Preparation of future teachers for benevolence and volunteerism in times of war

Professional training of future specialists and formation of teachers as nationally conscious patriots and citizens of Ukraine. Formation of charity in students in the process of professional training in higher education institutions under war condition.

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Дата добавления 30.10.2024
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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Preparation of future teachers for benevolence and volunteerism in times of war

Halyna Bilavych,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Primary Education,

Liubov Prokopiv, PhD in Education, Associate Professor Department, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management named after Bohdan Stuparyk

IvanoFrankivsk, Ukraine


Галина Білавич,

доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри початкової освіти,

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

любов Прокопів,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри педагогіки та освітнього менеджменту імені Богдана Ступарика,

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)

підготовка майбутніх педагогів до доброчинності та волонтерства за умов війни

Українська система освіти сьогодні стоїть перед надзвичайно складними викликами, з-поміж яких війна, яка фактично триває з 2014 р. Незважаючи на повномасштабне вторгнення росії 24 лютого 2022 р., українська система освіти продовжує активно розвиватися.

Мета статті - проаналізувати окремі аспекти підготовки майбутніх педагогів до доброчинності та волонтерства за умов війни.

Наголошено, що за умов сучасних викликів актуалізується проблема професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців, формування майбутніх педагогів як національно-свідомих патріотів і громадян України. Щоб сформувати таких українців, необхідно опиратися на християнську мораль, оскільки християнство - виховний чинник, що виховує її духовно багатою, сильною. Благодійність, доброчинність - це ті засади, на яких ґрунтується християнство, і ті якості, які споконвіку були притаманні українству, і ті цінності, які повинні бути особливо виражені у фахівця. їх формують через участь студентства в різного роду доброчинних акціях, різноманітних формах благодійництва, у процесі волонтерської діяльності. За результатами активної волонтерської діяльності студентів Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника, Івано-Франківського фахового коледжу Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника зроблено висновок про формування в них доброчинності в процесі професійної підготовки в закладах вищої освіти за умов війни. Особливого значення набуває така доброчинна діяльність студентів та викладачів з огляду на підтримку та допомогу ЗСУ, роботу з дітьми тимчасово переміщених осіб, волонтерську діяльність в Університеті обдарованої дитини, організацію майстер-класів, занять, спрямованих на всебічний розвиток особистості. Постійною є матеріальна підтримка професорсько-викладацьким складом та студентством різного роду доброчинних акцій, різноманітних форм благодійництва, дієва участь у волонтерських організаціях тощо. Усе це засвідчує про масовий благодійницький рух в Україні, в авангарді цього процесу - діяльність викладачів та студентів як волонтерів і благодійників.

Ключові слова: благодійні фонди, заклад вищої освіти, волонтерська діяльність, умови війни, майбутні педагоги, професійна підготовка, доброчинність, студенти, викладачі, благодійні акції, Університет обдарованої дитини, християнська мораль.


The Ukrainian education system today faces extremely complex challenges, including a full-scale war that has been ongoing since 2014. Despite Russia's full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022, the Ukrainian education system continues to actively develop.

The purpose of this article is to analyze certain aspects of preparing future teachers for benevolence and volunteerism in times of war. Emphasis is placed on the need to address the challenges of professional preparation in the face of modern challenges, focusing on shaping future teachers as nationally conscious patriots and citizens of Ukraine. To cultivate such individuals, it is necessary to draw upon Christian morality, as Christianity serves as a formative factor that enriches and strengthens one's spirit. Benevolence and charity are principles rooted in Christianity, qualities that have been intrinsic to Ukrainian culture throughout history, and values that should be particularly pronounced in professionals. These qualities are nurtured through students' participation in various charitable activities, diverse forms of philanthropy, and volunteer work. The results of active volunteer activities by students of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and Ivan-Frankivsk College of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University lead to the conclusion that benevolence is being cultivated in them during their professional training in higher education institutions during wartime. This benevolent activity by students and teachers holds special significance in terms of support and assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), working with temporarily displaced persons' children, volunteer activities at the Gifted Child University, organizing master classes and sessions aimed at comprehensive personal development. Continuous support from the teaching staff and students in various forms of charitable activities, diverse forms of philanthropy, and active participation in volunteer organizations, among other efforts, attests to the widespread charitable movement in Ukraine, with educators and students at the forefront as volunteers and benefactors.

Keywords: charitable foundations, higher education institutions, volunteer activities, wartime conditions, future teachers, professional preparation, benevolence, students, educators, charitable actions, Gifted Child University, Christian morality.


