Personal learning environment as a component of telecommunication technology teaching method

The study of the didactic possibilities of personal learning environments and identifies its place in teaching methods and communication technologies. Forming of the basic principles of educational environments based on next-generation network services.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 11.10.2024
Размер файла 44,2 K

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Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of SUTE


Zapadynska Iryna Georgiivna

PhD in Pedagogic, Associate Professor of the

Foreign Philology and Translation Department



personal learning environment didactic

The paper studies the didactic possibilities of personal learning environments and identifies its place in teaching methods and communication technologies. The analysis of current approaches to the use of information technology in the learning process has allowed to form the basic principles of educational environments based on next-generation network services. The comparative analysis of training-based personal learning environments (PLE) and learning management systems (LMS) is performed. Personal learning environments is presented not as a static set of tools, but as a dynamic entity that changes and develops with the development of information technology, and personal growth of a trainee. Convincingly proved the feasibility of using Google services, which constitute an integrated system that allows users to create personal learning environment, in both traditional and distance education. And while learning telecommunications technology students have the opportunity to not just use Google services, but personalize their work, adjusting them for themselves and using them for own purposes. Google services are the basis for personal learning environment, which gradually formed the communication technologies mastering process and, accordingly, becomes an integral part of teaching methods. Since we seem to be living in an early stage of a fundamental media transformation (digitalisation and networking) that currently can be characterized by a huge disparity and variety of developmental stages and trajectories, we should not orientate our conceptualisations of human change and development (in education, counseling, therapy, and so forth) on the current state of the leading medium and its most prominent artifacts (digital, material, or conceptual). If we do so, we run the risk that many individuals simply engage in the temporary exploration of with a succession of “new toys” without ever connecting their experiences with a wider model of themselves as personal (adult) learners. A simple collection of potential resources (artifacts, natural objects, people) does no t make a “personal learning environment,” if there is no personal model of intentional learning activity in the first place, or if people run on out-dated models from previous times. What is currently presented as “personal learning environments” as such, or as their instantiations, obscures the fact that these collections of digital artifacts are mostly a snapshot of the current state of development of the emerging leading medium. From an (adult) educational perspective, however, we need to support individuals (and groups) to gain awareness and control over a range of intentional learning activities and their environments, and eventually their overall development as personal (adult) learners living in (and not only with) the digital realm. We consider the personal learning environment in close connection with the self-supporting work of students and define it as an information environment that is formed during the learning process in accordance with stated goals using Google services, and in which their learning takes place. At the same Google services are not considered “personal learning environment”, they are the means of its formation. At the same time in learning telecommunications technology students have the opportunity not only to use the Google tools, but to work and personalize services, adjusting them for themselves and using them for own purposes. Analysis of the didactic possibilities of Google services allows one to make strong conclusions about the fact that Google services are the basis for personalized learning environment, which gradually formed in the process of mastering communication technologies by students and, accordingly, becomes an integral part of teaching methods.

A promising direction for further research in this area could be to develop methods of teaching students of information technology on the basis of personal learning environment formation by means of Google services.

Keywords: Personal Learning Environment, Learning Management System, Teaching Methodology, Internet Technologies, Connectivism, Services Google, Communication Technology.



Западинська Ірина Георгіївна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземної Філології та перекладу, Вінницький торговельно-економічний інститут Д ТЕУ м. Вінниця, Україна

