GR-стратегии транснациональных компаний (на примере пивоваренных компаний в России)

The role of business associations in government relations. Opposition to licensing of the brewing industry. Features GR strategy of the brewing industry. The reaction of the brewing industry to the introduction of the state automated information system.

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According to the Union of Russian Brewers, the system will work effectively for both business and the state, if the USAIS. The Union of Russian Brewers throughout the whole period of the system's work discusses its work with government agencies and makes current proposals. For example, the council proposed the introduction of a system for promptly informing users of failures and ensure the smooth operation of USAIS during the elimination of failures. The Union proposed to reduce the time of fixing the application in USAIS to 30 minutes (there were 12 hours) and the Rosalkogolregulirovanie introduced this proposal.

Since the USAIS work, the government has repeatedly proposed to introduce additional measures to control the production of beer, to identify and destroy the "gray zones". The union of Russian brewers and multinational companies appeal to state bodies in that additional measures are financially expensive and unnecessary. To date, no additional measure proposed by the state has been legislated.

We made an analysis of cases in six areas of GR transnational brewing companies. Information we took from open analytical and news sources.

Summarizing the analyzed cases, it is possible to single out the most popular formats of interaction between brewers and representatives of state authorities. For the most part, these are meetings, negotiations and round tables in the framework of conferences and forums. A fairly large number of industry brewing forums are held in Russia, attended by representatives of the federal and regional authorities. This is the Eurasian Brewery Forum, "AlcoCongress", "Beer- (year)", St. Petersburg Forum of Brewers. In addition, round-table discussions and meetings in different regions of Russia are held especially on topical issues. For example, on the introduction of USAIS, the restriction of plastic packaging, the round table "Separate regulation of the alcohol market: the formation of unified national approaches to the production and turnover of brewing products", a round table "Issues of introducing USAIS for brewing products in wholesale and retail trade organizations". In addition, representatives of the brewing industry frequent visitors to major inter-industry forums, such as the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi, the Gaidar Forum. Brewing and related industries interact with each other, holding various meetings and accepting road maps and agreements. For example, manufacturers of plastic containers and the brewing industry signed an agreement on free competition.

In addition, the Union of Russian Brewers and manufacturers are responding promptly to spontaneous adoption of regulatory procedures by open letters to the president, prime minister and profile ministries. The analysis of the cases showed that the brewing industry is solidary, and, if necessary, foreign colleagues and representatives of related industries, as well as representatives of state power themselves, stand up for its protection.

To date, the main strategic task of transnational brewing companies is to maintain constructive interaction with the Union of Russian Brewers and public authorities. The companies react promptly and carefully to all regulatory innovations, act as experts when interacting with representatives of public authorities and express their position to decision-makers.

2.8 Features GR strategy of the brewing industry (according to research interviews)

For a more detailed study of the GR strategy of the brewing industry, we conducted a series of interviews with specialists working in the field of GR. Interviewers were made by 3 representatives of multinational brewing companies: "United Breweries Heineken", "Baltika" and "SUN InBev". These are the largest companies in the industry, producing more than 80% of all brewing products.

Respondents were asked the following questions:

1. Does your brewery belong to an association / nonprofit organization of the brewing industry?

2. How does your brewing company implement the GR strategy, independently or assign it to the association / non-profit organization that it includes?

3. What is the type of interaction between the brewing company and the state: separate or unified for the whole industry?

4. How do you assess the success of GR-relationship of your company and the industry as a whole? What is more in the percentage, wins or losses of GR-campaigns?

5. What is the main strategy of GR? What is this participation, passive (analysis of government actions, bills) or active (participation in the discussion of laws, expert activity)?

6. Who performs the main tasks of the GR, company employees or third-party organizations and consultants?

7. In your opinion, do associations / non-profit organizations effectively implement the GR-strategy (= positive result)?

8. Does your company's GR use the experience of the West or have to find its own way?

From the side of SUN InBev (AB InBev part of AB InBev Efes Group), Alexander Mazanov, the head of the department for interaction with federal authorities, responded. The detailed interview allowed to draw the following conclusions.

Sun Inbev is a member of 3 non-commercial organizations of the brewing industry - the Union of Russian Brewers, the RusBrand Commonwealth, the Industry for Ecology Association RusPEC.

GR-strategy of the company is developed on the basis of national and local strategies for Western Europe. The Russian GR strategy is a reflection of the global strategy, but taking into account the specific features of the country's economic and social policy. The company AB InBev implements GR forces of its employees, pointing to consultants.

Before the implementation of GR-strategy or projects, AB InBev analyzes the world practice, specific cases. This helps to avoid mistakes, as well as to argue the chosen position. In addition, the use of international experience helps to develop a balanced approach to the development of GR-strategy.

