Training of future educators to the development of the emotional intelligence of children of older preschool age

The concept of emotional intelligence as the mental ability to understand and manage the emotional sphere. Preparation of educators of preschool education institutions for the development of emotional intelligence in children of older preschool age.

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Дата добавления 25.10.2024
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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian national university

Department of theory and methodology of preschool and special education

Training of future educators to the development of the emotional intelligence of children of older preschool age

I. Skomorovska, C. Ped. Sci., Ass. Professor

M. Matishak, C. Ped. Sci., Ass. Professor

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine


The article reveals the problem of professional training of future preschool teachers for the development of emotional intelligence in children of older preschool age. Several definitions of the concepts of «emotions» and «emotional intelligence» are presented. It is noted that emotional intelligence is interpreted as a set of mental abilities to understand one's own emotions and the emotions of other people, as well as managing the emotional sphere.

It is emphasized that the first studies of the problem of emotional intelligence belong to J. Meyer, P. Selovey, and D. Goleman. The components of emotional intelligence presented by scientists are characterized, namely: awareness and recognition of feelings; the desire to understand another person; understanding emotions; managing emotions.

An analysis of the emotional development of older preschool children was carried out, in particular, it was indicated that they are characterized by wide social contacts, namely parents, educators, pupils from kindergarden, friends at the place of residence, etc. As a result of the existing wide circle of communication, preschoolers are often in interaction with others, which requires from them the ability to express their own emotions and understand the emotions of other people. It is emphasized that a child of older preschool age is able to understand such emotions of others as joy, surprise, sadness, anger, irritation, fear, etc.

It has been proven that the teacher plays a significant role in the emotional development of preschoolers. In order to effectively carry out the outlined activities, the training of future teachers of preschool education institutions should include the following components: cognitive (mastery of professional knowledge and competences), motivational (motivation to interact with children and the presence of a desire to implement professional activities), activity component (set of practical skills and abilities, which are necessary for successful work with preschoolers).

It is noted that in order to develop the emotional intelligence of older preschoolers, it is expedient for future preschool educators to organize the following types of activities: reading the books with further analysis of the emotions and feelings of various characters; carrying out game exercises of the corresponding topic; organization of various types of theatrical activities, etc.

Keywords: emotions, emotional intelligence, training of future teachers of preschool education institutions, children of older preschool age.


Підготовка майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти до розвитку емоційного інтелекту дітей старшого дошкільного віку

І. Скоморовська, М. Матішак, к.п.н., доценти кафедри теорії та методики дошкільної і спеціальної освіти, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

У статті розкрито проблему фахової підготовки майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти (ЗДО) до розвитку в дітей старшого дошкільного віку емоційного інтелекту. Представлено декілька визначень понять «емоції» та «емоційний інтелект». Зазначено, що емоційний інтелект трактується як сукупність ментальних здібностей до розуміння власних емоцій та емоцій інших людей, а також управління емоційною сферою.

Наголошено, що перші дослідження проблеми емоційного інтелекту належать Дж. Мейєру, П. Селовею, Д. Гоулмену. Схарактеризовано складники емоційного інтелекту, представлені вченими, а саме: усвідомлення та розпізнавання почуттів, прагнення зрозуміти іншу людину, розуміння емоцій; керування емоціями.

Здійснено аналіз емоційного розвитку дітей старшого дошкільного віку, зокрема, вказано, що для них характерними є широкі соціальні контакти, як-от: батьки, вихователі, вихованці із ЗДО, друзі за місцем проживання тощо. Внаслідок наявного широкого кола спілкування, дошкільники часто перебувають у взаємодії з оточенням, що потребує від них уміння виражати власні емоції та розуміти емоції інших людей. Акцентовано, що дитина старшого дошкільного віку здатна розуміти такі емоції інших, як радість, здивування, сум, гнів, роздратованість, страх, тощо.

