EU regional public diplomacy: initiatives for Ukraine
The directions of using EU external policy instruments in Ukraine. The tasks of the European public communication in promoting EU political and economic relations with foreign priorities. Factors of the effectiveness of the European integration process.
Рубрика | Политология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.08.2018 |
Размер файла | 26,8 K |
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EU regional public diplomacy: initiatives for Ukraine
Natalia Pipchenko
УДК 32.327. 3
EU Regional Public Diplomacy: Initiatives for Ukraine
Natalia Pipchenko
There are EU regional public diplomacy and the directions of using EU external policy instruments in Ukraine analyzed. It was found that the main task of the European public communication is to promote EU political and economic relations through effective dialogue with international actors and regular awareness of the international community about the European foreign policy priorities. Informing the internal and external public about the EU is a very difficult process that's why the European Eternal Action Service is building a long-term information strategy for European neighbors. For Ukraine, effective communication with the EU and its Member States and supporting its initiatives is an essential part of renewed strategic approach in foreign policy. The author of this paper also suggests that the effectiveness of the European integration process in Ukraine depends not only on the implementation of European funding programs but also on the government's ability to carry out thematic information and communication campaigns. It is proposed to differentiate the target audience of Ukraine what will improve the quality of informing Ukrainians about the advantages and disadvantages of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. In the case of Ukraine, the EU messages need to be adapted to the west, central and eastern region.
Key words: Public Diplomacy, European Neighborhood Policy, communication campaigns, EU, Ukraine.
Регіональна публічна дипломатія ЄС: ініціативи для України
Піпченко Наталія
Проаналізовано регіональні програми ЄС у сфері публічної дипломатії та визначено напрями здійснення ефективної зовнішньополітичної комунікації ЄС в Україні. З'ясовано, що головним завданням європейської публічної комунікації є сприяння політичним та економічним зв'язкам Європейського Союзу через результативний діалог із міжнародними акторами та регулярну поінформованість світової спільноти про зовнішньополітичні пріоритети інтеграційного об'єднання. Інформування внутрішньої й зовнішньої громадськості про ЄС є дуже складним процесом, тому Європейська служба зовнішніх справ розробляє та реалізовує довгострокову комунікаційну стратегію для європейських сусідів, і для України в тому числі. Додамо, що ефективна взаємодія України з ЄС та державами-членами й підтримка її ініціатив стали невід'ємною частиною оновленого стратегічного підходу до зовнішньої політики держави. На основі авторського дослідження доведено, що ефективність євроінтеграційного процесу в Україні залежить не лише від реалізації європейських програм фінансової підтримки, але й від можливостей уряду проводити тематичні інформаційно - роз'яснювальні кампанії. Запропоновано диференціювати цільові аудиторії України, що дасть змогу підвищити якість інформування українців про переваги та недоліки Угоди про асоціацію між Україною і ЄС, зокрема інформаційні повідомлення ЄС потрібно адаптувати до потреб та очікувань західної, центральної й східної частин України.
Ключові слова: публічна дипломатія, європейська політика сусідства, комунікаційні кампанії, ЄС, Україна.
Региональная публичная дипломатия ЕС: инициативы для Украины
Пипченко Наталья
Проанализированы региональные программы ЕС в сфере публичной дипломатии и определены направления осуществления эффективной внешнеполитической коммуникации ЕС в Украине. Установлено, что главной задачей европейской публичной коммуникации является содействие политическим и экономическим связям Европейского Союза через результативный диалог с международными акторами и регулярную осведомленность мирового сообщества о внешнеполитических приоритетах интеграционного объединения. Информирование внутренней и внешней общественности о ЕС является очень сложным процессом, поэтому Европейская служба внешнеполитической деятельности разрабатывает и реализует долгосрочную коммуникационную стратегию для европейских соседей, среди которых находится и Украина. Добавим, что эффективное взаимодействие Украины с ЕС и государствами-членами и поддержка ее инициатив стали неотъемлемой частью обновленного стратегического подхода к внешней политике государства. На основе авторского исследования доказано, что эффективность евроинтеграционного процесса в Украине зависит не только от реализации европейских программ финансовой поддержки, но и от возможностей правительства проводить тематические информационно-разъяснительные кампании.
