The Correlation between Definitions of General and Social Intelligence in the Empirical Study on Teachers of Preschool Educational Institutions

The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, methods of the analysis, systematization. In our research we used empirical methods.

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The Correlation between Definitions of General and Social Intelligence in the Empirical Study on Teachers of Preschool Educational Institutions

Ivashkevych Eduard

Dr. in Psychology, Professor, Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne (Ukraine)

Hudyma Oleksandr

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohnenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukraine)


The purpose of our article is to analyze the Phenomenological Scientific Approach to the characteristics of general intelligence of a personality; to consider Intelligence structure as a basic general category, to describe the problem of its origin and essence as one concept of the “eternal", “planetary" problems; to show Measuring (or Testological) Scientific Approach to characterize the general intelligence of a person; to propose the characteristics of Associated-systems theory; to study the problem of general and social intelligence, to analyze correlation of these definitions according to the thoughts of teachers of preschool educational establishments.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. Also, in our research we used empirical me thods, like statement study.

The results of the research. We proved that in the paradigm of Cognitive Psychology the study of social cognitions and social intelligence has greatly enriched in the Psychology by the essence and the content of social intelligence, which previously had been developed in the psychometric tradition. Thanks to Cognitive Psychology, the actualization of the concepts of social representation was intensified. However, the analysis of existing models of representations of social knowledge suggests that the greatest attention in the history of Cognitive Psychology was given to abstract representations, and existing mental models (which relate to both verbal and figurative presentation formats of information) were not systematically checked. In addition, the functioning of these models, as a rule, plays a leading role in such a field of social cognition, as actualization of processes of social categorization and stereotyped thinking, in the field of perception of psychological features, the formation of the first impression, understanding of subjects of interpersonal interaction, etc. This situation, we deal with, sets the prospect of further empirical research on the development of social intelligence.

Conclusions. So, Intellect (from the Latin Intellectus - feeling, perception, understanding, concept, mind) is a quality of the psyche of a personality, which is based on the ability to adapt to new situations, the ability to learn on the basis of acquired personally significant experience, understanding and application of both specific and abstract concepts to use their knowledge in order to influence and manage the environment. Intelligence is defined as the general ability of an individual to know and solve problems and tasks, which unite all cognitive processes and present human cognition: feelings, perception, memory, representation, imagination and thinking.

Key words: intelligence, general intelligence, social intelligence, cognitions, feelings, perception, memory, representation, imagination, thinking, social representation. general intelligence social

Івашкевич Едуард, Гудима Олександр. Співвідношення визначень загального та соціального інтелекту в емпіричному дослідженні педагогів закладів дошкільної освіти.

Мета статті: проаналізувати феноменологічний науковий підхід для характеристики загального інтелекту особистості; окреслити структуру інтелекту як базової загальної категорії, описати проблеми його походження з огляду на базову сутність включати в одне поняття «вічні», «планетарні» проблеми; описати вимірювальний (або тестологічний) науковий підхід для характеристики загального інтелекту людини; запропонувати характеристики теорії асоційованих систем; вивчити проблему загального та соціального інтелекту, проаналізувати співвідношення цих визначень на думку педагогів дошкільних закладів освіти.

Методи дослідження. Для розв'язання поставлених завдань використовувалися такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення. Також у своєму дослідженні ми використовували емпіричні методи, такі як констатувальне дослідження.

Результати дослідження. Доведено, що когнітивний напрямок щодо дослідження соціального пізнання значно збагатив психологію сутності та змісту соціального інтелекту, яка раніше розвивалася в психометричній традиції, а завдяки когнітивній психології фасилітувало актуалізацію понять соціальної репрезентації. Показано, що аналіз існуючих моделей репрезентацій соціального знання свідчить про те, що найбільшу увагу в історії когнітивної психології було приділено саме абстрактним репрезентаціям, а існуючі ментальні моделі (які стосуються як словесних, так і образних форматів презентації інформації) не піддавались систематичній перевірці. Крім того, функціонування зазначених моделей, як правило, відіграє провідну роль у такій галузі соціального пізнання як актуалізація процесів соціальної категоризації і стереотипного мислення, в галузі сприйняття психологічних рис, формування першого враження, розуміння суб'єктів міжособистісної взаємодії тощо. Така ситуація, разом з цим, задає перспективи проведення подальших емпіричних досліджень щодо становлення соціального інтелекту.

