Розвиток медіапедагогіки як складової медіаосвіти республіки Польща (перша чверть ХХІ ст.)

Детальний аналіз розвитку медіапедагогіки в Польщі протягом першої чверті ХХІ ст. Та її ролі у системі медіаосвіти країни. Ініціативи та програми, спрямовані на підвищення рівня медіаграмотності населення та формування критичного мислення щодо медіа.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 13.10.2024
Размер файла 70,0 K

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Розвиток медіапедагогіки як складової медіаосвіти республіки Польща (перша чверть ХХІ ст.)

Ніна Слюсаренко

доктор педагогічних наук, професор

професор кафедри педагогіки,

психології й освітнього менеджменту

імені проф. Є. Петухова


медіапедагогіка критичний мислення населення

Публікація присвячена аналізу розвитку медіапедагогіки в Польщі протягом першої чверті ХХІ століття та її ролі у системі медіаосвіти країни.

У статті досліджується стратегія державної політики щодо розвитку медіаосвіти, вивчаються ініціативи та програми, спрямовані на підвищення рівня медіаграмотності населення та формування критичного мислення щодо медіа. Також розглядаються досягнення, проблеми та перспективи розвитку медіапедагогіки в Польщі, враховуючи виклики сучасного інформаційного суспільства. Вивчення медіапедагогіки в Польщі в першій чверті ХХІ століття є важливим з огляду на сучасні виклики та можливості в цій галузі. Це дослідження має на меті виявити досягнення та проблеми, а також визначити майбутні перспективи.

Розуміння стратегій, реалізованих Польщею в галузі медіпедагогіки, може сприяти подальшим дослідженням і запропонувати практичні рекомендації щодо вдосконалення медіаосвіти в Польщі та інших країнах. У розвитку медіапедагогіки в Польщі існують суперечності. З одного боку, доступність інформації через медіа сприяє освіті та свідомому споживанню новин. З іншого боку, велика кількість інформації може призвести до інформаційного перевантаження і змішування фактів з фейковими новинами, що підкреслює необхідність підвищення медіаграмотності. Крім того, стрімкий розвиток медіатехнологій може призвести до втрати традиційних культурних цінностей, що також зумовлює необхідність збереження та популяризації культурної спадщини. Медіаплатформи надають можливість для самовираження особистості, але водночас можуть сприяти поширенню негативного контенту, що вимагає ефективного захисту від медіа-насильства та дискримінації. Це дослідження є актуальним з огляду на складність сучасного медіасередовища та необхідність збалансованого підходу до медіаосвіти і педагогіки.

Ключові слова: медіапедагогіка, медіаосвіта, Республіка Польща, розвиток, стратегія, програми, медіаграмотність, критичне мислення, інформаційне суспільство.

Nina Sliusarenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Petukhov Chair of Pedagogy, Psychology and Educational Management, Kherson State University (Kherson, Ukraine)

The development of media pedagogy as a component of media education in the Republic of Poland (first quarter of the XXI century)


The publication analyzes the development of media pedagogy in Poland during the first quarter of the twenty-first century and its role in the country's media education system.

The article examines the strategy of state policy for the development of media education, studies initiatives and programs aimed at increasing the level of media literacy and forming critical thinking about media. It also examines the achievements, problems and prospects of media pedagogy in Poland, taking into account the challenges of the modern information society. The study of media pedagogy in Poland in the first quarter of the twenty-first century is important in view of the current challenges and opportunities in this field. This study aims to identify achievements and problems, as well as to identify future prospects.

Understanding the strategies implemented by Poland in the field of media pedagogy can contribute to further research and offer practical recommendations for improving media education in Poland and other countries. There are contradictions in the development of media pedagogy in Poland. On the one hand, the accessibility of information through the media contributes to education and conscious consumption of news. On the other hand, the abundance of information can lead to information overload and mixing of facts with fake news, which emphasizes the need to improve media literacy. In addition, the rapid development of media technologies can lead to the loss of traditional cultural values, which also necessitates the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. Media platforms provide an opportunity for personal expression, but at the same time can contribute to the spread of negative content, which requires effective protection against media violence and discrimination. This study is relevant given the complexity of the modern media environment and the need for a balanced approach to media education and pedagogy.

Keywords: media pedagogy, media education, Poland, development, strategy, programs, media literacy, critical thinking, information society.


The problem formulation. The rapid pace of development of information and communication technologies and media in the modern world requires systematic training of individuals to use them skillfully and safely. Interaction with various media, such as the press, radio, cinema, television, and the Internet, takes up a significant portion of the free time of Ukrainian citizens and has a significant impact on all social groups, including young people. The media influence the education of the younger generation, often acting as a key factor in their education and training. This influence is exacerbated by the presence of a borderless information market, low-quality media products, and the spread of negative ideologies, which leads to a decrease in society's resilience to negative media influences.

