provides for their acquisition of skills and abilities necessary for successful self-realization in professional and social activities, personal life. Therefore, the introduction of full- fledged profiling of secondary education appeared in the context of educational reform based on the implementation of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School.
The reform of general secondary education, as stated in the Concept of the New Ukrainian School (2016), requires drastic changes while simultaneously preserving the accumulated national experience of specialized education, and thorough training of teachers according to new teaching methods and technologies, because the development and solution of this problem occurs gradually: from simple requirements to take into account individual capabilities of each student to allocate them to the appropriate didactic principle (New Ukrainian School, 2016).
The Law of Ukraine "On Education" (2017) clearly distinguished the acquisition of specialized secondary education into two directions, namely:
- academic, as specialized training based on a combination of the content of education, determined by the standard of specialized secondary education, and indepth study of individual subjects, taking into account the abilities and educational needs of those seeking education with a focus on continuing education at higher levels of education;
- professional, as labor market-oriented specialized training based on a combination of the content of education, defined by the standard of specialized secondary education, and a professionally oriented approach to training, taking into account the abilities and needs of students.
Educational needs, inclinations, and abilities, oriented to the future professional choice, determine the choice of education seekers of the relevant study profiles. Profile education is not a completely new phenomenon for the Ukrainian education system, but, unfortunately, it has not become an all-encompassing phenomenon for the high school that functions today. That is why the organization of an effective senior professional school is one of the challenges of Ukrainian society.
The successful solution to this problem mainly depends on positive results in the formation of the personality of the future employee at all stages of his life. This is emphasized in the Law of Ukraine "On Comprehensive General Secondary Education" (2020), the Concept of the State System of Vocational Orientation of the Population (2008) and the Concept of Profiled Training (2013), in which a state strategy was developed and specified, which provides for the renewal of the network of general secondary institutions, extracurricular education to ensure equal access to quality education, creation of a developmental model of the educational process, digitization of the socio-pedagogical environment and personal direction of all intra-school educational resources. Profile education enables students to choose and study school subjects in depth by individual competencies and abilities, and professional orientations.
Analysis of scientific research and publications. The content of modern specialized education is characterized by ideas that need to be developed and implemented at all levels, and these are end-to-end specialized education, which means modeling general subject and specialized education at each stage of general secondary education (primary, primary, senior) from the standpoint of characterizing the content of education, priorities, values, key features, degree, evaluation criteria of final results; socially determined principles of selection of the content of education - informational capacity and social effectiveness; implementation of the content of education based on a project-technological approach that integrates all types of human activity - from the emergence of a creative idea to the realization of a finished product.
E. Pavlyutenkov, V. Symonenko, B. Fedoryshyn and O. Yaroshenko investigated the current problems of building a career guidance system in the conditions of specialized training, and their general foundations. The issue of the introduction of specialized training in Ukrainian education was studied by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, namely: L. Berezivska, I. Beganska, N. Bibik, L. Bondar, L. Vashchenko, N. Dychek, V. Kyzenko, O. Kobernyk, the problem of formation and the development of the specialized school are devoted to the works of V. Kuz, O. Lokshina, I. Likarchuk, V. Lugovoi, V. Maiboroda, Yu. Malyovano, V. Ognevyuk, L. Onyshchuk, O. Sukhomlynska, S. Trubachova, N. Shiyan, and others; the specific problems of specialized training were reflected in the studies of S. Volyanska, N. Dmytrenko, N. Kovchyn, S. Kravtsov, A. Samodrin, M. Smetansky, and others. In recent years, we have observed an increase in interest in this problem, because specialized training is aimed at forming a single life, worldview, scientific, cultural, and professional competence of the students of education, which will ensure their self-improvement and self-realization in later life; is defined as one of the ways to ensure equal access to quality education.
The innovative nature of modern specialized education is characterized by ideas that need to be developed and implemented at all levels, namely: end-to- end specialized education, which means modeling general subject and specialized education at each stage of general secondary education (primary, primary, senior) from the standpoint of characterizing the content of education, priorities, values, key features, degree, evaluation criteria of final results; socially determined principles of selection of the content of education - informational capacity and social efficiency.
As A. Zagorodnya notes, specialized training is a type of differentiated training that involves taking into account the educational needs, inclinations, and abilities of students and creating conditions for the training of high school students by their professional self-determination, which is ensured by changes in the goals, content, and structure of the organization of training (Zagorodnya, 2018, p. 60). The researcher believes that this is "a type of differentiation of education in senior classes, which involves in-depth study by students of one or more subjects, special courses corresponding to the chosen profile".
