Ontological aspects of the russia-ukraine war

The article gives an insight into the political nature, causes, motivations of the parties, and the essence of the russia-Ukraine war. Considers the ideological preconditions, reasons and consequences of the russian armed aggression against Ukraine.

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Дата добавления 23.07.2023
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One should consider the situation around the problem of the continued existence of russia itself to be a result of its expected military defeat in the war against Ukraine with the active assistance of the latter from the collective West. Russia presents an existential threat to Ukraine and the post-Soviet space in Central and Eastern Europe. While the last NATO Summit (Madrid, 29-30 June 2022) identified russia as “the most significant and direct threat to Allies' security and to peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area” [23]. Should this war end with a simple truce, without cardinal consequences for russia and its complete reformatting, it can only lead to a postponed war in the next 15-20 years, when the aggressor may become even more bloodthirsty.

Since this war has all the features of a world war with the actual participation of the anti-russian coalition of about 60 allies, the international community of victors will have to provide for such a political solution regarding russia's future political structure, which will guarantee the impossibility of a repeated aggression against its neighbours. Hardly is it possible without a certain de-imperiali- sation and demilitarisation / denuclearisation of russia.

This position is shared by two successive British Prime Ministers B. Johnson and L. Truss, as well as US Secretary of Defense L. Austin, who stated that the United States want “to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can't do the kind of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.”

Current war requires the application of all the necessary political, economic, military, and intellectual efforts of the world community to resolve this global problem, to build a new, more secure world order that excludes future attempts at military aggression and nuclear or any other blackmail of the planet with weapons of mass destruction.


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