Висновки. Показано, що інтелект (від лат. intellectus - відчуття, сприйняття, розуміння, поняття, розум) - якість психіки, що покладена в основу здатності адаптуватися до нових ситуацій, здатності до навчання на основі набутого особистісно значущого досвіду, розуміння і застосування як конкретних, так й абстрактних концепцій до використання своїх знань з метою здійснення впливів на навколишнє середовище та управління ним. Інтелект визначається як загальна здатність особистості до пізнання і розв'язання проблем, задач та завдань, яка об'єднує всі пізнавальні процеси, когніції людини: відчуття, сприйняття, пам'ять, уявлення, уяву і мислення.

Ключові слова: інтелект, загальний інтелект, соціальний інтелект, когніції, почуття, сприйняття, пам'ять, уявлення, уява, мислення, соціальне уявлення.


The study of the problem of social and emotional intelligence of an individual should begin, first of all, with the definition of the concept of “intelligence” in the whole. Fundamental researches deal with the study of intelligence, conditions and mechanisms of its development (Rezaei, & Mousanezhad, 2020). In psychological researches (Nowak, Watt, & Walther, 2009), intelligence is considered as a system of mental mechanisms that make it possible for the individual to build a subjective picture of the world. In these researches intelligence is defined as a relatively stable structure of mental abilities. In a number of psychological concepts, the authors equate intelligence with a system of mental operations, with a style of activity and problem-solving strategy, with the effectiveness of an individual approach to each specific situation that requires cognitive activity, with a cognitive style.

The understanding of intelligence is based on one or another of its models, which is based on some a priori theoretical models, and then it was verified in empirical researches. In Psychology, two main approaches to intelligence are distinguished: Cognitive Approach (intelligence is determined through its main manifes- tations in the cognitive activity of the individual, such as activation of the act of thinking, memory, imagination and other mental functions) and Categorical Approach, which allows to reveal the structure of intelligence, conditions and mechanisms of its functioning and development.

We also refer to a separate group of theoretical and practical approaches that describe the peculiarities of the functioning of social intelligence in the structure of the intellectual sphere of the individual. These are, in particular, such approaches as:

1) cognitive-verbal approach (Ishkhanyan, Boye, & Mo- gensen, 2019);

2) behavioral approach (Гончарук, & Онуфрієва, 2018);

3) non-verbal approach (Heino, Ellison, & Gibbs, 2010);

4) functional-level approach (Mykhalchuk, & Kryshevych, 2019);

5) implicit approach (Rains, & Scott, 2007);

6) procedural and activity approach (Pimperton, & Nation, 2010);

7) socio-cultural approach (Mykhalchuk, & Ivashkevych Ed., 2018).

So, the purpose of our research is: to analyze the Phenomenological Scientific Approach to the characteristics of general intelligence of a personality; to consider Intelligence structure as a basic general category, to describe the problem of its origin and essence as one concept of the “eternal”, “planetary” problems; to show Measuring (or Testological) Scientific Approach to characterize the general intelligence of a person; to propose the characteristics of Associated-systems theory; to study the problem of general and social intelligence, to analyze correlation of these definitions according to the thoughts of teachers of preschool educational establishments.

Methods of the research

The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling and generalization. Also, in our research we used empirical methods, like a statement study. With the aim to diagnose the level of the development of social intelligence of teachers we used the test of J. Gilford and M. O'Sullivan “Research of Social Intelligence”, adapted by O.S. Mykhailova (Гилфорд, & О'Салливен, 2021).

The first phase of the experiment was carried out during 2023. The method of the research at this stage was the observation of teachers of preschool establishments, the selection of methodical tools for empirical research. The second, empirical stage of our study was carried out during 2022-2023. The following methods were used in the research: 1) general scientific methods (analysis, comparison, generalization); 2) the psychodiagnostic method, which was provided using the test of J. Gilford and M. O'Sullivan “Research of Social Intelligence”, verbal and figurative subtest “Methods of studying divergent thinking” by P. Torrens, J. Gilford (in the modification of O.E. Tunik) (Гилфорд, & О'Салливен, 2021); associative experiment (using the author's Methodology “Detecting of general erudition” (Набочук, & Івашкевич Ер., 2020); 3) mathematical and statistical methods (statistical estimations of distribution parameters, x-Pearson criterion, checking of statistical hypotheses by means of parametric t-Student's criteria and the non-parametric U-criterion Manna-Whitney, the r-Spearman correlation coefficient).

