Social competence as a subject of psychological and pedagogical researches

Analysis of the problem of social competence in pedagogical and psychological research. Researchers' approaches to the essence, structure and content of social competence. Comparison of ideas with the professional activities of a special educator.

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Social competence as a subject of psychological and pedagogical researches

Satymbayeva A.,

Galiyeva A.


The article is devoted to the analysis of problem of social competence in the pedagogical and psychological researches. The analysis of social competence reveals the ideas of various researchers about the essence, structure and content of social competence. These ideas were also compared with the professional activity of a special teacher for whom social competence is the basis of successful professional activity.

Keywords: social competence, essence, formation, structure, content, professional activity, conditions, subsystems, emotional, cognitive.


Сатымбаева А., Галиева А. Социальная компетентность как предмет психолого-педагогических исследований

Статья посвящена анализу проблемы социальной компетентности в педагогических и психологических исследованиях. Анализ социальной компетентности расскрывает идеи и подходы различных исследователей о сущности, структуре и содержании социальной компетентности. Эти идеи также были сопоставлены с профессиональной деятельностью специального педагога, для которого социальная компетентность является основой успешной профессиональной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: социальная компетентность, сущность, формирование, структура, содержание, профессиональная деятельность, условия, подсистемы, эмоциональная, когнитивная.

Intensive socio-political, economic, demographic and socio-cultural changes in society really affect the development of all educational institutions, including special education. The increase in the requirements of the state and society for the quality of training of special teachers is also due to the global processes of humanization of education and integration of children with developmental disabilities into society.

The professional activity of a modern special teacher should be characterized by a high level of their social competence, including readiness for social interaction, cooperation and conflict resolution in the social and professional spheres based on the norms of professional behavior; the ability to tolerance, empathy, correct and adequate attitude to children with special educational needs.

In these conditions, the most important task of higher education is to train socially competent specialists in the field of special education, capable of analyzing constantly changing social trends, making and implementing non-standard decisions in the field of socialization and integration of children with developmental disabilities.

A distinctive feature of the activity of a special teacher is that, in addition to the actual pedagogical activity, it occurs in direct contact with people (children with developmental disabilities, their parents, colleagues and other specialists): he interacts with parents, teaching them, among other things, technologies for the development of a child with special needs; he communicates with administration, colleagues; organizes the interaction of various services and specialists, actively engaging in social relationships. The better he is prepared for this, the more successful his professional activity will be. A modern special teacher should not only have special competence, but also be competent in the field of human relations. In this regard, the problem of social competence of a special teacher is of particular relevance.

In this regard, one of the main tasks of today's research is to determine social competence, its structure, content elements and mechanisms of development. The complexity of this problem and its importance for practice gave impetus to the study of this phenomenon. It should be noted that in the scientific literature, as in relation to many scientific categories (for example, "professional competence"), social competence does not have an unambiguous interpretation. Theoretical analysis has shown that the study of social competence is interdisciplinary in nature and is studied at the philosophical, socio- psychological and psychological-pedagogical levels.

From the point of view of I.A. Zimnaya, "all competencies are social in the broad sense of the word, because they are developed, formed in society. They are social in their content, and they manifest themselves in this society" [1, p.26]. "The very concept of social competence is very difficult to limit, since everything that a person knows and can do can be attributed to this area".

From the point of view of V.N. Kunitsyna, social competence is defined as "...a system of knowledge about social reality and about oneself, a system of complex social skills and interaction skills, scenarios of behaviour in typical social situations that allow you to quickly and adequately adapt, make decisions with knowledge, taking into account the conjuncture; acting on the principle of "here and now and in the best way"; to extract the maximum possible from the circumstances" [2, p.480].

