Literary pedagogy in the education system: achievements and prospects of development in the XXI century

The conceptual apparatus used when describing literary pedagogy, which requires clarification of the main terms and categories of the studied phenomenon. The essence of reading literacy in the context of perception, analysis and evaluation of texts.

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Communal Higher Educational Establishment «Kherson Academy of Continuing Education» of Kherson Regional Council

Literary pedagogy in the education system: achievements and prospects of development in the XXI century

Olena Kokhanovska,

doctor of pedagogic sciences, associate professor

Oleh Kasatkin,

postgraduate student



In the conditions of reforming all levels of education in Ukraine in the XXI century, changes in the content, forms and methods of educational fields, in particular language and literature, the issue of developing literary culture and consciousness of students, aesthetic culture, developing the potential, critical thinking and communication skills of students of education is becoming relevant. The article updates the conceptual apparatus used in the description of literary pedagogy in the educational sphere, which requires clarification and specification of the main terms and categories of the researched issue. Attention is focused on such concepts, terms and categories as «literary pedagogy», «literary education», «reading», and «reading competence». It was determined that in domestic and foreign science, the concepts of «literary pedagogy» and «literary education» are not sufficiently developed and established, they need to be specified and detailed taking into account the signs and characteristics of the components of the term, in some sources they are identified with each other. The concept of reading literacy is considered in the context of such skills as perception, analysis, and evaluation of texts to expand knowledge and develop reading potential. The relevance of the study and implementation of literary pedagogy in the educational process of general secondary education institutions in the XXI century in the context of the problem of the attitude of modern children and youth to reading is substantiated. A brief review of the development of literary pedagogy in the historical context of the development of society is carried out. It was found that literary pedagogy is a system of methods, means and techniques of learning, education, development and formation of personality throughout life with the help of literature. The prospects for the development of literary pedagogy in the context of the introduction of its methods, techniques and tools into educational practices, the introduction of an interdisciplinary approach, the role of literary pedagogy in the development of critical thinking, ethical competence and the general culture of education seekers are outlined.

Keywords: literary pedagogy, literary education, development of literary education, literature, reading, reading competence, XXI century.


Олена Кохановська,

доктор педагогічних наук, доцент,

Комунальний вищий навчальний заклад «Херсонська академія неперервної освіти»

Херсонської обласної ради (м. Херсон, Україна)

Олег Касаткін,


Комунальний вищий навчальний заклад «Херсонська академія неперервної освіти»

Херсонської обласної ради (м. Херсон, Україна)

Літературна педагогіка в системі освіти: здобутки та перспективи розвитку у ХХІ столітті

За умов реформування всіх рівнів освіти в Україні у ХХІ столітті, змін у змісті, формах і методах освітніх галузей, зокрема мовно-літературної, актуальності набуває питання розвитку літературної культури та свідомості учнівської молоді, естетичної культури, розвитку потенціалу, критичного мислення та комунікативних навичок здобувачів освіти. У статті актуалізовано поняттєвий апарат, який використовується під час опису літературної педагогіки, що потребує уточнення та конкретизації основних термінів і категорій досліджуваного явища. Акцентовано увагу на таких поняттях, термінах і категоріях, як «літературна педагогіка», «літературна освіта», «читання», «читацька компетентність». Визначено, що у вітчизняній і зарубіжній науці поняття «літературна педагогіка» та «літературна освіта» недостатньо досліджені, їх необхідно конкретизувати та деталізувати з урахуванням ознак та особливостей компонентів терміна. В окремих джерелах ці дефініції ототожнюються між собою. Поняття читацької грамотності в статті розглядається в контексті таких навичок, як сприйняття, аналіз та оцінка текстів для розширення знань та розвитку читацького потенціалу. Обґрунтовано актуальність вивчення та впровадження літературної педагогіки в освітній процес закладів загальної середньої освіти у ХХІ столітті в контексті проблеми ставлення сучасних дітей та молоді до читання. Здійснено короткий огляд розвитку літературної педагогіки в історичному контексті розвитку суспільства. З'ясовано, що літературна педагогіка - це система методів, засобів і прийомів навчання, виховання, розвитку та формування особистості протягом усього життя за допомогою літератури. Окреслено перспективи розвитку літературної педагогіки в контексті впровадження її методів, прийомів та інструментів у освітню практику, впровадження міждисциплінарного підходу, роль літературної педагогіки у розвитку критичного мислення, етичної компетентності та загальної культури здобувачів освіти.