Also, to determine the psychological type of a teacher's personality we used: Methodology “Study of personality orientation” (Смекало, & Кучер, 2022); Psychological Test «Simple Symbol Personality Test» (DRBJ, & SHERRY, 2022); SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire (2022).

Therefore, 114 respondents were evenly distributed in groups:

Е1 - 16 teachers of ІІ and ІІІ categories (the experience of work - from 5 to 10 years, age - up to 30 years) of regional cities (5 respondents of the kindergarten 2 of Rivne, 5 educators of the kindergarten 5 of Kharkiv and 6 teachers of the kindergarten 11 in Odesa, Ukraine);

E2 - 18 teachers of category I (work experience - from 10 to 15 years, age - from 30 to 37 years) of regional cities (7 respondents of the kindergarten 2 of Rivne, 6 teachers of the kindergarten 5 of Kharkiv and 5 teachers of the kindergarten 11 in Odessa, Ukraine);

E3 - 15 teachers of the highest category (the experience of work - from 15 and more, age - from 37 years) of regional cities (5 respondents of the kindergarten 2 of Rivne, 5 educators of the kindergarten 5 of Kharkiv and 5 teachers of the kindergarten 11 of Odesa, Ukraine);

E4 - 13 teachers of category I (work experience - from 5 to 10 years, age - up to 30 years) of regional towns (4 respondents from the town of Zdolbuniv of Rivne region, kindergarten 1; 5 tutors of Shepetivka, Khmelnytskyi region, kindergarten 2; 4 respondents from the town of Zdolbuniv, Rivne region, kindergarten 5, Ukraine);

E5 - 14 teachers of ІІ category (the experience of work - from 10 to 15 years, age - from 30 to 37 years) of regional towns (6 respondents in the town of Zdolbuniv of Rivne region, the kindergarten 1, 4 educators of Shepetivka, Khmelnytskyi region, the kindergarten 2; 4 respondents from the town of Zdolbuniv, Rivne region, kindergarten 5, Ukraine);

E6 - 19 teachers of the highest category (work experience - from 15 years and more, age - more than 37 years) of regional towns (5 respondents in Zdolbuniv city of Rivne region, kindergarten 1; 5 educators of Shepetivka town of Khmelnytskyi region, kindergarten 2; 9 respondents from the town of Zdolbuniv, Rivne region, kindergarten 5, Ukraine);

E7 - 19 directors of kindergartens (this group includes directors of city and regional kindergarten, such as: nursery schools 2 and 4 of Rivne, kindergartens 5, 13, 14, 15 and 18 of Kharkiv, kindergartens 3, 8, 9 and 11 in Odesa, kindergartens and 2 in Zdolbuniv, Rivne region, kindergartens 1, 2 and 4 in Shepetivka, Khmelnytskyi region, kindergartens 1, 2 and 5 in Kamiаnets-Podilskyi, Khmelnytskyi region, Ukraine).

Results and their discussion

Let us analyze the essence of each of these approaches and start, first of all, with the approaches that generally characterize the intelligence of the individual, in particular, with the Phenomenological Approach (Arbuthnott, & Frank, 2000). This approach originates from the moment of the emergence of Psychology as a Science that considers Intelligence as a basic general category, and includes the problem of its origin and essence as one concept of the “eternal”, “planetary” problems. Even before the separation of Psychology into the independent science, scientists-philosophers and naturalists considered such characteristics of individuals that can be called intellectual ones. They discussed such problems that directly concern the intellect. These are such problems as the origin and evolution of the mind, its connection with sensory processes and feelings, the role of the mind in human life, the possibilities of the mind in knowing the surrounding life and oneself. Hypotheses were put forward regarding the regularities of the functioning of thinking, questions regarding the essence and the nature of intellectual activity of the person which had been considered, the attempts were made to identify and to study individual thinking techniques.

