Institutional dimension of Israel public diplomacy
The peculiarities of the formation and development of public diplomacy of the State of Israel. Analysis of institutions and organizations involved in its implementation. Each of the government structures performs tasks of a characteristic competence.
Рубрика | Политология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 14,9 K |
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Размещено на
Iryna Klymchuk
Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and International Relations
Since the beginning of the 2000s, public diplomacy has become a new trend in the field of non- traditional diplomacy. Its role began to grow every year and turned into a successful tool of indirect influence. This direction covers cultural, educational, sports, media, scientific and other projects aimed at interaction not only with the elite, but also with the society of a foreign country for building and developing longterm and strong relations. Accordingly, each actor of the international community is distinguished by its approaches and visions in its implementation.
At the current stage, Israel positions itself as an educational, medical and cultural center of the Middle East. A state of constant military confrontation for decades, Israel fights anti-Semitism and delegitimization using a diverse toolkit of public diplomacy.
The analysis of communication strategies and tools of the Israeli model of public diplomacy in today's realities is a bright example of the stability of state institutions and the stability of its historical and cultural traditions, which are worth defending.
The article examines the peculiarities of the formation and development of public diplomacy of the State of Israel. Institutions and organizations involved in the implementation of public diplomacy of the State of Israel are analyzed.
It has been established that there is no single institution in Israel's public diplomacy that is responsible for its implementation, but there is a set of state bodies that fulfill certain obligations related to its effective functioning. It has been proven that the Hasbara apparatus functions within the framework of the National Headquarters and the National Forum, which in turn unite the following bodies and ministries: Directorate of Public Diplomacy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit and the Jewish Agency (Sochnut). Also, the Office of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Coordination Unit of Government Activities in the Territories take an active part in the implementation of public diplomacy. Each of the government structures performs tasks of a characteristic competence. The public diplomacy of the State of Israel is aimed at a wide audience, however, it is worth singling out the Jewish diaspora, since, being its potential repatriates, they actively spread Israel's agenda abroad. Another target audience is the public of the Arab world. At the same time, mass media and various organizations act as effective broadcasters of the strategy of Israeli public diplomacy, that is, a kind of link between the state and the public.
Key words: public diplomacy, hasbara, State of Israel, diaspora, institutions, tools, image policy.
Інституційний вимір громадської дипломатії держави Ізраїль
Ірина Климчук
Національний університет «Львіська політехніка», Інститут гуманітарних та соціальних наук, кафедра політології та міжнародних відносин
З початком 2000-х рр. громадська дипломатія стала новим трендом у сфері нетрадиційної дипломатії. Її роль з кожним роком почала зростати і перетворюватися на успішний інструмент опосередкованого впливу. Даний напрямок охоплює культурні, освітні, спортивні, медійні, наукові та інші проєкти, орієнтовані на взаємодію не лише з елітою, а й суспільство іноземної держави для побудови та розвитку довготривалих та міцних відносин. Відповідно кожен актор міжнародного співтовариства вирізняється своїми підходами та баченнями у її реалізації.
На сучасному етапі Ізраїль позиціонує себе як освітній, медичний та культурний центр Близького Сходу. Перебуваючи у стані сталого військового протистояння упродовж десятиліть, Ізраїль бореться з антисемітизмом і делегітимацією, використовуючи різноманітний інструментарій громадської дипломатії.
І саме аналіз комунікаційних стратегій та інструментів ізраїльської моделі громадської дипломатії в реаліях сьогодення є прикладом стійкості державних інститутів та сталості її історичних та культурних традицій, які варто відстоювати та обороняти.
У статті розглянуто особливості формування та розвитку громадської дипломатії Держави Ізраїль. Проаналізовано інституції та організації, які беруть участь у реалізації громадської дипломатії Держави Ізраїль.
