Plein air as an art therapeutic influence method on student mental health during the art learning process

The negative conditions that currently exist in Ukraine actualize the art-therapeutic possibilities of plein air for the prevention and removal of tension, fears, depression and other negative factors in youth. The educational purpose of plein.

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Дата добавления 20.09.2024
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Plein air as an art therapeutic influence method on

student mental health during the art learning process


Rudenko Iraida Volodymyrivna -

Associate Professor, Ph. D of Pedagogical Sciences, Ukrainian State University named Mikhail Drahomanov, Senior Researcher Laboratory Aesthetic Education and Arts Education, Institute Problems Education National Academy Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

SOVA Olga Serhiivna - Associate Professor, Ph. D of Pedagogical Sciences, Ukrainian State University named Mikhail Drahomanov

РУДЕНКО Іраїда Володимирівна, СОВА Ольга Сергіївна.

Дистанційна освіта, воєнні дії, карантинний режим, які наразі існують в Україні, негативно впливають на психологічний стан людини. Напруга, яка супроводжує означені процеси, обумовлює актуальність використання арт-терапевтичного ефекту пленеру у процесі здобуття художньої освіти учнівської та студентської молоді. У результаті дослідження визначилися спільні задачі пленеру та арт-терапії, скореговані завдання пленеру відповідно арт-терапії. Природне оточення учасників пленеру позитивно впливають на їхній психоемоційний стан.

Ключові слова: завдання пленеру, арт-терапія, психоемоційний стан, студенти, учні, художня освіта


The negative conditions that currently exist in Ukraine actualize the art-therapeutic possibilities of plein air for the prevention and removal of tension, fears, depression and other negative factors in school and student youth.

The educational purpose of plein air is inextricably linked with art therapy. The tasks of plein-air practice form both the professional skills of pupils and students, as well as artistic experience and the experience of observing one's psychoemotional state in the process of depicting a «mood landscape».

This made it possible to draw conclusions that outdoor classes raise the mood due to communication with nature, its sounds, aromas, states. In the study, common features and differences in the tasks of plein air and art therapy were identified, and the tasks of plein air were specified in accordance with art therapy.

As a result of each stage during a plein air we suggest that you play out the written sketches, drawings, and sketches in a performance to build empathy. If there are outsiders at the plein air involve them in the action, hold a vernissage, and organize a mini-exhibition with a discussion of the works. Analyzing the works during the events promotes tolerance towards the works of others, necessity to show kindness, generosity, empathy, compassion which reveals human qualities such as the ability to love oneself and those around you.

Thus, the peculiarities of the plein air in relation to art therapy in the process of obtaining art education for pupils and students have been clarified. The tasks of the plein air are correlated with the tasks of art therapy and aimed to achieve professional skills. They convey the mood in the landscape through lighting, nature phenomena and objects. Various materials are offered to solve these tasks which also transfer emotions through texture, color, line, and stain.

The plein air classes involve ideas about a natural environment, touch feelings, communication with the environment in the interconnection between spiritual and material world which fulfills the need for self-knowledge, self-expression and self-healing, and positive life perception. A joint plein air facilitates the interaction of its participants in co-creation, reflection on the results of their art work, and discussion others work through compassion and empathy.

The problem of using art therapy in relation to the types and genres of fine art and other special disciplines requires further research.

Keywords: plein air tasks, art therapy, students, pupils, psycho-emotional state, art education.

Statement and substantiation of the problem relevance. Plein air in the students education is conditioned not only by the depiction of nature but also by communication with it in all. Plein air became famous thanks to the Barbizon School (Barbizon is a small town near Paris). Artists were interested in conveying things materiality not just atmospheric phenomena. Fine art as a therapy for the person depression was proposed by the artist Adrian Hill in 1938. In his book «Art against illness» he introduced the term «art therapy» which was later used by psychologists because they understood that all types of an art have a positive effect on the person. In the fine art history we known examples when the artists Francisco Goya, Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, Edward Munch, Toulouse Lautrec, and etc. not only held on to positive emotions but also rid mental illnesses thanks to art creativity (based on artists biography).

Analysis of recent research and publications. Art therapy is based on art and creativity. A. Hill take attention to fine art as «a panacea from boredom, an escape from everyday routine that combines creative virtue and healing value» [1, p. 28]. Art therapy gives the positive impact on a person's psycho-emotional state. It provides an opportunity for the individual to express himself with movements, color, form and plastic. The images of art creativity reflect all kinds of subconscious processes including fears, dreams, conflicts and memories.

The Barbizon's population turned to the direct image of nature, lighting, air space, aromas, colors and sounds which had a positive effect on them. According to O. Sova «the merit of Barbizon's school masters is in the development of a new form for plein air painting and the methodology of studying laws of light and color-tonal space. In this school masters studied practical methods of transmitting natural lighting and air environment in the landscape, tried to reproduce realistic color ratios, depicting everyday motifs from nature» [8, p. 199].