One of the pioneers of the study of social competence abroad H. Arendt defined social competence as an individual's ability to "live together in the world" and included interpersonal, intercultural, social and civic competencies [3]. Now, social competence in foreign psychological and pedagogical science is commonly understood as:

• personality traits that are represented by empathy, tolerance, conscientiousness, ability to cooperate [4];

• dynamic constructs that allow a person to adapt and interact in various social conditions [5];

• convincing a person of self-efficacy [6];

• emotional intelligence [7];

• social success, effective social functioning [8];

• the ability to achieve the desired results, the ability to choose social guidelines and act adaptively, while maintaining positive relationships with others [9].

Considering the therapeutic effect of group work, two German psychologists Yu. Pfingsten and R. Hintch understand social competence not as social knowledge, but as a person's possession of certain behaviors (primarily cognitive and emotional), which in various situations lead to the correlation of positive and negative consequences. From the authors' point of view, social competence is not the application of a certain ability (general, independent of the situation or personality trait), but the realization of social preparedness, which is acquired (assimilated) in relation to specific situations [10].

P.U. Kanning considers social competence as adaptation, adaptation of an individual to the norms and values of society. However, social competence is recognized by them as the achievement of a goal [11]. Similar views are shared by H. Schuler and his colleagues. In their works, social competence is the achievement of social goals in certain conditions with the use of appropriate means, in which positive changes occur in the development of personality [12].

Thus, summing up the analysis of definitions of social competence, it should be said that their range in relation to the key scientific category of our study is quite wide - from social skills to emotional intelligence; from personality traits to self-confidence. In addition, we emphasize that in these works, social competence is considered as an integrative characteristic of a person, regardless of her professional activity. At the same time, we want to clarify that the professional activity of a special teacher is directly related to society and is carried out in society, respectively. in the structure of his professional competence, social competence has a higher proportion than, for example, in the professional competence of specialists of other profiles.

Following the personal approach, by the social competence of a special teacher we understand the integrative property of his personality, characterized by the adoption of social goals corresponding to social situations and providing her with the opportunity to effectively build her behaviour in accordance with accepted social norms. professional social pedagogical competence

According to I.A. Zimnaya's classification, the key social competencies include: health care (knowledge and observance of healthy lifestyle norms); citizenship (knowledge and observance of the rights and duties of a citizen); information technology (information management skills, knowledge of Internet technologies); competence of social interaction (knowledge and application of norms of behaviour in various groups communication (the ability to communicate in all its forms, including communication in a foreign language).

According to this author, social competence is an integrative characteristic and includes a wide range of other competencies, which makes it impossible to distinguish specific skills in social competence that could be measured [13, p. 14].

Building a model of social competence, T.B. Belyaeva proposes to distinguish (as in the integrative systemic quality of personality) the following subsystems in it:

1) Emotional-value (a system of attitudes and positions). The "nuclear" substructure of social competence, which includes a system of attitudes and positions in relation to oneself and others, to moral and social norms accepted in the group and society, as well as social attitudes, prosocial values. This substructure is regulating and guiding, providing, firstly, the assimilation of certain knowledge and ways of behaviour, and, secondly, the behaviour of an individual in a social situation, which ensures the achievement of personal goals, but taking into account the interests of other people (a cooperative attitude).

2) Cognitive (knowledge). It includes theoretical and practical knowledge about various aspects of social life - it is defined by the "core". Positions and settings perform filter functions.

3) Operational (skills, abilities and abilities). The operational substructure represents various social skills, skills and abilities (social intelligence, empathy, communicative and organizational, cooperative abilities, etc.). It is influenced by the two preceding substructures, as it is formed on their basis [14, p. 10].

The content of social competence, as noted by E.I. Fastova, consists of such components as knowledge-operational, socio-communicative, creative-transformative, motivational-value, reflexive-semantic, which are the product of interiorization by a person of competencies in the field of self-development and interaction with society. Let's look at them in more detail:

1. The knowledge-operational component includes knowledge of patterns, rules and methods of verbal and nonverbal communication, features and styles of communication, rules of regulation of joint actions, group dynamics, social roles and positions, ways of self-knowledge and self-development. It includes three elements: adequacy and accuracy in the perception and cognition of other people, the ability to self-knowledge and modelling of psychological characteristics of other people based on external signs and predicting their behaviour.

