Positioning the crisis in the global spaces

Characteristic of the transformation of political systems in the global dimensions, which are undergoing a complex evolution together with rapid changes in the world economy, economy and finance. The issues of society development are considered.

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Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Positioning the crisis in the global spaces

Ostapiak V.I., Doctor of Political Science, Associate Professor Department of Public Administration and Management

Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

The issues of society development are considered, as well as the problems related to overcoming global threats in the modern space, which are quite relevant. The transformation of political systems in the global dimensions, which are undergoing a complex evolution together with rapid changes in the world economy, economy and finance, is analyzed. It is noted that it is quite difficult to separate modern global politics from the economic space, because these two areas of activity are interpenetrating, interconnected by a dense network of connections that permeate modern society. The author notes that there are contradictions between different researchers who have different perceptions of the influence of economics on politics and vice versa. Although this influence is quite significant and heterogeneous, but it is in the plane of philosophical rethinking of political and economic life. On the other hand, if we do not separate the economy from politics, but perceive the development of modern civilization as a logical interdependent process, it should be noted that development is inevitably interconnected with different stages, degrees. Under the stages and stages of development, various researchers understand the processes that accompany both man and society as a whole.

Keywords: crisis, conflict, globalization, integration, civilization, crisis management.

Остап'як В.І., доктор політичних наук, доцент кафедра державного управління та управління, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу (Івано-Франківськ, Україна)


Розглядаються питання розвитку суспільства, а також проблеми, пов'язані з подоланням глобальних загроз у сучасному просторі, які є досить актуальними. Проаналізовано трансформацію політичних систем у глобальних вимірах, які зазнають складної еволюції разом із швидкими змінами у світовій економіці, економіці та фінансах. Зазначається, що відокремити сучасну глобальну політику від економічного простору досить складно, оскільки ці дві сфери діяльності взаємопроникають, пов'язані між собою щільною мережею зв'язків, що пронизують сучасне суспільство. Автор зазначає, що існують суперечності між різними дослідниками, які по-різному сприймають вплив економіки на політику, і навпаки. Хоча цей вплив досить значний і неоднорідний, але він знаходиться в площині філософського переосмислення політичного та економічного життя. З іншого боку, якщо ми не відокремлюємо економіку від політики, а сприймаємо розвиток сучасної цивілізації як логічний взаємозалежний процес, слід зазначити, що розвиток неминуче пов'язаний між собою різними стадіями, ступенями. Під стадіями та стадіями розвитку різні дослідники розуміють процеси, що супроводжують як людину, так і суспільство в цілому.

Ключові слова: криза, конфлікт, глобалізація, інтеграція, цивілізація, антикризове управління.

(стаття друкується мовою оригіналу)

The issues of society development are as relevant as the problems related to overcoming global threats in the modern space. We see that the transformation of political systems in the global dimension is dynamic and is undergoing a complex evolution, along with rapid changes in the world economy, economy and finance.

It is quite difficult to separate modern global politics from the economic space, because these two areas of activity are interpenetrating, interconnected by a dense network of connections that permeate all of modern society. Nor can we avoid the contradictions between different researchers, who have different perceptions of the influence of economics on politics and vice versa. Although this influence is quite significant and heterogeneous, but it is in the plane of philosophical rethinking of political and economic life.

On the other hand, if we do not separate the economy from politics, but perceive the development of modern civilization as a logical interdependent process, it should be noted that development is necessarily interconnected with different stages, degrees. Under the stages and stages of development, various researchers understand the processes that accompany both man and society as a whole.

It is clear that the main in the formation of society, people, ethnic group, social group and the individual in general are a number of turning points that stimulate development. In general, development is usually stimulated by a set of different factors that modern scientists identify, analyze, research and identify with the term “crisis”. global economy finance political

Accordingly, the purpose of this article is primarily an attempt to analyze how the crisis, as a phenomenon, affects the development of the global environment. Understand why the crisis is playing and whether it can play a significant role in the development of modern global space, and try to justify and rethink the role of crises in transforming the system of international relations.

Analyzing the work of researchers on the phenomenon of crisis and the difficulties associated with its theoretical understanding, we recall the fact that the crisis is an ambiguous process that requires detailed consideration. Among researchers, such scientists as Yu. Pakhomov, A. Galchynsky, V. Onishchenko, E. Makarenko, B. Kantselyaruk, D. Dubov,

O. Kresin, R. Zhangozha made a significant contribution to the expansion of theoretical and methodological issues and practical implementation of the crisis. N. Pipchenkota, G. Perepelytsia, S. Fedunyak, G. Kissinger, Z. Brzezinski, W. Weiermeyer, J. Nye, W. Owens, M. Clay, D. Thomas, L. Johnson, B. Schwartz, A. Hirschman, M. Hoffman, S. Hattington, J. McKinley, and many others.

In the global space, the most interesting and relevant for the study are the processes of transformation of the whole civilization as a whole, and the regional features of integration and disintegration factors. Drawing the line between integration and dividing integration into «formal» and «informal», it should be noted that formal integration is primarily a reflection of how society has responded to crisis factors, and «informal» integration is primarily the links that were built in the process of crisis management.

