South-south cooperation in the Châvez era in Venezuela

Modalities, reasons of south-south cooperation. Initiatives of political cooperation, economic and technical assistance. Promoting a new international economic order and creating a Latin American economic system. Venezuela and SSC under the châvez ae

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28. Labaqui, I. (2014). Who's afraid of reversing neoliberal reforms? Financial statecraft in Argentina and Venezuela. In: The financial statecraft of emerging powers. Shield and sword in Asia and Latin America.Ed. by L.E. Armijoand, S.N. Katada. Houndmills: Palgrave, p. 21--46.

29. Lancaster, C. (2007). Foreign Aid.Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.

30. Lecchini, G. (2012). Reflexiones en torno a la cooperacion sur-sur. In: Argentina y Brasil: proyecciones internacionales, Cooperacion Sur-Sur e integracion.Ed. by C. Morasso, G.P. Doval. Rosario: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, p. 13--26.

31. Lumsdaine, D.H. (1993). Moral vision in international politics: The foreign aid regime, 1949--1989. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

32. Maldonado-L.G. (1982).El SELA y la cooperacion Sur-Sur. Revista Nueva Sociedad, 60, 39--56.

33. Mata Carnevali, M.G. (2012a). Relaciones Venezuela-Sudafrica En el camino de la Cooperacion Sur-Sur (2005--2010).Humania del Sur, 7 (13), 155--174.

34. Mata Carnevali, M.G. (2012b). Venezuela's African Agenda in a South--South Context.The Cases of Algeria, Gambia and South Africa, 2005--2010.Africa Insight, 41 (4), 17--35.

35. Mawdsley, E. (2011). The changing geographies of foreign aid and development cooperation: contributions from gift theory. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographer, 37, 256--272. DOI:

36. Morgenthau, H. (1962). A Political Theory of Foreign Aid.The American Political Science Review, 56 (2), 301--309. DOI:

37. Opeskin, B.R. (1996). The Moral Foundations of Foreign Aid.World Development, 24 (1), 21--44. DOI:

38. Perez, C.A. (1977). La social democracia y las relaciones pohtico economicas internacionales. Revista Nueva Sociedad, 31--32, 5--12.

39. Perez, C.A. (1980). El dialogo Norte-Sur. Nueva Sociedad, 51, 33--46.

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43. Puig, J.C. (1980). Doctrinas internacionales y Autonomia latinoamericana. Caracas: Universidad Simon Bolrvar, Instituto de Altos Estudios de America Latina.

44. Romero, C.A. (2003). Dos etapas en la pohtica exterior de Venezuela.Politeia, 30, 319--343.

45. Romero, C.A. (2010). La politica exterior de la Venezuela bolivariana. URL: (accessed 12.06.2018).

46. Romero, C.A. & Curiel, C. (2009). Venezuela: pohtica exterior y rentismo. Cadernos Prolam/USP, 8(14), 39--61. DOI:

47. Romero, C.A. & Mijares, V.M. (2016). From Chavez to Maduro: Continuity and Change in Venezuelan Foreign Policy. Contexto Internacional, 38 (1), 165--201. DOI: S0102-8529.2016380100005.

48. Ruttan, V.W. (1989). Why Foreign Economic Assistance? Economic Development and Cultural Change, 37(2), 411--424. DOI: 10.1086/451730.

49. Salazar Santos, F. (1985).El SELA: Antecedentes y realizaciones. Integracion Latinoamericana, 10 (107), 3--27.

50. Serbin, A. & Serbin Pont, A. (2014). Quince anos de pobtica exterior bolivariana: Rentre el soft- balancing y la militarization? Pensamiento Propio, 19 (39), 287--326.

51. Revised Guidelines for the Review of Policies and Procedures Concerning Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries.TCDC/13/3.(2003). United Nations -- Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries. New York: United Nations.

52. What is South--South Cooperation. (2015). UNOSSC -- United Nations Office for South South Cooperation. URL: (accessed 02.04.2015).

53. Younas, J. (2008). Motivation for bilateral aid allocation: Altruism or trade benefits. European Journal of Political Economy, 24, 661--674. DOI:


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43. Romero C.A., Curiel C.Venezuela: poHtica exterior y rentismo // Cadernos Prolam/USP. 2009.

44. Vol. 8.N 14.P. 39--61. DOI: Romero C.A., Mijares V.M.From Chavez to Maduro: Continuity and Change in Venezuelan Foreign Policy // Contexto internacional. 2016. Vol. 38. N 1.P. 165--201. DOI: 10.1590/S0102-8529.2016380100005.

45. Ruttan V.W.Why Foreign Economic Assistance? // Economic Development and Cultural Change.

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47. Salazar Santos F.El SELA: Antecedentes y realizaciones // Integracion Latinoamericana. 1985. Vol. 10. N 107.P. 3--27.

48. Serbin A., Serbin Pont A.Quince anos de poHtica exterior bolivariana: Rentre el soft-balancing y la militarization? // Pensamiento Propio. 2014. Vol. 19. N 39.P. 287--326.

49. Revised Guidelines for the Review of Policies and Procedures Concerning Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries.TCDC/13/3. United Nations -- Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries. New York: United Nations, 2003.

50. What is South--South Cooperation. UNOSSC -- United Nations Office for South South Cooperation.

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