Control as a function of managing the development of information culture among teachers in preschool education institutions

Improving the qualifications of teachers regarding the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process. Their self-education for the purpose of information culture development. The sequence of execution of control activities.

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Дата добавления 10.10.2024
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Semyon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Communal institution "Preschool educational institution (nursery-kindergarten) No. 377 of the Kharkiv City Council"

Control as a function of managing the development of information culture among teachers in preschool education institutions

Sladkykh Iryna Anatoliivna Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "Pedagogy, foreign philology and translation", Kozyr Olena Anatoliivna manager, Master's student, majoring in "Educational Institution Management", Faculty of "International Relations and Journalism"



The article is devoted to revealing the essence of control as a function of managing the development of the information culture of pedagogical staff in preschool education institutions. With the informatization of education, there has arisen a need to enhance teachers' qualifications in the application of information and communication technologies in the educational process, as well as for their selfeducation to develop information culture, which requires updating the approaches to managing this process.

The article defines key concepts: "information culture", "management function", "control", "perceptive and communicative management activities", "properties of control"; and analyzes the procedure for conducting control activities in the process of managing the development of teachers' information culture.

The significance of control for effective management of the process of developing educators' information culture is explained. The main principles of conducting this management function are listed to optimize various activities aimed at developing the information culture of pedagogical staff. A sequence for carrying out control activities is proposed to ensure their effectiveness and appropriateness. Recommendations are provided for summarizing the results of control over the process of developing teachers' information culture.

The necessity of strictly adhering to all components of the control activity procedure is proven, as well as the importance of correctly formulating conclusions and proposals based on the results of control. To improve the procedure of this activity, it is advisable to create conditions for the democratization and humanization of control, which will help prevent manifestations of managerial subjectivism and authoritarianism, and significantly reduce the overall stress level associated with this management function.

Keywords: Information Culture, Management Function, Control, Perceptive and Communicative Management Activities, Properties of Control.


Сладких Ірина Анатоліївна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки, іноземної філології та перекладу, Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця, м. Харків

Козир Олена Анатоліївна завідувач, Комунальний заклад «Дошкільний навчальний заклад (ясла-садок) № 377 Харківської міської ради», м. Харків, магістрант за спеціальністю «Управління навчальним закладом», факультету «Міжнародних відносин і журналістики», Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця, м. Харків,


Стаття присвячена розкриттю сутності контролю як функції управління розвитком інформаційної культури педагогічних працівників закладів дошкільної освіти. У зв'язку з інформатизацією освіти постала потреба у підвищенні кваліфікації педагогів щодо застосування у освітньому процесі інформаційно-комунікативних технологій, а також здійсненні ними самоосвіти з метою розвитку інформаційної культури, що передбачає оновлення підходів до управління цим процесом.

У статті визначені ключові поняття: «інформаційна культура», «функція управління», «контроль», «перцептивна та комунікативна управлінська діяльність», «властивості контролю»; проаналізовано процедуру проведення контролюючої діяльності у процесі управління розвитком інформаційної культури педагогів.

Роз'яснено значення контролю для здійснення ефективного управління процесом розвитку інформаційної культури освітян. Перелічені основні принципи проведення цієї управлінської функції з метою оптимізації різних видів діяльності, спрямованої на розвиток інформаційної культури педаго - гічних працівників. Запропоновано послідовність здійснення контролюючої діяльності, що забезпечує її ефективність та доцільність. Надано рекомендації щодо узагальнення результатів контролю за перебігом процесу розвитку інформаційної культури педагогів.

Доведено необхідність чіткого дотримання всіх складових процедури контролюючої діяльності, а також важливість правильного формулювання висновків, пропозицій за результатами контролю. З метою удосконалення процедури здійснення цієї діяльності доцільно створити умови для демократизації та гуманізації контролю, що дозволить попередити прояви управлінського суб'єктивізму та авторитаризму; суттєво знизити загальний рівень стресу від проведення цієї управлінської функції.

Ключові слова: інформаційна культура, функція управління, контроль, перцептивна та комунікативна управлінська діяльність, властивості контролю.