Ключові слова: літературна педагогіка, літературна освіта, розвиток літературної освіти, література, читання, читацька компетентність, ХХІ століття.

Main part

The problem formulation. Literary pedagogy is extremely relevant in the modern educational process. It contributes to the development of students' literary culture and literary consciousness, as well as the formation of their aesthetic taste, helps to reveal the potential of each student, and develops their critical thinking and communication skills. Also, literary pedagogy considers the various interests and needs of students, and their individual characteristics, which contributes to effective learning and the formation of a personally oriented approach. It contributes to the formation of the student's personality, the development of his worldview and the ability to understand complex social processes.

A researcher of students' motivation to read, John T. Guthrie, notes that «active and regular reading using various reading techniques and strategies has a positive effect on the formation of reading literacy and contributes to success» (Guthrie, J.T. & Wige eld, A., 2000).

Today, the problem of attitude to reading is one of the most acute in the field of global education. One of the reasons for the low interest in reading is the growing popularity of the Internet and social networks. Many people spend more time browsing the web, texting, or watching videos than reading books. This leads to a decrease in the time allocated to reading and, accordingly, to a decrease in interest in it.

It is also worth noting that the low level of reading activity in Ukraine is related to limited access to books. In many regions, libraries have limited resources and insufficient literature, especially in rural areas.

The PISA international study of the quality of education launched by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) at the beginning of the XXI century deserves great attention in this regard. It is the single recognized authoritative source of information about secondary education worldwide. In 2018, more than 80 countries took part, representing two-thirds of the world's economy. For the first time, Ukraine joined the PISA project in 2016, as one of more than 80 participating countries in the seventh three-year cycle of this study. Our country has chosen mandatory testing options: reading, mathematics and natural sciences (PISA-2018, 2020).

The reading tests contained different types and kinds of texts (multiple, interrupted, etc.) and tasks to test students' ability to find information, integrate, analyze and interpret it, as well as evaluate the content, form of texts and others (Mazorchuk, М., Vakulenko, Т., Tereshchenko, V., Bychko H., Shumova K., Rakov, S., Horokh, V. etc, 2019, p. 33).

The PISA study in the reading option aimed to test reading literacy, that is «a student's ability to perceive, analyze, use and evaluate a written text to achieve certain goals, expand their knowledge and reading potential, and increase their readiness to participate actively in society» (Mazorchuk, М., Vakulenko, Т., Tereshchenko, V., Bychko H., Shumova K., Rakov, S., Horokh, V. etc, 2019, p. 34), which is an important but not the only component of literary education in general.

The results of Ukrainian students according to the PISA study showed that only 74.1% of Ukrainian teenagers reached the basic level of reading literacy, when 488.89 points is the average reading score for OECD countries. 23 points is the difference in the reading performance of students in Ukraine compared to the average values for OECD countries. Compared to countries such as Poland, Estonia, and Hungary, the indicators of Ukraine are lower than the reading, which for these countries is close to the average values for the OECD countries. Students in Ukraine are ahead of students in the Slovak Republic in the field of reading. Ukraine's results in reading are the closest to those of Belarus and the Slovak Republic (Mazorchuk, М., Vakulenko, Т., Tereshchenko, V., Bychko H., Shumova K., Rakov, S., Horokh, V. etc, 2019, p. 53-54).

Also, the study showed that 37.3% of students in Ukraine do not read for pleasure, and this negatively affects the results of the reading study. A high level of inequality in reading competence between students from different socioeconomic backgrounds was also revealed: students with a higher socio-economic status have better results than students with a lower status (Mazorchuk, М., Vakulenko, Т., Tereshchenko, V., Bychko H., Shumova K., Rakov, S., Horokh, V. etc, 2019, p. 116).

