Presidency and the Media: Traditional and New Media as Actors in the American Big-Time Politics

Public positioning and policy-media interaction model. Traditional and new media, broadcasting, narrowcasting, hyperpersonalization and stages for political confrontation. Selecting broadcasters, digital mediums. Computerized Qualitative Content Analysis.

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It should also be mentioned that HuffPost does a similar thing, but towards political journalists who stick to a different ideology, by using exaggeration. For example, a Fox News Sean Hannity was reported to “issue a warning to people saying Donald Trump Caved Moran L. Fox News' Sean Hannity Issues Warning To People Saying Donald Trump `Caved' [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).”. At least that's what the title said, and could make readers falsely think that it was some kind of a threat towards people who use “#TrumpCaved Spinks R. Three things we've learned about Trump from Nancy Pelosi's first month as speaker [Electronic resource] // Quartz, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).” hashtag. However, the only thing he said was “anyone out there thinking President Trump caved today, you don't know the Donald Trump I know. He will secure the border, one way or another Moran L. Fox News' Sean Hannity Issues Warning To People Saying Donald Trump `Caved' [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).” which does not resemble with idea given to the reader in the headline while in reality Hannity's statement was an answer to her colleagues at Fox News who were criticizing him for “temporarily ending government shutdown Ibid.”. Breitbart does exercise such practice too as its editors cite CNN's Luis Gutierrez who said Trump was acting like a “Reckless child Lee T. CNN's Luis Gutierrez: Trump Acting Like `Reckless Child' [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).”. Indeed, the journalist did say that, but the context is only unfolded in the text of the entry: “Trump just accepted a temporary deal… with NO FUNDING for his wall, the SAME DEAL he rejected… This is not behavior of leader, but of a reckless child… Ibid.”. It can be thus concluded that combining clickbait material and politics is a tool that is utilized by both sides of the debate: this not only attracts reader's attention, but also determines their attitude towards person or people in scope of the article.

However, there is still a difference between HP and BB. While they both cite and exaggerate opposing journalists' (mainly from traditional media outlets) claims, the former does not pay much attention to senators and other professional politicians and prefer to focus on `friendlies” like Ocasio-Cortez who “channels Spice Girls in Government Shutdown Tweets Moran L. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Channels Spice Girls In Government Shutdown Tweets [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).” and is “Glad The Shutdown Gives Her `Free Time to Make Trouble' Russo A. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Glad The Shutdown Gives Her `Free Time To Make Trouble' [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).”, whereas the latter not only broadly interviewed Republican representativesKraychik R. Exclusive - Tom McClintock: Trump Must Declare National Emergency to Build Wall; Pelosi Is `Not Even Pretending' to Negotiate [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). and cited themHanchett I. GOP Sen. Collins: `My Best Guess' on Shutdown `Is the End Is in Sight' [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Hanchett I. GOP Sen. Hoeven: `We're Close' to Shutdown Resolution [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)., but also citing and criticizing Democratic representatives Key P. Dem Rep. Threatens Retribution if Disaster Relief Funds Used to Finance Wall -- Trump Will Pay `Heavy Price' [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Hanchett I. Dem Rep. Connolly: `I Would Put Some Money' on Immigration Deal - Trump `Will' Sign Deal That Doesn't Fully Fund Wall [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Hanchett I. Dem Sen. Brown: Trump Demonizing Immigrants as a Distraction Is `A Big Part of the Gov't Shutdown' [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Hanchett I. Dem Rep. Meeks: `Nancy Pelosi Is the Master Negotiator' [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)..

HuffPost and Breitbartcan thus be described as one-sided mediums that pay most attention to criticizing either Trump or his opposing powers respectively and promoting views of certain “friendly” political figures. But what about Politico that seems to be the least biased among them? The easiest way is to check whether Politico uses the same tools and shares the same traits with HP and BB.

Firstly, it does look like Politico uses quite biased articles that include words “Trump” and “bad” in the same title Weiss J. How Trump got bad at Twitter [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)., as well as asking a rhetorical question “if his tweets are descending into unintelligible self-absorption, what does that say about his frame of mind? Ibid.” This question is rather provocative and suggests, regarding the whole negative style of the article, that his mind is also descending in the same direction. This illustrates that Politico may sometimes be quite biased towards certain politicians or their supporters.At the same time, Politico has had interviews with Trump himself which indicates that this outlet keeps close to reality and does not abstain from interviewing and listening to their apparent opponents.