Предлагается дифференцировать целевые аудитории Украины, что позволит повысить качество информирования украинцев о преимуществах и недостатках Соглашения об ассоциации между Украиной и ЕС, в частности информационные сообщения ЕС необходимо адаптировать к потребностям и ожиданиям западной, центральной и восточной частей Украины.
Ключевые слова: публичная дипломатия, европейская политика соседства, коммуникационные кампании, ЕС, Украина.
Problem Formulation. The practice of international cooperation the EU as an actor in International Relations suggests the using external policy instruments to provide for the European Union the successful implementation of public communication with internal and external audiences for its international positioning, adequate response to the urgent needs of the European community, a deeper understanding of trends in European and world public opinion, research strengths and contradictions interaction between EU political institutions and the European community. By means of foreign policy communication, the European External Action Service can avoid power methods of realization of national interests of some European States and overcome existing differences between them regarding the political and economic development of the region. The potential change of political elites in Europe EU leaders are trying to use for further deepening of European integration and positioning of the EU as a global and a powerful foreign policy entity.
Studies and Publications. Problems of political influence of information and communication technologies on international actors' political activity examine in researches of Zbigniew Brzezinski (Zbigniew Brzezinski; 2012), Samuel Huntington (Samuel Huntington; 2004), Henry Kissinger (Henry Kissinger; 2011), Robert O. Keohane (Robert O. Keohane; 2002), Joseph Nye, Jr. (Joseph Nye, Jr., 2013), James N. Rosenau (James N. Rosenau; 2007), L. Hubersky, V. Hondyul, O. Belarus, V. Bebik, O. Zernetska, E. Kaminski, V. Kopiika, E. Makarenko, M. Mykhalchenko, M. Ozhevan, G. Pocheptsov, M. Ryzhkov, E. Tikhomirova and others.
The Purpose of this Paper is to analyse the current regional public diplomacy initiatives of the EU for Ukraine and to identify gaps and possible ways to fill them by providing key findings and recommendations.
The Main Material
One of the components of EU regional public diplomacy is European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) the main goal of which is the creation of closer ties with 16 southern and eastern neighbors, including Ukraine. A joint policy initiative for Eastern Europe and Southern Caucasus (the Eastern Partnership) offers political association, economic integration and increased mobility for people because EU leaders realize fully that European security, stability and prosperity depend on these countries. The program was launched in 2009 to deepen relations between the EU and Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
According to the researchers, ENP as a key element in EU foreign relations is still often not recognized by the public within the region. There is a lack of visibility and also lack of awareness and sometimes understanding by the citizens from partner countries and also at the level of opinion makers. Following the conclusions of the EU Foreign Affairs Council on 29 January, and the European Council conclusions of 1920 March 2015, the EU is now moving forward with specific plans for stepping up its strategic communication activities in the Eastern Neighborhood [1]. For Ukraine, effective communication with the EU and its Member States and supporting its initiatives is an essential part of renewed strategic approach in foreign policy.
On 4 March 2015, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the Commission Federica Mogherini and Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn official launched the review of the European Neighborhood Policy towards building deeper relationships with the EU's partners, co-operation with the neighbors of the neighbors, closer political association and economic integration of partners and promoting stability on EU borders [2]. In Autumn 2015, the EU presented the update version of the ENP in which the EU will focus on the political, economic and security stabilization of the region, built on democracy, human rights and the rule of law. According to new programme, it is important to offer adequate responses to the changing aspirations of the partners, as some countries want closer integration with the EU and some envisage different kinds of relationships. That's why it was suggested in the revised ENP better communicating and promoting EU policies. Improved public diplomacy will contribute to better explaining the rationale of EU policies and the positive impact of concrete EU actions. This document emphasized that the EU could support strategic communication capacity within governments of Eastern Europe and Southern Caucasus for a better understanding of public opinion, to plan and adapt campaigns communicating the benefits of reform. As agreed in the European Council, the EU will be working with partners to expose misinformation and respond decisively when it targets the EU. An appropriate mix of proactive strategic and tactical communication tools will allow the EU and its partners to better monitor and analyze the media, to better understand perceptions and narratives in the partner countries and to explain the benefits of each country's cooperation with the EU with the ultimate goal of creating a positive narrative about support and cooperation under the ENP. EU Delegations in the partner countries will work closely together with Member States' representatives in their engagement with key stakeholders, in particular civil society. Outreach activities are also necessary inside the EU to explain to citizens why stable, secure and prosperous countries in near vicinity are key to European stability and security. The EU will engage more on this public diplomacy agenda with governments, civil society, the business community, academia and other citizens in partner countries, in particular youth, including through science diplomacy [3]. Against the background of the Ukrainian crisis, the EU started the support for a lasting peaceful solution respecting the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine to help stabilize its economy and encourage political, judicial and economic reforms [4].