W. Wallace distinguishes between «formal» and «informal» integration. The sphere of formal integration is the building of institutions that are the product of cooperation of national elites. Here, states remain key actors. The sphere of informal integration is the development of forms of economic and social interaction and interpenetration, which should not be authorized by special political decisions. The importance of informal integration is very important: intergovernmental cooperation is only a response to the needs of society and the market economy. However, the primary in the integration process is still formal integration. It is crucial for the preservation of nation-states as centers of power, shaping the «scale and nature» of European governance. Informal integration on its current scale would be impossible without formal integration. For example, unhindered cross-border economic relations within the Single Internal Market would be impossible without the Single European Act, which is the product of complex intergovernmental negotiations and coordination of divergent national interests [1, p. 89-90].

However, we see that integration is not only a process of uniting countries into a single space, it is first of all finding and establishing a network of ties at the economic, political, cultural and other levels. In fact, integration is the process of finding interconnections between different systems of development, when by systems we mean nationstates. And the crisis in these conditions is a process and a phenomenon that stimulates the search for the most optimal relations between nation-states at the level of regional cooperation.

Thus, the crisis in the integration dimensions is a kind of stimulus that adapts and helps to find and establish cooperation between different countries. Here we assume that these processes can take place at the level of regional cooperation.

Thus, the crisis in the regional dimension is a process that should be managed through crisis management (crisis management) and, accordingly, the main important tool of such management can be the establishment of a strategic partnership. We assume that strategic partnership in such conditions, ie in the regional dimensions, is the most optimal way to implement effective crisis management. Although crisis management does not play a leading role in the topic of our study, it is management as an element of management in all its manifestations, especially in the field of public administration that is key.

We see that the crisis is a rather complex phenomenon, process and system that affects the development of regions, countries, affects the development of the global environment. Crisis management in such conditions plays an extraordinary role, because this form of management can constructively affect the stabilization of political, economic, social structure at the micro and macro levels.

Most researchers of integration processes rightly point out that almost until the end of World War II the main impulses of international integration were the interests and aspirations of stronger states, which determined mainly forced, imperial form of community integration «above» «vertical» integration [2. p. thirteen].

In general, researchers of integration processes tend to distinguish two forms of integration imperial integration (forced, «vertical» integration) and democratic integration (voluntary or «horizontal» integration). We can assume that these two types of integration are a kind of reaction of societies, states and supranational entities that integrate under the guise of crises. However, on the other hand, the crisis in such conditions is not so much an incentive for integration change, but a constructive factor that helps to transform societies and adapt them to offensive development in the global space. Perceiving the crisis as a constructive element of development, we should note that the crisis is a natural process and can contain a constructive only if a quality and skillful crisis management.

If we analyze the crisis in its various manifestations, such as a political crisis, we can not reduce the concept of crisis only to the system of public administration, because the field of public administration is engaged in researchers and scientists, specialists in public administration. Accordingly, the political crisis is a broader concept that can be attributed to the sphere of state or regional government, as well as to the sphere of world politics. Therefore, the crisis in the dimensions of global policy requires a deeper rethinking and analysis, in order to develop clearer measures for the implementation of crisis management measures in the global dimension in the system of international relations.

Understanding the financial and economic crisis, it is also worth paying attention to how the crisis responds to the processes of economic interaction of global and transnational actors, because the crisis in the regional or global dimension, in the economic space has different boundaries not only perception but also penetration. This form of crisis, as economic, is quite dangerous, it penetrates into all spheres of human life, and causes significant damage at all levels, including political, cultural and can destroy the order of modern times. Therefore, adaptation to the crisis in the global and regional space are different, as well as different approaches to crisis management.

Accordingly, the crisis of cultural interaction is also interrelated with the political and economic crisis. After all, cultural contradictions are the factors that separate people of different ideological, cultural or religious views. And such a separation also leads to conflicts, which can have quite negative consequences, stimulate the emergence of wars, regional conflicts and ultimately affect the development of society, its policies and economy.

We see that the crisis is a large-scale phenomenon that can both destroy and build something new in society. In general, a crisis (if it is managed) can stimulate the development of society, the state and give a new impetus to interstate relations in the system of international relations. It is worth learning not only to perceive the crisis, but also to try to understand the role of the crisis in the modern world as a constructive phenomenon. The crisis is actually a costly and resource-intensive process that requires a significant amount of effort to manage crisis processes.

In general, transformation and globalization are closely intertwined and take place in conditions of constant crisis. However, one of the tasks of crisis management is to try to translate crises into a constructive direction and prevent conflicts, because conflicts pose a significant threat to the formation of a new world order. In this context, we understand the new world order, not only as a republican form of government, but above all as a new world order in the 21st century, as a form of unification of nation-states into supranational structures such as the United States or the European Union. After all, after World War II, when the question of the transformation of the whole of Western Europe arose, most researchers, activists and public figures mentioned the project of the United States of Europe, which was implemented through the European Coal and Steel Community. We see that it is through economic consolidation that European countries have created the most powerful structure that is now a powerful engine of the world economy, along with the United States and China.