The other difference is the fact that, unlike BB or HP, does not resort to certain figures, like celebrities or comedians, when talking politics. Both, the scope of articles or a dedicated search Results for “Government Shutdown Celebrity” [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Results for “GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN COMEDIAN” [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). have not shown such occurrences, except for one that took place during a 2013 government shutdown Hohman J. Shutdown burdens Senate hopefuls [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). that has nothing to do with the topic of this research.

Some sort of exaggeration, like in the case of BB and HP, has taken place with Politico naming an article “Conservatives to Trump: You caved! Choi M. Conservatives to Trump: You caved! [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).” This is surely a sort of exaggeration, because the title might lead people into thinking that all conservatives, including republicans, are criticizing Trump after he announced the end of shutdown without him receiving sufficient amount of money for his wall project. However, it later turned out that the list includes commentators and a film producer, as well as several conservative media outlets Ibid..

As it was mentioned above, Politico, unlike HP and BB, not only listens to their presupposed “allies”, but also takes their rivals into consideration and even interview the leader of their political opposition. Of course, criticism of Trump and republican establishment occupies a large part of Politico's materials, but ideas of opponents are not missed out.

To sum up, Breitbart and Huffington Post are both one-sided media outlets that act as sides of political debate, whereas Politico lies among traditional and new media in terms of inclusiveness and tolerance towards opposing political powers.

3.2.2 Traditional media outlets: ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox

When comparing traditional broadcasting outlets to digital mediums, it should be primarily noted that the articles in scope are more moderate in terms of lexicon. For instance, old media can't afford using or even citing abusive vocabulary, because such actions a) seriously undermine level of credibility Attitudes to potentially offensive language and gestures on TV and radio [Electronic resource] // UK OFCOM, 2016. URL: P.17 (Date of access: 15.05.2019). and b) breaks the rules created by FCC (Federal Communications Commission) Words You Can't Say on TV [Electronic resource] // The Balance Careers. 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)..

Observing ABC News showed that some of their articles in scope are applied to regular people who work at the government or those who may be impacted by the government shutdown. For example, they produce news on how general population might be affected by it Ebbs S. How does the shutdown impact me? Answers to your frequently asked questions. [Electronic resource] // ABC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Thomas E. A business deal on hold: two young entrepreneurs call for end to shutdown [Electronic resource] // ABC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Parkinson J. Federal workers could face furloughs and retro pay amid looming shutdown [Electronic resource] // ABC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Martinez L. McLaughlin Don't worry kids, NORAD will still track Santa through the skies on Christmas Eve despite the shutdown [Electronic resource] // ABC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).. On the other hand, however, they pay plenty of attention to criticizing Trump and republicans (with the former being main target) through citing “Top DemocratsSeyler M. Trump's plan to issue tax refunds on time 'illegal': Top Democrat [Electronic resource] // ABC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).” and, again, general population Haslett C. Trump says federal employees want the wall. Some say they just want their paid jobs back. [Electronic resource] // ABC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)., but do not exclude President's own thoughts from the agenda Trump: Fate of looming Friday shutdown 'up to the Democrats' [Electronic resource] // ABC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).. This is also accompanied by the lack of clickbait and exaggerated headlines. Next, ABC News channel does not apply to comics and celebrities when criticizing people, who, according to them, are responsible for the shutdown in the first place by focusing on regular people and professional politicians. What is more, ABC, unlike HuffPost, does not criticize people who share opposite points of view, whereas HP does by citing people who suggest “Trump supporters should work for free while the government is shut down to show your support Richards K. Cardi B Has Some Advice For Trump Supporters During The Government Shutdown [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).” while also calling them “f****** racist rednecks Caruso J. Watch: Rapper Cardi B Targets Trump in Endorsement of Bernie Sanders for President [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)”.

