How to support students during the war
The different strategies and approaches to support students during wartime, ensuring they receive the care and resources needed to navigate these turbulent times: psychological, social support, academic flexibility, post-conflict recovery planning.
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Дата добавления | 10.10.2024 |
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How to support students during the war
Gubareva Olga Semenivna Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Herasymchuk Tetyana Volodymyrivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department, Yelyzaveta Mykhailivna Voronova Associate professor of the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy of Vocational Training
War has severe and far-reaching consequences for students, affecting every aspect of their lives. The immediate and most visible consequences include disruption of education, destruction of school infrastructure and displacement from their homes. Students often face disruptions in learning, leading to significant barriers to learning.
Moreover, the psychological toll of war on young minds is enormous. Exposure to violence, loss of loved ones and constant fear of danger can lead to trauma, anxiety, depression and other mental health problems. These psychological influences can hinder students' ability to focus, learn, and develop healthy social relationships.
Physical security becomes a critical issue as educational institutions can be targeted or caught in the crossfire and students can face danger while commuting to and from institutions. War also exacerbates problems related to basic needs such as food, water, and medical care, leading to malnutrition and health problems that further hinder students' ability to learn and thrive.
Supporting students during war is not only about ensuring their immediate survival, but also about securing their future. Providing comprehensive support helps mitigate the adverse effects of war and promotes resilience, enabling students to continue learning and developing despite extreme adversity.
Educational support is critical to maintaining a sense of normalcy and stability. It provides students with routine and purpose, which are vital for psychological well-being. Psychological support helps students process their experiences, manage emotions and develop coping mechanisms. Ensuring physical safety and meeting basic needs is fundamental to students' focus on learning and growth.
In addition, social support systems can provide a sense of community and belonging that is essential for emotional and social development. Financial aid ensures that all students, regardless of their economic circumstances, have access to the education and resources they need to succeed.
Long-term strategies are necessary to deal with the long-term consequences of war. These include mental health support, educational programs and career guidance to prepare students for life outside of conflict. Investing in students during war is an investment in the future that helps rebuild communities and promotes peace and stability in post-war societies.
Keywords approaches, digital, video lessons, support, online education, device, virtual classroom
Як підтримувати студентів під час війни
Губарєва Ольга Семенівна, кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри, Герасимчук Тетяна Володимирівна, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри, Воронова Єлизавета Михайлівна доцент кафедри філософії та педагогіки професійної підготовки
Підтримка студентів під час війни має вирішальне значення для пом'якшення зриву їхньої освіти та загального добробуту. Ось як надати ефективну підтримку:
Емоційна та психологічна підтримка. Війна створює сильний стрес і тривогу. Важливо створити надійну систему підтримки. Школи повинні забезпечити доступ до консультантів, які можуть запропонувати індивідуальні заняття та групову терапію. Створення безпечних місць, де учні можуть висловлювати свої почуття без засудження, також є корисним. Програми підтримки однолітків можуть сприяти почуттю спільності та приналежності, допомагаючи учням впоратися з травмою та невизначеністю.
Безперервність освіти. Збереження безперервності освіти є життєво важливим, незважаючи на хаос. Навчальні онлайн-платформи можуть стати порятунком, пропонуючи гнучкий доступ до освітніх ресурсів. Викладачі можуть записувати уроки або проводити заняття в прямому ефірі, гарантуючи, що учні продовжуватимуть навчання незалежно від фізичних збоїв. Надання навчальних матеріалів і ресурсів у цифровому або фізичному вигляді допомагає студентам не відставати від навчання.
Фізична безпека. Забезпечення фізичної безпеки є першорядним. Школи повинні мати чіткі плани евакуації та безпечні укриття, куди учні можуть піти під час атак. Співпраця з місцевою владою для забезпечення безпечних транспортних маршрутів до школи та зі школи може зменшити ризики. Регулярні тренування та чітке інформування про процедури безпеки можуть підготувати студентів і персонал до надзвичайних ситуацій.