Consequently, the results of PISA-2018 provide important information about the effectiveness of education systems and help countries improve their approaches to education. When a country gets low results in the study, there is a «PISA shock», which indicates the insufficient quality of education. Ukraine, unfortunately, did not stay away from this phenomenon either. According to the results of PISA-2018 in reading competence, Ukrainian students showed a low level of results, taking 46th place among 79 countries (Mazorchuk, М., Vakulenko, Т., Tereshchenko, V., Bychko H., Shumova K., Rakov, S., Horokh, V. etc, 2019, p. 53).

One of the ways to solve the «PISA shock» is the introduction and development of literary pedagogy, an approach to learning that emphasizes the development of reading skills and literary thinking of students (Rothman, B., 2017). It contributes to the formation of not only reading competence, but also mental activity, critical thinking and creative potential.

Definitions of «reading» and «reading literacy» have changed over time, reflecting changes in the cultural and socio-economic life of mankind. Today, reading is not only a skill acquired only in childhood during primary school education. On the contrary, now reading is a component of lifelong learning, and therefore it is considered as a system of knowledge, abilities, skills, and activity strategies, which is constantly updated and formed when a person interacts with other people and with society in general. The processes and strategies of reading differ depending on the context and goals of reading, and the nature of the texts (Mazorchuk, М., Vakulenko, Т., Tereshchenko, V., Bychko H., Shumova K., Rakov, S., Horokh, V. etc, 2019, p. 93).

The history of the development of literary pedagogy is a complex and multifaceted process that includes various stages and influences of many researchers, teachers and has ancient roots, but in the modern sense it began to take shape with the emergence of schools and systematic education.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In the field of pedagogy and philology, various aspects of literary education are highlighted in the scientific works of Ukrainians (H. Klochek, N. Voloshyna, O. Bondarieva, O. Halych, A. Gradovskyi, Y. Kovbasenko, O. Isaieva, L. Miroshnychenko, A. Sytchenko, G. Tokman, U. Baran, T. Kachak, etc.) and foreign (S. Yentgens, M. Green, V. Johnston, S. Tung, etc.) researchers.

Thus, H. Klochek described fiction as an educational subject in a modern school. Theoretical and methodological aspects of language and literature education are represented by Y. Holoborodko, Y. Kuznetsov, L. Matsko, and L. Skurativskyi. At different levels, the system of general secondary and higher literary education was analyzed by O. Isayeva, V. Martynenko, R. Movchan, V. Naumenko, O. Nikolenko, V. Panchenko, E. Pasichnyk, M. Sulima, B. Shalaginov, V. Shulyar and other scientists and authors of concepts, programs, textbooks and manuals.

The motivation to read and the development of children's reading, features of the modern reader were highlighted by N. Vashchenko, U. Hnidec, M. Kiyanovska, L. Matsevko-Bekerska, G. Ostrovska, G. Tkachuk, B. Shalaginov and others.

Aim and tasks research are to investigate the content and clarify such concepts, terms and categories as «literary pedagogy» and «literary education»; to analyze the achievements of domestic and foreign pedagogical science in developing the concept of literary pedagogy and to outline the prospects for the development of the field of literary pedagogy.

The study uses general scientific and sectoral methods: analysis of psycho-pedagogical and educational - methodical scientific literature, dissertation research, and the legislative framework of education to determine the state of development of literary pedagogy and literary education, in particular at the level of general secondary education in Ukraine; synthesis, induction, and deduction to conduct a theoretical analysis of the problem of introducing literary pedagogy into educational practice, as well as a problematic and chronological method of studying the development of literary pedagogy.