Craig Campbell, PhD, University of Sydney, notes that modern differentiation involves taking into account the needs and characteristics of children, as well as providing young people with socially effective education. The scientist notes that natural intelligence, inclinations, and abilities should be recognized when providing differentiated education (Campbell, 2014).
The effectiveness of specialized training and the functioning of a senior specialized school depends on well-organized pre-specialized training in a basic school. A senior specialized school cannot be successful if it is preceded by an ineffective basic school. All this leads to the fact that studying in specialized classes does not provide students with thorough knowledge, and practical skills and, most importantly, forces them to look outside the walls of educational institutions for additional, effective, interesting, and necessary classes to eliminate those gaps in knowledge that, to a great extent, unfortunately, were formed while studying at school.
The purpose of the article is to justify priorities in the implementation of specialized training in the education system of Ukraine.
The introduction of professionalization pursues another goal - to ensure the continuity of the senior professional school with institutions of extracurricular education, and to prepare graduates for admission to professional (vocational-technical) or higher education institutions. The transition to specialization is, first of all, an expansion of the variability of general secondary and extracurricular education. As practice has shown, today the nine main profiles are most in demand, and this is reflected in the project "State standard of profiled secondary education", where such educational fields as linguistic and literary, mathematical, natural, technological, informative, social and health are highlighted language conservation, civil and historical, artistic, physical culture. The listed educational fields do not exhaust the list of possible options for specialized training. Other profiles may be opened depending on the needs of education seekers, the capabilities of educational institutions, and the educational network of territorial communities.
Presentation of the main research material. One of the priority tasks of education reform in Ukraine is the organization of specialized training in institutions of general secondary, and out-of-school education. It is specialized training that contributes to the spread of individualization and differentiation, the introduction of information technologies, distance learning, and other pedagogical innovations, and the implementation of continuous professional education, which is the guarantor of successful socialization of the individual and the basis of the socio-economic development of society.
Profile training, according to N. Bibik, is a type of differentiated training that involves taking into account the educational needs, inclinations, and abilities of students and creating conditions for the training of high school students by their professional self-determination, which is ensured by changes in goals, content, structure and organization of the educational process (Bibik, 2004, p. 66-68).
In his research, V. Kushnir testifies that there are several main tasks in the system of specialized training in a general secondary education institution, namely: to give students thorough knowledge of specialized disciplines, that is, precisely in the area where they intend to realize themselves; to develop children's skills independent cognitive activity, to prepare them to solve tasks of various levels of complexity; to guide students in the circle of problems related to this or that field of activity; to form critical thinking in students, which allows them not to passively consume information, but to creatively process it; to have a position and be able to defend it (Kushnir, 2016).
The task of profiling is to create such conditions so that each student of education finds himself, and understands to which field of activity he is inclined and more capable. Having made such a choice, he has the right to expect to receive such a level of training that would provide him with the opportunity to enter professional (vocational- technical) or higher education institutions that correspond to the direction of the interests of those seeking education.
General secondary, out-of-school, and specialized education complement each other and should become equal at different levels - from society as a whole (where the need for an out-of-school education system is recognized at the legislative level) to each specific institution of out-of-school education. Profile education is a system of specialized training of high school students, aimed at making the process of their education at the last school level more individualized, which corresponds to their real requests and orientations, capable of ensuring a conscious choice of the future direction of their professional activity.
Extracurricular education can make a significant contribution to ensuring the diversity of a senior professional school. Many training programs in extracurricular education can become a direct continuation of model programs of general secondary education, significantly deepening their content and at the same time providing students with relevant applied skills. Unfortunately, we still have a certain misunderstanding of specialized training, often equating it with professional training.
The learning profile is a way of organizing differentiated learning, which involves an in-depth and professionally oriented study of a cycle of related subjects, determined by taking into account the educational needs of education customers, personnel, material, and technical, and informational resources of the school; socio-cultural and industrial infrastructure of the district, region; prospects for further education and life plans of students. Into account the educational needs of the customers of educational services (students of education, their parents) are determined by: personnel, material and technical, and informational resources of the educational institution; socio-cultural and industrial infrastructure of the respective region; the prospect of obtaining further education and the future life plans of those acquiring education. One of the proposed options is the cooperation of general secondary education institutions with out-of-school education institutions since the transition to specialized training is quite a difficult task for many educational institutions.
In out-of-school education institutions, specialized education is considered a means of differentiating and individualizing education, which allows, thanks to changes in the structure, content, and organization of the educational process, to more fully take into account the interests, inclinations, and abilities of those seeking education, to create conditions for the education of pupils by their specialized interests, talents about continuing education.
Profile education is considered a form aimed at the implementation of a personally-oriented educational process, since as a result of the interaction of general secondary and extracurricular education, the possibilities of building an individual educational trajectory by the student of education are significantly expanded.