У статті досліджено дидактичні можливості персонального навчального середовища та визначено його місце в методиці викладання та комунікаційних технологіях. Аналіз сучасних підходів до використання інформаційних технологій в освітньому процесі дозволив сформувати основні принципи створення освітніх середовищ на основі мережевих сервісів нового покоління. Проведено порівняльний аналіз тренінгових персональних навчальних середовищ і систем управління навчанням. Особисте навчальне середовище представлено не як статичний набір інструментів, а як динамічне утворення, яке змінюється та розвивається з розвитком інформаційних технологій та особистісним зростанням слухача. Доведено доцільність використання сервісів Google, які являють собою інтегровану систему, що дозволяє користувачам створювати персональне навчальне середовище, як у традиційній, так і в дистанційній освіті. А вивчаючи телекомунікаційні технології, студенти мають можливість не просто користуватися сервісами Google, а персоналізувати свою роботу, налаштовуючи їх під себе та використовуючи у власних цілях. Сервіси Google є основою персонального навчального середовища, яке поступово формує процес освоєння комунікаційних технологій і, відповідно, стає невід'ємною частиною методики навчання. Оскільки ми, здається, живемо на ранній стадії фундаментальної трансформації медіа (оцифрування та створення мереж), які наразі характеризуються величезною невідповідністю та різноманіттям етапів і траєкторій розвитку, нам не слід орієнтувати наші концептуалізації людських змін і розвитку (на освіту, консультування, терапію тощо) щодо поточного стану провідного медіа та його найвидатніших артефактів (цифрових, матеріальних чи концептуальних). Якщо ми це зробимо, ми ризикуємо тим, що багато людей просто залучаються до тимчасового дослідження низки «нових іграшок», ніколи не пов'язуючи свій досвід із ширшою моделлю себе як особистих учнів. Проста колекція потенційних ресурсів (артефакти, природні об'єкти, люди) не створює «персонального навчального середовища», якщо в першу чергу немає особистої моделі навмисної навчальної діяльності або якщо люди керуються застарілими моделями попередніх разів. Те, що в даний час представлено як «персональне навчальне середовище» як таке або як його екземпляри, приховує той факт, що ці колекції цифрових артефактів є здебільшого знімком поточного стану розвитку нового провідного середовища. Однак з точки зору освіти нам потрібно підтримувати окремих осіб (і групи), щоб отримати обізнаність і контроль над низкою навмисних навчальних дій та їхнього середовища, і, зрештою, їх загальний розвиток як особистих учнів, які живуть у цифровій сфері. Ми розглядаємо особисте навчальне середовище в тісному зв'язку із самоокупною роботою студентів і визначаємо його як інформаційне середовище, яке формується під час навчального процесу відповідно до поставлених цілей за допомогою сервісів Google і в якому відбувається їх навчання. При цьому сервіси Google не вважаються «персональним навчальним середовищем», а є засобом його формування. При цьому під час вивчення телекомунікаційних технологій студенти мають можливість не лише користуватися інструментами Google, а й працювати та персоналізувати сервіси, налаштовуючи їх під себе та використовуючи для власних цілей. Аналіз дидактичних можливостей сервісів Google дозволяє зробити переконливі висновки про те, що сервіси Google є основою персоналізованого навчального середовища, яке поступово формується в процесі оволодіння студентами комунікаційними технологіями і, відповідно, стає невід'ємною частиною навчання. методи.

Перспективним напрямком подальших досліджень у цьому напрямі може стати розробка методики навчання студентів інформаційним технологіям на основі формування персонального навчального середовища засобами сервісів Google.

Ключові слова: персональне навчальне середовище, система управління навчанням, методика навчання, Інтернет-технології, коннективізм, сервіси Google, комунікаційні технології.


The use of communication technologies is considered in modern pedagogy as one of the conditions that enhance students' cognitive activity, enhance learning effectiveness and ultimately change the quality and character of the organization of learning activities. However, only the very existence of information technologies in the educational process can't significantly affect its performance. We need new methods and organizational forms of education based on didactic features of modern communication technologies. Today it is obvious that it is appropriate and methodologically grounded use of computer and communication technologies in educational process allows a gradual transition from the mechanical knowledge adoption by students to mastering their own skills to produce new knowledge. Self-study students' work on finding professionally oriented information on the Internet contributes to the formation of professional and information competence. At the same time an independent students' work with information resources on the Internet may not always be effective: the students are losing a lot of time on the unsystematic search while the quality and reliability of information is often in doubt. In this respect, teaching methodology and communication technologies acquire special importance [1].

Increasing value of communication technologies for teaching and self-learning, the degree of their influence on the traditional and the remote educational process is in the field of interests of national and foreign scientists. Thus, the formation of personal learning environment, its structure and characteristics are discussed in J. Siemens, and S. Downes and [14, 17, 18]. Among national publications stand out works of K. Bugaychuk, S. Vasilchenko, V. Kukharenko, E. Patarakin [4, 5, 7, 8], which are devoted to problems of formation and use of personal learning environment. N. Balik, N. Boldyrev, D. Solovyanenko, A.Filatova explore the possibilities of social services [2, 3, 10, 11]. Internet Services as a new form of collective pedagogical interaction are studied by Y. Eelma [12].

At the same time methodological aspects of teaching courses in the use of personal learning environment have not yet sufficiently studied. In particular, the researchers were left with no attention issues related to the use of didactic possibilities of personal learning environment and its impact on teaching methods.

The purpose of this paper is to study the didactic possibilities of personal learning environment and its place in the methods of teaching communication technology.

