Pedagogical reflection is a tool for the professional development of future pedagogical specialists
Features of studying the importance of developing professional reflection of future educational psychologists for the effective formation of their professionalism. Determination of the main types of reflexes in the abstinence of the future personality.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.10.2024 |
Размер файла | 22,7 K |
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Pedagogical reflection is a tool for the professional development of future pedagogical specialists
Abilova Z., Menilbaeva K.
In modern scientific concepts of reflection, it is given many characteristics. Reflection is a thought process aimed at analyzing, understanding, perceiving oneself, one's actions, order, words, experiences, feelings, states, characteristics, behavior, attitudes towards oneself and others, etc. According to research scientists, the importance of developing professional reflection of future educational psychologists for the effective formation of their professionalism is emphasized. At the same time, a person's conscious attitude to his actions, to himself, is formed through reflection, since reflection makes it possible to identify his attitude with an understanding of the essence of truth. It can be concluded that professional reflection can be considered as the highest opportunity in the preparation of a future teacher. Firstly, the future teacher-specialist interacts with other subjects in the process of communication and reflects the communicative aspects of professional reflection. Secondly, the subject is in feedback, where professional reflection characterizes the intellectual aspect. Professional reflection contributes to the formation of generalized ideas about the profession, the content and structure of activities among future teachers and psychologists. The types of reflexes in abstinence of the future personality are also determined. In the context of our research, the problem of the relationship between professional activity and reflection his important theoretical significance, it opens the way to the development of intellectual reflection, personal reflection aimed at self-organization through self-knowledge and introspection, interpersonal reflection through actions on the joint activity of a partner.
Keywords: types of reflection, professional reflection, interpersonal reflection, intellectual reflection, self-knowledge, reflection.
Абилова З. Т., Менилбаева К. А.
В современных научных концепциях рефлексии ему дается множество характеристик. Рефлексия -- мыслительный процесс, направленный на анализ, понимание, восприятие себя, своих действий, порядка, слов, переживаний, чувств, состояний, особенностей, поведения, отношения к себе и другому и т д. По мнению ученых -- исследователей, подчеркивается важность развития профессиональной рефлексии будущих педагогов-психологов для эффективного формирования их профессионализма. В то же время сознательное отношение человека к своим действиям, к себе формируется посредством рефлексии, так как рефлексия дает возможность отождествить свое отношение с пониманием сущности истины. Можно сделать вывод, что профессиональную рефлексию можно рассматривать как высшую возможность в подготовке будущего педагога. Во-первых, будущий педагог-специалист взаимодействует с другими субъектами в процессе общения и отражает коммуникативные аспекты профессиональной рефлексии. Во-вторых, субъект находится в обратной связи, где профессиональная рефлексия характеризует интеллектуальный аспект. Профессиональная рефлексия способствует формированию у будущих педагогов-психологов обобщенных представлений о профессии, содержании и структуре деятельности. Также определяются типы рефлексов в воздержании будущей личности. В контексте нашего исследования проблема взаимосвязи профессиональной деятельности с рефлексией имеет важное теоретическое значение, она открывает путь к развитию интеллектуальной рефлексии, личностной рефлексии, направленной на самоорганизацию через самопознание и самоанализ, межличностной рефлексии через действия по совместной деятельности партнера.
Ключевые слова: типы рефлексии, профессиональной рефлексии, межличностной рефлексии, интеллектуальной рефлексии, самопознания, рефлексии.
Chаnges in the globаl educаtionаl spаce hаve led to а chаnge in the аttitude towаrds the pedаgogicаl profession аnd pedаgogicаl аnd psychological educаtion аs а whole. The orgаnizаtion of pedаgogicаl centers, pedаgogicаl аctivities, training of future teаchers in аccordаnce with world stаndаrds determines the need for а deeper understаnding of the importance of this profession. The degree of formation of the reflection of future specialists is traced in the qualification of coordination and regulation of their actions, behavior, professionally important qualities, selfdevelopment and self-education, ensuring their effectiveness, so that they can express themselves creatively in their professional activities in practice. Reflection is an interdisciplinary phenomenon with a centuries-old history. Historically, ideas about reflection can be traced back to the works of ancient philosophers Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. The concept of reflection entered science with the name of Descartes. He analyzed the imaging properties of the human brain. Reflection is a form of thought function written and used by Plato with Socrates. According to the ancients, it is a working instrument of human reason (mind). Reflection -- the ability to reflect, observe oneself, study oneself, one's Inner World, Mental property and state, the ability to analyze oneself. At the same time, close and foreign teachers, psychologists and philosophers of the near and far abroad paid special attention to the multifaceted problem under study. An analysis of the research of scientists in this field, scientific literature shows that the problem of reflection is considered in several directions in different aspects. Foreign scientists (S. Grant, P Kerby) developed the concept of professional pedagogical reflection in order to train highly reflective teachers. According to S. Grant, in the preparation of this concept, the principle of distinction between a standard teacher and a reflexive teacher is taken as the basis. In this concept, special importance is attached to the problematic nature of the pedagogical situation, the research platform in solving pedagogical tasks, the otnological status of the totality of all phenomena in the education system [2].
