The image of a leader in the formation of political existence (comparative analysis)
Instruments of public administration influencing the development of states and interstate relations. The use of psychological and political manipulation techniques for the implementation of geopolitical tasks and the deployment of hybrid confrontations.
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Дата добавления | 21.11.2022 |
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Ivano-Frankivsk national technical university of oil and gas
Department of public administration and management
The image of a leader in the formation of political existence (comparative analysis)
Ostapiak V., Dr of Polit. Sc., Ass. Prof.,
Kushniryuk V., Cd. Psych. Sc., Ass. Prof.
It is noted that the approach to the system of public administration is changing in the conditions of changing geopolitical vectors of development of the leading countries of the world and with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It turns out that one of the main elements of public administration is usually a number of instruments that directly or indirectly affect the development of states and interstate relations.
The main threat in the modern global space is emphasized, namely local conflicts and among such conflicts the most extraordinary phenomenon is “hybrid wars". Hybrid threats have their own extraordinary structure, a set of tools through which the main goals are realized, namely the victory or realization of certain geopolitical tasks. Quite often such a victory or promotion of “hybrid confrontation" is possible under the use of certain technologies of influence, in particular through the formation of certain stable images, including the image of the leader.
The authors believe that the main driver of hybrid confrontation is a set of measures, manipulative techniques, psychological techniques that motivate or demotivate the parties to the conflict, thereby helping to intensify specific conflict genes. Thus, psychological factors can and do change the system of political orientations, provoking and stimulating the source or sources of certain conflicts. On the other hand, politics and political processes use psychological manipulation techniques to influence the broad masses of the population, in order to create a certain background color during operations related to the deployment of “hybrid confrontations”. It turns out that propaganda, as an instrument of political manipulation, is used at a much higher level of political skill, which undoubtedly expands the impact on the masses. Such influence on the masses is also due to the formation of the image of the leader.
Key words: crisis, conflict, leadership, system of international relations, globalization.
Образ лідера в становленні політичного буття (компаративний аналіз)
Остап'як В.І., д. політ. н., доцент; Кушнірюк В.М., к. псих. н., доцент; кафедра публічного управління та адміністрування, Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу
Зазначається, що умовах зміни геополітичних векторів розвитку провідних країн світу та з розповсюдженням зброї масового знищення змінюється підхід до системи державного управління. Доводиться, що одним з основних елементів державного управління зазвичай є низка інструментів, котрі прямо чи опосередковано впливають на розвиток держав і міждержавних зв'язків.
Підкреслюється про основну ж загрозу в сучасному глобальному просторі, а саме локальні конфлікти та серед такого роду конфліктів найбільш неординарним явищем є «гібридні війни». Загрози гібридного типу мають свою неординарну структуру, комплекс інструментів, за допомогою якого реалізовуються основні цілі, а саме перемога чи реалізація певних геополітичних завдань. Досить часто така перемога чи просування «гібридного протистояння» можливе за умов використання певних технологій впливу, зокрема завдяки формуванню певних стійких образів в тому числі і образа лідера.
Автори вважають, що основним рушієм ведення гібридного протистояння є комплекс заходів, маніпулятивних технік, психологічних прийомів, котрі мотивують чи демотивують сторони конфлікту, допомагаючи тим самим активізувати конкретні конфліктогени. Отже, психологічні чинники можуть змінювати і змінюють систему політичних орієнтирів, провокуючи та стимулюючи джерело чи джерела певних конфліктів. З іншої сторони політика та політичні процеси використовують психологічні прийоми маніпуляції для впливу на широкі маси населення, задля створення певного фонового забарвлення під час проведення операцій, пов'язаних із розгортанням «гібридних протистоянь». Доводиться, що пропаганда, як інструмент політичних маніпуляцій, використовується на значно вищому щаблі політичної майстерності, що беззаперечно розширює вплив на широкі маси населення. Такий вплив на широкі маси здійснюється також завдяки формуванню образа лідера.
