Management of educational activities of Chinese master’s students in pedagogy under online learning conditions

Approaches to managing of online learning of Chinese master's students in pedagogy. Analyzing the success of ensuring quality communication, using interactive learning materials, developing pedagogical strategies aimed at individualizing learning.

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Дата добавления 14.12.2024
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Management of educational activities of Chinese master's students in pedagogy under online learning conditions

Sladkykh Iryna Anatoliivna Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department “Pedagogy, foreign philology and translation”, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics


In today's rapidly changing world, managing the educational activities of Chinese master's students in pedagogy under online learning conditions has become an extremely relevant task. The COVID-19 pandemic pushed educational institutions to massively switch to distance learning, requiring both teachers and students to adapt to new conditions. Chinese master's students in pedagogy are no exception, and their educational activities in the online environment have their own features and challenges.

For effective management of the educational activities of Chinese master's students in online learning conditions, it is necessary to use various management methods and tools. One of the key aspects is ensuring quality communication between students and teachers. Using video conferencing, chats, and forums allows for continuous information exchange and maintaining a high level of student engagement in the learning process.

It is also important to use interactive learning materials that promote deep knowledge acquisition. Utilizing video lectures, online simulations, interactive presentations, and other innovative teaching methods makes the learning process interesting and effective.

One pedagogical strategy is the individualization of learning, which involves considering the individual needs and capabilities of each student. This is especially important in online learning conditions, where students often lack personal interaction with teachers. Another important strategy is active learning, which involves engaging students in active participation in the learning process through discussions, projects, research, and other forms of active engagement. This promotes the development of critical thinking, creativity, and independent work skills.

Keywords: management of educational activities, Chinese master's students, online learning, interactive methods, pedagogical strategies, graduate students' success.


Управління освітньою діяльністю китайських магістрантів з педагогіки в умовах онлайн-навчання

Сладких Ірина Анатоліївна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки, іноземної філології та перекладу, Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця

В сучасному світі, що стрімко змінюється, управління освітньою діяльністю китайських магістрантів з педагогіки в умовах онлайн-навчання стає надзвичайно актуальним завданням. Пандемія COVID-19 підштовхнула освітні установи до масового переходу на дистанційне навчання, що вимагало адаптації як викладачів, так і студентів до нових умов. Китайські магістранти з педагогіки не стали виключенням, і їх освітня діяльність в онлайн-середовищі має свої особливості та виклики.

Для ефективного управління освітньою діяльністю китайських магістрантів в умовах онлайн-навчання необхідно використовувати різноманітні методи та інструменти управління. Одним з ключових аспектів є забезпечення якісної комунікації між студентами та викладачами. Використання відеоконференцій, чатів та форумів дозволяє забезпечити безперервний обмін інформацією та підтримувати високий рівень залученості студентів до навчального процесу.

Також важливим є використання інтерактивних навчальних матеріалів, які сприяють глибокому засвоєнню знань. Використання відеолекцій, онлайн-симуляцій, інтерактивних презентацій та інших інноваційних методів навчання дозволяє зробити навчальний процес цікавим та ефективним.

Однією з педагогічних стратегій є індивідуалізація навчання, що передбачає врахування індивідуальних потреб та можливостей кожного студента. Це особливо важливо в умовах онлайн-навчання, де студентам часто не вистачає особистої взаємодії з викладачами. Важливою є стратегія активного навчання, яка передбачає залучення студентів до активної участі в навчальному процесі через обговорення, проекти, дослідження та інші форми активної діяльності. Це сприяє розвитку критичного мислення, творчості та навичок самостійної роботи.

Ключові слова: управління освітньою діяльністю, китайські магістранти, онлайн-навчання, інтерактивні методи, педагогічні стратегії, успішність магістрантів.

Problem statement

In the context of the global shift to distance learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there arises a necessity to adapt the educational process to new conditions. Online learning offers several advantages, such as flexibility, accessibility, and the opportunity to use modern technologies to enhance the efficiency of the educational process. For Chinese master's students in pedagogy, this is especially important as they have the opportunity to participate in international programs, attend lectures by leading professors from various countries, and utilize global educational resources.

