The general cultural aspect of professional training of students by means of physical education
Ensuring creative activity and working capacity of future specialists. Physical fitness in student years as a guarantee of high-performance work. Use of sports resources in higher education institutions to prepare for effective professional activities.
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Дата добавления | 20.09.2024 |
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National Technical University of Ukraine
“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
The general cultural aspect of professional training of students by means of physical education
Uskova Svitlana Senior Lecturer
at the department of health and sports technologies,
Kyiv, Ukraine
The health of young people is a socially significant category of society, the most important condition for the successful implementation of professional knowledge, skill, creative activity, and performance of future specialists. It has long been an axiom: good physical fitness during student years is the key not only to health and successful mastery of educational material, but also, in the future, highly productive mental and physical labor, the birth of healthy children, active longevity and many positive phenomena associated with this.
Therefore, physical culture, presented in higher educational institutions as an academic discipline that promotes the harmonious development of the individual, is an integral part of higher education. The program of the discipline “Physical Education” states that the goal of physical education of NTUU “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” students is the formation of physical culture of the individual and the ability to purposefully use a variety of means of physical culture, sports, and tourism to preserve and improve health, psychophysical training, and selfpreparation for future professional activities.
The capabilities of physical culture in achieving these goals are determined by the functions it performs biological, informational, aesthetic, communicative, hedonistic, compensatory and several others.
Along with this, in modern society, physical culture has begun to perform the functions of a social institution that helps the future specialist to navigate well in market conditions. For this purpose, means of physical education are used to develop students' managerial readiness, desire for leadership, and success.
As a result of combined educational and physical culture-sports activities, students also develop socially significant qualities: social activity, independence, self-confidence, ambition.
The task of physical education at a university is not only to develop certain physical skills and abilities in students, to increase the level of physical fitness, and to improve physical qualities. During the training process, future specialists must master the system of scientific, practical, and special knowledge necessary to understand the natural and social processes of the functioning of the physical culture of society and the individual.
This article will help students understand the essence, objectives, goals and possibilities of physical culture and sports in a wide range of their manifestations.
Key words: physical education, students, preparation, structure, meaning, profession.
Загальнокультурний аспект професійної підготовка студентів засобами фізичного виховання
Ускова Світлана Михайлівна
Здоров'я молоді є соціально значущою категорією суспільства, найважливішою умовою успішної реалізації професійних знань, умінь, творчої діяльності, працездатності майбутніх спеціалістів. Давно стало аксіомою: хороша фізична підготовленість у студентські роки є запорукою не лише здоров'я та успішного засвоєння навчального матеріалу, а й у майбутньому високопродуктивної розумової та фізичної праці, народження здорових дітей, активного довголіття та багато позитивних явищ, пов'язаних з цим. Тому фізична культура, представлена у вищих навчальних закладах як навчальна дисципліна, що сприяє гармонійному розвитку особистості, є невід'ємною частиною вищої освіти. У програмі дисципліни «Фізичне виховання» визначено, що метою фізичного виховання студентів НТУУ «КПІ імені Ігоря Сікорського» є формування фізичної культури особистості та вміння цілеспрямовано використовувати різноманітні засоби фізичної культури, спорту і туризму для збереження та вдосконалення здоров'я, психофізична підготовка та самопідготовка до майбутньої професійної діяльності. Можливості фізичної культури в досягненні цих цілей визначаються функціями, які вона виконує: біологічна, інформаційна, естетична, комунікативна, компенсаторна та ряд інших.
Поряд з цим у сучасному суспільстві фізична культура почала виконувати функції соціального інституту, який допомагає майбутньому фахівцю добре орієнтуватися в ринкових умовах.
Ключові слова: фізичне виховання, студенти, підготовка, структура, значення, професія.
Formulation of the problem. As a result of combined educational and physical culture and sports activities, students also develop socially significant qualities: social activity, independence, self-confidence, and ambition. The main problem is conveying to students the importance of all the above and their understanding that health is the foundation for a future happy life.
Analysis of literary sources. Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of special knowledge, abilities, and skills, as well as the development of versatile physical abilities of a person. Like education in general, it is a general and eternal category of the social life of an individual and society. Its specific content and orientation are determined by society's needs for physically fit people and are embodied in educational activities, said Ravshan Mehmanov [1]. Other scientists also investigated the impact of physical education on students' work capacity and their physical condition Michal Bronikowski [2], Chandler T., Cronin M. [3], Raul Martinez-Santos [4].
In the process of physical education, the following tasks are solved: health-improving (health promotion, improvement of physique, achievement, and maintenance of high performance); educational (formation and bringing to the required perfection applied and sports skills, acquisition of special knowledge); educational (formation of moral and volitional qualities, promotion of labor and aesthetic education).
