Non-Governmental Institutions as Actors of German "Soft Power" in Ukraine (1992-2022)
To characterize the activity of German nongovernmental institutions (organizations) in Ukraine during 1992-2022 through the prism of the concept of "soft power" by J. Nye, as well as to clarify the forms, aims, priorities, and results of their activity.
Рубрика | Политология |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.07.2023 |
Размер файла | 41,6 K |
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DW Akademie, which strives to establish long-term cooperation with partners on the ground, is engaged in the training of journalists, information service workers, technical personnel, and mass media managers. Many of its graduates later hold leadership positions in their countries. Academie's core focus areas are media and information literacy, journalism education, innovation, and digital rights Ibidem.. DW Akademie, which is a strategic partner of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, is funded by the Federal Foreign Office and the EU operates in over 70 countries, in particular in Ukraine DW Akademie. Wer wir sind. DW Akademie. URL:, where it promotes independent journalism and freedom of the press and provides professional development for Ukrainian journalists.
The Ukrainian DW editorial office was established in March 2000. Until 2011, the Ukrainian audience had the opportunity to listen to radio broadcasts and read DW texts in their native language on the Internet every day. Then the media outlet stopped shortwave radio broadcasting in most program languages, and instead, the Internet came to the fore. During and after the 'Revolution of Dignity' of 2013-2014, DW significantly expanded its activities in Ukraine: it opened a bureau in Kyiv, began producing TV programs in Ukrainian, and intensified its presence in the Ukrainian segment of social networks. As of 2018, DW Ukrainian-language communities on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube totaled over 185,000 followers Штрак К. 65 років DW: 30 мов - одна хвиля. Deutsche Welle. 05.06.2018. URL:
Summary information on German cultural, educational, and scientific institutions, which are represented in Ukraine, is presented in Table 2.
Table 2.
Institutions promoting German culture, education and science
Name of the institution |
Year of establishment |
Ukrainian representative office (name, year of establishment, location) |
General goals of institutions |
Priorities of Ukrainian representative office activities |
Goethe- Institut |
1951 |
Goethe-Institut in Ukraine, 1993, Kyiv |
Promoting the study of the German language outside of Germany; developing international cooperation in the field of culture; spreading information about the cultural, public, and political life of the Federal Republic of Germany. |
Mediating in the German-Ukrainian dialogue in the cultural and educational spheres; promoting the height and keeping of sympathy and interest in Germany; providing information about Germany; promoting the study of the German language in Ukraine. |
The German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, the DAAD) |
1925 |
Information centre, 1998, Kyiv |
Developing ties in the field of higher education with other countries through international academic exchange of students and researchers, support for German studies, and the study of German language and literature in foreign higher educational institutions. |
Informing and advising on opportunities for studying in the Federal Republic of Germany and getting a scholarship; organi7ing and conducting a competition for DAAD scholarships; maintaining contacts with former DAAD scholarship holders; cooperation with German and Ukrainian higher education institutions. |
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Alexander von Humboldt- |
1953 |
Humboldt Club in Ukraine, 1999, Kyiv |
Developing cooperation in the field of science between German and foreign researchers; funding long-term visits of researchers to Germany to |
Establishing and further developing scientific contacts between Ukrainian researchers and their German colleagues; engaging young professionals in world- |
Stiftung) |
conduct research in an academic institution; providing awards for achievements in various fields of science. |
class research projects; promoting the improvement of the system of organizing basic and applied research in Ukraine based on international experience. |
German Wave (Deutsche Welle, DW) |
1953 |
Ukrainian editorial office DW, 2000, Bonn |
Promoting German and European values; popularizing the German language and culture; developing independent journalism. |
Shaping a positive image of Germany in Ukraine; promoting liberal and democratic views; training Ukrainian journalists in DW Academy. |
Germany's 'soft power' in Ukraine rests on a fairly powerful and extensive institutional base in the form of non-governmental organizations, which are mainly financed by the federal budget of Germany and actively interact with German state agencies.
The activity of German institutions in Ukraine, which is performed through various forms of contact with target population groups, generally corresponds to their overall goals. These are mainly the development of civil society and democratic governance (political foundations, German Agency for International Cooperation GmbH, the Deutsche Welle), as well as the promotion and popularization of the German language, culture, education, and science (the Goethe-Institut, the DAAD, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and the Deutsche Welle).
The main results of the activities of these institutions can be considered the formation of a positive image of Germany in Ukraine, as well as the spread of European political values among the target groups of the Ukrainian population (mainly young people). One of the main consequences of the latter has become the formation of civil society in Ukraine and increasing European integration, which has been also facilitated by the activities of other democratic countries' institutions.
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Nye, J. (2004). Soft Power. The Means to Success in World Politics. New York: Public Affairs [in English]. Pogorelskaia, S. (2014). «Myagkaya» sila Germanii: politicheskie fondy [German soft power: political funds]. Aktualnyieproblemy Evropy, 3, 135-152 [in Russian].
Rudnieva, V. (2013). Publichna dyplomatiia Nimechchyny v Ukraini: praktychni aspekty realizatsii imidzhevoi stratehii derzhavy [German public diplomacy in Ukraine: practical aspects of implementing the state's image strategy]. Aktualni problemy derzhavnoho upravlinnia, 4, 120-122 [in Ukrainian].
Rustamova, L. (2016). Osobennosti «myagkoi sily» vo vneshnei politike FRG [Features of «soft power» in the foreign policy of Germany]. Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta, 1 (46), 118-128 [in Russian].
Soloshenko, V. (2006). Diialnist nimetskykh uriadovykh ta neuriadovykh orhanizatsii v Ukraini [Activities of German governmental and non-governmental organizations in Ukraine]. Visnyk Kyivskoho slavistychnoho universytetu. Seriia: Filolohiia, 9, 97-105 [in Ukrainian].
Shtrak, K. (2018). 65 rokiv DW: 30 mov - odna khvylia [65 years of DW: 30 languages - one wave]. Deutsche Welle, 5 chervnia. Retrieved from мов-одна-хвиля^-43593364 [in Ukrainian].
Vorshekh, S., Mikhel, T. & Umland, A. (2021). Ukraino-nimetski vidnosyny pislia Yevromaidanu: instytutsii, osobystosti, vyklyky [Ukrainian-German relations after Euromaidan: institutions, personalities, challenges]. Khvylia, 12 liutoho. Retrieved from instituciji-osobistosti-vikliki [in Ukrainian].
Vylinskyi, S. (2019). Uriadovi instytutsii yak providnyky «miakoi syly» u zovnishnii politytsi FRN [Government institutions as leaders of «soft power» in the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany]. Mizhnarodni vidnosyny. Seriia «Politychni nauky», 20. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Zhykharieva, T. (2011). Diialnist nimetskykh politychnykh fondiv v Ukraini (1992-2007 rr.) [Activities of German political foundations in Ukraine (1992-2007)]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni H.S. Skovorody. Seriia: «Istoriia ta
heohrafiia», 40, 38-41 [in Ukrainian].
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