The GR-strategy of AB InBev includes both passive and active participation: government actions, bills are analyzed to react quickly and effectively, and interact with authorities through expert activities, round tables. The government constantly introduces new restrictions to regulate the brewing industry, so the work of GR departments of transnational companies is always there.

The state authorities are ready for a dialogue with brewing manufacturers, are ready to listen and consider proposals, but in the event that the proposals reflect the industry position. Therefore, before expressing a position to the federal authorities, large companies agree on their proposals, achieve a unified vision of the position and express it to the state. Most often, the position of the industry on the sidelines of power is expressed by the Union of Russian Brewers. The Union of Russian Brewers acts in some way a filter of proposals. If there is disagreement among the participants, then the proposal will not be presented to the state. The interaction of a non-profit organization and the state is more credible than lobbying a particular company for their interests. In addition, it is assumed that the state only hears to those proposals that express the common opinion of the industry and are supported by all companies and the Union in particular. Therefore, 99% GR of AB InBev is supported by a non-profit organization. All projects pass through the Union of Russian Brewers. This is done to ensure that the state correctly perceives the message of the project, without contact with the brand. Such interaction is more effective.

As for the regional level, the branches have the opportunity to interact with local authorities on specific issues.

The success of GR of AB InBev is expressed in subsidies, benefits. GR with legislative and executive power in the sphere of regulation is consistent with the Union of Russian Brewers and is implemented by him. According to A. Mazanov, FIFA 2018 promotes the implementation of GR, as the partner company is positively perceived by the state authorities. Nevertheless, GR of AB InBev is associated with risks that have financial effects.

As for lobbying, it is difficult to name successful. At the end of 2017, the industry had a significant victory: an amendment was approved to permit the production of beer in plastic containers over 1.5 liters for export.

The actual direction of the brewing industry is the creation of a bill providing for separate regulation for strong alcohol, beer, wine and champagne. In Chapter 2, in a separate section, this topic is discussed in more detail. The Brewers believe that the state will consider the concept of regulating the industry, but it will not develop it, as this is not its direct task. Producers of brewing products intend to propose to consolidate to the state at the legislative level such regulation, in which it is comfortable for them to conduct their activity and develop themselves.

Respondent from the company "United Breweries Heineken" made a manager for work with government bodies Arina Flugova.

The company "United Breweries Heineken" is in the Union of Russian Brewers and is actively involved in the work of the Union. Thus, the company implements the GR strategy both independently and jointly with the business association. In the Union there are commissions on the main issues, members of which are representatives of companies. Thus, decisions within the Union are accepted only with the approval of the members.

The interlocutor believes that interaction with state authorities is a single task for the entire industry. Active work of the Union opens prospects for further implementation of the unified GR strategy of the brewing industry.

Heineken conducts active GR activities: participates in the discussion of laws, expert activities. The main tasks are performed by company employees and associations. To settle certain issues, experts are involved. GR-activity takes into account the experience of different countries. As for the percentage of victories and the loss of GR-campaigns, Arina finds it difficult to answer. In general, the government listens to the opinion of the industry, which helps to reach compromise solutions.

The next respondent was Irina Fedorova, Senior GR director of the East Europe Baltika.

Baltika is a member of the Union of Russian Brewers. The implementation of the GR strategy depends on its objectives. The strategy for GR work is entrusted to the directorate, and tasks within the strategy are implemented by various instruments within the framework of Russian legislation. The main task of the GR department of the Baltika is to protect the right to conduct business. Those changes in legislation that have the same influence on the industry, and do not cause conflicts of interest between companies, are worked out by the Union. The main tasks of the GR strategy are carried out by the employees and are their KPIs.

As for the evaluation of the success of GR-campaigns, Irina noted that in 2017 no risks were realized. Baltika is part of the Carlsberg group, so the GR-activity uses the experience of colleagues. At the same time, the specifics of the Russian GR dictate the need to seek own way.

The interview provided some important conclusions. We found out that all transnational companies of the brewing industry are members of the Union of Russian Brewers. In addition, they coordinate their positions on key issues, and the Union of Russian Brewers represents a unified position of the industry. In the opinion of the respondents, the authorities see the true message of the position, without being distracted by brands, when the position is presented by a non-profit organization. In addition, government agencies take into account a single industry position when it expresses a consolidated business position.

Despite a large number of restrictive regulations, brewers believe that they manage to successfully implement GR and lobbying campaigns. In 2017, not one specific regulatory bill was adopted. In many respects it is the merit of the Union of Russian Brewers, which acts as an industry expert and constructively opposes the state in an attempt to further regulate the industry. In addition, in 2017 the brewers succeeded in lobbying permission for the export of beer in plastic bottles over 1.5 liters.