Забезпечення основних потреб. Війна часто порушує доступ до основних потреб, таких як їжа та житло. Школи та громади можуть встановлювати програми розподілу їжі, щоб учні не залишалися голодними. Забезпечення одягом, засобами гігієни та іншими предметами першої необхідності може допомогти полегшити деякі тягарі, з якими стикаються сім'ї під час війни.
Академічна гнучкість. Розуміння того, що успішність студентів може коливатися через стрес і переміщення, має вирішальне значення. Пропонування гнучких термінів, альтернативних завдань і додаткового репетиторства може допомогти студентам не відставати від навчання. Школи мають бути терплячими та адаптувати свої очікування до складних обставин.
Залучення спільноти. Залучення ширшої спільноти до підтримки студентів може посилити зусилля. Місцеві підприємства, некомерційні організації та волонтери можуть надавати ресурси та послуги. Громадські заходи, зосереджені на солідарності та підтримці, можуть зміцнити мережу навколо студентів, гарантуючи, що вони відчувають підтримку з усіх боків.
Визначаючи пріоритети цих стратегій, ми можемо створити стійке освітнє середовище, яке підтримує потреби учнів під час лихоліття війни.
Ключові слова: війна, підтримка, розуміння, цифровий, потреби, онлайн-освіта, віртуальний клас
This article delves into different strategies and approaches to support students during wartime, ensuring they receive the care and resources needed to navigate these turbulent times. The main points covered in the article include:
Psychological support: Emphasizing the importance of mental health support through counseling services, training teachers to recognize trauma and creating a safe and supportive school environment.
Academic support: Addressing challenges to academic progress, implementing flexible curricula, providing online learning resources, tutoring and maintaining continuity of education.
Social support systems: Building a sense of community, peer support groups, family and community involvement, and continuing after-school activities and clubs.
Long-term strategies: Post-conflict recovery planning, provision of long-term mental health support, education programs and careers guidance and support.
Psychological Support The Importance of Mental Health Support Mental health support is crucial during war because the psychological effects of conflict can be just as damaging as the physical dangers. Students exposed to war experience a range of traumatic events that can lead to severe emotional and psychological distress. These experiences may include losing family members, witnessing violence, being displaced from their homes and constantly fearing for their safety. Mental health problems that result from such trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and behavioral problems, can significantly affect a student's ability to learn and function effectively in everyday life.
Literature Review
Coordinated pedagogical activity of teachers and students based on Internet technologies, especially the teacher's website, with regard to the system of principles, methods and strategies of the educational process to achieve this goal - shaping the personality of the future expert.
It should be considered to define a system of principles for the application of the website of higher education: first, that the process of higher education has its own specificities; secondly, it is necessary to determine the didactic foundations of the application of Internet technologies in higher education based on the philosophical, dialectical laws of development processes. In addition, the formation of the personality of the future professional is also influenced by the intellectual and creative activity and self-education of the students themselves, according to AndrushchenkoV.P., Podolsky A., Zajchenko, I.V.
Teaching principles - basic provisions that are determined by the aims and objectives of teaching and determine the forms and methods of teaching, i.e. the rules of the practical educational work of teachers who can predict a positive learning outcome.
Principles are characterized as basic, initial, theoretical provisions that determine the choice of methods, techniques, other ways of learning, because principles (from the Latin principle - beginning, basis) - are the basic principles of science (theory of learning), which cannot be interpreted as recommendations.
In addition, if we add the definition of some researchers such as Drozdova I.P., Bebik V.M., Ferguson K., we can identify such pedagogical functions of Internet technologies in the education of students as:
- communicative: forms the ability to use terminological vocabulary for the possibilities of professional communication, expression, argumentation about one's own positions in the specialization;
- information: performing various information operations (collection, processing, analysis, structuring, storage and transmission, etc.);
- management: allows to manage the educational activities of students;
- educational: helps to find new information about professional, important knowledge;
Materials and Methods
Providing mental health support helps students process their traumatic experiences, develop coping mechanisms and build resilience. It ensures that students do not carry unaddressed trauma into their adult lives, which can affect their long-term well-being and productivity. Additionally, promoting mental health helps maintain a stable and supportive learning environment, allowing students to focus on their education despite the chaos around them.