One of the countries that actively implements and develops media education is the Republic of Poland. The development of media pedagogy in Poland in the first quarter of the XXI century is reflected both at the state level and at the level of educational institutions and public initiatives. In the Republic of Poland, media pedagogy is a component of media education, an important tool of the general education system and mass information processes, contributing to global transformations, economic competitiveness and the development of democracy in the information society. The growing number of media outlets and platforms, the rapid pace of information flows, and the changing media behavior of society make the development of media pedagogy a topical issue. In the digital era, where access to information is universal, it is critical to develop critical thinking skills, media literacy, and the ability to analyze and evaluate information flows. That is why the development of media pedagogy is an important component of the media education policy of many countries, including the Republic of Poland.

In the context of current challenges and opportunities, the study of the development of media pedagogy in Poland during the first quarter of the twenty-first century is of great importance. This study will reveal the strategies of state policy in the field of media education, identify key achievements and problems in this area, and determine the prospects for further development. Such an analysis will be useful both for academic research and for the development of practical recommendations for improving media education practice in Poland and other countries. Contradictions in the context of this publication may arise due to the following factors.

The development of media pedagogy in the Republic of Poland faces certain contradictions: on the one hand, the increasing availability of information through the media contributes to the development of education and conscious perception of news. On the other hand, a large amount of information can cause overflow and mixing of facts with fake news, which requires a high level of media literacy from society to properly understand and analyze information.

The rapid development of media technologies leads to the emergence of new formats and media, which can cause the loss of traditional cultural values. At the same time, it is necessary to preserve and promote the values that form the basis of cultural heritage.

On the one hand, the media provide an opportunity for everyone to express their thoughts and ideas individually through social networks and other platforms. On the other hand, this freedom of expression can lead to the spread of negative content, including media violence and discrimination, which requires effective protection against such phenomena. They reflect the complexity of the modern media environment and the need for a balanced approach to the development of media education and media pedagogy. In this context, the issues of our study are becoming more relevant.

In the context of current challenges and opportunities, the study of the development of media pedagogy in Poland during the first quarter of the twenty-first century is of great importance. This study will reveal the strategies of state policy in the field of media education, identify key achievements and problems in this area, and determine the prospects for further development. Such an analysis will be useful both for academic research and for the development of practical recommendations for improving media education practice in Poland and other countries. Contradictions in the context of this publication may arise due to the following factors:

The development of media pedagogy in the Republic of Poland faces certain contradictions: on the one hand, the increasing availability of information through the media contributes to the development of education and conscious perception of news. On the other hand, a large amount of information can cause overflow and mixing of facts with fake news, which requires a high level of media literacy from society to properly understand and to analyze information.

The rapid development of media technologies leads to the emergence of new formats and media, which can cause the loss of traditional cultural values. At the same time, it is necessary to preserve and promote the values that form the basis of cultural heritage.

On the one hand, the media provide an opportunity for everyone to express their thoughts and ideas individually through social networks and other platforms. On the other hand, this freedom of expression can lead to the spread of negative content, including media violence and discrimination, which requires effective protection against such phenomena. They reflect the complexity of the modern media environment and the need for a balanced approach to the development of media education and media pedagogy. In this context, the issues of our study are becoming more relevant.

The purpose of this publication is to reveal the key aspects of the media education process in Poland, promoting scientific discourse and formulating practical recommendations for improving media education practice in the country and abroad.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Polish scholars and researchers have also been actively engaged in the problem of media pedagogy and media education. Among them are such scholars as N. Walter, T. Guck, and W. Stryjkowski. Semenetsky developed the foundations of media pedagogy. V. Kwiatkowska and M. Skibinska studied the essence and features of media pedagogy in Polish higher education institutions.

Within the framework of academic networks and international projects, there is an exchange of experience and cooperation between scholars from different countries, including Ukraine and Republic of Poland. Such joint research focuses on various aspects of media pedagogy, such as media literacy, the impact of media on education and upbringing, the development of new teaching methods, etc. That is why the topic of our publication is necessary.

The purpose of the research - to find out the state of research on the problem of media pedagogy development in the Republic of Poland (first quarter of the XXI century).

Research methods

The research is based on the use of a set of general scientific theoretical methods, theoretical analysis, systematization, methodological, and special literature? historical and logical method, method of generalization, method of analysis and synthesis, systematic method, method of structuring.