Встановлено, що у публічній дипломатії Ізраїлю відсутня єдина інституція, яка відповідає за її реалізацію, однак наявна сукупність державних органів, що виконують ті чи інші зобов'язання, пов'язані з її ефективним функціонуванням. Доведено, що апарат хасбари функціонує в рамках Національного штабу та Національного Форуму, які у свою чергу об'єднують такі органи та міністерства: Директорат публічної дипломатії при МЗС, Міністерство туризму, Міністерство у справах діаспори, Відділ речника ЦАХАЛу та Єврейське агентство Ізраїлю «Сохнут». Також, активно участь у реалізації публічної дипломатії беруть Офіс прем'єр-міністра, Міністерство оборони, Міністерство закордонних справ, Координаційний підрозділ діяльності уряду на територіях. Кожна з урядових структур виконує завдання характерної компетенції. Громадська дипломатія Держави Ізраїль направлена на широку аудиторію, однак, варто виокремити саме єврейську діаспору, оскільки, будучи її потенційними репатріантами, вони активно ретранслюють повістку дня Ізраїлю закордоном. Ще однією цільовою авдиторією варто виокремити громадськість арабського світу. Разом з тим ЗМІ та різні організації виступають ефективними ретрансляторами стратегії ізраїльської громадської дипломатії, тобто своєрідною середньою ланкою між державою та громадськістю.
Ключові слова: громадська дипломатія, хасбара, Держава Ізраїль, діаспора, інститути, інструменти, іміджева політика.
It is worth noting that in the State of Israel there is no single institution dealing with the implementation of public diplomacy, but various ministries and bodies are working together to implement it. Israeli officials have been involved in work in this sphere since 1967 at the level of ministries or offices within ministries, and the Hasbara Apparatus has acquired a modern look since 2015. The Hasbara Apparatus operates within the National Headquarters and the National Forum, which in turn brings together the following bodies and ministries: the Directorate of Public Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, the IDF Spokesperson and the Jewish Agency for Israel (Sokhnut) [1]. In addition to the above mentioned institutions, public diplomacy continues in other parts of the administration, such as the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Defense.
At the Prime Minister's Office, the government's press service is actively involved in the implementation of public diplomacy. The unit's work is to assist foreign press in matters related to Israel, such as press trips, briefings, and work visas within public diplomacy. In 2021, during the National Hasbara Forum, the Office of Public Diplomacy, which coordinates communication between various government bodies, was officially re-established. The purpose of the Office of Public Diplomacy is to facilitate the synchronization of Israel's external communications [3].
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel is a key institution for international cooperation and country's external presentation. This structure contains a special subdivision - the Directorate of Public Diplomacy. The purpose of the unit is to cooperate with civil and scientific communities, improve the image of Israel abroad, promote its technological innovations and cultural values [6]. In addition, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs deals with cultural diplomacy, scientific exchanges, and the management of press abroad through its embassies. There is a department of cultural diplomacy, which helps artists who come to Israel to take part in events such as art studios, festivals, trips and other kinds of cultural cooperation between states.
Prime Minister's Office is responsible for the major part of the budget ascribed to public diplomacy, handles information campaigns, foreign press stationed in Israel, etc. The headquarters of Hasbara is also located in Prime Minister's Office [5].
Another essential institution responsible for public diplomacy in Israel is the Ministry of Tourism, which deals with the development and marketing of tourism in the State of Israel. The key task of this body is a strategic development and brand management in encouraging country's tourism [2]. The ministry acts as an office to attract and spread knowledge and promotional materials around the world, organizes seminars and educational tours, coordinates journalism and public relations, and helps major travel companies present Israel as a tourist destination.
The Ministry of Diaspora Affairs has been entrusted by the Israeli government in the task of monitoring and treating the scourge of anti-Semitism. The ultimate goal is to strengthen Jewish identity and ties with Israel among Jews lacking a sense of kinship or connection with Judaism and the Jewish people. The Ministry covers in its activity 3 main areas:
- Combating anti-semitism: The Ministry works to ensure a full and vibrant Jewish life in the Diaspora at the individual and community levels, with a strong and meaningful connection to Israel and the Jewish people. The Ministry has formulated a strategic plan designed primarily to expand the security of communities and individuals in times of both routine and crisis, and to facilitate a full and vibrant Jewish life, including a close bond with Israel. The activities focus on several levels: reducing the number and severity of anti-Semitic incidents worldwide, raising public awareness about anti-Semitism, strengthening the commitment of individuals, organizations and governments to combat anti-Semitism, and providing assistance to those affected by anti-Semitism.