Large companies implement GR-strategies by their employees, pointing to experts. At the same time, employees of companies are included in a standing commission in the Union of Russian Brewers. Active work on GR is in cooperation with the Union. The Union is the coordinating link between large companies, within which a consolidated position is developed. The Union does not voice the uncoordinated position in cooperation with the authorities. This approach allows you to achieve maximum efficiency from the GR-company.

Representatives of the companies share their interaction with the state to solve current problems, respond to bills, and work for the future. One such long-run is the development of separate regulation for the brewing industry. Not only representatives of the brewing industry are involved, but also interested lawyers, a specially created group. Respondent Alexander Mazanov believes that the industry itself must develop a comfortable regulatory concept, and then submit it to the authorities for discussion. The authorities are ready to consider offers of business.

In addition, interviews were conducted with craft breweries. The analysis of the interview showed that the craft breweries do not deal with GR-activities independently and do not have GR-departments, in rare cases entrusting it to business associations.

Regulatory activity of the state creates both prospects and threats for business of brewing companies. In states with a strong state presence in the economy, like Russia, interaction with authorities is the determining factor in the successful functioning and development of the company. Building positive relations with the authorities is one of the main tasks for large international companies. The advantage of brewers in the dialogue with the authorities is the long-term experience of GR-activities of companies in various local markets around the world, as well as understanding the nature of the influence on the power structures and technologies of civilized GR.


Globalization and accelerated economic growth have led to a large number of multinational companies. These companies have huge financial and material resources that allow companies to transform them into power resources. Thus, transnational companies have become notable players not only in the social and economic life of the country, but also in the political. Gradually, large companies became part of the political decision-making process, as they have the ability to influence state actors. In addition, companies have the necessary tools to transform social reality.

In the 1990s, transnational companies came to Russia. Among them there were also large foreign brewing companies. Transnational brewing companies in Russia are more than 80% of the entire industry. The state recognizes their position for the position of the whole industry.

The interaction of companies in the brewing industry and public authorities in Russia is carried out in accordance with the model of neo-corporatism. The brewing industry is an oligopoly, based on three international companies - AB InBev Efes Group, Heineken, Baltika (part of the Carlsberg group). These companies form the GR strategy of the industry together with the Union of Russian Brewers. The Union of Russian Brewers interacts with the state on behalf of the entire industry. It coordinates and formulates a single industry position on politics and offers it to the state.

In Russia, there are two trends in the implementation of GR. One is based on the personal influence of the CEO; the second assumes influence on the state through business associations. The predominance of the type of representation of interests largely depends on the specifics of the industry. This study showed that in the brewing industry large companies operate through the Union of Russian Brewers.

An important feature of the Russian GR is the fact that interest groups have a loyal politician in government. This determines the effectiveness of GR and lobbying. In the past few years, the lobbying of members of the State Duma has been replaced by the government and the president. GR of most companies is aimed at counteracting the rigid regulation of the industry that is carried out by the government. The brewing industry is a good example. Important is the fact that the main GR-strategies are aimed at the federal government. Business in Russia pays less attention to building long-term GR with regional authorities. This is due to the instability of political relations in regions where all processes are tied to the personalities of the head or governor.

Despite the fact that the brewing industry fulfills its tax obligations to the budgets of Russian regions, the government constantly introduces new regulatory acts. This reduces not only the production of beer, but also workplace and incomes of related industries. It is supposed, that thus the government realizes the program on struggle against an alcoholization of the population. The experience of other countries shows that people should be transferred from strong alcoholic beverages to weak ones. In Russia pure alcohol in beer costs more than pure alcohol in vodka.

From an interview with representatives of three international brewing companies - Baltika (Carlsberg), Heineken, AB InBev Efes Group - we learned in more detail about the current GR strategy of the industry and its tools, the direction of development and problems. The most relevant issue for today is the issue of separate regulation. The Union of Russian Brewers, brewing companies and representatives of the Higher School of Economics have already developed a bill that includes separate regulation for different alcoholic beverages - beer, strong alcohol, wine.

Thus, the main conclusions of the work are as follows:

· Transnational breweries implement a fairly open GR. Media publishes news about GR technologies in the brewing industry; company employees are open for interview.

· Brewing companies give the state only a single industry position. Large companies - Baltika (Carlsberg), Heineken, AB InBev Efes Group - are 80% of breweries in Russia. The state only considers the general industry position.

· The interests of transnational breweries at the federal level are realized by the Union of Russian Brewers.

· Representatives of the brewing industry develop separate regulation. This will help solve a lot of problems that arose after joining beer to strong alcohol in 2011.

· The main tools of GR brewing industry are round tables and meetings within the framework of industry and interbranch forums, as well as written appeals to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and the authorities.

· In 2017 transnational brewing companies successfully conducted GR: excises remained almost at the level of 2016, regulatory acts were not adopted. The success of the GR brewing industry is the adoption of an amendment that permits the export of beer in plastic bottles over 1,5 liters.