Доведено, що вихователь відіграє значну роль в емоційному розвитку дошкільників. Задля ефективного здійснення окресленої діяльності, підготовка майбутніх вихователів ЗДО повинна включати такі компоненти: когнітивний (оволодіння фаховими знаннями та компетентностями), мотиваційний (умотивованість до взаємодії з дітьми та наявність бажання реалізовувати професійну діяльність), діяльнісний компонент (сукупність практичних умінь і навичок, які необхідні для успішної роботи з дошкільниками).

Зазначено, що з метою розвитку емоційного інтелекту старших дошкільників майбутнім вихователям ЗДО доцільно організовувати такі види діяльності: читання художніх творів з подальшим аналізом емоцій та почуттів різних героїв, проведення ігрових вправ відповідної тематики, організація різних видів театралізованої діяльності тощо.

Ключові слова: емоції, емоційний інтелект, підготовка майбутніх вихователів ЗДО, діти старшого дошкільного віку.


The problem formulation. Throughout life, a person experiences a huge range of emotions every day, which can both positively and negatively affect the well-being of an individual, his mood and the specifics of his perception of himself, surrounding people and events. Quite often, a person is guided by emotions when making certain important decisions. Also, the fast pace of life and a high level of emotional stress often have a negative effect on a person's well-being, therefore, in today's conditions, the ability to understand one's feelings and experiences, as well as to be aware of the emotions of the surrounding people, is a very important ability.

In the Basic component of preschool education (2021), the educational direction «Personality of the child» indicates that preschoolers should master personal competence. It involves orienting the child in basic emotions and feelings; awareness of one's own experiences, desires; justification of one's own attitude towards people and events. The importance of mastering this competence lies in the fact that it will be easier for the child to interact with other children, build communication with them, and also participate in joint activities. Therefore, a child's understanding of his own emotions and the emotions of other people is established in preschool childhood. A significant role in this process is assigned to the educator who, as a competent specialist, will be able to explain to children in a form accessible to them how to understand themselves and others. Therefore, the preparation of future preschool teachers for the development of emotional intelligence of older preschool children is considered relevant (Basic component of preschool education, 2021).

Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of the development of emotional intelligence was studied by domestic and foreign scientists, in particular, they studied the following aspects of this issue: features and functions of emotional intelligence (I. Arshava, N. Kovriga, E. Nosenko, N. Trofaila), social importance and ways of developing emotional intelligence (O. Vlasova, V. Zarytska), emotional intelligence as an internal cause of personality freedom (H. Berezyuk, O. Lyash), factors of social and psychological adaptation (S. Derevyanko), emotional stability of personality (L. Zasekina, O. Tempruk), features of the formation of emotional intelligence of preschoolers (I. Beh, A. Golota, Zh. Kucherenko, M. Shpak). The professional training of future preschool educators was studied by such scientists as (L. Artemova, I. Beh, A. Bogush, N. Gavrish, K. Krutiy, N. Lysenko, T. Tanko and others).

Aim and tasks research. The purpose of the article is to reveal the specifics of training future educators of preschool education institutions to carry out the emotional development of preschoolers.

Research methods: study of scientific sources and modern approaches to solving the problem of training future educators for the development of emotional intelligence of preschool children; analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization to highlight various characteristics and requirements for this process.

Results of the research

educator emotional intelligence preschool children

The problem of studying emotional experiences and feelings of a person, which reflect his spiritual needs, aspirations and attitude towards himself and the surrounding environment, has always attracted the attention of scientists. The impact of emotional manifestations on the formation and development of personality, ensuring harmonious functioning and vital activities in society is an important object of discussions and discussions among scientists. For this purpose, we consider it appropriate to reveal the interpretation of the term's «emotions» and «emotional intelligence», which are relatively new.

Emotions (lat. emovere - to excite, excite) are mental states and processes expressed in the form of direct experience of a person's attitude to the world, to what he feels and does (Pavelkiv, 2015).

The study of the psychology of emotions has - been carried out in science quite recently, since the beginning of the 20th century. Previously, the term "emotions" did not acquire such a meaning for study, although it was mentioned in some contexts. Today, there are many opinions and theories about the origin and functions of emotions. H. Good in his work «Emotional sphere of personality: theoretical and methodological aspect of research» emphasizes that the emotional sphere is a key aspect of behavior and personality development. He argues that emotions have a significant impact on the formation of personality and interaction with the world (Good, 2018).

