Integration of interactive learning technologies in the process of sports training

Interactive training methods are understood as a system of rules for organizing the productive interaction of athletes with each other and with the coach in the form of educational and training, business and role interactions, preparedness of the players.

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Integration of interactive learning technologies in the process of sports training

Volodymyr Faidevych

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Lutsk National Technical University

Volodymyr Kovalchuk

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Lutsk National Technical University

Iryna Oliinyk

Doctor of Philosophy

Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

The term "interactive method" is translated as a method of interaction between participants, and learning using this method can be considered interactive - built on interaction. Interactive training methods are understood as a system of rules for organizing the productive interaction of athletes with each other and with the coach in the form of educational and training, business and role interactions, in the process of which the technical and tactical preparedness of the players is improved and new experience of gameactivitiesislearned .

Interactive learning methodsarecloselyrelatedtotwogroupsof methods: learning with thehelpof a computerandcomputer-freelearning, in the process of which a specially organized educational and training interaction is carried out.

Currently, interactive methods are innovative and contribute to the activation of the educational and training process, independent understanding of technical and tactical actions in the game. Considering the main types of interactive learning methods, we will focus on the following: brainstorming, business game, game modeling, discussion [2; 6].

In order to implement interactive learning methods both in the educational and in the educational and training process, it is necessary to follow the following rules:

- criticism of proposed ideas and intermediate critical evaluations of statements are prohibited;

- judgmentsabouttheintractabilityoftheproblem are not allowed;

- the more suggestions are put forward, the more likely a new and valuable idea will appear;

- in the course of "brainstorming" there is improvement and development of the proposed ideas;

- when solving a complex problem, it is divided into component parts;

- active interaction of all game participants, regardless of the game role;

- simulation of a real process using a model of game and competitive activity;

- interaction of athletes with each other during the game;

- the presence of a common game goal of all participants;

- accounting for the probabilistic nature of activity results due to incomplete information about activity results and the difficulty of predicting all the consequences of decisions made;

- implementation of a "chain of decisions", each of which depends on the previous one, as well as on decisions made by other team members;

- development of a system for evaluating the performance of each member of a sports team, as well as a system for stimulating gaming activity.

In the context of our research, the sports game is presented as a condition for the self-realization of the athlete's personality in educational and sports activities, so we will understand it as a type of sports activity, in the process of which there is interaction between the participants of the educational and training process, aimed at improving the competitive activity of the players, the implementation ofthecoach 's attitudesandpromotesself-realization of athletes in the process of competitive activity. interactive learning sports training

The main task of the business game is to simulate a certain game or competitive situation and theabilitytocompetentlyanalyzethemandmake optimal decisions to improve game performance [7; 4; 5].

The authors highlight the following essential features of a business game, adapted by us for the organization of a sports game:

- simulation of the real process of a sports game with the help of a model;

- interaction of athletes with different playing roles;

- resolution of conflict situations among athletes that appear during the game;

- the presence of a common goal of all team members, against the background of which private conflicts and contradictions develop;

- accounting for the probabilistic nature of the results of sportsmen's game activities, due to the incompleteness of information and the impossibility of predicting all the consequences of the decisions made;

- implementation of a "chain of solutions" of problems that arise during the game, and it should be noted that each solution to the problem depends on the previous one, as well as on the decisions made by the athletes during the sports game.

It is believed that the characteristic features of the business game are the presence of a model of sports and game activities of athletes, the active interaction in it of players of different roles, the presence of a common goal for the entire team, as well as a clear assessment of individual activity.

As practice shows, business games are actively used in the educational process of a comprehensive school, and at the same time are a practically new and little-used form of improving the educational and training process.

Discussion as an interactive learning method means research or analysis. An educational discussion is a purposeful, collective discussion of a specific problem, which is accompanied by the exchange of ideas, judgments, and opinions in a group of athletes.

