Speaking competence as a necessary component of competitive training specialists in universities of Ukraine
Formation of the ability to combine thinking and language. Perfect mastery of ways to construct multi-structured sentences and texts using this language. Language and speech competence as powerful factors in the professional training of specialists.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 18,0 K |
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Kyiv Institute of National Guard of Ukraine
Speaking competence as a necessary component of competitive training specialists in universities of Ukraine
Svitlana Mudra,
PhD, assistant professor
Modernization of educational activities in Ukraine in the context of European standards - is primarily raising training quality and competitive professionals, compliance with European labor market conditions for the free movement of students in Ukraine and Europe. Creating the conditions for competitive advantage in the world is the main condition for economic and social stability in Ukraine. Expected changes are possible only if the level of labor productivity, which in turn depends on the presence in the domestic labor market modern highly qualified specialists. Thus, any transformations in economy is impossible without reforming and modernizing training competitive specialists. Upgrading of educational activities in Ukraine in the context of European standards - is, first of all, raising competitiveness and quality of training of specialists, matching the European labor market, creating conditions for free movement of students in Ukraine and Europe. Creating conditions for competitive advantage in the world is the main condition for economic and social stability in Ukraine. Expected changes are possible only if the increase in labor productivity, which in turn depends on the presence in the domestic labor market today highly qualified specialists. Consequently, any transformations in the economy are impossible without reform and modernization of training competitive professionals.
Keywords: competence, speech competence, quality, quality, identity, society, institution of higher education, competitive specialist.
Мудра Світлана В'ячеславівна, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри мовної підготовки, Київський Інститут Національної Гвардії України
Майбутня професійна діяльність конкурентоздатних фахівців випускників ЗВО України вимагає від них не тільки професійної майстерності, а й широкої загальної освіти, оскільки вона пов'язана з інтенсивним усним і писемним спілкуванням, передбачає широку мовленнєву практику, потребує точного вираження понять і категорій у різних сферах професійної діяльності. Під час виконання своїх професійних та службових обов'язків фахівець виступає в різних комунікативних ролях: веде ділове листування, складає законопроекти, проекти постанов, договори й угоди, спілкується з іншими фахівцями та громадянами різного рівня культури. Недотримання та порушення мовних норм може стати причиною непорозуміння, викликати заперечну реакцію. Саме тому формування мовленнєвої компетентності сьогодні - це формування здатності поєднувати мислення і мови, навчання точності вираження думок, почуттів, чіткість та зрозумілість смислових зв'язків і міння нюансів значеннєвого спектра слів, і розрізнення мовних засобів за їх стилістичним забарвленням, і досконале володіння способами побудови різноструктурних речень та текстів засобами цієї мови, і знання на-ціональних особливостей мовленнєвого етикету крaїни,мовою якої ми говоримо, а також уміння навідношень одиниць мови в мовленні зв'язкам і відношенням предметів і явищ у реальній дійсності. Культурі мовлення, як і культурі спілкування, потрібно вчити на всіх етапах підготовки, перепідготовки конкурентоздатних фахівців. Володіння мовою виступає багатокомпонентним, складним, комплексним поняттям, яке передбачає й індивідуальне багатство словникового запасу особистості, і чистоту, ясність, точність,виразність, нормативність її мовлення, і розудати фонетико-інтонаційної вираз- ностісвоєму усному мовленню. Мовна та мовленнєва компетентністі стають потужними фактороми у професійній підготовці високваліфікованих фахівців.
Ключові слова: якість, якість освіти, компетентність, мовленнєва компетентність, особистість, соціум, вищий навчальний заклад, конкурентоздатний фахівець.
Formulation of research problem and its significance
Today is no objection to the fact that education is the foundation for the transition to an innovative model of economic development through quality training of labor potential. Strengthening communication education and the economy, the need for guidance on the education needs of the labor market have put forward higher requirements for the quality of training in high school. The main features of the concept of “quality” are: integrity, hierarchy, aksiolohichnist, variability, inner and conditionality, measurability and more (1. Ozhegov SI , 1973. - p. 847). For a more adequate and complete understanding of quality assurance Factors novelty in its existing scientific justification.
Analysis of the research problem
The philosophical approach to the interpretation of the concept of “quality” reveals his understanding of how internal substantive characteristics of the object and determined that the objective is relatively stable, internally the essence of the object. The most common interpretation of quality is the fact that it defines as value, the value of something, its ability to meet specific needs, goals, standards and so on. thinking sentence speech competence
However, the implemented system - terminological analysis of the category of “quality education” has allowed us to define it through a combination of the following aspects: efficient and regulatory (compliance with quality of graduates with state educational standards); procedural and regulatory (compliance with quality process standards and education requirements); efficient and personal (the quality of graduates needs of consumers of educational services); procedural and personal (the quality of education needs, abilities and interests of the educational process).
Based on our analysis carried out by the quality of education is defined as a measure of compliance with the process and results of the education requirements of the state, society and the demands of consumers, needs, abilities and interests of all of the educational process.
The quality of higher education as we understand balanced matching of higher education (as a system, process and outcome) established needs, requirements, goals, norms, standards, determined individuals, organizations, businesses, society and the state as a whole.
The essence of training future specialists in universities are defined by us as the process of mastering fundamental knowledge acquisition skills, competencies that ensure their readiness for successful performance of professional functions, the identification of the individual `implementation capabilities, the need for constant self-education and self-development.