The problem formulation. The Ukrainian education system today faces extremely complex challenges, including a full-scale war that has been ongoing since 2014 when Russia violated the territorial integrity of Eastern Ukraine and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula. With the full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022, the entire education system in Ukraine (preschool, primary, secondary, higher, etc.) operates under wartime conditions and responds to the challenges dictated by the war. Despite the difficulties, the Ukrainian education system continues to develop actively, clearly defining its priorities, including the formation of nationally conscious patriots of Ukraine, individuals with civic ideals who prioritize state interests. As a result, the focus in the professional training of future experts should not only be on developing their professional competence but also on acquiring qualities such as benevolence, compassion, mutual aid, Christian values, and readiness for volunteer activities. To cultivate such individuals, it is necessary to draw upon the strength of Christian morality, as Christianity directs the individual towards perfection, shaping them as spiritually rich, strong, and highly moral beings. Benevolence and charity are principles rooted in Christianity and qualities that have been intrinsic to Ukrainians throughout history (Bilavych, Mukan, & Horokhivska, 2023, p. 25). professional education charity

Today in Ukraine, there are numerous examples of the activities of charitable foundations in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), providing material and moral support to internally displaced families and their children, assisting families who have lost loved ones in the war, and more. Ukrainian higher education institutions (HEIs) are actively involved in charitable actions, diverse forms of philanthropy, and volunteer activities. All of this underscores the mass charitable movement in Ukraine, including within HEIs, with educators and students at the forefront as volunteers and benefactors.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Scholars, when analyzing the problems of preparing future professionals, emphasize the importance of benevolence within the framework of professional training. Authors of scientific works study the phenomenon of benevolence in various aspects. Some explore it as a phenomenon of spiritual development among Ukrainians. Others delve into the historical aspects of this phenomenon. There are also those who focus on the activities of charitable foundations. However, the comprehensive problem of preparing future teachers for benevolence and volunteerism in the context of Russian aggression has not been studied by the authors.

the aim and research tasks

The purpose of the article is to analyze certain aspects of preparing future teachers for benevolence and volunteerism in times of war.

Research methods

Research methods: theoretical - analysis of scientific literature of research problems; experimental and empirical - pedagogical observation, conversation, interviewing, surveying students to determine understanding the essence of the concepts of "benevolence" and "volunteerism". the state of patriotic education of students; its systematization and generalization results.

Research results

Ukraine has a long tradition of charity (our separate publications (Bilavych, Mukan, & Horokhivska, 2023; Bilavych, Mukan, & Kozlovskyi, 2023). On September 5, the civilized world observes International Day of Charity, established by the United Nations General Assembly. This day is meant to draw the global community's attention to the importance of charity, patronage, and volunteer activities. This date, September 5, coincides with the Day of Remembrance of Mother Teresa, a missionary of the Roman Catholic Church.

Ukrainian society, which has united around the idea of defending its independence and sovereignty since 2014, deeply understands the importance of benevolence and demonstrates it daily over the past 9 years. National Ukrainian students and educators in higher education institutions actively participate in volunteer activities.

The development of charity in Ukraine is legislatively supported by a series of documents, including the Law of Ukraine "On Charity and Charitable Organizations" (1997), a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On the Procedure for State Registration of Charitable Organizations" (1998), the Laws of Ukraine "On Humanitarian Assistance" (1999) and "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations" (2020), a presidential decree "On Supporting Charitable Activities in Ukraine" (2000), draft laws "On Amending Some Laws of Ukraine on Charity Activities" (2005) and "On Amending Some Laws of Ukraine Regarding State Support for Charity (Patronage)" (2005). Key legal regulations governing charitable activities in Ukraine are outlined in the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations" (Stynska, 2021, p. 397).

This document defines "the general principles of charity, provides legal regulation of social relations aimed at the development of charitable activities, the promotion of humanism and mercy, and creates favorable conditions for the formation and operation of charitable organizations" (Stynska, 2021, p. 397).

The full-scale Russian invasion on February 24, 2022, led to significant changes not only in the everyday lives of Ukrainians but also in the perception of charity and volunteerism by the citizens of Ukraine. The main factor that altered the world's perception of charity is the phenomenon of Ukrainian donations. The world is astonished at how, in Ukraine, where a terrible war has been raging for two years, people (including students) "collect billions of hryvnias in a matter of days, not just for 'good causes,' but for combat and naval drones, satellites, military vehicles and equipment, ammunition, and other weapons». The number of people in Ukraine who have devoted their primary efforts and time to volunteer activities probably does not compare to any other country in the world (Jak ukrintsi pid chas viiny zminyly uiavlennia svitu pro blahodiinist).