Another important term in the context of our research is emotional intelligence. This concept is defined by A. Chernyavska as a dynamic integral psychological formation that determines the success of interpersonal interaction, adequate self-esteem, positive thinking, as well as leadership abilities based on awareness of the importance of emotions and the ability to manage them (Lazarenko, 2019).

І. Andreeva defined the concept of «emotional intelligence» as a set of mental abilities to understand one's own emotions and the emotions of other people, as well as managing the emotional sphere. According to the scientist, changes in the emotional sphere are connected with the development of not only the motivational, but also the cognitive sphere of the individual, self-awareness (Lazarenko, 2019).

In general, «emotional intelligence» as a scientific category emerged in foreign psychology in the 1990s in the works of J. Meyer, P. Salovey, and D. Goleman. They interpreted it as a set of mental abilities to receive and realize one's own emotions and the emotions of others. Researchers also tried to determine the components of emotional intelligence, which include:

• awareness and recognition of feelings;

• the desire to understand another person (empathy);

• understanding of emotions (acceptance and awareness that behavior and thoughts are subject to the emotional state);

• managing emotions (the ability to use one's own emotions to influence the behavior of others).

According to the researchers S. Bader and K. Borysenko, at the stage of senior preschool age, a child's social contacts are quite wide - parents, closest relatives, pedagogical and children's teams of preschool education institutions, friends and acquaintances outside kindergarten, etc. In addition, the intensity and frequency of children's interaction with the wider society is increasing. Observing their behavior, entering into interaction during communication and play activities, the senior preschooler indirectly learns to understand the emotions of others, which are manifested in gestures, facial expressions, verbal form, intonation and rhythmic characteristics of speech (Borysenko, 2021). Thus, a child of older preschool age is able to understand such emotional manifestations of others as joy, surprise, sadness, anger, anger, irritation, fear, fatigue, etc. In addition, an older preschooler is capable of verbalizing his own emotional state in which he is here and now (situation of emotions), instead, verbally characterizes his feelings quite succinctly (for example: «I am offended by you», «I am bored, play with me», «I was scared!») (Borysenko, 2021).

Therefore, the task of adults (parents, educators) is to help the child understand the entire range of information regarding the expression of his own feelings and experiences. It is appropriate to teach a child from preschool age to understand his emotions and experiences, as they become more complex over time and contain multi-component types of expression. A great role in this aspect is assigned to the teacher of the preschool education institution, who is a kind of guide for the child in the «world of emotions».

The emotionality of a special education teacher is extremely important for the development of children's emotional intelligence, as it allows them to establish emotional contact with the group, puts children in a positive mood, and motivates them to actively participate in various activities. No less important is the teacher's ability to empathize, the ability to perceive, analyze and respond to children's emotions in accordance with the situation. An atmosphere of emotional comfort involves friendly, sincere, tolerant relations between all members of the children's group; accepting her as she is. Emotional communication in ED forms the basis of the relationship between the teacher and pupils, between the children themselves, makes it possible for the latter to receive useful, meaningful, inspiring information in emotional interaction.

Therefore, it is considered important to prepare future teachers of early childhood education for the development of emotional intelligence of preschool children. In this regard, N. Trofaila notes that the professional formation of a future teacher of a preschool education institution is a complex and multidimensional process of personality formation, starting from the time of studentship and up to pedagogical activity in preschool education (Trofaila, 2019).

Considering the problem of forming the readiness of future educators for the emotional development of preschoolers, N. Trofaila identified the following components of readiness:

1. The cognitive component involves the formation of education seekers in the system of knowledge about emotions, the emotional sphere of children, its components and their influence on the emotional well-being of preschoolers.

2. The motivational component is characterized by the positive motivation of the future teacher to interact with preschool children.

3. The activity component - provides practical skills and abilities that are necessary for future educators to solve the problems of emotional development of children in the process of their education and training in preschool education (Trofaila, 2019).

