Didactic game as a means of cognitive development of a preschool child

The characteristics of didactic games as a means of cognitive development of preschool children are presented. This concept is analyzed from the standpoint of various scientific approaches. The essence of didactic games, their functions and structure.

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Didactic game as a means of cognitive development of a preschool child

Trofaila Nataliia Dmitrivna, candidate of Pedagogical Siences, Associate Professor at the Department of Child Psychology and Pedagogy, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University


The article presents a substantive characterization of didactic game as a means of familiarizing children with the subject environment. This concept is analyzed from the standpoint of various scientific approaches. The essence of the didactic game, its functions and structure, stages of its implementation are characterized. The views of researchers on the classification of didactic games are presented.

Familiarization of preschool children with the object environment involves not the transfer of empirical knowledge about the properties and methods of action with objects, but the experience of humanity's cognition of the phenomena of reality: nature, society, thinking, generalized in science and recorded in the system of scientific concepts.

The massive coverage of children with public preschool education makes it possible to ensure continuity and continuity in the educational work of preschool education and school. Preschool age is a period of building a child's basic relationship with the world and his/her desire to organize his/her knowledge of the environment and then generalize it in the form of a certain model of the universe.

During preschool childhood, a child develops the first ideas about the environment, the ability to establish the simplest relationships and patterns in the phenomena of the world around him or her, and to independently apply the knowledge gained in practical activities.

Familiarization with the object world plays an important role in the formation of a child's individual picture of the world. Objects reveal different aspects of human life: work, life, art. By learning about the object world, a child learns about the qualities and properties of the world in general: essential and non-essential.

Thus, preschool age is a period that plays a special role in a child's cognition of the world in general and the object world in particular. In this regard, it is important to search for fundamentally new content, teaching methods, for independent activity, to promote the development of cognitive and practical activity, to develop the beginnings of creativity.

Keywords: didactic game, object environment, preschool children, object world.

Трофаїла Наталія Дмитрівна, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри психології та педагогіки розвитку дитини, Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини


Анотація. У статті представлено змістову характеристику дидактичної гри як засобу пізнавального розвитку дітей дошкільного віку. Дане поняття проаналізовано з позицій різних наукових підходів. Схарактеризовано суть дидактичної гри, її функції та структуру, етапи проведення. Представлено погляди дослідників на класифікацію дидактичних ігор.

Ознайомлення дітей дошкільного віку з предметним довкіллям передбачає не передачу емпіричних знань про властивості та способи дій із предметами, а узагальнений у науці та зафіксований у системі наукових понять досвід пізнання людством явищ дійсності: природи, суспільства, мислення. didactic games children

Масове охоплення дітей суспільним дошкільним вихованням дає можливість практично забезпечити наступність і неперервність у навчально - виховній роботі закладу дошкільної освіти та школи. Дошкільний вік, це період побудови базових взаємин дитини зі світом і її бажання впорядкувати свої знання про довкілля, а потім узагальнити їх у вигляді певної моделі світобудови.

У період дошкільного дитинства у дитини виникають перші уявлення про довкілля, формується вміння встановлювати найпростіші взаємозв'язки і закономірності в явищах навколишнього світу, а також самостійно застосовувати отримані знання в практичній діяльності.

Ознайомлення із предметним світом відіграє важливу роль у формуванні індивідуальної картини світу дитини. Через предмети розкриваються різні сторони життя людини: праця, побут, мистецтво. Пізнаючи предметний світ, дитина дізнається про якості і властивості світу загалом: істотні та неістотні.

Отже, дошкільний вік є періодом, який відіграє особливу роль у пізнанні дитиною світу загалом, й предметного світу, зокрема. У зв'язку з цим важливим є пошук принципово нового змісту, методів навчання, для самостійної діяльності, сприятиме розвитку в неї пізнавальної та практичної активності, розвиватиме початки творчості.

Ключові слова: дидактична гра, предметне довкілля, діти дошкільного віку, предметний світ.

Problem statement. One of the most important tasks of a child's development is to learn about the world in all its diversity, versatility, and complexity.

The object world is of particular importance in the development of preschool children. The task of the teacher is to help children learn to navigate the diversity of the object world, use objects for their intended purpose and, most importantly, form a value-based attitude towards them.

Research shows that the main condition for educating preschoolers' value attitude to the subject world is the systemic nature of ideas about the subject (Kruhlet, 2007).

Analysis of recent research and publications. The analysis of studies on familiarizing preschool children with the environment shows the interest of scientists in different aspects of this phenomenon: the use of research activities (N. Lysenko, L. Paramonova, M. Podyakov, O. Podyakov); familiarization with the phenomena of living nature (N. Nikolayeva, N. Ryzhova, P. Freudenkin, N. Y. Feyrekin, N. Y. Podyakov); familiarization with the phenomena of inanimate nature (S. Nikolaieva, N. Ryzhova, P. Samorukova, I. Freidkin, N. Yarysheva), social phenomena (A. Bogush, N. Havrysh, V. Ilchenko, S. Kozlova), physical dependencies (Z. Boguslavska, O. Zaporozhets, T. Zemtsova, L. Klarina, E. Korzakova, L. Mishchyk); natural and subject environment (L. Zaitseva, V. Loginova, N. Ryzhova).