Ключові слова: криза, конфлікт, лідерство, система міжнародних відносин, глобалізація.
Образ лидера в становлении политического бытия (компаративный анализ)
Остапяк В.И. д. полит. н., доцент; Кушнирюк В.М., к. психол. н., доцент; кафедра публичного управления и администрирования, Ивано-Франковский национальный технический университет нефти и газа
Отмечается, что в условиях изменения геополитических векторов развития ведущих стран мира и с распространением оружия массового поражения изменяется подход к системе государственного управления. Доказывается, что одним из основных элементов государственного управления обычно является ряд инструментов, прямо или косвенно влияющих на развитие государств и межгосударственных связей.
Подчеркивается основная же угроза в современном глобальном пространстве, а именно локальные конфликты и среди такого рода конфликтов наиболее неординарным явлением является «гибридные войны». Угрозы гибридного типа имеют неординарную структуру, комплекс инструментов, с помощью которого реализуются основные цели, а именно победа или реализация определенных геополитических задач. Довольно часто такая победа или продвижение «гибридного противостояния» возможно при использовании определенных технологий воздействия, в частности благодаря формированию определенных устойчивых образов, в том числе и образа лидера.
Авторы считают, что основным двигателем ведения гибридного противостояния является комплекс мер, манипулятивных техник, психологических приемов, мотивирующих или демотивирующих стороны конфликта, помогая тем самым активизировать конкретные конфликтогены. Следовательно, психологические факторы могут изменять и изменять систему политических ориентиров, провоцируя и стимулируя источник или источники определенных конфликтов. С другой стороны политика и политические процессы используют психологические приемы манипуляции для воздействия на широкие массы населения для создания определенной фоновой окраски при проведении операций, связанных с развертыванием «гибридных противостояний». Доказывается, что пропаганда, как инструмент политических манипуляций, используется на более высокой ступени политического мастерства, что бесспорно расширяет влияние на широкие массы населения. Такое влияние на широкие массы также осуществляется благодаря формированию образа лидера.
Ключевые слова: кризис, конфликт, лидерство, система международных отношений, глобализация.
With the changing geopolitical vectors of development of the world's leading countries and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the approach to public administration is changing. In turn, one of the main elements of public administration is usually a number of instruments that directly or indirectly affect the development of states and interstate relations.
The main threat in the modern global space is local conflicts, and among such conflicts the most unusual phenomenon is “hybrid wars”. Hybrid threats have their own extraordinary structure, a set of tools through which the main goals are realized, namely the victory or realization of certain geopolitical tasks. Quite often such a victory or promotion of “hybrid confrontation” is possible under the use of certain technologies of influence, in particular through the formation of certain stable images, including the image of the leader. In this dimension, “... leadership is defined as the abilities, qualities, and behaviors associated with the role of group leader; it can be assigned to individuals on the basis of personal qualities and experience or on the basis of tradition and / or position” [1, p. 372].
The author believes that the main driver of hybrid confrontation is a set of measures, manipulative techniques, psychological techniques that motivate or demotivate the parties to the conflict, thereby helping to intensify specific conflict genes. Thus, psychological factors can and do change the system of political orientations, provoking and stimulating the source or sources of certain conflicts.
On the other hand, politics and political processes use psychological manipulation techniques to influence the broad masses of the population, in order to create a certain background color during operations related to the deployment of “hybrid confrontations”. In this dimension, according to MD Klyashtorny, leadership is an authority-based personalized way of self-organization of social life, the essence of which is the relationship of influence and consistency, domination and subjugation [2].
In this context, it should be noted that propaganda, as an instrument of political manipulation, is used at a much higher level of political skill, which undoubtedly expands the impact on the masses. Such influence on the masses is also due to the formation of the image of the leader. Accordingly, the term “leader” comes from the English word leader and means “leader”, “leader”, “leader”. According to the dictionary of social policy, the term “leader” means an authoritative member of an organization or group, whose personal influence allows him to play a major role in social situations and processes [3, p. 100].