Also, it notes an activity of the Estonian Centre of Eastern Partnership which is a training center for EU's eastern partner countries and a think tank dedicated to promoting Eastern Partnership issues. During the 2014-2015 Centre organized more than 10 events which have been dedicated entirely to the development of EU-related public communication in the EU's Eastern neighborhood; more than 240 public sector communicators, journalists and civil society representatives from all Eastern partner countries have taken part in the Centre's training events to help them use the knowledge and information from the training events in the daily work. For example, Estonian experts presented bilateral practical training seminar for Ukrainian public sector communicators, civil society and journalists "Informing the public about the Association Agreements/Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas and other EU issues" [1; 5].
The European Neighborhood Policy reforms in Ukraine are carried out in a very difficult political, economic, social and security conditions. In informing the international community about Ukrainian events the Ukraine Crisis Media Centre was set up in 2014 with the assistance of such European and International institutions as European Endowment for Democracy, International Foundation "Renaissance", Inter news Ukraine, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mondelez International, Inc., National Endowment for Democracy, Nestle, Embassy of the United States of America, Germany Embassy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sweden, the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation and Ukrainian World Foundation. The Centre provides media support on a 24/7 basis to all those covering events in Ukraine and runs a daily schedule of live press briefings. Since its inception, the center has evolved into a key communications hub with outreach to both internal audiences in Ukraine as well as conducting active outreach to opinion formers and the media outside of Ukraine. The center has actively contributed to distributing information about the EU by hosting media events and providing regularly up-to-date information on the EU-Ukraine relations [6]. Modern Ukraine's government departments are working closely with international experts and consultants and use their experience for developing EU communications mechanisms in our state.
The Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine organizes a number of communication and information activities in the context of regional public diplomacy to raise awareness of the European Union and EU-Ukraine relations among the Ukrainians. Euroclubs are long-time Delegation's partners in informing the population at large about various aspects of the EU-Ukraine relations and cooperation. Euroclubs in Ukraine were set up in 1995 following the examples of the similar organizations in Europe. Euroclubs played an important role in the EU Member States and candidate countries as information resources and active promoters of European values among youth. Euroclubs in Ukraine focus their activities on school children and youth. Their main goals are to inform and educate young people about the EU and EU-Ukraine issues, assist in establishing good relations with European youth NGOs, and support Ukraine's aspirations for European integration [7].