Considering the early history of the study of literary pedagogy, it can be said that in the Middle Ages it was mainly religious since the church played a large role in the educational system. The main principles were reading and studying the Bible and religious texts. Latin was the main language in education, and this limited the availability and possibilities of literary pedagogy. In the Renaissance period, literary pedagogy began to develop more widely. Great importance was attached to humanistic ideas and the study of classical works of Latin and Greek literature. During this period, the first textbooks on literary studies appeared. With the beginning of the Enlightenment in the 18th century, literary pedagogy underwent significant changes. The main goals became the formation of civic identity and the development of mental abilities, and learning through literature began to be considered as a means of personality development and the formation of moral values. In the XVIII century significant progress was made in literary pedagogy. New methods of literary analysis appeared, and the emphasis in education shifted from religious and moral aspects to the formation of artistic taste and the development of critical thinking. In the XIX century, literary pedagogy began to enter the general education system, and teaching methods expanded due to the use of new pedagogical approaches (interpretation of texts, critical thinking, development of creative skills, etc.) (Guiney, M. Martin, 2017).

In the modern world, literary pedagogy continues to develop, and it is applied already taking into account innovative methods and pedagogical approaches. The importance of literature as a tool for personal development and the formation of critical thinking remains an important priority.

The goal of training and education in general in the information age is not to obtain ready-made knowledge and mechanical memorization, but to include this knowledge in a wider context - the ability to find and use information (Simon, H.A., 1996). Reading as a source of information, depending on the goals, includes various methods and technologies of reading, while being a multidimensional integrated skill. In the functional approach to learning, «reading» is considered by researchers from the point of view of content, with the help of a prepared reading guide, the readers' ability to recognize the compositional features of the text, perceive its content, social component and general understanding was studied (Vacca, R.T., 1975).

The study of reading, as a complex cognitive process, made it possible to develop a theory of creative understanding, which considers the mechanism of long-term memory, mapping using analogies, building a basic constructive analogy, and reformulating the problem as prerequisites for creative reading (Moorman, K.A., 1994). The dependence of the level of understanding in the process of reading an artistic text on the emotional state of a person was also revealed (Kneepkens, E.W.E.M. & Zwaan R.A., 1994).

Reading literature, as a way of developing critical thinking, has become the subject of special research: it has been established that reading aloud to students has a qualitative effect on the development of vocabulary, improves language skills, expands understanding of the diversity of cultures, develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills, allows learning about different types of conflicts and possible solutions, and also develops the ability to empathize and understand other people (Johnston, V., 2015; Tung, C., S., Chang, Chia, Feng, 2009).

Critical reading is considered as an incentive to observe linguistic phenomena in the text, which are capable of conveying a variety of meanings, over different points of view, and even as an incentive for the reader to actively evaluate. The model of learning critical thinking skills, which involves the formation and development of the reader's reaction to a work of art, was substantiated (Bobkina, J. & Stefanova, S., 2016).

Melanie Green and Timothy Brock studied the deeper changes that occur in a person's mind under the influence of reading as changes in their worldview (Green, M.C. & Brock, T.C., 2000). Reading fiction affects a person's ability to empathize. Based on the theory of transference, researchers have shown that readers become more empathetic when they are deeply emotionally immersed in a story. The connection between the degree of empathy of readers and their emotional immersion in a literary text has also been studied (Bal, P.M., Veltkamp, M., 2013; Mar, R.A., Oatley, K.M., Peterson, J.B., 2009).

A group of scientists substantiated a multifactorial model of reading fiction to study the skills of «absorbing» reading. A correlation was found between such categories as «attention» (deep concentration, as a result of which readers cease to be aware of themselves and the surrounding time), «mental images» (mental visualization of the artistic world of the work), «emotional immersion» (the emergence of feelings for the characters and immersion in their feelings, such as keenness, empathy and identification with the characters), «transfer» (a feeling of immersion in the artistic world of the work, when the reader at the same time remains in contact with the real world) and «satisfaction» (Kuijpers, M.M., Hakemulde, F., Tanb, E.S. & Doicaru, M.M., 2014).

A promising area today is the study of the phenomenon of shared reading, or collective reading, of the same text by different readers, comprehension of similarities and differences in their interpretation and understanding of the text, the experience of collective reading applied to the modeling of literary characters in computer analysis of literary phenomena (Galleron, I., Idmhand, F. & Meynard, C., 2018). The role of parents and family reading in the development of children's reading skills has been studied for a long time (Senechal, M., LeFevre, J., 2002).

