Partnership in the management system of an institution of higher education

The problem of managing the stock of light on partner ambushes, which makes it possible to organize comprehensive work between the stock of light and scientific installations. We have poured the partnership into the development of information science.

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Дата добавления 14.12.2024
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Municipal Establishment Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy of Kharkiv regional council

Partnership in the management system of an institution of higher education

Alla Kharkivska, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work,

Alona Prokopenko, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, head of postgraduate and doctoral studies

Kharkiv, Ukraine


партнерство в системі управління закладом вищої освіти

Алла Харківська,

доктор педагогічних наук, професор, проректор з науково-педагогічної роботи, Комунальний заклад «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради, (Харків, Україна)

Альона Прокопенко,

доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач аспірантури та докторантури Комунального закладу «Харківська гуманітарно-педагогічна академія» Харківської обласної ради (Харків, Україна)

У статі порушено проблему управління закладом вищої освіти на партнерських засадах, що дає змогу організувати спільну роботу між закладами освіти, підприємствами, науковими й громадськими установами, організаціями та об'єднаннями, адміністрацією та працівниками, викладачами та здобувачами освіти, стейколдерами та базами практики. Для досягнення мети використано методи дослідження: аналіз; систематизація та узагальнення; порівняльно-зіставний аналіз; прогнозування зв'язків внутрішнього та зовнішнього партнерства в процесі управління закладом вищої освіти. На основі аналізу науково-педагогічних джерел вивчено тематику дослідження щодо партнерства в закладах вищої освіти та партнерства в управлінні, уточнено поняття «партнерство» у закладах вищої освіти. Авторами умовно виокремлено внутрішнє та зовнішнє партнерство в закладах вищої освіти. З'ясовано, що внутрішнє партнерство в управління закладом вищої освіти реалізується через взаємодію між керівництвом та підлеглими. Зовнішнє партнерство має ширший простір зв'язків: із стейкхолдерами та центрами практики, іншими установами; із адміністрацією міста/області, у якому розташований заклад вищої освіти, регіональними (територіальними) органами управління освітою; із відомими теоретиками та практиками у сфері менеджменту, освіти, науки тощо; з іншими закладами вищої освіти; з міжнародними організаціями, установами закордоння, забезпечуючи міжнародне співробітництво закладу вищої освіти. Схарактеризовано партнерство в управлінні закладом вищої освіти та з'ясовано вплив і вмотивованість такого зв'язку на розвиток освіти й науки в країні, закладу вищої освіти загалом, індивідуального професійного зростання педагогічних та науково-педагогічних працівників, якісного здобуття освіти здобувачами вищої освіти. Перспективою дослідження визначено докладне вивчення вивченні напрямів реалізації зовнішнього партнерства управління закладом вищої освіти на державному рівні.

Ключові слова: управління, заклад вищої освіти, управління закладом вищої освіти, партнерство, керівник закладу вищої освіти.


The article raises the problem of managing a higher education institution on a partnership basis, which allows organizing joint work between educational institutions, enterprises, scientific and public institutions, organizations and associations, administration and employees, teachers and students, stakeholders and practice bases. Research methods were used to achieve the goal: analysis; systematization and generalization; comparative analysis; forecasting internal and external partnership relations in the process of managing a higher education institution. Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources, the topic of research on partnership in institutions of higher education and partnership in management was investigated, the concept of "partnership" in institutions of higher education was clarified. The author tentatively distinguishes internal and external partnership in higher education institutions. It was found that the internal partnership in the management of the institution of higher education is implemented through the interaction between the management and subordinates. External partnership has a wider space of connections: with stakeholders and centers of practice, other institutions; with the administration of the city/region where the higher education institution is located, regional (territorial) education management bodies; with well-known theoreticians and practitioners in the field of management, education, science, etc.; with other institutions of higher education; with international organizations, institutions abroad, ensuring international cooperation of the institution of higher education. The partnership in the management of the institution of higher education is characterized, and the influence and motivation of such a relationship on the development of education and science in the country, the institution of higher education in general, individual professional growth of pedagogical and research-pedagogical workers, and the quality of education by students of higher education are clarified. The perspective of the research is defined as a detailed study of ways to implement external partnership in the management of a higher education institution at the state level.

Keywords: management, institution of higher education, management of institution of higher education, partnership, head of institution of higher education.