However, there are significant challenges as well. Chinese master's students often face issues such as language barriers, cultural differences, and technical difficulties, which affect their educational activities. The presence of these challenges necessitates the development of effective methods and tools for managing educational activities in an online learning environment. It is crucial to consider that for effective management of their educational activities, it is necessary to create conditions that help overcome these obstacles.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Important aspects of educational activity management are highlighted in the works of domestic scholars. According to V. Malinovsky, “the management mechanism is a set of ways of organizing management processes and methods of influencing the development of controlled objects using appropriate management methods aimed at achieving the set goal.” I. Bulieiev considers the management mechanism to be a combination of forms, methods, and tools of management. Y. Kleiner defines the management mechanism as an artificially created system of management tools through which scientifically based management decisions are made and effectively implemented. According to Y. Kleiner, the management mechanism may include more than ten “elements,” namely: goals, management process, management system and management relations, personnel, resources, methods, principles, laws and regularities, criteria, social and legal norms, ways of goal setting, and the bodies and content of management.

The issues of legal support for the development of various branches of education and the reform of the educational sector as a whole are revealed in the works of L. Parashchenko and O. Postupna. According to domestic researcher O. Postupna, state policy in education is characterized by the continuous development and implementation of measures to reform the educational sector. The scientist considers the legal regulation of the education sector as a tool for its development. According to domestic researcher O. Karkhut, education acts as a specific object of legal influence. Among foreign researchers, the issues of regulatory support for the development of education were studied by T. Wagner, F. Jones, M. Mason, S. Sarason, T. Timar, M. Henson, and others.

However, to this day, there is no perfect provision for educational changes, particularly in the management of the educational activities of foreign citizens in educational institutions in Ukraine under the current military conditions of online learning.

Purpose of the article

The purpose of this article is to study effective approaches to managing the educational activities of Chinese master's students in pedagogy in the context of online learning. This includes analyzing the success of ensuring quality communication, using interactive learning materials, and developing and implementing pedagogical strategies aimed at individualizing learning and actively engaging Chinese master's students in the learning process.

Presentation of main material

The management of educational activities has deep historical roots, reaching back to ancient civilizations. In Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, education focused on training scribes and officials for state administration. Educational institutions, such as schools for scribes, had a clear hierarchy and regulation of the educational process. In ancient Greece and Rome, the education system was more developed and diverse. In Greece, philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle developed teaching methods based on dialogue and critical thinking. Plato founded the Academy, and Aristotle founded the Lyceum, which became prototypes of modern universities. In Rome, the educational process was more centralized, with an emphasis on rhetoric and law.

In medieval Europe, the management of educational activities passed into the hands of the church. Catholic monasteries and cathedral schools became the main centers of education. Monastic schools engaged in teaching literacy, Latin, theology, and philosophy. Later, the first universities (Bologna University, Paris University) appeared, which had autonomy and their own statutes regulating the educational process.

The Renaissance brought a new approach to education, with an emphasis on humanism. Educational reforms promoted the development of secular educational institutions and colleges. The management of the educational process became more organized and systematic, and the first public schools appeared.

In modern times, with the development of the scientific method, there was a need for more specialized education. Universities began to expand their programs, and new faculties and specialties emerged. States began to intervene more actively in the management of education, creating ministries of education and developing national educational programs.

In the 20th century, the management of the educational process became even more centralized and standardized. The development of national educational standards, the implementation of new pedagogical methods, and the use of technology became the main trends. After World War II, education became more accessible to broader segments of the population, leading to a massive increase in the number of educational institutions.

In today's world, the management of the educational process encompasses the use of information and communication technologies, distance learning, interactive teaching methods, and the personalization of the educational process. The role of international organizations, such as UNESCO, which influence global trends in education, is growing.

The historical development of educational activity management demonstrates the continuous improvement of methods and approaches to teaching that meet the needs of society and technological changes. From ancient schools of scribes to modern online universities, the management of education remains an important element in the development of human potential and society as a whole.

The management of educational activities in higher educational institutions is crucial for shaping the educational experience of Chinese master's students. Studying this concept helps to better understand the factors influencing the success of students' learning and development.