More and more researchers are raising the topic of reading transformation, as children born in the information society are mostly focused on digital technologies. That is, the awareness of the need to use all possible sources and channels of information to systematically work with children to encourage reading, because the habit of reading is formed at an early age, so it must become a need at all stages of personality development. A decrease in a child's interest in literature leads to a deterioration in reading literacy in general, which in the future will lead to cultural and intellectual degradation.

The relevance of the development of literary pedagogy is related to the fact that reading is a key competence for needs that are constantly changing and increasing in number. PISA 2018 showed this global competence - the ability to move easily between the local and global spheres - is strongly correlated with reading performance. This is not surprising, since both reading and global competence require weighing the reliability and relevance of information, reasoning with evidence, and describing and analyzing complex situations and problems.

Therefore, the issue of developing a systematic approach to the formation and development of reading competence and reading skills during the educational process throughout life remains relevant even today. In this regard, all resources of institutional, formal, and informal education should be used. The use of the term «literary pedagogy» is one of the directions of innovative educational technologies and a way of transferring cultural experience to the younger generation.

The term «literary pedagogy» consists of two complex concepts that require clarification: «literature» and «pedagogy». Stephanie Yentgens in her work «Literary Pedagogy. An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Teaching Literature» understands «literature» as the broad field of figurative language in epic, drama and lyric, transmitted through oral narratives, books (including non-fiction), films, audiobooks and radio plays, hyperfiction, interactive games and other cross-media works. The researcher focuses the main attention on written forms of literature, although oral and media forms of literature are also mentioned. Pedagogy is the science that deals with the theory and practice of teaching and upbringing. The term is derived from Greek nai6aYWYiKf| («paidaeia») - education, nurture, where «pais» means a boy, a child and «agein» means to lead, and «describes the activity of a person who leads a boy; that is a teacher». Pedagogy studies educational and upbringing contexts, but it is also a science of action, which provides suggestions on how educational and upbringing practices can be developed and improved (Jentgens, S., 2016, p. 4).

Literary pedagogy is part of the educational process that helps the individual to develop his potential. At the same time, it supports the child in acquiring relevant competencies, such as reading or writing, which are crucial for social acceptance. S. Jentgens also distinguishes between «literary education» and «literature» as means and guides of educational activity. Literary education is an interaction with the aesthetic field of literature for a deeper understanding of connections, structures and varieties. Learning with the help of literature, on the contrary, means communicating with literature as a means of developing an attitude to the world (Jentgens, S., 2016, p. 18).

The Concept of Literary Education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on 26 January 2011, №58, defines literary education as «an educational system of studying literature in general education institutions of Ukraine» (Order of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports №58 dated January 26, 2011). The document also contains attempts to outline the essence, purpose, tasks, principles and structure of literary education in the secondary schools of that time.

At the same time, the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 30 September 2020, №898, does not define literary education. It is a component of the language and literary education field, which, as stated in the State Standard, aims to «develop competent speakers and readers with a humanistic worldview who speak Ukrainian, read informational and fiction texts, including classical and contemporary fiction (Ukrainian and foreign), able to communicate in the languages of indigenous peoples and national minorities, foreign languages for spiritual, cultural and national self-expression and intercultural dialogue, to enrich the emotional and sensual experience, creative self-realization, formation of value orientations and attitudes» (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; Standard, Requirements on September 30, 2020 №898, 2020).

The development of a child's interest in literature begins with listening - understanding what is heard by ear, only then does the question of reading arise. Such an algorithm for the development of perception is indisputable, it is only necessary to correctly manage this process, which is one of the tasks of literary pedagogy. Literature as a component of the educational process acts as a tool that forms a critical perception of reality, develops cognitive and emotional spheres of human life, develops an axiological approach to culture, etc. So, literary education can be considered as one of the aspects of literary pedagogy. Literary pedagogy as a part of a holistic system of lifelong education should be considered in the context of activities to support children's, youth and family reading.

Literary pedagogy covers a wide range of different areas, including language development, speaking, reading and writing. There are many options for specialization, depending on the context in which literature teachers work. The English term «literacy», commonly used in early childhood education, encompasses a large number of skills that literature education seeks to provide. Firstly, this term describes the ability of a person to navigate the world of letters. UNESCO defines literacy as «the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute and use printed and written materials related to different contexts» (Jentgens, S., 2016, p. 474).