Information campaign "Building Europe in Ukraine) involves a number of communication and educational events (public events, street initiatives, seminars, trainings, round tables) conducted in 20132016 by the EU Delegation to Ukraine. The campaign is aimed at explaining the importance of signature of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement as well as spreading European values and raising citizens' awareness on the EU-Ukraine relations. Among events of the information campaign it notes the street theatre "Europe on your street" in Mykolaiv, the wish-wall action "Imagine a European Ukraine, it starts here!" in Bila Tserkva, the intellectual game "European Union: What? Where? When?" in Dnipropetrovsk, the dance flashmob "In the rhythm of Europe" in Temopil with the song "Everything will be fine" which can become a slogan of the EU-Ukraine relations, the music flashmob "Sounds of Joy: Anthem of Europe- Ukraine" in Lutsk. Eurobus is an alternative way of educational activities on European topics aimed at uniting Ukraine and EU as well as increasing interest of residents of small towns to European integration issues [8-10]. During such events official representatives of the EU Delegation to Ukraine meet with local journalists, media and civil society activists to discuss the media situation in the region, to share EU-related information materials, to communicate with local Euroclubs and to attend the International Youth Forum. european public policy instrument
Campaign "Stronger Together" (September 2014) is another example of the EU regional public diplomacy which aims to explain to the citizens of Ukraine advantages of closer European integration, and funded by joint contributions of the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Ukraine, Embassy of Sweden and the EU Delegation. The project includes visits by Ukrainian journalists to the EU Member States as well as the creation of television programs about European integration on regional TV Channels of Ukraine. This campaign brings together professionals from the Ukrainian government, the EU Delegation to Ukraine, EU Member States diplomatic missions to Ukraine, the Ukrainian and European business communities, and civil society who want to join forces and work towards strengthening democracy, supporting reform, and increasing the level of awareness in Ukrainian society of the opportunities linked to the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and the Comprehensive Deep Free Trade Area (DCFTA). The purpose of the campaign is to provide objective information about aspects of the experience of Eastern European countries with European integration that is potentially useful to Ukraine; the reforms that Ukraine needs to carry out in order to properly carry out the Association Agreement; opportunities for domestic businesses [11].
The main activities of the project have been a comprehensive public awareness campaign involving national and regional media: analytical articles, infographics, TV project on the First National Channel called "Made in Europe", public events with top politicians from Eastern Europe, and flashmobs; "Doing Business in EU" as a consultation platform to support domestic businesses who are beginning to enter promising EU markets and political dialogue with the parliament and the government [11]. In addition to supporting the named campaigns, the EU Delegation to Ukraine actively participates in many other activities promoting the European integration agenda in Ukraine and organizes cultural events, the European Day activities, study days, interactive workshops, competitions, seminars, regional visits, issues an online magazine Eurobulletin and regularly publishes EU co-operation news.
For instance, the EU Delegation to Ukraine organized during the 2014 a lot of information and communication events among them we note monitoring of EU presence in Ukrainian media and EU news services for journalists prepared by Internews Ukraine, EU publications and promo items prepared by Avgust Trade LLC, EU media campaign in selected regions prepared by BRANDCOM, Ukrainian Youth for Europe prepared by Open Society Foundation, EU Study Days in Ukraine prepared by Centre for Ukrainian reform education [12]. In 2015 it was arranged campaign on Facebook and Twitter #1YearTogether - Our future is in our hands which was dedicated to the anniversary of the signature of the EU Association Agreements with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Citizens of countries told stories how the agreement was helping them and what did this #1YearTogether with the EU mean for you [13].
In 2016 the EU will continue the intensification of the EU-Ukraine political dialogue by means of public diplomacy tools. In particular, it will plan the implementation of different communication projects towards a production of E-day promo items for Europe Day in Ukraine. The EU Delegation to Ukraine will launch educational project "EU Study Days" on the EU related themes for graduate and post-graduate students; continue regional information campaign "Building Europe in Ukraine" focusing on the promotion of the European standards and values, emphasising the role of civil society in the process of the implementation of Association Agreement and run in the larger cities of each Oblast; support such media related activities as providing news services for journalists and wide public, EU media campaign in selected regions, media monitoring of EU related issues in Ukrainian media, press visits and trainings for journalists; develop EU Delegation's networks in Ukraine; creation the social media accounts devoted to promotion of the DCFTA and entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Throughout the year it will plan development and production of the promotion items, translation of existing and preparation of new publications, promotion of EU news services among different target audiences and small scale projects (media forums, cultural events, conferences, electronic publications) [14].
Also, the EU Delegation to Ukraine launches its new initiative "Team Europe to strengthen the EU- Ukraine dialogue in the regions". It is aimed at experts and every citizen who sees the future of Ukraine among the European countries. At the first meetings in Kharkiv and Odesa, experts presented the best tools for Kharkiv and Odessa SMEs to fully benefit from the Free Trade Area, shared information on the priority reforms for European integration, explained how Ukrainians could integrate the events of the city, region or country into the European context, and led a discussion about European values, EU assistance to Ukraine. The EU Delegation to Ukraine will further expand this initiative to other regions [15].