"Success of Chinese master's students" is a measure of achieving specific educational goals by Chinese master's students, including but not limited to successful course completion, high grades, active participation in the learning process, acquisition of required skills and knowledge, and achievement of personal and professional goals.

Theoretical approaches to analyzing the impact of educational activity management on the success of Chinese Master's Students:

1. Systemic Approach

Basics: The systemic approach considers the educational process as an integrated system composed of interconnected components: Chinese master's students, teachers, learning materials, infrastructure, and management mechanisms. The success of Chinese master's students depends on the effective interaction of all these elements.

Application: When analyzing the impact of educational activity management from a systemic approach, all system components and their interactions are evaluated. For example, it examines how the organization of the educational process, the use of technologies, teaching methods, and management decisions affect the academic results of Chinese master's students.

2. Psychological-Pedagogical Approach

Basics: This approach focuses on the psychological and pedagogical aspects of learning [7]. It analyzes how teaching methods, pedagogical strategies, and the management of the educational process affect the motivation, engagement, and success of Chinese master's students.

Application: The psychological-pedagogical approach uses various methods to assess the impact of management on the success of Chinese master's students, such as questionnaires, interviews, observations, and experimental studies. For instance, it examines the effects of different teaching methods (group work, project-based learning, interactive lectures) on the success of Chinese master's students.

3. Socio-Cultural Approach

Basics: The socio-cultural approach considers educational activities in the context of social and cultural factors. It analyzes how the management of the educational process takes into account the socio-cultural characteristics of Chinese master's students and affects their academic success.

Application: This approach studies the impact of the social environment, cultural norms, and values on the learning process and results of Chinese master's students. For example, it explores how cultural differences influence the perception of learning materials and methods, or how the social status of Chinese master's students affects their access to resources and opportunities.

4. Economic Approach

Basics: The economic approach views the management of educational activities from the perspective of resource provision and the efficient use of resources. It analyzes how financial and material resources, and investments in education affect the quality of the educational process and the success of Chinese master's students.

Application: The economic approach evaluates the costs of education, the efficiency of financial resource use, and the impact of investments in educational infrastructure and technology on the success of Chinese master's students. For instance, it examines how providing Chinese master's students with modern computers and internet access affects their academic results.

5. Innovative Approach

Basics: The innovative approach focuses on the implementation of the latest technologies and methods in the educational process [8]. It analyzes how innovative solutions in educational management affect the motivation, engagement, and success of Chinese master's students.

Application: Research within this approach includes evaluating the impact of the latest educational technologies (online platforms, mobile applications, virtual and augmented reality) on the learning process and the results of Chinese master's students. For example, it studies how the use of interactive learning materials affects the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Applying different theoretical approaches allows for a deeper understanding of the impact of educational activity management on the success of Chinese master's students. Each approach provides unique tools and perspectives for analysis, contributing to a comprehensive approach to improving educational processes and enhancing academic outcomes.

Each of these approaches offers a unique perspective on the influence of educational activity management on the success of Chinese master's students and can be used for deeper analysis of this issue.

Factors of Success in the Educational Environment of a Higher Educational Institution. We can identify the fundamental factors:

o support from teachers and administration;

o integration of Chinese master's students into the academic community;

o availability of resources and technologies;

o quality of teaching and feedback;

o academic support and resources;

o social and cultural adaptation of Chinese master's students;

o psychological and motivational factors.

Practical Approaches and Strategies to Support the Success of Chinese Master's Students:

* Safety of the Educational Environment

The lack of a single definition of the concept of “educational environment safety” is due to the existence of different approaches to understanding its essence. This includes psychological, ecological, and informational aspects of this concept.

Researchers studying the issues related to the psychological safety of the educational environment believe that psychotraumatic situations directly or indirectly affect the physical and mental health of individuals. Specifically, psychotraumatic situations in the educational process of an educational institution can include:

- conflicts in relationships between teacher and student, student and student, student and parents, etc.;

- problems of adaptation in the educational environment;

- atmosphere of competition among peers;

- excessive demands from teachers, etc.