The phenomenon of emergence of telecommunications technologies has started only in recent times. The possibility of their use as educational tools in recent years is discussed in the articles of national [2, 3, 4, 6, 17] and foreign [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14] researchers. There is no doubt that the principal possibility of using various network services for educational purposes. According to the authors of several publications [5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18], it is time to form an Internet-based educational systems of a new generation (e-Learning 2.0), the hallmark of which is openness of all the materials for commenting, editing, and adapt to the needs of specific individuals.

An analysis of scientific publications of national and foreign authors allows to form the principles of the implementation of such educational systems [10, 1, 1 1 8]:

1. Education must be accessible during the entire period of human life (Lifelong Learning).

2. Educational services should be available regardless of location of student and time of their demand.

3. An effective learning process must take into account the individual characteristics of the learner.

4. Social aspects of education must take precedence over technical issues and identify new technical solutions.

Implementation of this approach to learning is a personal learning environment - Personal Learning Environment (PLE), which is based on information technologies. The term PLE usually means tools, technologies, methods, services, communities, which form a single integrity and are intended for use by students to self-manage their learning, setting training objectives, stimulating educational activities, develop personal skills and resources. PLE is a collection of resources required by students to find answers to their questions, to create the necessary context for learning, to illustrate the processes studied. Thus, PLE is more than a specific tool or resource, and is a special approach to the implementation of learning process.

Each student creates their own PLE of the means, resources and tools that are effective for him or her personally, so PLE is individual. The task of the teacher in this approach is to provide students as much as possible from a variety of features, tools, forms to create a PLE, filling them with content and assist in communicating with other students studying the subject (discipline, course), setting goals, monitoring performance training.

The approach based on Personal Learning Environment (PLE) has been actively discussed in the late 90s of XX century, and has used in the modern sense of the term since 2004. PLE is directly related to such concepts and theories as Social Learning and Blended Learning, Theory of Social Constructivism and Connectivism, Collaborative learning and Cooperative Learning. Personal Learning Environment based on Internet technologies, Web 2.0 and is a practical realization of eLearning 2.0 ideas.

Personal learning environment is formed directly during the learning process by the student, and consists of tools, resources, platforms, communities, networks, which everyone chooses for himself in accordance with the objectives of education and personal preferences. This is not a static set, but a dynamic entity that changes and develops with the development of information technologies, as well as the student's personal growth.

If we consider PLE as the part of the student's environment, which is used for training purposes, then in the traditional training it includes educational institutions (as part of classroom work) as well as libraries and community colleagues, professionals (within the framework of independent work). The overall computerization and widespread of Internet technologies have led to a rapid quantitative and qualitative growth of PLE. At present, PLE built on the basis of cloud technologies. That is, the resources are located in the global network, and can be accessed from any internet-connected computer at any time (and the installation of specialized software is not required). Also, communication of learners with the teacher and co-working with other students can be organized through a network. This knowledge is not simply transmitted from one node to another, but also created within the network in the communication process (Connectivism theory [14, 17]).

Next, consider a set of tools and instruments (approximate, incomplete and varying) form the basis of PLE, in view of their possible use in the learning process:

1. E-mail. They allow one to (mostly) textual communication, limited only by the two participants, and can be used for mailing materials, notifications, etc.

2. Tools of voice and video communications (VoIP-service). They allow audio and video communication. A few members can communicate by teleconference. These tools can be used for consultation, discussion in real time, etc.

3. Chats. They allow one to exchange text messages in the group of participants. There are also voice chats and video chats, allowing to transmit audio and video. They can be used for discussion in real time.

4. Forums (Message Boards). There are a set of topics for discussion, divided into sections. They allow text communication group and can be used for discussion, stretched over time.

5. Blogs, or online diaries. Represent regularly added entries (posts) that contain text, images, multimedia, as well as comments (feedback) posted by readers (visitors to the blog) to these records. The ability to post comments and subscribe to blogs of interest makes it a popular medium of communication network (blogosphere). They can be used for an extended discussion with use of hyperlinks and multimedia, stretched over time.

6. Microblogs (Twitter). Allows users to publish short text notes (similar to SMS-messages). One can use links to Internet resources, multimedia information. They generate message tape with the ability to search, subscription to the users of interest, copying the records (retweet). They can be used for the rapid exchange of information.

7. Storages of documents and multimedia. Allow one to store various types of information - images, videos, presentations, diagrams, text documents, etc. Search and access rights division can be used. They can be used for storage and content sharing, collaborative work with him.