Thus, the readiness of future educators for the emotional development of preschoolers requires their mastery of a set of professional knowledge, the presence of motivation for future pedagogical activities, as well as the mastery of the necessary practical skills and abilities.

Also, the researcher N. Trofaila noted that for the professional training of students for the emotional development of preschool children, it is advisable to adhere to the following principles (Trofaila, 2017):

• awareness and activity in education;

• systematicity of educational and cognitive activity;

• integrity, expediency, predictability;

• sequence and continuity, dynamism and multi-functionality.

Therefore, the future educator, during the formation of the components of the emotional intelligence of an older preschooler, needs to provide children with information about the expression of emotions and feelings in an accessible form. For this purpose, it is advisable for future teachers of special education to organize the following types of activities with children:

• reading works of art with further analysis of emotions and feelings of various characters;

• carrying out game exercises of the corresponding topic;

• organization of various types of theatrical activities;

• use of handouts with images of certain emotions;

• analysis of situations that happened to children;

• drawing techniques that help to express the «inner world» of the child, his thoughts about close and surrounding people, their relationships.

According to D. Sabol, special attention should be paid to the reading and discussion of fairy tales, as well as the use of fairy-tale therapy in working with children regarding the development of emotional intelligence. It is appropriate to pay attention to role-playing games, which can be educational in nature and introduce children to the basics of emotional intelligence (Sabol, 2020). Such games will teach preschoolers to manage the manifestations of their emotional experiences.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

So, emotional intelligence is an important component of the process of personality formation, which improves throughout a person's life. Preschool age is the first stage where a purposeful influence on the quality, pace and efficiency of the functioning of emotional intelligence can take place. The teacher acts as a kind of guide for the child into the unknown world of emotions, therefore, it is important that the future teacher of special needs has a set of necessary knowledge and skills for the successful development of the emotional intelligence of older preschoolers.


1. Basic component of preschool education (State standard of preschool education, new edition. (2021).

2. Borysenko K., Bader S. (2021) Osoblyvosti rozvytku emotsiynoho intelektu ditey starshoho doshkil'noho viku [Peculiarities of the development of emotional intelligence of children of senior preschool age] Naukovyy visnyk Uzhhorods'koho universytetu. Seriya: «Pedahohika. Sotsial'na robota», 1(48), 48-52.

3. Hud, H. (2018). Emotsiyna sfera osobystosti: teoretyko-metodolohichnyy aspekt doslidzhennya [Emotional sphere of personality: theoretical and methodological aspect of research] Aktual'ni problemy psykholohiyi: zbirnyk naukovykh prats' Instytutu psykholohiyi imeni H.S. Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayiny, 1,84-94.

4. Lazarenko, V.V. (2019). Rozvytok emotsiynoho intelektu ditey doshkil'noho viku u teatralizovaniy diyal'nosti [Development of emotional intelligence of preschool children in theatrical activities] Molodyy vchenyy, 12 (76), 279-282.

5. Pavelkiv, R.V., & Tsygypalo, O. (2015). Psykholohiya dytyacha: navch. posibn. [Children's psychology: a study guide]. Kyiv: Akademvydav.

6. Sabol, D.M. (2020) Rozvytok emotsiynoho intelektu v ditey doshkil'noho viku [Development of emotional intelligence in children of preschool age] Kompetentnisne spryamuvannya doshkil'noyi ta pochatkovoyi osvity v umovakh novoyi ukrayins'koyi shkoly: zbirnyk materialiv III Vseukr. nauk.-prakt. Internet-konf., 15 hrudnya 2020 r., 160-163.

7. Trofayila, N.D. (2017). Eksperymental'na model' pidhotovky maybutnikh vykhovateliv do emotsiynoho rozvytku ditey doshkil'noho viku [Experimental model of training future educators for the emotional development of preschool children].

8. Trofayila, N.D. (2019). Pidhotovka maybutnikh vykhovateliv do emotsiynoho rozvytku ditey doshkil'noho viku [Preparation of future educators for the emotional development of preschool children]: dys. ... k. ped. n.: 13.00.08. Uman'.

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