Considering the ecological aspect of the safety of the educational environment, attention should be paid to the research of S. Sovgira, who understands the ecologically safe educational environment as “a system of psychological-pedagogical conditions, influences, and opportunities that ensure the protection of the individual from the negative impact of ecological factors, determining the optimal interaction with the world of nature.”

Not less important is the information aspect of the safety of the educational environment according to N. Kyrylenko, through the use of information and communication technologies in education, this aspect exerts a massive, global influence on the individual. Among the negative impacts of information on the modern educational environment, the author highlights:

- lack of proper mechanisms for controlling the quality of information accessible through modern telecommunication technologies, leading to the infiltration of a large volume of unreliable information into the educational space;

- uncontrolled penetration of information with dubious, aggressive content, which can contribute to the emergence of violence, bullying, cyberbullying, etc.

Thus, a safe educational environment is a state in which there are safe conditions for learning and work, comfortable interpersonal interactions that contribute to the emotional well-being of students, teachers, and parents, an absence of any manifestations of violence, sufficient resources for prevention, and adherence to the rights and norms of physical, psychological, informational, and social safety for each participant in the educational process.

* Consideration of Sociocultural Characteristics

In modern education, it is important to recognize that Chinese master's students and teachers represent diverse sociocultural groups, each with its unique characteristics. Taking these differences into account plays a key role in creating a supportive and inclusive educational environment. This means considering the individual and collective cultural, social, and ethnic characteristics of Chinese master's students and teachers when developing and conducting educational programs, teaching methods, organizing the learning process, and interacting in the educational environment. This includes understanding and respecting the cultural traditions, languages, values, beliefs, and customs of various groups of Chinese master's students and teachers, as well as considering these features when creating an inclusive and supportive educational environment for all participants.

First and foremost, considering the sociocultural characteristics of Chinese master's students and teachers is necessary for successful learning and interaction in the educational environment. Chinese master's students from different cultural and social backgrounds may have different learning preferences, communication styles, and ways of perceiving information. Therefore, adapting teaching methods and educational programs to these features contributes to effective learning and achieving educational goals.

Moreover, considering sociocultural differences helps create an inclusive environment where every participant feels accepted and respected. Respect for cultural traditions, language features, and beliefs of Chinese master's students and teachers promotes tolerance and mutual understanding in the educational environment.

Furthermore, considering sociocultural characteristics stimulates diversity of thought and ideas, enriching the educational process. Interaction between students and teachers from different cultural backgrounds facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience, contributing to a deeper understanding of the subject and broadening horizons.

Thus, considering the sociocultural characteristics of Chinese master's students and teachers is an integral part of modern education. It not only contributes to effective learning and interaction in the educational environment but also creates conditions for the development of tolerance, mutual understanding, and diversity of thought.

* Implementation and Accessibility of Technological Innovations

In the modern world, technological innovations play a key role in all aspects of life, including education [6]. The implementation and accessibility of new technologies in universities are crucial for creating a modern and effective educational environment.

The primary task in implementing technological innovations is ensuring accessibility for all participants in the educational process. This includes Chinese master's students with varying levels of technological literacy as well as teachers who may face certain difficulties in mastering new tools. Therefore, it is important to develop training programs and resources that help all university participants master and effectively use new technologies [5].

One advantage of implementing technological innovations is the expansion of learning opportunities. The use of interactive learning platforms, online courses, and multimedia materials allows students to access educational resources anytime and anywhere in the world. This is especially relevant in the modern world, where globalization and mobility are key trends. Moreover, technological innovations contribute to improving the effectiveness of learning and the academic performance of Chinese master's students. The use of interactive methods, virtual laboratories, and online testing allows the educational process to be individualized, adapting it to the individual needs and learning pace of each student.