The problem formulation. In the context of the development of higher education, an important role is played by the optimization of the management process of the institution of higher education, which consists in creating a mechanism of coherence, integrity, and integration in order to provide quality educational services in accordance with modern requirements of society. For this, the institution of higher education should create favorable conditions for the implementation of educational and scientific research activities, support of innovative projects of higher education students, teaching and scientific-pedagogical workers, which will increase the level of personal and professional growth of specialists, as well as the competitiveness of the institution. One of the effective tools in ensuring the efficiency of higher education institution management is partnership. partnership science managing

Partnership allows to organize joint work between educational institutions, enterprises, scientific and public institutions, organizations and associations, administration and employees, teachers and students, stakeholders and practice bases. Partnership in the system of higher management of a higher education institution is implemented through various forms of interaction: joint projects and programs, conducting seminars, trainings, improving the content of educational and professional programs, attracting funding for research, etc.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The problem of management in higher education arose in various aspects of research by modern Ukrainian scientists. Thus, O. Galitsan, Ya. Kirylenko and O. Khil studied management in the context of European integration processes. Strategic management of educational activities was the object of research by O. Chernysh. Optimization of the management process was analyzed by V. Beschastny.

Partnership in higher education was studied by N. Babenko, A. Bubela, T. Zverko, I. Kozynets, R. Maiboroda, K. Mykhaylova, T. Sytnik, O. Tadeush and others. Scientists H. Zhirska and O. Turchyn analyzed the partnership between institutions of higher and general secondary education as a way of professional growth of teachers. The development of partnership relations at the department between teachers and students of higher education was studied by V. Onipko.

Among foreign scientists, partnership in higher education was studied by N. Stanisic (international aspect), D. Chou and others. A group of scientists F. Bidandi, E. Ambe, C. Mukong studied cooperation and partnership between higher education institutions and stakeholders.

However, the scientists did not carry out purposeful investigations regarding the implementation of partnership in the management system of the institution of higher education.

Research aim and tasks

The purpose of the study is to highlight and justify partnership relations in the process of managing a higher education institution. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources regarding the research issues; distinguishing the features of the implementation of internal and external partnership in a higher education institution; to reveal the motivation of management activity on a partnership basis for the development of a higher education institution.

Research Methods

The methods used during the research were: analysis of sources; systematization and generalization of the results of the analysis and study of the problem; comparative and comparative analysis of partnership in a higher education institution; forecasting internal and external partnership relations in the process of managing a higher education institution.

Results of the research

Partnership is traditionally carried out on a bilateral basis, which ensures efficiency and productivity in achieving a common goal and is carried out on the basis of humanism and democratic values. Partnership in the management system of a higher education institution allows to increase the level of its competitiveness, the professionalism of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers, to provide high-quality professional training to future specialists.

According to A. Shynkaryev, the concept of partnership is a process that "presupposes a series of joint actions, a joint search for ways to solve existing problems or new opportunities and their implementation" (Shinkaryev, 2018, p. 96).

As O. Kokhanova noted, partnership interaction is aimed at exchanging experiences, ideas, and views. Such cooperation should satisfy both parties, provide feedback on subject-subject connections (Kokhanova, 2011).

The partnership is focused on strengthening relations between all interested parties and achieving common goals, allows to attract various resources for implementation of innovative projects, joint research, mobility of all participants of the educational process.

O. Tadeush aptly notes that "partner interaction in the space of a higher school is a rather specific form of cooperation, because it involves a wide range of directions and types" (Tadeush, 2020, p. 58). According to the scientist, the prerequisites for partnership interaction in higher education institutions are a number of objective and subjective factors: equality, autonomy, direct contact, community, activity, value attitudes, mutual responsibility, trust, support, etc. At the same time, we note that it is necessary to take into account the intellectual (the level of developed competences of participants in the educational process), personnel (quantitative and qualitative potential of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers, heads of departments (faculties, departments) and higher education institutions), methodical (availability of necessary additions, manuals, recommendations, etc.) and material (financing, logistical support) resources.

We are impressed by O. Tedeush's view of partnership in higher education, which interprets the concept as: a special type of relationship in the mutual influence and changes of pedagogical workers of higher education institutions and students; the process of activity and personal experience exchange; a specific form of organization of the activities of interaction participants. At the same time, communication is a necessary condition for cooperation and a way to realize the need of subjects to interact to achieve a common goal (Tedeub, 2020, p. 60).

The view of scientists on the level of partnership is apt: "the main forms of work are the interaction of managers with subordinates, equal participation in the management of an educational institution. This does not mean that the manager loses the right to make decisions independently, it means that all issues significant for the life of the teaching staff are resolved collegially, with the broad involvement of teachers in this process" (Educational Institution Management, 2022, p. 175).

Methodological recommendations for approval of management mechanisms based on partnership in higher education institutions (2023) highlight forms of partnership in the educational process: organization of the educational process; organization of professional development (internships, courses, webinars, etc.); establishment of partnership in the institution's infrastructure; joint implementation of scientific-pedagogical, educational and social programs and projects; joint organization and holding of events, workshops, trainings, conferences, meetings, etc. The system of higher education on the basis of partnership involves the joint development and implementation of educational standards, plans, syllabi, etc.; organization and conduct of practical classes, practices, exams, writing scientific papers, internships, mentoring, etc.