The plein air possibilities and its influence on personal emotions were investigated by O. Jafarova (2016-2021), A. Dotsyuk (2020), O. Muzyka (2016), V Rakovich (2019-2021), I. Rudenko (2014-2019), O. Sova (2015-2021) and others. The authors note that plein air expands and improves an art experience of working outside the studio, raises the mood due to communication with nature, its sounds, aromas and state.

In particular, A. Dotsyuk makes an interesting assumption about the power of art as an «art does not so much express a feeling as suggest it as much as it can make us transfer to the mental state of artist» [2, p. 36].

Plein air is an «eco-walk», the goal of which is to find a landscape image and not only that. During the walk an artist notices the features of lighting, wind, structure of trees and flowers. He develops observation, develops the ability to conduct a dialogue between nature and himself which helps to relieve tension and improve health. O. Jafarova believes that it is implemented in «group and collective forms, mini-excursions, health path, sun and air baths, respiratory and therapeutic gymnastics in the fresh air» [3, p. 12].

In V. Rakovich's [4] opinion ideas about the environment are formed during plein air. It allows not only to depict nature on a plane or in the volume but to approach and touch objects, to smell them, to listen birds singing which is integrated with its perception, to determine the sensations caused by the object.

The plein air guide edited by O. Muzyka points to the plein air as a feeling of nature and its study and a true image in the creation of a mood landscape (a chamber (intimate) landscape with the preservation of creative individuality) [5].

The analysis of scientific literature about specifics of fine art, in particular, plein air allows us to give conclusions that it provides an art therapeutic effect in the process of art education.

The purpose of the article is to find out the peculiarities plein air in relation to an art therapy for the correction of student's mental health.

Presentation of the main research material. Plein air in translation from French language means «in the open air». In the fine art the concept denotes the transmission the state of nature associated with the human mood by means of line, color, shape and volume.

Some things such as fine art fundamentals, art materials, color science, anatomy, composition are important for a professional artist. In art education the main purpose of plein air is to consolidate theoretical knowledge from special disciplines, improve practical painting and drawing skills in a natural light-air environment.

The landscape in the conditions of an air environment expresses feelings, mood and emotions directly. Plein air tasks contribute to the formation of the professional basics an art perception and nature in three-dimensional space, taking into account general tonal and color lighting, reproduction of proportional, tonal and color relationships, collection of additional material for current education and creative tasks, improvement of skills and abilities, and deepening of art experience in depiction of mood landscape thanks to the language of drawing, painting, photography, inclusion in individual and collective creative activities.

Different tasks for different ages. Tasks become more difficult depending on study level and year.

The landscape shows not only colors but individual emotions which makes it possible to find out the specific mental individual status thanks to the art-therapeutic influence and visual activity.

Students depict pre-dawn with a light moon or sad dusk with thick fog. Such images are permeated with their personal attitude and mood.

After all the color symbol, color nuances and the color spots location to each other in contrast (coldwarm, dark-light, saturated-nuances) affect the person emotions who resonates with nature through its phenomena. If the work is made by graphic materials then lines in the drawing are constantly refined from timid and uncertain to clear and expressive. The shape of lines, strokes, spots have a certain meaning and help to align and stabilize individual mental state. Students learn to perceive any information or event from a different point of view thanks to the painting language and graphics. They looking from outside as if this does not apply to their experiences and they can look in a new way to life troubles. The combination of lines and spots on the landscape composition balances and emphasizes one or another state of nature, and therefore the artist mood.

In organizing the plein air we agree with M. Rybina-Tkach who proposes three stages: «Motivational which creates a cognition situation, gaining experience, conversation and analysis received information, summarizing; the stage of activating practical plein air work based on the impressions gained, generalization and problem-cognitive stage to identify a problem, ways to overcome gaps in plein air work by defining the goal, discussing and summarizing theoretical and practical work» [7, p. 83].

Students need to know how to use fine art language and techniques to depict a particular natural phenomena. Therefore, each stage of the plein air is accompanied by a discussion about artwork according to the task. For example: «What does the image of the wind in the painting indicate? How does it make you feel? How does the wind affect your state of mind? Imagine that the wind has stopped. What changes in your feelings? How does the color scheme reflect the quality of the wind? What painting techniques did the artist use to express the image of the wind?»

At the first stage ofthe plein air are short-term, one- session tasks in drawing such as sketches of branches, trees, flowers, grass, paths, insects, etc. It is necessary to refine the lines of the drawing process for nature that change the inner individual state automatically. The task ends with the question: «How did your inner state change when you corrected the picture? What personal characters are formed during lines correction?»