The next step of the EU Delegation was an official visit to Chernihiv with information events. Furthermore, the EU Delegation invited Chernihiv media to participate in the workshop for journalists on how to cover the European integration topics in the Ukrainian media. Media training was useful for Chemihiv journalists, media activists and all interested in the topic of Ukraine's European integration. The training enabled participants to better understand and improve the quality of their reporting on the European integration issues, the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement as a catalyst of Ukraine's internal reforms. During the event, journalists had the opportunity to communicate with Press and Information Officer of the EU Delegation. The goal of the visit was to promote European values and raise awareness of Ukrainians on the development of EU-Ukraine relations [16].
Through the assistance of independent journalism in Ukraine and the development of a network of regional public broadcasting, the EU supports grassroots public broadcasting initiatives all over Ukraine. In particular, the EU gave a grant Hromadske TV which appeared in the Ukrainian media landscape at the end of 2013 as a response to the long-time demand for independent public broadcasting. It has quickly become a source of information on key social processes. Since January 2015, Hromadske TV is part of the EU-funded Hromadske Network. Now Hromadske Network includes 17 Ukraine's cities [17].
The important EU initiative is a decision about draw up a plan to counter Russian "disinformation campaigns" over the conflict in Ukraine. As a result, East StratCom Task Force was set up in March 2015 in cooperation with EU institutions and Member States, EU Delegations, and a wide range of other partners, both governmental and non-governmental, within the EU and in the Eastern Neighborhood. It notes that the Action Plan on Strategic Communication, presented in June 2015, has three main objectives: effective communication and promotion of EU policies towards the Eastern Neighborhood, strengthening the overall media environment in the Eastern Neighborhood and in EU Member States, including support for media freedom and strengthening independent media, improved EU capacity to forecast, address and respond to disinformation activities by external actors. The team is engaged in developing communication products and campaigns focused on explaining EU policies in the Eastern Partnership region: proactive strategic communications campaigns, based on focused analysis that explains key policy areas and creates a positive EU narrative; ad-hoc communication on topical and relevant EU policy issues; myth-busting by analyzing trends, explaining narratives and addressing disinformation; supporting projects by highlighting EU activity in key policy areas in the region. Also, the team prepares two types of documents: the Disinformation Review is a compilation of reports received from members of the myth-busting network and can provide valuable data for analysts, journalists and officials dealing with this issue; the Disinformation Digest analyses how Russian media perceive the world, how pro-Kremlin narratives spread and it observes latest trends on Russian social media [18].
At the same time, the task force supports wider EU efforts aimed at strengthening the media environment in the Eastern Partnership region, in close collaboration with other EU actors and the European Endowment for Democracy. The aim of the wide international cooperation is to share best practices in strategic communications and access to objective information in the Eastern Partnership region and to ensure support for independent media in the region. Now the network is comprised of more than 400 experts, journalists, officials, NGOs and Think Tanks in over 30 countries reporting disinformation articles to the task force [18].
Most Ukrainians feel that the European Union is an important partner bringing peace and stability in the country, according to the Summer report 2015 of the Institute of World Policy. The survey found that Ukraine is mostly associated with corrupted, inefficient authorities by its own citizens (24,6 %); respondents from Central Ukraine chose association of Ukraine with corruption most frequently (34 %) while their counterparts from the Eastern regions displayed the highest rate of association of their homeland with war (24,4 %); the vast majority of Ukrainians (72,3 %) would like Ukraine to be perceived as a wealthy state. Almost half of Ukrainians would like their homeland to be associated with the European values. Both citizens of the EU and Ukrainians are unanimous on the fact that corruption and oligarchy are the main obstacles on Ukraine's path towards the European Union [19].