Physical education is included in the education and training system, starting from preschool institutions. Sports - competitive activity and preparation for it; based on the use of physical exercises and aimed at achieving the highest results, opening reserve capabilities, and identifying the maximum levels of the human body in physical activity. Competitiveness, specialization, focus on the highest achievements, entertainment are the specific features of sport, as part of the physical culture. In sports, a person strives to expand the boundaries of his capabilities; this is a huge world of evolution, the most popular spectacle, and there is a complex process of interhuman relations in it. It clearly manifests the desire to win, to achieve high results, requiring the mobilization of a person's physical, mental, and moral qualities [2].
Physical recreation - the use of physical exercises, as well as sports in simplified forms for people to actively relax and enjoy it process, entertainment, switching from normal activities to others. It constitutes the main content of mass forms of physical culture and represents recreational activities.
Background types of physical culture
The background types of physical culture include hygienic physical culture, included in the framework of everyday life (morning gymnastics, walks, other physical exercises in the daily routine, not ass ociated with significant stress) and recreational physical culture, the means of which used in active recreation (tourism, sports, and recreational entertainment). Background physical culture has an operational impact on the current functional state of the body, normalizing it and contributing to the creation of a favorable functional “background” of life. It should be considered as a component of a healthy lifestyle. It is especially effective in combination with other components of physical culture, and above all with the basic ones. Motor rehabilitation (recovery) is a targeted process of restoring or compensating for partially or temporarily lost motor skills abilities due to illness, injury, overwork, and other reasons. The process is carried out comprehensively u nder the influence of specially selected physical exercises, massage, water and physiotherapeutic procedures and some other means. Thi s is a restorative activity. A type of health and rehabilitation physical culture is therapeutic physical culture [3].
Physical training is a type of physical education: development and improvement of motor skills and physical qualities necessary for specific professional or sports activities. It can also be defined as a type of general training of a specialist (professional) or athlete (for example, physical training of a gymnast).
Physical development is the process of changing the forms and functions of the body under the influence of natural conditions (food, work, everyday life) or the targeted use of special physical exercises. Physical development is also the result of the influence of these means and processes, which can be measured at any time (dimensions of the body and its parts, indicato rs of various qualities, functionality of organs and systems of the body).
Physical exercises are movements or activities used to develop physical qualities, internal organs, and motor skill systems. This is the remedy physical improvement, transformation of a person, his biological, mental, intellectual, emotional, and social essence. It is also a method of physical development of a person. Physical exercises are the main means of all types of physical education.
Physical perfection is a historically determined level of health and comprehensive development of physical abilities, functional state, and mental qualities of people, corresponding to the requirements of human activity in certain conditions of production, military affairs and in other spheres of social life, ensuring a high degree of human performance for many years. Specific signs and indicators of physical perfection are determined by the real needs and living conditions of society at every historical stage and therefore change as society develops. student physical fitness education
Physical and functional readiness is the result of physical training achieved in mastering motor skills and developing physical qualities with a simultaneous increase in the physiological reserves of the body, due to an increase in the level of activity of its functional systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, digestive, excretory, etc. Psychophysical preparedness - carried out in the educational and training process through a diverse influence on mental functions, ensuring their activity, correction, and stability. For example, mental qualities such as courage, determination, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to adapt to dramatically changing conditions of the natural and social environment. In a straight line Depending on the level of physical and functional readiness, stability of attention, perception, memory, and ability for logical thinking and analysis are also manifested. Motivational and value components of physical culture reflect the emotional attitude towards physical culture, fo rm the need to master values of physical culture, formation of a healthy lifestyle, achievement of physical perfection [4].
Physical activity is one of the essential components of a healthy lifestyle. Consists of a systematic, age-, gender-, condition-appropriate health and interests, the use of a variety of motor activities, including physical education and sports to ensure the vital functions of the human body. The professional orientation of physical education is the use of means of physical cul ture and sports to prepare for highly productive, high-quality work through specific profiling of physical education with considering the characteristics of the chosen profession, which contributes to ensuring high performance of the specialist.
The goal of physical education at a university is the formation of a student's physical c ulture as a systemic quality of the individual, an integral component of general culture a future specialist capable of implementing it in educational, social, and professional activities and family. The physical education course provides for the solution of the following tasks: inclusion of students in real physical education and sports practice in creative mastering the values of physical culture, its active use in the comprehensive development of the individual; promoting the diversified development of the body, maintaining and strengthening health, increasing the level of general physical fitness, developing professionally important physical qualities and psychomotor abilities of future specialists; mastery of a systematically ordered body of knowledge, covering philosophical, social, natural science and psychological-pedagogical topics, closely related to the theoretical, methodological and organizational foundations of physical culture; formation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical culture, attitudes toward a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education; developing students' needs for physical self -improvement and maintaining a high level of health through the conscious use of all organizational and methodological forms of physical education and sports activities; developing skills for independently organizing leisure time using physical education and sports; ensuring general and professionally applied physical preparedness, which determines the student's psychop hysical readiness for a future profession, acquiring experience in the creative use of physical culture and sports activities to achieve life and professional goals [3].