Literacy involves lifelong learning to enable individuals to achieve their goals, improve their knowledge and develop their potential, and be fully included in a global society. Literacy encompasses much more than reading and writing skills; it also includes speaking, narrating, listening, understanding and imagining skills, which are the various uses of language. The UNESCO definition also makes it clear that literacy is a key competence for the development of individual potential and participation in society. While the term literacy encompasses the fundamental skills that enable communication with literature, the term literary education refers to working with literature in a narrower sense. It includes knowledge of literary works as well as skills of working with them (Jentgens, S., 2016, p. 474).

The researcher Esther Skat uses a schematic representation to describe that literary education encourages reflection through two types of dialogue: «dialogue with literature» and «dialogue about literature». The first dialogue concerns the interaction between the learner and the text: through internal dialogue, learners become aware of the feelings, thoughts and experiences they bring to a literary text. The second dialogue concerns social interaction with the text: through external dialogues about literary texts, students share their reading experiences and explore the personal reactions of their peers (Schat, E., van der Knaap, E., de Graaff, R., 2021, p. 335).

Thus, in the course of analyzing the above-mentioned sources, we will attempt to define the term «literary pedagogy» as a system of methods, means and techniques of teaching, upbringing, development and formation of a personality throughout life with the help of literature.

Summing up the above, we can state that literary pedagogy is an important field of education that combines literature and pedagogy. It is aimed at studying and using literature as a means of education and personal development.

Literary pedagogy is of great importance in preparing the younger generation for life, shaping future citizens capable of creative and critical thinking, and rich in spiritual values and cultural heritage. It helps to broaden the worldview, develop language skills, cultivate aesthetic taste and partnerships between teacher and student. Literary pedagogy helps to discover the sources of culture, reveals the past of humanity and contributes to the development of national consciousness. Through literature, students are introduced to a variety of works of art, learn to see the world from different perspectives, and understand the emotions and feelings of other people.

Literary pedagogy is actively used in the work of teachers with students, acting as a mechanism to support intellectual, emotional and spiritual development. It helps to reveal the creative abilities of students, develops their imagination and creativity through the analysis of works of art and the creation of their own. Thus, the importance of literary pedagogy in the educational process is to form a holistic personality, develop students' thinking, emotional sphere and creative abilities, as well as expand cultural horizons and prepare them for independent perception and analysis of literary works.

Literary pedagogy can also be defined as an approach to teaching that focuses on the development of students' reading skills and literary thinking. It is based on the use of various methods and techniques that contribute to the formation of not only reading competence, but also mental activity, language competence, critical thinking, analytical skills and creative potential of students.

Modern educational practice provides an opportunity for the development of literary pedagogy, namely: the expansion of the concept of literary pedagogy and its inclusion in the educational process at various levels (the use of literary texts in various educational subjects, the inclusion of literature in extracurricular work, the organization of literary circles and clubs); the development of interactive learning methods (modern literary pedagogy is aimed at the development of interactive learning methods that involve the active participation of students in the process of studying literature (discussions, group projects, role-playing games, creative tasks, etc.); the use of modern technologies (the development of information technologies opens up new opportunities for literary pedagogy: electronic resources, video materials, websites and other interactive means to increase interest in literature and develop reading skills); implementation of an interdisciplinary approach (literary pedagogy can be successfully combined with other fields of knowledge, such as art, music, history, sociology, etc., which will allow a deeper understanding of literature, as well as expand opportunities for its use in the educational process; development of critical thinking and ethical competence (literary pedagogy can contribute to the development of critical thinking of students, as well as the formation of ethical competence: studying various literary works helps students understand different aspects of human life, develop empathy and moral values); research of literary pedagogy and literary education on the territory of independent Ukraine.

Literary pedagogy introduces various methods and techniques of interaction with texts, helping to involve students in active communication. The introduction of literary pedagogy into the educational process will contribute to the improvement of the quality of education and the development of students.


literary pedagogy reading literacy

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