Problem statement

In recent years, the reform and development of the preschool education sector have largely taken place under the banner of its informatization. A series of general and partial reforms have been implemented, aimed at improving the quality of education by adapting and introducing modern information and communication technologies (ICT) in preschool education institutions (PEI); seeking modern forms of managing this process at the level of the head of the educational institution and mastering the skills of working with information within professional competence; involving all teaching staff without exception in the process of practical application of ICT in educational activities and fostering the development of their information culture.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The issue of developing information culture has been studied by both foreign and domestic scientists: V. Vinogradov, G. Vorobyov, A. Rakitov, E. Semyonyuk, A. Sukhanova, who viewed information culture as a way of organizing human intellectual activity, and made initial attempts to define criteria for diagnosing the level of mastery of the basics of information culture. The issue of studying the psychophysiological features of mastering the basics of information culture has been the focus of research by V. Bryzhko, L. Vynaryk, V. Militarev, E. Semyonyuk, O. Shchedrin, I. Yaglom.

Among domestic authors who have significantly contributed to the development of effective means of enhancing the information culture of educators are N. Koryakovtseva, Ye. Merkulova, Ye. Kharchovnikova. The problem of developing the information culture of PEI educators has been studied by K. Wittenberg, S. Dyachenko, I. Mardarova.

At present, the development of the information culture of educators is of great importance. Each educator constantly needs a clear understanding of how the process of developing information culture is carried out, the prospects for this development, and how their skills in using ICT and working with large amounts of information are improving (or not). The issue of developing the information culture of PEI teaching staff requires ongoing diagnosis, analysis, and feedback, as well as being informed about this issue. This information - complete and reliable - can only be obtained through a well-organized control system, i.e., a process of correlating the actually achieved results with the planned ones, ensuring their achievement by organizing one's goals. Control involves a comprehensive study and analysis of the issue of activities aimed at developing the information culture of teaching staff, objective assessment of the achieved results, prevention of possible mistakes, and coordination of efforts according to the defined tasks. Under these conditions, control becomes the regulator of this process.

The necessity of control was identified and scientifically proven in the works of A. Fayol. The features of control as an operational function are disclosed in the scientific works of O. Kuzmin, O. Marmaza, V. Maslov, M. Mescon. In traditional management, the control function was separated from management and even competed with it. Under new conditions, the managerial style of management with its open system of key decision-making, anticipatory nature, humanistic principles, and personal orientation allows optimizing the system of activities aimed at mastering ICT and information culture skills by PEI teaching staff as a whole.

Our analysis of scientific research on domestic teacher training (M. Zhaldak, L. Mizinova, I. Chayka) convincingly proves that although positive changes are taking place, many contradictions remain unresolved:

there is an urgent need to update the approaches to controlling the process of developing the information culture of PEI educators, but there is no scientific and theoretical justification for this process;

in the process of implementing control as a management function, PEI heads make a number of typical mistakes (unclear control procedures; formal approach to control; mistakes in choosing control objects, etc.);

there is a pressing need to develop standards and criteria for evaluating activities aimed at developing the information culture of PEI educators.

Given that control is a leading management function, the aim of this article is to theoretically justify the importance of the control procedure in managing activities aimed at developing the information culture of PEI educators.

Research objectives. In line with the research aim, the following objectives were formulated:

Define the key concepts of the study: "Control", "Management Function".

Examine the essence of control as a management function in the process of developing the information culture of PEI teaching staff.

Analyze the procedure for conducting control activities in managing the development of the information culture of PEI teaching staff.

Research methods and methodologies

The methodological basis of the study was the theories of traditional (M. Anzhievsky, D. Deykun, P. Drobyazko, Ye. Khrikov) and innovative approaches to control (T. Desyatov, G. Yelnnikova, O. Kasyanova, O. Kobernik, V. Lunachek, Z. Ryabova, B. Tevlin, N. Chepurna).

The theoretical basis of the study included works dedicated to the issue of control (T. Desyatov, O. Kobernik, O. Marmaza, B. Tevlin, N. Chepurna).

Presentation of the main material

As previously mentioned, the effectiveness of the process of developing the information culture of educators and other PEI teaching staff depends on the degree of manageability of this process. Therefore, it is crucial for the head to pay special attention to the precise execution of management functions that allow defining the goals and priority tasks of developing the information culture of teaching staff, ensuring conditions for individualizing this activity, and creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team to motivate educators for this activity.