The hypothesis of the work was confirmed. Transnational brewing companies conduct open GR-activity. We collected a lot of information about GR companies from the media, analytical publications. Representatives of the companies were open for interviews. While a representative of the Union of Russian Brewers refused to comment on the GR branch.

Transnational brewing companies build GR activities, using the accumulated world experience. GR-strategy of multinational companies is developed on the basis of a global strategy taking into account the Russian characteristics and it is aimed at neutralizing the rigid regulation of the industry. In addition, industry representatives are trying to participate in politics, making various proposals, which are then voiced by the Union on the sidelines of the government. Representatives of multinational companies believe that the GR strategy of the industry is being implemented quite successfully and it is achieving its goals. In 2016-2017 the brewers managed to stop the spontaneous growth of excises, to delay the introduction of licensing and to build a successful dialogue with the authorities

The work has scientific and practical relevance and novelty, and the problems have broad perspectives for continuing the study. Practical relevance lies in the fact that other industries can use the experience of brewing to build GR. As for representatives of the brewing industry, they can use this work to look at their activities "from the outside."

The work opens the field for further study. For example, researches can make a comparative analysis of GR of two or three industries in Russia. Another variant of the study is a comparison of the GR brewing industries in Russia and other countries, due to which the characteristic features of GR for specific political systems will be determined.



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    курсовая работа [34,7 K], добавлен 09.04.2011

  • Study of legal nature of the two-party system of Great Britain. Description of political activity of conservative party of England. Setting of social and economic policies of political parties. Value of party constitution and activity of labour party.

    курсовая работа [136,8 K], добавлен 01.06.2014

  • Головні смисли поняття "захоплення держави". Основи дослідження концепту "State capture". Моделі та механізм, класифікація способів. Неоінституційні моделі держави та Україна. Боротьба з політичною корупцією як шлях виходу України із "State capture".

    курсовая работа [950,0 K], добавлен 09.09.2015

  • Методологический аспект исследования особенностей политического пиара в избирательных кампаниях. История возникновения Public Relations. Сущность понятия "выборы". Украинский электорат и его этнонациональные особенности как объект избирательного PR.

    курсовая работа [59,1 K], добавлен 12.08.2010

  • Понятие и виды избирательных систем и функции выборов. Конституционные положения о президенте РФ. Основные результаты президентских компаний Российской Федерации в 1990-2000 годах, порядок и правила их проведения и формирования критериев оценки выборов.

    курсовая работа [44,9 K], добавлен 17.09.2014

  • Методологические подходы политического манипулирования в предвыборной агитации. Анализ применения политического манипулирования в период избирательных компаний 1996 года в РФ и 2010 года на Украине. Изменения механизмов политического манипулирования.

    курсовая работа [110,9 K], добавлен 30.12.2014

  • Основные тенденции российской избирательной компании, датируемой 2003 годом. Особенности проведения выборов в Государственную Думу. Сущность избирательных компаний. Работа Центральной избирательной комиссии. Злоупотребление административным ресурсом.

    курсовая работа [78,8 K], добавлен 12.03.2011

  • Геополитическая специфика Кавказского региона. Геополитические интересы России на Кавказе. Проблемы реализации стратегии развития юга России. Религиозная сфера как угроза безопасности в Северокавказском регионе. Противостояние религиозному экстремизму.

    курсовая работа [41,0 K], добавлен 12.11.2014

  • Методологические основы процедуры формирования образа политического деятеля. Особенности работы специалиста по политическому Public Relations в многонациональном регионе. Выделение универсальных и отличительных черт имиджа политического деятеля.

    дипломная работа [900,3 K], добавлен 03.05.2011

  • Особенности внешнеполитической стратегии России в глобализирующемся мире. Геополитические интересы государства в Северо-Восточной Азии. Региональный анализ развития межгосударственных отношений с Японией, Китаем и странами Корейского полуострова.

    магистерская работа [793,9 K], добавлен 10.08.2013

  • Роль Ивана Калиты в становлении идеократии. Государственность России после разгрома монголо-татар и в послепетровское время. Геополитические проблемы страны в трудах отечественных ученых XIX-XX вв. Основные задачи внешней политики современной России.

    реферат [20,0 K], добавлен 23.02.2011

  • Характеристика и основные направления геополитики – инструмента, использующегося при разработке внешней политики России и позволяющего учесть географический, демографический, экологический факторы. Особенности стратегии "балансирующей равноудаленности".

    контрольная работа [36,0 K], добавлен 05.03.2010

  • Стратегии внешнего и внутреннего антикризисного реагирования НАТО в международно-политических условиях конца 90-х годов XX века. Взаимоотношения России и НАТО в свете вооруженного конфликта в Косово. Пути разрешения нового косовского кризиса.

    курсовая работа [33,8 K], добавлен 06.12.2006

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