Fox News then which sticks to opposite points of view, cannot be placed in one line with Breitbart with the main difference being, again, abstaining from using clickbait and exaggerated titles, pay plenty of attention to regular people Basile T. Government shutdown exposed Americans' deep savings crisis [Electronic resource] // Fox News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Carbone C. How the government shutdown is disrupting science [Electronic resource] // Fox News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). and factual reporting Transcript: Partial government shutdown causes delays in home loans [Electronic resource] // Fox News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). . The outlet, despite criticizing Democrats, still shows a high level of involvement by providing each side of the debate with an opportunity to be heard Transcript: Clock is ticking on potential government shutdown [Electronic resource] // Fox News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Transcript: Partial government shutdown causes delays in home loans [Electronic resource] // Fox News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Transcript: Democrats attend Puerto Rico retreat amid partial government shutdown // Fox News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).. Moreover, some of the Fox News' on-air talents have criticized “Trump and Democrats Moran L. Shep Smith Fact-Checks Fellow Fox News Host Chris Wallace To His Face Over Shutdown [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).” for the shutdown while some criticize their President for ending it for three weeks Moran L. Fox News' Sean Hannity Issues Warning To People Saying Donald Trump `Caved' [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)..

Approximately the same can be said about the leftovers - CBS and NBC that, provided they are less biased than ABC and Fox News, exercise quite the same level of tolerance towards opposing parties with both outlets, despite leaning left, do not confront themselves with Trump's or republican supporters by citing the abovementioned Cardi B, but still do criticize Trump and his establishment Ivanova I. Trump says U.S. has the world's "hottest" economy -- he's way off [Electronic resource] // CBS News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Poll: 47% of Americans blame Trump for government shutdown [Electronic resource] // NBC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Allen J. Trump is relishing the prospect of owning a government shutdown. But Republicans aren't. [Electronic resource] // NBC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).. At the same time, CBS' and NBC'sreporting that tries to explain to the general population how badly the shutdown has influenced American peopleKhimm S., Strickler L. How the government shutdown is hurting some of America's poorest families [Electronic resource] // NBC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Gregorian D. Government shutdown cost economy $11 billion, budget office says [Electronic resource] // NBC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). while also not missing out the fact that “economy added 304,000 jobs in January despite the longest shutdown in historyBayly L. Economy added 304,000 jobs in January, despite longest government shutdown in history [Electronic resource] // NBC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).”. Despite criticizing Trump and his fellow Republican party members of Senate/Congress, they still allow their opponents to voice their opinions Transcript: Mike Pence on the possibility of another government shutdown [Electronic resource] // CBS Evening News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Buble C. Republican lawmakers have been expressing concerns about the shutdown [Electronic resource] // NBC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)..

It can thus be concluded that despite still criticizing either democrats, or Trump and his fellow party members (depending on the case), old media manage to keep the level of tolerance towards opposing powers high by giving them a chance to voice their opinion on outlets that do not support their views. At the same time, the most popular U.S. new media outlets go to extremes and mute or undermine opinions expressed on opposing information channels with only outlet of Politico falling among HP+BB and old media while leaning to the latter in terms of standards.

3.2.3 Verifying QCA results with a different set of articles (Data triangulation)

In order to verify results gathered above, a different set of articles must be used in order to execute data triangulation that makes this part of the research more robust and trustworthy. The set of articles includes random entries that were obtained using search engines built-in into each website in scope. “Government shutdown” was used as the query, then the drop-out was sorted “by most relevant” with any duplicates removed using CASES | DUPLICATES command in QDA Miner.Further investigation showed the following results. The list includes 105 random articles, scripts and videos from the specified sources.