Results of the research

The relevance of the development of media pedagogy in the Republic of Poland in the first quarter of the twenty-first century is an integral part of the modern educational paradigm. First of all, due to the rapid development of technologies and the spread of the digital environment, media pedagogy is becoming a key tool for preparing the modern generation for the active use of media in various spheres of life.

Polish scholars interpret the concept of «media pedagogy» in different ways. The term «media pedagogy» was first introduced into Polish pedagogical discourse in 1983 by L. Bandura [1]. He believed that media pedagogy is a social science closely related to the theory of communication.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the first substantive works of Polish educators were A. Lep's «Pedagogy of Mass Media» [2] and B. Siemieniecki's «Media Pedagogy» [4; 5]. These scientific works offer original ideas and provide scientific justification for the use of media in teaching, education, and socialization. Media pedagogy, as a new subdiscipline of pedagogy, considers, first of all, the didactic aspect of media to improve the effectiveness of learning. The educational role of media in shaping the system of values, beliefs and life positions of the subjects of the educational process is also important.

Researcher A. Lepa, following L. Bandura, also considered media pedagogy as part of social pedagogy, which studies media as a necessary component of the human environment. He notes that media pedagogy is seen as an independent discipline based on the achievements of related sciences, such as social psychology, sociology, mass communication science, cinema studies, press studies, etc. [2].

Instead, B. Semenetsky considers media pedagogy in three areas: ontological, axiological, and epistemological. It is clear that each of them covers an interconnected set of philosophical, ethical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical, psychophysiological and other issues [4].

We agree with the opinion of W. Strykowski, who notes that media pedagogy forms a close connection with media education, which is manifested in the fact that media pedagogy, as a science of media research, creates the necessary base in the form of knowledge, methodological approaches and human resources for the implementation of media education practice - media teaching [6].

M. Valchak notes that media pedagogy as a component of media education has at least three key functions:

diagnostic function: media pedagogy describes and analyzes various educational and upbringing situations related to media.

explicative function: media pedagogy explains educational and upbringing phenomena, referring to knowledge from various scientific fields.

practical function: media pedagogy points to measures and actions aimed at eliminating the negative impact of media, as well as promotes ways to use media in a conscious and responsible way [7].

V. Stryjkovsky notes that both theoretical and practical work includes «a multidimensional analysis of media properties that defines the educational functions of media, the discovery and explanation of mechanisms of learning from media, the study of media effects with a special emphasis on the impact of media on the formation of aggression in children and youth, modeling of didactic and educational media messages, development of methodology for using media in the process of education, upbringing, self-education, and the creation of concepts of distance and parallel education» [6].

Thus, researcher V. Stryjkovsky identifies the following main components of media pedagogy:

general media pedagogy - covers media in social communication, problems of the social nature of media, effects of communication in society, media institutions and mechanisms that determine their agenda, concepts of media societies and their impact on educational systems, educational systems and media;

media education considers the didactic and educational process in all forms of education, advanced training and self-education, methodology of media and information education, educational technologies;

information technologies - knowledge about the technological side of media, their use, application in everyday life;

computer-based pedagogical diagnostics and therapy involves the use of information technologies in various fields of special pedagogy and the use of computers in the process of re-certification and resocialization;

media in the human world records the bio-sociocultural conditions and civilizational aspects of media use in human learning [6].

Let us describe in more detail the area of media education as a component of media pedagogy.

We believe that media education is a key area of media pedagogy that focuses on the didactic and educational process, as well as on further education, self-education and self-development.

Media education as a field of knowledge is aimed at developing media competence, i.e. the ability to use media effectively, critically evaluate information, analyze media content and create one's own content. Below are some key elements related to media education as a component of media pedagogy:

Development of media competence: The goal of media education is to develop the skills necessary to function effectively in a media-based society. This includes developing the ability to critically analyze information, understand how social media work, and have the skills to create content;

critical thinking about media: this includes analyzing content, recognizing manipulation, and being able to assess the reliability of information sources;

Internet safety: skills to use the Internet safely, protect one's privacy online, recognize risks on the Internet and use new technologies responsibly;

development of media literacy: the ability to analyze the media context, understand the communication goals of the media and identify hidden messages;

Integration of technology into the educational process: media education involves digital technologies in the educational process, using interactive tools, e-learning platforms, educational games and other means that contribute to the development of media competence.

Based on the above, we can note that media pedagogy is the basis for organized media learning, which is denoted by the concept of "media education."

According to V. Osmanska-Furmanek and M. Furmanek, media education is the practical side of media pedagogy, the key to understanding and constructing meanings in a reality dominated by media culture [3].