According to scientists, each discussion usually goes through the stages of orientation, evaluation and consolidation. At the orientation stage, adaptation of the discussion participants to the problem itself and to each other is expected. At the evaluation stage, the maximum volume of ideas, suggestions, the coach's termination of the athletes' personal ambitions and deviations from the discussion topic is collected . The consolidation stage involves analyzing the results of the discussion, agreeing on opinions and positions, jointly formulating decisions and making them. One of the interactive teaching methods is the method of analyzing specific situations: a situation related to the analysis of one or another situation is shown and a decision must be made according to a certain system of behavior in the given conditions. This method is called situational games, several groups can participate in them, each of which offers its own solution.

There are mechanisms of non-obtrusive control and manipulation of the consciousness of team members, designed to ensure a certain unity of views that contribute to the achievement of the set goal.

In the light of this concept, it is interesting to raise the question of how possible it is to manipulate the provision of information in the decision-making process and what is the mechanism for the implementation of these actions.

The decision-making process involves the interaction of individuals (as a rule, at all stages), and any communication is impossible without the exchange of information between people. Considering information sufficiency as the antithesis of uncertainty, we can say that as a result of interaction in the decision-making process, there should be a reduction of uncertainty in the decision-making subject. It should be noted that the coach, makes decisions in conditions of competitive activity, will always be in conditions of constant dialectical interaction of information and uncertainty. In competitive activity (due to its high dynamism), the increase in information does not allow the elimination of uncertainty to the extent that would allow a decision to be made in the conditions of a completely reliable description of the behavior of the team for the management of which the decision is made. Therefore, the management of information flows should be considered a positive phenomenon, since in conditions of uncertainty it is always necessary to take into account the fact that the value of information is relative.

The demand for information can be managed by influencing the correctness of its selection and forming criteria for an adequate display of the specified properties of the object (team, player). This is possible if there is a correct concept, based on which the initial concept is formulated (aspect of the management object , which is reflected by the corresponding social indicator), the validity of the selection of essential features and connections of the displayed phenomenon, the correctness of the measurement method. The indicator of the quality of information provision of the decision-making process is characterized by the usefulness of information, that is, the property of information to be relevant, reliable and comparable, to reflect real existing objects with the necessary accuracy.

Information is relevant from the coach's point of view if its presence or absence provides or is capable of influencing his decisions, helping to assess past, present or future events, confirming or changing previously made assessments. The relevance of information is affected by its content and materiality. Information, the absence or inaccuracy of which can affect the course of competitive activity, is called essential.

Information is reliable if it does not contain significant errors. To be reliable, the information must objectively reflect the actions of the teams to which it actually or presumably relates.

Adequacy of object information can be considered from at least three positions:

1. Syntactic - the reproduction of the formal and structural characteristics of the display is abstracted from the semantic and useful parameters. From this point of view, the concept of information is identical to the concept of data.

2. Semantic - examines the relationship between information and its sources. Emphasis is placed on the semantic content of the information, while the achievement of the unity of theinformation ( object ) andtheuser is considered.

3. Pragmatic - compliance of information with the goal of management, which is implemented on its basis. In management, there is a two-fold interpretation of the "theory of decision-making". The term "decision theory" in a narrow sense refers to a statistical theory of decision, in which a rigorous apparatus is developed for choosing the best decision from several alternatives under conditions of uncertainty.

In a broader interpretation, this kind of "quantitative decision theory" also includes game theory, linear and dynamic programming, and other branches of applied mathematics, which contain methods for choosing the best solutions under various preconditions for the formal formulation of management tasks. A distinctive feature of this so-called normative decision theory is that it develops methods for choosing courses of action that will be the best, based on a given criterion, as well as the prerequisites of an idealized model of the situation where the decision is made. This kind of decision theory by no means assumes that the prerequisites that are included in the formal models are necessarily adequate to the real prerequisites of the coach's decision-making, and the models themselves are identical to the entire range of actual game situations.

Choosing a decision from many possibilities is only one, the final phase of the decision-making process. The other two phases are identifying situations in which a decision needs to be made and finding possible alternative steps, actions that are more important. A coach spends a great deal of his time reviewing literature, videos, and actual games to discover new conditions that require new actions. He spends a significant amount of his time (personally or together with his assistantsandplayers) tryingtoinvent, designand develop possible courses of action in situations where decisions need to be made. He spends a large part of his time to make a choice among alternative steps, actions already designed to solve the identified problem and already analyzed from the point of view of their consequences.