For Ukrainian volunteers, as practice shows, nothing is impossible. In Ukrainian higher education institutions, students and educators are actively involved in volunteer activities. An illustrative example is the charitable activities and numerous initiatives that took place during the full-scale invasion at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.

Among the recipients of charitable assistance from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, organized by the university's leadership, faculty, and students, are the Kherson State University (food, hygiene products, medical supplies, and construction protective masks), several military units of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (orthopedic mattresses, inflatable mattresses, bedding, camping mats, blankets, food, rescue stretchers, sleeping bags, hygiene products, etc.), the Charitable Organization "Sister of Mercy" in Kharkiv (food, children's hygiene products, a variety of clothing), the Skalat City Council in the Kolodyivskyi district for transfer to the Bahmut Frontline (hygiene products, technical tools, camping mats, clothing, food, flashlights, medical supplies), and the National Aerospace University named after M.E. Zhukovsky "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" (protective helmets and safety glasses), and others. Therefore, Ukrainian student volunteers and educators have become a reliable rear support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Let's list some of the charitable initiatives organized by students at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Blahodiini aktsii).

During the First Intellectual University Game "What? Where? When?" (4080 UAH was raised), and funds collected by the Faculty of Natural Sciences (12,200 UAH) were used to purchase warm clothing items for students serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. These included berets, gloves, thermal socks, and more. To support the defenders, students painted and decorated the Ukrainian flag with their well-wishes. Part of the funds was allocated for purchasing a charging station for doctors providing medical assistance to the wounded in Bahmut.

An initiative called "24 Hryvnias by February 24 for the Armed Forces" managed to raise 35,213 UAH. With these funds, 300 kg of paraffin was purchased, which was used by students at the Ivano-Frankivsk College of Precarpathian National University to handcraft over 1,000 candles.

On April 3, 2023, students from the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Pre-University Training at Precarpathian National University organized a charity fair in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, raising 21,640 UAH.

On May 12, 2023, a charity fair was held, organized by the Student Senate of Precarpathian National University, with the goal of raising funds to purchase a drone for a student-warrior from the Faculty of History, Political Science, and International Relations.

Each of the university's structural units contributed to the fair, collecting a total of 209,925 UAH. In total, through joint efforts, they have raised 250,000 UAH for charitable initiatives (Blahodiini aktsii).

On September 26, 2023, a charity fair took place in the Department of Preschool Education at the Ivano-Frankivsk College of Precarpathian National University. This fair raised over 27,000 UAH, which was then handed over to one of the military brigades, one of whose graduates from the college is currently defending Ukraine (Studenty fakhovoho koledzhu orhanizuvaly blahodiinyi yarmarok dlia ZSU).

According to the researchers V. Stynska and I. Zavulichna, several factors influence the development of the charity institution in Ukraine today. These factors include the pandemic and the Russo-Ukrainian war, which have led to the emergence of new charitable foundations. Existing foundations have also adapted to new tasks, expanding beyond education, healthcare, science, culture, art, maternal and child protection to provide assistance to internally displaced persons (Stynska, & Zavulichna, 2022, p. 13).

Researcher N. Seiko emphasizes that charity, especially at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, is considered a key factor in personal socialization (Seiko, 2009, p. 61-62) in its historical retrospective.

An example of such an initiative can be found in the activities of the University for Gifted Children (UGC), which is headed by Professor H. Bilavich at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Universytet obdarovanoi dytyny). This institution operates within the Scientific Park "Precarpathian University" and was established on May 29, 2017, with the support of the university's rector, Professor I. Tsependa. The University for Gifted Children has become a unique pedagogical phenomenon.

What makes it unique is not only the absence of a similar educational environment for schoolchildren in domestic educational institutions but also the fact that children can develop in various directions, including:

educational (School of Educational Entertainment, School of Logic, School of Interesting Mathematics, etc.);

language and Literature (Polyglot School, School of Language Ecologists, Literary Studio, "Visiting a Writer," School of Journalism, etc.);

physical Education (Olympic Reserve School, and more);

arts (School of Painting, "Skilled Hands" School, School of Vocal, School of Dance, and more);

general Technical (IT School, Eco School, and more);

social (Business and Management School "How to Become a Millionaire," and more);

spiritual (Spiritual Meetings, Master Classes with Priests and Theology Students).