Both Huffington Post and Breitbart examinations show that nothing has significantly changed in relation to the previous scope of entries: the former could not abstain from citing comedians Late-Night Hosts On Shutdown Deal [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)., actors Moran L. Jim Carrey Darth Mauls Donald Trump's Base With `Star Wars' Art [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)., using abusive vocabulary Moran L. Chris Matthews Torches Senate: What Are They Doing Except D**king Around? [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).,exaggerating headlines Russo A. Michael Bloomberg Roasts Trump As `Pretend CEO,' Likens Presidency To Horror Film [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Boboltz S. Trump Had A Bizarre Meeting With Right-Wing Activist Ginni Thomas: Report [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).and mocking their political opponents in story entries Mazza E. Someone Dubbed Wilbur Ross Onto Mr. Burns, And Now It All Makes Perfect Sense [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).; while the latter criticized their opponents (Democrats) via trying to undermine their statements and statements of journalists supporting left-wing agenda Key P. CNN's Tapper: `The President Is Lying to You to Get His Border Wall' [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Key P. Pelosi on National Emergency: Trump `Is Doing an End Run Around Congress' [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Hanchett I. Dem Sen. Brown: Trump Demonizing Immigrants as a Distraction Is `A Big Part of the Gov't Shutdown' [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Key P. Elizabeth Warren on Shutdown: Whole World Saw Trump `Can't Even Keep the Wheels' Moving [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).. The only thing, except a high level of bias, citing famous rappers is a widespread practice: it was used in the previous set of articles by both media outlets, and same happens in this case: Huff cites Cardi B (again) who “Torches Tomi Lahren [conservative political commentator] with savage Clapback: `I Will Dog Walk You'Golgowski N., Russo A. Cardi B Torches Tomi Lahren With Savage Clapback: `I Will Dog Walk You' [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).”, whereas Breitbart does the same to presumably show how savagely such celebrities behave when it comes to politics and, amongst others, Donald Trump by citing Snoop Dogg calling American President “a piece of sh*t” Caruso J. Snoop Dogg Rips Trump over Government Shutdown: `You's a Piece of Sh*t, F*ck You' [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).. The outlet has also vastly criticized their opponents on Politico, specifically Nancy Cook, who “came out with a curios article” that blamed Breitbart news for “leading the way in framing the argument for” Trump who was “going the route of a national emergency declaration Boyle M. Politico: With Wall Deal Elusive in Congress, Path Clears for Trump Framing National Emergency Declaration on Border [Electronic resource] // Breitbart, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).”. It can be then concluded that BB and HP are indeed, being the most popular digital mediums, are still quite biased towards their opponents and exercise next to zero tolerance towards opposing points of view.

Politico, as well as traditional media outlets, has not provided any significantly new information for this research too. All the mentioned media outlets exercise a noticeable level of criticism towards their opponents, but the tools and the extent to which rivals are criticized tremendously differ from those utilized by the abovementioned digital outlets. For example, Politico vastly criticizes Trump and republicans Cook N. White House preps emergency wall plan while Congress negotiates [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Kumar A. Will the State of the Union be 'Teleprompter Trump' or 'Twitter Trump'? [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Caygle H., Restuccia A. Trump calls for unity -- on his terms [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). while producing quite “loud” news entries that sometimes contain information that does not provide any important information on the issue-on-agendaForgey Q. Trump tweets 40 times on Day 30 of shutdown [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).. At the same time, however, Politico does allow for opposition presence in their articles which is confirmed by a number of entries that cite their rivals without producing any judgements from the editorial boardOprysko C. GOP border security negotiator: Chances of another shutdown are 'nil or next to nil' [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Griffiths B.D. Trump calls immigration spending talks a `waste of time' [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).. What is more, Politico's article undermined Huffington Post's claims that “Trump made no mentioned of… shutdown in State of The Union Terkel A. Trump Makes No Mention Of The Longest Shutdown In History In State Of The Union [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).”. In fact, he did not say that directly, but his “zigzagging” speech was also “a sign that Trump recognizes the potential damage he incurred by offering to “own” the federal government shutdown and that being seen as the leader of an unpopular establishment party Harris J.F. Why Trump's zigzagging speech made perfect sense [Electronic resource] // Politico, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).”.