The ideas of modern Ukrainian researchers (A. Leontieva, S. Novoselov, V. Kyslenko, O. Dybin) occupy a special place in the study of the object world. They consider the object as an instrument of the child's subject and playful activity, as a source of cognition of the adult's creativity.

The importance of the role of the object world in the development of preschool children is emphasized in their studies by scientists L. Wenger, O. Zaporozhets, V. Loginova, and others. The object world serves as the main determinant of the child's mental development (L. Vygotsky, L. Bozhovych, S. Rubishtein, B. Teplov,

D. Elkonin, D. Feldstein, P. Jacobson, etc.), contributes to the development of aesthetic feelings (O. Bodalev, etc.), influences human relationships (V. Kotyrlo, A. Kosheleva, V. Myasyshchev, E. Subbotsky, D. Feldstein, etc.).

The purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to highlight the didactic game as a means of familiarizing children with the subject environment.

Summary of the main research material. Preschool childhood is a complex socio-cultural, psychological and pedagogical phenomenon that has intrinsic value and its own logic of development.

Preschool age is a unique, one-of-a-kind age. It is the most rapid, rapid, psychological and physical development of the child, and the foundations of personality are laid. At present, a child appears before us as an individual, as an original sovereign personality, worthy of love and respect, who is not an object but a subject of the educational process, and society has the right to hope for the success and comprehensive development of each child, for the identification and development of creative abilities, which are the basis of upbringing and education of children.

The basic component of preschool education defines the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, the amount of workload, requirements for the level of development, education and training of the child, as well as the conditions under which they can be achieved [2].

The basic component is the minimum sufficient and necessary degree of competence for a child of the first seven (6) years of life, which is necessary for his/her normal functioning in the environment. It involves a set of elementary knowledge, ideas, practical skills and abilities that guarantee a child's adaptation to life, ability to navigate it, and adequate response to phenomena, events, and people. First of all, it is about providing a person in the first years of life with a kind of minimum educational core, the level of mastery of which is reflected in the qualitative and quantitative indicators of his or her activity and behavior [3].

In V. Loginova's study, the function of an object is to be used by a person, and its purpose is to satisfy all human needs. Thus, the child understands the whole meaning of creating objects.

Studying the research of S. Kozlova, we can conclude that the object reveals different aspects of life: work, life, art, as well as their characteristics: characteristic features, life experience, and creativity of adults.

The formation of attitudes towards the object world is reflected in the research of R. Zhukovska, who studied the process of fostering a careful attitude towards the results of adult work to develop in children a sense of gratitude to an adult for caring for them.

The object world is seen as a means of educating such moral qualities as thrift, care, neatness, hard work, the habit of knowing that every thing has its place, and the realization that adults work hard to create things, so the results of their work should be protected.

Analyzing V. Kyslenko's research, we can conclude that she attributes the importance of cognition of the function and purpose of an object to such activities as play, work, and art, in which the child acts with objects, actively mastering the world of things. The child gradually learns to live with these objects, learns to use them correctly. The author rightly notes that it is in the activity that the child realizes the connection with a person through things, and the connection with things - through a person.

Studying the research of O. Dybina-Artamonova, the object world can be conditionally divided into three groups:

The first group of objects includes those objects with which the child does not act, because for objective reasons children do not have direct contact with them, their attitude is socially mediated by adults (for example, objects that facilitate the work of adults at work).

The second group includes objects that are part of the child's immediate environment. He or she comes into direct contact with these objects. The child does not transform these objects, but they are of great importance for his development: children see these objects and act with them in practice.

The third group includes objects with which the child acts. These objects are close in content to the real life of adults, they allow children to engage in creative activity, to form a child's creative interest in the world of objects and the world of adults .

In cognition of the object world for a child, the functions of the object world play an important role, namely:

1) informative function,

2) emotional function,

3) regulatory function.

These functions are covered in a number of works by domestic scientists.

According to scientists V. Loginova and L. Misharin, the informative function helps to develop the necessary ideas about social reality, the central link of which is knowledge about the work of adults. The informative function of the subject environment provides children with accessible knowledge about the social values of labor products: each thing is the result of labor and is created to serve not one person, but many.

О. Dybina is convinced that thanks to the power of the object world, a child can master a retrospective approach to the object environment, which carries knowledge about the products of an adult's creative activity and gives impetus to the development of a prognostic view of the world. This creates the conditions for the child to think about and improve the object, to make it beautiful and useful. Such mastery of the "world of objects" is of great importance for the development of the child's motivational and personal sphere, which begins to be creative in the object world.

The most important for children's familiarization with objects are the closest objects and the wider environment: the house, the kindergarten as a whole, the street, the city, and sometimes the country. The objects that surround children are no longer only concrete objects used individually and collectively, but also "smart things" - simple and more complex, invented by humans.