Finally, the implementation of technological innovations contributes to the development of digital skills. The digital skills of Chinese master's students are becoming increasingly important in the modern world, where technology plays a central role in many aspects of life. These skills not only help students succeed academically but also prepare them for future professional activities and active life in the digital age. Digital skills help students effectively master learning material and communicate with teachers and peers. The use of electronic learning platforms, online resources, and multimedia materials makes learning more interactive and accessible, allowing students to individualize their learning process according to their own needs and pace [1-4]. Additionally, digital skills help students effectively work with information and analyze it. In an era of information overload, the ability to quickly find, evaluate, and use information becomes a key skill. Chinese master's students with digital skills more easily handle information searches on the internet and can critically assess its reliability and relevance. Furthermore, digital skills play an important role in the future professional activities of Chinese master's students. In the modern world, many professions require employees to be able to work with computers, use various software, and be ready to constantly update and adapt to new technologies.

Therefore, acquiring digital skills at university is a necessary step for a successful career in the future. Finally, digital skills contribute to the development of creative thinking and innovation among Chinese master's students. The use of digital tools and technologies allows them to realize their ideas, create new projects, and solve complex problems, fostering entrepreneurial thinking and innovation capabilities. These skills need to be developed and improved as part of the educational process to ensure students have the opportunities for full participation in modern society and professional growth.

Chinese master's students studying with modern technologies acquire not only academic knowledge but also practical skills that will be useful in their future professional activities.

online learning managing communication


Managing the educational activities of Chinese master's students in pedagogy in an online learning environment is a complex and multifaceted task. It requires the use of modern technologies, interactive teaching methods, and appropriate pedagogical strategies. It is important to ensure quality communication, individualization of the learning process, and active engagement of Chinese master's students. Only under such conditions can high results be achieved and highly qualified specialists in the field of pedagogy be prepared.


1. Management of educational activity, (specialty 011 - Educational, pedagogical sciences, Educational program - Pedagogy and Administration; 073 - Management, Educational Program - School Management),

2. Master Thesis /сайт ПНС ХНЕУ ім. Семена Кузнеца

3. Pedagogical Counselling, (specialty 011 - Educational, pedagogical science, Educational program - Pedagogy and Administration),

4. Pedagogical Counselling, (specialty 011 - Educational, pedagogical science, Educational program - Pedagogy and Administration),

5. Sladkykh Iryna Development and implementation of specialized online courses on scientific research activities for higher education students. Strategy of Quality in Industry and Education: XVIII International Conference: Varna: June 3-6, 2024, Varna, Bulgaria, Pr. P. 229-237.

6. Sladkykh I., Zorkot W. Generative teaching academic courses. Information technologies: science, engine-ering, technology, education, health: May 8-15, 2016, Kharkiv, Ukraine, NTU “KhPI”: Pr., Vol. IV, P. 366.

7. Sladkykh Iryna. Pedagogical consulting in educational management of online activities / Iryna Sladkykh/ The Scientific Issues of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Section: Pedagogics and Psychology. 2024. Р 13-19.

8. Feng Xinxing. [A study of digital governance in higher education]. Modern Educational Technology. 2022;32(2):44-53. Chinese


1. Management of educational activity, (specialty 011 - Educational, pedagogical sciences, Educational program - Pedagogy and Administration; 073 - Management, Educational Program - School Management),

2. Master Thesis /сайт ПНС ХНЕУ ім. Семена Кузнеца

3. Pedagogical Counselling, (specialty 011 - Educational, pedagogical science, Educational program - Pedagogy and Administration),

4. Pedagogical Counselling, (specialty 011 - Educational, pedagogical science, Educational program - Pedagogy and Administration),

5. Sladkykh Iryna Development and pmeat of specialized online courses on scientific research activities for higher education students. Strategy of Quality in Industry and Education: XVIII International Conference: Varna: June 3-6, 2024, Varna, Bulgaria, Pr. P. 229-237.

6. Sladkykh I., Zorkot W. Generative teaching academic courses. Information technologies: science, engine-ering, technology, education, health: May 8-15, 2016, Kharkiv, Ukraine, NTU “KhPI”: Pr., Vol. IV, P. 366.

7. Sladkykh Iryna. Pedagogical consulting in educational management of online activities / Iryna Sladkykh/ The Scientific Issues of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Section: Pedagogics and Psychology. 2024. Р 13-19.

8. Feng Xinxing. [A study of digital governance in higher education]. Modern Educational Technology. 2022;32(2):44-53. Chinese

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  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

    курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012

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