Taking into account the above and our own management experience of a higher education institution, we note that, conditionally, partnership can be divided into internal and external.

Internal partnership in the management system of a higher education institution is realized in the environment of the institution, between management and subordinates.

As noted by M. Veresklya, N. Mykhalytska and V. Mykhalytskyi regarding the implementation of partnership between the participants of the educational process: "The spirit of creativity, constant search for new opportunities, collective selfeducation, partnership and trust - all this should encourage employees to self-realization, innovation, cooperation within own organization"; "an important feature is the focus on a democratic rather than coercive management mechanism", which is not based on management strategy and culture (Mykhalytska et al., 2019, p. 124).

During the interaction of the manager with subordinates, with students of higher education, it is necessary to observe the culture of business interpersonal communication, the norms of subordination, the rules of the Charter of the educational institution, as well as to build interaction on general moral and professional values, to ensure a friendly atmosphere in the team, to provide a positive psychological microclimate, to encourage others to joint solution of tasks.

We note that "the effectiveness of joint work depends on the extent to which its participants are interested in achieving common goals, so managers must create conditions for the motivation of performers" (Kharkivska, 2023, p. 77).

The head of a higher education institution must be able to ensure open communicative interaction with all participants of the educational process in the higher education institution. Communication and coherence in the team depends on successful management activities, the individuality of the psychological traits of the participants, the level of group compatibility, motivation and control, when the leader becomes a full member of the team, but at the same time the driving force for actions (Educational Institution Management, 2022, p. 101).

Management of a higher education institution on the basis of internal partnership requires finding and implementing a relationship model to overcome contradictions, conflicts of views and goals of participants. The partnership also consists in the organization of an environment based on humanistic guidelines, active involvement in the development of the general strategy for the development of the institution, educational and professional programs, structures and activity plans of structural divisions, faculties, departments, scientific and methodical and scientific councils, individual programs for the professional improvement of employees .

The productivity of ensuring partnership interaction is reflected in the clarity of the formulation and distribution of responsibilities between subordinates, equality in rights and opportunities, because the prosperity of a higher education institution does not depend only on the work of the head, but is also related to the activities of all participants of the organization. The head of a higher education institution becomes a leader, an organizer of activities regarding the use of resources and the potential of team members in order to increase the level of professionalism of subordinates and the educational institution in general.

In the internal partnership, an important role belongs to the organization and conducting of monitoring and diagnostics regarding the level of satisfaction with the manager's management activities, the educational process of higher education seekers, the teaching and scientific spheres of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers, material and technical support, etc. Psychological and social services of the institution may be involved in monitoring, or it may be initiated and carried out under the leadership of the administration of the institution of higher education. A conscious attitude to the organization of diagnostics and monitoring will reveal existing difficulties, problems and advantages, priority areas of further activity, direct management activities in the higher education institution to the improvement of the control system, professional activity and conditions for self-development and self-realization.

Therefore, internal partnership in the management of a higher education institution is manifested in the establishment of relationships between all members of the organization, the qualitative distribution of job duties, the joint solution of professional tasks, control over the implementation of the general strategy of the institution's development in order to ensure the individual professional improvement of employees and the educational institution in general , increasing its importance at the regional and state levels.

External partnership is realized in interaction:

with stakeholders and practice centers, other institutions;

with the administration of the city/region where the higher education institution is located, regional (territorial) education management bodies;

with well-known theoreticians and practitioners in the field of management, education, science, etc.;

with other institutions of higher education;

with international organizations, institutions abroad.

Stakeholders are strategic partners in ensuring the high-quality educational potential of graduates of higher education institutions, which positively influence the conditions and results of management of the respective institution.

As S. Ghosn noted, "each partner has expectations regarding the responsibility of each stakeholder for their actions and obligations in the relationship. A high level of responsibility of partners strengthens the quality of relations between stakeholders" (Gosn, 2020, p. 31). Interaction with stakeholders should be based on trust, reliability, identity, responsibility, direction, as well as on the harmonization of the interests of stakeholders and the head of the higher education institution.

During partner interaction, you need to be aware of the key features: "respect for the partner's personality; friendly atmosphere; openness and trust; active communication; freedom and equality in the expression of thoughts, ideas, views" (Kharkivska & Molchanyuk, 2023, p. 16).