- Strengthening the connection between Israelis and the diaspora: The Ministry views Diaspora Jews as an integral part of the Jewish collective as experienced by Israeli citizens, with Israel at the center. The goals in the above areas are to increase the knowledge of the Israeli public about Diaspora Jewry, its communities and individuals, and the challenges facing them; to strengthen the sense of kinship between Israelis in Israel and Jews in the Diaspora; and to promote involvement and action on issues relating to Diaspora Jews. Several projects exist in this realm, such as incorporating the subject in the formal and informal education systems, and making Israeli opinion leaders more knowledgeable on the subject through an in-depth course on the challenges facing the Jewish people, etc.
- Strengthening Jewish identity and expanding the circles of the Jewish people: A public committee was appointed to examine the relationship between the State of Israel and communities around the world with a kinship to the Jewish people (but who are not Jewish or not entitled to rights under the Law of Return). The committee is completing its work and is scheduled to recommend a comprehensive Israeli policy on such groups [8].
The goals of the above areas are to increase the knowledge of the Israeli public about the Jewish diaspora, its community and individuals, as well as the problems facing them; to strengthen the sense of kinship between Israelis in Israel and Jews in the diaspora, and to promote engagement and cooperation.
Jewish Agency (Sochnut) - a non-governmental institution with seat in Jerusalem, currently the executive body of the World Zionist Organization. The JA has been working as a link between Israel and Jews around the world for 93 years, to secure the future of a single Jewish people. Speaking of its role in public diplomacy, the organization recruits, trains and sends Israeli volunteers to various countries around the world promoting Hasbara and educational prospects etc. Currently, its task is to promote and organize immigration of Jews to Israel on a global scale, to support the integration of immigrants into the Israeli society, and to raise funds for this purpose.
Another essential institution influences public diplomacy is the Ministry of Defense, which is also traditionally responsible for security on the political, military and civilian levels. It's unit Israel Defense Forces (IDF, Tzahal) is involved in attacks related to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which is one of the main causes of Hasbara activity, as its main purpose is to "explain" and broadcast of first-hand news to the world media about a possible military incident that forms the first impressions of the public. Accordingly, Israel should be the first source to inform the world about the military events in which it participates, and to transmit news from military sources to the media as soon as possible, thus showing a quick reaction to certain events. Also, some departments are involved in promoting ideas on the Internet through new media, managing official websites, blogs, accounts on social networks [7].
Another important unit for conducting hasbara in the Israeli Ministry of Defense, working in coordination with the IDF, is the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT). It is a unit that engages in coordinating civilian issues between the Government of Israel, the Israel Defense Forces, international organizations, diplomats, and the Palestinian Authority. The main function of this unit is to harmonize communications and cooperation in areas where Palestinians live, within or on the border with Israel, for example, the regions of Gaza Strip, Judea, Samaria. The activities of the unit cover such areas as the promotion of humanitarian projects, economic and infrastructure development. In addition, there is also cooperation with international communities. The structure of this unit includes a digital media department and a press secretary's office [7]. The peculiarity of the unit's work is that it covers communication with the Palestinians at media level. In this case, although the Coordination Unit has the opportunity to create a more friendly image, the relationship between the military and civilians has a negative effect, as the work of the unit focuses on the interaction between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian civilians.
One of the key elements of public diplomacy is advocacy, which is characterized by active and effective communication in order to promote key ideas or policies in the minds of foreign audiences. In Israel, this function is performed by many organizations, for example Masa Israel. It is an organization aimed at Jews or non-Jewish foreigners abroad, especially young people. It is a global leader in immersive experiences for young diaspora Jews, lasting 4-12 months and including study, volunteer, and career development programs. Every year they accompany thousands of young Jews from all over the world for an in-depth and authentic experience of Israel, where they work to grow both personally and professionally. The immersion into Israeli society, connection to their roots and culture, and professional growth they experience on these programs contribute to their personal development, their Jewish identity, and their deepened relationship with Israel and the Jewish people. Thus, Masa Israelis important for the promotion of public diplomacy, which is supported and actively funded by the state. Within this multifaceted organization, foreigners can come to Israel through various programs lasting from 2 to 12 months, guaranteeing opportunities for personal and professional development, becoming leaders in their fields, becoming an integral part of a strong international professional network [4]. You can also study Hebrew by attending Jewish institutes at the organization's centers and improving Jewish education. Although Masa offers employment opportunities for foreigners in various areas of business and is mainly aimed at Jews, this can be considered an important opportunity for those who come from abroad and want to get to know Israel. Whether they are Jews or not, potential participants from a foreign country are important players in promoting Israel abroad.