Control occupies a special place among management functions. It is based on the results of control that management decisions are made to regulate the object being controlled, i.e., the process of developing the information culture of teaching staff. communication educational information control

Let's consider the essence of the concept of "control". According to V. Pikelna, control is the verification of the conformity of the actual course of the process to plans, standards, instructions, and decisions [5, p. 221]. M. Martynenko believes that control is a process of human activity aimed at establishing the utility of an accomplished fact [2]. A fact is information that reflects the actual state of affairs, the results of activities, the state of processes. The function of control is aimed at identifying errors and limiting their accumulation in activities [3, p. 78].

Analysis of the definitions of the concept of "control" indicates that they have several components, namely: who conducts the control, what exactly is being controlled, and for what purpose the control is carried out. The subject of control is the administration (head of the preschool education institution). The object of control is the system of work on mastering the information culture by PEI teaching staff.

Based on the definitions of "control" by foreign and domestic scientists (O. Kuzmin, O. Melnik, M. Mescon, B. Tevlin, F. Khmil), it can be concluded that control over the system of activities related to the development of the information culture of PEI teaching staff is a process of establishing the conformity of all work conducted on this issue with national requirements, individual self-education plans, instructions, and orders reflecting the goals of this type of management activity.

Control is undoubtedly the most complex and important management function without which the management process itself is impossible. "Neither planning, nor creating organizational structures, nor motivation can be considered entirely separate from control. In fact, they are all integral parts of the overall control system in a particular educational organization" [5, p. 221].

According to Ye. Khrikov, control is a type of managerial activity that ensures the resolution of three tasks: factual results of management from the predicted ones, identifying the reasons for the discrepancy between the goals and results of management, and determining the content of regulatory activities to minimize existing deviations [6, p. 131]. The first task of control allows linking it with the planning function, the second task with the information-analytical function, and the third task creates conditions for the implementation of the organizational-executive, coordination, and control-analytical functions.

B. Tevlin believes that control should perform diagnostic (collecting information on the development of informational culture among preschool educators, as well as the most important components of this activity), corrective (timely making changes and additions to activity plans aimed at developing the informational culture of educators), and regulatory (finding ways to correct and prevent deficiencies; eliminating factors that create obstacles; making changes; determining ways to further improve activities) functions [4, p.4]. Meanwhile, O. Marmaza highlights the educational (forming responsibility for the effectiveness of work related to mastering the basics of informational culture, self-discipline); stimulating (motivation for self-development and self-improvement, mastering selfcontrol and self-monitoring skills); and educational-methodical (applying the most effective forms of work with educators to develop their informational culture) functions of control.

The effectiveness of control in a preschool institution determines not only the quality of the actual indicators of the development of the informational culture of educators but also the future forecasting of the results of this activity.

The effectiveness of control is determined by its main properties. O. Marmaza and B. Tevlin proposed the following list [3, p.78-79; 4, p.5-6]: strategic orientation of control (clear definition of priority areas of activity aimed at developing informational culture); scientific nature (clarity and validity of selected control criteria; scientific approach to the organization and planning of control; quality of conclusions and recommendations; high level of professional competence of the leader); addressability (all those who can directly influence the condition of the controlled object should be informed about its state); combining control and selfcontrol (creating conditions for self-development and self-improvement, productive self-education); result orientation (making suggestions and recommendations that will subsequently enhance the effectiveness of activities; stimulating and motivating further work); relevance (controlling key areas of activity aimed at developing educators' informational culture, not minor components); timeliness of control (eliminating deficiencies in planning control dates); planning and systematic nature (regular control); flexibility of control (making changes to control criteria, updating control methods); simplicity of control (choosing optimal control methods); economy and rationality of control (choosing the most rational types and forms of control); transparency (implementing principles of democratization and humanization of control; reducing the risk of negative psychological phenomena among educators (stress, neuroses, high levels of anxiety, etc.) and establishing positive communication; creating conditions for self-control).

Through control, the head of a preschool institution can continuously monitor the most important issues regarding the development of the informational culture of subordinates, timely identify deficiencies that arise in the process of working on this issue, and make informed management decisions to overcome negative phenomena.

It should be noted that control is fundamentally based on two types of managerial activities: perceptual and communicative. The first (perceptual) is realized in the process of collecting information on the development of the informational culture of preschool educators, which involves comparing the actual state of affairs with the standard by direct perception of the leader of this activity. The second (communicative) involves creating a communication network through which information necessary for managing the process of developing educators' informational culture is disseminated.