2. The socio-communicative component involves the possession of information and communication activities, the ability to build their behaviour in the context of interaction, the possession of technology and means of communication, the ability to accept the role of another, direct interaction in the right direction, influence the behaviour of other people. The socio-communicative component is aimed at implementing the adaptive and transformative function of social competence in terms of ensuring the social adaptation of the individual in the space of social interaction.

3. The creative-transformative component actualizes the ability to see and formulate a problem, find possible ways to solve it, choose the most optimal ways to solve it, based on the analysis of the conditions of its occurrence, correlate the result with the goal, adjust their activities taking into account the results of its reflection.

4. The motivational-value component provides for the possession of value-oriented activities and includes basic personal meanings, dominant principles, the centralization of goals and motives on a dialogical relationship with the world and on a humanitarian orientation in the world of values.

5. The reflexive-semantic component presupposes reflection of joint social activity, possession of reflexive and semantic-search activity, value-semantic perception of oneself and others in the process of cooperation, assessment of personal life projects in the field of social interaction and self-development [15, pp.99-100].

According to I.V. Chernousov, the following structural elements can be distinguished in social competence as an integral social quality of a person:

1) subject, meaning the ability of a person to be a subject capable of self-determination, self-determination, self-development and norm-making;

2) spiritual-value (axiological), containing a hierarchy of the main life values of a social and individual-personal nature;

3) cognitive, meaning the possession of the correct categorical social knowledge necessary for a person's interaction with himself (self-education, self-development) and with other people, for the optimal solution of socially significant issues and tasks;

4) pragmatic (axiological), meaning the ability of a person to implement a variety of social technologies in the system of social norms, relations and institutions [16, p. 19].

Summarizing many of the approaches to the structure of social competence analyzed by us, we considered it appropriate to single out the structure of social competence represented by the following components:

1. Emotional-sensory - the ability to recognize and understand one's mood, emotions and motives; the ability to manage emotions in social contacts, empathy, the ability to recognize and understand the emotional states of other people (including children with special needs), sensitivity to other people's inner experiences, emotional openness in social contacts, self-control and self-regulation, adequate self-esteem, trust in people, self-acceptance.

2. Cognitive-operational - knowledge of methods and rules of verbal and nonverbal communication, features and styles of communication, social knowledge, the ability to solve social problems, including in professional activities; knowledge and skills that allow you to implement a critical analysis of your own behaviour and the behaviour of other people, the ability to predict the results of social interactions, knowledge of socio-cultural norms and restrictions, non-stigmatizing strategies of behaviour in social contacts, social mobility, acceptance of one's own social role.

3. Motivational-value - hierarchy of the main life values of social and individual personal character, values of dialogical relationship with the world, society; humane orientation to social interactions, orientation to moral values and social norms accepted in society; positive social attitudes, prosocial values, attitudes to social interaction, including with people with developmental disabilities.

4. Reflexive - possession of reflexive activity, the ability to analyze social interactions, awareness of one's own resources.

Recall that by the social competence of a special teacher we understand the integrative property of his personality, characterized by a value-based understanding of social reality, the adoption of social goals corresponding to social situations and providing her with the opportunity to effectively build her professional behaviour in interaction with the subjects of the educational process of special education in accordance with accepted social norms.

Social competence, being a complex, interdisciplinary concept, plays a major role wherever people meet, interact, cooperate with each other: in the family, at school, in an organization, in society as a whole, in this regard, today there are various areas of research on social competence, its content and structure. Social competence becomes one of the most important conditions of professionalism and is a complex characteristic of a specialist, reflecting the level of development of social, communicative and individual abilities that ensure the independence of professional activity.

Список использованных источников и литературы

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5. Argyle M. (1994): The psychology of interpersonal behaviour (5th edition). London.

6. Bandura A. (1997) Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. New York.

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