The Israeli government has also set up a number of government agencies to assist in the development of Israeli culture. The Israel Antiquities Authority is responsible for the preservation, restoration and protection of Israeli historical and archaeological sites. The Israel Institute of Music spreads information about Israeli music, publishes and advertises its significance. To date, the Institute for the Translation of Jewish Literature has translated and published the best literature in Hebrew in more than sixty different languages. In addition, there are a number of other institutions established to promote Israeli culture, including the National Library of Israel and the Israel Archives.
Another instrument of public diplomacy is the international broadcasting of news. In Israel, the main role of international broadcasting is played by the Israeli Publishing Campaign, (reorganized in 2017), that replaced the Israeli Broadcasting Authority. The new structure broadcasts at Arabic television programs in Arabic and Persian, and practices daily 1-hour newscasts in English. In addition, the official website of the institution provides information in 10 foreign languages. The network of news resources is represented by various online platforms. Among the Israelis are The Times of Israel English-language online newspaper launched in 2012), The Jerusalem Post (the newspaper is published in English and previously also printed a French edition.) and Haaretz. The English edition is published and sold together with the International New York Times. Both Hebrew and English editions can be read on the internet.
Another phenomenon shaping Israeli public diplomacy on the national level is its Diaspora, pro-Zionist movements, and lobbyists in the United States and Europe, who express and distribute support for Israel's legitimacy as a state and its government policy. Lobbying in the new era is aimed at making efforts to protect and develop the existing new state and all Jews in the world. British, Belgian and Spanish initiatives are active lobbyists in the European environment. Realizing the influence that diaspora can have, the country's representation is interested in its development. Nativ is an organization founded in 1952. The main goals of this organization are: to strengthen ties between Israel and the diaspora, as well as to expand Jewish self-awareness and self-determination among its members. Nativ operates in dozens of Israeli cultural centers located in the former Soviet Union. The signing of the Abraham agreement gave impetus to intensify work with another target audience - the Arab world of the Persian Gulf, namely the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain. Through the official pages there is an active dialogue between nations, distribution of information about the holidays and cultural values of Israel, as well as promoting the idea of coexistence of Arabs and Jews [2].
Thus, it should be noted that in Israel there is no single centralized institution dealing with the implementation of public diplomacy, but many departments are involved in its functioning within the National Hasbara Forum. These are, first of all, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Office of the Prime Minister and their subdivisions, the Ministry of Diaspora and the Ministry of Tourism. Jewish Agency, Massa, Nativ and other organizations act as advocates in foreign communities. Although there are many target audiences for which public diplomacy is designed, but the most important is the diaspora, as it not only provides support to Israel in foreign governments, but can also address the demographic issue in the format of repatriation. Another key target audience is Arab, as Israel is currently trying to build trust and demonstrate itself as a peaceful state in which everyone has the right to self-realization and life, regardless of nationality or religion. Summing up, we realized that decentralization of public diplomacy does indeed impede the efficiency of its institutions, but at the same time, it testifies to a certain level democracy's degree of the domestic debate.
public diplomacy israel
1. Gilboya Е. (2006) Public diplomacy: the missing component in Israel's foreign policy. Israel affairs, no. 12, рр. 715-747.
2. Jurkova J. (2018) The Domestic Dimension of Israeli Public Diplomacy. Polish Political Science Yearbook, no. 47, рр. 242-253.
3. J^drzejewska К. (2020) Hasbara: public diplomacy with israeli characteristics. Torun International Studies, no. 1, рр. 105-118.
4. Masa Israel Journey: official website. URL: (accessed 23 May 2022).
5. Molad (2012) Israeli Hasbara: Myths and Facts. A report on the Israeli Hasbara apparatus. Molad: The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy. Jerusalem, 2012. URL: images/upload/researches/79983052033642.pdf (accessed 25 May 2022).
6. Starr M. (2021) Bennett reestablishes Public Diplomacy Directorate to coordinate Hasbara. The Jerusalem Post. URL: (accessed 22 May 2022).
7. The Israel Defence Force: official website. URL: (accessed 25 May 2022).
8. The Ministry of Diaspora Affairs: official website. URL: ministry_of_diaspora/govil-landing-page (accessed 25 May 2022).
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