he author of this paper also suggests possible ways of enhancing the EU communication activities in Ukraine. The main objective of regional public diplomacy of the EU Delegations around the world is development political and economic relations of the European Union through effective dialogue with international actors and regularly informing the international community about its foreign policy priorities, institutions and programs, as well as some aspects of a common EU foreign policy. The EU Delegation to Ukraine plays a special role in informing Ukrainians about the EU and sets aside about €1 million every year for such promotion [20]. Informing the internal and external public about the EU is a very difficult process that's why the European External Action Service is building a long-term information strategy for European neighbors. In the case of Ukraine, the EU messages need to be adapted to the region: in central Ukraine and in the west, the messages must be about reform priorities and the European Union on the whole; in the east Ukraine the role of the EU as a stabilizing power conducive to the integrity of the country could be emphasized. The economy may be an important element of the EU communication activities in Ukraine through the dissemination of information on the positive experience of Eastern Europe and the Baltic States that would be an important and persuasive argument for Ukrainians. It notes that highlighting the long-term economic benefits for our country is also important as a counterweight to Russian propaganda. Moreover, the Ukrainian government should organize specific information campaigns about support for Ukraine's European integration process and use for it a respected or popular people which are more credible than an official when talking about the positive, though distant, effects of necessary reforms.
1. Kimber Anneli. EU-related communication in Eastern Partnership countries [Interactive]/ Anneli Kimber, Ehtel Halliste // Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership (ECEAP) - 2015-36 p. [Elektronik resource]. - Mode of access:
2. Joint consultation paper "Towards a new European Neighborhood Policy" [Interactive]// European Commission. - Brussels, 04 March, 2015 [Elektronik resource]. - Mode of access:
3. Joint communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Review of the European Neighborhood Policy [Interactive]// European Commission. - Brussels, 18 November, 2015 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access: enp_en.pdf.
4. The EU's relations with Ukraine [Interactive]// European External Action Service, 2016 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access:
5. Eastern Partnership training center and a think tank [Interactive]// Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership, 2016 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access:
6. About Ukraine Crisis Media Center [Interactive]// Ukraine Crisis Media Center, 2016 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access:
7. Euroclubs [Interactive]// Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine - 2016 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access: more_info/euroclubs/euroclubs_en.htm.
8. Information campaign Building Europe in Ukraine [Interactive]// Ternopil: National Economic University, 2013 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access: building-europe-in-ukraine.html.
9. EU Delegation presents its "Building Europe in Ukraine" information campaign in Bila Tserkva [Interactive].
// EU-Ukraine cooperation newsletter - 2013/10/02 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access:
10. The EU Delegation will visit Lutsk with the informational campaign "Building Europe in Ukraine" [Interactive]// Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine - 17/10/2014 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access: delegations/ukraine/press_corner/all_news/news/2014/2014_10_15_en.htm.
11. About information campaign 'Stronger Together' [Interactive]II Embassy of the United Kingdom in Ukraine - 2016 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access:
12. Information and Communication Tenders in 2014 [Interactive]// Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine - 2014 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access: ukraine/more_info/info_comm_tenders/ 2009_en.htm.
13. #1YearTogether - Our future is in our hands [Interactive]// European External Action Service - 27/06/2015 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access: together_en.htm.
14. Information and Communication Tenders in 2016 [Interactive]// Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine - 2016 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access:
15. Team Europe to strengthen the EU-Ukraine dialogue in the regions [Interactive]// Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine - 2016 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access: EU Delegation Ukraine/photos/pb.126879227356714. - 2207520000.1457213960/ 1078376305540330/?type=3&theater.
16. Information events in Chernihiv from the EU Delegation [Interactive]// Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine - 09/02/2016 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access: press_corner/ all_news/news/2016/2016_02_09_en.htm.
17. EU backs public broadcasting initiatives throughout Ukraine [Interactive]// European Commission - 2015 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access: broadcasting-initiatives-throughout-ukraine_en.
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19. What do Ukrainians think about Ukraine? [Interactive]// Institute of World Policy - Kyiv, 2015 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access:
20. Skorupska Adriana EU communication strategy in Ukraine should bypass distrusted politicians [Interactive]/ Adriana Skorupska // Policy Review. - May, 2014 [Elektronik resourse]. - Mode of access:
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курсовая работа [136,8 K], добавлен 01.06.2014Functions of democracy as forms of political organization. Its differences from dictatorship and stages of historical development. Signs and methods of stabilizing of civil society. Essence of social order and duty, examples of public establishments.