The importance of the first two phases of decision-making is determined by the fact that management decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty. When solving any problems, clarity and certainty are evident only when the situation is repeated, well-known and standard, therefore, uncertainty can be reduced by isolating standard management tasks. Information for making a management decision should be formulated both on the basis of the actions of one's own team and on the analysis of the actions of the opponent's team.

Such information can be collected on the basis of formal methods, using data "organized" by various types of accounting, and informally. Informal methods of gathering both verbal and written information are numerousanddiverse: interviews, surveys, testing, personal observations, opinions of specialists, meetings, periodicals, professional magazines and much more.

Recently, one of the most urgent problems of the sports training system is the management of the sports form of players and the entire team during a long competitive period and, directly, during the competition, when the coach is faced with the need to develop not only long-term strategic, but also operational measures to respond to those or other competitive situations. As many years of experience show, the functioning of a well-designed management structure is a greater guarantee of stability of performances than the coach's intuition. Meanwhile, judging by the available materials, we are at the beginning of the formation of rules and procedures of scientific management of the training and competition process and risk falling behind the world level.

Generalization of practice, theory of scientific research in this area shows that the most significant methodical provisions characteristic of sports games are:

- system-targeted approach to planning and programming;

- anticipatory development, when a promising target training model is developed with optimal anticipation of the real forecast of the development trends of the sport and the specifics of the main rivals;

- fundamental training, which creates a margin of reliability for achieving success;

- adaptation to extreme situations of sports wrestling in major tournaments and decisive matches;

- dynamism of the training system (flexible planning, operational correction of the program based on constant study of the situation and intelligence of opponents);

- optimal redundancy - exceeding the "demand" of competitive and training activities.

The basis of the rational selection of means, methods and techniques for managing the sports form of the player and the team as a whole includes a flexible balance of individual, individual-group and team training taking into account the saving of physical and mental potential and the mobilization of intellectual components of game activity.

In sports games, there is a wide range of management capabilities, focused on the quality of the training and competitive process and the final result in the main competitions of the season. The current situation requires that the planning and programming of the training and competitive activities of the leading teams be carried out on the basis of scientifically based principles, means, and methods of managing competitive activities [8; 7; 3].

The development of an athlete as a subject of the game is a leap-like process caused by the influence of the following factors:

- heterochrony of an individual's physical and mental development;

- the growth of his sports skills (the so-called sports ontogeny);

- change of different teams during sports life, in the composition of which this athlete shows himself. If the first two factors of change in the process are characteristic of sports in general, then the third mainly characterizes the games themselves, and the variability is not only more pronounced, but also does not always agree with the logic of development: an athlete may find himself in a team to which he is objectively not responsible for his playing potential [8].

In sports of higher achievements, there is a pronounced heterochrony of the team, which is practically not found in teams of a lower rank. A highly qualified team represents individuals with clear leadership tendencies, the management of which requires fundamentally new solutions. In this case, it is expedient to optimize the managerial activity of the coach in the higher level teams by changing the planning system.

It is customary to consider the training of high-class athletes as a system with its inherent patterns. This, in turn, suggests the need to improve the methods of studying sports activities in order to create prerequisites for drawing up appropriate training programs and management of competitive activities.

The personalized part of the system of sports training in sports of higher skill has significant differences compared to other areas of sports. First, outstanding athletes are bright personalities with certain properties, a peculiar combination of physical and mental qualities, their technique is considered rational and maximally corresponds to a specific morphofunctional and psychophysiological status. Hence the requirement to implement the principle of an individual approach when working with such athletes. Secondly, highly qualified athletes are more active, conscious and self-improving as a personified part of the training and competition process. They themselves are looking for optimal ways of self-training and means of realizing their playing potential. Often, the formation of a sports team is a product of the clash of ideas of outstanding athletes and their coaches, which can be considered as a phenomenon of creative synthesis.

The target function of managing the training of highly qualified teams and their competitive activities can be formulated as the achievement of planned sports performance by individual athletes in the largest competitions.

Gathering information during the game is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of management. Such information is needed for an urgent and final assessment of the actions of each player and the entire team. For this purpose, various methods of pedagogical observations are used to record the actions of the participants. Often in this case, technical means are used: filming, tape recording of the game.