The next approach is Measuring (or Testological) (Lawson, & Leck, 2006). Being the object of scientific and psychological researches, the concept of “Intelligence” was introduced by these scientists. On the question of the existence of individual differences in mental (intellectual) abilities scientists (Lawson, & Leck, 2006) believed that intelligence was a genetically determined ability that did not depend on the conditions of the intelligence development, but it was a subject to measurement. The first research program, deals with implemented one by Fr. Gal- ton in London, has the aim at identifying the physical charac- teristics of the Test Subjects (the ability to distinguish a size, a color, reaction time to light, etc.). Galton's ideas about intelligence were conceptualized for many years in advance in various theories of psychologists who were directly involved in his research, and also influenced the methodology of his measurement. A little later, R. Cattell, fully accepting the views of Fr. Galton, developed a series of special procedures (which were later called “Tests”), that provide measurements of visual acuity, sensitivity to pain, etc. Thus, at the initial stage of the research, the intelligence was correlated with the psychophysiological functions of the individual. At the same time, the innate (organic) character of intellectual differences between people was emphasized (Cattell, 1988).

But, in particular, the Measurement Approach (Key-De- Lyria, Bodner, & Altmann, 2019) is based on the essential contradictions that facilitated the emergence of the illusion of “disappearance” or “erasure” of the Intelligence. On the one hand, the Testological Approach emphasizes the problem of low reliability of intelligence tests in terms of predicting a person's intellectual achievements in real life situations (in fact, the concept of “intelligence” fully replaces the concept of “the ability to learn”). On the other hand, representatives of the testological approach emphasize that intellectual tests are quite “sensitive” to the peculiarities of respondents' socialization. Thirdly, it turned out that such psychological characteristics of the person are presented in IQ estimates, which, while affecting the quantitative IQ indicator, nevertheless do not have direct relationships with intellectual competence. And, finally, the facts confirm that intelligence is not a fully researched concept, because taking it into account, it is possible to study an almost infinite number of types of personality behavior described by scientists.

Although this systematization of models seems rather conditional, its authors note that in practice insufficient attention is paid to their empirical verification. As a rule, one of these models is implicitly accepted by the researcher as theoretical basis of the study, and in a case of obtaining the corresponding results is considered correctly. An abstract or summary judgment in shaping the impression of a person can be both a final assessment of a person and the assessment of specific features of an individual. In particular, scientists (Stephens, & Rains, 2011) explicitly pointed to the existence of two types of representation, and, respectively, two relatively independent types of memory for different types of information. The question of the relationship between elements of human behavior in the content of social knowledge is considered as the actualization of formal thinking or as the expression of spontaneous and unconscious intentions.

One of the theories that directly use the concept of verbal and visual representations in relation to the social intelligence of the individual is D. Carlston's theory of associated systems (in the original name - Associated-systems theory (AST)) (Schleicher, & McConnell, 2005). According to this theory, the impression of another person is a multifaceted by integration of various forms of mental representations, which, in turn, are products of the functioning of the corresponding autonomous information processing systems included into the processes of social cognition and learning. As the examples of mental representations, D. Carlston considers the visual and verbal types corresponding to the image of the person's appearance (perceived by the subject non-verbally) and the individual's psychological personality traits (presented to the subject in clearly defined verbal formulations with the individual assessment). These and other types of representation related to certain information processing systems or a combination of separate systems, in separate theories in their relationships form as the associative structure that reflects the systematic, sequential development of individual elements of this associative structure (Schleicher, & McConnell, 2005).

The main principles of the Theory of Associated Systems, which directly relate to mental representations, are: 1) mental representations as a result of the activity of various information processing systems (cognitive processing systems); 2) mental representations coexist in the individual's memory; 3) mental representations have a different degree of accessibility depending on the level of cognitive activity of the subject, which facilitates the formation of associated information processing systems; 4) mental representations are used and combined to create impressions and memories of the individual.

However, in the paradigm of existing theories and models of Associated Systems, many questions still remain open. In particular, the hypothesis regarding the influence of certain types of representation (in particular, affective ones and connected with the activity) on the formation of social intelligence of the individual remain open ones. The problem of correlating the hypotheses described in the subsection with the fact whether the individual's mental activity always leads to the actualization of relevant representations, which, in turn, facilitates the formation of the individual's social intelligence, is also unexplored.