контрольная работа [24,4 K], добавлен 11.08.2011Методологические основы процедуры формирования образа политического деятеля. Особенности работы специалиста по политическому Public Relations в многонациональном регионе. Выделение универсальных и отличительных черт имиджа политического деятеля.
дипломная работа [900,3 K], добавлен 03.05.2011The term "political system". The theory of social system. Classification of social system. Organizational and institutional subsystem. Sociology of political systems. The creators of the theory of political systems. Cultural and ideological subsystem.
реферат [18,8 K], добавлен 29.04.2016Barack Hussein Obama and Dmitry Medvedev: childhood years and family, work in politics before the presidential election and political views, the election, the campaign and presidency. The role, significance of these presidents of their countries history.
курсовая работа [62,3 K], добавлен 02.12.2015The classical definition of democracy. Typical theoretical models of democracy. The political content of democracy. Doctrine of liberal and pluralistic democracy. Concept of corporate political science and other varieties of proletarian democracy.
реферат [37,3 K], добавлен 13.05.2011Leading role Society Gard Kresevo (USC) in organizing social and political life of the Poland. The Polish People's Movement of Vilna Earth. The influence of the Polish Central Electoral Committee. The merger of the TNG "Emancipation" and PNC "Revival".
реферат [18,3 K], добавлен 02.10.2009The definition of democracy as an ideal model of social structure. Definition of common features of modern democracy as a constitutional order and political regime of the system. Characterization of direct, plebiscite and representative democracy species.
презентация [1,8 M], добавлен 02.05.2014Basis of government and law in the United States of America. The Bill of Rights. The American system of Government. Legislative branch, executive branch, judicial branch. Political Parties and Elections. Freedom of speech, of religion, and of the press.
презентация [5,5 M], добавлен 21.11.2012Presidential candidates. Learning the information of the Electoral College, to understanding the process by which the President is officially elected. The formal ceremony of presidential inauguration, including the information about its time, place.
курсовая работа [34,7 K], добавлен 09.04.2011Thrее basic Marxist criteria. Rеlаting tо thе fоrmеr USSR. Nоtеs tо rеstоrе thе socialist prоjеct. Оrigins оf thе Intеrnаtiоnаl Sоciаlists. Thе stаtе cаpitаlist thеоry. Stаtе capitalism аnd thе fаll оf thе burеаucrаcy. Lоcаl prаcticе аnd pеrspеctivеs.
реферат [84,6 K], добавлен 20.06.2010The rivalry between Islam and Chistianity, between Al-Andalus and the Christian kingdoms, between the Christian and Ottoman empires triggered conflicts of interests and ideologies. The cultural explanation of political situations in the Muslim world.
реферат [52,8 K], добавлен 25.06.2010The situation of women affected by armed conflict and political violence. The complexity of the human rights in them. Influence of gender element in the destruction of the family and society as a result of hostilities. Analysis of the Rwandan Genocide.
реферат [10,9 K], добавлен 03.09.2015Analysis of Rousseau's social contract theory and examples of its connection with the real world. Structure of society. Principles of having an efficient governmental system. Theory of separation of powers. The importance of censorship and religion.
статья [13,1 K], добавлен 30.11.2014Review the controversial issues of the relationship between leadership and hegemony in international relations, especially in the context of geostrategy of the informal neo-empires. The formation of a multipolar world order with the "balance of power".
статья [64,7 K], добавлен 19.09.2017One of determinant national foreign policy priorities is European and Euroatlantic integration. Relationship between Ukraine and NATO was established in 1991, when Ukraine proclaimed sovereignty right after the fall of the USSR and joined the Council.
статья [32,6 K], добавлен 29.12.2009Analysis of the causes of the disintegration of Ukraine and Russia and the Association of Ukraine with the European Union. Reducing trade barriers, reform and the involvement of Ukraine in the international network by attracting foreign investment.
статья [35,7 K], добавлен 19.09.2017