It is worth mentioning researchers whose works are key in considering the content and concept of leadership, political leadership, in particular M. Weber, G. Tarde, G. Lebon, S. Siegele, W. Wundt, K. Jung, V. Osgood, D. Parigin, O. Olshansky, E. Perelygina and others.
The author identifies the theme of the person, the leader, as a key figure that can be used by certain policy actors to achieve their own strategic goals or objectives. A. Traverse, but notes that the leader can not but have the qualities of a leader (ie, organizational, communicative and other professionally necessary and sufficient abilities). He must strive and be able to consolidate the efforts of others and actively influence (within a certain territory) this process to achieve the stated and proclaimed goals [4]. political psychological manipulation geopolitical
Considering the issue of impact on the masses and taking into account the conflict in Ukraine, which unfolded in late 2013, it should be noted that the “hybrid confrontation” took place with the involvement and formation of “pseudo-1 eaders”. The notion of leader and leadership played a significant role at that time, because the leader was a driving force, a kind of catalyst that influenced the masses. At the same time, the figure of the leader, as we now understand it, was used by foreign intelligence services to guide the local population (the population of Donbass and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) as a landmark that relayed the ideas of “Russian peace”. It should be noted that the researcher V. Vlasov understands leadership as a personalized form of social control and integration of all mechanisms and methods of individual personal influence in order to achieve maximum effect in group activities [5].
Thus, we see that the leader actually acted as a kind of mouthpiece of the Kremlin, which formed a psychologically stable image of “his boyfriend”; one of the people; one who is with the people; of whose opinion the whole population of the above- mentioned regions should unite around.
Among the prominent representatives of the separatist terrorist movement we can mention, first of all, the leader of the terrorist association “Motorola”. This leader did not stand out, having no intellectual or material possessions, was easily controlled by representatives of Moscow's secret services. It was used as a “pocket” loudspeaker, which conveyed basic messages to the general population. He played a key role in the information war with Ukraine and was perceived in the first months of the “hybrid war” as a young man.
Similarly, we can describe the figure of another terrorist leader, the so-called “Givi”, who also led a terrorist group in the occupied Donbass. Unlike Motorola, he was a more able speaker. He also appeared in the media as a “guy from the people” who is fighting for the freedom and rights of the people of Donbass. He used and conveyed certain pro- Russian messages to the population of the occupied territories. It was also used as a figure, as a symbol that fights for “native Russian lands”.
There is a clear connection between these two terrorists and other figures who have also been used as a brand. The creation of such an image takes place in stages, each of which has its own methods of implementation:
a) collection and analysis of information;
b) image construction;
c) adaptation of the candidate to the image;
d) approbation by the electorate;
e) analysis of image information;
g) image correction;
g) analysis of results [6, p. 10].
Thus, a certain symbol is used in essence. The symbol of the “boy of the people”, who communicates with the masses, conveys certain messages, certain narratives and patterns of behavior. And like every symbol, these figures carry with them a certain symbolism. In the struggle, it is important that the hero died, and the memory of his feat will continue to be used to lift the spirits, to motivate the population to fight. That is why the author suggests that these personalities were destroyed by Russian special services to turn these figures into a symbol.
Such symbolism resonates with both the Christian religion and martyrdom. Sacrifice plays a major role as an element of propaganda. The sacrifice is always loved, it is always addressed as a symbol, and the sacrifice as a symbol is always imitated for the education of new generations.
So, from a psychological point of view, the hero must always be a victim, must always give his life for the good of his people. Such a symbol is used and reproduced in the media not only to encourage the population of a particular region to fight. Such a symbol, the symbol of the hero, is also used to educate in order to form a certain ideology, in order to form certain pedagogical patterns. E. Cassirer noted that modern politicians play the role of collective seers [7].