Control over the process of developing the informational culture of educators and other preschool teachers cannot be effective without adhering to special conditions for its conduct: creating an integrated information system that includes two parts, namely: the social order for the level of informational culture of preschool educators, as defined in the Laws of Ukraine "On Education", "On Preschool Education", professional standards "Head (Director) of Preschool Institution", "Educator of Preschool Institution", and other normative and directive documents; information on the peculiarities of the development of the informational culture of educators in a specific preschool institution; high level of professional competence and culture of the head of the preschool institution who directly conducts control; in-depth (thorough) study of the professional qualities of each member of the pedagogical team, which contribute to their effective mastery of the basics of informational culture; their level of readiness to implement information and communication technologies; identifying shortcomings and advantages; the ability of the preschool institution head to identify positive experiences and achievements in the self-educational activities of pedagogical staff on the development of their informational culture; the effectiveness of control; involving members of the creative group, heads of methodological associations in the development of control procedures.

Control must meet a number of requirements as defined in the scientific works of B. Tevlin, E. Khrykov, N. Chepurna [4, p.5-6; 5, p.221-222]:

objectivity, specificity, purposefulness, which are reflected in taking into account the main patterns of the development of the informational culture of preschool educators;

systematic and systematic selection of the most appropriate types according to the chosen time interval, determining optimal dates for organizing inspections;

a personalized approach, which involves clearly planned, consistent coverage of all areas of work on the development of the informational culture of educators and other members of the pedagogical team; setting specific tasks for each of them in the process of control on the development of their informational culture, outlining ways to implement them; evaluating their independent activities and selfeducation on this issue taking into account current requirements and specific conditions; identifying effective pedagogical experiences and providing psychological and pedagogical support for further development of the best pedagogical ideas and findings; fostering self-education skills in the development of informational culture;

- regular monitoring of the implementation of management decisions on the activities related to the development of the informational culture of managers.

As a rule, control involves five interrelated stages.

It is appropriate to note that strict adherence to each of these parts is a prerequisite for the effective development of the informational culture of preschool educators. Thus, in the first stage (preparatory), the leader needs to formulate the goal, objectives, and objects of control, and most importantly, determine the parameters and criteria for conducting control activities, based on regulatory and legal documents and decisions of pedagogical councils, meetings with the head, etc. The next step for the preschool institution head at this stage is to create a plan and formulate the rules for conducting control, the forms of summarizing control results. The next stage involves preparing to conduct control activities on the development of educators' informational culture. At this stage, the leader must determine the actual dates for control, select the most appropriate and rational forms and methods for this managerial function. The manager must also develop special materials to be used during the inspection (questionnaires, tests, etc.). Separately, the pedagogical team is familiarized with all aspects of the control (purpose, tasks, criteria, etc.), which will be conducted to determine specific aspects of activities aimed at developing the informational culture of educators. This helps stabilize the psychological climate in the team and optimize business communication in the manager-subordinate system, creating conditions for constructive discussion of both positive changes and shortcomings. This not only reduces the risk of psychological discomfort among participants in the pedagogical process but also sets educators up for solving any problem that arises in the process of developing their informational culture. At this stage, control is directly conducted, and its results are summarized. At the stage of analyzing control results, the leader must compare the obtained results with the established standards, determine the degree of compliance of the results with the declared standards, identify the causes of discrepancies, and inform the educator about the verification results.

Correction of control results is the final stage of this activity. As a rule, the leader must verify the selected standards for compliance with regulatory documents and reliability, check the control techniques used, the appropriateness of their application, and their effectiveness. At this stage, conclusions and proposals, methodological targeted recommendations, as well as orders, reports, etc., are formulated.

After conducting the control, the head of the preschool institution must formulate the corresponding conclusions. The conclusions should contain a general assessment of the object selected for verification (a key aspect of the development of information culture among pedagogical workers), considering the level of their achievement of the goals of the controlled activity, the effectiveness of their chosen ways of implementing the set tasks, and briefly justify the assessment, listing positive aspects and tactfully pointing out shortcomings. This ensures the focus and stability of the activities related to the development of the information culture of PEI pedagogical workers and optimizes this work, raising it to a higher level.

The leader conducting the control, after the conclusions, offers proposals and wishes. Based on the obtained results, they should provide the teacher with recommendations for improving the quality of work on the development of information culture, suggest more rational approaches and methods for mastering information and communication technologies, and introduce internet platforms for pedagogical workers for further self-education on these issues.