The uniqueness of UGC also lies in its highly professional teaching staff, which, based on coaching technologies, has effectively created a form of supplementary education for both university students and school pupils. This provides the opportunity for students from both the university and the college to self-improve and acquire professional skills from their first year as part of the "Interesting Holidays" project.

What sets UGC apart is that it operates exclusively on volunteer principles. In times of war, this characteristic is especially important, as volunteering for UGC is not a one-time event but a way of life. For instance, in the "Interesting Holidays-2023" project, about 90 volunteer lecturers and student volunteers designed an intensive program for the comprehensive development of children. From June 5 to June 16, 2023, approximately 25 sessions were held for children.

A tradition at the Pedagogical Faculty is the involvement of young students from the University for Gifted Children (UGC) and student and teacher volunteers in organizing educational events. This includes participation in the festive academy "We Are Your Children, Ukraine!" held on May 30, 2023, dedicated to Ukraine's defenders and other initiatives (Universytet obdarovanoi dytyny).

The University for Gifted Children has started working with children who have been internally displaced due to the war. For example, on May 19, 2022, student volunteers from UGC, along with student volunteers, visited children who had been internally displaced in Ivano-Frankivsk to celebrate Ukrainian Embroidery Day together (Universytet obdarovanoi dytyny vidsviatkuvav Den vyshyvanky z ditmy vymusheno peremishchenykh osib; Universytet obdarovanoi dytyny).

These are just a few of the activities that demonstrate how students of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivan-Frankivsk Vocational College of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, actively engage in volunteer work, developing qualities of philanthropy, charity, patriotism, and Ukrainian citizenship.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

In the face of modern challenges, the issue of preparing future professionals and shaping future educators as nationally conscious patriots and Ukrainian citizens is becoming increasingly relevant. To cultivate such individuals, it is necessary to rely on Christian morals, as Christianity is a formative factor that makes one spiritually rich and strong. Benevolence and charity are the principles on which Christianity is based, and these qualities have historically been inherent in Ukrainian culture. They are values that should be particularly pronounced in professionals and are developed through students' participation in various charitable actions, diverse forms of charity, and through their volunteer activities. Based on the results of active volunteer work by students at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and Ivan-Frankivsk Vocational College of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, conclusions have been drawn regarding the formation of benevolence in them during their professional training at higher education institutions in the context of war. The charitable activities of students and teachers are of special importance in supporting and helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine, working with children who are temporarily displaced, volunteer activities at the University for Gifted Children, and the organization of masterclasses and sessions aimed at comprehensive personal development.

The activities of charitable foundations operating in higher education institutions will be a promising area for our further research.


1. Bilavych, H., Mukan, N., & Horokhivska, T (2023). Christian values in the professional training of future lawyers. Youth and the market, 2(210), 24-28. Bilavych, H., Mukan, N., & Kozlovskyi, Yu. (2023). Blahodiinist yak kliuchova khrystyianska tsinnist u profesiinii diialnosti ukrainskykh yurystiv [Charity as a key Christian value in the professional activity of ukrainian lawyers]. Nova pedahohichna dumka, 1(113), 61-67.

2. Blahodiini aktsii [Charity actions]. Jak ukrintsi pid chas viiny zminyly uiavlennia svitu pro blahodiinist [How Ukrainians changed the world's perception of charity during the war].

3. Seiko, N. A. (2009). Subiekt-obiektni kharakterystyky dobrochynnosti yak chynnyka sotsializatsii osobystosti (XIX - pochatok XX st.) [Subject-object characteristics of charity as a factor of socialization of the individual (XIX - beginning of XX centuries)]. Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka. Seriia Pedahohichni nauky, 44, 59-63.

4. Studenty fakhovoho koledzhu orhanizuvaly blahodiinyi yarmarok dlia ZSU [Students of the vocational college organized a charity fair for the Armed Forces].

5. Stynska, V. V., & Zavulichna, I. I. (2022). Diialnist blahodiinykh fondiv mista Ivano-Frankivska: istoriia i suchasnist [Activities of charitable funds of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk: history and modernity]. Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka. Seriia Pedahohichni nauky, 1(108), 12-26.

6. Stynska, V. V. (2021). Normatyvno-pravove rehuliuvannia blahodiinoi diialnosti v Ukraini [Normative and legal regulation of charitable activities in Ukraine]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho universytetu. Seriia

7. Universytet obdarovanoi dytyny [University of the gifted child]. Universytet obdarovanoi dytyny vidsviatkuvav Den vyshyvanky z ditmy vymusheno peremishchenykh osib [University of the gifted child celebrated Vyshyvanka Day with children of forcibly displaced persons].

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