Purpose and objectives of the article
Analyze the development of speech competence as a necessary component in the structure of competences to improve the training of competitive specialists in universities of Ukraine.
The main material and justification of the study. Rapid globalization, increased international division of labor and fierce competition in the global economy highlight the issue of quality education workforce.
In a broad sense `quality education' is often understood as the degree of conformity of the content, forms and means of education and level of educational attainment graduates' expectations and needs of the individual, the state and society. The European Union effective tool in quality assurance recognized competence approach, which is currently adopted in most European national educational systems. Formulated on four strategic objectives for the modern European education:
To learn to live together;
Learn to teach;
Learn to act;
Teach responsible for their own actions and their lives.
To clarify the definition of the concept of use of researchers O.N.Oliynykovoyi, A.A.Maravtevoyi, Ye.V.Konovalovoyi, Ye.V.Tartakovoyi who interpret the concept of `competence' as the ability of the individual based on the organic unity of acquired knowledge, skills, experience and attitudes carry both conventional and new activities in a particular area (3. Library avtoreferatov on pedagogy and dyssertatsyy
According to the author, the concept of `competence' in the context of determining the ultimate goal of an educational institution can be explained by individual characteristics acquired graduate who, based on the value of certain beliefs, covering relevant knowledge, skills and abilities and allows them to apply to independent practice to implement their own life potential.
Competence - the total capacity based on knowledge, experience, values, abilities and knowledge acquired through training.
Some works of local researchers encounter semantic concepts: `competence' and `competence group'. Almost one word we call and the overall capacity and its components, ie components of competencies. This can emphasize professional competence rights and can highlight specific components that mainly determine it.
Based on national and international research scientists of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine have identified seven cross for all levels of education core competencies: academic, cultural, health of, information and communication, social, civic and business, but today is a special place that linguistic competence - is the ability to adequately and appropriate, practical language use in specific situations (to express their thoughts, desires, intentions, reasoning, etc.), use this as a linguistic and extralinguistic means (non-verbal sign system) and intonation of speech means of expression.
In analyzing the phenomenon oflinguistic competence is taken as a basis to achieve such sciences as rhetoric sotsiopsyholinhvistyka, neorytoryka, etc. etnosotsiopsyholinhvistyka that allows you to see the process of human speech presence and speech language knowledge and skills that underpin vocational and speech communication, their daily, social, practical, technological, communicative, professional experience, intellectual, artistic and organizational (leadership, communication) skills, moral, ethical, religious and other values. Thus, the following criteria for assessing the “speech and language competence and expertise of the individual”: mastery and ability to properly use during communication verbal and non-verbal sign systems, the rules of language and speech techniques (4 . Subetto, A.I. Kvalymetryya, 2002, p. 175).
So what it means to know a language? Is equivalent to those prevalent in ourtime thing as “learn the language” and “learn the language”? Scientists do not casually differentiate these current concepts. We know that good can memorize the rules and even deliberately use a lot of grammatical structures, but not being able to freely, easily, accurately, as appropriate, thoroughly and efficiently use this knowledge in different communicative situations outside the learning environment.
Speech and language competence is a powerful factor in the training of competitive specialists, since representatives of the scientific and technical elite people, its most educated segments of the media and have become a model of literary language in both forms of operation.
Semiotics researchers proved that “... the study of science can be fully included in learning, as language learning science provides no simple awareness of its formal structure, but also explore its relationship to the objects being denoted, as well as people who use this language”. Each state tends to strengthen the scientific intelligence of its citizens, who verbally and kept vidbyvayesya national language of science. Through scientific language as an important part of the national literary language, acting mandatory attribute of the state and its basis, supported national dignity, spiritual people and sent into the world information space national achievements from different disciplines.
Higher education aimed at training competitive specialists. The most important components such training should be the creation of professional culture of speech, part of which is clearly a linguistic competence and communicative excellence. Higher education implies the need to master the conceptual scope of the chosen specialty, verbally represented by means of a national terminology (system in terms of two interrelated spheres of existence: the fixation and functioning) business and professional communication phraseology in its paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations. Thus, two functional style national literary language - scientific and official business - in their present condition and the subject of language teaching profession in higher education.
Conclusions and perspectives for future research
Competence education focused on practical results of personal experience, the development of attitudes, which leads to fundamental changes in the organization of training that is aimed at acquiring specific values and essential knowledge and skills. In this context, today change and approaches to the evaluation of the results of initial contract as part of the learning process. The aim of education should be formed competencies, understood as the total capacity based on knowledge, experience and personal values . Competence approach in the first place was not informed of personality and skill based on acquired knowledge to solve problems that arise in different situations.
Improving the educational process from the standpoint of the competency approach is to teach students to apply their knowledge and skills in specific academic and life situations.
Future professional activity competitive professionals and graduates requires them not only professional skills but also a broad general education, as it is connected with intensive oral and written communication, provides a broad speech practice requires precise expression of concepts and categories in different fields of professional activity.
Speech competence - a combination of thought and language, precision of expression, feelings, clarity, clarity semantic relationships and relationships units of language relations in speech and the relationship of objects and phenomena in the real world. Of speech, as well as the culture of communication need to be taught at all stages of training, re-training of competitive specialists.
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