The conclusions drawn by the head of the PEI must correspond to the purpose of the visit and the actual state of affairs. The inspector must determine the degree of deviation of the completed activities from the planned ones (acceptable or unacceptable) and stimulate further work to achieve the set goals through the conclusions. At the same time, the conclusions drawn by the head of the PEI must be evidential. Additionally, the inspector should outline ways to achieve positive results, identify conditions that contributed to effective work, and explain in detail the reasons for the shortcomings. In the process of formulating conclusions, the leader should monitor the improvements occurring in the development of the information culture of each pedagogical worker. The inspector must be convincing, concise, and rely solely on facts.

In the process of formulating proposals, the leader should consider the level of competence of a particular pedagogical worker, developing their experience in self-education on the development of information culture. Under such conditions, the head of the PEI establishes and maintains feedback with each member of the pedagogical team, allowing for more appropriate conditions for developing the information culture of subordinate teachers. Thus, the proposals will be targeted and allow for the elimination of the causes of deficiencies. At the same time, correctly established deadlines for addressing the comments become crucial. These deadlines must be realistic, and their observance is mandatory.

Control over the implementation of accepted decisions aims not only to check the quality of their execution but also to plan future work, allowing for timely adjustments to self-education plans and other documents regulating the process of developing information culture among preschool educators.

Optimizing relationships between all participants in the control process is particularly important. This is determined by the readiness of the pedagogical team and each of its members for self-control and mutual control, self-organization and self-correction, and the ability for further self-projection and self-improvement.


Thus, it can be concluded that control is an integral part of the work system related to the development of the information culture of PEI pedagogical workers.

The success of control activities is based on both the personal abilities of the head of the PEI and the professional skills that contribute to the high-level implementation of this management function. The creation of appropriate conditions, strict adherence to basic principles and each stage of its conduct, well- organized activities for formulating conclusions, methodological orientation, and transparency of this management function play a significant role during the control.

Control activities should provide educators with the level of assistance they need in developing their information culture at a given time and in the necessary volume. Moreover, the methodological orientation of the control ensures a high level of individual consultative support for each pedagogical worker.

Transparency of control creates prerequisites for preventing negative phenomena such as managerial subjectivism and the authoritarianism of the PEI leader, stimulates initiative, and allows the teacher, together with the leader and/or methodologist, to develop an individual program for the development of information culture. This program includes both a diagnostic component, corresponding to certain stages of information culture development, and methodological and psychological-pedagogical support for educators and other pedagogical workers.

Optimizing relationships between all participants in the control process is particularly important. This is determined by the readiness of the pedagogical team and each of its members for self-control and mutual control, self-organization and self-correction, and the ability for further self-projection and self-improvement.

To succeed in controlling the quality of work on the development of information culture among teachers, the head of the PEI needs to democratize and humanize control activities. For this purpose, it is advisable to establish cooperative relationships between the leader and teachers based on in-depth diagnostic activities and identifying their potential for developing information culture. The next step could be recognizing each team member's right to their own opinion, evidence of their views and beliefs, and the ability to explain the main reasons for their successes and failures in the process of developing information culture. The third step is subordinating control procedures to the need to provide educators with timely targeted methodological assistance and creating conditions for their professional growth in mastering modern ICT technologies. The fourth step is joint planning of the control procedure (object, purpose, form, etc.) with PEI teachers to consider their difficulties and problems arising in the process of developing the information culture of educators.

Thanks to such steps, it becomes possible to individualize the process of developing the information culture of each teacher at a pace and sequence that is most convenient for them.


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  • The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.

    презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014

  • The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.

    реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.

    реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013

  • Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011

  • Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.

    презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012

  • Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.

    презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013

  • Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016

  • Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012

  • Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.

    презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011

  • The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.

    курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016

  • Підготовка фахівця, затребуваного на ринку праці як одна з головних задач системи вищої освіти в Україні. G Suit for Education - популярна платформа, що використовується в освітньому процесі, в тому числі для організації проектної роботи студентів.

    статья [701,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2017

  • What are the main reasons to study abroad. Advantages of studying abroad. The most popular destinations to study. Disadvantages of studying abroad. Effective way to learn a language. The opportunity to travel. Acquaintance another culture first-hand.

    реферат [543,8 K], добавлен 25.12.2014

  • Intercultural Communication Competence: Language and Culture. The role Intercultural Communicative Competence in teaching foreign languages. Intercultural Competence in Foreign language teaching. Contexts for intercultural learning in the classroom.

    курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017

  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

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