Provision of consulting services. One of the most effective ways to support the mental health of students during wartime is through the provision of counseling services. Counseling provides a safe space for students to express their feelings, concerns, and experiences. Professional counselors can help students understand and manage their emotions, develop coping strategies, and work through trauma.
Online and in-person options Counseling services can be offered both online and in-person to ensure accessibility for all students. Online counseling is especially valuable in conflict zones where it can be dangerous for students to travel. It allows students to receive support from the safety of their homes or temporary shelters. Online platforms can facilitate one-on-one counseling sessions, group therapy, and even virtual support groups.
In-person counseling remains essential, especially for students who may not have reliable Internet access. Institutions can create safe spaces where students can get advice and support. In-person services also allow for more direct observation and intervention by counselors, which can be critical for students with severe trauma or those who need more intensive support.
Teachers are often the first point of contact for students and can play a key role in identifying and addressing mental health issues. Training teachers to recognize the signs of trauma and distress is essential. Such training can help teachers identify behavioral changes such as withdrawal, aggression, or anxiety that may indicate a student is struggling.
Teachers can be trained in trauma-informed teaching practices that include understanding the impact of trauma on learning and behavior, creating a safe and supportive classroom environment, and knowing how to respond to students in ways that support their emotional needs. In addition, teachers should be equipped with the knowledge of when and how to refer students to professional mental health services.
Creating a safe and supportive school environment is fundamental to supporting the mental health of students during war. A trauma-sensitive school environment can significantly mitigate the impact of war stress and trauma on students.
Physical Safety: Ensuring that school premises are secure and that emergency protocols are in place can help students feel safe. This includes safe spaces where students can go if they feel overwhelmed.
Emotional safety: Schools should foster an atmosphere of trust and understanding. This includes promoting respect, empathy and kindness between students and staff. Encouraging open communication and providing regular opportunities for students to express their thoughts and feelings can help build a supportive community.
Support Systems: Establishing robust support systems within the school, including trained counselors, social workers, and support groups, can provide students with the resources they need to manage their experiences. Peer support programs that allow students to connect with others who understand their experiences can also be beneficial.
Routine and normality: Maintaining as much routine and normality as possible can help provide a sense of stability. Regular school activities, lessons, and afterschool programs can offer a distraction from the chaos and a semblance of normal life.
Inclusive practices: It is important to ensure that all students feel included and valued. This includes adapting to the needs of displaced students, students with disabilities and those who may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of war.
By prioritizing mental health support, providing accessible counseling services, training teachers and creating a safe and supportive environment, schools can play a key role in helping students cope with the psychological challenges of wartime. These efforts not only help students' immediate well-being, but also contribute to their long-term resilience and success.
War presents many challenges to academic progress. Institutions may be damaged or destroyed, leading to closures and disruptions to the regular education schedule. Students and teachers may be displaced, resulting in teacher shortages and inconsistencies in education. Additionally, the psychological and emotional toll of war can affect students' ability to focus, retain information, and function academically.
Access to educational materials is restricted and communication networks may be disrupted, further hindering the delivery of education. Loss of family income due to war may force students to prioritize work over education in order to support their families. Together, these challenges create significant barriers to sustaining academic progress.
The adoption of flexible curricula is essential to accommodate the unpredictable and often unstable conditions of wartime. Institutions can implement staggered class times, allowing students to attend classes at different times based on their availability and safety. This flexibility helps ensure that students who have other responsibilities, such as caring for younger siblings or working to support their families, can still participate in their education.