8. Internet bookmarks services. They let one to store links to selected web pages. It is possible to organize a set of bookmarks according to subjects, to search for them, share them with others. They can be used to organize the elements of the PLE, for grouping of selections of the information on a selected topic.

9. Aggregators, collectors. They are designed for centralized collection of information from various sources - email, news feeds, selected sites, blogs, etc. They can be used for operational monitoring and updating of information space and navigation through it.

10. Social networks. They are designed for communication between users, combining them into groups. Allow one to organize social relationships between users. One can create user groups, messaging, multimedia information location. Now mainly used for communication, but it has great educational potential.

11. Sites. Represents a collection of various types of electronic documents, united under one address. Taken together from the “World Wide Web”, a single information and communication space. Due to the huge variety of sites, there are also very wide possibilities of their use in education: thematic sites, web quest, e-portfolio, wiki-community, society of interest, etc. They can be used for the collection and storage of information and for the organization of communication.

Approach to learning based on personal learning environments, in the center of which is the student, usually contrasted with learning management systems (Learning Management System - LMS), designed for centralized administration of the learning process (for example, Moodle). Although these two approaches may be based on similar information technology, philosophy, ideology, the process of training using them is quite different. While LMS are now used more often, the approach based on the PLE recently is undergoing rapid development.


The differences in the approaches based on learning management system (LMS) and personal learning environment (PLE) are as follows [13]:

1. The center of LMS is the content, training materials, formed by the teacher, who gives access to them for students. The center of PLE is the very learner, who personally (and with the help of the teacher) creates around himself a learning environment that contains learning content.

2. The information is centralized in the LMS, focused in one place, limited to a specific volume. The information in PLE goes far beyond the boundaries of the school, decentralized, distributed, and open.

3. The main objective of LMS is administration of the learning process by teachers and school leadership. The main purpose of PLE is to pass the learning management in the hands of the student.

4. LMS approach is directed downward, from teacher to student. The PLE approach aims bottom-up controlled by the needs of the learner, based on cooperation rather than control.

5. LMS is unified and provides a fixed set of tools and content to all learners in the course. At the same time, PLE is personalized, is formed in accordance with the needs and preferences of the student, individually for each student. Content in PLE is not limited to the constraints and its volume will vary depending on the needs and interests of the student.

6. LMS is used in formal training, for a fixed period, and is controlled by the institution. PLE can be used for informal learning; learning content is built around a student by himself, which allows learning throughout their lives. Learning by PLE is flexible and continues even after the completion of a formal course.

7. Although the LMS allows for group training, but these groups are closed, limited to the structure of the system and controlled by a training organization. On the other hand, PLE is not only a personal space, controlled by the student. It is also associated with other personal spaces of students and teachers, it feels the impact and itself affects them, it is modified as a result of this impact over time with the development of skills of the learner. Moreover, a new learning content is formed in the process of such development and mutual enrichment of learners' PLEs.

There is a wide variety of tools used in the construction of PLE. Of particular interest are those tools that are already pre-integrated into a single complex, which facilitates the formation of PLE on their basis. A set of Google services can serve as an example of such a system, allowing the use of the above elements of PLE in a single account on a common information base.


Thus, the construction of PLE requires that tools used for its formation provide the openness of stored data and are a platform for communication with students and their collaborative cognitive activity. That is what Google services focus on. The learning environment, implemented on the basis of Google services, has two main components: communication and collaboration. Using Google services leads to the transformation of educational information space, which is increasingly moving to the Internet. We consider the personal learning environment in close connection with the self-supporting work of students and define it as an information environment that is formed during the learning process in accordance with stated goals using Google services, and in which their learning takes place. At the same Google services are not considered “personal learning environment”, they are the means of its formation. At the same time in learning telecommunication technology, students have the opportunity not only to use the Google tools, but to work and personalize services, adjusting them for themselves and using them for own purposes. Analysis of the didactic possibilities of Google services allows one to make strong conclusions about the fact that Google services are the basis for personalized learning environment, which gradually formed in the process of mastering communication technologies by students and, accordingly, becomes an integral part of teaching methods.

A promising direction for further research in this area could be to develop methods of teaching students of information technology on the basis of personal learning environment formation by means of Google services.


1. Andreev A. A. Electronic pedagogic: maybe it exists. [Elektronnaya pedagogika mozhet ona i sushchestvuet]. Available at: Elektronnaja-pedagogika-mozhet-ona-i-suschestvuet/ELearning.html.