The painting assignments provide short-term sketches as a boat in the water, a bridge (reflection in the water), sea (river) shells, fish, crabs, crayfish, etc., a haystack (stones, rocks) in the landscape, «Before the Rain» (clouds, sky), evening (sunset), fruits, berries, vegetables, etc. There is a concept of a silhouette in the visual arts when adversities turn into a positive direction. For example, paint silhouettes of landscape objects represent in a contrast to the evening and morning sky against the sun. Compare them. Change the angle of view to their lighting. Notice how your inner state changes. Analyze how the color complex in the process of creating a sketch affects your emotions. In order to get rid a negative information write a sketch in which you throw out what is bothering you then burn it, and write the sketch again. Compare your feelings before burning it and after writing a new sketch.

The series of short-term works is completed by long-term sketches, etudes for 4-8 hours in several sessions in both painting and drawing. The plein air includes animal assisted therapy. The assignments include drawings of dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, goats, cows, etc, pigeons, chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, etc., as well as exotic animals such as elephants, giraffes, rhinos, hippos, flamingos in the zoo. Students and pupils need to observe and get acquainted with some peculiarities of animals, birds, insects, which lead to mental and physical contact with them. Analyze how communication with fauna affects your well-being. And another task involves depicting a still life in nature. The objects are fruits, vegetables in the grass and a flower still life in natural light. During discussion about plein air pictures we need give arguments why a landscape with fog, wind, rain weather before a thunderstorm always further a sadness. Obviously, this or that mood depends on the personal perception of natural phenomena.

Later the tasks become more complicated. For example, architectural buildings are suggested for drawing such as fountains, park sculptures, gazebos, stairs, stucco windows, grilles, fences, portals, and the task ends with a long-term task «Moods cape with elements of park architecture» (4-8 hours in several sessions). Painting involves painting landscapes in different states of nature with different phenomena: Sunspaces, Fog, Before a Thunderstorm, Windy Landscape, Morning, Sunset, Sea (River) Landscape, In a Summer Meadow, Pines in Front the Sky and sketches of park architecture. Finally, a long-term assignment Still Life with Flowers and Fruits in a Landscape Environment, a moody multifunctional landscape (4-8 hours in several sessions). At the end of an assignment we analyze how we feel about the landscape painted in different lighting and states of nature.

The next stage includes drawing assignments Folk Architecture: Landscape with Huts, Wooden Churches and Mills; painting assignments Moody Multifaceted Autumn Landscape (in Sunny Weather), Moody Autumn Landscape (in Rain), Landscape In an Autumn Park and Moody Autumn Landscape. The plein air is completed with Moody multifaceted landscape including elements of traditional architecture.

This stage of the plein air is completed by consolidating the skills of depicting mood in the landscape based on previous sketches: «Old Podil streets» during different states (rain, sun, day, evening, etc.), «Kyiv central architectures», mood sketches «Religious buildings in Kyiv» (churches, temples)». Both stages of the plein air involve the collection of photographic material for creative work (landscapes with elements of folk architecture, historical Kyiv in different states of nature and time period). For example, the thematic composition Urban Architectural Landscape with Staffage.

At the final stage of the plein air the task is to depict a person in a landscape: «Mood portrait (selfportrait) in a landscape environment», «Half-figure in a landscape environment», «Sketches of a person on city streets». They combine the state of nature with human mood and emotions.

In the process of solving problems at all stages of the plein air, various artistic techniques and materials are offered such as watercolor and tinted paper, drawing paper, canvas; watercolors, oil paints, gouache, watercolor pencils, plain and colored pencils, liners (capillary pen with ink inside and a rod of a certain thickness), ballpoint pen, soft graphic materials (charcoal, pastels, sanguine, sauce, chalk).

In addition, it is proposed to use «an eclectic mix (a mechanical combination of incompatible elements) of the language of fine arts, art and no art materials, recycled items which create incredible images familiar to the viewer as a result of using new technologies and materials» [6, p. 54]. Experimental work with materials makes it possible to use the author's own technique, which will allow pupils and students to reflect their creative idea and express the state of nature.

As a result of each stage during a plein air we suggest that you play out the written sketches, drawings, and sketches in a performance to build empathy. If there are outsiders at the plein air involve them in the action, hold a vernissage, and organize a mini-exhibition with a discussion of the works. Analyzing the works during the events promotes tolerance towards the works of others, necessity to show kindness, generosity, empathy, compassion which reveals human qualities such as the ability to love oneself and those around you.