There are several methods of recording game actions that every coach should have: statistical, graphic and shorthand. It is better to have a trained participant or an assistant coach record. Then there is an opportunity to expand the scope of fixed indicators. The statistical record consists in recording the used game techniques and their effectiveness (number ofthrows, mistakes, balllosses , etc. ). Its main advantage is the speed of information analysis.

The graphic record is a fixation in certain forms of game actions (points of throws, direction of passes, typicalcombinations, etc. ).

The shorthand recording most fully reflects the content of the game activity, which consists in recording the actions of one or both teams using conventional notations. After processing the data, you can get individual and team characteristics, "read" the entire course of the game and set its critical points. In recent years, video recording with subsequent analysis has been widely used to solve these problems. However, such an analysis should not be simply a fixation of errors, but should be accompanied by the disclosure of the reasons for their appearance. Along with the specified forms, which are carried out in practice only in the presence of assistants, operational analysis of the situation on the site without recording and accounting is widely used.

In order to make a timely decision aimed at improving the team's game in defense or attack, the coach already in the first minutes of the meeting does a lot of work with definition: 1) defense system of the opposing team; 2) compliance of the attack system of the selected team with the defense system of the opponent; 3) opponent's attack systems; 4) correspondence of the defense system chosen by the team to the opponent's attack system.

The analysis of the played game requires calm and therefore it is not advisable to carry it out in the first hours after the end of the game. In the evening, having calmed down, shedding the load of unnecessary emotions, the coach analyzes the information recorded during the game, systematizes his impressions of the team's play as a whole and individual players, looks for the reasons that led to systematic mistakes. In particular, it should be said about the need for introspection. A thoughtful coach is obliged to analyze his own mistakes made in the course of management and draw the correct conclusions from them.

The next day, on the basis of the analysis of the processed results of thegame, itmustbeanalyzed. At team meetings, the degree of implementation of the tactical plan, the effectiveness of the athletes' actions, and their performance of tactical tasks are noted. Errors made during the game are analyzed. The analysis ends with the setting of tasks for the next game.

In our work, an attempt was made to use interactive technologies in the training process and taking into account the material and technical base - moderncomputertechnologiesthatallownot only to reproduce the given time segments of the game, but also to conduct a comparative analysis of the technical and tactical actions of the athlete on the court.

At the moment, the main directions of integration of the means of mediated visibility in the process of sports training are:

- multimedia databases, librariesandwebresources;

- applied software packages for analysis, simulations and modeling of competitive situations;

- computer- controlled technical means of training and control;

- automated sports training design systems;

- hardware and software complexes for diagnostics of functional readiness and medical control;

- multimedia didactic materials.

Thus, in recent years, a large number of directions for the introduction and use of moderninformationandcomputertechnologiesintheprocess of training athletes and specialists in the field of sports have been noted. But at the same time, in sports games, these technologies are mainly for the purpose of medical control. Inthisregard, scientificandmethodological developments on the use of AI technologies ( Artificial intellect) in the educational and training process acquire special relevance for research.

Games provide a platform for interactive learning. Learning in them takes place not only in the form of passive reading and listening. They can be adjusted to the needs of the user, provide instant feedback , give the opportunity to independently make discoveries, come to a new understanding. At the same time, the studied material is remembered well and for a long time.

The motivation, enthusiasm generated by the use of games is much higher when they are not part of formal education. Games are only part of learning practice and should be used as part of a blended learning approach, along with other methods.

The technology of creating games is constantly developing, the speed of information processing, graphic capabilities, volumes of data carriers are increasing - all this allows you to make games more and more perfect.

First of all, interactive forms and methods of learning are innovative and contribute to the activation of students' cognitive activity, independent understanding of educational material. Considering the main types of interactive learning methods, we focused on brainstorming, business game, role-playing game, simulation game (game modeling), discussion, analysis of specific situations.

Secondly, considering the main types of interactive teaching methods, we focused on the fact that they are a condition for the self-realization of the students' personality in educational activities, and when using interactive methods, they should have an impact on the participants of the educational process, which leads to such a strategy as cooperation


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