Flexible schedules may also include evening or weekend classes to provide additional learning opportunities. Schools can reduce the pressure on students by allowing them to progress at their own pace, offering modular or condensed curricula that focus on core learning outcomes while omitting noncritical content.
Providing online learning resources. In regions where Internet access is available, online learning resources can be a key tool for maintaining continuity of education. Schools and educational organizations can develop and distribute digital content such as video lessons, e-books, interactive learning platforms and online assessments. These resources can be accessed remotely, allowing students to continue their education from the safety of their homes or temporary shelters.
Online platforms can facilitate virtual classrooms where teachers and students can communicate in real time, participate in discussions and collaborate on assignments. In addition, online resources can include self-paced learning modules that allow students to study independently while accommodating different learning styles and paces.
In areas with limited internet access, schools can distribute offline learning materials on USB drives, DVDs or printed packages. These materials can be designed to be understandable and allow students to learn without the constant guidance of teachers.
Tutoring and Extra Academic Help Many students will need additional academic support to catch up on missed classes and bridge learning gaps. Schools can organize tutoring programs, either through volunteer teachers or online tutoring services, to provide personalized help to students who are struggling with their studies.
Peer tutoring, where older or more advanced students help their younger peers, can also be an effective strategy. This not only helps with academic learning, but also fosters a sense of community and mutual support among students.
Extra academic help can include after-school programs, homework clubs, and study groups where students receive targeted help in subjects they find challenging. Schools can also work with NGOs and international education bodies to secure resources and volunteers for these programs.
Maintaining continuity of education Maintaining continuity of education during wartime is crucial to ensure that students do not fall too far behind in their studies and can resume normal schooling when conditions stabilize. Several strategies can help you achieve this goal:
Temporary Learning Spaces: Institutions can set up temporary learning spaces in safe areas such as community centers, shelters or even outdoors. These spaces can serve as temporary classrooms until normal school operations resume.
Mobile Schools: Mobile schools, equipped with educational materials and teaching staff, can travel to different locations to provide education to students who cannot reach traditional school buildings. This approach ensures that education reaches even the most remote or displaced communities.
Radio and television programs: Educational programs broadcast through radio and television can reach a wide audience, including those who do not have access to the Internet. These broadcasts can cover a variety of topics and provide structured lessons that students can follow from home.
Community education: Involving local communities in the education process can help maintain continuity. Community leaders and volunteers can organize learning sessions, monitor student progress, and provide support and encouragement.
Investing in psychological support ensures that students can process their trauma and build coping mechanisms that will serve them well into adulthood. Academic support maintains continuity of education, helping students stay on track and maintain a sense of normalcy. Physical security measures protect students from imminent harm, while providing basic needs ensures they have the essentials to survive and thrive.
Social support systems create an educational environment where students can find comfort and camaraderie, and financial support removes economic barriers to education. Access to health care is critical to both physical and mental well-being, and long-term strategies ensure that the effects of war do not hinder students' futures.
The joint efforts of schools, communities, governments and international organizations are essential in providing this comprehensive support. It is a moral imperative and a strategic imperative to ensure that students, the future leaders and shapers of society, receive the care and support they need in such tumultuous times. In this way, we contribute to the healing and restoration of war-torn communities, creating the basis for lasting peace and prosperity.
In conclusion, supporting students during wartime is an investment in the future of humanity. It is a testament to our commitment to protecting the rights and potential of every child and ensuring that even in the darkest times there is hope, learning and growth. Through a coordinated and sustained effort, we can help students overcome the challenges of war and become stronger, more resilient, and ready to build a better world.
wartime student psychological academic support
1. Bovill C. (2020). Co-creation in learning and teaching: The case for a whole-class approach in higher education. Higher Education, 79(1), 1023-1037.
2. Burstein R. (2020). Research Eclipsed: How Educators are reinventing research- informed practice during the pandemic. Research Report.