P. Kerby in his research gives a description of three foundations: the problematic nature or "problemality" of the pedagogical situation as the first basis is characterized by the fact that the future teacher takes into account all the circumstances and means as a specific situation and an alternative traditional way of solving it; the research platform in solving pedagogical problems taken as the second basis requires not only the provision of information, but also practical support;
the third basis follows from the social nature of the content of professional pedagogical education [3].
Аccording to Pierre Teyar de Chardin, reflection is what distinguishes people from animals, thanks to which a person not only learns something unknown, but also explains the same "knowledge of knowledge". [2].
Аccording to Ernst Cassireru, the meaning of reflection is "the ability to separate some stable elements within the sensory phenomena of all undivided flows, isolate them and focus on those elements without separation"[3].
Changes in the global educational space have led to a change in attitudes towards the teaching profession and to pedagogical and psychological education in general. The organization of pedagogical centers, pedagogical activities, and the training of future teachers in accordance with international standards necessitate a deeper understanding of the importance of this profession. The degree of reflection formation of future specialists can be traced in their ability to coordinate and regulate their actions, behavior, professionally significant qualities, self-development and selfeducation, ensuring their effectiveness so that they can creatively express themselves in their actions.professional activity in practice. Reflection is an interdisciplinary phenomenon with a long history. Historically, the ideas of reflection can be traced back to the works of the ancient philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Аristotle. The concept of reflection entered science under the name of Descartes. He analyzed the visualization properties of the human brain. Reflection is a form of mental function that Plato wrote and co-authored with Socrates. Аccording to the ancients, it is a working tool of the human mind (mind). Reflection is the ability to reflect, self-control, study oneself, one's inner world, mental properties and states, and introspection. Аt the same time, special attention was paid to the multifaceted problem studied by near and foreign teachers, psychologists and philosophers from near and far abroad. Ап analysis of the research of scientists in this field and scientific literature shows that the problem of reflection is considered in different aspects in several directions. Foreign scientists (S. Grant, P Kirby) have developed the concept of professional pedagogical reflection in order to train highly reflective teachers. According to S. Grant, when preparing this concept, the principle of distinguishing between a standard teacher and a reflective teacher is taken as a basis. In this concept, special importance is attached to the problematic nature of the pedagogical situation, the research site in solving pedagogical problems, and the hydrological state of the totality of all phenomena in the education system [2].
P. Kirby in his research characterizes three foundations: the problematic nature or "problemativeness" of the pedagogical situation is characterized by the fact that, as the first basis, the future teacher takes into account all circumstances and means as a real situation. and an alternative traditional approach to its solution; a research platform in solving pedagogical problems, adopted as the second basis, requires not only the provision of information, but also practical support; the third basis stems from the social nature of the content of vocational pedagogical education [3].
According to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, reflection is what distinguishes humans from animals, thanks to which a person not only learns the unknown, but also explains this "knowledge of knowledge" [2].
According to Ernst Cassirer, the essence of reflection lies in "the ability to identify some stable elements among the sensory phenomena of all unallocated flows, highlight them and pay attention without dividing into these elements" [3].
In psychology, in the analysis of reflection, one of the group jargon A. Buzeman (1925-1926). According to the dream of this person, reflection is "the transfer of any experience with the outside world to oneself." [4].
In the philosophical aspect, philosophers (I. Kant ,G. V. F. Hegel,J.In the works of Locke et al., reflection is considered as the аЫШх of а person to contempkte аР к to himself, the акП х of an individ to understand what is happening in his mind, а person's own control over his spirit soul, an individ understanding of the content of his thoughts, self-awareness. In the psychological aspect, reflection is а диаШу ЛаІ ensures the self-realization and self-improvement of the individ h Valuable in our атйек аге scientific works ІіїаІ consider reflection as а form of mental аккРу from the point of view of system signif аккРу, subjectivity, the rektionship of а person to another, the mechanism for the development of а self-organizing system. When ал уалд and ал удлд his experience, the teacher uses the result not only of his experience, but iIso of key thoughts from it (K. D. Ushinsky). Researchers believe ІіїаІ the key to developing professio m is the intersection of reflection and professio l experience. [5].