Finally, the traditional media outlets, namely, ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox News have not demonstrated any significant changes in their behavior in the set of articles. The former three do, to some extent, criticize Donald Trump and his republican establishment (generally concentrating criticism on the President himself). For example, ABC asked a question of “Who's to blame for the government shutdown? Who's to blame for the government shutdown? [Electronic resource] // ABC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).” and then answered this question in a different article that goes “Shutdown blame stays on Trump, with his approval at historic low Langer G. Shutdown blame stays on Trump, with his approval at a historic low [Electronic resource] // ABC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).”. The other example is NBC news that said “Trump held government workers hostage… and walked away with nothing” which can even be described as a psychological affect that suggested Trump was some kind of a bandit and then processed to comparing conference committee “a legislative firing squad for his wall Allen J. Trump held government workers hostage for a month -- and walked away with nothing [Electronic resource] // NBC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).”. Despite that, both ABC and NBC still leave some space for debate that allowed their opponents in the person of republicans and Trump himself to voice their own concerns Caldwell L.A. Vulnerable Republicans seek distance from Trump in new Congress [Electronic resource] // NBC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Clark D., Jackson H., Smith A. Trump 'extremely unhappy' with shutdown deal, keeping options open to build wall [Electronic resource] // NBC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Trump: Fate of looming Friday shutdown 'up to the Democrats' [Electronic resource] // ABC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Phelps J. Trump says there's a 'good chance' he'll declare national emergency [Electronic resource] // ABC News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)..CBS, according to its articles in scope of this set, is focused on factual reporting and sharing thoughts on what could happen and what had already happened during the shutdown See Appendix 2, V.. Finally, Fox News, while, again, directly or indirectly, criticizing democrats (for example, by citing Trump's suggestion that China would be pleased to see democrats in 2020Casiano L. Trump suggests China wants Dem elected in 2020 to secure better trade terms [Electronic resource] // Fox News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). and by stating that “Dems are cool to Trump's offer to end shutdown Shaw A. Trump offers immigration compromise to end partial shutdown; Dems cool to offer [Electronic resource] // Fox News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).” and emphasizing that “2006 Dems would have already stopped the shutdown Re G. Scalise: Dems from 2006 would have ended partial government shutdown by now [Electronic resource] // Fox News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).” blaming current Democrats for stalling the process of making their country safer), like CBS, focused on factual reporting See Appendix 2. V., while also leaving some space for the oppositionSingman B. Pelosi urges Trump to delay State of the Union until government shutdown ends [Electronic resource] // Fox News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Pappas A. House Democrats unveil plans to end shutdown -- without money for Trump border wall [Electronic resource] // Fox News, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15. 05.2019)..

Thus, it can be again concluded that old media manage to keep the level of tolerance towards opposing powers high by giving them a chance to voice their opinion on outlets that do not support their views. At the same time, the most popular U.S. new media outlets go to extremes and mute or undermine opinions expressed on opposing information channels with only outlet of Politico falling among Huff Post / Breitbartand old media while leaning to the latter in terms of standards.


The general aim of this paper was to understand why traditional media still lead the “market” for debates as a part of contemporary American political process during America's “most controversial presidency” leaded by Trump who, according to some media outlets, is aiming at resurrecting racism and nationalism in the U.S.Marans D., O'Connor L. Here Are 13 Examples Of Donald Trump Being Racist [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2016. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). Research hypothesis suggested that there are two main reasons for that. Firstly, traditional media provide better coverage per capita that results from better involvement of audiences with different political affiliations. For instance, CNN, despite leaning left, is still watched by republicans Share of consumers who watch CNN in the United States as of April 2017, by political affiliation [Electronic resource] // Statista, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 02.02.2019)., while Vice News, which is a digital outlet that leans left too, mocks republicans Why the Right Is Dominating YouTube [Electronic resource] // VICE, 2017. URL: (Date of access: 02.02.2019).. Same story goes with right-leaning Fox News Matthews D. A stunning new study shows that Fox News is more powerful than we ever imagined [Electronic resource] // Vox, 2017. URL: (Date of access: 02.02.2019). and Info wars Socolow M.J. Audiences love the anger: Alex Jones, or someone like him, will be back [Electronic resource] // The Conversation, 2018. URL: (Date of access: 02.02.2019).. Secondly, old media, despite being committed, provide good involvement for both debating sides Obama sits down for exclusive interview on 'Fox News Sunday' [Electronic resource] // Fox News, 2016. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)., whereas new media become not stages for political debate, but its sides with low factual reporting, obsession with certain political (and non-political) figures and disregard of opposite opinion Levingston M. Trump Foundation is shutting down after the New York AG called it “little more than a checkbook” for Trump [Electronic resource] // Vice News, 2018. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019)..

High levels of ideologization in this paper indicate that the outlet is a “narrowcasting” one. Such outlets are aimed at smaller audiences based on their social and economic backgrounds, ethnicity, political views and consumer behavior. Lower levels, subsequently, suggest that the outlet is aimed at a broader audience and can thus be labeled as “broadcasting”. Both types of channels are regarded as stages for political debate. SfPD, as defined in this paper,are outlets that provide higher levels of tolerance towards opposing sides of the debate, whereas others become sides of political debate. Traditional and digital media can be dichotomized by the age of technologies utilized with newspapers and Internet being the oldest and newest media in scope respectively.