The administration and teaching staff consider specialized education as a process aimed at the real life and professional self-determination of education seekers, differentiated by the content of training, which takes into account their educational requests and professional plans in real conditions, predicted taking into account the structure of the labor market and employment for young people.
Emphasizing the symbiosis of general secondary and out-of-school education, attention should be paid to the affinity with areas of out-of-school education, where the corresponding profiles are formed. This or that field of education consists of three educational components: basic general education subjects, which are mandatory for all students of education in all study profiles; profile general education subjects, i.e. advanced level courses that deepen the basic general education subjects in high school and determine the focus of each specific profile training; elective courses, i.e. optional courses that are included in the profile and are mandatory for students who have chosen them. These courses are necessary for building individual educational routes. An institution of general secondary education can offer 6-7 such courses, and the student must choose, say, three of them for compulsory study.
Within the framework of the third educational component, extracurricular education institutions can offer extracurricular education programs to general secondary education institutions for the extensive construction of individual educational routes. At the same time, extracurricular education programs supplement specialized subjects; others deepen the content of those basic subjects that are studied at a general secondary education institution at the minimum general educational level and are aimed at satisfying the specific cognitive interests of those seeking education in those fields that go beyond the boundaries of their chosen profile but contribute to their versatile personal development.
The teaching staff of the multi-functional out-ofschool education institution of the Shevchenkivets Center for Creativity of Children and Youth in the city of Kyiv believes that students of any profile can find such extracurricular education programs such as "Basics of preparing students for educational research activity", "Accuracy and correctness of the native language", "Modern etiquette", "Basics of consumer culture", "Basics of rational nutrition", etc. As for the content of elective courses, it can be presented in the form of extracurricular education programs. They are not subject to standardization and certain skills must be developed to develop them. In the out-of-school education system, teachers themselves create curricula. Therefore, institutions of general secondary education can use the achievements, and creative potential of teachers of extracurricular education, and curricula for extracurricular education developed by them.
The conditions for the symbiosis of general secondary and out-of-school education in the context of the implementation of the concept of specialized education in high school include the development and updating of local regulations; provision of appropriate scientific, methodological, and psychological support; modernization of the material and technical base; creation of a new generation of extra-curricular education programs, manuals, including electronic ones, adequate financial support.
Profile training, aimed at the implementation of a personally oriented educational process, the expansion of opportunities for the student to build an individual educational trajectory, because the goal of all teaching staff of general secondary and extracurricular education institutions is one goal - to prepare graduates for life in society, despite the implementation of it by various means and forms. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the variety of extracurricular education programs can form the basis of almost any profile.
The transition to specialized training contributes to the following goals, namely: to ensure in-depth study of individual subjects of the comprehensive general education program; to create conditions for significant differentiation of the content of education for students with flexible possibilities of individual educational programs; expand opportunities for socialization of students, ensure continuity between general and professional education. For this purpose, we propose carrying out organizational and methodical measures to ensure the interaction of general secondary and extracurricular education in the context of the specialization of education; creation of a data bank on the interaction of educational branches and areas of extracurricular education; the introduction of basic and specialized subjects and optional courses and the development of curricula for extracurricular education for the extensive construction of individual educational routes, as well as the study and testing of the existing software and methodological support of the educational process and bringing it into line with the needs of the implementation of specialized training.
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презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013History of school education system in the USA. The role of school education in the USA. Organisation of educational process in American schools. Reforms and innovations in education that enable children to develop their potential as individuals.
курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.
реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.
реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.
презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.
презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.
презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.
реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.
презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.
курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.
курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).
реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015Підготовка фахівця, затребуваного на ринку праці як одна з головних задач системи вищої освіти в Україні. G Suit for Education - популярна платформа, що використовується в освітньому процесі, в тому числі для організації проектної роботи студентів.
статья [701,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2017Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan. Motivation in the classroom. The role of games on language lessons. Examples of some games and activities which had approbated on English language lessons. Various factors of student motivation.
курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013The problem of linguistic abilities of a child. Goals and objectives of foreign language teaching preschoolers. Number of pupils in a group, the frequency, duration of sessions. The game as the leading method of teaching preschoolers. Learning vocabulary.
курсовая работа [39,5 K], добавлен 26.06.2015Порядок проведения урока "Education in Great Britain" в 10 классе. Коммуникативная компетенция как один из основных принципов преподавания иностранных языков на современном этапе. План-конспект мероприятия "Valentine’s Day" по английскому языку.
контрольная работа [17,0 K], добавлен 06.12.2011Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.
презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016