It should be added that the crisis played a leading role in this context, because after World War II, being divided, on the verge of complete destruction, Europe was able to find a mechanism of unification through reconciliation, consolidation of different European nations and ethnic groups. This process of integration is also due to the crisis, which, thanks to skillful governance, European leaders have managed to translate into a constructive direction, preventing the development of small regional conflicts.

The importance of historical figures in this context is also very important, which is worth only the speech of W. Churchill in support of European unification on September 19, 1946 in Zurich, with a speech «Tragedy of Europe» Churchill called Europe the most cultivated region on Earth, «a source of Christian faith and Christian ethics «. He called the cause of the European tragedy «a series of terrible nationalist disputes.» «If the peoples of Europe could unite their efforts in the pursuit of their common heritage for the common good, an era of prosperity, prosperity and great accomplishments would come for three hundred or four hundred million Europeans» [3, p. 496].

We see that in today's world, which is in a dynamic confrontation of major players in the system of international relations, the crisis, as a phenomenon and process, also plays a significant role in decision-making and in managing global processes. The whole world is on the threshold of changes, fateful changes for the whole world community, which can have a very negative impact on the entire modern civilization.

Accordingly, the issue of crisis management plays a significant role not only in the intelligence of modern researchers, but is quite relevant because of its pathogenicity. Of course, the symbolism of the crisis presupposes the perception of such a phenomenon as something ambiguous, heterogeneous and threatening, but the crisis is just a consequence and the reaction of the global space to the changes that occur with it. A crisis is an integral part of the evolutionary process of every human being. Understanding the philosophical concepts of crisis in human existence, it should be noted that we are all in the process of crisis growth, going from ups and downs, from joy to depression, constantly on the path of evolution of internal and external.

Similarly, society develops dynamically and grows, increases its economic indicators, forms clearer imperatives of culture and intercultural communication, develops politics and religion, transforms the world and man. The crisis in this process is responsible for change and growth, reducing the level of development, the dynamics of processes in societies and regions, in the global space, stimulates what Vernadsky called the noosphere and in many ways allows society to develop and evolve. «At a certain stage of development of civilization, humanity will have to take responsibility for its further evolution» [4, p. 17].

Of course, it is difficult to reveal the full potential of the crisis in one study, but the crisis is not only a phenomenon and process, according to the author, it is also a dichotomous component not only of modern society, it is a dichotomous component of development and evolution at all levels.

Summarizing and drawing conclusions of the study, it should be noted that the crisis in the global space is of paramount importance as a form and element of change that can with skillful crisis management to qualitatively change society. The author tried to describe the crisis as an integral element of the evolution of modern society through awareness of the importance of this process and through awareness of the importance of management, in particular global crisis management. After all, such management is able to develop society, able to help society overcome crises, conflicts and help to achieve quality and dynamic development.

Of course, there are still a number of unresolved issues in terms of understanding the crisis and crisis management in the system of international relations. The question arises, such a plan: and to whom and how in the system of international relations can be delegated the right to carry out crisis management and what tools can be used in such conditions.

It should be noted here that in the conditions and challenges of the modernglobal community, institutions such as the UN are unable to manage the crisis, and military blocs like the CSTO and NATO are not capable of crisis management, military blocs can exacerbate political, economic and the military threat in the system of international relations.

Therefore, the issue of rethinking crisis management, crisis and global development must be approached with caution, using a systematic and logical approach in the analysis of all indicators that stimulate or delay the development of our civilization. Researcher J. Kaplan noted that “a crisis can end at any stage if the danger disappears or a solution is found [5].

Therefore, this research topic is relevant and needs further analysis. This approach can be useful for policy implementation at the regional and global levels. The perception of the crisis as an element that stimulates the development of society is also relevant in economics and other applied sciences because it qualitatively expands the perception of this phenomenon. The crisis in the military sphere (which is the sphere of security management and strategic processes of states) provides a deeper understanding and will allow to analyze and forecast threats to states at a qualitatively higher level.


1. Romaniuk N. Klasychnyi mizhuriadovyi pid- khid: osnovni polozhennia ta istorychnyi kontekst // Visnyk Lviv, Ser. Mizhnarodni vidnosyny, 2008, Vyp. 25, p. 87-96.

2. Pulym O. V. Zbroini Syly Ukrainy yak faktor stvorennia ta zabezpechennia isnuvannia systemy kolektyvnoi bezpeky u Yevropi, Avtoref. dys. kand. ist. Nauk, Viiskova istoriia, Lviv. Politekhnika, Lviv, 2001, p. 18.

3. Cherchyll Uynston. Muskulbi myra, M, 2003.

4. Moyseev N. N. Vernadskyi y sovremennost, Voprosbi fylosofyy, 1994, 4, p. 3-13.

5. Kozlov V. V Rabota s kryzysnoi lychnostiu, Moskva, Yzdatelstvo Ynstytuta Psykhoterapyy, 2003, p. 300.

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