Selection criteria for media outlets in scope has several main points. Firstly, size and extension of media outlet which allows to get rid of smaller local or regional media outlets. Secondly, power of media outlet which shows whether selected outlet possesses agenda-setting capabilities. Thirdly and finally, ideological criterion that ensures representativeness of all general political affiliations.

Specific case (event) that was examined in this paper also needed to meet several (four) criteria in order to be admitted for further research. Firstly, the case should be not older than three years old, starting from 2016 presidential election campaign which ultimately resulted in Donald Trump's presidency that finally brought United States to a more powerful political breakup the country had never bumped into before. Secondly, thematic criterion urges the case to be widely discussed in media with different political affiliations. Thirdly criterion was controversy of the event. There were at least two sides in the debate regarding this topic, which was very convenient, because United States have two main opposing political forces. Final criterion was about presence of a clear dividing line between conflicting sides. The topic was meant to attract attention from different political powers that would use it for own political benefit or as an argument in debates.

NBC, CBS, Fox News Channel, and ABC with an average audience of 7,87, 7,38, 6,88 and 5,42 million viewers per day respectively Leading ad supported broadcast and cable networks in the United States in 2018, by average number of viewers [Electronic resource] // Statista, 2018. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). were chosen in accordance to the abovementioned criteria as traditional media outlets to analyze, while the most popular digital media outlets in scope are Huffington Post, Politico and Breitbart News Network Top 100 USA News Websites on the Web [Electronic resource] // Feedspot, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).. The source showed that these were not the most popular media outlets present on the Internet, but other entities mentioned in the rating belong to old media corporations and thus could not be counted as independent digital mediums, as they generally replicate TV reports and content in newspapers with dedicated sections that allow for user-generated contentiReports on CNN [Electronic resource] // CNN, 2015. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019); Bilton R. Defeated by social media, CNN overhauls iReport [Electronic resource] // Digiday UK, 2015. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).. Selected articles conformed fully to other criteria outlined in the first chapter of this research paper.

Government shutdown became the most recent case in relation to which the abovementioned outlets needed to be analyzed. Regarding the amount of discussion on various websites and a direct link to Trump's presidency, it can be concluded that it also was one of the most discussed cases since last elections. It was the first trending topic in January Things That Were A Thing: January 2019 Edition [Electronic resource] // Ranker, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).with the later-coming national emergency initiated by the current US President being the second hottest theme in February Things That Were A Thing: February 2019 Edition [Electronic resource] // Ranker, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019).. The topic also proved to be controversial with a clear dividing line between opposing parties, Democrats and Republicans,with their respective supporting media outlets.It then became evident thatusing open sources as basis for conclusions is not enough,as they pose a threat of inconsistency with different methodologies and research results. Consequently, a thorough independent research needed to be carried out in order to provide more reliable and solid results.

Sets of articles were analyzed using computerized quantitative (CQCA) and qualitativecontent analysis (QCA). This allows for method triangulation, that was then solidified by data triangulation: each method was verified using a different dictionary (in case with quantitative research) and a separate set of articles for Qualitative CA. Nevertheless, research showed that there was a significant difference between digital and traditional media in terms of negative and positive sentiments' distribution among their respective representatives. New media on the one hand showed that their political ideology/bias clearly correlates with the rate of positive/negative sentiments: while Breitbart, which is “far right”, abstains from using negatives and tends to place an emphasis on positive vocabulary in relation to the selected topic, Politico and Huffington Post, being “left” and “far left” show a completely opposite approach that favors negative connotations over positive. On the other hand, old media have not shown a clear link between their political ideology and the use of sentiments. Moreover, presumably one of the “extreme” media outlets, Fox News, shows a higher number of negative sentiments usage than its most liberal counterpart - ABC News. Somewhat similar results were obtained with a dictionary of negative and positive sentiments found on a different resource.