Thus, knowledge of the thesaurus of the problem expands scientific knowledge about media pedagogy, which is considered by scholars as a pedagogical science and consists of media culture, media literacy and media education. Media pedagogy plays an important role in modernizing the content of education and gives it an innovative character to meet educational needs.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

Thus, in the first quarter of the twenty-first century, the Republic of Poland witnessed a significant development of media pedagogy as an important component of media education. The active use of innovative technologies and interactive media platforms in the educational process contributes not only to raising the level of media literacy, but also to the development of critical thinking and creative abilities of participants in the educational process.

The process of developing media pedagogy in the Republic of Poland is accompanied by contradictions. On the one hand, the availability of information through the media promotes education and conscious consumption of news. However, on the other hand, information overload and the spread of fake news emphasize the need to increase media literacy among the population. It is also important to consider the possible risks associated with the loss of traditional values and the spread of negative content through media platforms.

Thus, media pedagogy played an important role in the formation of media literacy among the subjects of the educational process. In particular, the emphasis was on the development of critical thinking and the ability to analyze media content, which is an important skill in the modern media environment.

In general, the study confirms the relevance and prospects of media pedagogy as a component of media education, which contributes to the formation of critical thinking and the development of media culture in the modern educational environment.


1. Bandura L. Media pedagogy, Ruch pedagogiczny, 1983, no. 3-4, pp. 3-12 [in Polish].

2. Lepa A. Pedagogy of mass media. Archdiocesan Publishing House of Lodz. 1998. 125 p. [in Polish].

3. Osmanska-Furmanek W., Furmanek M., Media pedagogy, [in:] B. Sliwerski (ed.), Pedagogy, subdisciplines of pedagogical knowledge, vol. 3, Gdanskie Wydawnictwo Pedagogiczne, Gdansk 2006, 296 p. [in Polish].

4. Siemieniecki B. Pedagogy of mass media vol. 1. Academic textbook. PWN. Warsaw, 2007. 337 p. [in Polish].

5. Siemieniecki B. Pedagogy of mass media vol. 2. Academic textbook. PWN. Warsaw, 20080. 261 p. [in Polish].

6. Strykowski W. Pedagogy and media education in the information society, in: Media education in the information society, ed. S. Juszczyk, Torun 2002, 18-22 p. [in Polish].

7. Walczak M. Fundamental cultural changes in the wynku medialization of all areas of socioeconomic and individual life. Forum Bibl. Med. 2012 R. 5 no. 1 (9), 58-79 p. [in Polish].

8. Wronska M. Media pedagogy-«going beyond the information provided». Education-Technology-Informatics, 2018, 195-200 p. [in Polish].

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  • Поняття, думка, висновок як основні форми мислення. Формування в учнів характерних для математики прийомів розумової діяльності. Підходи до становлення логіко-математичного мислення. Його розвиток за допомогою системи нестандартних розвиваючих завдань.

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  • Характеристика мислення, методи історичного пізнання. Дидактичні передумови навчання історії і розвитку мислення. Способи засвоєння змісту історичної освіти. Місце інформаційно-комунікативних технологій у процесі розвитку історичного мислення учнів.

    дипломная работа [63,5 K], добавлен 28.03.2012

  • Роль математики у розвитку логічного та алгоритмічного мислення, зміст завдання математичної освіти. Особливості мислення молодших школярів. Характеристика логічного та алгоритмічного мислення, методи їх розвитку. Ігри та вправи, що розвивають мислення.

    курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 10.06.2011

  • Аналіз розвитку логічного мислення учнів початкових класів в психолого-педагогічній літературі. Особливості мислення дітей на етапі молодшого шкільного віку. Експериментальне дослідження особливостей логіки школярів початкових класів на уроках читання.

    курсовая работа [253,9 K], добавлен 02.01.2014

  • Аналіз підготовки та перепідготовки педагогічних кадрів у нинішніх умовах. Поєднання традиційних та інноваційних форм методичної роботи з викладачами для успішного розвитку їх професійної мобільності. Визначення рівня фахової компетентності педагогів.

    статья [20,7 K], добавлен 27.08.2017

  • Уроки серед природи як уроки розвитку мовлення і мислення дітей. Казка і її невичерпні можливості для мовного розвитку дітей. Мовна культура вчителя і розвиток мови учня, особливості навчання граматики. Ідеї Василя Сухомлинського про мовний розвиток.

    курсовая работа [62,1 K], добавлен 06.03.2015

  • Виховання і розвиток особи. Закон паралельного педагогічного розвитку А.С. Макаренко. Виховний колектив, завдання педагогічної дії. Психологічні концепції мислення і їх філософська основа. Суть мислення як процесу вирішення завдань, операції мислення.

    реферат [19,6 K], добавлен 25.07.2009

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