Thus, preschool childhood, in terms of the pace of development and the quality of mental formation acquired during this period, is of particular importance for the entire subsequent formation of the individual. And here the most important role is played by the problem of finding new forms of education and upbringing, as well as the organization of a developmental environment that can provide children with a much larger "field" for independent action, which would contribute to the formation of cognitive and practical activity of preschoolers.

К. Ushinsky pointed out the dependence of the content of children's games on the social environment. He valued children's independence in play, saw this as the basis of the deep influence of play on the child, but considered it necessary to guide children's games, ensuring the moral content of children's impressions [6].

In didactic play, children learn to think about things that they do not currently perceive. The game requires the use of previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances.

A prominent Soviet educator N. Krupskaya, emphasizing the peculiarity of didactic games, wrote: "Play is a need of a growing child's body. In the game, the child's physical strength develops, the hand becomes stronger, the body more flexible, the eye more accurate, and the wit, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and initiative develop"

К. Ushinsky considered play to be a free activity of the child, which makes a contribution to his or her development that cannot be compared with anything else. He wrote: "The game is a free activity of the child, and if we compare the interest of the game, as well as the number and variety of traces left by it in the child's soul, with the same influence of the first four or five years of education, then, of course, the game will have the advantage" [6].

Evaluating the didactic game and its role in the educational system, A. Usova wrote: "Didactic games, game tasks and techniques can increase the receptivity of children, diversify the child's learning activities, and make them curious".

According to L. Artemova, didactic games should be used as a link between educational and independent play activities. Appearing in the context of organizational or spontaneous learning, didactic games actually continue it in a playful way [1].

In creating the modern system of didactic games, it is necessary to note the role of E. Tikheeva, who announced a new approach to didactic games. According to E. Tikheeva, they are only one of the components of upbringing and educational work with children along with reading, conversation, drawing, singing, gymnastics, and work. The effectiveness of didactic games in the upbringing and education of children was directly dependent on the extent to which they are in tune with the child's interests, bring him/her joy, and allow him/her to show his/her activity and independence (Guskova, 2008).

According to A. Bondarenko, didactic games set children the task of rationally exploring existing knowledge in mental operations: finding characteristic features in objects and phenomena of the world around them; comparing, grouping, classifying objects according to certain characteristics, making correct conclusions, generalizations. The activity of children's thinking is the main prerequisite for a conscious attitude to the acquisition of solid, deep knowledge, and the establishment of reasonable relationships in the team.

Thanks to didactic play, a child's sensory development occurs, while he or she develops logical thinking and the ability to express thoughts in words. To solve a game task, you need to compare the characteristics of objects, establish similarities and differences, generalize, and draw conclusions. Thus, the ability to make judgments and apply their knowledge in different conditions is developed. This can only happen if children have specific knowledge about the objects and phenomena that make up the content of the game.

The characteristic features of didactic games are that they are created by adults for the purpose of teaching and educating children. However, created for didactic purposes, they remain games. In games, a child is primarily attracted to the game situation, and while playing, he or she solves a didactic task unnoticed.

Thus, didactic game is a complex multifaceted pedagogical phenomenon: it is a game method of teaching a child and a means of comprehensive personality development, as well as a factor in the intellectual development of preschoolers.Conclusions

After analyzing psychological and pedagogical research, we have considered the main theoretical aspects of the problem of familiarizing preschoolers with the subject world, identified key concepts, as well as potential opportunities of didactic game, which allow us to consider it as one of the leading means of forming ideas about the subject environment.


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2. Bazoviy komponent doshkIlnoYi osvIti (2012) [Basic component of preschool education]. K.: Vidavnitstvo, 26 p. [in Ukrainian].

3. Bogush A. (2008) Metodika oznayomlennya dItey z dovkIllyam u doshkIlnomu navchalnomu zakladI [Methods of acquainting children with the environment in preschool education]. K.: Vidavnichiy Dim "Slovo", 408 p. [in Ukrainian].

4. Vernyuk S.V. Rol IgrovoYi dIyalnostI v zhittI ditini [The role of play in a child's life]. (n.d.). leleka.rv.ua/index.php?m=content&d=view&cid=501 Retrieved from http://leleka.rv.ua/index. php?m=content&d=view&cid=501 [[in Ukrainian].

5. Zaytseva L. I. (2014) Znannya pro ob'Ekti dovkIllya yak zasIb rozvitku pochatkIv obdarovanostI ditini-doshkIlnika [Knowledge about the education of the preschool child]. К., Pp. 29-35. [in Ukrainian].

6. Ushinskiy K.D. (1983) VibranI pedagogIchnI tvori [Selected pedagogical works]. K.: Rad. shk., 488 p. [in Ukrainian].

7. Література:

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9. Базовий компонент дошкільної освіти: за станом на 4 травня 2012 р. / Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України. К.: Видавництво, 2012. 26 с.

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