Thus, the ability to know the results of behavior in a given situation, the ability to understand the typical social value of the situation was studied using subtest 1 “History with the completion” (the test of J. Gilford and M. O'Sullivan “Research of Social Intelligence” (Гилфорд, & О'Салливен, 2021)). In general, we see that according to the results of factor analysis, the data from respondents of all groups were insufficiently high, mediocre, regardless of the age of respondents, the acquisition of their professionally significant experience and the position of the director of kindergarten. Thus, for E1 teachers, the result for this ability is 0.41, for the group of educators E2 - 0.45, for the E3- group respondents - 0.43, for the E4-group - 0.42, for respondents from the group E5 - 0.41, groups E6 - 0.40 and, finally, from the directors of kindergartens (group E7) - 0.41.

So, at the first stage of the experiment we will analyze the results obtained by us depending on the subtests used in order to study the level of the development of the teacher's social intelligence. Thus, the ability to know the results of behavior in a

particular situation, the ability to understand the typical social significance of the situation were investigated using subtest 1 “Completion of the story” by the methodology of the research of social intelligence (Гилфорд, & О'Салливен, 2021). As a whole, we see that according to the results of factor analysis, the data of the respondents of all our groups were insufficiently high, more mediocre, despite the age of the respondents, their professional experience and the position of the directors of kindergartens. Thus, for teachers of E1 the result for this ability is 0.41, for E2 group it is 0.45, for respondents of E3 group - it is 0.43, for teachers of E4 group - 0.42, for respondents of E5 group the result is 0.41, for E6 groups - 0.40, and, finally, directors of kindergartens (E7 group) - 0.41.

Somewhat higher there are the results of the respondents of all groups in terms of the ability to recognize classes of behavior, to distinguish common essential features in various non-verbal reactions of a person, to generalize social reactions (Subtest 2 “Groups of Expressions” with the use of the test of J.Gilford and M.O'Sullivan “Research of Social Intelligence” (Гилфорд, & О'Салливен, 2021)). Among respondents of group E1 the result on this scale is 0.50, in E2 - 0.55, in E3 - 0.54, in E4 - 0.53, in E5 - 0.51, in E6 - 0.52, in E7 - 0.50. These results, in our opinion, indicate that a kindergarten teacher has formed integral social-perceptive standards that do not involve the analysis of individual details of subjects or objects, which, however, significantly increase the flexibility of teachers in understanding non-verbal speech of even non-verbal speech acts.

With regard to such abilities as “the ability to recognize classes of the behavior, to distinguish common essential features in various non-verbal reactions of a person, to generalize social reactions” (subtest 2 “Groups of Expression”) and “the ability to understand the meaning of an expression depending on the context of the situation” (subtest 3 “Verbal expression”), the results of the respondents of all groups are quite mediocre (see Fig. 1, 2). In general, the results do not exceed the mark of 0.56. Only in group E7 (principals of children's preschool institutions) the indicator of “the ability to understand the meaning of the statement depending on the context of the situation” is slightly higher and it is 0.6813. We believe that this result was significantly influenced by the administrative activity of the preschool head of the educational establishment.

Fig. 1. The results of teachers of preschool educational institutions according to the ability to recognize classes of behavior, to distinguish common essential features in various non-verbal reactions of a person, to generalize social reactions (subtest № 2 “Groups of Expressions” with the use of the test of J. Gilford and M. O'Sullivan “Research of Social Intelligence”), in points, according to the results of factor analysis

So, in the paradigm of Cognitive Psychology the study of social cognitions and social intelligence has greatly enriched in the Psychology by the essence and the content of social intelligence, which previously had been developed in the psychometric tradition. Thanks to Cognitive Psychology, the actualization of the concepts of social representation was intensified. However, the analysis of existing models of representations of social know ledge suggests that the greatest attention in the history of Cognitive Psychology was given to abstract representations, and existing mental models (which relate to both verbal and figurative presentation formats of information) were not systematically checked. In addition, the functioning of these models, as a rule, plays a leading role in such a field of social cognition, as the actualization of processes of social categorization and stereotyped thinking, in the field of perception of psychological features, the formation of the first impression, understanding of subjects of interpersonal interaction, etc. This situation, we deal with, sets the prospect of further empirical research on the development of social intelligence.