Partnership with stakeholders, representatives of various institutions is characterized by: their involvement in the development of educational programs; conclusion of contracts regarding the implementation of various types of practice, provision of opportunities for further employment of graduates of a higher education institution; involvement in writing and reviewing collective monographs, textbooks and manuals, methodical recommendations, etc.; holding classes, meetings, seminars, circles, master classes on the basis of the institution of higher education and institutions of stakeholders; active participation in conducting pedagogical experiments to improve the quality of higher education.

An integral partnership is the interaction of the head of the higher education institution with the administration of the city/region in which the higher education institution is located, regional (territorial) education management bodies.

To achieve the goal of management activities, the manager must be familiar with educational programs and development projects of the region, consult on the management of the institution of higher education and its improvement in accordance with the needs and requests of the city/region.

The effectiveness of the management of a higher education institution is related to the structure and bodies of education management in the territorial community: the department of education and science of the region, the department of education of the administration of the district / city council. The head of a higher education institution fulfills his powers in accordance with the requirements of his own management, their orders, regulations and other normative acts, and also reports to them on the work performed, the level of quality of education in the institution, etc. The closest partnership with the city/region administration is carried out in communal institutions of higher education, which is related to the type of subordination.

Such interaction provides opportunities to optimize the educational process from the point of view of methodical, material and technical, financial support, as well as personnel.

Management of the institution of higher education is carried out on a partnership basis and in contact with modern specialists, theoreticians and practitioners in the field of management, education, science, etc. Thanks to this, the head of the institution has the opportunity to acquire innovative management skills, familiarize himself with effective management technologies, master modern ways of improving the educational process in higher education, adopt best practices and implement them, partially modernizing them according to the requirements and capabilities of his institution.

Cooperation with Ukrainian specialists allows you to build your own development trajectory of the institution as a projection on the future progress of the country's science education, entry into the European arena.

External partnership is inextricably linked with the conclusion of contracts with other institutions of higher education, the joint holding of conferences, seminars, practices, which also activates the opportunity for all participants of the educational process within the walls of the institution of higher education for academic mobility. Cooperation can be carried out at the level of the entire institution, a separate unit, faculty, department, educational component, and even an individual employee or student of higher education. Such communication takes place during the implementation of joint projects and programs, grants.

Over the last decade, the role of international cooperation of higher education institutions of Ukraine has significantly increased, which is connected with the globalization of professional competences, the activation of the autonomy of higher education institutions. It is international cooperation in higher education that promotes active participation in various forms of scientific, educational, cultural and financial ties.

The legislative framework is constantly updated regarding the implementation of international relations. Among the tasks of higher education, the following is highlighted: "establishment of international relations and implementation of international activities in the field of education, science, sports, art and culture" (Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education").

The effectiveness of international activity management in higher education depends on a clear definition of goals, the institution's development strategy, its priority areas of development, resources and experience. V. Beschastny aptly noted: "International cooperation with well-known foreign university partners allows us to use their best experience in improving the management processes of higher education institutions in modern market conditions. This seems to be the most important task, since the national system of management of higher educational institutions requires modernization and constant improvement" (Beschastny, 2009).

International cooperation during the management of a higher education institution makes it possible to effectively improve the process of obtaining an education, open new frontiers for revealing the potential of pedagogical and scientific- pedagogical workers, and provide freedom of choice and autonomy in professional growth.

Conclusions and prospects of further research

Therefore, highlighted partnerships in the process of managing a higher education institution contribute to the effective implementation of management goals of the management, joint and competent development and implementation of the general strategy for the development of the institution, divisions and all participants involved in the institution's activities. We believe that a conscious attitude to consistency and balancing between internal and external partnership will enable activation of the manager's potential to achieve professional goals.

The research sees a perspective in a detailed study of the ways of implementing external partnership in the management of a higher education institution at the state level.


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  • Planning a research study. Explanation, as an ability to give a good theoretical background of the problem, foresee what can happen later and introduce a way of solution. Identifying a significant research problem. Conducting a pilot and the main study.

    реферат [26,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • Підготовка фахівця, затребуваного на ринку праці як одна з головних задач системи вищої освіти в Україні. G Suit for Education - популярна платформа, що використовується в освітньому процесі, в тому числі для організації проектної роботи студентів.

    статья [701,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2017

  • Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016

  • University of Cambridge is one of the world's oldest and most prestigious academic institutions. The University of Cambridge (often Cambridge University), located in Cambridge, England, is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world.

    доклад [23,1 K], добавлен 05.05.2009

  • Порядок проведения урока "Education in Great Britain" в 10 классе. Коммуникативная компетенция как один из основных принципов преподавания иностранных языков на современном этапе. План-конспект мероприятия "Valentine’s Day" по английскому языку.

    контрольная работа [17,0 K], добавлен 06.12.2011

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