2. Balik N. R. The use of social services, Web 2.0 in graduate and postgraduate teacher education on Informatics [Vykorystannya sotsyalnyh servysiv Web 2.0 v galuzi vuzivskoyi ta pislyavuzi vskoyi pedagogichnoyi osvity z informatyky], Naukovi zapyskyi Ternopilskogo nats. ped. un-tu im. V. Gnatyuka. Seriya: Pedagogika, 2008, no. 7, pp. 88-90.

3. Boldyreva N. A. Self-organization and individual work of students by means of Google [Organizaciya samostoyatelnoy i individualnyo raboty studentov sredstvami Google], Available at: google_19.html.

4. Bugajchuk K. L. The role of social services of Web 2.0 in the formation of Personal Learning Environment [Rol socyalnyh servisov Web 2.0 v formirovanii personalnoy uchebnoy sredy], Vestnik Nacyonalnoy akademii Gosudarstvennoy pogranichnoy sluzhby Ukrainy, 2011, no. 4. - pp. 88-90.

5. Vasilchenko S. H. Personal learning environment as a complex mean of learning process optimizing based on information technologies. [Personalnaya obrazovatelnaya sreda kak kompleksnoe sredstvo optimizacyi uchebnogo processa na osnove informacyonnyh tehnologiy], Available at:

6. Kozyar M. M. Using of web 2.0 services in the educational activity of students of higher educational institutions. [Vykorystannya servysiv web 2.0 u navchalniy diyalnosti studentiv vyshchih navchalnyh zakladiv], Available at: 2009_3/Statti/21.pdf.

7. Kuharenko V. M. Personal learning environment. [Personalnaya uchebnaya sreda], Available at: 2011_03_01_archive.html.

8. Patarakin E. D. Building of a learning environment from a variety of personal “building blocks” [Postroenie uchebnoy sredy iz mnozhestva lichnyh “kirpichikov”], Available at:

9. Salo O. V. Social services of Web 2.0 as a mean of educational activities [Socyalnye servisy Web 2.0 kak sredstva obrazovatelnoy deyatelnosti], Available at:

10. Solovjanenko D. V. Key principles of Web 2.0. [Klyuchevye princypy Web 2.0], Available at: articles/KultNar/knp100t2/knp100t2_147-151.pdf.

11. Filatova A. V. Web 2.0 services: social and educational characteristics [Servisy Web 2.0: socialnye i didakticheskie harakteristiki], Available at:

12. Yeyelma Yu. V. The educational opportunities of Web 2.0. Web 2.0 Internet services - a new forms of collective pedagogical interaction [Obrazovatelnye vozmozhnosti Web 2.0. Web 2.0-servisy Interneta - novye formy kollektivnogo pedagogicheskogo vzaimodeystviya], Available at: metodsupport/web20.pdf.

13. Chatti M. A. LMS vs. PLE, Available at: http://mohamedaminechatti.

14. Downes S. Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, Available at: /post/54540.

15. Martin M. M. Supporting Personal Learning Environments: A Definition of a PLE, Available at: supporting-pe-1.html.

16. O'Reilly T. What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software, Available at: archive/what-is-web-20.html.

17. Siemens G. Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, Available at: Articles/connectivism.htm.

18. Siemens G. Knowing Knowledge, Available at: http://www.

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  • Intercultural Communication Competence: Language and Culture. The role Intercultural Communicative Competence in teaching foreign languages. Intercultural Competence in Foreign language teaching. Contexts for intercultural learning in the classroom.

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  • The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

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  • Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.

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  • Oxford is a world-leading centre of learning, teaching and research and the oldest university in a English-speaking world. There are 38 colleges of the Oxford University and 6 Permanent Private Halls, each with its own internal structure and activities.

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  • Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.

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  • Context approach in teaching English language in Senior grades. Definition, characteristics and components of metod. Strategies and principles of context approach. The practical implementation of Context approach in teaching writing in senior grades.

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  • The most common difficulties in auding and speaking. Psychological characteristics of speech. Linguistic characteristics of speech. Prepared and unprepared speech. Mistakes and how to correct them. Speaking in teaching practice. Speech, oral exercises.

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  • Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.

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  • The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.

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  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

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  • What are the main reasons to study abroad. Advantages of studying abroad. The most popular destinations to study. Disadvantages of studying abroad. Effective way to learn a language. The opportunity to travel. Acquaintance another culture first-hand.

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