Conclusions and perspectives for further research in this area. Thus, the peculiarities of the plein air in relation to art therapy in the process of obtaining art education for pupils and students have been clarified. The tasks of the plein air are correlated with the tasks of art therapy and aimed to achieve professional skills. They convey the mood in the landscape through lighting, nature phenomena and objects. Various materials are offered to solve these tasks which also transfer emotions through texture, color, line, and stain.

The plein air classes involve ideas about a natural environment, touch feelings, communication with the environment in the interconnection between spiritual and material world which fulfills the need for selfknowledge, self-expression and self-healing, and positive life perception. A joint plein air facilitates the interaction of its participants in co-creation, reflection on the results of their art work, and discussion others work through compassion and empathy.

The problem of using art therapy in relation to the types and genres of fine art and other special disciplines requires further research.

List of sources

Adrian Hill. Art Versus Illness: A Story of Art Therapy. With a foreword by Geoffrey Marshall. London : G. Allen and Unwin, 1945. 88 p.

Dotsyuk, Angela. Art or art therapy: frontals the era of surrealism (Analysis the «last edge» of S. Dali's art). The space of art therapy: creativity as a mirror reality: materials of the XVII International Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference (February 27-29, 2020, Kyiv). Kyiv: FOP Nazarenko T. V. P 35-40. URL : art-conf-20.pdf (date of appeal 20.03.2023).

Dzhafarova, O. S. Activation of creative self-expression of elementary school students of sanatorium-boarding schools in the process of artistic activity. Autoref. thesis candidate pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.07. Kyiv, 2016. 21 p.

Rakovich, V. V Formation professional self-esteem future artists-pedagogues in plein air conditions. Preservation and development plein air traditions: art education and art tourism: theses reports the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2019. P. 104-105.

Plein air: practice in fine arts: educational and methodological guide. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Ukraine, Uman State. ped. Pavlo Tychyna University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Fine Arts; structure. O. Ya. Music. Uman: Vizawi, 2021. Ed. 2, add. 150 p.

Rudenko, I. V Organization ofartistic knowledge ofvisual arts by younger schoolchildren using modern integrative techniques. Education of students' artistic values in the educational environment of a general secondary education institution: methodical guide. Komarovska

O. A., Myropolska N. E., Nychkalo S. A., Rudenko I. V For editors. O. A. Komarovska. Kropyvnytskyi: Imex- LTD, 2021. P 52-79. URL: eprint/729236 (date of appeal 24.03.2023).

Rybina-Tkach, Maria. The influence of plein air movement on the educational process of art institutions. Bulletin of the Chernihiv Collegium National University named T. G. Shevchenko. Chernihiv, 2023. Vol. 175. № 19. P 82-87.

Sova, O. S. Historical and pedagogical analysis of the development of outdoor work methods. Scientific notes of Volodymyr Vinnichenko Central State University. Kropyvnytskyi, 2019. Issue. 176. Р. 197-201.


Adrian, Hill. (1945). Art Versus Illness: A Story of Art Therapy. With a foreword by Geoffrey Marshall. [Mistectvo proti hvorobi: istoriya art-terapii]. London.

Docyuk, Anzhela. (2020). Mystecztvo chy art-terapiya: frontali doby syurrealizmu (Analiz «ostannoyi grani» mystecztva S. Dali). [Art or art therapy: frontals of the era of surrealism (Analysis of the «last edge» of S. Dali's art)]. Kyiv.

Dzhafarova, O. S. (2016). Aktyvizaciya tvorchogo samovyrazhennya uchniv pochatkovyx klasiv sanatornyx shkil-internativ u procesi xudozhnoyi diyalnosti. [Activation of creative self-expression of elementary school students of sanatorium-boarding schools in the process of artistic activity]. Kyiv.

Rakovych, V. V (2019). Formuvannya profesijnoyi samoocinky majbutnix xudozhnykiv-pedagogiv v umovax pleneru. [Formation of professional self-esteem of future artists-pedagogues in open-air conditions].

Plener : praktyka z obrazotvorchogo mystecztva : navchalno-metody posibnyk. (2021). [Plein air: practice in fine arts : educational methods guide]. Uman.

Rudenko, I. V. (2021). Organizaciya xudozhnogo piznannya obrazotvorchogo mystecztva molodshymy shkolyaramy za dopomogoyu suchasnyx integratyvnyx texnik. [Organization of artistic knowledge of visual arts by younger schoolchildren using modern integrative techniques]. Kropyvnyczkyj.

Rybina-Tkach, Mariya. (2023). Vplyv plenernogo ruxu na osvitnij proces mysteczkyx zakladiv. [The influence of plein air movement on the educational process of art institutions]. Chernigiv.

Sova, O. S. (2019). Istoryko-pedagogichnyj analiz rozvytku metodyky roboty na pleneri. [Historical- pedagogical analysis of the development of the method of outdoor work]. Kropyvnyczkyj.

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