S. L. Fomenko connects professio l development with professio l development and considers it is updating the persoul qualities of а teacher: "professio l development of а teacher is а consknt improvement of professional qualifications, the аЫШу to innovative activities, persistent organization, search for ways to rcvili/e the possibilities of professional development, the development of responsibility and independence" -- expkins. [6].
E. F. Seer argued как under the sockl influence of professional аккРу, the process of development of personal change and persoul аккРу, self-improvement and self-improvement аге directed." [7]. The researchers emphasize ІіїаІ the аккРу of а teacher is reflected in the above definitions of the importance of his independence and self-development: "а new way of professio l аккРу" inevikbly involves innovation.
The purpose of the system of professioni-il development in the changing conditions of the modern world is measured by the problem of the formation of professio l competence of а teacher in accordance with the requirements of the time and socio-economic sit don, due to the need for vihous іЬііііієз and self-development. The variety of sockl, domestic problems, professional psychological and pedagogical, methodological and pedagogical problems (teaching approaches, modern pedagogical siphons, the fear of being in the flow of innovative skges, avoiding the crisis of professional competence, mastering the modern terminological space) make the teacher undersknd the need to make decisions and choose. Studying the scientific research work of the above scientists, the need to study the interiml накіге, structure of reflection and the possibility of its development at the theoretical, prect and methodological level makes it clear the гекущес of this problem. In this regard, is а future teacher, the period of student youth is considered important for mastering the tools of reflexive analysis and managing menkl аккРу. This actualizes the problem of developing reflection is the main component of professio l and persoul formation in the process of mastering future activities. professional reflection educational
Reflection will help the future specklist in the course of pedagogical аегіуіїу to make the teacher more determined, flexible, effectively implement his thoughts, form corporate rektions with other people, and make the necessary changes in his activities. Pedagogical reflection, entering into the structure of the teacher's аегіуіїу, is divided into intei'inl and exter l, and from the point of view of cognition, scientific reflection is distinguished, philosophical and elemenkry.
testing and analysis of theoretical science based on methods of scientific knowledge recognize and feel the essence and thinking of human culture.
Pedagogical reflection is а phenomenon of upbringing and education is ckssified is ontology, ІіїаІ is, subject Sciences to the content - pedagogy and the branches of psychology, since the teacher is а subject ІіїаІ reflects, determines his аккРу and аРії с to himself. Reflection is the work of а huge inner world, the rektionship between oneself and the possibility of one's own "I", which the pedagogical professional requires. But reflection is not only to think or tell about the existence or absence of professional qualities, but also to support their development, enrichment, strengthening. The following types of reflexes аге defined in the Prevention of future personality: 1. personality and content; 2. cooperative; 3. communicative; 4. intellectual.
For the implementation of all types (types) of reflection, а reflexive skill is necessary, which is the ability to adequately assess one's mental state using one's own personal and psychological characteristics in their activities, as well as the ability to recognize and adequately perceive each aspect of the student's personality. Thus, pedagogical reflection stimulates the professionally valuable positive orientation of the teacher, directs him to self-improvement, self-creative development. At the same time, the teacher's reflection does not allow violence against the student's personality, manipulation by the teacher with the student's consciousness. The ability to reflect is an invaluable ability in relationships. A special point of reflection is the stage of contemplation of thinking. Reflection plays a special role in the professional activity of a teacher. Today, among the pedagogical competence, it has been established that the main one is reflexive-analytical competence, that is, the ability to analyze actions [8]. And A. V. Khutorsky proposes to distinguish between the concepts of "examination"- "self-analysis" - "reflection".
ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPTS OF "REFLECTION" (A. V. Khutorsky "analysis"- "self-analysis") |
Table 1 |
Comparison dimensions |
Examination |
Self-analysis |
Reflection |
Value |
Determining the methodological, didactic features of the lesson, the role and effectiveness of the teaching process based on the pedagogical position |
Analysis of the activities of teachers and students during the lesson |
Learning problems and the search for ways to solve them |
The purpose and responsibilities |
Determining whether the content and evaluation structure of the lesson is a model of the learning process |
To determine the methods of Successful Learning, to establish achievements, to determine the expediency |
Determining how the lesson actually went |
"What is the difference between self-study and self-analysis?"the famous psychologist V. Levy offered the following answer to the question. "Self-analysis is understanding what is happening to you and changing it. And he said that studying oneself means not acting for the same, dreaming of change, change. The reflection of the teacher is reflected in his words, remarks, comments and questions. Let's pay attention to examples of reflective comments. The teacher will have comments delivered at a low level, such as "like-Don't like", "good-bad", "this cannot be done", "this is a good way", etc. Some teachers are able to summarize their own views on the use of approaches in relation to their own experience. However, involuntary reflection implies the first impressions of the teacher necessary for further development. There are many scientists who have done a lot on the question of how to form professional reflection. Based on the opinion of the above scientists, the main aspect of innovative technologies is the formation, organization, orientation to conscious activity of the process of professional reflection. Let's consider one of the options that is most relevant for the pedagogical activity that we are talking about. The option under consideration is based on some components of pedagogical activity or individual pedagogical situations:
Identify the data you need to analyze.
Classification of the principles and good initiatives underlying it.
Analysis of the components of the stated situations.
Accumulate the knowledge and initiatives needed to make decisions.
Evaluate the decision made. This structure is a special plan for professional reflection. Organized, planned reflection determines the goal that must be solved, and it, in turn, clarifies the tasks.
In World scientific knowledge, the understanding of the essence of the concept of "reflection" is expanding and is being considered as a mechanism for self-realization, self-determination, self - organization, self-regulation and self-realization of a person. Thus, based on these conclusions, it is necessary to form the ability of future teachers-psychologists to act independently and productively in a specific professional situation and psychological readiness for it. It focuses on the development of research skills in the activities of future teachers, the formation of reflective thinking, which is associated with professional reflection, which creates opportunities for professional selfdevelopment. In this regard, the degree of study of the phenomenon of reflection indicates that the process of its development, as the main component of the successful implementation of professional activity, is systemic in nature.
Аccording to the study of psychologists, in the process of reflection, a person examines not only himself, but also recognizes other people and their actions. Therefore, attention is paid to determining the role of reflection in the future professional activities of each Specialist, including in the practical application of knowledge and qualifications of a particular subject. Having formulated the works of scientists above, considering reflection as a process of personality formation, we can conclude that reflection is a form of theoretical activity necessarily carried out by a socially developed person, a tendency towards his understanding of his own actions and self-knowledge, which reveals his own uniqueness of the spiritual world. In the formation of personality, it is important to analyze the types and types of reflection proposed by scientists. Stepanov describes with special attention to two types of reflection: personal reflection (allows you to understand your inner world through your own assessment of its quality and state); intellectual reflection (knowledge of the relationship between one's actions and the subject situation, the object and the way of acting). It also presents a typology of reflexive trends depending on the subject and content of the study [9] (Table 2).
Table 2 TYPES А\І) TYPES OF REFLECTION (according to the classification of I. N. Semenov and S. Yu. Stepanov)
Types of reflection |
Types of reflection |
Intellectual reflection |
is formal, substantive |
Personal reflection |
is retrospective, novelty, perspective |
Communicative reflection |
empathic, Project, game |
Cooperative reflection |
fixative, adaptive, role-based, corrective, organization ofpopulation |
Existential reflection |
historical, social, environmental, philosophical, methodological |
Cultural reflection |
is egocentric,hermeneutic, axiological, ethical, aesthetic, worldview |
self-realization, |
Regulatory reflection personal and professional self-determination, self - regulation, self-expression. |
In general, there are different classifications of reflection, as shown in Table 2 above.It was found that it performs various functions in the implementation of professional reflection in the pedagogical process:motivational design, organizational communicative, creative, corrective.
Thus, the targeted organization of the process of developing the reflection of future teachers determines the need to consider reflection as the main component of their professional and personal formation. Therefore, the study of professional reflection from the point of view of the mechanism of self-knowledge, active personal different thinking of individual consciousness gives rise to the possibility of self-improvement of the individual, ensuring the success of his activities in society.
These conclusions make reflection an indicator of the active position of future teachers in educational activities, and often indicate their self-development, self - education, self-determination, self-expression, self-regulation.
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2. Grant, T. C. (1984). Preparing for reflective teaching. Boston.
3. Kirby, P C., & Teddlie, C. (1989). Development of the Reflective Teaching Instrument. Journal of research & development in Education.
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5. Lefevr, V. A. (2003). Refleksiya. Moscow. (in Russian).
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