But however simple it may seem; one has to remember that people do not decide on leading an active life or playing a particular sport at any particular moment or under the influence of a singular factor. It comes through a process - the process of physical education, which is probably one of the most difficult processes to provide as it requires a combination of both pedagogical skills and a knowledge of biological nature. But this hasn't always been so obvious [2].
Physical education in higher educational institutions is carried out throughout the entire period of theoretical training and is carried out in the following forms. Training classes: compulsory classes (practical, workshops, consultations, theoretical), which are provided for in the curricula for all specialties; advisory and methodological classes aimed at providing students with methodological and practical assistance in organizing and conducting independent physical education and sports classes; individual lessons for students who have poor physical fitness or are lagging behind in mastering educational material, which are organized according to a special schedule of the sports complex. Extracurricular activities: classes in sections, informal groups, and clubs for physical education interests; independent exercise, sports and tourism; mass recreational, physical education and sports events [4].
The integrated use of all forms of physical education should ensure the inclusion of physical education in the lifestyle of students and the achievement of an optimal level of physical activity.
Physical education at a university is aimed at preparing harmoniously developed, highly qualified specialists. In the process of studying at a university in the course “Physical Education”, it is envisaged to solve, in addition to the above, s uch tasks as: nurturing in students high moral, volitional and physical qualities, readiness for highly productive work; maintaining and strengthening the health of students, promoting the proper formation and comprehensive development of the body, maintaining high performance throughout the entire period of study; comprehensive physical training of students; professional - applied physical training of students, taking into account the characteristics of their future work activity; students acquiring the necessary knowledge on the basics of theory, methodology and organization of physical education: improving the sports skills of student athletes; instilling in students an understanding of the need to regularly engage in physical education and sports.
The learning process is organized depending on the health status, level of physical development and preparedness of students, their sports qualifications, as well as considering the conditions and nature of work of their upcoming professional activity [3].
One of the main tasks of higher educational institutions is the physical training of students. In a higher educational institution, general management of physical education and mass sports work among students, as well as organization of observations of their health status are assigned to the rector, and their specific implementation is carried out by administrative departments and public organizations of the university. Direct responsibility for setting up and conducting the educational process in physical education students in accordance with the curriculum and state program is entrusted with Department of Physical Education of the University. Mass recreational, physical education and sports work is carried out by the department of technological foundations of a healthy lifestyle, structural divisions of the university and public organizations.
Medical examination and monitoring of the health status of students during the academic year is carried out by the university clinic.
One of the possible ways to prepare students for professional activities is the proactive formation of professionally important qualities, increasing health reserves. There is no doubt that increasing the level of professionally important qualities contributes to faster acquisition by future specialists of motor skills and professional skills, reducing the risk of injuries and accidents. Today it is no longer enough if a specialist who has graduated from a higher educational institution goes in for sports himself. It is very important that he knows how to organize in a team physical training activities during and after the working day, to achieve rational organization of work and rest of its employees, to promote their rehabilitation and recovery.
When talking about the role of physical education in preparing for a future profession, we need to pay more attention to increasing psychological preparedness. After all, very often young specialists complain that they were taught a lot over the years of professional training in a special educational institution, but they were not taught how to work with people, not armed with psychological confidence and stability when leading a team. And here we should especially note the role of physical education in the formation of people with a strong will and strong character, which is directly related to the constant need to endure a variety of physical and mental stress in the process of regular physical education classes.
Research shows that students with excellent physical fitness adapt to working conditions much faster than students with poor physical fitness indicators. And we can only wish you all the best in your active use of physical education classes to prepare for life, for the future professional work.
1. Ravshan Mekhmanov, (2021). Physical Education In General Cultural and Professional Training of Students. International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR). Vol. 5 Issue p.- 156.
2. Michal Bronikowski, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Eugeniusza Piaseckiego w Poznaniu, (2010). Seria podreczniki nr 63, p.- 7.
3. Chandler T., Cronin M., Vamplew W. (2007). Sport and Physical Education. The key concepts. Routledge. London. P - 10.
4. Raul Martinez-Santos, (2020). Sports Teaching, Traditional Games, and Understanding in Physical Education: A Tale of Two Stories. As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. P - 3.
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