So we see that the hero is a symbol that can be used to manipulate people. However, the symbol of the hero is also used situationally, the hero can also be used to control the crowd, as a leader, as one who leads to a certain wash of the crowd; and in this regard we can mention, first of all, the figure of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who for several generations of Russians has become a living symbol, a certain untouchable person who knows and knows how to rule the great Russian kingdom. In this context, Putin's persona is being used by Kremlin elites to assert their status. There is a certain strong symbiosis, which is beneficial for elites and pseudo-leaders. Thus, the author of the article believes that Putin is a pseudo- leader, because in the first place there is the concept of “psychological burnout”, i.e. cannot be a psychologically stable person who has held leadership for more than 20 years in one country and not only does not reduce but and increases its influence on the economic and political component of Russia's development. It is worth noting that M. Weber considered charismatic power authoritarian. Such power stems from a person's ability to generate and maintain self-belief as a source of legitimacy. Weber considers charisma regardless of the content of what the charismatic advocates [8, p. 165-172].
On the other hand, when we talk about the figure of the President of Russia, it is the sacred untouched figure of the leader, the tsar, who is engraved in behavior, in the mentality of Russians who were effectively deprived as a society of liberalization and transition to democratic values. That is, the values of the President of Russia are inviolable for the people, and Russian elites use this figure in the same way as the leaders of terrorist groups in Donbass to form certain behavioral patterns.
Well, we can observe this symbiosis, in wildlife it is a symbiosis of a carrier and a parasite. In shaping the social order of the Russian Federation, it is a symbiosis of the people with the ruling elite, and the elite, together with Vladimir Putin, is a kind of parasite that feeds on the bearer, ie on ethnically diverse groups that form the “Russian world.”
On the other hand, in the historical and applied context, we see the use of the personality or cult of the leader as an element of the formation of a certain system of values. Such a system of values is usually formed in countries with authoritarian or even totalitarian style of government.
It is worth mentioning the personality of Alexander Lukashenko as the leader of the Republic of Belarus, in which the president is positioned as the “father” of the nation. We can trace this by observing the style of his communication with subordinates and ordinary citizens. So, we see that the symbol of the “father” is also used as a leader who will protect, solve all his problems for the people and quarrel. From a psychological point of view, the “father” plays a key role in such a society, because he is the source of all knowledge, aspirations, and he is also a sacred symbol that is virtually inviolable.
The same system, the same methods of mass management are used in particular in the DPRK. The family of authoritarian rulers, led by today's Kim Jong Un, forms the image of the “father” of an almost divine ruler whom everyone adores, to whom everyone obeys, and who has virtually unlimited power as a living deity.
In fact, we can list the current rulers of authoritarian and totalitarian countries, as well as immerse ourselves in the historical analysis of such personalities as J. Stalin and A. Hitler, who also tried on the image of the leader “father”, “deity”, “saint”. However, the essence of our study is to show how symbolism and the symbol of the leader are used by modern political scientists, specialists in behavioral psychology to manipulate the masses.
It should be noted that this study should be continued, because the range of manipulative tools is extremely wide and is valuable for modern psychological science, because it allows a more detailed understanding of the impact of leadership and leadership on modern society.
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дипломная работа [900,3 K], добавлен 03.05.2011Democracy as theoretical number of important qualities, that are important for human development. The general protection of property and the almost complete absence of taxes. Main details of enjoying full democracy. Analyzing democracy in reality.
статья [15,8 K], добавлен 02.10.2009N. Nazarbayev is the head of state, Commander-in-chief and holder of the highest office within of Kazakhstan. B. Obama II is the head of state and head of government of the United States. Queen Elizabeth II as head of a monarchy of the United Kingdom.
презентация [437,6 K], добавлен 16.02.2014Ideology as a necessary part of creation and existence of the state. Features of political ideology. Ideology as a phenomenon of influence on society. The characteristic of the basic ideas conservatism, neoconservatism, liberalism, neoliberalism.
статья [15,2 K], добавлен 31.10.2011