Fig. 2. The results of teachers of preschool educational institutions according to the ability to understand the meaning of the statement depending on the context of the situation (subtest № 3 “Verbal Expressions” with the use of the test of J. Gilford and M. O'Sullivan “Research of Social Intelligence”), in points, according to the results of factor analysis

It should also be taken into account that in the paradigm of a Pragmatic Approach to the accuracy of the perception of another person, researchers focus attention on some facts of inaccurate perception of a certain feature of the partner of communication, which can lead to a situation when the subject fails in the interaction with the evaluated person. After all, it is precisely in the process of social cognition that the subject often does not realize the discrepancy between his/her own judgment, on the one hand, and the feelings and behavior of the individual, on the other hand, and the significance of the very process of transformation of statements is leveled. Such a situation gives us a reason to make assumptions about the relative independence of verbalized and non-verbalized knowledge in the field of social cognition, the existence of other psychological characteristics that will stimulate the development of the social intelligence of an individual in general and a teacher in particular. These psychological characteristics were highlighted by us in an empirical study, which we conducted and described in our article.


So, Intellect (from the Latin Intellectus - feeling, perception, understanding, concept, mind) is a quality of the psyche of the person, which is based on the ability to adapt to new situations, the ability to learn on the basis of acquired personally significant experience, understanding and application of both specific and abstract concepts to use their knowledge in order to influence and manage the environment. Intelligence is defined as the general ability of an individual to know and solve problems and tasks, which unite all cognitive processes and present human cognition: feelings, perception, memory, representation, imagination and thinking.

The concept of “Intelligence” is usually used to denote the general mental ability of the individual, a complex of behavioural characteristics associated with successful adaptation to new life tasks and personal tasks of a person.

Summarizing the scientific approaches to understanding the essence of Intelligence as a quality of the psyche, it can be defined as: the general ability to learn and solve problems, tasks, which determines the success of any activity and it is the basis for the development of other abilities; the system of all cognitive characteristics of the individual: sensations, perception, memory, imagination, thinking, representation; the integral function of the psyche, which unites the subject's cognitive, sensorimotor, affective and linguistic-semantic spheres into a coherent system; as a form of organization of individual mental experience in the form of existing mental structures, the mental space of reflection generated by them, and mental representations of the reality built within this space.

Social intelligence in psychology is seen as the ability of a person to understand correctly his/her own behavior and the behavior of other people in the society. This ability is very necessary for a person to have an effective interpersonal interaction and successful social adaptation. Social intelligence implements the functioning of cognitive processes associated with the reflection of a person as a partner in the processes of communication and activities. The main function of social intelligence is to predict the behavior of others.

So, we consider the concept of “intelligence” in the broad and narrow senses. If we talk about the broad meaning of “intelligence”, we mean only one intelligence, the intellectual sphere of the person in general. In this sense, the intelligence of a person can be described as a hierarchical system that has several levels. The first level is the level of functioning of cognitions, to which psychologists refer the main psychical processes (sensation, perception, memory, attention, which, in turn, “control” the course of cognitive activity), as well as thinking and imagination, speech and dialogical interaction. The second level of intelligence is the level of metacognitions (metacognitive integrators, “secondary” mental processes), among which the main ones are intellectual initiation (self-statement of the problem), reflection, decentralization, intellectual strategies and abilities (abilities and competences), as well as metacognitive monitoring, intuition, intellectual atheist (values, meanings). The first and the second levels of intelligence, in our opinion, are fully understood by the person who carries out intellectual activity. The third level of intelligence amplifies the characteristics of both the first and the second levels, while intellectual activity is carried out mainly at an unconscious level, a level that approximates a person to use of automated skills and abilities. The next, the fourth level, is the level of meta-intellectual activity, which explodes the creative achievements of the person. Thanks to this fourth level of intelligence a person is able to establish interaction not only with different objects and other people, but also with the world as a whole, thus expanding the limits of his/her intellect and starting a dialogue with the creative beginning of the world.


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