QCA showedthat despite still criticizing either democrats, or Trump and his fellow party members (depending on the case), old media manage to keep the level of tolerance towards opposing powers high by giving them a chance to voice their opinion on outlets that do not support their views. At the same time, the most popular U.S. new media outlets go to extremes and mute or undermine opinions expressed on opposing information channels with only outlet of Politico falling among HP+BB and old media while leaning to the latter in terms of standards. Verification of gathered results with a different set of articles showed the same results. An interesting observation in 3.2.2 indicated that some of the Fox News' on-air talents have criticized “Trump and Democrats Moran L. Shep Smith Fact-Checks Fellow Fox News Host Chris Wallace To His Face Over Shutdown [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). ” for the shutdown while some criticize their President for ending it for three weeks Moran L. Fox News' Sean Hannity Issues Warning To People Saying Donald Trump `Caved' [Electronic resource] // Huffington Post, 2019. URL: (Date of access: 15.05.2019). , which leads to a conclusion that traditional media outlets not only give a chance for their opposition to voice opinion, but can also be somewhat fractured per se.

To sum up, analysis hasindicated that despite being committed to certain political figures or parties, traditional outlets still exercise a higher level of political inclusiveness and tolerance towards their opposition, while new ones are being one-sided in their reports while also preventing their respective opposition from voicing counter-opinions. With that being said, traditional media provide better coverage per capita and, despite disagreements between Democrat and Republican supporters, are still watched by people with opposing political affiliations. This fact was proven by CQCA and QCA and leads to a conclusion that old mass media attract rivaling politicians by making them able to voice their opinions and promote their agenda on politically “unfriendly” outlets.Consequently, traditional media can be regarded as stages for debate/political confrontation which plays a big role in American big-time politics. The same, however, cannot be said about new media outlets that, as, again, analysis has shown, do not tolerate opposition and produce one-sided news, apply to celebrities that generally have nothing to do with politics, which clearly is a tool of manipulation, as it makes consumers think that these people cannot lie. Or vice versa, such manipulation persuades people that opposing celebrities are liars and consequently makes them extrapolate such views on other political rivals, including celebrities (see 3.2.1 - 3.2.3). Consequently, digital outlets are sides, not stages for political debates.

This research suggests an understanding of the reasons for traditional media leading role in the market for political debates as a large part of American political process. This paper argues that the main reasons for old mass media domination in the field of political debates as a part of American political processreplicate hypothesis and look like this: a) higher level of inclusiveness and tolerance towards opposing side of the political spectrum in traditional mass media allows for b) better coverage per capita: consumer list not only includes people with corresponding political views shared by the outlet, but also supporters of the opposing party. This, in combination with relatively high tolerance towards political adversaries, allows for c) higher interests from opposition that in case with digital media is broadly excluded from agenda and discussion.

Further research might include a chronological framework extension that would provide a comparative perspective of various periods of time. For instance, chronological framework can easily be extended to the period from 1999 to 2019, when Internet started to develop in an extremely fast pace, especially in the United States. It can include an analysis of when exactly digital media started to lean towards certain political powers, as well as a deeper examination of why American media even bother to lean towards a specific party.

Special interest is also posed by Barack Obama's electoral campaign and his both terms, because he was the first president to actively use Internet to campaign among fellow citizens, and probably compare media approaches Obama and Trump used during their respective electoral campaigns and presidencies.

Analysis can also be extended to western countries outside the United States, like UK, France, Germany and other major powers. There surely are several hot topics in relation to which certain digital and traditional media outlets can be examined. For instance, coverage of Brexit-related events in the UK by various mass media can also make up a pattern which indicates that certain British media outlets are quite biased towards their opponents. Germany and France have other issues to tackle, so there surely is a topic and media outlets that meet all the criteriadeveloped in this paper.

Further, this research can be extended to non-western countries. Differences between political systems and regimes, internet penetration rate and promotion of democracy in these states bring up certain peculiarities of media operation within them. It might be also found out that there is no clear dividing line within society or media, because of the authoritarianregime which can conceal societal conflicts from prying eyes. Hybrid regimescan be examined in order to carry out a comparative research of media operation in democratic and semi-/non-democratic states, as well as the specific role of digital media in them. Hybrid regimes pose a special interest because they, on the one hand, are non-democratic and share some common authoritarian traits. This poses a certain interest towards how media, especially independent digital outlets, operate within them.


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