3. Drozdova I., Mariana S., Herasymchuk T., Tymoshchuk O., Babay L., Ryabokon N. (2021). Organization of Websites as a Way of Introducing Internet Technologies into the Educational Process of High School, Applied Linguistics Research Journal,5(4): 185-190.
4. Fernandez-Berrocal, P., Gutierrez-Cobo, M. J., & Rodriguez-Corrales, J. (2017). Teachers' affective wellbeing and teaching experience: The protective role of perceived emotional intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(2227), 1-8.
5. Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies. (2020). Technical Note on Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic. New York: INEE. Irvine, J. (2019). Relationship between teaching experience and teacher effectiveness: Implications for policy decisions. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 22, 1-19.
6. Jun J. Understanding E-Dropout. (2005). International Journal on E Learning. Vol. 4, № 2. P. 229-240.
7. Lopez-Catalan L., Lopez-Catalan B., Delgado-Vazquez A.M. (2018). Web promotion, innovation and postgraduate e-learning programs. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 1(11), 47-59.
8. Marutschke D.M., Kryssanov V., Chaminda H.T., Brockmann P. (2019). Smart education in an interconnected world: Virtual, collaborative, project-based courses to teach global software engineering. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 39-49.
9. McLoughlin C., Luca J. (2002). A learner-centered approach to developing team skills through web-based learning and assessment. British journal of educational technology. Oxford. V. 33. № 5. P. 571-582.
10. P.A., Umar, A. (Eds.), Perspectives on distance education: Teacher education through open and distance learning (pp. 7-22). Commonwealth of Learning.
11. Perera H.N., Granziera H., McIlveen P. (2018). Profiles of teacher personality and relations with teacher self-efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 120, 171-178.
12. Podolsky A., Kini T., Darling-Hammond L. (2019). Does teaching experience increase teacher effectiveness? A review of US research. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 4(4), 286-308.
1. Bovill C. (2020). Co-creation in learning and teaching: The case for a whole-class approach in higher education. Higher Education, 79(1), 1023-1037.
2. Burstein R. (2020). Research Eclipsed: How Educators are reinventing research- informed practice during the pandemic. Research Report.
3. Drozdova I., Mariana S., Herasymchuk T., Tymoshchuk O., Babay L., Ryabokon N. (2021). Organization of Websites as a Way of Introducing Internet Technologies into the Educational Process of High School, Applied Linguistics Research Journal,5(4): 185-190.
4. Fernandez-Berrocal P., Gutierrez-Cobo M.J., Rodriguez-Corrales J. (2017). Teachers' affective wellbeing and teaching experience: The protective role of perceived emotional intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(2227), 1-8.
5. Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies. (2020). Technical Note on Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic. New York: INEE. Irvine, J. (2019). Relationship between teaching experience and teacher effectiveness: Implications for policy decisions. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 22, 1-19.
6. Jun J. Understanding E-Dropout. (2005). International Journal on E Learning. Vol. 4, № 2. P. 229-240.
7. Lopez-Catalan L., Lopez-Catalan B., Delgado-Vazquez A.M. (2018). Web promotion, innovation and postgraduate e-learning programs. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 1(11), 47-59.
8. Marutschke D.M., Kryssanov V., Chaminda H.T., Brockmann P. (2019). Smart education in an interconnected world: Virtual, collaborative, project-based courses to teach global software engineering. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 39-49.
9. McLoughlin C., Luca J. (2002). A learner-centered approach to developing team skills through web-based learning and assessment. British journal of educational technology. Oxford. V. 33. № 5. P. 571-582.
10. P.A., Umar, A. (Eds.), Perspectives on distance education: Teacher education through open and distance learning (pp. 7-22). Commonwealth of Learning.
11. Perera H.N., Granziera H., McIlveen P. (2018). Profiles of teacher personality and relations with teacher self-efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 120, 171-178.
12. Podolsky A., Kini T., Darling-Hammond L. (2019). Does teaching experience increase teacher effectiveness? A review of US research. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 4(4), 286-308.
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